This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2025-03-04 13:25:38]
9figrs :
[2025-03-04 13:25:42]
9figrs :
i are think so
[2025-03-04 13:26:00]
Benobi :
at what UTC is Trumo sepaking ?
[2025-03-04 13:26:52]
9figrs :
all i know is he speaking when markets are closed
[2025-03-04 13:26:55]
9figrs :
so btc could nuke hard
[2025-03-04 13:28:09]
big number go down :
9PM est
[2025-03-04 13:28:37]
big number go down :
night shift inc
[2025-03-04 13:28:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 700 USD @ 82617.1 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-03-04 13:30:02]
Benobi :
[2025-03-04 13:30:05]
Benobi :
[2025-03-04 13:30:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4600 USD @ 82333.3
[2025-03-04 13:30:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTM25`: Sell 4000 USD @ 84141.5
[2025-03-04 13:30:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0339 XBT @ 82358 ($2,790.87)
[2025-03-04 13:30:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `AI16ZUSDT`: Sell 400 AI16Z @ 0.2891 ($120.12)
[2025-03-04 13:30:18]
Benobi :
What's your opinions, if he ùentions reserbe will it pump or dump ?
[2025-03-04 13:30:40]
Benobi :
I suppose people will throw their dollars into crypto suddenly
[2025-03-04 13:30:47]
skiradot :
DIE shorters- die scammers!!!
[2025-03-04 13:31:04]
skiradot :
Destroy scammers shorts!!
[2025-03-04 13:31:10]
Joeyy132 :
Bulls never lern
[2025-03-04 13:31:16]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 13:31:18]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 13:31:19]
Joeyy132 :
Keep getting rekt
[2025-03-04 13:31:27]
Mr. JB :
75 in 4 hours.
[2025-03-04 13:31:27]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 13:31:37]
skiradot :
C'mon bulls - punish scammers!!!
[2025-03-04 13:31:44]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `AI16ZUSDT`: Sell 20 AI16Z @ 0.2886 ($6.01)
[2025-03-04 13:32:09]
Joeyy132 :
Sweep the lows
[2025-03-04 13:32:11]
Joeyy132 :
then boom
[2025-03-04 13:32:14]
Joeyy132 :
ath today
[2025-03-04 13:32:24]
Joeyy132 :
Guaranteed sweep
[2025-03-04 13:32:31]
Joeyy132 :
put your orders below the low
[2025-03-04 13:32:57]
btcgozero :
[2025-03-04 13:33:04]
skiradot :
Destroy sellers - enough them cheer - punish and destroy them!!!!
[2025-03-04 13:33:35]
HuskySquared :
you think the dump is your ally?
[2025-03-04 13:33:49]
skiradot :
Buy buy buy - shorters die die die!!!
[2025-03-04 13:34:24]
skiradot :
Make Bitcoin great again!!!
[2025-03-04 13:34:34]
Joeyy132 :
Buy at 82k guys
[2025-03-04 13:34:36]
Joeyy132 :
not here lol
[2025-03-04 13:34:45]
Joeyy132 :
At least get yourself a good engry
[2025-03-04 13:35:18]
Andy RSA :
Joeyy132: you think we going up at 82
[2025-03-04 13:35:29]
btcgozero :
pre market does not look positive
[2025-03-04 13:35:33]
Joeyy132 :
Andy RSA: it will wick 81-82 then moon all day
[2025-03-04 13:35:41]
Joeyy132 :
its gonna pump I guarantee you
[2025-03-04 13:35:43]
Joeyy132 :
i am long
[2025-03-04 13:35:47]
Joeyy132 :
that says it all really
[2025-03-04 13:36:00]
Joeyy132 :
I went a bit early
[2025-03-04 13:36:02]
Joeyy132 :
but yeah
[2025-03-04 13:36:08]
Joeyy132 :
I can handle a sweep of the low
[2025-03-04 13:36:23]
skiradot :
Destroy sellers - they are worth to!
[2025-03-04 13:36:23]
btcgozero :
long too and holding, but I dont see much bullish indicators
[2025-03-04 13:36:25]
Andy RSA :
I am still short, but watching it
[2025-03-04 13:37:14]
Andy RSA :
Joeyy132: if we go 81 then we going 78
[2025-03-04 13:37:27]
Joeyy132 :
Andy RSA: nah
[2025-03-04 13:37:38]
btcgozero :
I'm expecting mid 70's
[2025-03-04 13:37:40]
skiradot :
UP UP UP!!! Squeeze bastards!!!
[2025-03-04 13:37:47]
btcgozero :
is Trump taling to congress today?
[2025-03-04 13:37:50]
Joeyy132 :
btcgozero: 90k first
[2025-03-04 13:37:55]
skiradot :
[2025-03-04 13:39:23]
btcgozero :
yep Trump will speak to congress at 9pm eastern
[2025-03-04 13:39:26]
skiradot :
Destroy coward motherfuckers!!
[2025-03-04 13:39:30]
btcgozero :
expected to lean into tarrifs
[2025-03-04 13:39:34]
btcgozero :
we dump
[2025-03-04 13:40:00]
skiradot :
Crypto is future!!!
[2025-03-04 13:40:29]
btcgozero :
it is, but for now the FUD is dominant
[2025-03-04 13:42:11]
skiradot :
Destroy sellers - squeeze their deposits now and then!!!
[2025-03-04 13:42:32]
skiradot :
[2025-03-04 13:43:00]
skiradot :
LOSE all damned shorters!!!!
[2025-03-04 13:51:00]
Andy RSA :
skiradot: sounds like you are new to trading
[2025-03-04 13:51:09]
BTChandicap :
would not be strange to first go a bit higher so we can dump more on speech
[2025-03-04 13:51:19]
ninnk :
by what've witnessed so far trump will tell congress: YOU'RE FIRED! AND YOU'RE FIRED! FUCK YOU ALL, YOU'RE ALL FIRED!
[2025-03-04 13:51:27]
bluemaster :
[2025-03-04 13:51:41]
bluemaster :
[2025-03-04 13:51:50]
bluemaster :
/position xbtu25
:bitmex: XBTU25: 221,700 USD @ 100275.7583
[2025-03-04 13:51:54]
bluemaster :
/position xbteur
:bitmex: XBTEUR: 238,300 EUR @ 91574.253
[2025-03-04 13:52:41]
Joeyy132 :
If I long
[2025-03-04 13:52:46]
Joeyy132 :
it goes down every time
[2025-03-04 13:52:54]
Joeyy132 :
i I can only make money shirting
[2025-03-04 13:53:00]
Joeyy132 :
Shorting it hardddddd
[2025-03-04 13:53:50]
RonnieREKT :
Ae you the reason we dumping?
[2025-03-04 13:54:39]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtusd 😜
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.3919 XBT RPNL, 0.0670 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 13:55:38]
9figrs :
bruh its going to 33k
[2025-03-04 13:57:04]
Andy RSA :
9figrs: I agree its gonig down, but you think as low as 33
[2025-03-04 13:57:05]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.3947 XBT RPNL, 0.0720 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 13:57:14]
9figrs :
Andy RSA: yeah why not?
[2025-03-04 13:57:54]
Andy RSA :
9figrs: i wont complain if it does
[2025-03-04 13:58:33]
9figrs :
just dont be the guy that becomes bearish at 33k
[2025-03-04 13:59:16]
PeacenLuv :
buy the dip btc bully
[2025-03-04 13:59:25]
Joeyy132 :
RonnieREKT: likely yes
[2025-03-04 13:59:57]
Joeyy132 :
Told ya
[2025-03-04 14:00:02]
Joeyy132 :
82k lads
[2025-03-04 14:00:13]
Joeyy132 :
Don’t sell the bottom here
[2025-03-04 14:00:21]
Joeyy132 :
If u don’t believe it’s the bottom
[2025-03-04 14:00:25]
Joeyy132 :
wait for it to break
[2025-03-04 14:00:42]
Joeyy132 :
Then short your whole account on US open
[2025-03-04 14:01:45]
ninnk :
nvda -3.4% premarket :pepe:
[2025-03-04 14:02:00]
ninnk :
calls at 70
[2025-03-04 14:02:18]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.4028 XBT RPNL, 0.0630 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 14:02:21]
Joeyy132 :
ninnk: nvidia os 120 lol
[2025-03-04 14:02:33]
Joeyy132 :
if anyone thinks it’s going 70 that’s pure delusion
[2025-03-04 14:02:36]
ninnk :
[2025-03-04 14:02:40]
ninnk :
it is
[2025-03-04 14:02:54]
Joeyy132 :
100 hopefully
[2025-03-04 14:02:55]
ninnk :
the annoying orange just has to open his mouth 2-3 more times
[2025-03-04 14:02:58]
Joeyy132 :
i like to buy nvidia
[2025-03-04 14:03:24]
Pappa :
[2025-03-04 14:05:17]
45th_blown_account :
:pepe: BTC :pepe:
[2025-03-04 14:06:40]
yellowpig :
how deep wil the manip go🤔
[2025-03-04 14:07:19]
Joeyy132 :
Still not swept the lows proprly
[2025-03-04 14:07:32]
Joeyy132 :
yellowpig: a bit lower
[2025-03-04 14:09:42]
Joeyy132 :
I guess we have to sweep the lows on us open
[2025-03-04 14:09:49]
Joeyy132 :
20 mins till dumpp
[2025-03-04 14:10:24]
Joeyy132 :
Have your buy orders and TP ready at 82k guys
[2025-03-04 14:10:28]
Joeyy132 :
it will be quick
[2025-03-04 14:14:07]
HuskySquared :
my entire guild is dead
[2025-03-04 14:14:07]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:14:35]
9figrs :
there is a cme gap at 34k
[2025-03-04 14:14:46]
9figrs :
33k is the number
[2025-03-04 14:16:08]
PeacenLuv : buy the dip btc jus longz lrzgohh
[2025-03-04 14:17:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SUIUSD`: Sell 100 Cont @ 2.321 ($192.15)
[2025-03-04 14:17:32]
9figrs :
69k today?
[2025-03-04 14:19:47]
ninnk :
73900 85ish 60something ath
[2025-03-04 14:20:18]
Mr. JB :
75 in 3 hours
[2025-03-04 14:24:31]
HuskySquared :
believe it or not
[2025-03-04 14:24:33]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:24:40]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:27:33]
clarknova :
Thanks a lot crypto president !!
[2025-03-04 14:28:24]
HuskySquared :
clarknova: KRASNOV!!!!! :ARTHUR:
[2025-03-04 14:29:11]
clarknova :
[2025-03-04 14:29:13]
HuskySquared :
people tell me like
[2025-03-04 14:29:14]
HuskySquared :
buy the dip
[2025-03-04 14:29:15]
clarknova :
[2025-03-04 14:29:15]
HuskySquared :
im like
[2025-03-04 14:29:16]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:29:36]
dexswap :
/pnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -0.1281 XBT RPNL, -1.0887 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 14:29:41]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: :pepe:
[2025-03-04 14:29:46]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:29:48]
dexswap :
[2025-03-04 14:29:52]
HuskySquared :
good luck
[2025-03-04 14:29:53]
Crazydodger :
[2025-03-04 14:29:58]
dexswap :
i have a hedge short at 81900
[2025-03-04 14:30:00]
HuskySquared :
you are like me but less horrible
[2025-03-04 14:30:02]
HuskySquared :
im down 7m
[2025-03-04 14:30:04]
dexswap :
i dont know what else to do
[2025-03-04 14:30:05]
HuskySquared :
8m mb i dont do the math anymore
[2025-03-04 14:30:12]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: same that id o
[2025-03-04 14:30:13]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:30:13]
Crazydodger :
shouldve kept the short
[2025-03-04 14:30:16]
dexswap :
only a few years of my life wasted...
[2025-03-04 14:30:22]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: what can i say
[2025-03-04 14:30:24]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:30:27]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:30:34]
dexswap :
yep considered
[2025-03-04 14:30:41]
dexswap :
[2025-03-04 14:30:41]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:30:45]
HuskySquared :
dont worry
[2025-03-04 14:30:56]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:30:57]
dexswap :
i dont know what to think of the hedge
[2025-03-04 14:31:11]
dexswap :
it buys me time with the liq
[2025-03-04 14:31:20]
dexswap :
but basically locking me up, market prob reverses back up
[2025-03-04 14:31:33]
HuskySquared :
i liek your optimism
[2025-03-04 14:31:38]
HuskySquared :
but eth will go below 2k today
[2025-03-04 14:31:39]
Crazydodger :
close thebshort and put buy order lower maybe
[2025-03-04 14:32:18]
9figrs :
dump it to 69k
[2025-03-04 14:32:22]
9figrs :
then go sideways for a while
[2025-03-04 14:32:24]
HuskySquared :
let me correct that
[2025-03-04 14:32:25]
9figrs :
then dump to 33k
[2025-03-04 14:32:27]
HuskySquared :
eth goes down below 2k
[2025-03-04 14:32:29]
HuskySquared :
within the next minute
[2025-03-04 14:32:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTJ25`: Buy 200 USD @ 82886 - this was the last penny!
[2025-03-04 14:32:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 7000 USD @ 82306.4
[2025-03-04 14:32:57]
skiradot :
DIE shorters DIE!!
[2025-03-04 14:33:00]
"it will be........" :
dexswap: 77 is gna get hit
[2025-03-04 14:33:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0016 XBT @ 82095.9 ($131.28) - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-03-04 14:33:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5200 USD @ 82053.4
[2025-03-04 14:33:29]
skiradot :
Bulls - destroy them - don't let them rule - cowards damned!!!
[2025-03-04 14:33:40]
"it will be........" :
ignore daddy it will be at your own peril
[2025-03-04 14:33:43]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: i mean
[2025-03-04 14:33:44]
HuskySquared :
u might be fine
[2025-03-04 14:33:46]
skiradot :
Up scammers UP!!
[2025-03-04 14:33:48]
Benobi :
SPY is dying
[2025-03-04 14:33:52]
Benobi :
dont get caught
[2025-03-04 14:34:02]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: our big hope is
[2025-03-04 14:34:06]
HuskySquared :
that the USD dies completely
[2025-03-04 14:34:07]
HuskySquared :
due to this
[2025-03-04 14:34:10]
Crazydodger :
all thanks to trump
[2025-03-04 14:34:25]
skiradot :
Destroy scammers - punish shortersyou cowards!!
[2025-03-04 14:34:46]
skiradot :
[2025-03-04 14:34:46]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: or that some coutnry frontruns
[2025-03-04 14:34:47]
HuskySquared :
US crypto reserve
[2025-03-04 14:35:06]
contract details :
us is not buying crypto
[2025-03-04 14:35:11]
contract details :
just seizing it from pedos
[2025-03-04 14:35:12]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2.3472 ($78.13)
[2025-03-04 14:35:15]
skiradot :
Destroy damned shorters - make them lose!!!
[2025-03-04 14:35:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 80 Cont @ 137.86 ($918.57)
[2025-03-04 14:35:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SUIUSD`: Buy 200 Cont @ 2.385 ($397.66)
[2025-03-04 14:35:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200 USD @ 83439.9 - this was the last penny!
[2025-03-04 14:35:35]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:35:52]
skiradot :
C'mon bulls!!! RISE push this UP now!!!
[2025-03-04 14:35:57]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:36:06]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 0.8364 ($21.02)
[2025-03-04 14:36:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 161 Cont @ 2102.73 ($28,383.35) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2025-03-04 14:36:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 60000 USD @ 83846.2 - McDonald's is hiring
[2025-03-04 14:36:18]
skiradot :
YEAHHHHhh!!! We win!!!!
[2025-03-04 14:36:26]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.9900 ETH @ 2111.95 ($2,089.53) - Up only!
[2025-03-04 14:36:36]
dexswap :
HuskySquared: how do you deal with the 7mil upnl, u must have so much to deal with that dd
[2025-03-04 14:36:38]
skiradot :
DIE shorters and lose your deposits!!!!!
[2025-03-04 14:36:42]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: hm
[2025-03-04 14:36:45]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: nah
[2025-03-04 14:36:53]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: i dont car emuch about it
[2025-03-04 14:36:55]
HuskySquared :
its just 7m
[2025-03-04 14:37:00]
skiradot :
YEAHHH lose shorters!!!!!
[2025-03-04 14:37:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 248 Cont @ 2.4399 ($10,210.10) - Bonjour!
[2025-03-04 14:37:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 49100 USD @ 84514.7 - Up only!
[2025-03-04 14:37:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 250 Cont @ 2130.85 ($45,019.01) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2025-03-04 14:37:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 700 Cont @ 2.466 ($29,175.89) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2025-03-04 14:37:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1084 XBT @ 84845.4 ($9,190.02)
[2025-03-04 14:37:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 84784.5
[2025-03-04 14:37:49]
skiradot :
C'mon bulls!!! You are the POWER!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!
[2025-03-04 14:37:54]
45th_blown_account :
[2025-03-04 14:38:02]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: end of the day
[2025-03-04 14:38:08]
HuskySquared :
my biggest asset is myself
[2025-03-04 14:38:18]
dexswap :
HuskySquared: thats amazing bro... making me feel somewhat better
[2025-03-04 14:38:25]
dexswap :
it hurts
[2025-03-04 14:38:27]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: eh
[2025-03-04 14:38:29]
HuskySquared :
i mean
[2025-03-04 14:38:32]
HuskySquared :
can always come back from loss
[2025-03-04 14:38:34]
HuskySquared :
just dont get into debt
[2025-03-04 14:38:38]
skiradot :
GET REKT shorters- see how are you loosing!!! 😈
[2025-03-04 14:39:01]
contract details :
[2025-03-04 14:39:13]
contract details :
orange man make market go :poop:
[2025-03-04 14:40:30]
HuskySquared :
so what's going on now
[2025-03-04 14:40:36]
ninnk :
uuuu nice
[2025-03-04 14:40:37]
HuskySquared :
The_Reaper: did u liq?
[2025-03-04 14:40:40]
ninnk :
big green rubber dicks for everyone
[2025-03-04 14:40:42]
ninnk :
lezgooo btc
[2025-03-04 14:40:57]
skiradot :
ninnk: YEAHHH!!!
[2025-03-04 14:41:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 30 Cont @ 2.4676 ($1,252.93)
[2025-03-04 14:41:10]
Atlemos :
Satto running heavy short
[2025-03-04 14:41:16]
9figrs :
weak ass pump
[2025-03-04 14:42:31]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-04 14:42:32]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-04 14:42:34]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-04 14:42:40]
Joeyy132 :
tolf u guys to long it
[2025-03-04 14:42:54]
Joeyy132 :
U got the official Joey werning
[2025-03-04 14:42:57]
Mr. JB :
What was that? 😆
[2025-03-04 14:43:05]
contract details :
[2025-03-04 14:43:13]
contract details :
[2025-03-04 14:43:21]
contract details :
even satto wins
[2025-03-04 14:43:23]
Benobi :
"bulls love to die with a boom"
[2025-03-04 14:43:28]
contract details :
all shorts win
[2025-03-04 14:45:46]
HuskySquared :
this is protecting trumps long position
[2025-03-04 14:46:08]
yellowpig :
[2025-03-04 14:47:28]
yellowpig :
[2025-03-04 14:48:45]
HuskySquared :
whats going on
[2025-03-04 14:49:08]
Andy RSA :
Are we still going down
[2025-03-04 14:49:26]
yellowpig :
manip always end the same no volume pump
[2025-03-04 14:49:41]
kchaitanya :
HuskySquared: battle between bulls and bearsass
[2025-03-04 14:49:48]
BTChandicap :
lets go 88k and then short ;)
[2025-03-04 14:49:59]
yellowpig :
kchaitanya: 😆
[2025-03-04 14:50:10]
kchaitanya :
\ @yellowpig :pepe:
[2025-03-04 14:50:14]
9figrs :
its just a bunch of dorks tryna long the us market open
[2025-03-04 14:50:19]
9figrs :
even tho is going down
[2025-03-04 14:50:30]
PeacenLuv : btc bully
[2025-03-04 14:51:35]
Mr. JB :
Well that was fun. Let's go back home on 71th street.
[2025-03-04 14:54:21]
9figrs :
[2025-03-04 14:54:41]
9figrs :
index of the 500 biggest garbages
[2025-03-04 14:55:17]
HuskySquared :
oh shit
[2025-03-04 14:55:31]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:55:33]
Joeyy132 :
Mr. JB: xrp is about to go to 10 dollars
[2025-03-04 14:55:51]
Joeyy132 :
HuskySquared: Are u joking?
[2025-03-04 14:55:53]
yellowpig :
HuskySquared: lol
[2025-03-04 14:56:26]
HuskySquared :
Smoke grenades tossed in Serbian parliament, lawmaker suffers stroke
[2025-03-04 14:56:26]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:57:05]
PeacenLuv :
😅 btc bully and bully tunnel penetration
[2025-03-04 14:57:16]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 14:57:19]
PeacenLuv :
chek that volume
[2025-03-04 14:57:24]
Joeyy132 :
Be brave
[2025-03-04 14:57:29]
Joeyy132 :
buy xrp 😆😆😆
[2025-03-04 14:57:40]
yellowpig :
Joeyy132: 😞
[2025-03-04 14:57:54]
Joeyy132 :
Bravery gets you killed
[2025-03-04 14:58:07]
Joeyy132 :
Being a pussy gets you killed
[2025-03-04 14:58:22]
kchaitanya :
/position xrpusd
:bitmex: XRPUSD: 161 Cont @ 2.36945
[2025-03-04 14:58:29]
kchaitanya :
/pnl xrpusd
:bitmex: XRPUSD: 0.0472 XBT RPNL, 0.0009 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 14:58:36]
yellowpig :
Joeyy132: i reetard then
[2025-03-04 14:58:36]
bluemaster :
I cannot do nothing here except go sleep , wake me up guys when we are over 500k
[2025-03-04 14:58:59]
PeacenLuv :
1000 buk wide 5 min tunnel kapoww
[2025-03-04 14:58:59]
9figrs :
hopefully sp500 dumps 5% or some shieet today
[2025-03-04 14:59:12]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 300 USD @ 83605.4 - 🐳
[2025-03-04 14:59:13]
9figrs :
btc will be like -20%
[2025-03-04 14:59:19]
9figrs :
if sp500 dumps 5%
[2025-03-04 14:59:19]
HuskySquared :
someone pass me the butter
[2025-03-04 14:59:27]
ninnk :
lmao ended 😭😂
[2025-03-04 14:59:48]
blaster33 :
[2025-03-04 14:59:50]
blaster33 :
[2025-03-04 15:00:00]
yellowpig :
HuskySquared: 400 degrees
[2025-03-04 15:00:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 700 USD @ 82700.6 - 🐳
[2025-03-04 15:00:30]
skiradot :
DIE damned scammers shorters DIE!!
[2025-03-04 15:00:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 3500 USD @ 82624
[2025-03-04 15:00:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SUIUSD`: Sell 13584 Cont @ 2.335 ($26,205.57) - For financial freedom!
[2025-03-04 15:00:34]
HuskySquared :
so what was the point of this
[2025-03-04 15:00:39]
HuskySquared :
just to suffer?
[2025-03-04 15:00:40]
9figrs :
cme gap at 34k is magnet + 33k lows
[2025-03-04 15:00:41]
skiradot :
Bulls you are cowards!!!!
[2025-03-04 15:00:56]
9figrs :
HuskySquared: the point of bitcoin and crypto is to brainwash you into valuing digital nothingness
[2025-03-04 15:01:09]
9figrs :
and you realise along the journey that money doesnt bring you anything anyway
[2025-03-04 15:01:14]
HuskySquared :
already there
[2025-03-04 15:01:16]
9figrs :
and realise you deep down are happy with nothing
[2025-03-04 15:01:17]
HuskySquared :
i already value nothing
[2025-03-04 15:01:24]
skiradot :
DESTROY shorters - make them loose all their deposits!!!
[2025-03-04 15:01:30]
9figrs :
so theres no issue ur winning
[2025-03-04 15:01:31]
HuskySquared :
this seems like
[2025-03-04 15:01:33]
9figrs :
the new world order
[2025-03-04 15:01:35]
9figrs :
has worked
[2025-03-04 15:01:42]
HuskySquared :
US gov plunge protection
[2025-03-04 15:01:55]
9figrs :
just stay alive guys!!
[2025-03-04 15:01:57]
skiradot :
C'mon bulls - get shorters bloodwash!!
[2025-03-04 15:01:59]
9figrs :
isnt that the new trend
[2025-03-04 15:02:04]
9figrs :
new trend is dont die trend
[2025-03-04 15:02:09]
HuskySquared :
Buffet is buying :arthur::lek:
[2025-03-04 15:02:31]
HuskySquared :
U.S. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent Signals Commitment To Lower Interest Rates In 2025 As Bitcoin Consolidates
[2025-03-04 15:02:31]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 15:02:40]
PeacenLuv : btfd btc fully bully lezgohh
[2025-03-04 15:02:50]
contract details :
HuskySquared: consolidates into the abyss
[2025-03-04 15:02:53]
contract details :
[2025-03-04 15:03:18]
HuskySquared :
you havent become full engulfed n this
[2025-03-04 15:03:25]
PeacenLuv : theres uptrend support btc
[2025-03-04 15:03:25]
HuskySquared :
unti lyou are like me sitting here looking trollbox manically laughign all alone
[2025-03-04 15:03:42]
skiradot :
Destroy shorters - destroy them!!!!
[2025-03-04 15:03:47]
9figrs :
HuskySquared: na i bet alot of people are here doing similar
[2025-03-04 15:03:58]
HuskySquared :
is that good or bad
[2025-03-04 15:04:26]
9figrs :
well we come into the world alone, we die alone, and ur laughing
[2025-03-04 15:04:28]
9figrs :
sounds good to me
[2025-03-04 15:05:10]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 15:05:10]
HuskySquared :
"Russia agrees to help Trump communicate with Iran on nuclear issue, Bloomberg reports"
[2025-03-04 15:05:27]
contract details :
putin likes trump cause trump drumps us economy
[2025-03-04 15:05:32]
contract details :
[2025-03-04 15:06:27]
HuskySquared :
contract details: guess who is bidding :arthur:
[2025-03-04 15:07:04]
blaster33 :
basically the world will have 2 blocks, EU+Canada vs the rest of the worlds, great... :arthur:
[2025-03-04 15:07:33]
contract details :
eu is absolutely fucked
[2025-03-04 15:07:33]
pppooojjjj :
Lol what will china do, leave EU? Their biggest buyer?
[2025-03-04 15:07:47]
contract details :
no eu should leave nato
[2025-03-04 15:07:52]
contract details :
and join russia and china or die in poverty
[2025-03-04 15:08:04]
contract details :
they already lost africa to china
[2025-03-04 15:08:11]
pppooojjjj :
EU should invade russian and kaliningrad right now
[2025-03-04 15:08:30]
9figrs :
pppooojjjj: china already owns EU
[2025-03-04 15:08:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4500 USD @ 82592
[2025-03-04 15:08:34]
9figrs :
china owns it all no joke
[2025-03-04 15:08:37]
9figrs :
they even own trump
[2025-03-04 15:08:40]
Joeyy132 :
Retail is shorting this hard
[2025-03-04 15:08:42]
9figrs :
jew world order has been falling for years now
[2025-03-04 15:08:44]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-04 15:08:48]
9figrs :
chinese world order has been coming up
[2025-03-04 15:08:49]
pppooojjjj :
Yea mean all the chity woks in town own EU?
[2025-03-04 15:08:55]
contract details :
they own every port in the world @9figrs
[2025-03-04 15:09:02]
Joeyy132 :
Waited ages to get back to break even
[2025-03-04 15:09:07]
Joeyy132 :
now I’m about to get rekt
[2025-03-04 15:09:09]
Joeyy132 :
oh dear
[2025-03-04 15:09:15]
contract details :
Joeyy132: you short?
[2025-03-04 15:09:21]
Joeyy132 :
contract details: no lol
[2025-03-04 15:09:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 200 USD @ 82541.7 - Game over
[2025-03-04 15:09:29]
Joeyy132 :
if i was short I would be winning
[2025-03-04 15:09:31]
9figrs :
the chinese
[2025-03-04 15:09:31]
contract details :
Joeyy132: then we are both idiots that fell for this scam
[2025-03-04 15:09:36]
9figrs :
are just the jews but bigger scale
[2025-03-04 15:09:40]
9figrs :
so simple math says
[2025-03-04 15:09:41]
Joeyy132 :
Yes I longed like an idiot
[2025-03-04 15:09:42]
9figrs :
china number 1
[2025-03-04 15:09:53]
Joeyy132 :
Fucced up big time
[2025-03-04 15:09:54]
ninnk :
the fuck it is
[2025-03-04 15:09:54]
contract details :
Joeyy132: righjt here with you feeling like a clown :arthur:
[2025-03-04 15:09:56]
ninnk :
scotland #1
[2025-03-04 15:10:10]
Joeyy132 :
contract details: first time feeling like a clown since weeks I hate myself rn
[2025-03-04 15:10:23]
Joeyy132 :
Completely fucced up
[2025-03-04 15:10:27]
Joeyy132 :
entered way too early
[2025-03-04 15:10:47]
9figrs :
Joeyy132: bro we got cme gap at 34k to fill
[2025-03-04 15:10:47]
Joeyy132 :
Any move down from here and I’m rekt
[2025-03-04 15:10:53]
chujev :
[2025-03-04 15:10:57]
Joeyy132 :
the slightest dump I’m done
[2025-03-04 15:11:13]
Joeyy132 :
And my entry not even close
[2025-03-04 15:11:27]
contract details :
im surprised its not dumping following NQ panic dumping
[2025-03-04 15:12:42]
HuskySquared :
economic optimisim just rek tlol :arthur:
[2025-03-04 15:13:11]
Mr. JB :
/position xbtusd not big, but safe.
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -800 USD @ 89746.4662
[2025-03-04 15:13:15]
pppooojjjj :
Its doomsday for crypto
[2025-03-04 15:13:18]
pppooojjjj :
Goblintown calling
[2025-03-04 15:13:20]
9figrs :
economy has been fucked since covid anyway
[2025-03-04 15:13:20]
Mr. JB :
/pnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0004 XBT RPNL, 0.0007 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 15:13:27]
9figrs :
we already been in the great depression
[2025-03-04 15:13:29]
9figrs :
since covid
[2025-03-04 15:13:30]
pppooojjjj :
Rememeber Covid DUmp?
[2025-03-04 15:13:35]
pppooojjjj :
to 3k it is..
[2025-03-04 15:14:01]
PeacenLuv : pumpittup
[2025-03-04 15:14:15]
pppooojjjj :
I remember Covid dump most brutal ever to hit bitmex traders, lol just down from 10k to 3k in a day
[2025-03-04 15:14:15]
Mr. JB :
It's 71k then moon to 250k.
[2025-03-04 15:14:32]
PeacenLuv :
the werldz getting united dont b a fear monger
[2025-03-04 15:14:55]
pppooojjjj :
EU getting ready for war with russia Lol, taiwan about to be invaded, no more gpus for you my friend
[2025-03-04 15:15:00]
PeacenLuv :
peace prevailz hatez wrong
[2025-03-04 15:15:01]
pppooojjjj :
No more made in taiwan
[2025-03-04 15:15:06]
HuskySquared :
tbh we are just waiting for the inevitable
[2025-03-04 15:15:09]
HuskySquared :
btc holding, usd/market dumping
[2025-03-04 15:15:10]
PeacenLuv :
btc iz about luv
[2025-03-04 15:15:12]
HuskySquared :
and tehn btc 300k
[2025-03-04 15:15:29]
Mr. JB :
75 in two hours
[2025-03-04 15:15:30]
PeacenLuv :
trumpz got hiz eye on dahmunnee
[2025-03-04 15:15:34]
PeacenLuv :
[2025-03-04 15:15:56]
pppooojjjj :
How is trump and melanie stablecoins doing guys? I heard even gypsies wont buy em
[2025-03-04 15:16:00]
ninnk :
trump is making stonks cheap again :arthur:
[2025-03-04 15:16:05]
ninnk :
ndq sub 20k today
[2025-03-04 15:16:35]
PeacenLuv :
the only 1z gotta sweatit are those that are where they dont belong
[2025-03-04 15:16:38]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 300 USD @ 82515.3 - 🐳
[2025-03-04 15:16:48]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1051 XBT @ 82407.2 ($8,656.04)
[2025-03-04 15:17:08]
Mr. JB :
The fake pump gave great momentum down
[2025-03-04 15:17:43]
PeacenLuv :
vbottomed 15min
[2025-03-04 15:17:59]
PeacenLuv :
5min oops
[2025-03-04 15:18:01]
pppooojjjj :
Imagin longin yesterday pump top xD
[2025-03-04 15:18:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 82236.6 - Game over
[2025-03-04 15:18:34]
PeacenLuv :
[2025-03-04 15:18:43]
9figrs :
we gonna see 69k today hopefully!
[2025-03-04 15:18:45]
PeacenLuv :
5min btc
[2025-03-04 15:18:48]
9figrs :
then 33k
[2025-03-04 15:18:54]
9figrs :
march 10? please overlords
[2025-03-04 15:18:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2700 USD @ 82163.1
[2025-03-04 15:19:04]
skiradot :
DIE you all scammers shorters - just DIE!!!
[2025-03-04 15:19:10]
PeacenLuv :
i hope she fallz through
[2025-03-04 15:19:45]
skiradot :
Destroy shorters - they are worth of it!!!!
[2025-03-04 15:19:46]
Droopy72 :
every rally is a nice short oportunity
[2025-03-04 15:19:53]
PeacenLuv :
maybe u wanna jump off the tipping banananana btc
[2025-03-04 15:19:57]
"it will be........" :
what good is it if china owns everything? china has no soul
[2025-03-04 15:20:13]
Droopy72 :
america lost his soul too
[2025-03-04 15:20:24]
skiradot :
Damned scammers + wish you die!!!
[2025-03-04 15:20:27]
PeacenLuv : 5min usd feds in play tues
[2025-03-04 15:20:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1636800 USD @ 81768.4 - Check your inbox
[2025-03-04 15:20:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0036 XBT @ 81816.8 ($294.35) - Game over
[2025-03-04 15:20:32]
pppooojjjj :
oh bnoyyyy snap!
[2025-03-04 15:20:33]
PeacenLuv :
yup broke
[2025-03-04 15:20:44]
Fund Sucker :
/pnl ethusd
:bitmex: ETHUSD: 0.6718 XBT RPNL, 0.4309 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-04 15:20:56]
PeacenLuv :
[2025-03-04 15:20:58]
skiradot :
Bulls - cowardly morons!!
[2025-03-04 15:20:59]
9figrs :
trump hasnt even started talking aswell lmao
[2025-03-04 15:21:03]
HuskySquared :
[2025-03-04 15:21:04]
ninnk :
PeacenLuv: what the fuck
[2025-03-04 15:21:10]
9figrs :
wait till trump talks when market is closed
[2025-03-04 15:21:12]
ninnk :
PeacenLuv: 555k more like
[2025-03-04 15:21:13]
9figrs :
its so fkn over
[2025-03-04 15:21:15]
PeacenLuv :
good opportunity longs
[2025-03-04 15:21:16]
skiradot :
UP this tvari!!!
[2025-03-04 15:21:17]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4000 USD @ 81715.2
[2025-03-04 15:21:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ONDOUSDT`: Sell 10 ONDO @ 0.88189 ($11.29)
[2025-03-04 15:21:36]
Droopy72 :
never catch a falling knive
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 25 Cont @ 0.18817 ($383.58)
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `DOTUSD`: Sell 20 Cont @ 4.113 ($67.07)
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 30 Cont @ 2.3146 ($1,132.41)
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSD`: Sell 10 Cont @ 99.12 ($161.64)
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `BCHUSD`: Sell 6 Cont @ 301.35 ($147.43)
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSD`: Sell 80 Cont @ 0.7964 ($519.50)
[2025-03-04 15:21:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `AVAXUSD`: Sell 10 Cont @ 19.386 ($158.07)
[2025-03-04 15:21:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `WLDUSDT`: Sell 119 WLD @ 0.938 ($135.02)
[2025-03-04 15:21:47]
HuskySquared :
ethereum is about to collapse on itself
[2025-03-04 15:21:50]
btcgozero :
at least he talks after close so we dump tomorrow
[2025-03-04 15:21:57]
pppooojjjj :
Eth is dead
[2025-03-04 15:21:59]
pppooojjjj :
[2025-03-04 15:22:02]
PeacenLuv :
ok heres 1 day tunnel support i know we tagged it dayz ago
[2025-03-04 15:22:08]
ninnk :
it's always tomorrow somewhere :pepe:
[2025-03-04 15:22:27]
btcgozero :
tomorrow is when the US market opens again
[2025-03-04 15:22:37]
skiradot :
DIE all shorters now DIE DIE DIE!!!!!?
[2025-03-04 15:22:47]
PeacenLuv : 1day uptrending tunnel support btc
[2025-03-04 15:22:54]
pppooojjjj :
Its just RED
[2025-03-04 15:23:27]
PeacenLuv :
wen she comes back up shez really gunna come back up my gess
[2025-03-04 15:23:39]
al guul :
[2025-03-04 15:24:09]
PeacenLuv :
near 30k off the top try 34k haircut arrives at
[2025-03-04 15:24:16]
al guul :
this is wen the mice and men seperate
[2025-03-04 15:24:17]
Droopy72 :
skiradot: you need to short when the market is ready and turn also when it is time
[2025-03-04 15:24:24]
PeacenLuv :
75k area
[2025-03-04 15:24:43]
HuskySquared :
eth under 2k
[2025-03-04 15:24:47]
HuskySquared :
should cause monster liqs
[2025-03-04 15:24:51]
skiradot :
Droopy72: when time? All scammers & win only insiders((
[2025-03-04 15:25:01]
PeacenLuv :
this brings money into the mkt
[2025-03-04 15:25:11]
PeacenLuv :
money in mkt is wat u take out
[2025-03-04 15:25:37]
mr lonely :
I love trump
[2025-03-04 15:25:40]
PeacenLuv :
often your own money comes back
[2025-03-04 15:25:41]
skiradot :
No fair market - only scammers
[2025-03-04 15:25:46]
PeacenLuv :
if yur right
[2025-03-04 15:26:10]
mr lonely :
Full manipulation by usa market
[2025-03-04 15:26:40]
45th_blown_account :
orange oompa loompa pump and dump pattern :doge:
[2025-03-04 15:26:56]
ninnk :
one tweet can send this to 100k :pepe:
[2025-03-04 15:27:22]
mr lonely :
Pump dump 😭😭😭😭
[2025-03-04 15:27:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3700 USD @ 82475.4
[2025-03-04 15:27:46]
Benobi :
aks yourself what kind of tweet ?
[2025-03-04 15:27:56]
mr lonely :
78k coming soon for cme gap to fill
[2025-03-04 15:27:58]
Benobi :
"I cancel all tariffs, everybody is my friend"
[2025-03-04 15:28:13]
Benobi :
"I convert USD into BTc" ?
[2025-03-04 15:28:31]
Benobi :
"We discovered nuclear fusion"
[2025-03-04 15:28:33]
contract details :
he doesnt need to talk about btc
[2025-03-04 15:28:39]
Benobi :
"I resign"
[2025-03-04 15:28:39]
contract details :
indices have been dumping for 2 weeks
[2025-03-04 15:28:42]
HuskySquared :
dont know why yall so mad
[2025-03-04 15:28:43]
mr lonely :
In 1hr 78k coming
[2025-03-04 15:28:44]
HuskySquared :
trump is winning
[2025-03-04 15:28:48]
contract details :
resigning is something that will make it pump yes
[2025-03-04 15:28:50]
contract details :
[2025-03-04 15:29:10]
mr lonely :
Long only Pi network