This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2025-03-02 20:44:29]
dexswap :
100k next
[2025-03-02 20:47:04]
hhkkh :
so it will dump in 2026
[2025-03-02 20:48:43]
caex :
In my opinion, it was a deliberate move on the part of Trump's advisors because they saw that BTC was falling and they announced this news to stop it falling.
[2025-03-02 20:49:24]
caex :
now you can see how the market can be manipulated
trump say crypto up or down haha
[2025-03-02 20:49:46]
btcgozero :
instant god candle
[2025-03-02 20:50:16]
btcgozero :
but I like this manipulation
[2025-03-02 20:50:25]
caex :
of course
[2025-03-02 20:50:30]
btcgozero :
do it a couple hundred times more over the next 4 years
[2025-03-02 20:50:40]
btcgozero :
short next DEM POTUS lmao
[2025-03-02 20:51:19]
hhkkh :
I think it is nice he did it on a sunday
[2025-03-02 20:53:38]
stu314 :
is it just me or is this low tf pa bizarre?
[2025-03-02 20:53:40]
al guul :
its a green dildo on mi chart :btc:
[2025-03-02 20:53:48]
stu314 :
like perfect 45 degrees up and to the right
[2025-03-02 20:54:17]
blaster33 :
stu314: nazi btc
[2025-03-02 20:54:45]
stu314 :
shit you mean the pa is drawing a nazi salute?
[2025-03-02 20:54:53]
Dexul :
i dont complain as long as we go up
[2025-03-02 20:55:02]
dexswap :
tomorrow you guys are gonna look back at this moment and think, why the fck didnt i long
[2025-03-02 20:55:03]
Gandalf the Grey :
Should have bought cripple instead kurwa
[2025-03-02 20:55:21]
btcgozero :
I'm as long as my account alows lmao
[2025-03-02 20:55:30]
btcgozero :
not enough, but it is what it is
[2025-03-02 20:55:44]
caex :
ADA as a strategic reserve is a circus
😄😄😄 good lobbing
[2025-03-02 20:55:47]
contract details :
Make America pump again
[2025-03-02 20:55:56]
stu314 :
for the first time the correct trade is 100x long stop below the trendline
[2025-03-02 20:56:19]
stu314 :
on 1m
[2025-03-02 20:56:47]
btcgozero :
that dude that put on that 95M eth and 37M btc trade on at 50x was in on it
[2025-03-02 20:56:55]
btcgozero :
probably Barron xD
[2025-03-02 20:57:05]
stu314 :
i predict it is respected til CME open, at which point it's either 33k, retrace to CME close or direct moon
[2025-03-02 20:57:26]
caex :
SOL in reserve after such a scandal LOOL Trump is the same president as the one from Argentina hahah
[2025-03-02 20:57:47]
btcgozero :
Trump loves casinos
[2025-03-02 20:57:51]
hhkkh :
People seem to take trump for its word. Seeing the investments coming into the us. So why not now also with crypto?
[2025-03-02 20:57:56]
btcgozero :
SOL is the casino coin
[2025-03-02 20:58:09]
BlissRP :
caex: why do you think they created a scandal in the first place
[2025-03-02 20:58:11]
BlissRP :
cheaper sol
[2025-03-02 20:59:02]
btcgozero :
but indeed very nice of him to do it on a sunday so wallstreet didnt get that much of a head start
[2025-03-02 20:59:15]
caex :
BlissRP: I don't understand adding SOL and ADA to the reserve, it's fucking manipulation and lobbying
[2025-03-02 20:59:24]
BlissRP :
ada kinda trash ngl
[2025-03-02 20:59:28]
btcgozero :
US based
[2025-03-02 20:59:42]
BlissRP :
but sol is US based and the biggest network (arguably) in crypto rn
[2025-03-02 20:59:58]
triplecheese :
250k btc, 10k eth, 2k sol. That's I ask now that I'm forced to just hodl spot
[2025-03-02 21:00:26]
triplecheese :
All I ask really
[2025-03-02 21:00:39]
BlissRP :
triplecheese: i think that is realistic for all 3 tbh
[2025-03-02 21:00:56]
BlissRP :
75% of my spot bags in sol so i would take that :catjam:
[2025-03-02 21:01:07]
btcgozero :
sure would take that
[2025-03-02 21:01:47]
btcgozero :
but degems at WS might dump on us tomorrow for the 1000th time and ruin the party xD
[2025-03-02 21:01:59]
Gandalf the Grey :
Blumaster laughing at us all lol
[2025-03-02 21:02:15]
9figrs :
wasnt the meme meant to be bitcoin is finished when peter schiff becomes bullish
[2025-03-02 21:02:20]
9figrs :
[2025-03-02 21:02:31]
bmagic :
So far the price has moved exactly what the charts show
[2025-03-02 21:02:37]
triplecheese :
BlissRP: I am more conservative with 60% btc 25% eth 15% sol
[2025-03-02 21:02:50]
triplecheese :
Won't become rich but I'll happily ride this out on spot
[2025-03-02 21:02:57]
triplecheese :
And start buyin next bear market
[2025-03-02 21:03:13]
triplecheese :
DCA during the whole bear market is the plan
[2025-03-02 21:03:23]
triplecheese :
I am not in a hurry.
[2025-03-02 21:03:47]
btcgozero :
bear market might be kinda history tbh
[2025-03-02 21:03:49]
bmagic :
Tomorrow the price will move what the charts show
[2025-03-02 21:03:56]
bmagic :
[2025-03-02 21:04:38]
bmagic :
There will be an amendment to trumps tweet this year
[2025-03-02 21:04:46]
bmagic :
Sol is no longer part of the reserve
[2025-03-02 21:05:02]
bmagic :
Welcome chainlink
[2025-03-02 21:05:12]
btcgozero :
drop the casino coin? never lol
[2025-03-02 21:05:57]
BlissRP :
triplecheese: well played ser
[2025-03-02 21:05:57]
caex :
Trump is manipulating the market, it's not visible now
[2025-03-02 21:06:16]
Gandalf the Grey :
To here if late longo. Good price
[2025-03-02 21:06:19]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2025-03-02 21:06:22]
BlissRP :
it is still much more than wealth preservation
[2025-03-02 21:06:32]
BlissRP :
[2025-03-02 21:06:32]
triplecheese :
BlissRP: don't plan to sell any of it next 10 years or so
[2025-03-02 21:06:42]
triplecheese :
Just buying what I can
[2025-03-02 21:06:46]
triplecheese :
And that's it
[2025-03-02 21:06:50]
BlissRP :
oh yeah you'll be laughing then m8
[2025-03-02 21:07:05]
BlissRP :
i sell every cycle like pleb and try to rebuy near lows
[2025-03-02 21:07:05]
triplecheese :
Will come back to margin with only few hundreds and only to have fun
[2025-03-02 21:07:22]
triplecheese :
If I lose it's ok. If I win, better. But not now
[2025-03-02 21:07:22]
bmagic :
Well played
[2025-03-02 21:07:22]
caex :
Tomorrow we will close the gap that has now arisen
[2025-03-02 21:07:57]
BlissRP :
caex: wouldnt rule anything out at this point. 1 tweet can be valhalla or subperine
[2025-03-02 21:08:02]
caex :
the market is in no hurry to go up, we won't go there yet, the reserve is planned, it doesn't exist yet
[2025-03-02 21:08:22]
hhkkh :
planning pumps, existence dumps
[2025-03-02 21:08:50]
hhkkh :
this will be a white house crypto crazy ending wee
[2025-03-02 21:08:58]
caex :
in a month, the team will find that the crypto reserve will not be created and what will then take the elevator down to zero?
[2025-03-02 21:09:27]
bmagic :
Longing after a pump is a valid strategy IF THE NEWS HASN’T BEEN RELEASED
[2025-03-02 21:09:32]
caex :
when it happens then I'm counting on big increases, not now
[2025-03-02 21:09:42]
caex :
[2025-03-02 21:09:44]
gemeo2 :
Trading is a lotta fun these days. Good luck one and all
[2025-03-02 21:10:41]
bmagic :
Its good to make money of this pump, thats what its for
[2025-03-02 21:11:01]
bmagic :
But btc should be made, forget money alone.
[2025-03-02 21:11:23]
caex :
Trump appointed a team, not a reserve, and that's a big difference
[2025-03-02 21:12:57]
caex :
congress must approve a long way to the reserve if it is created
[2025-03-02 21:14:00]
contract details :
BlissRP: sol :doge:
[2025-03-02 21:14:32]
caex :
the market reacted positively OK, let's get back to reality, we have a gap of 85k to close
[2025-03-02 21:15:02]
bmagic :
We dont need to fill the gap
[2025-03-02 21:15:55]
bmagic :
Im open to 114k from here
[2025-03-02 21:16:05]
caex :
The NYSE will take it easy tomorrow and close it
[2025-03-02 21:16:52]
bmagic :
Well, i am waiting before shorting this
[2025-03-02 21:17:05]
contract details :
I again didn't have the balls to yolo all my wagemoneys at the bottom
[2025-03-02 21:17:08]
bmagic :
Technicals can be wrong
[2025-03-02 21:17:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSDT`: Buy 1000 ADA @ 1.0496 ($1,049.87)
[2025-03-02 21:17:45]
bmagic :
contract details: did u get some exposure?
[2025-03-02 21:18:23]
dexswap :
contract details: u are still early my friend
[2025-03-02 21:20:14]
contract details :
bmagic: been long on sol since last week and BTC since friday
[2025-03-02 21:20:51]
bmagic :
Yeah booii
[2025-03-02 21:20:53]
caex :
ADA 60% uo hahaha
[2025-03-02 21:21:06]
contract details :
But I'll never grow the balls to take a 5x with all I have and leave wageslavery. Waited months for that gap to get hit
[2025-03-02 21:21:17]
contract details :
dexswap: :Arthur:
[2025-03-02 21:21:26]
caex :
short btc eth xrp ada sol
[2025-03-02 21:21:39]
dexswap :
xrp to hit $4, btc 110 this week
[2025-03-02 21:21:48]
bmagic :
bloomberg basically just said china is better than the US
[2025-03-02 21:21:57]
bmagic :
What is this? Lol
[2025-03-02 21:22:19]
caex :
dexswap: of course, and the whales will be sold wholesale to idiots
[2025-03-02 21:24:08]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
dexswap: bro
[2025-03-02 21:24:12]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
[2025-03-02 21:24:16]
caex :
maybe one more hole to 80k and everyone will buy at this price
and it will be double bottom
[2025-03-02 21:24:16]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
fpr hodl
[2025-03-02 21:24:18]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
good job
[2025-03-02 21:24:41]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
hope u closed
[2025-03-02 21:25:04]
dexswap :
i closed my short ye
[2025-03-02 21:25:12]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
dexswap: good job
[2025-03-02 21:25:28]
dexswap :
flipped long
[2025-03-02 21:25:40]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
[2025-03-02 21:25:42]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
i told at buttom
[2025-03-02 21:25:46]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
grill is started
[2025-03-02 21:26:01]
Joeyy132 :
You guys know
[2025-03-02 21:26:03]
dexswap :
tomorrow will be the craziest
[2025-03-02 21:26:07]
Joeyy132 :
wr going 30k next week
[2025-03-02 21:26:10]
Joeyy132 :
we are
[2025-03-02 21:26:13]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:26:17]
Joeyy132 :
this is so iver
[2025-03-02 21:26:25]
caex :
Joeyy132: not 30 but lower 70k
[2025-03-02 21:26:25]
Joeyy132 :
trump tweet was for exit liquidity
[2025-03-02 21:26:27]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
Joeyy132: buttom shorted?
[2025-03-02 21:26:33]
Joeyy132 :
if you can’t see that you are fucced
[2025-03-02 21:26:49]
Joeyy132 :
Grill_the_bera_71: I shorted 84.6k got liquidated at 91
[2025-03-02 21:26:55]
Joeyy132 :
total scam haha
[2025-03-02 21:27:01]
Joeyy132 :
it will be 80k tomorrow
[2025-03-02 21:27:11]
caex :
full short tp 86k easy money
[2025-03-02 21:27:15]
Joeyy132 :
30k this week
[2025-03-02 21:27:17]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:27:20]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
yes yes
[2025-03-02 21:27:26]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
did husky surive
[2025-03-02 21:27:28]
dexswap :
its either 30k or 110k
[2025-03-02 21:27:33]
dexswap :
ya husky survive
[2025-03-02 21:27:39]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
the damp
[2025-03-02 21:27:49]
Joeyy132 :
Husky did not survive
[2025-03-02 21:27:52]
Joeyy132 :
dont be silly
[2025-03-02 21:27:58]
Joeyy132 :
he does 70x lev minimum
[2025-03-02 21:28:03]
Joeyy132 :
as if he survived
[2025-03-02 21:28:15]
Dexul :
he did survive
[2025-03-02 21:28:21]
Joeyy132 :
Dexul: He did not
[2025-03-02 21:28:30]
Joeyy132 :
Don’t be fooled
[2025-03-02 21:28:30]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
he was down 27 mil yesturday
[2025-03-02 21:28:35]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
or on friady
[2025-03-02 21:28:45]
Joeyy132 :
It’s going back to 84k tomorrow anyway
[2025-03-02 21:28:50]
Joeyy132 :
why we arguing about facts
[2025-03-02 21:28:51]
Dexul :
oh is that the reason we are mooning?
[2025-03-02 21:28:52]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
i was down 150K but now better
[2025-03-02 21:29:04]
Joeyy132 :
84l tomorriw
[2025-03-02 21:29:10]
Joeyy132 :
I bet everything on it
[2025-03-02 21:29:14]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
Joeyy132: bendover bera
[2025-03-02 21:29:14]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:29:20]
Joeyy132 :
Grill_the_bera_71: not happenjngnnate
[2025-03-02 21:29:20]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
anotherr green dildo inc
[2025-03-02 21:29:23]
Joeyy132 :
trump is a liar
[2025-03-02 21:29:25]
Joeyy132 :
and a fraud
[2025-03-02 21:29:26]
caex :
cme gap 8k now lol
[2025-03-02 21:29:43]
Joeyy132 :
he ain’t got the power once institutions open
[2025-03-02 21:29:52]
hhkkh :
That gap will go into history
[2025-03-02 21:29:53]
Joeyy132 :
Top wanker
[2025-03-02 21:30:06]
clarknova :
hhkkh: It will be filled
[2025-03-02 21:30:12]
Joeyy132 :
Short is free money now
[2025-03-02 21:30:20]
Joeyy132 :
for the next 4 years
[2025-03-02 21:30:21]
hhkkh :
not for a long time at least
[2025-03-02 21:30:30]
9figrs :
[2025-03-02 21:30:33]
9figrs :
coming faster than ever
[2025-03-02 21:30:34]
9figrs :
[2025-03-02 21:30:36]
45th_blown_account :
when BTC great again :doge:
[2025-03-02 21:30:39]
Joeyy132 :
Not arguing or debating it
[2025-03-02 21:30:41]
Joeyy132 :
this is facts
[2025-03-02 21:30:45]
Joeyy132 :
84k tomorrow
[2025-03-02 21:30:56]
Joeyy132 :
and 30k within 3 minths
[2025-03-02 21:31:04]
Joeyy132 :
9figrs: yep
[2025-03-02 21:31:05]
clarknova :
hhkkh: the 84k one ? yes probably not soon
[2025-03-02 21:31:07]
Joeyy132 :
totally agree
[2025-03-02 21:31:12]
Joeyy132 :
not even an assumption
[2025-03-02 21:31:21]
Joeyy132 :
straight facts
[2025-03-02 21:31:56]
Joeyy132 :
When we are at 84k tomorrow u can call me a prophet, but really it’s obvious as fk
[2025-03-02 21:32:12]
Joeyy132 :
Needs to brain cells two recognise
[2025-03-02 21:32:17]
Joeyy132 :
2 brain cella
[2025-03-02 21:32:41]
Joeyy132 :
Longing here is more moronic than longing 100k
[2025-03-02 21:32:43]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:33:04]
Joeyy132 :
Tomorrow we make America great again
[2025-03-02 21:33:10]
Joeyy132 :
trump does this month hopefully
[2025-03-02 21:33:13]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:33:23]
Dexul :
i just bought more the moment you wrote that xD
[2025-03-02 21:33:24]
Dexul :
:doge: :doge: :doge:
[2025-03-02 21:33:27]
Joeyy132 :
Stupid wanker deserves it
[2025-03-02 21:33:40]
Joeyy132 :
Dexul: get rekt bro
[2025-03-02 21:33:49]
Joeyy132 :
You will see
[2025-03-02 21:34:06]
caex :
Tomorrow the NYSE will be closing today's gap so a lot of people will be liquidated when it opens the long, now a good lesson
[2025-03-02 21:34:22]
Joeyy132 :
When I see the headline trump found dead
[2025-03-02 21:34:29]
clarknova :
caex: in your dreams
[2025-03-02 21:34:31]
Joeyy132 :
i I will spill a drink in celebration
[2025-03-02 21:34:36]
caex :
clarknova: nop
[2025-03-02 21:34:47]
clarknova :
caex: wanna be a bj ?
[2025-03-02 21:34:48]
Joeyy132 :
Trump can suck my willy
[2025-03-02 21:34:51]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:34:54]
Joeyy132 :
his wife can
[2025-03-02 21:35:00]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: hahaha
[2025-03-02 21:35:02]
Joeyy132 :
he can suck a fat sh1t
[2025-03-02 21:35:25]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: crook deserves nothing less
[2025-03-02 21:35:34]
caex :
clarknova: you know what will happen at the opening of the NYSE tomorrow
[2025-03-02 21:36:09]
clarknova :
caex: I don't know but... I suspect it will pump even more
[2025-03-02 21:36:37]
caex :
clarknova: I'll give you a hint: tomorrow, tariffs introduced on Mexico, Canada, China and the EU come into force
[2025-03-02 21:36:55]
clarknova :
caex: already priced in
[2025-03-02 21:36:56]
9figrs :
gonna have to hire a new sexy lady to file my taxes
[2025-03-02 21:37:00]
caex :
don't count on a green day in the markets
[2025-03-02 21:37:19]
clarknova :
caex: let see
[2025-03-02 21:37:29]
clarknova :
caex: answer soon enough
[2025-03-02 21:38:18]
[2025-03-02 21:38:46]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1000 XBT @ 93700.7 ($9,371.39)
[2025-03-02 21:40:03]
45th_blown_account :
XRP GOD: :catjam:
[2025-03-02 21:44:02]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 4.9700 ETH @ 2538.24 ($12,617.49) - There goes ur space money
[2025-03-02 21:44:10]
clarknova :
[2025-03-02 21:50:04]
bluemaster :
Bueno Dias muchachos and Unbelievers 😜
[2025-03-02 21:50:31]
Gandalf the Grey :
ma niggga
[2025-03-02 21:50:36]
Gandalf the Grey :
oh whoops haha
[2025-03-02 21:50:42]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2025-03-02 21:52:18]
45th_blown_account :
daily still a sh-it show :doge:
[2025-03-02 21:52:32]
Dexul :
yeah weekly needs to turn green
[2025-03-02 21:53:24]
45th_blown_account :
:bog: Trump : `send it`
[2025-03-02 21:55:20]
BMEXcheers :
answer me this
[2025-03-02 21:55:23]
BMEXcheers :
just the one thing
[2025-03-02 21:55:43]
BMEXcheers :
if putin so powerful n shieet then why hasnt he conquered lil ol' ukraine
[2025-03-02 21:56:32]
BMEXcheers :
bro wants to dominate the world....cant conquer a country without nukes
[2025-03-02 21:56:39]
BMEXcheers :
oh noe he didntttttttttttttt
[2025-03-02 21:56:47]
45th_blown_account :
its all a theatre for the alien eyes `:alien:` `:alien:`
[2025-03-02 21:56:55]
Joeyy132 :
/position xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.03 XBT @ 94000.45
[2025-03-02 21:57:04]
bluemaster :
/position xbtu25
:bitmex: XBTU25: 191,700 USD @ 100694.7941
[2025-03-02 21:57:05]
Joeyy132 :
stupid WANKER trump
[2025-03-02 21:57:24]
Joeyy132 :
his name during even deserve capital letters
[2025-03-02 21:57:25]
bluemaster :
/position xbteur now you know why I am shorting Euro
:bitmex: XBTEUR: 208,300 EUR @ 91823.9918
[2025-03-02 21:57:32]
Joeyy132 :
doesnt even deserve
[2025-03-02 21:57:37]
Joeyy132 :
top kunt wanker
[2025-03-02 21:58:09]
Joeyy132 :
Stupid prick I will add so much to my shorts tomorrow his wife will be sorry
[2025-03-02 21:58:28]
Joeyy132 :
top sh1thead needs to be assasinated
[2025-03-02 21:58:33]
45th_blown_account :
Joeyy132: dont do it , restrain yourself
[2025-03-02 21:58:50]
Joeyy132 :
/position xbtusdt @45th_blown_account
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.03 XBT @ 94000.45
[2025-03-02 21:58:55]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:58:59]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 21:59:02]
45th_blown_account: :doge: :doge:
[2025-03-02 21:59:14]
bluemaster :
Joeyy132: I told you 2 days ago 111k next week
[2025-03-02 21:59:22]
Joeyy132: 😭😂
[2025-03-02 21:59:26]
Joeyy132 :
Hopefully he wakes up dead tomorrow
[2025-03-02 21:59:32]
45th_blown_account :
Joeyy132: gl, daily still bearaish :doge:
[2025-03-02 21:59:36]
weiron12 :
Joeyy132: wow so much hate
[2025-03-02 22:00:01]
Joeyy132 :
Silly kunt
[2025-03-02 22:00:04]
45th_blown_account :
Joeyy132: how he will wake up ded man ? if he is ded he cant wake up
[2025-03-02 22:00:04]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.3813 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-02 22:00:08]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1958 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-02 22:00:12]
Joeyy132 :
wipe him off the face of it
[2025-03-02 22:00:12]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6259 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-02 22:00:26]
Joeyy132 :
45th_blown_account: you get me
[2025-03-02 22:00:34]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: enjoy
[2025-03-02 22:00:37]
bluemaster :
[2025-03-02 22:00:43]
Joeyy132 :
short Some here brother
[2025-03-02 22:00:46]
Joeyy132 :
heavy shirt
[2025-03-02 22:00:54]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: tomorrow we go 80k
[2025-03-02 22:01:01]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:01:03]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:01:28]
Joeyy132 :
Maybe 100k in the morning
[2025-03-02 22:01:38]
Joeyy132 :
bit it’s already morning where you are
[2025-03-02 22:01:52]
bluemaster :
Joeyy132: AC.COM.AU
#bitcoin fundamentalist ∞/21M, disciple of Lord Satoshi.
[2025-03-02 22:01:52]
Joeyy132 :
So the pump is over
[2025-03-02 22:03:19]
clarknova :
It's done
[2025-03-02 22:03:31]
weiron12 :
my paycheck comes tomorrow. one day too late
[2025-03-02 22:03:31]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: the pump?
[2025-03-02 22:03:39]
Joeyy132 :
imagine 84k tomorroq
[2025-03-02 22:03:45]
Joeyy132 :
noy even hard to imagine
[2025-03-02 22:03:57]
clarknova :
Next, a blue one on the hash ribbon @Joeyy132 nah bullrun phase 2 started
[2025-03-02 22:04:13]
bluemaster :
silly kids that was coordinated dump to rob you kids and kick out unbelievers and tourist
[2025-03-02 22:04:32]
clarknova :
bluemaster: yes
[2025-03-02 22:04:40]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: you do realise this means all noobs get rich overnight…..
[2025-03-02 22:04:44]
clarknova :
bluemaster: so many got scammed scammed
[2025-03-02 22:05:09]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: they'll get rekt soon enough
[2025-03-02 22:05:12]
Joeyy132 :
if you hold here you are noob
[2025-03-02 22:05:13]
bluemaster :
clarknova: same shit happaning last 15 years for me
[2025-03-02 22:05:21]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: qre you a noob?
[2025-03-02 22:05:25]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:05:40]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: how will noobs get rejt
[2025-03-02 22:05:46]
Joeyy132 :
they are perma long
[2025-03-02 22:05:53]
Joeyy132 :
i know because i know some
[2025-03-02 22:06:11]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:06:15]
Joeyy132 :
see you tomorrow
[2025-03-02 22:06:24]
Joeyy132 :
i wont come back until tomorrow night
[2025-03-02 22:06:27]
Joeyy132 :
at 84k
[2025-03-02 22:06:49]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: they'll get rekt on a dump of course, as most of the liquidations are longs during a bullrun
[2025-03-02 22:07:16]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: see you :)
[2025-03-02 22:07:17]
Joeyy132 :
They think you will get rich buying btc at 94k
[2025-03-02 22:07:24]
Joeyy132 :
says it all
[2025-03-02 22:07:33]
Joeyy132 :
Goodnight bro
[2025-03-02 22:07:34]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:07:43]
Joeyy132 :
this day has been a disaster
[2025-03-02 22:07:47]
Joeyy132 :
I expected a pump
[2025-03-02 22:07:53]
Joeyy132 :
but this was absurd
[2025-03-02 22:08:11]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: no, it was an orchestred scam
[2025-03-02 22:08:16]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: yes
[2025-03-02 22:08:28]
Joeyy132 :
Trump is criminal
[2025-03-02 22:08:28]
clarknova :
nothing random here
[2025-03-02 22:08:36]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: of course he is
[2025-03-02 22:08:37]
Joeyy132 :
I actually had some respect for the guy
[2025-03-02 22:08:40]
Joeyy132 :
before trump
[2025-03-02 22:08:42]
clarknova :
[2025-03-02 22:08:47]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:09:11]
clarknova :
He's a total piece of sh*t
[2025-03-02 22:09:12]
Joeyy132 :
hes the biggest wanker on the planet lol despite all his good points he’s a kunt
[2025-03-02 22:09:18]
Joeyy132 :
nothung will change that
[2025-03-02 22:09:34]
Joeyy132 :
He will be dead soon
[2025-03-02 22:09:38]
Joeyy132 :
for sure
[2025-03-02 22:09:46]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: And the more I hate him, the more he makes me rich :)
[2025-03-02 22:09:49]
Joeyy132 :
ges gone too far lol you fuck around and always find out
[2025-03-02 22:09:52]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:10:01]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: good for u
[2025-03-02 22:10:08]
Joeyy132 :
i make money whether up or down
[2025-03-02 22:10:12]
9figrs :
they had 2 actors argue all over the media
[2025-03-02 22:10:22]
9figrs :
crazy times we live in
[2025-03-02 22:10:25]
Joeyy132 :
today was a great week until today, still up tho but he took thousands back
[2025-03-02 22:10:34]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: Well I'm betting big on the end of the world and so far I'm winning.
[2025-03-02 22:10:41]
Joeyy132 :
i worked hard for it all lost most too quick
[2025-03-02 22:10:44]
Gandalf the Grey :
clark hahaha
[2025-03-02 22:10:52]
clarknova :
Gandalf the Grey: :D
[2025-03-02 22:10:58]
Gandalf the Grey :
I swear whenever I go here Clarknova drops some deep knowledge
[2025-03-02 22:11:03]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2025-03-02 22:11:09]
clarknova :
Gandalf the Grey: ahhahahaha
[2025-03-02 22:11:12]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: the bed of the world does not mean btc up
[2025-03-02 22:11:15]
Joeyy132 :
it means btc down
[2025-03-02 22:11:19]
Joeyy132 :
the end
[2025-03-02 22:11:30]
Joeyy132 :
Everything diwn
[2025-03-02 22:11:43]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: The end of this world yes
[2025-03-02 22:11:54]
clarknova :
a new one will come
[2025-03-02 22:12:07]
Joeyy132 :
Gandalf the Grey: wallahi are u somali
[2025-03-02 22:12:19]
clarknova :
Could be star trek, could be mad max... who knows :)
[2025-03-02 22:12:27]
Gandalf the Grey :
I am Slovak living in Saudi lmao
[2025-03-02 22:13:01]
Joeyy132 :
Why say wallah then
[2025-03-02 22:13:21]
Gandalf the Grey :
It means I swear
[2025-03-02 22:13:29]
Joeyy132 :
Gandalf the Grey: I remember now u are Slovak
[2025-03-02 22:13:47]
Gandalf the Grey :
I gave you tips how to fuck that slovak girl you had in your house lol
[2025-03-02 22:13:52]
clarknova :
Yallah ! Time for my piano practice. See you at 84k @Joeyy132 ;)
[2025-03-02 22:13:53]
Joeyy132 :
Gandalf the Grey: I know but it’s not hat Somali people say
[2025-03-02 22:14:02]
clarknova :
Joeyy132: (in two yearsà
[2025-03-02 22:14:08]
Joeyy132 :
clarknova: h
[2025-03-02 22:14:11]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:14:15]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:14:17]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:14:19]
Gandalf the Grey :
Bye Clarkuuuu
[2025-03-02 22:14:19]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:14:22]
Joeyy132 :
fk lol
[2025-03-02 22:14:25]
clarknova :
Gandalf the Grey: <3$
[2025-03-02 22:14:26]
Joeyy132 :
a bit tipsh
[2025-03-02 22:14:32]
Joeyy132 :
i mean
[2025-03-02 22:14:36]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:14:53]
Joeyy132 :
Damn lol
[2025-03-02 22:14:59]
Joeyy132 :
alcohol has taken affect
[2025-03-02 22:15:16]
Joeyy132 :
Fk all of u
[2025-03-02 22:15:23]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-03-02 22:15:59]
Joeyy132 :
No more trading for me
[2025-03-02 22:16:03]
Joeyy132 :
see h at 11k
[2025-03-02 22:16:05]
Gandalf the Grey :
fuckign keyboadr
[2025-03-02 22:16:30]
Joeyy132 :
/liq xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: 97701.1
[2025-03-02 22:16:36]
Joeyy132 :
go for it wanker
[2025-03-02 22:16:52]
Gandalf the Grey :
/liq xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 83449.5
[2025-03-02 22:16:56]
Gandalf the Grey :
I have small balls
[2025-03-02 22:17:25]
Gandalf the Grey :
maybe I did not need to disclose this information?
[2025-03-02 22:17:31]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2025-03-02 22:17:32]
Dexul :
/liq xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 91251.7
[2025-03-02 22:18:42]
9figrs :
Dexul: RIP
[2025-03-02 22:18:50]
9figrs :
Gandalf the Grey: RIP
[2025-03-02 22:20:46]
Gandalf the Grey :
SL in profit
[2025-03-02 22:20:48]
Gandalf the Grey :
No stress
[2025-03-02 22:21:52]
Dexul :
yeah same
[2025-03-02 22:35:03]
TG_qsterer :
Enter the Realm of Web 3 Innovation! Join our dynamic team shaping the future.
We're seeking :
- Beta Testers ($30-40/hr) - no experience required
- Moderators/Community Manager ($400-700/week)
- Developers (Rust, Python, C++)
- UI/UX designers (from 1 year of commercial work)
Apply today and be part of a transformative journey fueled by creativity and vision.
To apply, write to me!
(We are also open to proposals for cooperation on mutually beneficial terms)
[2025-03-02 22:35:46]
BMEXcheers :
if i can ban turds on the tb
[2025-03-02 22:35:48]
BMEXcheers :
sign me up
[2025-03-02 22:41:22]
dexswap :
whys it taking so long for 110k?
[2025-03-02 22:41:27]
dexswap :
i getting bored
[2025-03-02 22:42:22]
9figrs :
dexswap: whats ur liq
[2025-03-02 22:43:23]
dexswap :
[2025-03-02 22:45:29]
hellguard4 :
[2025-03-02 22:45:51]
Dexul :
dexswap: guess we need a new daily candle to go further
[2025-03-02 22:46:01]
Dexul :
pretty boring but what can we do
[2025-03-02 22:47:40]
Gandalf the Grey :
TG_qsterer: Bro you on something?
[2025-03-02 22:47:51]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2025-03-02 22:47:55]
Gandalf the Grey :
we no need JOB
[2025-03-02 22:48:03]
dexswap :
my current long pos is in btcusd, if i want to open hedge short i could short on btcusdt? long as i have usdt for the margin it then utilises accounts full assets so essentially hedged? am i correct
[2025-03-02 22:48:13]
FEDTradingBot :
Need Trump tweeting about strategic Fartcoin reserve for BTC to go to 110k
[2025-03-02 22:49:09]
dexswap :
when asia pump?
[2025-03-02 22:49:21]
dexswap :
@admin am i correct on the hedge idea
[2025-03-02 22:49:40]
dexswap :
silly you cant hedge on same instrument
[2025-03-02 22:49:45]
dexswap :
but i guess thats the workaround?
[2025-03-02 22:50:19]
dexswap :
/pnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -0.0035 XBT RPNL, 0.1994 XBT UPNL
[2025-03-02 22:53:48]
Gandalf the Grey :
more pumpa need more moni
[2025-03-02 22:54:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSD`: Buy 35 Cont @ 0.23729 ($783.60)
[2025-03-02 22:54:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 2540.61 ($719.13)
[2025-03-02 22:54:12]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 15 Cont @ 2.9052 ($822.34)
[2025-03-02 22:55:21]
Dexul :
:doge: :doge: :doge:
[2025-03-02 22:56:04]
big number go down :
this number is going to get a lot bigger isn't it?
[2025-03-02 22:58:59]
dexswap :
us futures about to open
[2025-03-02 23:00:36]
Dexul :
are they opening now or in 1h?
[2025-03-02 23:00:46]
ninnk :
[2025-03-02 23:01:12]
Dexul :
hmm nice
[2025-03-02 23:02:04]
dexswap :
vix gap down
[2025-03-02 23:02:09]
dexswap :
futures green
[2025-03-02 23:02:10]
dexswap :
[2025-03-02 23:02:25]
Simio_Long :
[2025-03-02 23:02:37]
Simio_Long :
done the magic word hast to do its magic
[2025-03-02 23:03:45]
blaster33 :
11k gap down :arthur:
[2025-03-02 23:04:21]
blaster33 :
[2025-03-02 23:04:26]
blaster33 :
there is a gap in the gap :arthur:
[2025-03-02 23:06:34]
Gandalf the Grey :
President said longo
[2025-03-02 23:09:22]
dexswap :
break 95
[2025-03-02 23:09:31]
Dexul :
:doge: :doge: :doge:
[2025-03-02 23:10:12]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSDT`: Buy 200 ADA @ 1.1073 ($221.48)
[2025-03-02 23:11:38]
Simio_Long :
99k before 1h :O
[2025-03-02 23:14:07]
Gandalf the Grey :
short 200x we need fuel
[2025-03-02 23:17:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `LTCUSD`: Buy 13 Cont @ 128.32 ($315.51)
[2025-03-02 23:18:30]
Dexul :
[2025-03-02 23:18:35]
Dexul :
turned just before my SL
[2025-03-02 23:18:55]
Gandalf the Grey :
I took profit
[2025-03-02 23:19:00]
Gandalf the Grey :
Gonna go 100k now
[2025-03-02 23:19:12]
Dexul :
it just might
[2025-03-02 23:19:19]
Gandalf the Grey :
no balls
[2025-03-02 23:19:23]
dexswap :
bro why
[2025-03-02 23:19:28]
dexswap :
once in a life time trade event
[2025-03-02 23:19:30]
dexswap :
[2025-03-02 23:19:35]
Dexul :
:doge: :doge: :doge:
[2025-03-02 23:19:35]
Stronghands8 :
are we going?
[2025-03-02 23:19:36]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2025-03-02 23:19:38]
dexswap :
converted a perma bear to bull
[2025-03-02 23:19:45]
dexswap :
go all in and retire next week
[2025-03-02 23:20:09]
Stronghands8 :
such an honor to be here
[2025-03-02 23:21:23]
dexswap :
its teasing rn
[2025-03-02 23:21:31]
dexswap :
i keep imagining mega candle
[2025-03-02 23:22:07]
Stronghands8 :
its already so mega though
[2025-03-02 23:22:31]
dexswap :
only 10%
[2025-03-02 23:22:53]
Stronghands8 :
100k candle incoming?
[2025-03-02 23:26:46]
Dexul :
SL hit, guess we moon now
[2025-03-02 23:41:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0196 XBT @ 94423.5 ($1,850.98)
[2025-03-02 23:53:43]
btcpleb :
looks like bybit is shorting eth
[2025-03-03 00:00:43]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 150 Cont @ 179.21 ($2,538.20) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2025-03-03 00:00:43]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSD`: Buy 150 Cont @ 1.1577 ($1,639.68)
[2025-03-03 00:00:43]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSDT`: Buy 21360 ADA @ 1.1574 ($24,726.98) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2025-03-03 00:02:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SUSDT`: Sell 2740 S @ 0.7427 ($2,057.58) - Are ya winning, son?
[2025-03-03 00:07:22]
BlissRP :
its a new week
[2025-03-03 00:07:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 0.0800 ETH @ 2488.24 ($199.13)
[2025-03-03 00:07:32]
BlissRP :
shall we trump tweet again? :kek:
[2025-03-03 00:08:33]
Gandalf the Grey :
it is fine
[2025-03-03 00:08:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 93778 - 🐳
[2025-03-03 00:12:04]
[2025-03-03 00:17:57]
owl :
XRP GOD: that is some weekly you;ve painted
[2025-03-03 00:19:16]
9figrs :
bull run to 33k
[2025-03-03 00:19:55]
bluemaster :
nice to see how scam covering shorts in desperation 😜
[2025-03-03 00:20:01]
bluemaster :
/position xbtu25
:bitmex: XBTU25: 210,100 USD @ 100458.0889
[2025-03-03 00:20:04]
bluemaster :
/position xbteur
:bitmex: XBTEUR: 208,300 EUR @ 91823.9918
[2025-03-03 00:20:16]
bluemaster :
/position xbtu25
:bitmex: XBTU25: 211,700 USD @ 100437.9093
[2025-03-03 00:21:17]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.3813 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-03 00:21:21]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbteur
:bitmex: XBTEUR: -0.0041 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-03 00:21:27]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1958 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-03 00:21:31]
bluemaster :
/rpnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6259 XBT RPNL
[2025-03-03 00:21:40]
Dexul :
bluemaster: :doge: :doge: :doge:
[2025-03-03 00:22:04]
owl :
bluemaster: they are trying to get me to cover my short. i see what they are doing
[2025-03-03 00:22:34]
bluemaster :
owl: you will cover mate just like all before you !
[2025-03-03 00:23:07]
BlissRP :
owl: less they and more P&L m8
[2025-03-03 00:23:55]
owl :
honestly, the pump is big time bullish. incredible. i think we might blow our big load at $1mm per BTC this cycle.
[2025-03-03 00:24:45]
BlissRP :
it is but it doesnt mean the scams are over :kek:
[2025-03-03 00:35:19]
bluemaster :
owl: are we buying bitmex and rename it to blue owl 😁
[2025-03-03 00:35:36]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 3900 USD @ 93525
[2025-03-03 00:36:37]
owl :
bluemaster: do you think they might actually entertain the idea?
[2025-03-03 00:38:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0001 XBT @ 93403.7 ($9.34) - Game over
[2025-03-03 00:43:12]
bluemaster :
owl: to be honest I don;t like that news at all ,something desn;t smell right ,maybe after this bulshit dump they recovered little bit ...
[2025-03-03 00:46:10]
gori89 :
IF I MAKE 30% more of trades i get 700e
[2025-03-03 00:51:51]
ninnk :
ended already?
[2025-03-03 00:51:56]
ninnk :
[2025-03-03 01:00:42]
BlissRP :
ninnk: never started
[2025-03-03 01:00:43]
BlissRP :
[2025-03-03 01:05:06]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 41400 USD @ 93203.6
[2025-03-03 01:07:25]
9figrs :
bullrun to 33k
[2025-03-03 01:11:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1500 USD @ 93088.5
[2025-03-03 01:16:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SUIUSDT`: Sell 7.1000 SUI @ 3.1453 ($20.28)
[2025-03-03 01:18:09]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0444 XBT @ 92676 ($4,114.67)
[2025-03-03 01:24:19]
Symphoenix :
down til 01h45 utc
[2025-03-03 01:24:48]
BlissRP :
in other words we are temporally fooked
[2025-03-03 01:30:17]
ninnk :
first gap filled :doge: 8k more to go
[2025-03-03 01:32:00]
Simio_Long :
[2025-03-03 01:35:30]
9figrs :
bulrun to 33k
[2025-03-03 01:35:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ONDOUSDT`: Sell 160 ONDO @ 1.15123 ($180.70)
[2025-03-03 01:47:05]
Symphoenix :
BUY XBT now ! Tight SL !
[2025-03-03 01:52:42]
Symphoenix :
92.6k must hold ! It's MAJOR !
[2025-03-03 01:55:58]
Symphoenix :
look at that !
[2025-03-03 01:56:29]
bmagic :
[2025-03-03 01:56:39]
speedwell :
bmagic: You?
[2025-03-03 02:04:44]
Symphoenix :
flash poomp starting 02h08 UTC !
[2025-03-03 02:06:19]
45th_blown_account :
when BTC great again ? :doge: