This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2025-03-01 02:41:36] gori89 : estaba ganando hoy 1800 [2025-03-01 02:41:41] gori89 : con 600 [2025-03-01 02:41:51] gori89 : y me liquidaron a la vuelta por no cerrar [2025-03-01 02:42:02] gori89 : meti otros 600 [2025-03-01 02:42:16] contract details : te pasas de leverage pero igualmente no es momento de abrir shorts [2025-03-01 02:43:09] gori89 : alguien va a venmder btc [2025-03-01 02:43:24] gori89 : algun dia y bajara tanto que sauste [2025-03-01 02:43:43] SAATANA PERKELE : right on, eu is sleepong, merica is busy livign hedonistically, chings are longing it. :rocket: [2025-03-01 02:45:16] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : gori89: es muy malo lonsiento amigo [2025-03-01 02:45:36] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Este sitio web te estafará si tienes tanto dinero. [2025-03-01 02:45:58] gori89 : si ya vi algunas formas que tiene de operar [2025-03-01 02:46:54] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Ellos dan toda tu informacion a los creadores de mercado: tu posicion, tu liquidacion, todo. [2025-03-01 02:46:58] gori89 : ya no tenngo dinero [2025-03-01 02:47:01] gori89 : xD [2025-03-01 02:47:10] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Yo tambien 🤣🤣🤣 [2025-03-01 02:48:43] contract details : que mas da que sepan tu posicion, si pierdes es siempre tu culpa :pepe: [2025-03-01 02:50:33] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Sí, eso es cierto, pero es repugnante e ilegal en la mayoría de los lugares. [2025-03-01 02:51:05] contract details : todos los mercados se mueven asi [2025-03-01 02:53:32] PeacenLuv : btc bullyz some suppoert may e a 5min chart bully az phuk [2025-03-01 02:53:43] PeacenLuv : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: muted gfo geek [2025-03-01 02:53:56] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Todos podemos darnos cuenta de que al operar aquí, hay muchas estafas y que los creadores de mercado solo existen para quedarse con nuestro dinero. Todos sabemos que eso no cambia el hecho de que sea una estafa. El sitio web también está diseñado intencionalmente para no favorecer a los comerciantes minoristas. Por eso siguen haciendo cambios que la gente odia. [2025-03-01 02:53:57] PeacenLuv : wudda phukeen loser [2025-03-01 02:54:09] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : PeacenLuv: what did I do lmao [2025-03-01 02:54:35] PeacenLuv : 5min bully btc lezgooh pumpittup [2025-03-01 02:55:09] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dude is here talking Spanish because Spanish chat is dead [2025-03-01 02:55:13] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : It's why I am here as well [2025-03-01 02:55:24] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : If that is what it was lmao [2025-03-01 02:56:39] contract details : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: as long as i can press buy and sell, all exchanges are the same [2025-03-01 02:56:57] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : True enough [2025-03-01 02:56:59] PeacenLuv : The 5th Dimension Age of Aquarius 1969 btc bully [2025-03-01 02:57:10] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Let's us complain we both just lost our money [2025-03-01 02:57:23] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : :pepe: [2025-03-01 02:57:34] PeacenLuv : htto:// firmly planted on solid ground [2025-03-01 02:57:48] PeacenLuv : staue [2025-03-01 02:57:53] PeacenLuv : ;)oops [2025-03-01 02:58:15] PeacenLuv : phuk [2025-03-01 02:58:27] PeacenLuv : i hate makin phukin miztakez [2025-03-01 02:59:32] PeacenLuv : btc half the battlez waitingg [2025-03-01 03:01:25] PeacenLuv : im not 1 to wait i say just phukin hittit [2025-03-01 03:01:49] PeacenLuv : itz dun wen u dont need to hit it anymore [2025-03-01 03:07:28] SAATANA PERKELE : [2025-03-01 03:07:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDTH25`: Sell 0.0110 XBT @ 85620 ($935.33) - 😂 [2025-03-01 03:07:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1100 USD @ 85030.2 [2025-03-01 03:07:44] PeacenLuv : wrapup the bhitzch 5min bully btc lezgohh [2025-03-01 03:07:53] SAATANA PERKELE : y'all niggz ready? [2025-03-01 03:08:03] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: dykzukr [2025-03-01 03:08:48] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: ye, so? [2025-03-01 03:08:55] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: :rainbow: [2025-03-01 03:19:26] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Peace and luv a racist lmao [2025-03-01 03:19:28] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: turnittup btclezgooo PAMP. EET [2025-03-01 03:20:06] Skyline34 : Wooho Bitcoin to the moon baby [2025-03-01 03:20:14] Skyline34 : And to the floor and to the moon shake that chart baby [2025-03-01 03:21:29] Skyline34 : SAATANA PERKELE: yer im ready [2025-03-01 03:23:05] clarknova : contract details: exactly u_u [2025-03-01 03:24:08] clarknova : SAATANA PERKELE: [2025-03-01 03:24:10] SAATANA PERKELE : Skyline34: one more trip to (73900, unlikley but possibly below) and then its run of the bulls ;) :rocket: [2025-03-01 03:24:46] Skyline34 : amen brotha its run of the bulls we need them to pump to the moon [2025-03-01 03:24:51] Skyline34 : pump like never seen before [2025-03-01 03:25:35] clarknova : time to sleep and forget it all [2025-03-01 03:25:42] clarknova : gn trolls [2025-03-01 03:25:42] Skyline34 : im listening to broke niqshuan music, korean playlist of fetty wap tryna cope with being broke [2025-03-01 03:29:58] SAATANA PERKELE : clarknova: <3 merci mufuqa much appreacited :D [2025-03-01 03:30:57] PeacenLuv : xbt usdperpz longstopz up 84899.6 wheredumunneez at btc [2025-03-01 03:31:08] clarknova : SAATANA PERKELE: de nada <3 [2025-03-01 03:31:45] PeacenLuv : Metallica - To Live is to Die/Dyers Eve btc bully lezgohh [2025-03-01 03:31:53] clarknova : music from my youth :D [2025-03-01 03:32:18] PeacenLuv : broke is no arms no legs no face n heart stops til then u can tap morse code with your head [2025-03-01 03:32:18] SAATANA PERKELE : Skyline34: that shid's literally gayer than me LMAOOOOO try summa dis kunt [2025-03-01 03:32:33] SAATANA PERKELE : clarknova: SKA SKA SKA SKA SKA SKA SKA SKA <3 [2025-03-01 03:32:37] PeacenLuv : clarknova: hehe u pushin 45 [2025-03-01 03:32:46] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: gay [2025-03-01 03:33:03] PeacenLuv : takes all types [2025-03-01 03:33:12] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: nigga fuck you i been listening to metallica before i was born and jjustice for all had a fckd up a mix, word [2025-03-01 03:33:26] PeacenLuv : ya its not about btc its about you [2025-03-01 03:33:43] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: peacen luv without u dunn [2025-03-01 03:34:17] PeacenLuv : pamp theez whore or zooplinez n i aint feedin yur kidz maybe to the sharkz [2025-03-01 03:34:29] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: cannae say they dint fck jason on the mix eh? [2025-03-01 03:34:52] PeacenLuv : i dunno im phukeen trading y wud i think about wut u azk hf [2025-03-01 03:34:54] PeacenLuv : ceo [2025-03-01 03:35:12] SAATANA PERKELE : theres a "bass boosted" versooin of justice for all which sould like MoP but 10x better [2025-03-01 03:35:14] PeacenLuv : i aint yur bitzch ho [2025-03-01 03:35:45] PeacenLuv : luvin hey zilezkpoo yu phukin with ww3 [2025-03-01 03:35:57] PeacenLuv : righteous [2025-03-01 03:36:47] PeacenLuv : am i imagining this but are we cycling faster my chart is repeating and the dumfux in tb [2025-03-01 03:37:51] PeacenLuv : phukin more bullish throwover bullish-channel throwover [2025-03-01 03:37:55] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: 88-92k LH, sorry lmao [2025-03-01 03:38:03] SAATANA PERKELE : but after that it's high skies only [2025-03-01 03:38:08] SAATANA PERKELE : 250k min. [2025-03-01 03:38:12] PeacenLuv : umm its rare look it upo..waves are within the constrains of channelz [2025-03-01 03:38:30] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: ya true i want a fast jet [2025-03-01 03:38:40] PeacenLuv : not a slow 1 [2025-03-01 03:38:50] PeacenLuv : for passengerz [2025-03-01 03:39:34] PeacenLuv : phuk dude hang phukin onn were prolly gunna do a 13k pamp [2025-03-01 03:39:51] PeacenLuv : i didnt write thiz schitt [2025-03-01 03:40:21] PeacenLuv : wait til bmex deal gets released publik [2025-03-01 03:40:37] PeacenLuv : this the age of aquariuz ffzakez [2025-03-01 03:40:41] PeacenLuv : free luvin [2025-03-01 03:40:59] PeacenLuv : firzt dibz trumpz ol ladee [2025-03-01 03:41:05] clarknova : PeacenLuv: 56 sir [2025-03-01 03:41:22] PeacenLuv : clarknova: 56 wtf iz that fuk yu distrakt me [2025-03-01 03:41:24] PeacenLuv : u 56 [2025-03-01 03:41:32] PeacenLuv : years of age i dunno [2025-03-01 03:41:43] PeacenLuv : [phukmee u learned to communicate ever [2025-03-01 03:41:54] PeacenLuv : clarknova: oh sorry [2025-03-01 03:42:10] PeacenLuv : lol thought u were the other geek..yes i did ask excuz [2025-03-01 03:42:21] PeacenLuv : thank u sir [2025-03-01 03:42:26] clarknova : :) [2025-03-01 03:42:27] PeacenLuv : i respect yur age [2025-03-01 03:42:33] PeacenLuv : u smart dude [2025-03-01 03:42:35] clarknova : hahahaah you shouldn't [2025-03-01 03:42:38] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: AGE OF WHAT YA KANT HUH [2025-03-01 03:42:52] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: hf dykweed thought i lost u [2025-03-01 03:42:55] clarknova : off to bed o. [2025-03-01 03:43:04] clarknova : Almost 5AM here [2025-03-01 03:43:40] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: roll a long, fat one for dis 1 my barat .. ;) [2025-03-01 03:44:35] SAATANA PERKELE : clarknova: not low enough [2025-03-01 03:45:03] SAATANA PERKELE : clarknova: the 2y open low retest, what was it, 42k? [2025-03-01 03:46:44] PeacenLuv : basically longing tc u get a cut of all the action above here every transaction pay [2025-03-01 03:47:00] PeacenLuv : everyone everywhere adds to yur income [2025-03-01 03:47:16] PeacenLuv : btc rulez [2025-03-01 03:47:23] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: look at the funding, so many short bouta get liqd its not even funnee hunnee :kek: LMAOOOO [2025-03-01 03:47:40] PeacenLuv : its design immaculate for its period of time [2025-03-01 03:47:55] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: who phukin cares i chart [2025-03-01 03:48:17] PeacenLuv : thnx for yur concern i know where yur headz at peace enjoy ill leave u alone [2025-03-01 03:48:24] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: are your chars in alignment with the age of aquarius? [2025-03-01 03:48:28] PeacenLuv : i tried to mute u [2025-03-01 03:48:36] SAATANA PERKELE : we fucking rule, water for FUCKING everyone [2025-03-01 03:48:39] SAATANA PERKELE : DRIP DRIP DRIP [2025-03-01 03:48:40] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: im snake [2025-03-01 03:48:45] SAATANA PERKELE : MIGHT AS WELL SAY THANK YOU [2025-03-01 03:49:03] PeacenLuv : ive ate beating cobra hearts with heinekenz so lookout [2025-03-01 03:49:09] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: im pig :eyes: [2025-03-01 03:49:15] PeacenLuv : idc [2025-03-01 03:49:26] PeacenLuv : peace..gotta go [2025-03-01 03:49:38] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: heineez are gay af, worst commercial lager ever. [2025-03-01 03:50:36] PeacenLuv : Zero the Hero (2004 Remaster) Black Sabbath btc bully lezgoohh [2025-03-01 03:50:59] PeacenLuv : im no beer drinker palinka n scotch or lilcoke nrum n ice thnx [2025-03-01 03:51:21] PeacenLuv : pina coladas n chichiz [2025-03-01 03:51:25] SAATANA PERKELE : >Video unavailable This video is not available [2025-03-01 03:51:49] SAATANA PERKELE : shit, guess i'm not among the chosen ones [2025-03-01 03:52:28] PeacenLuv : dubl rum vodka or tequila paralizerz good n black or white russians i like to and shooters b52z n stuff sex on beech flaming demarara [2025-03-01 03:52:58] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: dis 1 nevurr dies tho :doge: [2025-03-01 03:53:11] PeacenLuv : see im talkin i shud be adding longs usd stackin up [2025-03-01 03:53:24] PeacenLuv : SAATANA PERKELE: peace out i really gotta go [2025-03-01 03:53:41] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: no. oly watch, volume is lower than my libido :kek: [2025-03-01 03:54:34] SAATANA PERKELE : 3-4 more weeks of this low volime bs like we had the past coupla weeks, and the suddenly "*bullrun back on!"* [2025-03-01 03:56:47] SAATANA PERKELE : elle était si jolie, je ne pense toujours à elle [2025-03-01 03:56:52] SAATANA PERKELE : goodbye forever [2025-03-01 04:08:58] SAATANA PERKELE : PeacenLuv: [2025-03-01 04:11:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 50 XRP @ 2.1991 ($112.32) [2025-03-01 04:16:30] Yourholyhireless : quality of human body is pathetic [2025-03-01 04:18:16] SAATANA PERKELE : Yourholyhireless: [2025-03-01 04:18:21] SAATANA PERKELE : Yourholyhireless: ? [2025-03-01 04:18:49] SAATANA PERKELE : Yourholyhireless: 60k wont hold [2025-03-01 04:19:02] SAATANA PERKELE : 🍔🍟🍦 [2025-03-01 04:20:21] Yourholyhireless : ♿ ejeelchairs wojnt hold [2025-03-01 04:20:46] Yourholyhireless : btc to 6 trillion [2025-03-01 04:22:52] ninnk : yes 60 trillion pico satoshis wont hold [2025-03-01 04:22:59] ninnk : oh shit im back [2025-03-01 04:24:01] ninnk : funding = debt [2025-03-01 04:25:49] ninnk : both rsi and stoch say sell for scalping :eyes: [2025-03-01 04:29:04] ninnk : [2025-03-01 04:29:20] ninnk : PAMDAMEET :rocket::downrocket: [2025-03-01 05:01:09] 45th_blown_account : from here only up :arthur: [2025-03-01 05:09:29] 45th_blown_account : Black rock sold 9k bitcoins :doge:. we are winning [2025-03-01 05:40:22] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgohh btc [2025-03-01 05:42:04] bitforyou : Crypto summit lol [2025-03-01 05:43:17] bitforyou : Big pump this sunday [2025-03-01 06:02:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 85506.6 - Game over [2025-03-01 06:08:51] TG_Pilipili000 : today big bull moon [2025-03-01 06:09:37] TG_Pilipili000 : ultra send it [2025-03-01 06:11:39] TG_Pilipili000 : never ending pump shortsqueeze to 150k [2025-03-01 06:14:58] TG_Pilipili000 : perfect setup people will tp too soon and start to short, bybit news shorters will try to cover [2025-03-01 06:16:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4500 USD @ 85400.2 [2025-03-01 06:17:54] TG_Pilipili000 : full blast to price discovery [2025-03-01 06:26:26] TG_Pilipili000 : or just a stupid grid and trade an infinite boring range [2025-03-01 06:29:45] TG_Pilipili000 : the lgbt pattern [2025-03-01 06:34:51] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0400 XBT @ 84894 ($3,395.61) [2025-03-01 06:48:06] PeacenLuv : buy the dips btc 5min [2025-03-01 06:49:17] PeacenLuv : 5min a battle of 2 trends btc [2025-03-01 06:49:26] TG_Pilipili000 : or nuke it lower and close the casino so people go back to productive things like copycating your vaporware tech company with AI [2025-03-01 06:50:02] TG_Pilipili000 : doesn't seem like much option either gay of follow the plan [2025-03-01 06:50:56] PeacenLuv : tweeked it better set [2025-03-01 07:38:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 8000 USD @ 84736.8 [2025-03-01 07:40:33] 45th_blown_account : when bitcoin great again ? [2025-03-01 07:41:54] Schmico666 : DOOM!!!! [2025-03-01 07:46:00] nikaxbt : dom [2025-03-01 08:26:58] 45th_blown_account : White House to host crypto summit (more adoption, less ponzi pumps and dumps :pepe:) [2025-03-01 08:49:09] Gandalf the Grey : Donald rekt Zelensky lmao [2025-03-01 08:49:17] Gandalf the Grey : bro got kicked out [2025-03-01 08:49:20] Gandalf the Grey : lol [2025-03-01 08:49:43] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: yo :doge: [2025-03-01 08:52:11] 45th_blown_account : XRP GOD: hey hey hey :doge: [2025-03-01 09:04:29] Symphoenix : down [2025-03-01 09:04:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.6232 XBT @ 85259.4 ($53,124.96) - Bullrun cancelled? [2025-03-01 09:16:59] nikaxbt : ZELENSKY was kiked back to comedy [2025-03-01 09:17:00] nikaxbt : hahhaha [2025-03-01 09:17:10] nikaxbt : wy i have like a green screen meme wojack [2025-03-01 09:17:14] nikaxbt : ? anyboday has same [2025-03-01 09:17:16] nikaxbt : ?¿ [2025-03-01 09:40:44] PeacenLuv : longing the dip btc lezgohh [2025-03-01 09:42:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 7 SOL @ 142.77 ($1,383.76) [2025-03-01 09:45:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AEVOUSDT`: Sell 2487 AEVO @ 0.1516 ($382.75) [2025-03-01 09:46:06] nikaxbt : i win btc long now eth nukes [2025-03-01 09:46:20] nikaxbt : fuk eth i dont trade more gay vitalik shitshow [2025-03-01 10:08:02] BMEXcheers : is trump a good guy trying to make the world a better place [2025-03-01 10:08:16] BMEXcheers : my guild told me to stop reading reddit front page on trump [2025-03-01 10:08:19] BMEXcheers : its an echo chamber [2025-03-01 10:10:09] nikaxbt : zelenky got rekt on live media [2025-03-01 10:10:16] nikaxbt : what a clown [2025-03-01 10:13:23] BMEXcheers : when :¬) [2025-03-01 10:13:34] BMEXcheers : i hear the world is supporting zelenky [2025-03-01 10:13:43] BMEXcheers : and only fat peepoo support trump [2025-03-01 10:14:43] Hottentot : Trump and Putin are the same, Putin is more clever than Trump, but Zelensky is hero defending his country. [2025-03-01 10:15:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 1 SOL @ 142.39 ($197.68) [2025-03-01 10:19:40] 45th_blown_account : when Zelensky great again ? :doge: [2025-03-01 10:20:01] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: he is cooked :doge: [2025-03-01 10:20:16] Hottentot : For three years, for decades, for centuries we see bolshevik imperialism, now USA chose the side. EU is weak, but still on right side of history. [2025-03-01 10:20:20] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 170.3000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 13.25 ($2,278.95) - Check your inbox [2025-03-01 10:21:21] 45th_blown_account : XRP GOD: :catjam: Trump coin 13 from 85 ? shouldnt he sign that his coin cannot go any lower ? [2025-03-01 10:21:54] 45th_blown_account : Trump 1st thing he did like a president is to make 2 ponzi schemes , rug pulls :arthur: [2025-03-01 10:22:28] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: recession soon:doge: [2025-03-01 10:22:43] 45th_blown_account : XRP GOD: ww3 first then recession :doge: [2025-03-01 10:22:46] Gandalf the Grey : ramadan rug pull soooon? [2025-03-01 10:22:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000 USD @ 84931.7 [2025-03-01 10:23:15] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: :doge: [2025-03-01 10:23:16] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 0.6700 ETH @ 2208.47 ($1,479.70) [2025-03-01 10:30:16] 45th_blown_account : blackrock sold 66k ETHs and 11k BTCs :doge: [2025-03-01 10:30:37] 45th_blown_account : i dont see them in their balance :pepe: [2025-03-01 10:30:44] 45th_blown_account : blackrock = weak hands [2025-03-01 10:57:31] BMEXcheers : you may think youre going hard with a degen trade in the early hours of the weekend but you'll never go as hard as Zelensky [2025-03-01 11:10:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 44 Cont @ 2188.71 ($8,156.63) - Check your inbox [2025-03-01 11:12:09] Gandalf the Grey : 70kek coming again? [2025-03-01 11:14:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000 USD @ 84591.8 [2025-03-01 11:14:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 84575.3 - 🐳 [2025-03-01 11:19:17] BMEXcheers : mfw I see trollbox giving political advice: [2025-03-01 11:19:22] BMEXcheers : topbanana [2025-03-01 11:19:46] weiron12 : eth collapsing [2025-03-01 11:23:26] PeacenLuv : longing the dips btc lezgohh pimpittup 15min [2025-03-01 11:34:07] blaster33 : binance is trying to save the market with their plunge protection [2025-03-01 11:34:13] blaster33 : i laught if this gets smashed [2025-03-01 11:37:29] bitforyou : Shorts delusional [2025-03-01 11:37:50] bitforyou : Easy long here [2025-03-01 11:48:47] nikaxbt : [2025-03-01 11:48:50] nikaxbt : CUCHIGANG [2025-03-01 11:48:55] nikaxbt : LIMIT binancio [2025-03-01 11:50:58] nikaxbt : [2025-03-01 11:51:02] nikaxbt : dick patern [2025-03-01 12:14:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TIAUSDT`: Sell 32 TIA @ 4.0842 ($130.68) [2025-03-01 12:21:35] Joeyy132 : Lol [2025-03-01 12:21:40] Joeyy132 : food morning lads [2025-03-01 12:21:45] Joeyy132 : called it to perfection once again [2025-03-01 12:21:52] Joeyy132 : 86.3 completed mate [2025-03-01 12:26:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 9 Cont @ 2177.57 ($1,658.00) [2025-03-01 12:33:00] nikaxbt : @joey132 nice one [2025-03-01 12:37:43] btcgozero : lmao these bots are buggy as hell [2025-03-01 12:38:14] Atlemos : btcgozero: what bots? [2025-03-01 12:38:25] btcgozero : intraday scalper [2025-03-01 12:38:29] btcgozero : bitmex bots [2025-03-01 12:39:03] Atlemos : btcgozero: Trading Bot Linde pretty good calibrated [2025-03-01 12:39:30] btcgozero : it shouldnt instantly change settings when being edited lmao [2025-03-01 13:11:55] Dr. Casper Darling : shorting here is like shorting 3k [2025-03-01 13:11:58] Dr. Casper Darling : a true kroleg move [2025-03-01 13:16:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `LTCUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 123.86 ($20.90) [2025-03-01 13:16:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 20040 DOGE @ 0.20111 ($4,029.42) - REKT! [2025-03-01 13:16:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `NEARUSDT`: Sell 639 NEAR @ 3.09 ($2,003.26) - when moon? [2025-03-01 13:16:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 2.1463 ($36.22) [2025-03-01 13:18:18] Atlemos : Dr. Casper Darling: 😆 [2025-03-01 13:19:53] weiron12 : eth nuke [2025-03-01 13:19:57] weiron12 : to 0 [2025-03-01 13:21:02] blaster33 : lmao [2025-03-01 13:21:12] blaster33 : ETH never disappoints bears [2025-03-01 13:23:55] chujev : lolol eth [2025-03-01 13:24:31] Lord Werner : :catjam: [2025-03-01 13:24:56] Joeyy132 : LOL [2025-03-01 13:25:11] Joeyy132 : judge really did dismiss the case against Richard heart [2025-03-01 13:25:13] Joeyy132 : rightly so [2025-03-01 13:25:32] Joeyy132 : 86k is completed so now it’s time for 77 [2025-03-01 13:32:16] BMEXcheers : theres this guy in my team at work who is around 58 and lives in essex who swears on his mums life hes not racist [2025-03-01 13:32:18] BMEXcheers : mfw [2025-03-01 13:41:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 12 Cont @ 2.1423 ($434.25) [2025-03-01 13:42:25] weiron12 : Joeyy132: wow im happy for him [2025-03-01 13:42:52] weiron12 : roger ver faces lifetime prison [2025-03-01 13:43:19] weiron12 : for taxes [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `POLUSDT`: Sell 6500 POL @ 0.2658 ($1,885.65) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MEUSDT`: Sell 200 ME @ 1.3167 ($263.32) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `OPUSDT`: Sell 300 OP @ 1.0516 ($309.90) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TONUSDT`: Sell 263 TON @ 3.2147 ($919.24) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SEIUSDT`: Sell 4000 SEI @ 0.2433 ($973.20) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AVAXUSDT`: Sell 20 AVAX @ 21.07 ($421.32) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `100BONKUSDT`: Sell 100000 100BONK @ 0.0013074 ($163.45) [2025-03-01 13:50:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AAVEUSDT`: Sell 2 AAVE @ 183.64 ($459.15) [2025-03-01 13:59:17] Lord Werner : RonnieREKT: KILL EM RONN [2025-03-01 14:01:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 135 Cont @ 139.82 ($1,595.50) [2025-03-01 14:12:00] BMEXcheers : i mean [2025-03-01 14:12:10] BMEXcheers : the top signal was obvious [2025-03-01 14:26:57] PeacenLuv : bully btc likesohh [2025-03-01 14:27:30] PeacenLuv : thenolans crosstrade system [2025-03-01 14:30:12] Symphoenix : next target = 14h51 UTC [2025-03-01 14:30:46] PeacenLuv : buy the dip bully btc lezgohh [2025-03-01 14:30:55] PeacenLuv : 30min [2025-03-01 14:31:11] 45th_blown_account : when Melania rug pull again ? :doge: [2025-03-01 14:31:16] PeacenLuv : bad link abov [2025-03-01 14:31:52] PeacenLuv : the more u trade the more i make lezgohh [2025-03-01 14:34:54] PeacenLuv : 5min bully nolans cross lezgohh btc [2025-03-01 14:35:30] PeacenLuv : happens to b a waveetunnel in there too [2025-03-01 14:52:42] Symphoenix : down [2025-03-01 14:59:39] ninnk : happy first day of spring everyone <3 [2025-03-01 15:07:48] PeacenLuv : bully btc lezgohhh pumpittup dohn forget to long bmex tokens high lev [2025-03-01 15:08:00] PeacenLuv : ninnk: hey u againn arghh [2025-03-01 15:08:08] PeacenLuv : pink too ffzakez hi [2025-03-01 15:08:22] PeacenLuv : nevuhmind im bizzee peace [2025-03-01 15:08:38] PeacenLuv : 5min bitcoin lil pampee here lezgooohh [2025-03-01 15:09:21] PeacenLuv : bmex token shud really break zoon up [2025-03-01 15:13:16] PeacenLuv : i think a USA purchaser on bmex i kinda know who but dont feel gewd about sayin in this community where i am not average trader community of traders we dohn know each other iz private [2025-03-01 15:13:56] PeacenLuv : my new rule never move my longstops lower [2025-03-01 15:14:18] PeacenLuv : never fund acct [2025-03-01 15:14:26] PeacenLuv : no phone trading [2025-03-01 15:14:40] PeacenLuv : hit ever buitzch i can [2025-03-01 15:42:48] Yourholyhireless : many longe30k [2025-03-01 15:43:32] Yourholyhireless : bulls are running 30k is coming [2025-03-01 15:44:03] Yourholyhireless : 🍟😌 [2025-03-01 15:44:07] Joeyy132 : Xrp going for a pump [2025-03-01 15:44:11] Joeyy132 : 2.23 incoming [2025-03-01 15:44:22] Yourholyhireless : Joeyy132: Mc Donalds will end it when it starts [2025-03-01 15:45:09] Joeyy132 : Can someone market buy some Bmex plz [2025-03-01 15:50:38] BMEXcheers : status can only be achieved if you look like this: [2025-03-01 15:58:31] PeacenLuv : therez btc bully untweeked trenz frenz [2025-03-01 15:58:56] PeacenLuv : 15min ejaculation greenboner [2025-03-01 15:59:48] BMEXcheers : you think youre going hard because your life let you drop lsd and have a cheeky nose beer on the weekend, but you'll never go hard like Zelensky [2025-03-01 15:59:51] BMEXcheers : remember the name [2025-03-01 16:00:53] PeacenLuv : now therez a nice snap shot btc bully p2p ny wallstreet 11am [2025-03-01 16:01:00] PeacenLuv : bankz closed [2025-03-01 16:01:15] PeacenLuv : shudda owned a bank kidz [2025-03-01 16:02:12] PeacenLuv : 12,765,535 been a long time since under 10milly per psycho barrier [2025-03-01 16:03:13] PeacenLuv : more recently shy of 111k so easier to return to something more recent than further back in time,,shud be taught to all fixed wing pilots of the air [2025-03-01 16:03:48] PeacenLuv : ya i phukin longed 110758 im averaging downnn [2025-03-01 16:04:03] PeacenLuv : wifez a lil puzzed [2025-03-01 16:04:08] PeacenLuv : pizzed [2025-03-01 16:04:22] PeacenLuv : y didnt u sell [2025-03-01 16:04:29] PeacenLuv : lol i did i did [2025-03-01 16:04:48] PeacenLuv : im big phukeen btc seller matchin my buyz [2025-03-01 16:05:01] PeacenLuv : in n out like tidez ebb n flow [2025-03-01 16:05:25] PeacenLuv : darkness still remainz below the surface of the waters [2025-03-01 16:05:50] 45th_blown_account : its over for bullas :doge: [2025-03-01 16:05:54] PeacenLuv : maybe thtas that 85 percent dark matter they speak of [2025-03-01 16:06:08] PeacenLuv : 45th_blown_account: ya gnite irene big shortz here [2025-03-01 16:07:02] PeacenLuv : 45th_blown_account: u mind me askin wats yur take on zilenzki n trump meeting talk about fast transfer of info [2025-03-01 16:07:37] PeacenLuv : yur a govmnt employee right? of Sicily [2025-03-01 16:15:58] 45th_blown_account : PeacenLuv: nicely staged the zenensky - Trump meeting :arthur: [2025-03-01 16:17:29] yellowpig : :doge: [2025-03-01 16:17:39] 45th_blown_account : The "big bad wolf " is Putin not Zelensky. we wont throw away decades of anti-russian propaganda , ww3 fear just because Zelensky lost some billions and cant find them. [2025-03-01 16:18:39] 45th_blown_account : Trump - Zelenksi = Best friend in 2-3 years, the goldfish wont even remember this meeting @PeacenLuv :arthur: [2025-03-01 16:19:20] 45th_blown_account : who is going be anxious for a war against Ukraine ? :arthur: no one. Against Putin ?Better :arthur: [2025-03-01 16:26:39] btcgozero : Trump is out to show everyone he's the best buisinessman the world has ever seen. There is more money in doing deals with Russia than fighting them so war is out of the window for now. [2025-03-01 16:29:46] BMEXcheers : we are zelensky (minus the dying part heh thats all on you) [2025-03-01 16:30:17] Joeyy132 : btcgozero: agreed [2025-03-01 16:30:56] Joeyy132 : And I’m about to show you guys why I’m the best trader the world has ever seen [2025-03-01 16:31:13] btcgozero : best of luck to you Joeyy [2025-03-01 16:31:38] Joeyy132 : btcgozero: thank you brother same goes for you [2025-03-01 16:32:04] btcgozero : 👍👍 [2025-03-01 16:32:46] capgros : celenski moron [2025-03-01 16:33:20] btcgozero : all he had to do was put on a suit, say thank you and eat some nice food [2025-03-01 16:33:38] PeacenLuv : hf i got a liquid on a long position xbt usd perpz at 84666.6 [2025-03-01 16:33:41] PeacenLuv : im phuked [2025-03-01 16:33:54] btcgozero : he either got trolled by EU politicians who wont deliver or he just too emotional [2025-03-01 16:34:02] PeacenLuv : entree 84795.3 1 of 3 soon 4 longz btc [2025-03-01 16:34:20] PeacenLuv : im starting a crypto college or collage [2025-03-01 16:34:54] btcgozero : people love seeing others get rekt [2025-03-01 16:36:05] PeacenLuv : maybe i can make a platform that jus longz btc and have multiples of positions maybe 1 for each country [2025-03-01 16:36:20] PeacenLuv : btcgozero: ya munne in the pot [2025-03-01 16:36:34] PeacenLuv : i wudnt sell it if i cudnt get it back [2025-03-01 16:37:31] btcgozero : thats what all the gamblers say [2025-03-01 16:38:09] btcgozero : next round I'm gonna make it all good [2025-03-01 16:38:39] BMEXcheers : we fixed the indian accent problem but cant cure baldness? [2025-03-01 16:38:48] BMEXcheers : *SLAMS NEWSPAPER ON DESK* [2025-03-01 16:39:25] btcgozero : lmao scam callcenters the first to ditch their employees in favour of AI? [2025-03-01 16:39:35] btcgozero : AI gonna be big [2025-03-01 16:39:47] btcgozero : All in on Altman [2025-03-01 16:45:21] 45th_blown_account : i have 4 AI engines bookmarked and now Microsoft made hers. Everyone will make their own [2025-03-01 16:45:49] btcgozero : yeah the race is on [2025-03-01 16:45:50] 45th_blown_account : Elon`s AI GROK is very good, and very good updated. Gemini not updated at all [2025-03-01 16:48:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 300 USD @ 84906.4 - Game over [2025-03-01 16:56:46] 45th_blown_account : time to sell bmex, bitmex on sale :arthur: [2025-03-01 16:58:23] 45th_blown_account : :catjam: [2025-03-01 17:00:16] 45th_blown_account : :catjam: [2025-03-01 17:18:39] 45th_blown_account : :doge: [2025-03-01 17:24:38] BMEXcheers : hey, you, cryptobro.... [2025-03-01 17:24:54] BMEXcheers : you think youre going hard? Try going a few round with Zelensky [2025-03-01 17:25:03] BMEXcheers : muddaf0rker goes harder than any man alive [2025-03-01 17:26:54] btcgozero : zelensky is a midget [2025-03-01 17:35:42] 45th_blown_account : wait, fight Zelensky while he is on coke ? or sober ? [2025-03-01 17:38:16] BMEXcheers : lower your tone if your country wouldnt last less than 3 days against russia let alone 3 years.....Zelensky, remember the name [2025-03-01 17:40:15] 45th_blown_account : unfortunately yeah, we remember it :pepe: [2025-03-01 17:42:48] btcgozero : get out of the disinformation bubble cheers [2025-03-01 17:42:55] BMEXcheers : i cant [2025-03-01 17:42:59] btcgozero : you must [2025-03-01 17:43:04] btcgozero : break freee [2025-03-01 17:43:06] BMEXcheers : i have another year of waiting around before life is back on track [2025-03-01 17:43:14] BMEXcheers : so i keep refreshing reddit or facebook [2025-03-01 17:43:20] BMEXcheers : im too lazy to go on 4chan anymore [2025-03-01 17:43:20] btcgozero : rip [2025-03-01 17:43:26] BMEXcheers : :( [2025-03-01 17:44:04] BMEXcheers : my day: take stimulents, inhale hongthai, look at face in camera phone, browse internet [2025-03-01 17:44:33] btcgozero : just stop at part 1 and do that all day [2025-03-01 17:45:36] btcgozero : only in EU propoganda bubble is Zelensky achieving anything else than more death [2025-03-01 17:45:56] btcgozero : the end game is already set, it can end now, or Trump will make the deal with Putin [2025-03-01 17:46:40] btcgozero : EU is a toothless tiger. it will take years to agree on any meaningfull response force other than printing some euros [2025-03-01 17:47:08] btcgozero : by then Zelly is long gone and the pie has been devided [2025-03-01 17:47:51] BMEXcheers : good goy trump just wants his piece of the pie for the amerilards [2025-03-01 17:47:54] BMEXcheers : i get it now [2025-03-01 17:47:58] BMEXcheers : minerals baby [2025-03-01 17:48:13] btcgozero : Trump is a 100% capitalist without morals [2025-03-01 17:48:24] btcgozero : he dont care as long as its USA in the green [2025-03-01 17:48:52] BlissRP : btcgozero: but hes opting for short term suffering even in the USA [2025-03-01 17:48:53] BlissRP : lmao [2025-03-01 17:48:54] BMEXcheers : what about your boy elon [2025-03-01 17:48:59] BlissRP : "short term" [2025-03-01 17:49:21] BMEXcheers : hes had 13 children now and ive not even had 1 [2025-03-01 17:49:22] btcgozero : if you want to change a system there is bound to be some pain first [2025-03-01 17:49:30] btcgozero : 14 [2025-03-01 17:49:33] btcgozero : iirc [2025-03-01 17:49:35] BMEXcheers : damnnn [2025-03-01 17:49:43] btcgozero : yesterday or the day before [2025-03-01 17:49:47] btcgozero : but its all IVF [2025-03-01 17:49:49] 45th_blown_account : people in USA flashing their big yachts and cars and the goldern toilets while their country owes so much money :doge: If banks dont mind lending them money, i dont mind either :doge: [2025-03-01 17:49:52] btcgozero : elon is something else [2025-03-01 17:50:24] BMEXcheers : should i buy a tesla [2025-03-01 17:50:41] btcgozero : if you like them you do you [2025-03-01 17:50:44] BMEXcheers : people wont judge me, im brown [2025-03-01 17:51:01] btcgozero : I like older gasoliine cars because I can work on them as a hobby [2025-03-01 17:52:08] btcgozero : but Trump will make a deal with anyone that has something to offer for the USA, and tariffs if they dont [2025-03-01 17:52:19] btcgozero : hes on the money making machine [2025-03-01 17:53:11] btcgozero : PALANTIR will tear our digital souls right open in the meantime but profit is profit ig [2025-03-01 17:54:25] BMEXcheers : i mean so long as my sun screen, moisturiser, tretnoin, modafinil, testosterone supply chain doesnt get all for "world peace" [2025-03-01 17:54:26] BMEXcheers : heh [2025-03-01 17:54:59] btcgozero : Kennedy all about that HRT so dw [2025-03-01 17:55:40] btcgozero : moisturiser will be questionable with Diddy no longer buying [2025-03-01 17:56:06] BMEXcheers : :¬) [2025-03-01 17:56:15] BMEXcheers : hrt keeps me happy [2025-03-01 17:56:20] BMEXcheers : modafinil keeps me earning [2025-03-01 17:56:35] BMEXcheers : the rest is skin care, its 2025 - gotta keep up with the Jones' [2025-03-01 17:57:14] btcgozero : yeah its great having great skin while wasting your life away online :D [2025-03-01 17:58:07] BMEXcheers : last year i had a facelift [2025-03-01 17:58:52] BMEXcheers : i spoke to the nurse recently and she thought I was a gay guy because she said only gay guys would come for facelifts....i was like 'hunni, please' 'its 2025' [2025-03-01 17:59:19] btcgozero : its ok to be open about it [2025-03-01 17:59:27] MrLS : Gotta love snail price action [2025-03-01 18:00:25] btcgozero : crawling up and down the rolling hills until we meet mountains again when we near the borders of the NYSE [2025-03-01 18:01:34] bitforyou : Sideways By [2025-03-01 18:02:41] BMEXcheers : i have reddit posts about my surgery before that [2025-03-01 18:02:43] btcgozero : its slow up though. slowly crawling higher and higher away from my smol short position [2025-03-01 18:02:58] BMEXcheers : and I had my second hair transplant just before christmas so leeting that grow in [2025-03-01 18:03:30] btcgozero : y tho [2025-03-01 18:03:41] BMEXcheers : addictive personality [2025-03-01 18:03:49] BMEXcheers : huge improvement from where i started [2025-03-01 18:04:01] btcgozero : still the same person bro [2025-03-01 18:04:07] BMEXcheers : thats the best part [2025-03-01 18:04:12] BMEXcheers : its all me yo [2025-03-01 18:04:24] btcgozero : if it makes you happy its cool ig [2025-03-01 18:04:39] btcgozero : I always wonder where the end is if you start down that road [2025-03-01 18:06:01] PeacenLuv : 1hr btc bully lezgohh longittup [2025-03-01 18:06:03] btcgozero : I have confidence lvl 9000 so I dont give a shit what anyone thinks about how I look but I do wonder what makes people want to do those things to themselfs as the end goal looks to be unreachable, always somehting to improve [2025-03-01 18:06:34] btcgozero : not judging btw, if you're happy with it I'm happy for youi [2025-03-01 18:07:29] PeacenLuv : tunnel abov beckoning lezgooohh i tweeked the pink horizontal itz pleasing [2025-03-01 18:09:45] BMEXcheers : ive got 3 more surgeries remaining theres nothing after that....i will have done some of the most extreme surgeries out there [2025-03-01 18:10:14] 45th_blown_account : :doge: [2025-03-01 18:11:12] PeacenLuv : i put my munnee on it btc bearz losing trend battle lezgohh [2025-03-01 18:11:37] PeacenLuv : 15min btc bully az phuk [2025-03-01 18:12:09] btcgozero : so you're like completing the collection [2025-03-01 18:15:07] 45th_blown_account : :catjam: [2025-03-01 18:23:03] 45th_blown_account : :doge: [2025-03-01 18:24:52] Yourholyhireless : bullrun has ended 😌 [2025-03-01 18:28:29] PeacenLuv : bully btc nolans cross trading srtategy appilied to usdxbtperpz im selling long signals for bmex tokens umm cheap [2025-03-01 18:28:52] PeacenLuv : contact me in tb mex we can werk something out [2025-03-01 18:29:11] PeacenLuv : ohh phuk nohh bmex wallet can we just call ourselvez ltc [2025-03-01 18:29:38] PeacenLuv : wat a scam eth chain u dint zee it cumming cuz yur eyez clozed mouth open [2025-03-01 18:30:37] PeacenLuv : right now temporary very longstops up85005 lezgooohh btc pumpittup fully bully i gotta go have a toke peace [2025-03-01 18:32:33] PeacenLuv : Fairies Wear Boots Black Sabbath btc bullyz lezgohh [2025-03-01 18:33:39] Gjergj : iHS btc [2025-03-01 18:33:41] Gjergj : send it [2025-03-01 18:36:07] Joeyy132 : Xrp 2.23 [2025-03-01 18:36:09] Joeyy132 : lfg [2025-03-01 18:36:12] Joeyy132 : pomp it [2025-03-01 18:36:26] BlissRP : pompeet [2025-03-01 18:41:41] BMEXcheers : slams paper on table: [2025-03-01 18:41:52] BMEXcheers : this is what the people want [2025-03-01 18:41:53] BMEXcheers : :) [2025-03-01 18:45:29] PeacenLuv : Empire of the Clouds Iron Maiden btc bully lezgohh @Gjergj nicce call [2025-03-01 18:45:50] Gjergj : :arthur: :rocket: [2025-03-01 19:16:13] Gjergj : long your longs [2025-03-01 19:16:15] Gjergj : :rocket: [2025-03-01 19:26:19] Gjergj : PAIN PAIN PAIN [2025-03-01 19:32:25] Gjergj : send it [2025-03-01 19:32:29] Gjergj : quick [2025-03-01 19:32:29] Gjergj : brutal [2025-03-01 19:32:30] Gjergj : fast [2025-03-01 19:32:37] Gjergj : no mercy [2025-03-01 19:32:39] Gjergj : :rocket: [2025-03-01 19:33:04] Gjergj : imagine being short [2025-03-01 19:33:06] Gjergj : gaaay