This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2025-02-28 02:50:23]
HuskySquared :
we may have a chance
[2025-02-28 02:50:52]
so anyway what color should my coffin be
[2025-02-28 02:51:05]
i was thinking neon yellow
[2025-02-28 02:51:16]
with pink flames
[2025-02-28 02:51:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0195 XBT @ 79646.5 ($1,552.14)
[2025-02-28 02:51:37]
Yourholyhireless :
guys 😌
[2025-02-28 02:51:42]
Yourholyhireless :
the bullrun has started
[2025-02-28 02:51:45]
Yourholyhireless :
[2025-02-28 02:51:50]
MANsa_MOONsa :
how low we ging
[2025-02-28 02:51:54]
clarknova :
SAATANA PERKELE: orange like trump
[2025-02-28 02:52:00]
MANsa_MOONsa :
/position btcusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -70,000 USD @ 87521.9899
[2025-02-28 02:52:15]
clarknova: orange like btc, because it's going to fucking 0 :D
[2025-02-28 02:52:18]
Yourholyhireless :
is 5 minute man bathing in mayonese?
[2025-02-28 02:52:29]
clarknova :
yup :)
[2025-02-28 02:52:35]
Yourholyhireless :
remoulade souce?
[2025-02-28 02:53:22]
Fuck it going to get of my phone I have to drive not gonna set a stop gl brothers lmao
[2025-02-28 02:54:40]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 02:55:21]
contract details :
LL_from_DEEZNOTES: it was good meeting you
[2025-02-28 02:55:24]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 02:55:51]
3times7timesmillion :
drive safer than you trade
[2025-02-28 02:59:03]
PeacenLuv :
phuk me i boughtvtge dip entry 79833 pumpittupp
[2025-02-28 02:59:03]
HuskySquared :
3times7timesmillion: i dont have car license
[2025-02-28 02:59:05]
HuskySquared :
for that reason
[2025-02-28 02:59:55]
PeacenLuv :
Yourholyhireless: pumpittup lezzgo bully 1 day tunnel support up n awayyy bitcoin
[2025-02-28 03:00:35]
PeacenLuv :
😕dewmee btc bearz lwzgoo
[2025-02-28 03:00:38]
PeacenLuv: what 1 day tunnel man :kek: that was yesterday
[2025-02-28 03:00:38]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:00:39]
HuskySquared :
all time high
[2025-02-28 03:00:55]
[2025-02-28 03:01:19]
bottom of 3D tunnnel at 61k
[2025-02-28 03:01:35]
16800 it is
[2025-02-28 03:09:42]
SteveS. :
[2025-02-28 03:09:59]
HuskySquared :
SteveS.: they are tryign to sell
[2025-02-28 03:10:01]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:10:03]
HuskySquared :
do u want to buy it
[2025-02-28 03:10:22]
Just pls pump from here
[2025-02-28 03:10:25]
SteveS. :
HuskySquared: I already own 20%
[2025-02-28 03:11:01]
SteveS. :
HuskySquared: bluemaster if the official mIl guy
[2025-02-28 03:11:10]
SteveS. :
Mail guy
[2025-02-28 03:11:21]
Yourholyhireless :
PeacenLuv: lol you are so rekt man
[2025-02-28 03:16:52]
HuskySquared :
mex trying to sell itself is the canary
[2025-02-28 03:16:55]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:16:59]
HuskySquared :
the music is over
[2025-02-28 03:19:05]
HuskySquared :
this is some mad max level shit tbh
[2025-02-28 03:19:50]
contract details :
they are selling the top
[2025-02-28 03:19:59]
contract details :
all bitmex people retiring to italian vilas
[2025-02-28 03:22:09]
contract details :
that was it?
[2025-02-28 03:22:14]
contract details :
great bounce :kek:
[2025-02-28 03:24:02]
My entry is 79669 lol
[2025-02-28 03:28:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 57.9000 SOL @ 129.28 ($11,445.67) - ouch..
[2025-02-28 03:30:20]
PeacenLuv : buy the dip btc @LL_from_DEEZNOTES ive got 3 long entrees xbtusd perpz
[2025-02-28 03:30:53]
PeacenLuv :
[2025-02-28 03:31:17]
Is it really gonna keep dumping tho WTF
[2025-02-28 03:31:31]
"it will be........" :
[2025-02-28 03:31:43]
PeacenLuv :
81119 and 81025
[2025-02-28 03:31:59]
PeacenLuv :
big 1 is the 80653
[2025-02-28 03:32:10]
PeacenLuv: nice
[2025-02-28 03:32:14]
PeacenLuv :
was sub 80k added
[2025-02-28 03:32:28]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 03:32:36]
BlissRP :
how many times i gotta show you the prophecy ser
[2025-02-28 03:32:40]
PeacenLuv :
LL_from_DEEZNOTES: same az u yur kewl i saw some of yur remarkz earlier peace
[2025-02-28 03:32:43]
BlissRP :
its already 36 days old\
[2025-02-28 03:32:46]
PeacenLuv :
best yur wayy
[2025-02-28 03:32:48]
BlissRP :
mapped out for you
[2025-02-28 03:32:53]
BlissRP :
every step of the way
[2025-02-28 03:35:00]
It's Alts dying and bringing down BTC rn
[2025-02-28 03:35:02]
PeacenLuv : 15min holding tunnelz way upp price alwayyyzz returnz to tunnel
[2025-02-28 03:35:04]
Eth specifically
[2025-02-28 03:35:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SUSDT`: Sell 39610 S @ 0.6438 ($27,521.42) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2025-02-28 03:35:56]
PeacenLuv : purfekkt the liquidz bubble thiz iz greaat
[2025-02-28 03:35:58]
BlissRP: I can't see whatever you posted
[2025-02-28 03:36:06]
PeacenLuv: yes I r cool too homie dw
[2025-02-28 03:36:10]
PeacenLuv :
4.95milly in there
[2025-02-28 03:36:32]
BlissRP :
LL_from_DEEZNOTES: then keep being surprised ser
[2025-02-28 03:36:39]
BlissRP :
you were wernered
[2025-02-28 03:36:44]
BlissRP :
multiple wernings
[2025-02-28 03:36:51]
How when I can't see what you posted lmao
[2025-02-28 03:37:05]
PeacenLuv : first i seen a liquid bubble so big
[2025-02-28 03:37:25]
"it will be........" :
BlissRP: sick analysis sir
[2025-02-28 03:37:33]
PeacenLuv :
frickin wild
[2025-02-28 03:37:33]
"it will be........" :
[2025-02-28 03:38:56]
Is eth gonna go to 2k tonight and bring everything down with it
[2025-02-28 03:39:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4000 USD @ 80453.4
[2025-02-28 03:41:21]
BlissRP :
"it will be........": :doge:
[2025-02-28 03:43:59]
HuskySquared :
lol nikkei index
[2025-02-28 03:44:00]
HuskySquared :
dropping so hard
[2025-02-28 03:44:07]
HuskySquared :
you'd tink godzilla appeared in japan
[2025-02-28 03:44:43]
BlissRP :
that doesnt bode well
[2025-02-28 03:44:47]
BlissRP :
for rest of world
[2025-02-28 03:44:52]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:45:15]
contract details :
funny story i got out of bed cause i fat fingered a long on my phone while checking the nkd
[2025-02-28 03:45:17]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:45:18]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:45:23]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:47:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `LDOUSDT`: Sell 100 LDO @ 1.2363 ($134.39)
[2025-02-28 03:48:09]
BlissRP :
contract details: imagine getting out of a sol short from 272
[2025-02-28 03:48:13]
BlissRP :
what kind of idiot does that
[2025-02-28 03:48:17]
contract details :
BlissRP: i was short from 293
[2025-02-28 03:48:20]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 03:48:21]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSDT`: Sell 2230 XRP @ 2.0247 ($5,009.52) - No refunds :arthur:
[2025-02-28 03:48:24]
contract details :
now i am long underwater
[2025-02-28 03:48:32]
contract details :
because i have a brain tumor i guess
[2025-02-28 03:48:52]
contract details :
you buying 120?
[2025-02-28 03:48:59]
contract details :
or not even bothered to touch it anymore
[2025-02-28 03:49:09]
BlissRP :
i think so
[2025-02-28 03:49:14]
BlissRP :
i been sitting on my hands for days
[2025-02-28 03:49:53]
contract details :
it's happening today i guess
[2025-02-28 03:50:06]
contract details :
indices are also going down :pepe:
[2025-02-28 03:50:14]
contract details :
broke jan low with 0 buys
[2025-02-28 03:50:30]
contract details :
core pce today so congrats on sitting on your hands :kek:
[2025-02-28 03:53:02]
BlissRP :
yup it felt really sketchy to long already after only 1 or 2 days since breakdown
[2025-02-28 03:53:20]
BlissRP :
its a pretty long consolidation before the dump so i was expecting a longer move
[2025-02-28 03:53:29]
BlissRP :
but it could still keep going past my targets tbh
[2025-02-28 03:53:32]
BlissRP :
i will scale in slow
[2025-02-28 03:55:11]
contract details :
yeah i had my orders there
[2025-02-28 03:55:17]
contract details :
so no stop and then i just accepted my fate
[2025-02-28 03:55:21]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:55:26]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:55:27]
HuskySquared :
i also
[2025-02-28 03:55:29]
HuskySquared :
accepted fate tbh
[2025-02-28 03:55:31]
HuskySquared :
i expect zero today
[2025-02-28 03:56:02]
HuskySquared :
i will start
[2025-02-28 03:56:03]
contract details :
well my liq is like 60 on sol
[2025-02-28 03:56:05]
HuskySquared :
enjoying the small thnigs in life
[2025-02-28 03:56:08]
contract details :
can we get to my entry first :arthur:
[2025-02-28 03:56:28]
BlissRP :
contract details: safu
[2025-02-28 03:56:50]
contract details :
BlissRP: you never know man
[2025-02-28 03:56:56]
HuskySquared :
they legit
[2025-02-28 03:56:56]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 03:56:58]
HuskySquared :
the nikkei
[2025-02-28 03:56:59]
contract details :
that's why i hate long trades no stop
[2025-02-28 03:57:00]
HuskySquared :
for one hour
[2025-02-28 03:57:10]
BlissRP :
yeah were fooked
[2025-02-28 03:57:22]
contract details :
HuskySquared: cme nikkei still trading :kek:
[2025-02-28 03:57:32]
HuskySquared :
it just resumed
[2025-02-28 03:57:50]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:58:13]
contract details :
i wanna yolo so badly into it
[2025-02-28 03:58:21]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:58:28]
HuskySquared :
you really dont
[2025-02-28 03:58:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `NEARUSDT`: Sell 10 NEAR @ 2.838 ($31.35)
[2025-02-28 03:58:43]
contract details :
oh i do
[2025-02-28 03:58:44]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:59:04]
contract details :
BlissRP: do you use metamask?
[2025-02-28 03:59:17]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 03:59:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSDT`: Sell 20 XRP @ 2.0185 ($44.93)
[2025-02-28 03:59:42]
contract details :
ive just realised it doesnt have btc
[2025-02-28 03:59:43]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 03:59:54]
BlissRP :
lmao its eth based
[2025-02-28 04:00:08]
contract details :
yeah but it doesnt have wrapped btc?
[2025-02-28 04:00:11]
BlissRP :
will only have wrapped
[2025-02-28 04:00:13]
contract details :
only bnb wrap
[2025-02-28 04:00:15]
BlissRP :
it should
[2025-02-28 04:00:36]
BlissRP :
on bsc and avax-c
[2025-02-28 04:00:53]
BlissRP :
hardly ever use the eth part if im being honest
[2025-02-28 04:00:55]
BlissRP :
dead chain
[2025-02-28 04:01:23]
contract details :
what wallet do you use more often
[2025-02-28 04:01:28]
contract details :
i hate metacrap tbh
[2025-02-28 04:01:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSDT`: Sell 1000 XRP @ 2.0165 ($2,246.42) - For financial freedom!
[2025-02-28 04:01:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSD`: Sell 1587 Cont @ 0.5986 ($7,622.00) - Check your inbox
[2025-02-28 04:01:53]
BlissRP :
thats the annoying part is most chains have their own
[2025-02-28 04:02:01]
BlissRP :
i havent found the perfect one for everything
[2025-02-28 04:02:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4000 USD @ 80172.9
[2025-02-28 04:02:12]
BlissRP :
so prob phantom cause im a sol junkie
[2025-02-28 04:02:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 44.8000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 11.253 ($509.47)
[2025-02-28 04:02:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 1.2100 ETH @ 2137.12 ($2,584.04) - Bullrun cancelled?
[2025-02-28 04:02:34]
Yourholyhireless :
Blackrock is coming Saylor is running
[2025-02-28 04:02:37]
HuskySquared :
doesnt look like this is stopping
[2025-02-28 04:02:52]
contract details :
i use phantom too but on apex metamask is easier
[2025-02-28 04:02:53]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 04:02:58]
HuskySquared :
good night boys
[2025-02-28 04:03:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSD`: Sell 1476 Cont @ 0.5971 ($7,044.37) - REKT!
[2025-02-28 04:03:01]
BlissRP :
i see a break of 75k today imo
[2025-02-28 04:03:16]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: later man
[2025-02-28 04:03:23]
HuskySquared :
BlissRP: no as in
[2025-02-28 04:03:24]
HuskySquared :
good night
[2025-02-28 04:03:25]
HuskySquared :
as in we all die
[2025-02-28 04:03:29]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 04:03:33]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:03:38]
BlissRP :
we sleep in the subpeperine
[2025-02-28 04:03:46]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 21300 USD @ 79939.3
[2025-02-28 04:04:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.2020 XBT @ 79924.1 ($16,129.57)
[2025-02-28 04:04:06]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 30000 USD @ 79799.2
[2025-02-28 04:04:31]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSDT`: Sell 970 ADA @ 0.5969 ($578.57)
[2025-02-28 04:04:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 50 SOL @ 126.52 ($9,884.00) - No refunds!
[2025-02-28 04:04:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `TONUSD`: Sell 488 Cont @ 3.153 ($12,254.58) - Check your inbox
[2025-02-28 04:04:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSD`: Sell 238 Cont @ 126.48 ($2,397.47) - REKT!
[2025-02-28 04:04:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000 USD @ 79634.5
[2025-02-28 04:04:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSDT`: Sell 10 XRP @ 2.0101 ($22.46)
[2025-02-28 04:05:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 18200 USD @ 79465.3
[2025-02-28 04:06:24]
HuskySquared :
FBI Calls on Public to Help Stop North Korea’s $1.5B Bybit Crypto Laundering Now
[2025-02-28 04:06:24]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:06:45]
contract details :
we fudding hard
[2025-02-28 04:06:56]
contract details :
even korea fud is back
[2025-02-28 04:08:13]
blaster33 :
wait untill the investors want their profit from the 20K BTC bought at 97k by Saylor :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:08:31]
HuskySquared :
i mean
[2025-02-28 04:08:40]
HuskySquared :
something is breaking in japan
[2025-02-28 04:08:42]
HuskySquared :
mb godzilla?
[2025-02-28 04:08:47]
HuskySquared :
nikkei nearly down 4%
[2025-02-28 04:08:51]
HuskySquared :
they halted it 1h today already
[2025-02-28 04:09:01]
9figrs :
yen carry trade
[2025-02-28 04:09:28]
HuskySquared :
didnt we do that some weeks ago
[2025-02-28 04:09:39]
HuskySquared :
this looks more like
[2025-02-28 04:09:42]
HuskySquared :
some bank in japan busto
[2025-02-28 04:09:44]
HuskySquared :
or so
[2025-02-28 04:10:07]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: they gonna raise again tho probably
[2025-02-28 04:10:11]
BlissRP :
cause they dont give a fook
[2025-02-28 04:10:15]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:10:23]
contract details :
us and allies are cooked
[2025-02-28 04:10:33]
HuskySquared :
BlissRP: their economy is going to die tho
[2025-02-28 04:10:59]
BlissRP :
shouldnt it strengthen the yen while usd falls?
[2025-02-28 04:11:07]
contract details :
no amount of wifus will save the west
[2025-02-28 04:11:41]
contract details :
when the world says spains economy is rocketing up you know it's the top of the decade :kek:
[2025-02-28 04:11:55]
Yourholyhireless :
i like this bullrun
[2025-02-28 04:12:07]
HuskySquared :
BlissRP: strong currency != strong economy bro
[2025-02-28 04:12:27]
Yourholyhireless :
HuskySquared: Ukraine is very strong economy right?
[2025-02-28 04:12:35]
HuskySquared :
Yourholyhireless: strongest
[2025-02-28 04:12:36]
BlissRP :
yes so how is their economy going to get cooked from that bro
[2025-02-28 04:12:40]
BlissRP :
you contradict
[2025-02-28 04:12:42]
Who saw this drop coming?
[2025-02-28 04:12:48]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 04:12:50]
HuskySquared :
SheTRADES: we all did but we all still did same mistake
[2025-02-28 04:12:51]
BlissRP :
you tell me
[2025-02-28 04:12:52]
Yourholyhireless :
HuskySquared: so strong that you see what happens on the chart
[2025-02-28 04:14:03]
Yourholyhireless :
SheTRADES: Blackrock, they sold 2270 btc
[2025-02-28 04:14:15]
Yourholyhireless :
for arthur lol
[2025-02-28 04:16:28]
HuskySquared :
might really have been the pope
[2025-02-28 04:16:31]
HuskySquared :
holding hell candle at bay tbh
[2025-02-28 04:16:37]
HuskySquared :
now hes dying hellgate opens
[2025-02-28 04:16:45]
blaster33 :
it's a wyckoff
[2025-02-28 04:16:54]
blaster33 :
they distributed on saylor
[2025-02-28 04:17:03]
contract details :
HuskySquared: so did he die or not
[2025-02-28 04:17:07]
HuskySquared :
contract details: you tell me
[2025-02-28 04:17:10]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:17:17]
contract details :
i guess he is bidding here
[2025-02-28 04:18:13]
blaster33 :
funny how he announced he bought 20k btc at 97k
[2025-02-28 04:18:20]
blaster33 :
and we are 20k lower 3 days later
[2025-02-28 04:18:26]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:18:45]
contract details :
isnt it always the same
[2025-02-28 04:18:51]
BlissRP :
down 35% since cramer endorsed bitcoin
[2025-02-28 04:18:53]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 04:19:09]
contract details :
BlissRP: you need to tell me this when he says it
[2025-02-28 04:19:10]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:19:18]
BlissRP :
contract details: :kek:
[2025-02-28 04:19:25]
HuskySquared :
Crypto derivatives platform BitMEX reportedly seeking buyer amid market shifts
[2025-02-28 04:19:28]
HuskySquared :
the rats leaving the ship
[2025-02-28 04:19:29]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:19:37]
blaster33 :
[2025-02-28 04:19:39]
blaster33 :
[2025-02-28 04:19:41]
blaster33 :
look at this
[2025-02-28 04:19:43]
contract details :
BlissRP: tbh i got some forbes news feed and knew it was coming
[2025-02-28 04:19:51]
contract details :
i still left my orders there? idk
[2025-02-28 04:19:54]
HuskySquared :
blaster33: lol
[2025-02-28 04:20:00]
blaster33 :
the amount of buy at the top
[2025-02-28 04:20:03]
contract details :
i even talked about it to owl, but he is smart and took the short :kek:
[2025-02-28 04:20:37]
HuskySquared :
'so u bought the magic internet coin at 100k a pop and call it a good ideae?'
[2025-02-28 04:20:38]
HuskySquared :
good job saylor
[2025-02-28 04:20:39]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:21:04]
contract details :
what about 80k a pop
[2025-02-28 04:21:05]
contract details :
is it a good idea
[2025-02-28 04:21:09]
contract details :
i am in :kek:
[2025-02-28 04:21:12]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:21:33]
contract details :
it's funny cause 80k is like 10 years saving
[2025-02-28 04:21:37]
contract details :
without leaving the house
[2025-02-28 04:21:59]
contract details :
i dream of dreaming of finding my lost wallet with 20 lolicoins
[2025-02-28 04:22:08]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:22:23]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:22:27]
HuskySquared :
it would be good if this was the bottom now tbh
[2025-02-28 04:22:41]
contract details :
it either is the bottom or blow up my last prop account
[2025-02-28 04:22:42]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:23:03]
blaster33 :
$66 380.42 dca
[2025-02-28 04:23:06]
HuskySquared :
going below here is not good
[2025-02-28 04:23:08]
blaster33 :
imo we're going for that
[2025-02-28 04:23:13]
blaster33 :
he's avg cost
[2025-02-28 04:23:15]
HuskySquared :
im already impossible to recover mathematically
[2025-02-28 04:23:20]
contract details :
we have reached 80k with everything in panic
[2025-02-28 04:23:32]
contract details :
not bad to bet for a short squeeze lower high into 60k
[2025-02-28 04:24:08]
HuskySquared :
we need
[2025-02-28 04:24:12]
HuskySquared :
bitcoin reserve announcement
[2025-02-28 04:24:15]
HuskySquared :
to save my ass at this point
[2025-02-28 04:24:19]
HuskySquared :
and im not even sure if that would save my ass
[2025-02-28 04:25:13]
contract details :
its ok give me 1m
[2025-02-28 04:25:17]
contract details :
ill save you with a 100x
[2025-02-28 04:25:19]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:25:30]
contract details :
what do you even do to make so much money
[2025-02-28 04:25:34]
blaster33 :
JUST IN: Michael Saylor says "sell a kidney if you must, but keep the Bitcoin."
[2025-02-28 04:25:35]
blaster33 :
[2025-02-28 04:25:35]
contract details :
if you get rekt trading
[2025-02-28 04:25:56]
HuskySquared :
Saylor: "Sell a kidney if you must, but keep the Bitcoin."
[2025-02-28 04:25:56]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:26:06]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:26:15]
contract details :
i guess 60k is not so bad
[2025-02-28 04:26:18]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:26:48]
The Beast :
What is Saylor liquidation price?
[2025-02-28 04:27:06]
contract details :
his average is like 60k something?
[2025-02-28 04:27:13]
contract details :
he fucked it up buying the top again
[2025-02-28 04:28:11]
contract details :
forced liq is probably like 20k?
[2025-02-28 04:28:13]
contract details :
i think he is safu
[2025-02-28 04:28:17]
blaster33 :
contract details: 66k
[2025-02-28 04:28:17]
HuskySquared :
dont think he has
[2025-02-28 04:28:18]
HuskySquared :
forced liq
[2025-02-28 04:28:28]
HuskySquared :
blaster33: lol
[2025-02-28 04:28:40]
HuskySquared :
UST IN: Michael Saylor says "sell a kidney if you must, but keep the Bitcoin."
[2025-02-28 04:28:53]
blaster33 :
but ye i don't know how it works
[2025-02-28 04:29:01]
SteveS. :
HuskySquared: what about @Bluemaster? He has no kidneys left and also sold a lung?
[2025-02-28 04:29:08]
blaster33 :
i don't think he'll be forced to sell
[2025-02-28 04:29:20]
blaster33 :
unless the market collapse
[2025-02-28 04:29:27]
contract details :
bluemaster is megashort
[2025-02-28 04:29:37]
HuskySquared :
SteveS.: blue is fine, doesnt need much money for last years
[2025-02-28 04:29:57]
The Beast :
let Kim Jan Un empty his bag
[2025-02-28 04:31:26]
marlo :
nasdag 0,06 down
[2025-02-28 04:32:32]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
HuskySquared: safu?
[2025-02-28 04:32:34]
Bro how is it still dumping who is selling here
[2025-02-28 04:32:40]
HuskySquared :
Grill_the_bera_71: nope
[2025-02-28 04:32:53]
Joeyy132 :
This is hilarious
[2025-02-28 04:33:03]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
HuskySquared: alaive?
[2025-02-28 04:33:10]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
or deep sea
[2025-02-28 04:33:14]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
im cooked
[2025-02-28 04:33:18]
mr lonely :
Panic seller selling ... 🐋 Whales are buying
[2025-02-28 04:33:26]
Joeyy132 :
/pnl xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: 620.09 USDT RPNL, 883.03 USDT UPNL
[2025-02-28 04:33:34]
Joeyy132 :
/pnl xrpusdt
:bitmex: XRPUSDT: 85.21 USDT RPNL, 342.27 USDT UPNL
[2025-02-28 04:33:36]
45th_blown_account :
how deep is your love bitcoin :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:34:03]
Joeyy132 :
3rd short on xrp this week
[2025-02-28 04:34:19]
mr lonely :
Trump wants stock market & crypto market war
[2025-02-28 04:34:29]
contract details :
guys stop selling :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:34:31]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:34:56]
mr lonely :
Stay calm goin up slowly slowly
[2025-02-28 04:35:02]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:35:06]
Alts aren't
[2025-02-28 04:35:11]
contract details :
prop account getting liquidated at the bottom wick it seems
[2025-02-28 04:35:11]
Eth is bringing BTC down
[2025-02-28 04:35:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSD`: Sell 71 Cont @ 0.5937 ($336.22)
[2025-02-28 04:35:18]
45th_blown_account :
craaaaash it :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:35:21]
Luckily I shorted XRP and sold my long
[2025-02-28 04:35:26]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 1200 Cont @ 0.18664 ($17,856.99) - Bonjour!
[2025-02-28 04:35:26]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSD`: Sell 1400 Cont @ 126.24 ($14,091.18) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:35:29]
mr lonely :
Last day of feb
[2025-02-28 04:35:51]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 0.1000 SOL @ 125.8 ($19.77)
[2025-02-28 04:35:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 3800 USD @ 79527.5
[2025-02-28 04:35:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 1.9992 ($31.80)
[2025-02-28 04:35:58]
mr lonely :
Worst feb for eth in crypto history
[2025-02-28 04:36:22]
mr lonely :
Cme gap @ 78k
[2025-02-28 04:36:36]
contract details :
we blew past the gap
[2025-02-28 04:36:36]
mr lonely :
Must filling today
[2025-02-28 04:36:55]
contract details :
mr lonely:
[2025-02-28 04:37:26]
45th_blown_account :
i woke up with 10 unanswered calls from McDonalds :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:41:26]
Dr. Casper Darling :
no buyers here lmao
[2025-02-28 04:41:32]
Dr. Casper Darling :
not even a tiny dead cat bounce
[2025-02-28 04:41:57]
contract details :
are we heading into the dark ages? controlled by ai and quantum elons
[2025-02-28 04:42:53]
Dr. Casper Darling :
kroleg laughs at me while I serve him hamburger in mc donalds and in the evening he is fucking my mom
[2025-02-28 04:43:06]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:43:24]
contract details :
even arthur is selling bitmex
[2025-02-28 04:43:34]
contract details :
it was a pleasure meating you
[2025-02-28 04:45:02]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:45:04]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:45:05]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:45:11]
HuskySquared :
you guys also notice how we all keep making more and more
[2025-02-28 04:45:13]
HuskySquared :
writing errors etc?
[2025-02-28 04:45:17]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:45:20]
HuskySquared :
and other stuff?
[2025-02-28 04:45:24]
HuskySquared :
im telling u, vaccine or 5g
[2025-02-28 04:45:26]
HuskySquared :
but its over man
[2025-02-28 04:45:29]
contract details :
yes but that meating was on purpose
[2025-02-28 04:45:33]
HuskySquared :
ah ok
[2025-02-28 04:45:36]
HuskySquared :
if you tell that yo yourself
[2025-02-28 04:45:41]
contract details :
i thought it was funny
[2025-02-28 04:45:47]
HuskySquared :
it is
[2025-02-28 04:46:10]
contract details :
but also the more i trade the more dizzylexic i become
[2025-02-28 04:46:23]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:46:26]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 04:46:28]
HuskySquared :
that's the word i mean
[2025-02-28 04:46:37]
HuskySquared :
i get that al ot u know what i mean
[2025-02-28 04:46:39]
HuskySquared :
and it gets worse man
[2025-02-28 04:46:45]
HuskySquared :
is it like some symptom for like idk alzheimer or so?
[2025-02-28 04:46:52]
contract details :
yeah or just braindamage
[2025-02-28 04:46:55]
contract details :
from looking at charts and red pnl
[2025-02-28 04:47:51]
contract details :
is eth going to hold the bottom wick?
[2025-02-28 04:48:00]
contract details :
is eath really the cleanest chart :pepe:
[2025-02-28 04:48:09]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
contract details:
[2025-02-28 04:48:11]
contract details :
eath? see? pure brain damage
[2025-02-28 04:48:16]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
[2025-02-28 04:48:42]
contract details :
Grill_the_bera_71: it's ok i tell my wife i am paying for all the groceries that's why my account doesn't grow
[2025-02-28 04:48:43]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:48:46]
Dr. Casper Darling :
contract details: go to bed, my son
[2025-02-28 04:49:07]
contract details :
i just woke up though
[2025-02-28 04:49:12]
Dr. Casper Darling :
arthurs liq. email is my alarm clock
[2025-02-28 04:49:14]
contract details :
3h ago but yeah
[2025-02-28 04:49:55]
Dr. Casper Darling :
contract details: not from this nightmare, you didnt
[2025-02-28 04:50:57]
contract details :
been waiting for a real crash since 2020 though cant complain
[2025-02-28 04:51:06]
btcgozero :
time to pump more fiat in this ponzy
[2025-02-28 04:51:08]
contract details :
i just hope trump really dumps the spx 30% not 5%
[2025-02-28 04:51:10]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
contract details: i down 150K
[2025-02-28 04:51:18]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
im gona eat my crap for dinna
[2025-02-28 04:51:24]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
[2025-02-28 04:51:46]
contract details :
someone else has thouse 150k
[2025-02-28 04:51:54]
contract details :
no big deal, we are exchanging between peers here
[2025-02-28 04:51:54]
btcgozero :
my $1.50 long got liquidated 😨
[2025-02-28 04:51:58]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
not yet
[2025-02-28 04:52:40]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
whos next to get cooked
[2025-02-28 04:52:41]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
[2025-02-28 04:52:47]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
look at heat map
[2025-02-28 04:52:51]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
and u see
[2025-02-28 04:52:57]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
only UP
[2025-02-28 04:53:22]
contract details :
you mean hopefully some up before more down
[2025-02-28 04:53:23]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 04:53:25]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
whales got last feeding
[2025-02-28 04:53:50]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
at 7K
[2025-02-28 04:54:06]
Grill_the_bera_71 :
[2025-02-28 04:56:09]
45th_blown_account :
HawkTuah - 8% today :pepe:. it healthy corrected -99.5% from ATH :pepe: . Americans : In 2017 they were crying about bitconnect . In 2014 they were crying about HawkTuah. In 2025 they will be crying about Melania . How they live ? dont they poke their eyes with the fork when they try to eat ? :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:56:30]
45th_blown_account :
sorry , HawkTuah rug pull was in 2024 :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:56:50]
contract details :
thats why they only eat burgers
[2025-02-28 04:56:54]
contract details :
no dangerous forks
[2025-02-28 04:57:58]
45th_blown_account :
If Melania do me a HawkTuah i am done :arthur:
[2025-02-28 04:59:11]
45th_blown_account :
Melania Wif Hat +8% : clearly this coin will do the flippening (its -98% in 1 month :pepe:)
[2025-02-28 04:59:54]
Dr. Casper Darling :
6th red hourly or first green? :pepe:
[2025-02-28 05:00:26]
45th_blown_account :
Melania official coin , -94% in 1 month :arthur: . how about dat ? 1st lady rug puils nowadays :arthur:
[2025-02-28 05:01:59]
contract details :
crazy world we live in eh
[2025-02-28 05:02:08]
contract details :
they rugpull the world and then tariff everyone
[2025-02-28 05:02:16]
contract details :
what a shitshow
[2025-02-28 05:02:48]
mr lonely :
Trump & his family biggest rug pull family
[2025-02-28 05:04:06]
45th_blown_account :
and the other choice was a drunk indian woman :arthur:
[2025-02-28 05:06:04]
contract details :
at least drunk indian woman wouldnt tariff the market to 0
[2025-02-28 05:06:05]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 05:06:47]
45th_blown_account :
I really love the market : i ll be able to full my bags, and bmex selling article is great imo
[2025-02-28 05:06:53]
45th_blown_account :
bmex is going places
[2025-02-28 05:07:16]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 8600 USD @ 79978
[2025-02-28 05:07:30]
45th_blown_account :
*i ll fill my bags :d
[2025-02-28 05:13:15]
PeacenLuv : wow load up here 12hr supports
[2025-02-28 05:13:46]
PeacenLuv :
1day tf oops
[2025-02-28 05:14:14]
Is Japan still fkn dumping
[2025-02-28 05:15:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 200 USD @ 79706.2 - this was the last penny!
[2025-02-28 05:16:25]
45th_blown_account :
last chance to fill those bags : ETFs will be brutal :arthur: or not if they get denied :arthur:
[2025-02-28 05:16:36]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 2.0202 ($32.20)
[2025-02-28 05:16:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTU25`: Sell 300 USD @ 83307.5 - 😂
[2025-02-28 05:18:04]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-02-28 05:18:09]
Joeyy132 :
im long here
[2025-02-28 05:18:30]
Joeyy132 :
Can’t believe I actually hit green button
[2025-02-28 05:18:40]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 05:18:42]
contract details :
joey you are killing it
[2025-02-28 05:19:02]
Joeyy132 :
contract details: this week yeah
[2025-02-28 05:19:07]
contract details :
Joeyy132: congrats
[2025-02-28 05:19:10]
contract details :
keep winning :doge:
[2025-02-28 05:19:28]
Joeyy132 :
contract details: Ty bro
[2025-02-28 05:19:33]
Joeyy132 :
same to you
[2025-02-28 05:21:10]
contract details :
thanks i very much need to hear that :arthur:
[2025-02-28 05:22:24]
btcgozero :
health :100%, balance 0 😃
[2025-02-28 05:22:48]
btcgozero :
Joeyy132 was right
[2025-02-28 05:23:07]
btcgozero :
lets hope hes right again
[2025-02-28 05:23:30]
btcgozero :
GME gap not filled though?
[2025-02-28 05:23:36]
contract details :
it was
[2025-02-28 05:23:41]
contract details :
we are slightly below it
[2025-02-28 05:24:33]
contract details :
apparently not on BTC1! :kek:
[2025-02-28 05:24:47]
btcgozero :
no gap is at 78k on btc1 right?
[2025-02-28 05:25:30]
contract details :
i am looking at a different contract on cme
[2025-02-28 05:25:40]
contract details :
so im getting rekt i guesS? :pepe:
[2025-02-28 05:26:04]
BlissRP :
might actually get to saylors average
[2025-02-28 05:26:10]
BlissRP :
hes gonna sht his pants so hard
[2025-02-28 05:26:14]
btcgozero :
if you playing dangerous games might be
[2025-02-28 05:26:24]
btcgozero :
saylor at 66k
[2025-02-28 05:27:30]
btcgozero :
anyways, off to the wagie grind it is. glad I didnt quit my day job yet 😁
[2025-02-28 05:39:28]
Bro just fkn bounce pls
[2025-02-28 05:45:15]
The Emerging Bull :
Looks so weak, maybe wants to faff around until it gets to cme gap 77.8
[2025-02-28 05:46:42]
BlissRP :
[2025-02-28 05:47:12]
Someone market sold a shit ton
[2025-02-28 05:48:00]
contract details :
we getting the nuke candle before us i guess
[2025-02-28 05:48:33]
contract details :
just another 6%
[2025-02-28 05:48:41]
HuskySquared :
probably is
[2025-02-28 05:48:45]
HuskySquared :
bitmex itself dumping the liquidation fund
[2025-02-28 05:48:48]
HuskySquared :
before company sale
[2025-02-28 05:48:48]
HuskySquared :
[2025-02-28 05:49:00]
I think it will hold
[2025-02-28 05:51:13]
contract details :
LL_from_DEEZNOTES: jinxed
[2025-02-28 05:52:05]
Not yet
[2025-02-28 05:52:15]
I saw that huge market sell happen didn't even move it
[2025-02-28 05:53:02]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSDT`: Sell 400 ADA @ 0.5898 ($235.69)
[2025-02-28 05:53:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 0.5886 ($4.67)
[2025-02-28 05:53:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.5170 XBT @ 79284.1 ($40,951.89)
[2025-02-28 05:53:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 95400 USD @ 79216.7 - Exodia OBLITERATE!
[2025-02-28 05:53:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTH25`: Sell 2600 USD @ 79701
[2025-02-28 05:53:28]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTM25`: Sell 120100 USD @ 81281 - No refunds :arthur:
[2025-02-28 05:53:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 500 Cont @ 2.0046 ($15,885.65) - McDonald's is hiring
[2025-02-28 05:53:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `BCHUSD`: Sell 641 Cont @ 271.5 ($13,790.44) - Thanks for playing
[2025-02-28 05:54:05]
contract details: now jinxed lmao
[2025-02-28 05:54:16]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 05:58:19]
HuskySquared :
would be a good moment
[2025-02-28 05:58:21]
HuskySquared :
to announce bitcoino reservo
[2025-02-28 05:58:57]
contract details :
how much are you down @HuskySquared
[2025-02-28 05:59:18]
HuskySquared :
contract details: i uninstalled the app
[2025-02-28 05:59:19]
HuskySquared :
i dont check it
[2025-02-28 05:59:26]
HuskySquared :
probably 8m
[2025-02-28 05:59:27]
HuskySquared :
or more
[2025-02-28 05:59:35]
contract details :
[2025-02-28 05:59:41]
contract details :
double down
[2025-02-28 05:59:43]
contract details :
no balls
[2025-02-28 05:59:53]
HuskySquared :
might double down
[2025-02-28 06:04:38]
contract details :
how much of your portfolio is mstr?
[2025-02-28 06:04:58]
contract details :
maybe you just need to own some intel to make things more fun :arthur:
[2025-02-28 06:05:11]
I market sold my long and shorted the literal bottom
[2025-02-28 06:05:13]
On accident
[2025-02-28 06:05:15]
[2025-02-28 06:05:22]
Forgot I sold half already