BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2025-02-21 21:12:48] happy1 : sec news
[2025-02-21 21:12:51] PeacenLuv : im targetting arryone with more than 1 btc on the mkt
[2025-02-21 21:13:01] happy1 : hack is nothing
[2025-02-21 21:13:37] TG_pilipili000 : i would not call 400k eth nothing
[2025-02-21 21:14:19] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : American retail will buy its payday prices are cheap
[2025-02-21 21:15:15] Crazydodger : its not the amount of eth its the bankrun
[2025-02-21 21:15:27] Crazydodger : thats the problemen
[2025-02-21 21:15:36] Crazydodger : problem
[2025-02-21 21:15:39] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : 400k eth immediately sold as well probably
[2025-02-21 21:16:11] Crazydodger : they already have massive outflows
[2025-02-21 21:16:25] Crazydodger : they cant cover
[2025-02-21 21:16:38] TG_pilipili000 : i think we should all in BCH and go to roger ver party to dance a bit while we think
[2025-02-21 21:16:55] Crazydodger : yeah you do that
[2025-02-21 21:17:58] Crazydodger : all people on bybit and there morhers want there money back
[2025-02-21 21:18:43] Crazydodger : this ceo was staking and blinking like really nervous
[2025-02-21 21:18:53] Crazydodger : telling everything is fone
[2025-02-21 21:18:57] Crazydodger : fine
[2025-02-21 21:19:27] bluemaster : 😁
[2025-02-21 21:19:40] 9figrs : ok now let the weekend dump begin
[2025-02-21 21:19:48] Crazydodger : lol this dude already bought a house in north Korea
[2025-02-21 21:20:38] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : bybit got a loan of 80 percent of the eth it lost to survive the liquidity crunch it is experincing, it has not suspended withdrawls yet to my knowledge
[2025-02-21 21:20:40] bluemaster : Crazydodger: mate is insider job like always ,nothing to do with North Korea
[2025-02-21 21:21:06] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : so dude being nervous could have been pre loan
[2025-02-21 21:21:19] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : when they most certainly would have ran out of liquidity
[2025-02-21 21:21:26] Crazydodger : i know
[2025-02-21 21:21:57] PeacenLuv : longed it
[2025-02-21 21:22:02] bmagic : Us panic selling into chinese hands as usual
[2025-02-21 21:22:09] PeacenLuv : xbtusdperpz whereduh munneez at
[2025-02-21 21:22:11] Crazydodger : that doesnt change anything tho
[2025-02-21 21:22:54] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : largest hack in 2 yeras tho
[2025-02-21 21:23:03] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : 3
[2025-02-21 21:23:13] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : largest hack ever
[2025-02-21 21:23:16] 9figrs : litterly a fake hack
[2025-02-21 21:23:20] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : last largest 3 yeras ago
[2025-02-21 21:23:30] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : idk
[2025-02-21 21:23:37] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : seems like they got got
[2025-02-21 21:23:41] PeacenLuv : longstops up xbtusd 95101 lezgohhh
[2025-02-21 21:23:55] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : China probably give NK hackers
[2025-02-21 21:24:00] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : but why kill ur own exchange
[2025-02-21 21:24:10] 9figrs : its not gonna kill it
[2025-02-21 21:24:12] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : so China yes inside bybit no
[2025-02-21 21:24:22] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : long bmex
[2025-02-21 21:24:26] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : and BNB
[2025-02-21 21:24:40] Shawn-Williams : bmagic: buzzed you in guildcht
[2025-02-21 21:25:22] clarknova : Shawn-Williams: you sir, got lucky as f*ck :D
[2025-02-21 21:25:35] Shawn-Williams : clarknova: me?
[2025-02-21 21:25:39] Shawn-Williams : how?
[2025-02-21 21:25:55] clarknova : Shawn-Williams: The bybit hack saved your ass
[2025-02-21 21:25:57] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : chinese government stole eth then gave it back
[2025-02-21 21:26:02] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : minus 20 percent
[2025-02-21 21:26:05] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : all to drop btc
[2025-02-21 21:26:08] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : is what ur saying
[2025-02-21 21:26:15] Shawn-Williams : the bet thing?
[2025-02-21 21:26:21] clarknova : Shawn-Williams: yeah :)
[2025-02-21 21:26:35] Shawn-Williams : yeah but it was not because of bybit man
[2025-02-21 21:26:41] Shawn-Williams : its ususal move
[2025-02-21 21:26:51] clarknova : Shawn-Williams: come on...
[2025-02-21 21:27:00] Shawn-Williams : obviously it ws
[2025-02-21 21:27:11] Benobi : I mean either Shawn hacked himself...
[2025-02-21 21:27:14] Shawn-Williams : just like you saw before market closing it was teasing more fall
[2025-02-21 21:27:17] Shawn-Williams : as soon as market close
[2025-02-21 21:27:19] Benobi : more seriously clark, I don't think he was lucky
[2025-02-21 21:27:20] clarknova : Benobi: lol
[2025-02-21 21:27:22] Shawn-Williams : it has change the direction
[2025-02-21 21:27:26] TG_pilipili000 : even without the hack the drop was written already yesterday
[2025-02-21 21:27:28] Benobi : he said SPY would go to 600 by EOD
[2025-02-21 21:27:31] Benobi : and it did.
[2025-02-21 21:27:50] Shawn-Williams : you will call me stpd but i forgot the bet amount
[2025-02-21 21:27:51] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 21:28:00] Benobi : 0,02 xbt
[2025-02-21 21:28:04] 4Fabienne : 200
[2025-02-21 21:28:08] clarknova : fine fine, we'll never know for sure but my mind is made :)
[2025-02-21 21:28:08] Shawn-Williams : ah ok
[2025-02-21 21:28:11] 4Fabienne : 😄
[2025-02-21 21:28:15] Shawn-Williams : i thought its 0.02 or 0.002
[2025-02-21 21:28:24] Shawn-Williams : anyway
[2025-02-21 21:28:28] Shawn-Williams : now we will go above 100k
[2025-02-21 21:28:32] Shawn-Williams : but not today
[2025-02-21 21:28:43] Shawn-Williams : might be over the weekend in late night
[2025-02-21 21:28:48] bmagic : It was 2k usd so 0.02
[2025-02-21 21:29:06] Crazydodger : clarknova: Yo dude whats you target for xrp this year?
[2025-02-21 21:29:11] Benobi : oh ? I thought it was 200 dollars
[2025-02-21 21:29:17] clarknova : Crazydodger: this year ?
[2025-02-21 21:29:19] Pika_Vecordis : Do I go for 1.5x missprint or leave fortune teller?
[2025-02-21 21:29:21] Crazydodger : yeah
[2025-02-21 21:29:33] 4Fabienne : Yeah same lol
[2025-02-21 21:29:33] Shawn-Williams : bmagic: hmm. i will distribute some here and there
[2025-02-21 21:29:39] clarknova : Crazydodger: let me check this chart. You make me curious.
[2025-02-21 21:30:34] 4Fabienne : U already Switch to Long Shawn?
[2025-02-21 21:31:23] Shawn-Williams : yeah m long
[2025-02-21 21:31:42] Shawn-Williams : m using sub accounts now but not main account
[2025-02-21 21:31:51] Shawn-Williams : bitmex gave me 100 subaccounts as i have asked for them
[2025-02-21 21:32:09] 4Fabienne : 100? Jeez
[2025-02-21 21:32:19] Shawn-Williams : yeah. default its 5
[2025-02-21 21:32:44] 4Fabienne : Atleast they don’t Loose eth lol
[2025-02-21 21:32:44] Shawn-Williams : they have to take approval fro somewhere and took almost 1 week
[2025-02-21 21:33:10] Shawn-Williams : m long now
[2025-02-21 21:33:55] 4Fabienne : That 9 fgrs logic got stuck in my Head it gov Release Bad News on the Weekend when wall strt is closed
[2025-02-21 21:34:05] clarknova : Crazydodger: Wild guess : 4.6$
[2025-02-21 21:35:15] Shawn-Williams : 4Fabienne: I think btc don't care for bla bla news
[2025-02-21 21:35:18] Shawn-Williams : hardly matters
[2025-02-21 21:35:40] Shawn-Williams : yeah in last 2 days stock market has falen hard
[2025-02-21 21:35:47] Shawn-Williams : fallen*
[2025-02-21 21:36:28] Benobi : Yes
[2025-02-21 21:36:37] Benobi : took profit yesterdays
[2025-02-21 21:36:39] 4Fabienne : So tariffs Talks / Ukraine News wont intluence?
[2025-02-21 21:36:51] Benobi : and I told also yesterday SPy 500 at ATH and flattening
[2025-02-21 21:36:56] Benobi : yes they will
[2025-02-21 21:37:12] Benobi : but it's not an hourly thing and it would be news if btc only was affected
[2025-02-21 21:37:21] Benobi : like tarrifs and ukraine influence verything
[2025-02-21 21:37:27] Benobi : but the hack shouldn't have influenced SPY
[2025-02-21 21:37:47] Benobi : so the fact that SPY fell too shows that the hack is not likely why crypto fell so much
[2025-02-21 21:37:50] Crazydodger : clarknova: oke thanks m8
[2025-02-21 21:38:17] 4Fabienne : Yeah I think the Same Ben
[2025-02-21 21:38:18] bmagic : Shorts about to get squeezed
[2025-02-21 21:38:24] bmagic : Next hourly big wave
[2025-02-21 21:38:27] bitforyou : Cmon Btc pump
[2025-02-21 21:39:12] bitforyou : FUD over
[2025-02-21 21:39:51] bitforyou : clarknova: xrp dip good ??
[2025-02-21 21:40:01] Benobi : I4m not so sure just right now bmagic
[2025-02-21 21:40:03] bmagic : Satto longed and got rekt
[2025-02-21 21:40:08] bmagic : Now he shorted
[2025-02-21 21:40:11] bmagic : Its time
[2025-02-21 21:40:36] Benobi : lol
[2025-02-21 21:40:36] bitforyou : lol he will commit sucide some day
[2025-02-21 21:40:42] Crazydodger : bmagic: dude your underwater
[2025-02-21 21:40:48] Benobi : what is Satto you mention all time ? I see the video but
[2025-02-21 21:41:05] Crazydodger : we go 88k
[2025-02-21 21:41:12] 4Fabienne : I think satto uses a Fake Account? Like the pro online gamblers
[2025-02-21 21:41:14] bitforyou : He a degen millionaire Korean trader
[2025-02-21 21:41:19] 9figrs : satto is billionaire
[2025-02-21 21:41:24] bmagic : Crazydodger: always
[2025-02-21 21:41:28] Benobi : ...and he's losing ?
[2025-02-21 21:41:29] bluemaster : /position xbth25 best trade I done was cashed in on high ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 100 USD @ 103657 ```
[2025-02-21 21:41:36] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6259 XBT RPNL, -0.0001 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-02-21 21:41:44] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1,100 USD @ 99224.0678 ```
[2025-02-21 21:41:50] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1958 XBT RPNL, -0.0002 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-02-21 21:41:52] Crazydodger : he knows hes being counter traded and makes money doing so
[2025-02-21 21:41:58] bmagic : Benobi: always
[2025-02-21 21:42:00] Crazydodger : dudes smart
[2025-02-21 21:42:18] Benobi : what means counter traded ? You mean people do the contrary of him ?
[2025-02-21 21:42:22] bluemaster : /pnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.1917 XBT RPNL, 0.0188 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-02-21 21:42:27] bmagic : Dudes not a trader
[2025-02-21 21:42:29] Benobi : So he got other accounts where he does the opposite of the live video X)
[2025-02-21 21:42:43] bmagic : Hes an advertisement for bybit
[2025-02-21 21:42:54] 4Fabienne : 😂
[2025-02-21 21:42:57] bmagic : He isn’t making anything but a salary
[2025-02-21 21:43:24] bmagic : Dont make him smarter than he is
[2025-02-21 21:45:52] bmagic : Imagine watching people stream their trades on youtube or guild and thinking thats their true story
[2025-02-21 21:46:13] bmagic : Its all entertainment
[2025-02-21 21:47:43] Crazydodger : you think he dooesn't know?
[2025-02-21 21:47:55] Crazydodger : common
[2025-02-21 21:48:18] 45th_blown_account : when drop because of the hack ? :arthur:
[2025-02-21 21:48:26] Crazydodger : maybe he is stupid but not that stupid
[2025-02-21 21:50:40] bmagic : Im saying hes not a trader
[2025-02-21 21:50:46] bmagic : Hes an advert
[2025-02-21 21:52:09] 45th_blown_account : when all those bybit withdrawals will flow into bitmex ? :arthur: come , children of the night `:arthur:`
[2025-02-21 21:53:03] Shawn-Williams : bybit hack will get converted in tornado cash and will get encased soon
[2025-02-21 21:53:18] Shawn-Williams : encashed*
[2025-02-21 21:56:28] 4Fabienne : like sold on exchanges?
[2025-02-21 21:57:28] Shawn-Williams : 4Fabienne: yeap. tornado cash is safe for hackers. easy to cashout keeping traces hidden
[2025-02-21 21:57:41] 4Fabienne : i heared its already unsafe lol
[2025-02-21 21:58:03] 4Fabienne : and wouldnt make it more sense to sell it without pushing down the market?
[2025-02-21 21:58:05] Shawn-Williams :
[2025-02-21 21:58:15] Benobi : to be fair, looking at the 4H pattern this could be the right shoulder and the end of the bullrun guys.
[2025-02-21 21:58:48] Benobi : echoing the 22th november
[2025-02-21 21:59:30] 4Fabienne : i see
[2025-02-21 22:00:59] bmagic : Benobi: thats not a hns
[2025-02-21 22:01:35] bmagic : There needs to be a lot more volume right now
[2025-02-21 22:01:40] bmagic : Which there isn’t
[2025-02-21 22:01:46] Benobi : to sell or to buy ?
[2025-02-21 22:01:48] bluemaster :
[2025-02-21 22:02:10] bmagic : Sorry sir but if u have to ask that you don’t know hns
[2025-02-21 22:02:34] bmagic : But i think u can guess
[2025-02-21 22:03:09] Benobi : I know nothing ;)
[2025-02-21 22:03:17] Benobi : no shame to admit it.
[2025-02-21 22:03:29] Benobi : so I'd rather ask
[2025-02-21 22:03:52] Benobi : but I don't see the relation betweenvolum and the pattern ?
[2025-02-21 22:04:24] Benobi : (I'm here to learn)
[2025-02-21 22:05:05] bmagic : Don’t learn in trollbox. Read a book
[2025-02-21 22:05:21] bmagic : Im just pointing out u oversimplified a hns and even many expert traders do
[2025-02-21 22:05:48] bmagic : Learn why hns exists, its not just squiggly lines, fundamental reasons for it
[2025-02-21 22:05:59] bmagic : And learn about the success rates from trading it
[2025-02-21 22:06:03] Benobi : yes, I think I know a bit of that.
[2025-02-21 22:06:09] Benobi : yeah, that too X')
[2025-02-21 22:06:12] 9figrs : honestly books dont do anything
[2025-02-21 22:06:18] Benobi : my brother who knows more o the field told me it's bullshit
[2025-02-21 22:06:18] 9figrs : only way to learn is from ur own mistakes
[2025-02-21 22:06:42] 9figrs : if ur reading some rich guys book uve been scammed
[2025-02-21 22:06:45] 9figrs : its like buying a course
[2025-02-21 22:06:54] bmagic : I mean if you’re ignorant then anything is nonesense
[2025-02-21 22:06:57] bmagic : Nonsense
[2025-02-21 22:07:22] 9figrs : have you learned more from doing the actual thang or from reading a book
[2025-02-21 22:07:38] bmagic : A book
[2025-02-21 22:07:43] 9figrs : lying to urself
[2025-02-21 22:07:51] bmagic : No
[2025-02-21 22:07:52] Benobi : well, I hope not, 9figrs. books are what's left of past humans who are talking to us. ow, the point is not to trust them as bibles but using your critical tools to learn what you deem worthy from them.
[2025-02-21 22:08:29] PeacenLuv : btc 2hr bottomed rather nice longz win here
[2025-02-21 22:08:36] bmagic : The question is redundant
[2025-02-21 22:08:47] bmagic : People learn from eachother in many forms
[2025-02-21 22:08:48] PeacenLuv : 15min bottom
[2025-02-21 22:09:03] bmagic : Without that knowledge you can’t apply your own findings
[2025-02-21 22:09:06] PeacenLuv : ya well lifez full of winnerz n loserz
[2025-02-21 22:09:27] bmagic : Just point to the sky
[2025-02-21 22:09:28] 9figrs : bmagic: you can tell people to do many things
[2025-02-21 22:09:29] bmagic : Long it
[2025-02-21 22:09:30] 9figrs : and they still wont listen
[2025-02-21 22:09:36] 9figrs : until they figure it out themselves
[2025-02-21 22:09:44] bmagic : You asked me a simple question
[2025-02-21 22:09:45] Benobi : side question, but do you think I should close my shorts on ADA, SHIB... ?
[2025-02-21 22:09:48] bmagic : Where did i learn
[2025-02-21 22:09:52] bmagic : From books
[2025-02-21 22:09:53] Benobi : I hate them, I think they won't fly much.
[2025-02-21 22:09:57] gemeo2 : 65k area loading..
[2025-02-21 22:10:26] 9figrs : bmagic: i didnt ask where
[2025-02-21 22:10:37] gemeo2 : Is a pretty top
[2025-02-21 22:10:51] 4Fabienne : this does look like it bottemed right?
[2025-02-21 22:10:52] gemeo2 : Symmetrical
[2025-02-21 22:11:09] bmagic : I think it looks like a mess
[2025-02-21 22:11:21] bmagic : And in short its just ranging
[2025-02-21 22:11:28] bmagic : People getting excited over nothing
[2025-02-21 22:11:36] bmagic : No real action until march end
[2025-02-21 22:11:37] 4Fabienne : i swapped to long
[2025-02-21 22:11:49] bmagic : Just trade the range
[2025-02-21 22:13:50] bmagic : When i call 99k everyone bearish
[2025-02-21 22:14:12] bmagic : When i call 95600 to 97400 everyone bullish
[2025-02-21 22:14:16] bmagic : Same story
[2025-02-21 22:14:33] bmagic : Now we long again people are afraid
[2025-02-21 22:14:43] bmagic : Only natural don’t be ashamed
[2025-02-21 22:15:03] bmagic : Market movers have more power to make retail feel this way
[2025-02-21 22:15:21] big number go down : bmagic: 💚
[2025-02-21 22:15:25] bmagic : But just know you’re a fool if you buy it every time
[2025-02-21 22:15:42] bmagic : Learn to make your own choice
[2025-02-21 22:15:48] bmagic : Risk manage. And win
[2025-02-21 22:16:05] Benobi : SOL doesnt look he's recovering
[2025-02-21 22:16:18] bmagic : Sol is trash anyway
[2025-02-21 22:16:38] bmagic : I lose on sol trades often even if my TA is correct
[2025-02-21 22:16:58] bmagic : Because its difficult to risk manage multiple assets
[2025-02-21 22:17:02] bmagic : Focus on btc
[2025-02-21 22:17:15] bmagic : I only isolate my sol trades now
[2025-02-21 22:17:19] bmagic : No more cross
[2025-02-21 22:18:10] Benobi : ah ah lookt at IPUSDT
[2025-02-21 22:18:13] Benobi : someone trolled
[2025-02-21 22:18:34] Benobi : stole everyone's liquidations
[2025-02-21 22:18:49] Benobi : glad my order didn't go on this one
[2025-02-21 22:19:30] Benobi : post market SPY is flat, slow grind down
[2025-02-21 22:20:21] bmagic : Benobi: honestly that looks like a great chart to buy the top on spot
[2025-02-21 22:20:43] Benobi : what ? IPUSDT ?
[2025-02-21 22:20:48] Benobi : to short the top ?
[2025-02-21 22:20:59] blaster33 : the bybit heatmap took a huge hit
[2025-02-21 22:21:47] blaster33 : i assume we're dumping because the MM is exiting his longs, but no volume :arthur:
[2025-02-21 22:22:47] bmagic : Benobi: no, buy it
[2025-02-21 22:23:12] bmagic : Dont leverage it
[2025-02-21 22:23:19] Benobi :'s a shitty coin, isn't it ?
[2025-02-21 22:23:23] Benobi : hm ok, so x1 ?
[2025-02-21 22:23:32] bmagic : Just telling u what the chart suggests
[2025-02-21 22:23:47] bmagic : If its a rug risk i wouldnt touch
[2025-02-21 22:23:56] Benobi : I dunno to be honest
[2025-02-21 22:24:15] Benobi : I jhave no idea what it is except it's been listed today and it's an old coin that keep falling over years
[2025-02-21 22:24:47] Benobi : wait no
[2025-02-21 22:25:09] Benobi : It's a new coin, I've been confused
[2025-02-21 22:26:34] bmagic : SPACE ID's launch of .ip aims to simplify how intellectual property is managed on blockchain. If successful, it might increase SPACE ID's adoption among projects needing IP protection. This could lead to higher demand for SPACE ID, potentially boosting its market value. However, if the implementation faces issues or competitors offer better solutions, the impact could be minimal. Market watchers should assess user feedback and adoption rate after the launch. This initiative could drive a noteworthy price impact, depending heavily on its execution and market response. source
[2025-02-21 22:27:24] Benobi : intellectuel property.
[2025-02-21 22:27:39] Benobi : I'd say it's a thing of the past nowadays X)
[2025-02-21 22:27:48] bmagic : Will probably fail
[2025-02-21 22:28:13] bmagic : Many people think governance, government and contractual tokens are valuable
[2025-02-21 22:28:27] bmagic : Market movers don’t want transparency
[2025-02-21 22:28:32] bmagic : They want leverage
[2025-02-21 22:28:44] bmagic : They want control and manipulation
[2025-02-21 22:28:58] bmagic : Why buy something equitable? Lol
[2025-02-21 22:29:10] bmagic : Especially government solutions
[2025-02-21 22:29:18] bmagic : Governments will dump on it
[2025-02-21 22:29:47] bmagic : Imagine longing at 95100
[2025-02-21 22:30:24] dexswap : any long above 40k is a scam
[2025-02-21 22:30:31] dexswap : 40k is about the right value
[2025-02-21 22:30:46] bmagic : Didn’t you long 102k?
[2025-02-21 22:30:47] btcgozero : Im shorting it all the way to 1M
[2025-02-21 22:31:26] bmagic : I trust in the wisdom
[2025-02-21 22:31:44] bmagic : 40k is a good feel
[2025-02-21 22:31:59] dexswap : yep, it feels like fair price
[2025-02-21 22:32:14] dexswap : still overpriced slightly
[2025-02-21 22:32:16] bmagic : I always thought btc is stablecoin
[2025-02-21 22:32:45] dexswap : 10k was the best times
[2025-02-21 22:32:57] dexswap : it wasnt all about money back then
[2025-02-21 22:33:16] dexswap : utility and use, now its just fcking federal reserv bullsh1t and gov
[2025-02-21 22:33:21] dexswap : complete opposite of what it should be
[2025-02-21 22:33:24] 9figrs : 33k is bottom for 2025 i berieve
[2025-02-21 22:33:56] dexswap : imagine a 2012 bitconer seeing what u people are now
[2025-02-21 22:34:01] btcgozero : cant have expensive stuff without the gov putting its grubby fingers on it
[2025-02-21 22:34:05] btcgozero : it was inevitable
[2025-02-21 22:34:44] dexswap : greedy fcks who dont give a sh1t about using btc, just cares about its value and no ethics in how price goes up
[2025-02-21 22:34:56] dexswap : u deserve the bear market thats coming
[2025-02-21 22:35:04] btcgozero : more of those greedy fcks please
[2025-02-21 22:35:08] 4Fabienne : we are late so we need to overleverage lol
[2025-02-21 22:39:26] Shawn-Williams : @BTChandicap checking of he is around
[2025-02-21 22:39:33] Shawn-Williams : if*
[2025-02-21 22:39:40] Benobi : lol
[2025-02-21 22:40:09] Benobi : how did you know Shawn, that spy would fall to 600 ?
[2025-02-21 22:40:09] Shawn-Williams : open for new bet if someone is interested
[2025-02-21 22:40:11] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 22:40:14] Benobi : AH AH
[2025-02-21 22:40:20] 4Fabienne : :p
[2025-02-21 22:40:25] Benobi : well that was brave of you 2 anyway
[2025-02-21 22:40:40] Shawn-Williams : Benobi: I know many things
[2025-02-21 22:40:44] Benobi : because we were very close and that would have bee really possible that we would past though
[2025-02-21 22:40:46] Shawn-Williams : even FBI owe me 29 btc
[2025-02-21 22:41:59] 4Fabienne : hows that shawn, silk road? lol
[2025-02-21 22:42:31] Shawn-Williams : naa. a guy scammed me and FBI caught him. They invited proofs
[2025-02-21 22:42:42] Shawn-Williams : and now they will distribute in May or so after court orders
[2025-02-21 22:42:44] bluemaster : I prefer little bit more panic ,poor bybit they lost money and claim hack , plenty of that when bitcoin hit 200k +
[2025-02-21 22:42:50] bluemaster : /pnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.1917 XBT RPNL, 0.0123 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-02-21 22:43:12] TG_undefined : @BitMEXTrollboxBot i need help please
[2025-02-21 22:43:27] Benobi : I longed Trumpofficial to counter my short for now.. Ifeel so dirty
[2025-02-21 22:46:33] Benobi : be ready, I think we will dip a bit.
[2025-02-21 22:46:54] Benobi : oh wait, not on btc maube ?
[2025-02-21 22:47:16] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : wait for it to hit rsi 50
[2025-02-21 22:47:21] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : \on 10m
[2025-02-21 22:47:46] Benobi : what will happen then ?
[2025-02-21 22:48:42] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : it may devlop a divergance then start going back down
[2025-02-21 22:49:03] 4Fabienne : @shawn-williams he scammed u for 29btc? whaat, how
[2025-02-21 22:49:11] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : it is devloping one now
[2025-02-21 22:49:20] Benobi : he was selling pizzas.
[2025-02-21 22:49:24] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : but they have to be confirmed
[2025-02-21 22:49:34] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : happened this morning
[2025-02-21 22:49:40] Shawn-Williams : 4Fabienne: 29 btc and 180 eth. Let me share the snap of email from fbi so you can see
[2025-02-21 22:49:43] Benobi : ? Btc seems recovering no ?
[2025-02-21 22:49:44] Shawn-Williams : send me a link to upload
[2025-02-21 22:49:47] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : yes
[2025-02-21 22:50:08] Benobi : Shawn-Williams: was it a pinneaple and ham pizza ? It's not a scam, Shawn
[2025-02-21 22:50:24] Shawn-Williams : Benobi: it was hasflare scam. check online
[2025-02-21 22:50:30] Shawn-Williams : write hasflare scam FBI
[2025-02-21 22:50:30] 4Fabienne :
[2025-02-21 22:50:43] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : bears are still in control
[2025-02-21 22:51:08] Benobi : I think they have been for weeks now
[2025-02-21 22:51:09] 4Fabienne : lol damn man, if u get that
[2025-02-21 22:51:16] 4Fabienne : u dont have to trade anymore
[2025-02-21 22:51:35] 4Fabienne : and can have a chill life :)
[2025-02-21 22:51:47] Benobi : 29 btc is... 3 Millions ?
[2025-02-21 22:51:54] Benobi : ffs who the fucks are you all guys ?
[2025-02-21 22:52:17] Benobi : my whole bmex account is 3000 euros
[2025-02-21 22:52:31] Benobi : I' happy when I make 5 USD on a trade
[2025-02-21 22:52:34] 4Fabienne : im trading pennies :o
[2025-02-21 22:53:32] Shawn-Williams :
[2025-02-21 22:53:50] Shawn-Williams : Even i lost 8 btc on bitmex when i have started in 2017
[2025-02-21 22:53:51] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 22:53:59] Shawn-Williams : you can ask admin to check ma records
[2025-02-21 22:54:13] Shawn-Williams : there was so much btc i was sitting on but have lost many due to idiotic shit
[2025-02-21 22:54:57] Shawn-Williams : FBI said they have recovered 500 something btc and will give my 29 to me but after court orders
[2025-02-21 22:55:16] Benobi : 😳
[2025-02-21 22:55:20] Shawn-Williams : still have 119 with me and all others are lost
[2025-02-21 22:55:28] 4Fabienne : lol the fbi has a funny writing style xD
[2025-02-21 22:56:08] Shawn-Williams : email address is there you can send email too if you hvae lost something somewhere
[2025-02-21 22:56:12] Shawn-Williams : they will answer
[2025-02-21 22:56:37] Benobi : sorry wit
[2025-02-21 22:56:41] 4Fabienne : if i would have 1 btc it would be a dream lol
[2025-02-21 22:56:46] Benobi : you still have 119 BTC?
[2025-02-21 22:56:53] Shawn-Williams : yes
[2025-02-21 22:57:15] Benobi : don't write this here after sharing your email adress for FFS you'll be the next one being kidnapped
[2025-02-21 22:57:29] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 22:57:39] Shawn-Williams : its all already decared in my tax statement man
[2025-02-21 22:57:43] Shawn-Williams : I don't care
[2025-02-21 22:57:51] Benobi : X')
[2025-02-21 22:57:54] 4Fabienne : :D
[2025-02-21 22:58:09] 4Fabienne : atleast shawn wont be kidnapped by the irs
[2025-02-21 22:58:11] 4Fabienne : lol
[2025-02-21 22:58:28] Shawn-Williams : /since ``` :bitmex: Shawn-Williams has been on BitMEX since Jul 17, 2017. ```
[2025-02-21 22:58:35] Shawn-Williams : the day i have entered here
[2025-02-21 22:58:40] Shawn-Williams : in 4 days i have lost 8 btc here
[2025-02-21 22:58:43] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 22:59:22] 4Fabienne : how much was it back then? 2-4k?
[2025-02-21 22:59:27] 4Fabienne : ea
[2025-02-21 22:59:35] Shawn-Williams : 19k
[2025-02-21 22:59:41] 4Fabienne : ah the peak :)
[2025-02-21 23:00:02] Shawn-Williams : yeah fckd up after 19600 direct 14k and then 11k
[2025-02-21 23:00:30] 4Fabienne : on my first day here btc pumped 50% and i longed 100x i think but instead of putting the amount after lvg i put the amount i wanted to spent
[2025-02-21 23:00:38] 4Fabienne : took a while when i saw the profit was low
[2025-02-21 23:00:40] 4Fabienne : lol
[2025-02-21 23:01:03] Benobi : damn. I remember my brother telling to buy BTC when it was rising from 5k, but it took two days to get the money so it's was 6,5k and I went like "pff too late I don't buy that'
[2025-02-21 23:01:11] Shawn-Williams : 50x and 100x are best lev position where you can check your intellect to trade
[2025-02-21 23:01:17] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : i shorted this morning then let it go bc i had to go to work and it was going up i did not know about the hack
[2025-02-21 23:01:21] Shawn-Williams : but if you trade on 1x or 2x or 5x
[2025-02-21 23:01:22] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : then i rehsorted and got cooked and let it go
[2025-02-21 23:01:35] Shawn-Williams : any idiot will be profitable as obviously btc can go up and down
[2025-02-21 23:01:40] Shawn-Williams : only 2 directions are there
[2025-02-21 23:01:43] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 23:02:02] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : i saw my iondicator
[2025-02-21 23:02:10] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : on btc which is rare
[2025-02-21 23:02:15] 4Fabienne : im not good at this :) i try to learn and be better
[2025-02-21 23:02:18] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : normally see it on certain alts
[2025-02-21 23:02:35] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : hack was in the TA before it was announced
[2025-02-21 23:02:42] Benobi : Well, I got rekt on x5. You still need good nerves and all and be ready to fear losing money and hold, but sudden crash or pump can get you
[2025-02-21 23:02:49] Shawn-Williams : 4Fabienne: practice. Come with a mindset to lose money and you will not lose. If you come with mindset of making money then you will lose
[2025-02-21 23:02:56] Shawn-Williams : btc is different when you trade
[2025-02-21 23:02:56] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 23:03:11] Shawn-Williams : small money. very small money and lot of risk
[2025-02-21 23:03:13] Shawn-Williams : is the key
[2025-02-21 23:03:17] Benobi : Well really LL I agree with Shawn, I thik the hack is not the whole reason of today's move.
[2025-02-21 23:03:24] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : yea
[2025-02-21 23:03:28] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : it was in TA
[2025-02-21 23:03:32] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : before hack
[2025-02-21 23:03:42] 4Fabienne : hehe, i ll try, thanks for the advice today shawn, made some buckers!
[2025-02-21 23:03:43] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : hack made it worse
[2025-02-21 23:04:02] Shawn-Williams : 4Fabienne: m glad if i was of any help
[2025-02-21 23:04:18] 4Fabienne : for sure man, much love
[2025-02-21 23:04:18] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : now down
[2025-02-21 23:04:46] Benobi : now down ?
[2025-02-21 23:05:04] Shawn-Williams : m long now
[2025-02-21 23:09:28] Joeyy132 : Longers here mentally disabled
[2025-02-21 23:09:45] Joeyy132 : I shorted my whole account
[2025-02-21 23:09:48] Joeyy132 : agajm
[2025-02-21 23:10:09] Joeyy132 : I beg the scammers to try hunt me
[2025-02-21 23:10:16] Joeyy132 : ill just keep addin
[2025-02-21 23:10:40] Joeyy132 : Thinking to add here
[2025-02-21 23:10:50] Joeyy132 : sfter shorting the top like I always fo
[2025-02-21 23:12:44] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Benobi: it doesnt have to keep dumping just identifies changings in local trends
[2025-02-21 23:13:30] Benobi : hm I see
[2025-02-21 23:13:59] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : so like right now
[2025-02-21 23:14:03] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : /position xrpusd ``` :bitmex: XRPUSD: -160 Cont @ 2.5662 ```
[2025-02-21 23:14:10] Benobi : I find Sympoenix predictions quite often accurates, to be fair. Lot of people seems to disagree but he got good scores imho
[2025-02-21 23:14:10] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : i will just let this go at my entry
[2025-02-21 23:14:18] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Benobi: yes
[2025-02-21 23:14:47] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : i need to combine what i am doing with what he is doing
[2025-02-21 23:16:06] Joeyy132 : Sympheonix is clueless lol
[2025-02-21 23:16:14] Joeyy132 : syick to what u know guys
[2025-02-21 23:16:30] Joeyy132 : /position xrpusdt ``` :bitmex: XRPUSDT: -1,300 XRP @ 2.6490792 ```
[2025-02-21 23:16:48] Joeyy132 : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.0544 XBT @ 98215.13 ```
[2025-02-21 23:17:00] Joeyy132 : waiting forever for this dump
[2025-02-21 23:19:14] Joeyy132 : There are other but if I show they get hunted
[2025-02-21 23:19:18] Benobi : how ill Asia reacts ?
[2025-02-21 23:19:23] Joeyy132 : Don’t fancy it
[2025-02-21 23:21:38] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : idk
[2025-02-21 23:21:38] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : this is a weak pump with no volume
[2025-02-21 23:21:46] Shawn-Williams : I think we will go to 97k and will stay there in between 97 and 98k during the weekend till a spike come torards upside by mightnight of sat or sunday
[2025-02-21 23:22:02] Shawn-Williams : most likely as usually happening in this kinda moves
[2025-02-21 23:22:05] Shawn-Williams : fingers crossed
[2025-02-21 23:23:50] 4Fabienne : Gl :)
[2025-02-21 23:26:14] Benobi : Well, I remember you said Shawn you"re not as good on pump than o ndumps :P
[2025-02-21 23:26:34] Benobi : SO I'll stay vigilant
[2025-02-21 23:26:52] Atlemos : Benobi: symphoenix is pro
[2025-02-21 23:26:56] Shawn-Williams : Benobi: true m really not
[2025-02-21 23:26:59] Atlemos : full rotation now?
[2025-02-21 23:27:22] Atlemos : alt bag got a good hit
[2025-02-21 23:27:22] Shawn-Williams : just throwing some arbitrary possibilities as my life depend on these moves or else i will get REKT
[2025-02-21 23:27:26] Shawn-Williams : m long with 71x
[2025-02-21 23:27:48] Shawn-Williams : wrong estimation and you are REKT
[2025-02-21 23:27:49] Shawn-Williams : lolz
[2025-02-21 23:29:40] Benobi : wow.
[2025-02-21 23:30:02] Benobi : how percent of your whole account do you weighed in such trades?
[2025-02-21 23:31:15] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : 119 btc at 71x margin would liquidate the exchange
[2025-02-21 23:31:29] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : he trades a bag
[2025-02-21 23:31:42] Shawn-Williams : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: no man
[2025-02-21 23:31:46] Shawn-Williams : not 119
[2025-02-21 23:31:52] Shawn-Williams : they are in cold wallet
[2025-02-21 23:31:53] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : oh
[2025-02-21 23:31:55] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : yea
[2025-02-21 23:32:00] Shawn-Williams : here just 1-2k
[2025-02-21 23:32:00] Shawn-Williams : that's it
[2025-02-21 23:32:04] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : so u tarde a bag yea
[2025-02-21 23:32:14] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : dump
[2025-02-21 23:33:26] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : its nnpot gonna dump fuck
[2025-02-21 23:33:31] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : hmm
[2025-02-21 23:34:06] Shawn-Williams : hahah yeah. we will rest around 97-98k
[2025-02-21 23:34:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 700 USD @ 96085.9 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-02-21 23:34:56] Hottentot : Arbitrages...
[2025-02-21 23:35:12] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : i only got cooked today bc my fkn job
[2025-02-21 23:35:15] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : that sucks lmao
[2025-02-21 23:42:12] big horse tip : easiest mega long of my career
[2025-02-21 23:51:03] BlissRP : set a yolo order at 167.44 on sol earlier in the day and only missed the local bottom by 30 cents
[2025-02-21 23:51:07] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-02-21 23:54:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `GOATUSDT`: Sell 1490 GOAT @ 0.09876 ($156.99)
[2025-02-21 23:55:37] Benobi : think Sol will dump more, later on.
[2025-02-21 23:55:45] Benobi : maybe not toay or this week-end though
[2025-02-21 23:57:32] BlissRP : it already gave me 40% i dont care about its next move
[2025-02-21 23:58:16] BlissRP : subscribe to my onlysnipes
[2025-02-22 00:01:52] Benobi : hm. Asia
[2025-02-22 00:02:54] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : finally
[2025-02-22 00:05:42] BlissRP : people gonna be scared that other exchanges have same vulnerabilities probably
[2025-02-22 00:05:52] BlissRP : black swan event loading? :doge:
[2025-02-22 00:12:23] Punaniman : BlissRP: its bybit being incompetent or an inside job, cant execute such a manouver to a cold wallet from the outside
[2025-02-22 00:12:52] Punaniman : its not a vulnerability in eth
[2025-02-22 00:17:53] big horse tip : it was just richard heart withdrawing his eth lol unbelievable
[2025-02-22 00:19:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 14.5100 ETH @ 2668.56 ($38,714.28) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2025-02-22 00:28:38] Benobi : DIE SHIB, DIE ADA, DIE LTC DIE DIE DIE.
[2025-02-22 00:28:43] Benobi : what was that ?
[2025-02-22 00:28:50] Benobi : sorry, I'm a bit jumpy, was asleep
[2025-02-22 00:28:55] Benobi : bad dream
[2025-02-22 00:30:35] BlissRP : die eth :pepe:
[2025-02-22 00:33:16] Dario1 : More than $600 million liquidations today and single-largest one was on HTC exchange, $45.8 million :arthur:
[2025-02-22 00:34:35] BlissRP : filthy degens
[2025-02-22 00:34:44] BlissRP : greedy little piggies always get roasted
[2025-02-22 00:36:02] Dario1 : lol
[2025-02-22 00:36:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 15 Cont @ 2.5842 ($743.91)
[2025-02-22 00:36:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 24.5200 ETH @ 2675.74 ($65,597.13) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2025-02-22 00:37:39] TG_pilipili000 : it's ok we identified the hackers everything gud now
[2025-02-22 00:38:23] TG_pilipili000 : once the police reach the kim jong un headquarter they gonna take the usb key and that's it
[2025-02-22 00:39:55] TG_pilipili000 : theses guys so leet
[2025-02-22 00:40:07] BlissRP : SOLololololol
[2025-02-22 00:40:14] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-02-22 00:44:29] TG_pilipili000 : best i did in hacking was tampering post request on the shop of a world of warcraft private server when i was 10
[2025-02-22 00:45:05] TG_pilipili000 : i had infinite gold and neant tears