BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2025-02-04 23:41:51] Joeyy132 : many times
[2025-02-04 23:41:51] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Maybe peak over 98 on 4 hr close
[2025-02-04 23:41:55] Joeyy132 : before dropping
[2025-02-04 23:41:55] bogdis : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: Long BTC, short XRP is basically free money imo
[2025-02-04 23:41:56] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Ok
[2025-02-04 23:42:00] Dario1 : Benobi: Thanks for mentioning
[2025-02-04 23:42:12] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I don't trade XRP I am being greedy
[2025-02-04 23:42:20] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Need to go back to shorting sol lmao
[2025-02-04 23:42:34] Joeyy132 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: lol yes
[2025-02-04 23:42:40] Joeyy132 : that one goes to 0 soon
[2025-02-04 23:42:51] Joeyy132 : Sam is gonna kill it
[2025-02-04 23:42:51] Benobi : last week there were articles about employment datas this wednesday ad then thursday and friday
[2025-02-04 23:43:01] Benobi : that could be bad for crypto
[2025-02-04 23:43:21] Benobi : no friday, sorry
[2025-02-04 23:43:25] Benobi : tomorrow ad thursday
[2025-02-04 23:43:39] Joeyy132 : Time to sleep
[2025-02-04 23:43:45] Joeyy132 : goodnight ppl
[2025-02-04 23:43:58] Andy RSA : Joeyy132: cheers bud
[2025-02-04 23:44:10] Dario1 : Joeyy132: gn
[2025-02-05 00:03:08] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Down
[2025-02-05 00:03:13] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Me thinks
[2025-02-05 00:09:02] TG_Blockchainz : 9x1LU43QzHq7HGvzGS8bfv8kNZ26LJp5N83qXZVomoon
[2025-02-05 00:10:05] TG_Blockchainz : dev sold xD
[2025-02-05 00:12:05] PeacenLuv : simple chart 12hr btc xbtusd the play is 89k to 144k and i split it into 3rds and quarters good base for this trade
[2025-02-05 00:17:14] Dr. Casper Darling : TG_Blockchainz: dude, that was my pension fund
[2025-02-05 00:20:07] Dario1 : There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests.
[2025-02-05 00:21:01] PeacenLuv : 100 percent health
[2025-02-05 00:21:21] Dario1 : I think Trump will divide the west into far west (US) and near west (EU)
[2025-02-05 00:22:40] PeacenLuv : im putting awesome oscillator n tunnel on that chart
[2025-02-05 00:23:23] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : The CIA made the migrant crisis intentionally to destabilize the EU and allow it a way to corrupt and divide their politics
[2025-02-05 00:23:49] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Only the US can really assimilate a large number of people immigration was the weapon against the EU
[2025-02-05 00:24:00] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Worked
[2025-02-05 00:24:20] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Now the CIA can institute global fascism
[2025-02-05 00:24:36] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : With fake news and not farms
[2025-02-05 00:24:39] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Bot*
[2025-02-05 00:24:43] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : It isn't Russia lmao
[2025-02-05 00:25:04] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : European leaders were extremely foolish or in on it
[2025-02-05 00:25:50] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Euro was going to challenge the dollar
[2025-02-05 00:26:18] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Let's import 45 million people who can't speak our language and put them in ghetto that's a good idea rofl
[2025-02-05 00:26:36] PeacenLuv : and thers that 12hr 89k to 144k tunnel n ao
[2025-02-05 00:27:43] PeacenLuv : volumes up aoz down price is down
[2025-02-05 00:28:17] PeacenLuv : hmm vol can be down shortterm
[2025-02-05 00:29:06] PeacenLuv : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: the sky is not falling boss
[2025-02-05 00:29:17] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Yesss
[2025-02-05 00:29:23] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : PeacenLuv: I see that
[2025-02-05 00:29:27] PeacenLuv : worse before better always
[2025-02-05 00:29:34] PeacenLuv : best
[2025-02-05 00:29:35] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Might have to let my shorts go
[2025-02-05 00:29:42] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Oh you meant that
[2025-02-05 00:29:52] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : IDC about the west we have our own problems
[2025-02-05 00:29:59] PeacenLuv : i prefer long gains
[2025-02-05 00:30:22] PeacenLuv : theres always a middle to east n west
[2025-02-05 00:30:32] PeacenLuv : depends where u r right
[2025-02-05 00:31:01] PeacenLuv : i like middle eu
[2025-02-05 00:31:02] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I am all the way west lmao
[2025-02-05 00:31:18] PeacenLuv : ya well east meets ewst at middle
[2025-02-05 00:31:19] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I learned English online so I call Americans Europeans westerners sometimes
[2025-02-05 00:31:31] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : As an insult lmao
[2025-02-05 00:31:38] PeacenLuv : humans organisms nuthin more
[2025-02-05 00:31:50] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Bc that's what the Chinese call you
[2025-02-05 00:32:02] PeacenLuv : noones better
[2025-02-05 00:32:25] PeacenLuv : its colour that often divides
[2025-02-05 00:32:44] PeacenLuv : look btc red green
[2025-02-05 00:32:45] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I just want your money
[2025-02-05 00:32:54] PeacenLuv : ya i want yurz mutual
[2025-02-05 00:33:02] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : 🤣🤣🤣
[2025-02-05 00:33:07] PeacenLuv : fairly
[2025-02-05 00:33:16] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Yea of course
[2025-02-05 00:39:13] Dario1 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: You have an interesting theory about CIA and EU.
[2025-02-05 00:39:22] Dario1 : Reminded me of CIA's motto is: Nothing is true and everything is permitted !
[2025-02-05 00:39:36] Dario1 : They borrowed it from the secret brotherhood the Hashashins from almost 1000 years ago. That's where we got the english words hashish and assassin from.
[2025-02-05 00:39:51] Dario1 : So in their eyes, where others are limited by morality or law, for CIA everything is permitted :arthur:
[2025-02-05 00:43:03] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dario1: just my two cents on, CIA has controlled the US government since at least Regan and all probably back to JFK. George Bush Sr. Was director of the CIA when it was revealed they control most of major US media. Journalist who broke story died by two gunshots to the back of the head. Rules a suicide lmao. They seem to be using the same playbook the used on the US in the 80 and 90s, i.e. stock racial tensions add drugs to equation, you can't get more fascists leadership that way.
[2025-02-05 00:43:27] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Just go down the rabbit hole on Bush Sr it is enough
[2025-02-05 00:44:00] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Same deep state has controlled US until now, either Trump is full con man or just reps older side of deep state that doesn't control media.
[2025-02-05 00:44:37] Dario1 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: Couldn’t agree more. I have said the exact same things here before
[2025-02-05 00:45:05] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dario1: oh lol great minds and all that.
[2025-02-05 00:45:14] Dario1 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: lol
[2025-02-05 00:45:19] PeacenLuv : prez easier to drop than a new york tower never forget it
[2025-02-05 00:45:30] PeacenLuv : prez is fa
[2025-02-05 00:45:40] PeacenLuv : phuk all
[2025-02-05 00:46:01] PeacenLuv : looks great sounds great but my bet phukall omn the whole
[2025-02-05 00:46:05] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Seems like world is ending but it's all to plan
[2025-02-05 00:46:17] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : War with China coming me thinks
[2025-02-05 00:46:23] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : US has no other option
[2025-02-05 00:46:34] PeacenLuv : theres more to that which we se n hear
[2025-02-05 00:46:39] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Will get passed within the decade technologically
[2025-02-05 00:46:53] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : They need everyone in line first
[2025-02-05 00:47:07] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Is what this all this
[2025-02-05 00:47:11] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : By Trump
[2025-02-05 00:47:44] Joeyy132 : Xrp rocketing now
[2025-02-05 00:47:49] Joeyy132 : 🚀🚀🚀
[2025-02-05 00:47:50] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Yea
[2025-02-05 00:47:52] Joeyy132 : 😈😈😈
[2025-02-05 00:48:18] Joeyy132 : Fkin scam
[2025-02-05 00:48:24] Joeyy132 : i was so close to sleeping
[2025-02-05 00:48:35] Joeyy132 : rolled over saw the fat green dildo on the screen
[2025-02-05 00:48:51] Joeyy132 : FILTH
[2025-02-05 00:49:05] Joeyy132 : back ton3 dollars it is
[2025-02-05 00:49:15] Joeyy132 : Short at 3 dollars next
[2025-02-05 00:50:01] Dario1 : their final plan is to remove all borders and create a one world government. I don’t mind their plan, I just dislike how they execute it. Not caring about ordinary people and advancing their agenda at whatever cost even if it means millions have to get killed or live in misery
[2025-02-05 00:50:13] Dario1 : Joeyy132: lol 😈
[2025-02-05 00:51:04] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dario1: yes it would seem they want most of us to be more poor first
[2025-02-05 00:51:23] Dario1 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: we can always become one of them 😛
[2025-02-05 00:51:28] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : What is the point of wealth if it gives you no power
[2025-02-05 00:51:37] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dario1: trying lmao
[2025-02-05 00:51:44] Dario1 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: hehe
[2025-02-05 00:51:45] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Become a Colombian slumlord
[2025-02-05 00:51:52] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Sounds nice
[2025-02-05 00:52:00] Dario1 : we will make it 🙏
[2025-02-05 00:52:25] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dario1: yes we will
[2025-02-05 00:52:39] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Thankfully bmex and Trump tweets be making me money
[2025-02-05 00:52:50] Dario1 : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: will always prepare for the worst but hope for the best
[2025-02-05 00:52:51] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Just need XRP to die
[2025-02-05 00:52:54] Dario1 : yep
[2025-02-05 01:00:17] Dr. Casper Darling : lets pump this shit up
[2025-02-05 01:03:16] Symphoenix : pressure in the pipe
[2025-02-05 01:03:25] Joeyy132 : Low volume bullshit
[2025-02-05 01:03:35] Joeyy132 : purely a stop hunt by the exchanges
[2025-02-05 01:03:50] Joeyy132 : so scammy and so so clear and blatant
[2025-02-05 01:08:31] Symphoenix : next target : 01h51 UTC Plenty of time to POOMP :D
[2025-02-05 01:09:33] Symphoenix : touchdown at 10
[2025-02-05 01:09:42] Symphoenix : 103k
[2025-02-05 01:09:51] speedwell : moo
[2025-02-05 01:10:16] Joeyy132 : lol pure scam
[2025-02-05 01:11:08] Dario1 : maybe Trump did something again 🤭
[2025-02-05 01:11:48] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Back down
[2025-02-05 01:11:51] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Pls
[2025-02-05 01:16:36] Dario1 : Touched the previous ascending support line on hourly which now acted as resistance
[2025-02-05 01:16:48] Dario1 : needs way more volume and momentum to break it
[2025-02-05 01:17:04] Dario1 : so far very low
[2025-02-05 01:19:05] Dario1 : bulls, it’s time to go big or go home
[2025-02-05 01:20:16] Dr. Casper Darling : Dario1: yep. its a long sir
[2025-02-05 01:20:43] Dario1 : Dr. Casper Darling: Oh you flipped to long again. gl sir
[2025-02-05 01:20:52] Dr. Casper Darling : thx
[2025-02-05 01:22:00] Dario1 : 93500 zone is also a nice place to swing/scalp long, cos it will bounce too
[2025-02-05 01:22:09] contract details : short it to 0
[2025-02-05 01:22:10] contract details : please
[2025-02-05 01:22:50] Symphoenix : up
[2025-02-05 01:52:09] Benobi : target wet wild
[2025-02-05 01:52:31] Benobi : def not 103k though
[2025-02-05 01:55:00] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Down
[2025-02-05 01:55:02] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Please
[2025-02-05 01:55:05] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Down lmao
[2025-02-05 01:57:52] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Here we go
[2025-02-05 01:57:54] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Come on
[2025-02-05 02:12:36] Yourholyhireless : bullrun to 30k
[2025-02-05 02:21:07] HuskySquared : hehe
[2025-02-05 02:21:11] HuskySquared : trump want to run gaza into mcdonalds
[2025-02-05 02:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 6600 USD @ 97258.6
[2025-02-05 02:24:40] 9figrs : xi jinping > trump
[2025-02-05 02:30:39] speedwell : Watching the Truman Show again
[2025-02-05 02:31:03] speedwell : I think it's about becoming enlightened
[2025-02-05 02:31:52] speedwell : aware
[2025-02-05 02:32:14] speedwell : I call it RPM's
[2025-02-05 02:32:16] 9figrs : speedwell: watch it in reverse
[2025-02-05 02:32:38] speedwell : Relevance purpose and meaning
[2025-02-05 02:32:38] 9figrs : you will unlock a new superpower...
[2025-02-05 02:33:27] speedwell : we live inside a big 'show'
[2025-02-05 02:34:11] speedwell : every time you fake laugh etc you become part of the show
[2025-02-05 02:35:21] speedwell : we spoof eachother
[2025-02-05 02:35:39] speedwell : fake buys, fake sells
[2025-02-05 02:36:33] speedwell : the best work you can do is to truly love,
[2025-02-05 02:37:51] speedwell : to be honest and present
[2025-02-05 02:38:23] Yourholyhireless : bullrun to mc donalds
[2025-02-05 02:39:47] PeacenLuv : 12hr xbt usd 144k to 89 k chopped into quarters n thirds n ao n volume n tunnel only
[2025-02-05 02:40:11] PeacenLuv :
[2025-02-05 02:40:24] speedwell : speak english or die
[2025-02-05 02:41:12] PeacenLuv : same at international airport tower to aeroplane/english or die
[2025-02-05 02:42:24] speedwell : it's been a plane week in the us
[2025-02-05 02:42:27] SAATANA PERKELE : speedwell: sergeant d that you?
[2025-02-05 02:42:43] speedwell : no
[2025-02-05 02:42:49] PeacenLuv : ill split the quarters to eightthz and the thirds to sixthz
[2025-02-05 02:43:00] speedwell : /since ``` :bitmex: speedwell has been on BitMEX since May 7, 2017. ```
[2025-02-05 02:43:25] speedwell : always speedwell
[2025-02-05 02:43:56] speedwell : SAATANA PERKELE: go listen
[2025-02-05 02:44:13] speedwell : every song is good
[2025-02-05 02:44:23] SAATANA PERKELE : speedwell: i know :doge: listened to everything already
[2025-02-05 02:44:40] speedwell : thanks bother
[2025-02-05 02:44:58] speedwell : I really appreciate
[2025-02-05 02:45:23] speedwell : chuck up some old ones the other day
[2025-02-05 02:45:37] speedwell : make and move, what a song
[2025-02-05 02:46:48] speedwell : SAATANA PERKELE: Try this nonsense
[2025-02-05 02:46:54] PeacenLuv : snrz horizontal barriers n thangz
[2025-02-05 02:46:55] PeacenLuv : 7
[2025-02-05 02:47:04] PeacenLuv : xbtusd 12hr
[2025-02-05 02:47:15] speedwell : Bloody hippies are breading
[2025-02-05 02:47:29] PeacenLuv : *breeding
[2025-02-05 02:47:42] speedwell : recorded Soho square
[2025-02-05 02:47:49] speedwell : London
[2025-02-05 02:48:02] PeacenLuv : hippeez luvin n breeding
[2025-02-05 02:48:04] speedwell : thanks lov
[2025-02-05 02:48:25] PeacenLuv : smokin dope n being bionik
[2025-02-05 02:48:38] speedwell : drunk again
[2025-02-05 02:49:22] SAATANA PERKELE : err what's that first one, G D Em C?
[2025-02-05 02:49:32] speedwell : If I could fix thAT bs I'd be great again
[2025-02-05 02:49:33] SAATANA PERKELE : something like that anyway i'm not a chord person
[2025-02-05 02:50:08] speedwell : SAATANA PERKELE: name of song?
[2025-02-05 02:50:23] speedwell : spoke to mother?
[2025-02-05 02:50:26] SAATANA PERKELE : yeah
[2025-02-05 02:51:54] speedwell : WE WERE SQUATING IN AMSTERDAM
[2025-02-05 02:52:03] speedwell : met a guy
[2025-02-05 02:52:26] speedwell : flew to london and recorded
[2025-02-05 02:52:41] speedwell : we were on fire
[2025-02-05 02:58:47] speedwell : I cry now when I listen to it
[2025-02-05 03:02:46] PeacenLuv : 3hr btc blues buys purles stops
[2025-02-05 03:02:55] PeacenLuv : sells a stop right
[2025-02-05 03:03:29] PeacenLuv : ride thiz bhitzch to hell or heaven
[2025-02-05 03:04:31] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : It go down
[2025-02-05 03:17:58] PeacenLuv : that recent bottom on 3 hr bloodpool
[2025-02-05 03:18:31] PeacenLuv : 90972 start of wave that was a sensitive bottom as it looks
[2025-02-05 03:20:23] PeacenLuv : so far ew count simple 2
[2025-02-05 03:20:37] PeacenLuv :
[2025-02-05 03:21:26] PeacenLuv : i get more trades for my munnee with close liquids
[2025-02-05 03:21:32] PeacenLuv : longz only
[2025-02-05 03:22:23] PeacenLuv : 3 hr in a bit volume missing is suspect of no supply here low
[2025-02-05 03:23:33] PeacenLuv : the 1 definitely looks like elevator up 2 stairs down elevator impulse motive stairs corrective force
[2025-02-05 03:24:00] PeacenLuv : btc has weelz admit it
[2025-02-05 03:24:31] PeacenLuv : this 3hr tight az phuk
[2025-02-05 03:24:41] PeacenLuv :
[2025-02-05 03:25:42] PeacenLuv : oops those are 12hrs
[2025-02-05 03:28:52] PeacenLuv : theres simple 12 snrz n tunnel n ao
[2025-02-05 03:29:05] PeacenLuv : 89k to 144k 2 fibz
[2025-02-05 03:30:22] PeacenLuv : same 12 in a bit
[2025-02-05 03:30:55] PeacenLuv : ill be long at 98101
[2025-02-05 03:31:10] PeacenLuv : ill be short 97687
[2025-02-05 03:32:56] PeacenLuv : i longed 98059 lezgoo btc bully
[2025-02-05 03:33:24] PeacenLuv : liquid 88573 wow
[2025-02-05 03:38:46] PeacenLuv : u peeps better long this 12hr if u wanna make sum munnee hunneez
[2025-02-05 03:41:34] PeacenLuv : theres the 3hr bully btc
[2025-02-05 03:41:55] PeacenLuv : price always returns to tunnel thang
[2025-02-05 03:42:00] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Baby are you down down down down
[2025-02-05 03:42:07] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dooooowwwwnnnn
[2025-02-05 03:42:12] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Dowwwnnn
[2025-02-05 03:42:13] PeacenLuv : tunnel 100597
[2025-02-05 03:42:29] PeacenLuv : LL_from_DEEZNOTES: yur acct down if u short btc
[2025-02-05 03:53:20] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I am shorting XRP thank you
[2025-02-05 04:04:48] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc lezgoo
[2025-02-05 04:05:36] PeacenLuv : added longs
[2025-02-05 04:23:13] PeacenLuv : same beat goescom always wait for market to take out my longs til thrn its bottom
[2025-02-05 04:33:04] PeacenLuv : tight green 3hr bullish btc longitt
[2025-02-05 04:34:28] PeacenLuv : purpldurpl bully supportz up lezgoo 3hr
[2025-02-05 04:35:14] PeacenLuv : tweeked blue addons above safer higher btc
[2025-02-05 04:39:28] PeacenLuv : major pump incoming btc lezgoo
[2025-02-05 04:39:34] PeacenLuv : 3hr
[2025-02-05 04:43:21] PeacenLuv : theres sum nice transitioning of s and rz
[2025-02-05 04:43:52] PeacenLuv : i like your xrp short but i still havent figured out xrp value
[2025-02-05 04:44:21] PeacenLuv : phukkk that 3 hr vol trend n cashflow
[2025-02-05 04:44:34] PeacenLuv : notable
[2025-02-05 04:44:50] PeacenLuv : adding here longs lezgoo
[2025-02-05 04:49:02] PeacenLuv : not much on this chart but all my set orders u cant see 12hr bully
[2025-02-05 04:49:17] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : To be honest I am profit a bit I just let it go right before I leave profit and buy higher. If it goes down I will make alot of money, if not I don't lose much
[2025-02-05 04:49:45] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : The trick is to buy when you are terrified it is about to break through 🤣
[2025-02-05 04:49:54] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Then it goes down a bit
[2025-02-05 04:49:59] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : And you wait
[2025-02-05 04:50:14] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I will long when it dumps hard enough to long
[2025-02-05 04:51:14] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I don't like XRP
[2025-02-05 04:51:19] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Usually stay in sol
[2025-02-05 04:51:29] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : But XRP has a nigh ROI if it goes down here
[2025-02-05 04:58:06] PeacenLuv : ok im short btc now so wut i dont like short earnings i sold too may
[2025-02-05 05:06:09] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Honestly have no idea what to do here
[2025-02-05 05:10:38] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Slowly going down
[2025-02-05 05:10:53] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I think
[2025-02-05 05:15:51] speedwell :
[2025-02-05 05:16:01] speedwell : Not a bad track
[2025-02-05 05:19:40] PeacenLuv : now im long btc weee
[2025-02-05 05:26:31] MoonBruv : deez strategic reserves
[2025-02-05 05:26:35] MoonBruv : ARE COMING
[2025-02-05 05:27:12] MoonBruv : WHATS THE WORD
[2025-02-05 05:27:19] MoonBruv : "TO THE MOON"
[2025-02-05 05:27:49] MoonBruv : AYAYAYAYAYAYA
[2025-02-05 05:28:12] MoonBruv : AY CARAMBA
[2025-02-05 05:28:17] MoonBruv : MAMASITA
[2025-02-05 05:28:35] 45th_blown_account : Melania 1,6 from 19. That`s what i call a "crossfit - vegan healthy correction " :doge:. Slovenian rugs are the best
[2025-02-05 05:32:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 97820.6 - this was the last penny!
[2025-02-05 05:33:31] MoonBruv : there's a time to depress assets
[2025-02-05 05:33:40] MoonBruv : a time for progress
[2025-02-05 05:33:48] MoonBruv : new geo po li tics
[2025-02-05 05:34:30] MoonBruv : and less and less money to print, under more and more debt
[2025-02-05 05:34:43] MoonBruv : we are approaching the theoretical limits
[2025-02-05 05:36:41] MoonBruv : gold is not going to 20k, bitcoin isnt going to 5 million per bitcoin or 250k any time soon :pepe: we don't have that money. BTC cant even invert gold or cross 10 trillion before 2027
[2025-02-05 05:37:07] MoonBruv : even if russians and chinese filled their asssholes with BTC to the brim
[2025-02-05 05:40:50] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : But it's all priceanipulation and stone hands so it's theoretical market is hyper inflated
[2025-02-05 05:41:03] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Theoretical market cap
[2025-02-05 05:44:18] PeacenLuv : damn im short again btc sold too many
[2025-02-05 05:45:29] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : If XRP can just die that would be great I want to go to bed lmao
[2025-02-05 05:50:19] PeacenLuv : added shorts btc
[2025-02-05 05:52:45] PeacenLuv : lol long again sheesh
[2025-02-05 06:14:09] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I am still short I am going to derisk here
[2025-02-05 06:14:15] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : XRP is scary lmao
[2025-02-05 06:16:25] speedwell :
[2025-02-05 06:26:52] PeacenLuv : longstops up 97758
[2025-02-05 06:40:51] PeacenLuv : buy the dip btc
[2025-02-05 06:57:23] 9figrs : no support until 69k
[2025-02-05 06:57:28] 9figrs : meme level support
[2025-02-05 06:58:56] heybit2 : Grrr. BV d
[2025-02-05 07:02:11] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Will it pump again I took profits
[2025-02-05 07:04:44] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : I held that short all day if it dumps when I finally took profits I would be :PEPE:
[2025-02-05 07:07:15] PeacenLuv : longstops up 97383
[2025-02-05 07:21:16] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 3.2000 SOL @ 203.97 ($632.58)
[2025-02-05 07:27:00] RonniePickering : Why we not pumping? usa gonna buy btc reserve soon?
[2025-02-05 07:32:52] 9figrs : RonniePickering: whoever told you this info was trolling you
[2025-02-05 07:34:07] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : 93k first for some reason
[2025-02-05 07:35:50] 9figrs : 69k
[2025-02-05 07:40:46] Joeyy132 : Lollllll
[2025-02-05 07:40:55] Joeyy132 : trump gonna take over gaza
[2025-02-05 07:41:11] Joeyy132 : big war inc
[2025-02-05 07:41:22] Joeyy132 : War = crash right?
[2025-02-05 07:56:06] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : More like final shake out and reset hype idk
[2025-02-05 07:56:07] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : More war
[2025-02-05 07:56:12] LL_from_DEEZNOTES : Yes that 2
[2025-02-05 08:03:06] Joeyy132 : Xrp is desperate for those stops above
[2025-02-05 08:03:10] Joeyy132 : LOL
[2025-02-05 08:04:21] Schmico666 : DOOM!!!!
[2025-02-05 08:04:44] Joeyy132 : It won’t doom until Kroleg smashes the green button
[2025-02-05 08:04:58] Schmico666 : 9figrs: 69k will not hold. we get a freefall under 20k
[2025-02-05 08:05:23] Schmico666 : PI KROLEG CYCLE AHEAD!!
[2025-02-05 08:06:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 2775.73 ($2,721.51) - RIP
[2025-02-05 08:55:29] 45th_blown_account : when Melania pump ? :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:04:05] bluemaster :
[2025-02-05 09:16:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 2.54 ($49.75)
[2025-02-05 09:28:31] WinstonChurchill : 45th_blown_account: lol
[2025-02-05 09:28:42] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:28:43] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:28:44] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:28:45] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:28:45] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:28:45] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:28:46] WinstonChurchill : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:29:16] 45th_blown_account : WinstonChurchill: :pepe: today pepe angry, he must have lost some money :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:30:51] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0053 XBT @ 97703.4 ($518.01) - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-02-05 09:31:44] MoonBruv : :pepe:
[2025-02-05 09:33:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0008 XBT @ 97411.2 ($77.96) - 🐳
[2025-02-05 09:33:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 3200 USD @ 97448
[2025-02-05 09:33:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 2.5085 ($48.88)
[2025-02-05 09:33:53] bluemaster :
[2025-02-05 09:34:11] MoonBruv : the primary support line is around 9600
[2025-02-05 09:34:21] MoonBruv : :arthur:
[2025-02-05 09:37:36] Bitfrebbe : Bearmace is that you? @MoonBruv 😅
[2025-02-05 09:45:11] malekrk : After execution of buy limit order I got: 'price': 99000.0, ..., 'avgPx': 99000.1. Why the buy execution price is higher than the set price?
[2025-02-05 09:51:01] dexswap : indices are looking bad, google down 10%
[2025-02-05 09:51:24] dexswap : if any bad news on china tariffs, its over
[2025-02-05 09:52:05] triplecheese : So, is it over for buttcoin?
[2025-02-05 09:53:31] dexswap : just for the next 2-3 years
[2025-02-05 09:53:39] XRP GOD : Bitfrebbe: brother :doge: :catjam:
[2025-02-05 09:53:41] dexswap : then 1 mill next cycle
[2025-02-05 09:53:46] dexswap : short to 20k
[2025-02-05 09:53:49] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: :doge:
[2025-02-05 09:54:14] XRP GOD : bluemaster: :doge:
[2025-02-05 09:55:01] Joeyy132 : malekrk: because you didn’t tick post only
[2025-02-05 09:55:19] Joeyy132 : Just be
[2025-02-05 10:02:40] 9figrs : dexswap: next cycle?
[2025-02-05 10:02:47] 9figrs : there is no next cycle
[2025-02-05 10:03:17] dexswap : 9figrs: there will always be more suckers
[2025-02-05 10:03:28] dexswap : btc has got past the 'will it survive' stage
[2025-02-05 10:04:29] Joeyy132 : dexswap: lol no it hasnt
[2025-02-05 10:04:33] Joeyy132 : it won’t survive
[2025-02-05 10:04:59] Joeyy132 : there literally is no next cycle
[2025-02-05 10:05:08] 9figrs : this cycle top, is top forever
[2025-02-05 10:05:28] 9figrs : after that, it will fade, better tech will come along
[2025-02-05 10:05:31] MoonBruv : goosefrabba weeks coming
[2025-02-05 10:05:32] 9figrs : and the world will heal
[2025-02-05 10:05:35] Joeyy132 : 4 years down , then trump gets replaced with a guy who brings back CBDC and kills btc
[2025-02-05 10:05:42] 9figrs : correct
[2025-02-05 10:05:47] Joeyy132 : And morons still buying
[2025-02-05 10:05:49] Joeyy132 : LOL
[2025-02-05 10:05:52] 9figrs : restrictions coming hard this year aswell
[2025-02-05 10:06:02] 9figrs : people think trump admin is good for crypto
[2025-02-05 10:06:13] Joeyy132 : 9figrs: I already experience the restrictions with coinbase
[2025-02-05 10:06:17] Joeyy132 : started in january
[2025-02-05 10:06:53] Joeyy132 : 9figrs: it is, but he’s got into power at the cycle top, nothing can change that
[2025-02-05 10:07:10] PeacenLuv : buy the dip btc
[2025-02-05 10:07:29] Joeyy132 : him getting into power is what created the cycle top actualky
[2025-02-05 10:07:37] Joeyy132 : we should have topped months ago
[2025-02-05 10:07:56] PeacenLuv : 9figrs: pumpittup bitcoin
[2025-02-05 10:08:17] Joeyy132 : Don’t short yet tho , I don’t want your shorts causing my stops to get hit
[2025-02-05 10:09:42] 9figrs : trump hated bitcoin at the bottom
[2025-02-05 10:09:44] 9figrs : loves it at the top
[2025-02-05 10:09:52] MoonBruv : pampinho
[2025-02-05 10:09:57] MoonBruv : pumpeduppah
[2025-02-05 10:10:19] 9figrs : and why tf would trump care about bitcoin he has trump coin
[2025-02-05 10:10:35] 9figrs : the memecoins exposed that bitcoin is garbage
[2025-02-05 10:18:07] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2025-02-05 10:27:11] MoonBruv :
[2025-02-05 10:27:12] MoonBruv : the path is clear
[2025-02-05 10:27:25] MoonBruv : some others here have already seen the full chart
[2025-02-05 10:27:34] MoonBruv : and the number it's heading towards, the prophecy
[2025-02-05 10:27:53] MoonBruv : the vision is clear
[2025-02-05 10:33:04] _fred bloggs : 9figrs: It's all garbage
[2025-02-05 10:34:49] 45th_blown_account : BlackRock buys 100,535 ETH worth $284.92 million.
[2025-02-05 10:34:59] 45th_blown_account :
[2025-02-05 10:41:30] 45th_blown_account : Crypto Tsar David Sacks says a Bitcoin Reserve is “one of the first things” he will look into
[2025-02-05 10:41:40] 45th_blown_account : 2017 bull run is just buffering
[2025-02-05 10:51:26] 45th_blown_account : ​​Senator Ted Cruz calls to "abolish the IRS." If they make crypto tax to 0, BTC easily 200k
[2025-02-05 10:55:19] Mr. JB : Btc stablecoin today so far
[2025-02-05 10:56:00] _fred bloggs : America has gone full retard
[2025-02-05 11:08:12] contract details : btc making me unstable today
[2025-02-05 11:08:23] contract details : can america just pump at open and dump for the rest of the day to 0 everything
[2025-02-05 11:17:34] XRP GOD : Mr. JB: :doge:
[2025-02-05 11:17:40] XRP GOD : contract details: :catjam:
[2025-02-05 11:17:54] XRP GOD : Joeyy132: :doge:
[2025-02-05 11:18:14] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: 😍
[2025-02-05 11:21:11] Joeyy132 : Everything about to do a fat pump
[2025-02-05 11:21:15] Joeyy132 : fake ine
[2025-02-05 11:21:22] Joeyy132 : buy will be big pump
[2025-02-05 11:21:37] Joeyy132 : Don’t fight it
[2025-02-05 11:21:43] Joeyy132 : shirt in 3 hours time
[2025-02-05 11:21:46] Joeyy132 : short
[2025-02-05 11:22:11] Benobi : wut ?
[2025-02-05 11:31:15] Joeyy132 : Benobi: a massive stop loss hunt coming
[2025-02-05 11:31:22] Joeyy132 : to take out shorts
[2025-02-05 11:31:28] Joeyy132 : then it is gonna tank
[2025-02-05 11:31:39] Joeyy132 : but pump only next 2 hours
[2025-02-05 11:35:26] Benobi : I got hedhe both sides ayway, so I'll deal with it I think but I was curious to see why you wee thinkng that
[2025-02-05 11:35:45] Benobi : based on liquidation heatmap ? Liq bag is at 99500
[2025-02-05 11:41:19] Joeyy132 : Benobi: nah many short still left over from Monday noght
[2025-02-05 11:41:24] Joeyy132 : they will get taken out
[2025-02-05 11:41:30] Joeyy132 : then the real drop starts
[2025-02-05 11:41:45] Joeyy132 : im talking xrp anyway not btc but btc probably similar set up
[2025-02-05 11:41:55] Joeyy132 : xrp 2.6 is guarabteed
[2025-02-05 12:04:47] Joeyy132 : See
[2025-02-05 12:04:50] Joeyy132 : xrp
[2025-02-05 12:04:54] Joeyy132 : non Stop scam
[2025-02-05 12:05:08] XRP GOD : Joeyy132: are we going uppp:catjam:
[2025-02-05 12:05:11] Benobi : well ye I mean 2.6 is quite close
[2025-02-05 12:05:15] Joeyy132 : Time to spooof the MM
[2025-02-05 12:05:32] Benobi : but if you tell me we go like 2.8 or 3.0 I'd be more concerned.
[2025-02-05 12:05:44] Joeyy132 : gotta spoof the kunt if he keeps wanting to stop hunt
[2025-02-05 12:06:02] Joeyy132 : Benobi: and no , at 2.40 , 2.6 was not close
[2025-02-05 12:06:05] Joeyy132 : but here we are
[2025-02-05 12:06:09] Benobi : spoof the MM ? What that means ?
[2025-02-05 12:06:13] Joeyy132 : pure scammin
[2025-02-05 12:06:26] Benobi : Well I understad Joey but now I'musing nomore than x3 so everything is relative X)
[2025-02-05 12:06:29] Joeyy132 : Benobi: you know what spoof is?
[2025-02-05 12:06:33] Joeyy132 : and you know what the MM is
[2025-02-05 12:06:37] Joeyy132 : so you know
[2025-02-05 12:06:37] Benobi : although I'm not sure it's the winning process.
[2025-02-05 12:06:47] Benobi : I know nothing of both X')
[2025-02-05 12:06:53] Joeyy132 : Oh lol
[2025-02-05 12:06:56] Benobi : neither what spoof is neither what MM means
[2025-02-05 12:07:01] Benobi : but I can google it
[2025-02-05 12:07:02] Joeyy132 : well spoofing is what controls the market
[2025-02-05 12:07:15] Joeyy132 : It’s illegal in regulated markets
[2025-02-05 12:07:34] Joeyy132 : but 99% or order book here is spoofed
[2025-02-05 12:07:38] Joeyy132 : of
[2025-02-05 12:07:50] Benobi : I see, it's doing scam or fake orders especially in the inverse side of the market
[2025-02-05 12:07:55] Joeyy132 : And when we spoof the MM back, he loses money
[2025-02-05 12:07:58] Benobi : like stop hunting
[2025-02-05 12:08:09] Joeyy132 : no, it’s placing big orders
[2025-02-05 12:08:13] Benobi : MM means Market maker ?
[2025-02-05 12:08:20] Joeyy132 : and then removing them right before they hit
[2025-02-05 12:08:24] Benobi : Joeyy132: Ah, to attract people I see
[2025-02-05 12:08:29] Joeyy132 : yes MM is market maker
[2025-02-05 12:08:40] Joeyy132 : anf that’s all these wash trading wankers do
[2025-02-05 12:08:46] Benobi : meaning the invisible anonymous and powerful "them"
[2025-02-05 12:08:50] Joeyy132 : Pure wash trading
[2025-02-05 12:08:56] Benobi : I see
[2025-02-05 12:09:00] Joeyy132 : Benobi: yep lol
[2025-02-05 12:10:45] Benobi : I'm trying an experiment myself. I have the feeling I can move the price of a coin with a 1 dollar order. it's working not so bad so far, but of course it's maybe just coincidential that I'm following the right price.
[2025-02-05 12:10:48] Benobi : but I doubt so.
[2025-02-05 12:11:13] Benobi : because my 1 dollar order is far above the other orders and it never get executed.
[2025-02-05 12:12:26] Benobi : in short I try to scam the bots. X)
[2025-02-05 12:14:07] Joeyy132 : Benobi: yes, you can
[2025-02-05 12:14:24] Joeyy132 : They pumped btc from 15k to 100k using a tenner
[2025-02-05 12:14:28] Joeyy132 : so yes we can pump
[2025-02-05 12:14:32] Joeyy132 : proce with 0 money
[2025-02-05 12:14:50] Joeyy132 : Or a few 0.0001 buys
[2025-02-05 12:15:00] Benobi : Well X) I dont think I could move btc without a bot
[2025-02-05 12:20:54] Joeyy132 : Long xrp
[2025-02-05 12:20:58] Joeyy132 : tp 2.6
[2025-02-05 12:21:01] Joeyy132 : free money
[2025-02-05 12:25:00] Joeyy132 : …..
[2025-02-05 12:26:16] Joeyy132 : the scam has unbelievable power
[2025-02-05 12:26:19] Joeyy132 : dont fight it
[2025-02-05 12:26:26] Joeyy132 : always lose even with millions
[2025-02-05 12:26:36] Joeyy132 : Let it rip
[2025-02-05 12:26:41] Joeyy132 : then short it to zero
[2025-02-05 12:27:06] XRP GOD : Joeyy132: :doge:
[2025-02-05 12:27:14] Joeyy132 : Rocket
[2025-02-05 12:27:17] Joeyy132 : 🚀
[2025-02-05 12:27:31] Joeyy132 : XRP GOD: :catjam:
[2025-02-05 12:27:59] XRP GOD : Joeyy132: come join the Xrp family:catjam:
[2025-02-05 12:28:16] Joeyy132 : XRP GOD: I strongly dislike xrp
[2025-02-05 12:28:22] Joeyy132 : 😜
[2025-02-05 12:28:56] XRP GOD : Hehe 😜
[2025-02-05 12:29:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 188.1000 MELANIA @ 1.714 ($271.05)
[2025-02-05 12:32:57] Joeyy132 : So sad that Melanie’s never even got a pump
[2025-02-05 12:33:03] Joeyy132 : her fanny dry af
[2025-02-05 12:50:52] Yourholyhireless : bullrun has ended cause bullrun has started
[2025-02-05 12:51:02] Yourholyhireless : :rocket::arthur::downrocket:
[2025-02-05 12:52:11] Yourholyhireless : 😌
[2025-02-05 12:52:16] Yourholyhireless : 🍟
[2025-02-05 12:53:29] Billy Onary : Wheres the Funding??
[2025-02-05 12:57:09] Yourholyhireless : bullrun shorts more than all bea markets together
[2025-02-05 12:57:31] Yourholyhireless : bears confused about this
[2025-02-05 13:17:21] WinstonChurchill : wa w @Yourholyhireless +1
[2025-02-05 13:18:30] Benobi : what's data saying for crypto ?
[2025-02-05 13:19:16] WinstonChurchill : Benobi: up
[2025-02-05 13:19:28] WinstonChurchill : higher and up