BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2025-01-31 17:40:44] ninnk : oh wow would you look at that its like we havent moved at all lmao :crab:
[2025-01-31 17:40:53] ninnk : so boring can we get some fud
[2025-01-31 17:41:00] ninnk : or fomo
[2025-01-31 17:41:01] Dario1 : hehe
[2025-01-31 17:42:02] ninnk : caex: ye what are the gonna call it? bitcoin cash? :kek:
[2025-01-31 17:42:57] caex : MrLS: the end result will be that many people will lose their fortunes when Bitcoin 2.0 comes into force, it is only a matter of time, but not years
[2025-01-31 17:43:39] Dario1 : environmentally friendly bitcoin
[2025-01-31 17:44:18] MrLS : Everything for the "climate" right
[2025-01-31 17:44:31] MrLS : everything to rip everyone of everything they own
[2025-01-31 17:44:56] caex : this BTC will go to waste
[2025-01-31 17:50:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 186.5000 SOL @ 236.1 ($44,037.69) - Check your inbox
[2025-01-31 17:51:55] LL_Beaner : caex: how long
[2025-01-31 17:52:02] LL_Beaner : caex: this year?
[2025-01-31 17:52:09] LL_Beaner : Will this bull market survive
[2025-01-31 17:52:27] LL_Beaner : I want to get out after this market and switch to stocks bc I figured something would happen
[2025-01-31 17:52:30] Joeyy132 : caex: @MrLS @Dario1 if blackrock want to take all the bitcoin let’s just dump it and make it worthless right
[2025-01-31 17:52:37] Joeyy132 : they can have it all at 0
[2025-01-31 17:52:54] Joeyy132 : LL_Beaner: u better switch to stock now then lol
[2025-01-31 17:52:59] Joeyy132 : i already made the switch
[2025-01-31 17:53:04] Joeyy132 : all I do is short here now
[2025-01-31 17:53:26] Joeyy132 : Don’t even bother shorting if u don’t want
[2025-01-31 17:53:36] Joeyy132 : jjst buy stocks and don’t put a penny more in this ponzi
[2025-01-31 17:54:01] Joeyy132 : I’d argue don’t even buy stocks right now just stack cash wait for the stock market crash then go in
[2025-01-31 17:56:52] PeacenLuv : ya btc lookz like a free ride up here lezgoooo
[2025-01-31 17:59:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1000 XBT @ 104583.6 ($10,458.49)
[2025-01-31 18:01:32] capgros : short bmex?
[2025-01-31 18:02:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 20 Cont @ 3372.58 ($7,049.72) - Check your inbox
[2025-01-31 18:02:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 20000 USD @ 104517
[2025-01-31 18:06:16] Dario1 : Joeyy132: blackrock can do as they wish. they are the world's largest asset manager and most influential one. some say they own the world. It's all fcked up, bro
[2025-01-31 18:06:33] Dario1 : Look at this table showing the amount of energy required to power each transaction per cryptocurrency
[2025-01-31 18:06:41] Dario1 :
[2025-01-31 18:06:53] Dario1 : For example XRP consumes 0.0079 Kilowatt hour per transaction
[2025-01-31 18:07:02] Dario1 : Dogecoin 0.12
[2025-01-31 18:07:11] Dario1 : but bitcoin 707
[2025-01-31 18:07:35] Dario1 : so eco-friendly bitcoin fork is just a matter of time
[2025-01-31 18:07:53] Dario1 : even without blackrock initiating it
[2025-01-31 18:07:58] _fred bloggs : Just convert to pos
[2025-01-31 18:08:15] 3times7timesmillion : cool story bro
[2025-01-31 18:10:10] 3times7timesmillion : now that one about security
[2025-01-31 18:11:55] BlissRP : Joeyy132: can you tell me more about quantum computing and china banning bitcoin now ser
[2025-01-31 18:12:04] BlissRP : so we can keep on the same delusional mental state
[2025-01-31 18:12:19] ninnk : just buy qrl
[2025-01-31 18:12:24] ninnk : and forget about it
[2025-01-31 18:12:29] BlissRP : qrl to 50mil per token
[2025-01-31 18:12:30] BlissRP : ez
[2025-01-31 18:12:31] ninnk : come back when society's been rebuilt
[2025-01-31 18:12:40] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:12:58] Dario1 : Quantum computers will definitely pose a serious challenge to bitcoin. Luckily we have a few years time left to prepare and there are currently scientists researching the transition to post-quantum cryptography.
[2025-01-31 18:13:08] Dario1 : Hopefully they will find a solution before it gets too late.
[2025-01-31 18:13:20] Dario1 : In the mean time, if you think research in quantum computers are actually more advanced than is being shared publicly, you should consider moving your bitcoins to a new p2pkh address to make it less vulnerable.
[2025-01-31 18:13:45] BlissRP : Dario1: now kiss kroleg
[2025-01-31 18:13:48] Dario1 : Other than qcs you should learn about protecting your cold wallet against electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks
[2025-01-31 18:14:27] Dario1 : BlissRP: where I disagree with kroeleg is his time estimate and hid doom scenario
[2025-01-31 18:14:44] BlissRP : Dario1: fair enough m8
[2025-01-31 18:14:51] ninnk : how's an emp gonna affect my steel plates exactly?
[2025-01-31 18:14:54] Dario1 : if you read what I said more carefully, you realize I don’t see a doom scenario
[2025-01-31 18:14:59] BlissRP : i just think its so far away we might as well focus on the right now, and the current cycle
[2025-01-31 18:15:02] BlissRP : in all seriousness
[2025-01-31 18:15:03] ninnk : magnetize them? and then i'll be like: magnets! how do they work???"
[2025-01-31 18:15:04] ninnk : :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:15:34] BlissRP : i sell all my holdings every cycle anyways
[2025-01-31 18:15:41] BlissRP : not really thinking about future doom
[2025-01-31 18:16:07] Dario1 : ninnk: An EMP attack destroys all electronics, including btc cold storage wallets. Make sure it has enough protection 😛
[2025-01-31 18:16:56] ninnk : anyway :pepe: we're at the same level we wuz last weekend :pepe:
[2025-01-31 18:16:59] ninnk : stablecoin :pepe:
[2025-01-31 18:17:16] Dario1 : ninnk: you know what’s more dangerous than emp?
[2025-01-31 18:17:25] BlissRP : Dario1: deez nutz
[2025-01-31 18:17:27] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:17:30] ninnk : what he said
[2025-01-31 18:17:31] Dario1 : dangerous for wallet I mean
[2025-01-31 18:17:37] Dario1 : BlissRP: nope
[2025-01-31 18:17:39] ninnk : a crazy woman?
[2025-01-31 18:17:52] Dario1 : an angry wife :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:18:03] Dario1 : ninnk: exactly 🤣
[2025-01-31 18:18:16] BlissRP : truth
[2025-01-31 18:18:24] ninnk : well duh i mean :pepe:
[2025-01-31 18:18:42] ninnk : women ☕
[2025-01-31 18:19:35] Dario1 : Good think only a few countries possess emp bombs. Most irrational one is north korea
[2025-01-31 18:19:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2100 USD @ 104454.9
[2025-01-31 18:20:12] ninnk : i wanna see kim's trades
[2025-01-31 18:20:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 11 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 25.54 ($290.83)
[2025-01-31 18:20:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 30000 USD @ 104294.1
[2025-01-31 18:20:42] ninnk : DOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!
[2025-01-31 18:21:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 10800 USD @ 104257.6
[2025-01-31 18:21:09] Dario1 : Currently, United States, Russia, China, France, The United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have those EMP bombs
[2025-01-31 18:21:13] ninnk : 15m tunnel holding :eyes:
[2025-01-31 18:21:23] Dario1 : Iran probably too but they won’t admi
[2025-01-31 18:21:24] ninnk : and rekt
[2025-01-31 18:22:07] Dario1 : ninnk: kim doesn’t trade. He has an arm of hackers stealing otjer ppl’s bitcoins
[2025-01-31 18:22:27] ninnk : yeah how do you know? did he tell you that?
[2025-01-31 18:22:36] ninnk : i'm pretty sure kim is in korean channel
[2025-01-31 18:22:48] Dario1 : It’s well known, news, documentary etc
[2025-01-31 18:24:15] ninnk : that's what they want you to believe
[2025-01-31 18:24:22] ninnk : kim is probably top 10 on bybit
[2025-01-31 18:24:33] ninnk : trading fartcoin or some shit
[2025-01-31 18:24:34] ninnk : :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:26:25] ninnk : believe it or not: mcdonalds
[2025-01-31 18:26:27] ninnk : :downrocket:
[2025-01-31 18:26:40] Dario1 : Just google kim jong un army of hackers and you will see thousands of articles from multiple sources and countries…
[2025-01-31 18:27:18] Dario1 : Anyway, having said the above, I still think bitcoin will hit 200-250k later this year
[2025-01-31 18:27:20] ninnk : jesus dude you wouldnt be able to spot a troll if they told you they were a troll
[2025-01-31 18:27:21] ninnk : christ
[2025-01-31 18:27:23] ninnk : :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:28:13] ninnk : Dario1: according to my voodoo n shiet 460k give or take would be ultra fomo
[2025-01-31 18:28:17] Dario1 : I know you were trolling lol
[2025-01-31 18:28:22] ninnk : 250k more reasonable
[2025-01-31 18:28:35] ninnk : but first lets get 120k then 165k tyvm
[2025-01-31 18:28:59] ninnk : and before that, let's have a quick shakeout to 92k :eyes: i want that HL to be low as fuck
[2025-01-31 18:29:24] Dario1 : ninnk: agree on that. I don’t mind seeing 700k as blackrock predicts, but first let’s see 250k
[2025-01-31 18:30:06] ninnk : first let's see what happens with this hourly :D
[2025-01-31 18:30:59] Dario1 : Just random fluctuations but yesterday I mentioned 104200 and 101700
[2025-01-31 18:31:05] Dario1 : first one got hit
[2025-01-31 18:31:21] Dario1 : below 101700 we have a big cme gap
[2025-01-31 18:31:23] blaster33 : give me 100k, stop being weak bears
[2025-01-31 18:31:41] ninnk : this you mean? :P @Dario1
[2025-01-31 18:31:55] Dario1 : it might also fill that gap all the way to 100k
[2025-01-31 18:32:48] Dario1 : ninnk: he always has the most accurate TA than anyone I have ever seen
[2025-01-31 18:32:51] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 103677.9 - 🐳
[2025-01-31 18:33:17] PeacenLuv : bully longstops up btc 101101 lezgoo btfd btc 1hr
[2025-01-31 18:33:22] Dario1 : Which is why I alway post his TA here. only when I agree with it ofc
[2025-01-31 18:33:26] ninnk : ye, been following him lately. many blessing upon him and his famiry
[2025-01-31 18:33:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 27100 USD @ 103624.2
[2025-01-31 18:33:30] ninnk : amen :pray:
[2025-01-31 18:33:39] Dario1 : I also post TA from other ppl
[2025-01-31 18:33:41] HuskySquared : WRONG WAY
[2025-01-31 18:33:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 400 USD @ 103587.7 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-01-31 18:33:48] Dario1 : ninnk: +1
[2025-01-31 18:33:59] "it will be........" : .
[2025-01-31 18:34:11] chujev : scam
[2025-01-31 18:34:26] Dario1 : predictable scam :arthur:
[2025-01-31 18:34:46] RonniePickering : ETF boys selling?
[2025-01-31 18:35:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2600 USD @ 103413.8
[2025-01-31 18:35:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSD`: Sell 194 Cont @ 127.25 ($5,105.79) - McDonald's is hiring
[2025-01-31 18:36:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AXSUSD`: Sell 400 Cont @ 5.47 ($226.25)
[2025-01-31 18:36:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `GMTUSD`: Sell 300 Cont @ 0.0963 ($298.73)
[2025-01-31 18:36:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 600 USD @ 103405 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-01-31 18:36:29] HuskySquared : trump is nuking the stock market
[2025-01-31 18:36:31] HuskySquared : WITH REAL NUKES WTF
[2025-01-31 18:36:53] MrLS : Well atleast its fcking moving now jeez
[2025-01-31 18:37:02] leBread : Seems like the rest of the world disagrees with paying the US Debt by investing in Bitcoin.
[2025-01-31 18:37:06] chujev : bers fixing the monthly candle
[2025-01-31 18:37:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 8000 USD @ 103296.7
[2025-01-31 18:37:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 500 USD @ 103250.6 - 🐳
[2025-01-31 18:37:38] Dario1 : RonniePickering: another shake out operation, getting rid of over-leveraged bulls and weak hands :arthur:
[2025-01-31 18:37:42] Joeyy132 : Lol
[2025-01-31 18:38:06] MrLS : pump it for mi familia
[2025-01-31 18:38:14] Joeyy132 : Shorts closing here
[2025-01-31 18:38:15] MrLS : or just go to zer0
[2025-01-31 18:38:18] Joeyy132 : i wonder what they know
[2025-01-31 18:38:25] ninnk : yeehaw
[2025-01-31 18:38:29] Joeyy132 : Might close my short here too
[2025-01-31 18:38:30] ninnk : :burger::fries:
[2025-01-31 18:38:47] Dario1 : leBread: stop your nonsense. US government currently hold only 1% of bitcoin. US will buy the coming years, not sell you idiot
[2025-01-31 18:38:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 300 USD @ 103207.1 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-01-31 18:39:01] MrLS : the whole world expected a trump pump but instead they got a trump dump
[2025-01-31 18:39:14] PeacenLuv : longit btc lezgo buy the phukeen dip 1hr fully bully
[2025-01-31 18:40:10] ninnk : something something nevers starts to end
[2025-01-31 18:40:29] Dario1 : null hao incoming
[2025-01-31 18:41:14] ninnk : 0-sensei would be proud
[2025-01-31 18:41:38] Dario1 : He is the only pro troll here
[2025-01-31 18:42:37] Dario1 : you should have seen him flashing his long positions once immediately after his usual bearish trolls 😈
[2025-01-31 18:44:12] Dario1 : could bounce a bit from here because it’s at the bottom of an ascending channel
[2025-01-31 18:44:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 103139.4 - 🐳
[2025-01-31 18:44:23] ninnk : 2024-01-22 03:06:36 UTC Nullmaster / position xbtusd XBTUSD: -999999999999999999999999,000 USD @ 41567.4244
[2025-01-31 18:44:24] ninnk : smart man
[2025-01-31 18:45:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1000 USD @ 103012.2
[2025-01-31 18:45:32] leBread : There was a time investing in Bitcoin to help the US to pay of their debt, was bullish.
[2025-01-31 18:45:41] Dario1 : I didn’t know he was that rich 😛 @ninnk
[2025-01-31 18:45:51] big number go down : 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
[2025-01-31 18:46:01] MrLS : :pepe:
[2025-01-31 18:46:03] MrLS : nice name
[2025-01-31 18:46:09] MrBritcoin : this is where we takeoff:ME::ME:
[2025-01-31 18:46:12] ninnk : man are you fr? he's shorting bitcoin he's the richest richie rich on the planet
[2025-01-31 18:46:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2700 USD @ 102860.4
[2025-01-31 18:46:37] HuskySquared : AND JUST LIKE THAT
[2025-01-31 18:46:37] HuskySquared : ZAP
[2025-01-31 18:46:38] HuskySquared : ALL THE MONEY GONE
[2025-01-31 18:46:50] MrLS : imagine this ponzi crashing back all the way to 85k
[2025-01-31 18:47:04] blaster33 :
[2025-01-31 18:47:04] leBread : Imagination is strong today.
[2025-01-31 18:47:05] blaster33 : LMAO
[2025-01-31 18:47:09] ninnk : imagine it crashing all the way to [*calculating*]
[2025-01-31 18:47:25] BlissRP : ninnk: ask chatCCP
[2025-01-31 18:47:27] ninnk : $38494.69
[2025-01-31 18:47:29] ninnk : nrij
[2025-01-31 18:47:39] leBread : blaster33: lol, excellent.
[2025-01-31 18:48:22] HuskySquared : blaster33: lol
[2025-01-31 18:48:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 11 Cont @ 3319.77 ($3,766.08) - Up only!
[2025-01-31 18:49:09] ninnk : where's cheeseboy
[2025-01-31 18:49:21] BlissRP : ninnk: melted on my nachos
[2025-01-31 18:49:23] ninnk : i wanna hear him say "gold made ath while btc crashing"
[2025-01-31 18:49:24] Dario1 : Soon we will see far west (us) vs near west (eu)
[2025-01-31 18:49:28] leBread : he probably forgot to take profits again.
[2025-01-31 18:50:13] jnjllvr :
[2025-01-31 18:51:01] Dario1 : leBread: cheese was very profitable last few weeks, unlike you. Remember him telling you to long 40-50k? Too bad you were clueless and stayed a perma-bear until 100k :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:51:07] dexswap : why it not stopping???
[2025-01-31 18:51:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 500 USD @ 102720.7 - 😂
[2025-01-31 18:51:51] ninnk : satto flipped, 107k incoming
[2025-01-31 18:51:59] dexswap : never 105k again
[2025-01-31 18:52:01] Dario1 : 102500 was the target of a h&s someone posted here yesterday. forgot bis name but his TA was great
[2025-01-31 18:52:16] leBread : ninnk: lol, that dude still alive?
[2025-01-31 18:52:51] caex : no crashing jet soon
[2025-01-31 18:53:17] PeacenLuv : 5min bully tunnel buy the dips btc never lose lezgoo
[2025-01-31 18:53:20] Dario1 : ninnk: satto is part of the bybit smart marketing team. They give him money to play with and they have a bot counter trading his trades. This way bybit doesn’t lose any money
[2025-01-31 18:53:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 102629.4 - this was the last penny!
[2025-01-31 18:53:39] ninnk : Dario1: he's papertrading but his ui looks legit ez as :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:53:53] dexswap : i closed my short scalp at 104 :pepe:
[2025-01-31 18:53:54] ninnk : doesnt matter :kek: still funny to watch him rage
[2025-01-31 18:53:57] PeacenLuv : incoming btc pump lezgoo
[2025-01-31 18:54:19] Symphoenix : look at this beauty ! We are surrounded by pulsing objects ! 20h00 has been refined to 20h12 UTC. Be ready Buddies coz it's a big one !
[2025-01-31 18:54:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0823 XBT @ 102606.6 ($8,442.52)
[2025-01-31 18:54:48] Dario1 : ninnk: :kek:
[2025-01-31 18:55:06] Joeyy132 : As long as Bmex keeps pumping I don’t give a fk about a dump
[2025-01-31 18:55:23] Joeyy132 : Bmex soon $4.2
[2025-01-31 18:55:58] Dario1 : bmex :rocket:
[2025-01-31 18:56:04] BMEXcheers : apparently the UK has enough btc to 'clean up the streets' if you know what i mean
[2025-01-31 18:56:50] PeacenLuv : adding longs here btc
[2025-01-31 18:57:02] ninnk : BMEXcheers: they dont have enough bmex
[2025-01-31 18:58:19] BMEXcheers : true true nor do they own rockwell 6s'
[2025-01-31 18:58:20] BMEXcheers : heh
[2025-01-31 18:58:22] PeacenLuv : i hope u think me taking yur munnee is funnee
[2025-01-31 18:58:29] BMEXcheers : I can tell, no close shave bros anywhere
[2025-01-31 18:59:16] ninnk : rugged society
[2025-01-31 18:59:24] Dario1 : PeacenLuv: you have achieved full-spectrum dominance bro
[2025-01-31 18:59:30] Dario1 : please leave some profits for rest of us
[2025-01-31 18:59:47] ninnk : 😂😂😂😂
[2025-01-31 19:00:04] ninnk : ltc soon to follow suite cya at 115
[2025-01-31 19:00:07] ninnk : /liq ltcusd ``` :bitmex: LTCUSD: 138.47 ```
[2025-01-31 19:04:08] PeacenLuv : 5min btc bully longz weeeee lezgooo airdroppingbtc here on mex thiz period
[2025-01-31 19:04:35] PeacenLuv : btc its the real thangggg
[2025-01-31 19:04:55] Joeyy132 : Funny how rugged means strong and tough but in crypto it means DESTROYED
[2025-01-31 19:05:09] Joeyy132 : Get sent
[2025-01-31 19:05:25] PeacenLuv : if yur a gewd trader ya gotta love the pa btc usd gives ya
[2025-01-31 19:07:36] PeacenLuv : Pantera - Cowboys From Hell pumpittup btc bullyz
[2025-01-31 19:07:52] MrBritcoin : 120k lets go
[2025-01-31 19:07:58] PeacenLuv : long ltc "20 usd per soon
[2025-01-31 19:08:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0586 XBT @ 102498.4 ($6,004.80)
[2025-01-31 19:09:04] MrBritcoin :
[2025-01-31 19:10:22] PeacenLuv : btfd btc lezgoo
[2025-01-31 19:10:39] dexswap : its so much fun being a bear
[2025-01-31 19:10:46] Mr. JB : MrBritcoin: 67 id were Lucky. After that 156k would be nice
[2025-01-31 19:11:00] Mr. JB : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -3,000 USD @ 105334.1198 ```
[2025-01-31 19:12:04] Mr. JB : Opened just after us markets opened yesterday.
[2025-01-31 19:12:23] Mr. JB : /pnl xbtusd hope it goes lower ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0002 XBT RPNL, 0.0007 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-31 19:12:50] Dario1 : Mr. JB: well played, sir
[2025-01-31 19:12:55] BlissRP : Mr. JB: :doge:
[2025-01-31 19:13:18] Mr. JB : /position dogeusdt ``` :bitmex: DOGEUSDT: -2,000 DOGE @ 0.3351148 ```
[2025-01-31 19:13:58] Mr. JB : /pnl dogeusdt also hoping it falls more ``` :bitmex: DOGEUSDT: 11.05 USDT RPNL, 13.08 USDT UPNL ```
[2025-01-31 19:14:45] Dario1 : Probably 101600, then bounce up a little and then fill the cme gap at 100k
[2025-01-31 19:15:29] Dario1 : might take until sunday night
[2025-01-31 19:15:56] MrLS : :pepe:
[2025-01-31 19:21:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 12000 USD @ 102229.6
[2025-01-31 19:22:48] HuskySquared : lol
[2025-01-31 19:22:50] dexswap : btc ded
[2025-01-31 19:23:17] MrLS : kinda
[2025-01-31 19:23:26] leBread : Nice to see dollar index mooning again.
[2025-01-31 19:23:39] MrLS : leBread: traitor
[2025-01-31 19:23:45] ninnk : it's so over like it's never been over before
[2025-01-31 19:23:50] ninnk : straight to mcdonalds
[2025-01-31 19:23:52] ninnk : :downrocket:
[2025-01-31 19:24:15] leBread : MrLS: Sry, has to trade market direction sir.
[2025-01-31 19:24:33] MrLS : facts
[2025-01-31 19:25:32] leBread : This seems like a good point to start believing in bitcoin again. But who knows.
[2025-01-31 19:25:50] bluemaster : /position xbtusd shame I buy just little bit and bitcoin stop dumping 😜 ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 80,100 USD @ 102380.343 ```
[2025-01-31 19:25:51] BlissRP : dominance dumping hard
[2025-01-31 19:25:53] MrLS : dxy pumping till 109 max
[2025-01-31 19:25:55] BlissRP : very interesting move here
[2025-01-31 19:26:09] leBread : Alts are standing still while daddy corn pumps. Exciting indeed.
[2025-01-31 19:26:15] leBread : dumps*
[2025-01-31 19:26:26] BlissRP : ye its very very interesting
[2025-01-31 19:26:29] Benobi : Tbh it feels like they want to close monthly under 100k
[2025-01-31 19:26:35] BlissRP : first inkling signs of alt season
[2025-01-31 19:26:37] BlissRP : the tingles
[2025-01-31 19:26:41] BlissRP : spidey senses
[2025-01-31 19:27:44] kroleg666 : lol stupid cows
[2025-01-31 19:28:45] BlissRP : the quantum lord of losses is here
[2025-01-31 19:28:47] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-31 19:28:56] kroleg666 : what losses
[2025-01-31 19:29:00] ninnk : kroleg666: COWS GO MOO WHEN THEY POO
[2025-01-31 19:29:04] ninnk : *T R A C T O R*
[2025-01-31 19:29:06] kroleg666 : true
[2025-01-31 19:30:00] PeacenLuv : this is a long bearz trapped deluluz
[2025-01-31 19:31:54] BlissRP : almost there
[2025-01-31 19:31:55] BlissRP :
[2025-01-31 19:31:59] PeacenLuv : 😑ya im lonhing this u btc bear freakz laughing wassup with that btc made to go up oops noone read the memo
[2025-01-31 19:32:01] BlissRP : kroleg just needs to short it
[2025-01-31 19:32:33] PeacenLuv : thank gewdness yur all muted
[2025-01-31 19:32:49] ninnk : :btc::downrocket:
[2025-01-31 19:32:59] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: unmute all for financial freedom
[2025-01-31 19:33:24] ninnk : calling all ltc baggies to sell :doge:
[2025-01-31 19:33:28] ninnk : trust me :doge:
[2025-01-31 19:33:41] PeacenLuv : Benobi: u2 sucker nink yur next btc bearz zuk dik
[2025-01-31 19:33:52] PeacenLuv : mutantz
[2025-01-31 19:33:59] ninnk : daddy chill
[2025-01-31 19:34:07] PeacenLuv : no joke
[2025-01-31 19:34:07] ninnk : there's two directions money's to be made here :pepe:
[2025-01-31 19:34:40] Benobi : 💁🙅🙆
[2025-01-31 19:36:09] bmagic : Shorters reduce your risk
[2025-01-31 19:36:30] bmagic : If we break 107k from here east 111 to 114k ATH
[2025-01-31 19:36:43] bmagic : But 90k looks sweet if we fail 106k
[2025-01-31 19:37:00] Benobi : what is there two look for inbetween sir ?
[2025-01-31 19:37:17] bmagic : A rejection of 104k on this boynce
[2025-01-31 19:37:22] Benobi : Like surely there will be a step before 106k to know if we're going to retest ?
[2025-01-31 19:37:31] Benobi : Ok, thank you for sharing
[2025-01-31 19:38:54] bmagic : A bottom is starting to form around 101200 to 101600
[2025-01-31 19:39:17] bmagic : 102200 to 102600*
[2025-01-31 19:39:19] Benobi : ot sure we will bounce though, SPY is still falling, it's monthly close... I dunno
[2025-01-31 19:39:25] Benobi : I feel like there was a plan, but we'll.
[2025-01-31 19:39:29] Benobi : we'll see
[2025-01-31 19:39:43] bmagic : Yeah if it fails ez 101k retest
[2025-01-31 19:39:59] Benobi : also the pattern is coherent on daily it's turning in a big head and shoulder
[2025-01-31 19:40:26] Benobi :
[2025-01-31 19:40:59] BlissRP : end of month always scammed
[2025-01-31 19:41:07] BlissRP : especially on contracts expiry day :kek:
[2025-01-31 19:41:08] Benobi : (well forget about the pattern stuff, my bad. )
[2025-01-31 19:41:20] Benobi : aaaaah, that's it.
[2025-01-31 19:41:43] BlissRP : applying logic to degen whales trying to liq each other
[2025-01-31 19:41:48] BlissRP : does not compute
[2025-01-31 19:41:54] BlissRP : trade the chop
[2025-01-31 19:42:48] HuskySquared : 'theres brain matter on her pants'
[2025-01-31 19:42:48] HuskySquared : lol
[2025-01-31 19:42:49] bmagic : 102700 pivot or fail
[2025-01-31 19:42:49] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2025-01-31 19:54:54] caex : it's your lucky day, choose the number you want to see today 83 or 85 on the scam 😏
[2025-01-31 19:56:21] PeacenLuv : pumpitrup btc lezgoo
[2025-01-31 19:58:25] Benobi : looking at the chart I think SPY is going to rebound just a bit then fall lower
[2025-01-31 19:59:55] Dario1 : I choose predictable scam any day :arthur:
[2025-01-31 20:01:03] caex : It should have been below 100k a long time ago, but the damn institutions have everything under control and some guy will decide well, let's sell a little today, let them enjoy cheaper BTC
[2025-01-31 20:01:20] Dario1 : lol
[2025-01-31 20:03:15] Dario1 : bluemaster: buy more m8. Maybe you can single-handedly stop the dump 🛑
[2025-01-31 20:06:00] caex : Microstrategy should be the first to go bankrupt for greed for BTC, I'm waiting for the day when BTC drops to 20k and I'll write to Saylor buy the bottom we have now 😝
[2025-01-31 20:06:32] caex : sry not 20 , 38k
[2025-01-31 20:09:45] leBread : Sometimes its good to have patience, sometimes its not.
[2025-01-31 20:10:20] Joeyy132 : leBread: example of when not?
[2025-01-31 20:11:05] caex : the guy is desperate because things are not going his way and he encourages you to buy above 100k because you have to sell your 400k+ BTC somewhere, the shareholders are waiting for the money
[2025-01-31 20:11:52] ninnk : all grifto animal token lovers will share a cell with saylor
[2025-01-31 20:11:55] ninnk : damp it
[2025-01-31 20:12:43] caex : a bunch of billions are blocked and blackrock is doing a fork and saylor will be left with his BTC in the ass
[2025-01-31 20:12:57] Dario1 : leBread: Your kind of patience is never good. I remember you saying you have patience bc it was going to dump to 4k during the entire pump from 15 to 100k :kek:
[2025-01-31 20:13:17] caex : and he will throw us down to save what he can
[2025-01-31 20:13:24] caex : and btc 3k again
[2025-01-31 20:13:31] caex : or ZERO
[2025-01-31 20:13:35] Dario1 : leBread: patience can’t help when you are perma clueless
[2025-01-31 20:15:49] leBread : Joeyy132: When you need to go to the loo, patiance is usually bad, for your pants.
[2025-01-31 20:16:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2000 USD @ 101977.7
[2025-01-31 20:19:45] Yourholyhireless : 1k
[2025-01-31 20:19:58] Dario1 : null hao
[2025-01-31 20:20:13] Yourholyhireless : PeacenLuv: 1k man
[2025-01-31 20:20:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 7.1000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 25.019 ($179.39)
[2025-01-31 20:21:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0360 XBT @ 101996 ($3,670.17)
[2025-01-31 20:22:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTH25`: Sell 1500 USD @ 103637.5
[2025-01-31 20:22:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 12000 USD @ 101845
[2025-01-31 20:22:27] dexswap : btc is the ultimate digital gold, it falls at any chance it ca
[2025-01-31 20:22:29] Yourholyhireless : bullun has ended cause bullrun has sttarted 😳
[2025-01-31 20:22:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.7000 XBT @ 101731 ($71,182.55) - when moon?
[2025-01-31 20:22:35] dexswap : boooom
[2025-01-31 20:22:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1100 USD @ 101655.9
[2025-01-31 20:23:00] Yourholyhireless : bullrun finally has started :downrocket:
[2025-01-31 20:23:08] caex : free BTC from the sick price above 100k
[2025-01-31 20:24:04] Dario1 : pew pew
[2025-01-31 20:24:13] Dario1 : Boom Shaka Laka
[2025-01-31 20:24:20] dexswap : above 100k was never good for btc
[2025-01-31 20:24:30] dexswap : 20k is a better price
[2025-01-31 20:24:50] BlissRP :
[2025-01-31 20:24:52] ninnk : daily ema 21 hit
[2025-01-31 20:24:52] BlissRP : wen mcdonalds
[2025-01-31 20:24:56] ninnk : take from that what you will
[2025-01-31 20:25:20] Dario1 : 2nd t
[2025-01-31 20:26:13] Dario1 : 2nd target I mentioned yesterday also got hit 🎯
[2025-01-31 20:26:41] Dario1 : Now hopefully a little but bounce up before filling cme gap at 100k
[2025-01-31 20:27:35] caex : 78k gap too
[2025-01-31 20:27:56] Dario1 : oh didn’t know about that one
[2025-01-31 20:28:34] Dario1 : little bit*
[2025-01-31 20:30:56] bmagic : 135k incoming it seems
[2025-01-31 20:31:04] Joeyy132 : bmagic: wtf how?
[2025-01-31 20:31:10] Joeyy132 : eqtlier u said 106 failed
[2025-01-31 20:31:12] Joeyy132 : duamp it
[2025-01-31 20:31:15] bmagic : No reason
[2025-01-31 20:31:16] ninnk : look at daily
[2025-01-31 20:31:19] Joeyy132 : Lol
[2025-01-31 20:31:20] Joeyy132 : troll
[2025-01-31 20:31:20] ninnk : and do some voodoo
[2025-01-31 20:31:22] bmagic : Just tear jerking
[2025-01-31 20:32:05] bmagic : We might see 104k again but bears in control
[2025-01-31 20:32:18] Dario1 : yep
[2025-01-31 20:32:44] bmagic : We would need a strong impulse above 107k to assert any chance of ATH as i said before
[2025-01-31 20:32:51] bmagic : Possible but unlikely
[2025-01-31 20:34:42] Dario1 : For that to happen, they first have to deceive the majority of retail into thinking it’s uber bearish, which they are doing now :arthur:
[2025-01-31 20:35:33] BlissRP : Dario1: ooga booga zero!!!!
[2025-01-31 20:36:06] Dario1 : this guy knows ^
[2025-01-31 20:36:21] Dario1 : 0 incoming any second guys
[2025-01-31 20:37:14] Dario1 : We have a cumulative shorts liquidation zone at roughly 108k-$106.4k
[2025-01-31 20:37:26] Dario1 : if that one breaks then ATH is almost guaranteed
[2025-01-31 20:37:32] Dario1 : using tb terminology here
[2025-01-31 20:37:58] BlissRP : Dario1: wernings were issued
[2025-01-31 20:38:12] Dario1 : BlissRP: by multiple sources on multiple occasions
[2025-01-31 20:38:30] Dario1 : I would take tb wernings very seriously folks
[2025-01-31 20:38:39] Dario1 : better believe it
[2025-01-31 20:38:56] Dario1 : @Werner it’s time for daily wernings
[2025-01-31 20:54:42] caex : Great stock market panic on the anniversary of the 1929 crash lest go!
[2025-01-31 20:55:50] Yourholyhireless : 30k
[2025-01-31 20:56:09] Yourholyhireless : Dario1: multiple Arthur
[2025-01-31 20:56:21] Yourholyhireless : :arthur::arthur:
[2025-01-31 20:56:36] Dario1 : Yourholyhireless: soon multiple liquidation emails from multiple servers :arthur:
[2025-01-31 20:56:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2500 USD @ 101613.5
[2025-01-31 20:56:58] Dario1 : gonna be a long queue at McDonalds application line
[2025-01-31 20:57:31] Yourholyhireless : longers accepted
[2025-01-31 20:57:36] Dario1 : hehe
[2025-01-31 20:57:44] Dario1 : regardless of where they longed
[2025-01-31 20:59:57] bluemaster : /position xbtusd @Dario1 😜 ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 105,100 USD @ 102221.2682 ```
[2025-01-31 21:01:10] Dario1 : bluemaster: beautiful 😍
[2025-01-31 21:01:33] Yourholyhireless : bluemaster: rekt 😌
[2025-01-31 21:01:43] Yourholyhireless : Mc donalds 😳
[2025-01-31 21:04:43] bluemaster : /pnl xbtusd @Yourholyhireless ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0982 XBT RPNL, -0.0042 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-31 21:04:50] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1924 XBT RPNL, 0.0014 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-31 21:04:54] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6259 XBT RPNL, -0.0000 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-31 21:06:00] speedwell : dump a roonie
[2025-01-31 21:11:32] clarknova : wtf
[2025-01-31 21:12:01] Grill_the_bera_71 : clarknova: quamtm scam
[2025-01-31 21:12:25] bluemaster : again only I am one bullish , they learn nothing :me:
[2025-01-31 21:12:27] clarknova : Grill_the_bera_71: Trump did something ? Alon farted ?
[2025-01-31 21:13:01] Grill_the_bera_71 : clarknova: elon sucked bojden dick
[2025-01-31 21:13:06] Grill_the_bera_71 : and he puked
[2025-01-31 21:13:10] Grill_the_bera_71 : on trump shoes
[2025-01-31 21:13:17] Dario1 : bluemaster: almost everybody on tb is bullish mate
[2025-01-31 21:13:25] clarknova : Grill_the_bera_71: damn he hawtoahed ?
[2025-01-31 21:13:38] Grill_the_bera_71 : clarknova: :arthur:
[2025-01-31 21:13:52] clarknova : :kek:
[2025-01-31 21:14:04] clarknova : (I might be slightly drunk)
[2025-01-31 21:15:45] Grill_the_bera_71 : look st 25min candel
[2025-01-31 21:15:48] Grill_the_bera_71 : whot a scam
[2025-01-31 21:16:01] Grill_the_bera_71 : 15minj
[2025-01-31 21:17:02] Dario1 : looks funny, more like a controlled demolition
[2025-01-31 21:17:59] bluemaster : Dario1: keep dreaming Dario
[2025-01-31 21:18:17] Dario1 : bluemaster: dreaming about what?
[2025-01-31 21:18:26] bluemaster : Dario1: dump under 90k
[2025-01-31 21:18:37] Dario1 : bluemaster: I have never said that
[2025-01-31 21:18:45] Dario1 : bluemaster: you are confused again?
[2025-01-31 21:18:56] BlissRP : bluemaster: 69420
[2025-01-31 21:19:06] Grill_the_bera_71 : :arthur
[2025-01-31 21:19:11] tchatskii : HIGHER MONTHLY CLOSE IN THE MAKING
[2025-01-31 21:19:12] tchatskii : BULLISH
[2025-01-31 21:19:13] Grill_the_bera_71 : ;:arthur:
[2025-01-31 21:19:25] Yourholyhireless : bullrun to 30 k :dowonrocket:
[2025-01-31 21:19:30] Grill_the_bera_71 : scam to wape weak kujnts
[2025-01-31 21:19:34] Yourholyhireless : :downrocket:
[2025-01-31 21:19:45] ninnk : BlissRP: 😍
[2025-01-31 21:20:04] ninnk : now that's a number i can get on top of, or under
[2025-01-31 21:20:21] Dario1 : bluemaster: scroll up, read everything I said today to realize you are wrong, the same way you were wrong about the last bet which you lost 100 btc
[2025-01-31 21:21:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 450 DOGE @ 0.32428 ($145.86)
[2025-01-31 21:21:42] Dario1 : bluemaster: maybe you interpreted the term controlled demolition incorrectly
[2025-01-31 21:22:13] Dario1 : it means the dump was artificially, engineered by those who want to pump it later on
[2025-01-31 21:22:28] Dario1 : Anyway I never said it was gonna dump to 90k
[2025-01-31 21:22:29] ninnk : don't look at 6h :pepe:
[2025-01-31 21:22:44] ninnk : 12h tho :heart_eyes: sexy hl
[2025-01-31 21:22:57] Dario1 : bluemaster: and if you think you are the only guy longing it, you are delusional. Sorry to say that
[2025-01-31 21:23:02] Dario1 : and arrogant too
[2025-01-31 21:23:22] ninnk : hopefully this dont make a LL on bigger tf now :pepe: arthur pls bless us amen :pray:
[2025-01-31 21:23:33] Dario1 : Anyway, judge me on the things I said, not on the thinks I didn’t say
[2025-01-31 21:23:34] Dario1 : lmao
[2025-01-31 21:23:56] tchatskii : :arthur: will bring it to 75k singlehandedly
[2025-01-31 21:24:12] Dario1 : Arthur will bless us all with his liq emails, sooner or later :arthur:
[2025-01-31 21:25:31] Dario1 : bluemaster: and besides, didn’t you say you were hoping for dump to 72k just a few days ago?
[2025-01-31 21:25:42] bluemaster : Dario1: I notice Dario you never publish your positions , something smell me just like @SteveS
[2025-01-31 21:25:43] Dario1 : so you are the only guy dreaming here :kek:
[2025-01-31 21:26:23] Dario1 : bluemaster: none of your business. Don’t make it personal when your logic fails and you lose in an argument
[2025-01-31 21:26:38] Joeyy132 : bluemaster: he used to
[2025-01-31 21:26:50] ninnk : how did my ltc short get stopped again :arthur:
[2025-01-31 21:26:59] ninnk : who ran the stops this time
[2025-01-31 21:27:09] bluemaster : Dario1: talk is cheep ,show position mate
[2025-01-31 21:27:14] Joeyy132 : bluemaster: and let’s be real SteveS is a mega whale
[2025-01-31 21:27:18] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 100 USD @ 103657 ```
[2025-01-31 21:27:20] Dario1 : bluemaster: if you think out of 30k users here you are the only guy who is long, you are delusional or a narcissist 😛
[2025-01-31 21:27:21] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 30,600 USD @ 105805.5506 ```
[2025-01-31 21:27:24] bluemaster : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 105,100 USD @ 102221.2682 ```
[2025-01-31 21:27:36] Dario1 : bluemaster: Show me your 100 btc first
[2025-01-31 21:27:39] Dario1 : talk is cheap
[2025-01-31 21:27:41] Joeyy132 : bluemaster: steve probably is near your level of btc
[2025-01-31 21:27:50] Joeyy132 : Dario1: ive seen it
[2025-01-31 21:27:54] Joeyy132 : blue has loads
[2025-01-31 21:27:56] PeacenLuv : buyin the dip lezgoo btc
[2025-01-31 21:28:08] Dario1 : you have at most 10 btc but you constantly lie about have a few hundred
[2025-01-31 21:28:17] Joeyy132 : he got more than 100 just in rebate from mt gox @Dario1
[2025-01-31 21:28:46] Joeyy132 : Dario1: he has hundreds guaranteed
[2025-01-31 21:29:06] Dario1 : Joeyy132: I know about his mtgox, if not screenshot, then let him show it here instead of tiny 100k positions
[2025-01-31 21:29:17] Joeyy132 : Dario1: he showed it before
[2025-01-31 21:29:36] Joeyy132 : i already believed him before but it was impressive to see
[2025-01-31 21:29:54] bluemaster : Joeyy132: I don;t have any BTC or any money lost all in boating accident :pepe:
[2025-01-31 21:29:57] Dario1 : Joeyy132: i have not seen a position from him more than 500k in total
[2025-01-31 21:30:14] Joeyy132 : bluemaster: Oh yeah I forgot that happened to u
[2025-01-31 21:30:37] Dario1 : bluemaster: Why do you always flash tiny 100k positions every few hours if you have more than 100 btc?
[2025-01-31 21:30:40] Joeyy132 : Dario1: I have and I seen the return from gox
[2025-01-31 21:30:52] Joeyy132 : for fun probably
[2025-01-31 21:30:56] ninnk :
[2025-01-31 21:30:57] ninnk : lmao
[2025-01-31 21:31:02] Dario1 : and why 0.2x leverage? Spot makes more sense tbh.
[2025-01-31 21:31:21] Dario1 : bluemaster: stop being a childish bragger
[2025-01-31 21:31:56] Joeyy132 : Maybe I’m the childish one if I think it’s funny lol
[2025-01-31 21:32:30] The1NE : ninnk: bmex tokens?
[2025-01-31 21:32:40] The1NE : 😆