BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2025-01-24 17:53:15] HuskySquared : im a bull so i just write bullish stuff
[2025-01-24 17:53:20] HuskySquared : and mess with you
[2025-01-24 17:53:28] HuskySquared : goes up or down
[2025-01-24 17:53:44] bmagic : Short now 106660 financial instab
[2025-01-24 17:53:50] bmagic : Instability!!!
[2025-01-24 17:54:08] HuskySquared : bmagic: financial instability is bullish
[2025-01-24 17:54:27] Benobi : At which point would you sell ?
[2025-01-24 17:54:45] HuskySquared : sell what
[2025-01-24 17:54:50] Benobi : My bet is that around 110k or 120k everyone would be so rich to sell.
[2025-01-24 17:55:02] HuskySquared : lmao why would you sell bitcoin
[2025-01-24 17:55:02] bmagic : 230k
[2025-01-24 17:55:04] bmagic : No less
[2025-01-24 17:55:06] Benobi : Or to close. And the risk of a reetrace so high
[2025-01-24 17:55:21] dexswap : Benobi: hold your short, in a month or two we will be ranging in the 70 range again
[2025-01-24 17:55:25] dexswap : 130k wont hit
[2025-01-24 17:55:33] HuskySquared : dexswap: lol
[2025-01-24 17:55:43] HuskySquared : copium :arthur:
[2025-01-24 17:55:59] dexswap : No cope, reality, all news has been said
[2025-01-24 17:56:05] dexswap : Final trap before drop
[2025-01-24 17:56:08] HuskySquared : the very real risk is that due to the US regulatory changes some random country
[2025-01-24 17:56:14] dexswap : Maybe spike to 115
[2025-01-24 17:56:15] HuskySquared : like say, Singapore or so
[2025-01-24 17:56:21] HuskySquared : are going to frontrun it because why not
[2025-01-24 17:56:22] Yourholyhireless : see guys btc cant gi up
[2025-01-24 17:56:27] Yourholyhireless : it has ended cause started
[2025-01-24 17:57:17] PeacenLuv : bully supports up on a 5min btc lezgoo pampittup
[2025-01-24 17:57:19] "it will be........" : it has toilet cause it sharted
[2025-01-24 17:58:26] HuskySquared : Benobi: in seriousness though, dump seems more than a hail mary here than pump
[2025-01-24 17:58:59] HuskySquared : economic data was bullish for the US, FOMC is coming up and worst case they hold the rate
[2025-01-24 17:59:20] HuskySquared : playing this and hoping for dump amid the regulatory landscape in the US is playing russian roulette
[2025-01-24 17:59:29] HuskySquared : with 4 bullets in the chamber
[2025-01-24 18:00:11] HuskySquared : right now what has happened is that leverage has been washed out over last day
[2025-01-24 18:00:16] HuskySquared : slow creep up looking for liquidity
[2025-01-24 18:00:20] Benobi : Alright
[2025-01-24 18:00:21] HuskySquared : sellers are exhausted
[2025-01-24 18:00:26] HuskySquared : trump candle is upon ye
[2025-01-24 18:00:33] PeacenLuv : Benobi: take a chill pill n long btc
[2025-01-24 18:01:04] PeacenLuv : btc gunna go nutzohh flyday usdfedz maybe rise into close
[2025-01-24 18:01:28] PeacenLuv : jus finished lunch below where 1ce towerz stood
[2025-01-24 18:01:55] PeacenLuv : ya my heart goes out to the innocent
[2025-01-24 18:02:25] PeacenLuv : and ill take the otherz munnee hunnee
[2025-01-24 18:03:22] PeacenLuv : no reason to lowerr stops nor leave even anymore btc longz
[2025-01-24 18:03:42] PeacenLuv : zept if im wrong
[2025-01-24 18:04:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 3404.1 ($3,638.84) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2025-01-24 18:04:28] PeacenLuv : btc prolly caused trump
[2025-01-24 18:04:46] HuskySquared : Benobi: one thing to think about
[2025-01-24 18:04:50] Benobi : I rememer bmagic and God saying btc bulls like to die in a bang
[2025-01-24 18:05:07] HuskySquared : narrative behind ur trade is 'trump bad' and 'it cant go up so quick'
[2025-01-24 18:05:10] Benobi : I just find it so dangerous for nstituis to go on week end closing so high
[2025-01-24 18:05:16] PeacenLuv : god wuznt here
[2025-01-24 18:06:04] 45th_blown_account : lets make BTC great again :doge:
[2025-01-24 18:11:04] PeacenLuv : loading longs 107758 maybe 6th run at it
[2025-01-24 18:12:52] ninnk :
[2025-01-24 18:13:30] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -48,500 USD @ 106214.6173 ```
[2025-01-24 18:13:34] bmagic : Oof
[2025-01-24 18:15:38] HuskySquared : bmagic: oops
[2025-01-24 18:15:48] PeacenLuv : bully supports up
[2025-01-24 18:15:53] Benobi : What liquidation bmagic
[2025-01-24 18:16:19] Benobi : Anyway bmagic got longs elsewhere so its likely a hedge to scalp
[2025-01-24 18:16:31] PeacenLuv : check 5min vol nil trend down schitt changez
[2025-01-24 18:16:33] Benobi : I suppose
[2025-01-24 18:17:42] PeacenLuv : dangg 5min lookz bully xbtusdperpz
[2025-01-24 18:17:56] PeacenLuv : i know 1 thing my btc buyz a lot more usd now
[2025-01-24 18:18:19] bmagic : HuskySquared: oopsies
[2025-01-24 18:18:44] HuskySquared : bmagic: next stop: mcdonalds
[2025-01-24 18:18:47] bmagic : Benobi: i wont get liquidated, its just a high leverage hedge
[2025-01-24 18:18:48] HuskySquared : :bog:
[2025-01-24 18:18:57] bmagic : HuskySquared: drive thru in my lambo
[2025-01-24 18:19:08] HuskySquared : paper lambo
[2025-01-24 18:19:13] bmagic : Hot wheels
[2025-01-24 18:19:43] bmagic : Thomas the tank engine
[2025-01-24 18:20:37] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -61,000 USD @ 106352.4307 ```
[2025-01-24 18:20:39] ninnk : thomas the termonuclear bomb
[2025-01-24 18:20:41] PeacenLuv : xbt longstops up 106666
[2025-01-24 18:20:55] bmagic : I mean adding to this hedge seems like only logical option
[2025-01-24 18:20:57] bmagic : I mean adding to this seems like only logical option
[2025-01-24 18:21:01] ninnk : >
[2025-01-24 18:21:13] PeacenLuv : u gotta wait for arrything the longer the better
[2025-01-24 18:21:57] PeacenLuv : my 101101 stops looking safer
[2025-01-24 18:22:01] PeacenLuv : longs
[2025-01-24 18:23:39] HuskySquared : bmagic:
[2025-01-24 18:25:17] migozelaaa : bmagic: no sir short no 🥲
[2025-01-24 18:25:26] migozelaaa : Maybe short 250k
[2025-01-24 18:28:15] bmagic : HuskySquared: i didnt want to sleep today anyway
[2025-01-24 18:28:21] HuskySquared : bmagic: :)
[2025-01-24 18:28:42] bmagic : migozelaaa: its all good my friend. Win win
[2025-01-24 18:29:44] bmagic : I trade for bitties not usd
[2025-01-24 18:31:41] HuskySquared : bmagic:
[2025-01-24 18:32:16] HuskySquared :
[2025-01-24 18:32:18] HuskySquared : hehe mr frundles
[2025-01-24 18:32:26] HuskySquared : if you ever wonder
[2025-01-24 18:32:29] HuskySquared : why btc will go up to 130k
[2025-01-24 18:32:57] bmagic : HuskySquared: lol love that show
[2025-01-24 18:35:19] bluemaster : Good morning kids 😁
[2025-01-24 18:35:48] PeacenLuv : trendy bully btc lezgoo
[2025-01-24 18:36:25] Core73 : Bmex to 100$ this year
[2025-01-24 18:41:03] PeacenLuv : btfd btc 5min
[2025-01-24 18:41:13] PeacenLuv : Core73: maybe baybee
[2025-01-24 18:42:00] bmagic : bluemaster: winning sir
[2025-01-24 18:42:54] bluemaster : bmagic:
[2025-01-24 18:43:34] bluemaster : :btc::btc::btc:
[2025-01-24 18:43:57] PeacenLuv : therez bitcoin support bully
[2025-01-24 18:44:06] bmagic : Sustagen bro!
[2025-01-24 18:44:18] PeacenLuv : bully up bearish down 101
[2025-01-24 18:44:28] PeacenLuv : trade terminology
[2025-01-24 18:45:17] PeacenLuv : wut no bullish channel throwover 5 minÜ
[2025-01-24 18:45:52] bluemaster :
[2025-01-24 18:46:29] PeacenLuv : bullyz buy red and hav bigg ballz
[2025-01-24 18:48:06] Dessos : >
[2025-01-24 18:48:48] PeacenLuv : Dr Dre Deeez Nuuuts bully btc lezgoo Dr. Dre - Deeez Nuuuts
[2025-01-24 18:49:08] PeacenLuv :
[2025-01-24 18:49:46] PeacenLuv : long thizz lezgoo
[2025-01-24 18:49:57] PeacenLuv :
[2025-01-24 18:51:02] PeacenLuv : httpÉüü
[2025-01-24 18:52:19] bluemaster : See you later guys going wind surfing and to see my new boat , you can wank weekend watching this crap not me ...
[2025-01-24 18:52:27] bluemaster : /pnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0727 XBT RPNL, 0.0042 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-24 18:52:35] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1899 XBT RPNL, 0.0211 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-24 18:52:39] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6259 XBT RPNL, 0.0000 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-24 18:53:55] PeacenLuv : Founders The Satoshi Statue project has been created by four of the most prominent players of the Hungarian crypto space, and with the contribution of the Hungarian crypto community. We started working on the statue in early 2021, the final work will be presented to the public during the summer of 2021. Our goal is the create a proper memorial for Satoshi, whoever he or she was, wherever he or she is right now. We respect you Satoshi!
[2025-01-24 18:55:22] bluemaster :
[2025-01-24 18:55:55] PeacenLuv : Founders The Satoshi Statue project has been created by four of the most prominent players of the Hungarian crypto space, and with the contribution of the Hungarian crypto community. We started working on the statue in early 2021, the final work will be presented to the public during the summer of 2021. Our goal is the create a proper memorial for Satoshi, whoever he or she was, wherever he or she is right now. We respect you Satoshi! 5min oversold
[2025-01-24 18:56:10] PeacenLuv :
[2025-01-24 18:56:12] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : bluemaster: top man
[2025-01-24 18:56:13] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : enjoy
[2025-01-24 18:56:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 106266.9 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-01-24 18:56:57] PeacenLuv : safe long lezgoo
[2025-01-24 18:57:31] PeacenLuv : longstops up 105666
[2025-01-24 18:57:39] PeacenLuv : wheredaphukz ronnee
[2025-01-24 18:58:00] PeacenLuv : usually he buys here
[2025-01-24 19:01:26] PeacenLuv : new 5min greening
[2025-01-24 19:04:30] PeacenLuv : placement of satoshi statue location
[2025-01-24 19:05:39] PeacenLuv : there may be a 2nd zurich swizzy
[2025-01-24 19:06:36] PeacenLuv : therez a bully crotch support
[2025-01-24 19:06:42] PeacenLuv :
[2025-01-24 19:08:52] PeacenLuv : longstops 101101 lezgoo btc pumpittupl
[2025-01-24 19:10:15] PeacenLuv : buy the dip 5min lezgoo
[2025-01-24 19:10:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1600 USD @ 105987.7
[2025-01-24 19:11:34] PeacenLuv : incoming pump btc lezgoo
[2025-01-24 19:19:29] PeacenLuv : pumpittup 5min lezgoo
[2025-01-24 19:21:32] PeacenLuv : bully supports
[2025-01-24 19:31:08] PeacenLuv : lets see wut usdfedz flyday close duz
[2025-01-24 19:33:00] PeacenLuv : maybe we see green grass range below dignalling btc bullyz feeding time vol n price colide
[2025-01-24 19:34:20] PeacenLuv : bullish
[2025-01-24 19:36:40] PeacenLuv : lowered my support yur turn
[2025-01-24 19:38:54] PeacenLuv : further withdraw of support
[2025-01-24 19:39:34] PeacenLuv : i aint supporting btc no more
[2025-01-24 19:40:00] PeacenLuv : all i ever dew is 100x long xbtusds all in
[2025-01-24 19:41:14] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:14] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:14] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:15] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:15] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:15] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:16] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:41:16] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:42:33] PeacenLuv : bmex zelling off a bit/dipping
[2025-01-24 19:43:08] PeacenLuv : not hard to move it 100x
[2025-01-24 19:43:13] PeacenLuv : 123x wtf?
[2025-01-24 19:43:36] leBread : uh oh, green button malfunction.
[2025-01-24 19:45:12] PeacenLuv : btfd btc 5min
[2025-01-24 19:45:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1000 USD @ 105867.7
[2025-01-24 19:45:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 2 ETH @ 3368.63 ($6,739.04) - Thanks for playing
[2025-01-24 19:46:59] PeacenLuv : 5min bully btc back a bit
[2025-01-24 19:47:30] PeacenLuv : start of a 1 or a 5 wave here
[2025-01-24 19:48:12] PeacenLuv : general trend is up avg line from 1300 usd to 105864
[2025-01-24 19:48:41] PeacenLuv : 5min gewd bully falling wedge within parameters
[2025-01-24 19:49:22] PeacenLuv : gewd n deep for a potenshul flyday usdfedz close 1 hr 11
[2025-01-24 19:49:48] 45th_blown_account : :pepe:
[2025-01-24 19:49:48] PeacenLuv : i have stops at 105235
[2025-01-24 19:49:51] PeacenLuv : longz
[2025-01-24 19:50:10] PeacenLuv : like i phukeen ytruzt btc
[2025-01-24 19:51:08] PeacenLuv : in a bit 5min btc
[2025-01-24 19:51:16] PeacenLuv : ya bullyz buy red btc
[2025-01-24 19:51:27] PeacenLuv : its dreamlike
[2025-01-24 19:51:54] PeacenLuv : sumeonez gunna b zukin dyk and it aint gunna b me
[2025-01-24 19:52:32] PeacenLuv : with sureity /ceretainly
[2025-01-24 19:52:55] PeacenLuv : adding longs 106258
[2025-01-24 19:59:10] PeacenLuv : bnbqxbtlgbt said elevator up stairs down btc
[2025-01-24 20:01:34] PeacenLuv : adding longs 105925
[2025-01-24 20:02:00] PeacenLuv : i agree it looks down but disagree down
[2025-01-24 20:03:10] PeacenLuv : btc bullyz safer here longitt
[2025-01-24 20:03:17] PeacenLuv : join the in crowd
[2025-01-24 20:03:40] PeacenLuv : thats a crotch showing btc bully 5min
[2025-01-24 20:04:12] PeacenLuv : lowest purple support
[2025-01-24 20:04:32] PeacenLuv : maybe show respekt to sumthing and it payz
[2025-01-24 20:09:07] PeacenLuv : adding longs 105718
[2025-01-24 20:10:04] Dario1 :
[2025-01-24 20:10:26] Dario1 : Enjoy the weekend guys ❤️💚
[2025-01-24 20:10:31] PeacenLuv : new 5 opened green bully xbtusdperp
[2025-01-24 20:10:59] PeacenLuv : buy the red 5min
[2025-01-24 20:14:30] PeacenLuv : supports lowered baby blu addz
[2025-01-24 20:14:49] BlissRP : need scam stock market to close before we are allowed to move :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:15:04] LazyLauren : Dojo on the 4 hr, doesn't seem to want to retrace tho, SOL is hardly moving
[2025-01-24 20:15:18] BlissRP : LazyLauren: what martial art are you training at the dojo
[2025-01-24 20:15:30] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-24 20:15:39] LazyLauren : Doji*
[2025-01-24 20:15:50] LazyLauren : And I do jui jitsu
[2025-01-24 20:16:05] LazyLauren : But I SUCK
[2025-01-24 20:16:13] BlissRP : hell yeah
[2025-01-24 20:16:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000 USD @ 105541.4
[2025-01-24 20:17:45] BlissRP : how many times will eth reject this meme like :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:17:49] BlissRP : line*
[2025-01-24 20:17:54] LazyLauren : Ah now it starts moving
[2025-01-24 20:18:10] LazyLauren : They always wait for a bit after a doji to dump
[2025-01-24 20:18:35] bmagic : It wont dump
[2025-01-24 20:18:59] ninnk : i wish to one day visit nullmaster's dojo and learn how to nullrun bullruns faster than all bearmarkets combined
[2025-01-24 20:19:37] BlissRP : LazyLauren: shooting star dojo not gewd :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:21:13] BlissRP : well, see you guys back at 102
[2025-01-24 20:21:17] BlissRP : we like to round trip here
[2025-01-24 20:22:55] PeacenLuv : good add or star on a longterm long here
[2025-01-24 20:23:20] BlissRP : giving advice to long the top, typical
[2025-01-24 20:23:23] PeacenLuv : 37min usdfeds close flyday
[2025-01-24 20:23:51] PeacenLuv : up we go weeee btc
[2025-01-24 20:23:51] BlissRP : there should be a requirement to achieve 30% win rate before you can type in chat :kek:
[2025-01-24 20:23:59] PeacenLuv : volume is entering 5min longs
[2025-01-24 20:24:04] PeacenLuv : greening 5
[2025-01-24 20:24:30] PeacenLuv : 200 buck 5min
[2025-01-24 20:24:34] The_Reaper : Gobble gobble
[2025-01-24 20:24:47] The_Reaper : Some big mthrfcker gonba get liquidated on ETH
[2025-01-24 20:25:06] BlissRP : all pengu's rekt
[2025-01-24 20:25:27] ninnk : The_Reaper: ILB? :kek:
[2025-01-24 20:25:28] PeacenLuv : im gonna sell my bmex to buy btc at this time
[2025-01-24 20:25:57] The_Reaper : /pnl penguusdt @BlissRP ``` :bitmex: PENGUUSDT: -26.56 USDT RPNL, -1,123.70 USDT UPNL ```
[2025-01-24 20:26:03] The_Reaper : Sadly yes
[2025-01-24 20:26:16] BlissRP : jeez
[2025-01-24 20:26:17] The_Reaper : Why is everything even dumping
[2025-01-24 20:26:23] The_Reaper : Lmfao
[2025-01-24 20:26:26] BlissRP : because stockpile =/= reserve
[2025-01-24 20:26:30] BlissRP : weve been duped
[2025-01-24 20:26:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0090 XBT @ 105159.6 ($946.69) - 🐳
[2025-01-24 20:26:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 23200 USD @ 105197.2
[2025-01-24 20:26:42] PeacenLuv : bullish support btc
[2025-01-24 20:26:43] leBread : It is all about green button malfunction.
[2025-01-24 20:26:55] blaster33 : i wouldn't mind a straight line to 101k
[2025-01-24 20:26:58] migozelaaa : Long here guys
[2025-01-24 20:26:59] BlissRP : also pcenluv is buying
[2025-01-24 20:27:02] BlissRP : so its never a long
[2025-01-24 20:27:04] PeacenLuv : ya
[2025-01-24 20:27:10] PeacenLuv : true
[2025-01-24 20:27:16] PeacenLuv : 101102 supports
[2025-01-24 20:27:41] PeacenLuv : we all may like that
[2025-01-24 20:27:48] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: +1 ser
[2025-01-24 20:27:54] PeacenLuv : sohh prolly wont get
[2025-01-24 20:28:15] The_Reaper : Its a long everywhere
[2025-01-24 20:28:23] BlissRP : yes
[2025-01-24 20:28:25] BlissRP : a long way down
[2025-01-24 20:28:26] PeacenLuv : id like to get through this 30min
[2025-01-24 20:28:27] BlissRP : to mcdonalds
[2025-01-24 20:28:52] contract details : yes
[2025-01-24 20:28:57] contract details : sadly my dreams of eth pumping are gone
[2025-01-24 20:29:10] PeacenLuv : 30min buy the dip
[2025-01-24 20:29:27] PeacenLuv : lil abc corektion
[2025-01-24 20:29:28] BlissRP : i took 95% profit on eth and felt dirty about it
[2025-01-24 20:29:45] BlissRP : :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:30:16] PeacenLuv : 1850 usd travel in less than 2 hrs
[2025-01-24 20:30:38] PeacenLuv : is pretty fast..not like sub 20k trades
[2025-01-24 20:31:00] PeacenLuv : lol nullrun shortin 17k now thatz nuts
[2025-01-24 20:31:17] PeacenLuv : well he stix to it gewd on him
[2025-01-24 20:31:29] PeacenLuv : never knoww
[2025-01-24 20:31:41] BlissRP : failed the 105469 fib again
[2025-01-24 20:31:43] BlissRP : smh
[2025-01-24 20:31:46] PeacenLuv : theez a 30miin doji
[2025-01-24 20:31:48] contract details : look at 3d @BlissRP
[2025-01-24 20:31:50] contract details : closing today
[2025-01-24 20:31:51] contract details : :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:31:52] BlissRP : thats the 5th time
[2025-01-24 20:31:58] PeacenLuv : wuz
[2025-01-24 20:32:09] PeacenLuv : gotta close to call it
[2025-01-24 20:32:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 8500 USD @ 105121.3
[2025-01-24 20:32:16] BlissRP : contract details: that makes me feel slightly bullish tbh
[2025-01-24 20:32:19] BlissRP : but i dont wanna scam myself
[2025-01-24 20:32:36] contract details : BlissRP: why would you long equal highs
[2025-01-24 20:32:44] contract details : and 6 days of failed pushes with stupid volatility
[2025-01-24 20:32:52] contract details : sounds quite risky :arthur:
[2025-01-24 20:32:54] BlissRP : this was such a scam
[2025-01-24 20:32:58] BlissRP : its disgusting
[2025-01-24 20:33:04] BlissRP : sell the news every time :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:33:25] contract details : not really
[2025-01-24 20:33:38] contract details : if you took 1 minute to read the news it was already dumped and pumped
[2025-01-24 20:33:39] contract details : :arthur:
[2025-01-24 20:33:45] PeacenLuv : 30 min green new iz gewdd hammer longz/peace
[2025-01-24 20:34:25] PeacenLuv : tell yur wife im thinkin of her
[2025-01-24 20:34:49] leBread : Seems like no one wants to finance the payment of the us debt by adding to the us crypto stockpile.
[2025-01-24 20:35:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 105050 - this was the last penny!
[2025-01-24 20:35:15] psn : BlissRP: its like the ETF, it will go up when and if the fed starts buying lol
[2025-01-24 20:38:39] bmagic : Its not going to dump
[2025-01-24 20:38:44] bmagic : I took my scalp
[2025-01-24 20:38:48] bmagic : Its long time
[2025-01-24 20:39:25] ninnk : bmagic: jihad tmrw :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:39:31] bmagic : America do this every day
[2025-01-24 20:39:46] bmagic : Wipe out asian trading session then buy the dip
[2025-01-24 20:39:54] bmagic : Bunch of penis heads
[2025-01-24 20:39:57] BlissRP : contract details: no need
[2025-01-24 20:40:04] BlissRP : before reading already know
[2025-01-24 20:40:05] bmagic : But predictable erectile penises
[2025-01-24 20:40:29] bmagic : Anyway back to sleeeep
[2025-01-24 20:40:34] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 52,000 USD @ 105484.1194 ```
[2025-01-24 20:40:39] contract details : rip bmagic
[2025-01-24 20:40:43] BlissRP : bmagic: see you at 102 ser
[2025-01-24 20:40:54] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-24 20:40:56] contract details : power hour when
[2025-01-24 20:41:09] contract details : indices are flat after a dumpey
[2025-01-24 20:41:10] contract details : :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:41:29] leBread : trump is selling all govt crypto to pay for debt.
[2025-01-24 20:41:50] bmagic : Im trading on profit ill be right
[2025-01-24 20:42:04] ninnk : let's chase the tunnel :doge:
[2025-01-24 20:42:49] leBread : wavee tunnels are best tunnels
[2025-01-24 20:42:50] bmagic : Also anyone that understands whats going on will know this needs to pump 115k
[2025-01-24 20:43:08] bmagic : Already written
[2025-01-24 20:43:16] bmagic : Dump cancelled
[2025-01-24 20:43:24] leBread : funny thing is, markets dont really need to do anything.
[2025-01-24 20:43:38] BlissRP : except go tom 102
[2025-01-24 20:43:56] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-24 20:44:26] contract details : idk
[2025-01-24 20:44:32] contract details : hopefully indices bounce here
[2025-01-24 20:44:35] contract details : or they rekt me
[2025-01-24 20:44:36] contract details : :Arthur:
[2025-01-24 20:44:45] BlissRP : cash and carry trade
[2025-01-24 20:44:48] BlissRP : OOGA BOOGA DOOM
[2025-01-24 20:47:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BMEXUSD`: Sell 182 Cont @ 0.205 ($39.15)
[2025-01-24 20:47:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ORDIUSD`: Sell 9 Cont @ 20.135 ($190.15)
[2025-01-24 20:47:13] triplecheese : What a crappy market
[2025-01-24 20:47:17] triplecheese : Absolute scam
[2025-01-24 20:47:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 0.2000 SOL @ 257.23 ($51.45)
[2025-01-24 20:47:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 10 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 31.363 ($328.90)
[2025-01-24 20:47:40] BlissRP : only scam if you dont see this coming
[2025-01-24 20:47:48] BlissRP : and if you dont see this coming from 231283471280947019827431 miles away
[2025-01-24 20:47:50] BlissRP : ur a pleb loser
[2025-01-24 20:48:06] leBread : plebs are fun and salty tho
[2025-01-24 20:48:14] ninnk : maybe he uses kilometers instead of miles
[2025-01-24 20:48:22] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-24 20:48:31] leBread : pff, why use anything else than yards.
[2025-01-24 20:48:37] triplecheese : BlissRP: doesn't change it's trash
[2025-01-24 20:49:06] BlissRP : one mans trash is anothers glorious opportunity
[2025-01-24 20:49:12] BlissRP : sit and complain or make profit
[2025-01-24 20:49:14] BlissRP : your choice
[2025-01-24 20:49:29] triplecheese : I do not "invest" in crapto anymore so I consider myself a winner ser
[2025-01-24 20:49:32] ninnk : dont u mean one's man's garbage is another man person's good ungarbage :arthur:
[2025-01-24 20:49:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 104835 - 🐳
[2025-01-24 20:49:57] triplecheese : BlissRP: this only happens with negative sum games like Buttcoin. It isn't true for other financial instruments
[2025-01-24 20:50:07] triplecheese : Enjoy your ponzis
[2025-01-24 20:50:23] contract details : engage powerhour pump
[2025-01-24 20:50:44] contract details : ended
[2025-01-24 20:50:45] contract details : :pepe:
[2025-01-24 20:51:37] weiron12 : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,000 USD @ 104919.7 ```
[2025-01-24 20:51:58] BlissRP : mcdonalds employee position
[2025-01-24 20:51:59] bmagic : Bully tunnel
[2025-01-24 20:52:00] weiron12 : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 14,000 USD @ 94488.4866 ```
[2025-01-24 20:52:06] bmagic : Wave up pump it up
[2025-01-24 20:52:16] bmagic : Bully tunnel up zippo
[2025-01-24 20:52:20] ninnk : bmagic: bouncing off 15m tunnel :kek:
[2025-01-24 20:52:23] contract details : onle last pump for the boys
[2025-01-24 20:52:30] triplecheese : Thankfully it's weekend and we won't move for 2 days
[2025-01-24 20:52:31] BlissRP : for the squaw
[2025-01-24 20:52:44] contract details : triplecheese: unless we dump 30%
[2025-01-24 20:52:44] triplecheese : Let's see on monday what we're gonna do
[2025-01-24 20:52:46] bmagic : Lets goo pump it
[2025-01-24 20:53:03] triplecheese : contract details: we won't dump 30% during a weekend.
[2025-01-24 20:53:04] BlissRP : above 500 for financial freedom
[2025-01-24 20:53:07] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 67,000 USD @ 105364.0856 ```
[2025-01-24 20:54:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `LTCUSDT`: Buy 3.6000 LTC @ 117.65 ($423.54)
[2025-01-24 20:54:36] weiron12 : you can see by volume 105000 was bottom
[2025-01-24 20:54:59] tchatskii : oh man, i got uber overleveraged at the bottom again
[2025-01-24 20:55:08] contract details : oh real power hour pump engaged
[2025-01-24 20:55:11] BlissRP : he saw the future in the fryer bubbles guys
[2025-01-24 20:55:15] BlissRP : its all good be okay
[2025-01-24 20:55:50] BlissRP : happymeals loading
[2025-01-24 20:57:29] contract details : shame only indices pumped
[2025-01-24 20:57:32] contract details : anyway
[2025-01-24 20:57:36] contract details : rev up the fryer
[2025-01-24 20:58:20] BlissRP : above 469 = financial freedom
[2025-01-24 20:59:36] BlissRP : oops
[2025-01-24 20:59:46] contract details : bitcoin what are you doing
[2025-01-24 20:59:50] contract details : :arthur:
[2025-01-24 20:59:52] BlissRP : stepbro
[2025-01-24 21:00:11] weiron12 : someone stuck in the washing machine
[2025-01-24 21:01:11] ninnk : now bounced of peacenluv tunnel :doge:
[2025-01-24 21:03:56] kroleg666 : PONZI COLLAPSE
[2025-01-24 21:06:31] leBread : hmm are there tunnels in space?
[2025-01-24 21:08:27] Sir.LongCorn : leBread: it's called white holes
[2025-01-24 21:08:29] Sir.LongCorn : google it
[2025-01-24 21:08:53] leBread : Not whale pouches?
[2025-01-24 21:10:43] BlissRP : pal whouches
[2025-01-24 21:12:31] Crazydodger :
[2025-01-24 21:24:50] GodBleesYou : bmagic: short it magic
[2025-01-24 21:24:54] GodBleesYou : ❤️
[2025-01-24 21:37:09] tchatskii : wtf sol?
[2025-01-24 21:39:18] tchatskii : sol etf lezgo
[2025-01-24 22:01:36] dolva : hi
[2025-01-24 22:01:52] dolva : how i check my bitmex staking_
[2025-01-24 22:01:55] dolva : ??
[2025-01-24 22:02:37] BlissRP : never stake only down inflation coin ser
[2025-01-24 22:08:07] BlissRP : SCAMMITTTTT
[2025-01-24 22:35:23] PeacenLuv : 😯😯longstops up 104858 xbtusdperpz
[2025-01-24 22:41:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 2.5000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 30.814 ($82.23)
[2025-01-24 22:43:10] 45th_blown_account : its over delulus : BTC will never pump like it used to :pepe:
[2025-01-24 22:45:30] 45th_blown_account : Rug pull me Mr President :catjam:
[2025-01-24 22:45:43] tchatskii : bitcoin is a stable coin now
[2025-01-24 22:50:18] PeacenLuv : buy it cheap dip
[2025-01-24 22:52:47] PeacenLuv : therez purpl supports baby blu addz lezgoo btc
[2025-01-24 22:54:12] PeacenLuv : the washing machhen btc may have dun a thorough rinse cycle
[2025-01-24 23:00:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 11000 USD @ 104702.1
[2025-01-24 23:00:56] 45th_blown_account : remember when it goes 120k , for me to shill "to the mooon " :pepe:
[2025-01-24 23:01:33] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo 30min btc
[2025-01-24 23:02:43] 45th_blown_account : remind me to shill it at 120k :pepe:
[2025-01-24 23:02:48] PeacenLuv : fully bully ronneez play
[2025-01-24 23:03:43] PeacenLuv : lowered my supports bully btc
[2025-01-24 23:03:48] psn : The char last 7 days are surreal
[2025-01-24 23:03:51] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 158.8000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 30.319 ($5,222.93) - Are ya winning, son?
[2025-01-24 23:03:55] psn : charts
[2025-01-24 23:04:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 25000 USD @ 104496.6
[2025-01-24 23:04:52] Halfway : gg
[2025-01-24 23:07:31] Atlemos : bnqxbtttttt! dump
[2025-01-24 23:09:01] Atlemos : This is crazy even Melania is dumpin
[2025-01-24 23:09:03] PeacenLuv : obvious btc bearblood pool longit 30min
[2025-01-24 23:10:15] PeacenLuv : longstops up 104458
[2025-01-24 23:10:33] Atlemos : 👍👌
[2025-01-24 23:10:34] PeacenLuv : i suggest the usd feds are buying all the btc phuking all the rest
[2025-01-24 23:10:59] PeacenLuv : nahh selling btc usa
[2025-01-24 23:11:17] PeacenLuv : that was yesterday
[2025-01-24 23:12:25] psn : PeacenLuv: speak english
[2025-01-24 23:13:17] Atlemos :
[2025-01-24 23:13:24] PeacenLuv : thats the schitt
[2025-01-24 23:14:16] ninnk : my shorts are bullrunning
[2025-01-24 23:14:26] Atlemos : PeacenLuv: thats some pretty thic perp line ser
[2025-01-24 23:14:29] ninnk : PeacenLuv: i'm short. like 95cm short.
[2025-01-24 23:14:55] PeacenLuv : dropping my supports 30min
[2025-01-24 23:15:03] PeacenLuv : Atlemos: dubl
[2025-01-24 23:15:11] PeacenLuv : jus 2 tight
[2025-01-24 23:15:17] Atlemos : ok
[2025-01-24 23:15:18] PeacenLuv : since moved
[2025-01-24 23:15:52] Atlemos : Swap contracts on sale less go!
[2025-01-24 23:15:53] PeacenLuv : the babybluez an add
[2025-01-24 23:17:33] ninnk : hunting for the tunnel
[2025-01-24 23:17:48] PeacenLuv : lowered the add
[2025-01-24 23:18:39] PeacenLuv : cheap and expensive btc gewd
[2025-01-24 23:19:25] PeacenLuv : dropped supports
[2025-01-24 23:19:37] PeacenLuv : further away better
[2025-01-24 23:21:01] clarknova : I'm gae. Please don't tell anyone. It's between you and me.
[2025-01-24 23:22:26] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezzgoo
[2025-01-24 23:22:34] PeacenLuv : clarknova: lol
[2025-01-24 23:22:52] PeacenLuv : i confees im proud not gay
[2025-01-24 23:23:06] PeacenLuv : openly
[2025-01-24 23:23:12] PeacenLuv : keep it tight
[2025-01-24 23:23:29] ninnk : clarknova: should i call you mista?
[2025-01-24 23:25:43] PeacenLuv : the 2 hr is a good view
[2025-01-24 23:26:18] PeacenLuv : 2hr dip lax vol
[2025-01-24 23:29:52] Yourholyhireless : 30k 😌
[2025-01-24 23:32:46] Yourholyhireless : bullrun has started :downrocket:
[2025-01-24 23:36:29] clarknova : ninnk: call me doctor zoltar !!
[2025-01-24 23:36:45] ninnk : clarknova: bitch where can i watch your movie
[2025-01-24 23:36:49] ninnk : or do i have to torrent it
[2025-01-24 23:37:04] clarknova : (the magnificient) @ninnk
[2025-01-24 23:37:28] clarknova : ninnk: give me a sec :) you speak french ?
[2025-01-24 23:37:45] ninnk : no, i need subs
[2025-01-24 23:38:13] ninnk : anywhere i looked it's just a 15 minute loop going on for an hour+
[2025-01-24 23:38:14] ninnk : :/
[2025-01-24 23:41:55] clarknova : ninnk: english subs here (switch off the subs, they are hard coded in the movie)
[2025-01-24 23:42:13] clarknova : ninnk: the english dubs are excellent if you find them
[2025-01-24 23:42:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 2 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 29.287 ($65.78)
[2025-01-24 23:42:59] ninnk : clarknova: i prefer the original audio sir
[2025-01-24 23:43:00] clarknova : ninnk: yeah torrents are all f*cked.
[2025-01-24 23:43:06] Symphoenix : up
[2025-01-24 23:43:27] clarknova : RonnieREKT: nice :) 22 is the target
[2025-01-24 23:43:38] clarknova : where is melania now ?
[2025-01-24 23:43:42] ninnk : clarknova: fuck it where can i buy it/rent it?
[2025-01-24 23:43:48] ninnk : because this one is also just 15min looped
[2025-01-24 23:44:00] ninnk : or is that the whole point?
[2025-01-24 23:44:18] ninnk : i was stoned as fck when i first watched it thought something else would happen every time it repeated :kek:
[2025-01-24 23:44:22] clarknova : ninnk: seriously ??
[2025-01-24 23:44:26] clarknova : let me check
[2025-01-24 23:44:34] PeacenLuv : bullish dip longittup
[2025-01-24 23:44:46] clarknova : ninnk: oh crap the replaced it :)
[2025-01-24 23:45:07] clarknova : ninnk: it's everywhere in pay per view really
[2025-01-24 23:45:16] ninnk : honhonhon you made them do it dont lie you want us to give u munnee hunnee so u can buy more btc
[2025-01-24 23:45:19] clarknova : ninnk: try google or apple tv
[2025-01-24 23:45:29] Symphoenix : Ready ?
[2025-01-24 23:45:53] clarknova : nice melania is 2.44 target it 2
[2025-01-24 23:46:21] Symphoenix : Fatfinger ?
[2025-01-24 23:47:16] Symphoenix : NOW !
[2025-01-24 23:49:09] clarknova : ninnk: GKID, the american distributor, is probably paying some company to mess with pirates sites.
[2025-01-24 23:49:21] ninnk : sure :smirk:
[2025-01-24 23:49:35] clarknova : I'm surprised it's actually effective
[2025-01-24 23:49:50] ninnk : found it on amazon will report back
[2025-01-24 23:50:01] ninnk : tmrw probably :arthur:
[2025-01-24 23:50:05] bmagic : Nowhere to go but up
[2025-01-24 23:50:23] clarknova : ninnk: I'm curious ! I hope you like sci fi
[2025-01-24 23:50:36] clarknova : bmagic: yeah it's up
[2025-01-24 23:50:40] ninnk : also have to set up obs to record it :eyes::kek:
[2025-01-24 23:51:01] clarknova : ninnk: please do and share :)
[2025-01-24 23:51:40] clarknova : ninnk: warez is the best ad
[2025-01-24 23:51:52] Yourholyhireless : PeacenLuv: Bullrun from alts :downrocket: into arthur
[2025-01-24 23:54:34] clarknova : This chart XD
[2025-01-25 00:01:02] Yourholyhireless : PeacenLuv: everything has ended 😌5 minute man
[2025-01-25 00:01:10] Yourholyhireless : but Mc Donalds has started
[2025-01-25 00:05:26] Yourholyhireless : 😌
[2025-01-25 00:05:32] Yourholyhireless : 🍟
[2025-01-25 00:05:44] contract details : clarknova: i need some ta on that
[2025-01-25 00:06:42] contract details : clarknova: Fundamentals: potus and first lady are the biggest scammers
[2025-01-25 00:07:04] Symphoenix : They are so vicious ! Let me call someone...