This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2025-01-23 20:27:30]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: is this fake nws?
[2025-01-23 20:27:35]
dexswap :
HuskySquared: fake
[2025-01-23 20:27:35]
Nelson Moondela :
These spikes!
[2025-01-23 20:27:41]
psn :
This is bullish, whales teying to sell the news but cant
[2025-01-23 20:27:42]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: if u jinxed it now
[2025-01-23 20:27:48]
Nelson Moondela :
[2025-01-23 20:27:49]
dexswap :
HuskySquared: :me:
[2025-01-23 20:27:52]
BlissRP :
dexswap: they include btc with a condom but not raw? what a scam
[2025-01-23 20:27:58]
bnqxbt :
[2025-01-23 20:28:07]
bnqxbt :
[2025-01-23 20:28:14]
BlissRP :
bnqxbt: ur long eth?
[2025-01-23 20:28:16]
BlissRP :
fk now i gotta sell
[2025-01-23 20:28:20]
bnqxbt :
since 6momnths ye
[2025-01-23 20:28:26]
bmagic :
i longed eth for fun
[2025-01-23 20:28:29]
bmagic :
/position ethusd
:bitmex: ETHUSD: 20 Cont @ 3292.43
[2025-01-23 20:28:31]
BlissRP :
but i bottom ticked it somehow
[2025-01-23 20:28:32]
bnqxbt :
I should sell and let it fly free
[2025-01-23 20:28:34]
bmagic :
[2025-01-23 20:28:37]
BlissRP :
literally 1 dollar off the eth bottom
[2025-01-23 20:28:40]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:28:43]
contract details :
BlissRP: been in it since this morning
[2025-01-23 20:28:46]
contract details :
100x no stop
[2025-01-23 20:28:49]
contract details :
from 3200
[2025-01-23 20:28:53]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `AEVOUSDT`: Buy 719 AEVO @ 0.2909 ($202.04)
[2025-01-23 20:28:53]
pencilsol :
this chat is popping off
[2025-01-23 20:28:54]
BlissRP :
contract details: in eth? hell yeah
[2025-01-23 20:28:56]
al guul :
we going 110 direct bois
[2025-01-23 20:28:57]
pencilsol :
what news came out?
[2025-01-23 20:29:03]
BlissRP :
i somehow did the perfect bottom wick contract details style
[2025-01-23 20:29:10]
BlissRP :
im learning from his pristine entries
[2025-01-23 20:29:13]
Atlemos :
Merica buying to fill reserv
[2025-01-23 20:29:15]
HuskySquared :
i mean
[2025-01-23 20:29:19]
contract details :
BlissRP: looks like a keeper
[2025-01-23 20:29:21]
HuskySquared :
if this confirms now
[2025-01-23 20:29:23]
contract details :
tp at 5k
[2025-01-23 20:29:25]
dexswap :
imagine this is already priced in, now its sell the news for liquidity
[2025-01-23 20:29:26]
HuskySquared :
how high can my MSTR/MSTX go?
[2025-01-23 20:29:30]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:29:34]
Atlemos :
SteveS deposit foodstamps, less go!
[2025-01-23 20:29:35]
dexswap :
trading isntt that simple
[2025-01-23 20:29:36]
BlissRP :
contract details: i might hold this entire bull
[2025-01-23 20:29:42]
BlissRP :
were too close to alt season
[2025-01-23 20:29:42]
dexswap :
cant just hit buy when news hits
[2025-01-23 20:29:44]
BlissRP :
im gonna buss
[2025-01-23 20:29:45]
dexswap :
ur already late
[2025-01-23 20:29:48]
al guul :
seeeell the farm :btc:
[2025-01-23 20:29:49]
PeacenLuv :
that wuz wild really i hope it gets wilder but above here
[2025-01-23 20:30:09]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: i have 100k in mstx from 43
[2025-01-23 20:30:11]
BlissRP :
in tax free acc
[2025-01-23 20:30:13]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:30:13]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:30:15]
HuskySquared :
i have 12m in mstx
[2025-01-23 20:30:17]
HuskySquared :
average entry 54
[2025-01-23 20:30:22]
BlissRP :
yeah well im not that rich pal
[2025-01-23 20:30:24]
BlissRP :
but i will be
[2025-01-23 20:30:28]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:30:39]
firji :
btc is so weak...
[2025-01-23 20:30:49]
HuskySquared :
somewhat surprising that
[2025-01-23 20:30:50]
HuskySquared :
we dont pump more
[2025-01-23 20:30:54]
HuskySquared :
if this is the news
[2025-01-23 20:30:54]
PeacenLuv :
the proof iz in the pudding and the pudding just finishing so we'll still see down the road a bit
[2025-01-23 20:31:07]
dexswap :
why is xrp 120% up last 5 mins???
[2025-01-23 20:31:12]
bnqxbt :
let's break 109k
[2025-01-23 20:31:14]
HuskySquared :
dexswap: made me look fuck u
[2025-01-23 20:31:16]
Benobi :
The News is he signed a decree to organiz a workibg group
[2025-01-23 20:31:16]
bnqxbt :
or rather 110k
[2025-01-23 20:31:23]
dexswap :
HuskySquared: :me:
[2025-01-23 20:31:25]
pencilsol :
oh shit
[2025-01-23 20:31:33]
pencilsol :
so they have crypto reserves now?
[2025-01-23 20:31:34]
al guul :
this is a milestone moment for the corn
[2025-01-23 20:31:39]
bmagic :
who is faking these dumps
[2025-01-23 20:31:41]
PeacenLuv :
Benobi: thank u sir u seem reliable and not nefariouz intent
[2025-01-23 20:31:51]
bmagic :
P diddy?
[2025-01-23 20:32:02]
PeacenLuv :
arryone is a help truly
[2025-01-23 20:32:10]
BlissRP :
PeacenLuv: <3
[2025-01-23 20:32:13]
HuskySquared :
might as well
[2025-01-23 20:32:14]
HuskySquared :
long xrp atm
[2025-01-23 20:32:17]
HuskySquared :
they say crypto stockpile
[2025-01-23 20:32:25]
PeacenLuv :
ya glad im long here and know the bottom i will invest now
[2025-01-23 20:32:29]
BlissRP :
i love all mcdonalds workers equally
[2025-01-23 20:32:29]
Atlemos :
bots dont watch lives, getting them confused
[2025-01-23 20:32:42]
BlissRP :
pick a color thats not red or green
[2025-01-23 20:32:44]
BlissRP :
somebody, quick
[2025-01-23 20:32:45]
triplecheese :
Mad, mad market
[2025-01-23 20:32:55]
ninnk :
BlissRP: magenta :doge:
[2025-01-23 20:32:57]
PeacenLuv :
wut sweet movement in evaluation of particles on the internet
[2025-01-23 20:33:06]
BlissRP :
ninnk: :catjam:
[2025-01-23 20:33:16]
PeacenLuv :
5min greening its tall
[2025-01-23 20:33:20]
ninnk :
[2025-01-23 20:33:24]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:33:29]
ninnk :
[2025-01-23 20:33:30]
PeacenLuv :
prolly close green hammer on a high
[2025-01-23 20:33:47]
BlissRP :
ninnk: green dildo ethzilla ride plz cam
[2025-01-23 20:33:48]
PeacenLuv :
vol is beauty 5min
[2025-01-23 20:33:53]
bnqxbt :
[2025-01-23 20:33:55]
PeacenLuv :
up here volume up
[2025-01-23 20:34:00]
bnqxbt :
[2025-01-23 20:34:02]
PeacenLuv :
ao will come
[2025-01-23 20:34:07]
CryptoCro :
soeones buying up
[2025-01-23 20:34:08]
ninnk :
[2025-01-23 20:34:11]
ninnk :
[2025-01-23 20:34:11]
PeacenLuv :
[2025-01-23 20:34:12]
ninnk :
[2025-01-23 20:34:20]
PeacenLuv :
ya latecomers longing
[2025-01-23 20:34:24]
BlissRP :
so how do we break it to kroleg that he has to short here instead of 69420?
[2025-01-23 20:34:24]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:34:28]
BlissRP :
do we let him down easy?
[2025-01-23 20:34:30]
pencilsol :
dexswap: looks like u can finally leave ur long soon
[2025-01-23 20:34:33]
HuskySquared :
The Executive Order prohibits agencies from undertaking any action to establish, issue, or promote central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
[2025-01-23 20:34:34]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:34:34]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:34:38]
al guul :
run for the hills bera frens
[2025-01-23 20:34:46]
PeacenLuv :
bearz to bullz bear to bullz not many true bullyz left after transitions
[2025-01-23 20:34:47]
dexswap :
pencilsol: i excited earlier today at a loss around this level
[2025-01-23 20:34:51]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: so its xrp going to zero after all, not eth
[2025-01-23 20:34:52]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:34:53]
Atlemos :
benxpt super fracctals including upcoming speach on twitter
[2025-01-23 20:35:07]
PeacenLuv :
now when bmex get bought?
[2025-01-23 20:35:12]
pencilsol :
dexswap: damn, that long must've really stressed u out huh
[2025-01-23 20:35:19]
dexswap :
it did, i hate being long
[2025-01-23 20:35:28]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:35:35]
dexswap :
imagine if that was the pump from news....
[2025-01-23 20:36:10]
RobVacation :
very good CBDC will gone for the next 4 years maybe more.
[2025-01-23 20:36:12]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:36:14]
HuskySquared :
i mean
[2025-01-23 20:36:49]
Halfway :
fuck you trump
[2025-01-23 20:37:04]
Halfway :
3 day trash
[2025-01-23 20:37:07]
HuskySquared :
so this was the pump?
[2025-01-23 20:37:14]
magicaltux :
HuskySquared: whelming
[2025-01-23 20:37:25]
HuskySquared :
magicaltux: well fwiw china is asleep atm
[2025-01-23 20:37:27]
HuskySquared :
asia in general
[2025-01-23 20:37:29]
HuskySquared :
they wake up to this
[2025-01-23 20:37:35]
magicaltux :
tbh might take some time to digets
[2025-01-23 20:37:43]
firji :
I can’t be the only one dissappointed that we are hardly green on news like that
[2025-01-23 20:37:58]
magicaltux :
firji: shorty it pussy
[2025-01-23 20:38:02]
LazyLauren :
The news was priced in, it was not better than expected
[2025-01-23 20:38:11]
PeacenLuv : u know therez a 3k candle there in that group green thats fast need i say
[2025-01-23 20:38:13]
pencilsol :
how was that priced in
[2025-01-23 20:38:14]
Atlemos :
bearish diamond vs news
[2025-01-23 20:38:15]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:38:17]
Alvaro2407 :
[2025-01-23 20:38:23]
magicaltux :
its good news tho
[2025-01-23 20:38:26]
Alvaro2407 :
hows that priced in? it just came out
[2025-01-23 20:38:28]
firji :
No way that was prived in by retail
[2025-01-23 20:38:35]
PeacenLuv :
5min 3k usd of travel x 12 per hr is a wage id like
[2025-01-23 20:38:43]
pencilsol :
this is not priced in at all, out of all things to say 'priced in', it's not that
[2025-01-23 20:38:43]
LazyLauren :
Everyone new crypto executive orders were coming
[2025-01-23 20:38:44]
poopyjeff :
partly priced in because it was expected
[2025-01-23 20:38:48]
magicaltux :
4 years of regulatory safety :D
[2025-01-23 20:38:52]
poopyjeff :
still bullish news
[2025-01-23 20:38:58]
magicaltux :
now china can ban bitcoin again
[2025-01-23 20:39:09]
Atlemos :
0,5 btc reserv fill completed
[2025-01-23 20:39:09]
RobVacation :
[2025-01-23 20:39:22]
PeacenLuv :
ya well more volume that shows now the less btc for you at this level
[2025-01-23 20:39:24]
LazyLauren :
Will XRP crash or not lmao
[2025-01-23 20:39:33]
bmagic :
[2025-01-23 20:39:38]
bmagic :
[2025-01-23 20:39:39]
migozelaaa :
When 120k 🥹
[2025-01-23 20:40:08]
leBread :
all the fuzz and price moved nowhere. :kek:
[2025-01-23 20:40:09]
PeacenLuv :
longstops up 105008 lezgoo
[2025-01-23 20:40:13]
bmagic :
LazyLauren: i didn't know.
[2025-01-23 20:40:53]
triplecheese :
leBread: nobody cares about crypto currencies sir, except for few echo chambers.
[2025-01-23 20:40:55]
bmagic :
you never trust what someone says to earn votes
[2025-01-23 20:41:02]
LazyLauren :
Yea true
[2025-01-23 20:41:12]
LazyLauren :
He waited because he likes to pump and dump
[2025-01-23 20:41:25]
trentosk :
send it to fucking valhalla
[2025-01-23 20:41:38]
LazyLauren :
If you watched his speech he threw a smirk when he finally said Bitcoin an hour in
[2025-01-23 20:41:40]
BlissRP :
trentosk: valhalla good or valhalla bad?
[2025-01-23 20:41:44]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:41:59]
contract details :
rekthalla for me please
[2025-01-23 20:42:05]
trentosk :
valhalla OGOD
[2025-01-23 20:42:05]
trentosk :
[2025-01-23 20:42:07]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:42:08]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:42:17]
speedwell :
[2025-01-23 20:42:54]
dexswap :
He is doing it now
[2025-01-23 20:43:06]
BlissRP :
contract details: were matching ser
[2025-01-23 20:43:08]
pencilsol :
damn, the pump on every other coin other then SOL and BTC, it's barely noticable
[2025-01-23 20:43:20]
triplecheese :
Triplecheese color changed. GOLD color
[2025-01-23 20:43:20]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:43:25]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-01-23 20:43:26]
pencilsol :
it's really just BTC and SOL this season
[2025-01-23 20:43:27]
BlissRP :
pencilsol: interesting theory
[2025-01-23 20:43:31]
Joeyy132 :
THIS PA is despicable
[2025-01-23 20:43:31]
BlissRP :
have you checked ETH
[2025-01-23 20:43:33]
PeacenLuv : uptrend support xbtusdperpz therez the ballgame right there now
[2025-01-23 20:43:37]
Joeyy132 :
only looked away for 20 mins
[2025-01-23 20:43:38]
BlissRP :
Joeyy132: get rekt loser
[2025-01-23 20:43:41]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:43:42]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:43:42]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:43:43]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-01-23 20:43:44]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:43:46]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:43:50]
dexswap :
No pump?
[2025-01-23 20:43:50]
Joeyy132 :
im still in profit bro
[2025-01-23 20:43:56]
Joeyy132 :
entry 105.8
[2025-01-23 20:43:56]
BlissRP :
Joeyy132: im not srs ser
[2025-01-23 20:43:59]
PeacenLuv :
wow ao wow vol wow price moves
[2025-01-23 20:43:59]
BlissRP :
i wish you all the best
[2025-01-23 20:44:01]
Joeyy132 :
but its a disgrace!
[2025-01-23 20:44:02]
pencilsol :
it only went up 80 bucks... @BlissRP
[2025-01-23 20:44:02]
dexswap :
is that it?
[2025-01-23 20:44:08]
BlissRP :
pencilsol: PUMPZILLA
[2025-01-23 20:44:09]
PeacenLuv :
just wow btc mom
[2025-01-23 20:44:11]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:13]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:14]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:20]
dexswap :
holy sh1t
[2025-01-23 20:44:21]
pencilsol :
pretty sure a pump for eth is like supposed to be 100 bucks more per candle.
[2025-01-23 20:44:24]
Joeyy132 :
BlissRP: I know bro I wish the same for all here I don’t take anything personally really
[2025-01-23 20:44:30]
Joeyy132 :
i want us all to win
[2025-01-23 20:44:34]
Joeyy132 :
but I also want 11k
[2025-01-23 20:44:39]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:40]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:41]
BlissRP :
pencilsol: i bought 3198 tell me you are proud and leave me alone :pepe:
[2025-01-23 20:44:45]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:47]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:51]
pencilsol :
BlissRP: I am proud of you
[2025-01-23 20:44:53]
pencilsol :
[2025-01-23 20:44:54]
triplecheese :
Why don't we go bananas this cycle? Why? :(
[2025-01-23 20:44:55]
dexswap :
sub 100k
[2025-01-23 20:44:56]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:44:59]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:45:01]
pencilsol :
dexswap: dex please
[2025-01-23 20:45:01]
HuskySquared :
will be uploaded there
[2025-01-23 20:45:02]
HuskySquared :
as its done
[2025-01-23 20:45:03]
BlissRP :
thank you ser :doge:
[2025-01-23 20:45:31]
dexswap :
imagine how many longs that just trapped
[2025-01-23 20:45:33]
dexswap :
good lord
[2025-01-23 20:45:45]
BlissRP :
dexswap: trapped for 15min
[2025-01-23 20:45:47]
BlissRP :
so scary
[2025-01-23 20:45:52]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:45:54]
Joeyy132 :
Gotta give it to bmagic
[2025-01-23 20:45:54]
BlissRP :
wen mcdonalds
[2025-01-23 20:45:55]
dexswap :
bro, you think theres a 15 min delay to this?
[2025-01-23 20:45:56]
Joeyy132 :
hes good
[2025-01-23 20:45:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 20 Cont @ 3271.3 ($6,826.25) - Check your inbox
[2025-01-23 20:45:58]
Joeyy132 :
very good
[2025-01-23 20:45:58]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000 USD @ 104344.9
[2025-01-23 20:45:58]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0027 XBT @ 104300.5 ($281.71) - 😂
[2025-01-23 20:46:02]
dexswap :
the pre-pump today was from this news
[2025-01-23 20:46:06]
dexswap :
youre too late
[2025-01-23 20:46:09]
trentosk :
send it to 120k TONIGHT
[2025-01-23 20:46:12]
Joeyy132 :
Magic time to to mate!
[2025-01-23 20:46:13]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-01-23 20:46:17]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:46:22]
bmagic :
Joeyy132: i added
[2025-01-23 20:46:25]
BlissRP :
dont lie to me lie to your friends
[2025-01-23 20:46:26]
bmagic :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 22,500 USD @ 103972.8007
[2025-01-23 20:46:27]
pencilsol :
I wanna see asian market reaction to this lmao
[2025-01-23 20:46:34]
HuskySquared :
JFK declassification
[2025-01-23 20:46:34]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:46:37]
BlissRP :
pencilsol: china bans bitcoin :kek:
[2025-01-23 20:46:44]
Joeyy132 :
bmagic: you do u. Ur great at this game
[2025-01-23 20:46:55]
blaster33 :
HuskySquared: where do you watch?
[2025-01-23 20:46:58]
Joeyy132 :
but I think down hard now like really not been more sure in a long time
[2025-01-23 20:46:59]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:47:02]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:47:03]
BlissRP :
Joeyy132: hes great at not getting baited
[2025-01-23 20:47:04]
BlissRP :
i tried
[2025-01-23 20:47:11]
Joeyy132 :
BlissRP: :Arthur/
[2025-01-23 20:47:15]
bmagic :
order book still pointing up but yeah
[2025-01-23 20:47:16]
Joeyy132 :
[2025-01-23 20:47:30]
dexswap :
QUESTIONS, someone might something hot about crypto
[2025-01-23 20:47:32]
PeacenLuv :
i hope that dip smokes a few btc bearz
[2025-01-23 20:47:35]
Joeyy132 :
BlissRP: u are market maker here innit
[2025-01-23 20:47:35]
dexswap :
what asset used for reserve
[2025-01-23 20:47:37]
Joeyy132 :
be honest
[2025-01-23 20:47:40]
BlissRP :
Joeyy132: LMAO
[2025-01-23 20:47:41]
dexswap :
if he says btc its over
[2025-01-23 20:47:47]
Joeyy132 :
BlissRP: ;)
[2025-01-23 20:47:49]
BlissRP :
i am market maker
[2025-01-23 20:47:50]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 20:47:52]
BlissRP :
but not here
[2025-01-23 20:48:05]
BlissRP :
only on circuit
[2025-01-23 20:48:22]
ninnk :
[2025-01-23 20:48:26]
HuskySquared :
would have thought
[2025-01-23 20:48:28]
HuskySquared :
we get bigger ultrapump
[2025-01-23 20:48:29]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:48:35]
dexswap :
priced in
[2025-01-23 20:48:35]
trentosk :
i need MEWN
[2025-01-23 20:48:43]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: trapped longs from morning prob sold tbh
[2025-01-23 20:48:47]
BlissRP :
scared little mcdonalds workers
[2025-01-23 20:48:57]
ninnk :
satto is short
[2025-01-23 20:49:00]
ninnk :
chop chop 108k :doge:
[2025-01-23 20:49:26]
BlissRP :
tell your employees to chill tf out @bnqxbt
[2025-01-23 20:49:30]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 20:49:36]
leBread :
satto is korea no 1 sir
[2025-01-23 20:50:42]
bmagic :
that was just BTC selling into ETH
[2025-01-23 20:50:42]
bmagic :
don't worry guys
[2025-01-23 20:51:34]
dexswap :
HuskySquared: Promotion of Dollar-Backed Stablecoins: The administration aims to enhance the development and global growth of legitimate dollar-backed stablecoins, reinforcing the sovereignty of the U.S. dollar.
[2025-01-23 20:51:40]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:51:46]
BlissRP :
bmagic: but husky promised eth zero :kek:
[2025-01-23 20:51:47]
bmagic :
ok now that eth and btc selling into trumpcoin
[2025-01-23 20:51:49]
dexswap :
strengthen us dollar
[2025-01-23 20:51:54]
dexswap :
goes completely against bt
[2025-01-23 20:51:54]
bmagic :
still don't worry
[2025-01-23 20:52:01]
BlissRP :
i am a fkin brainlet for longing eth when i did
[2025-01-23 20:52:03]
BlissRP :
somebody king me
[2025-01-23 20:52:47]
leBread :
trump knows how to make prices go down, he said lower prices, lower interest.
[2025-01-23 20:53:04]
dexswap :
You're absolutely right to perceive a potential downside for Bitcoin in this executive order. The emphasis on dollar-backed stablecoins and opposition to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could be seen as an attempt to centralise control within a traditional financial framework, rather than promoting decentralised assets like Bitcoin. Here's why this may not be great news for Bitcoin specifically:
[2025-01-23 20:53:17]
dexswap :
just ask chatgpt
[2025-01-23 20:53:23]
dexswap :
this is why it dumping
[2025-01-23 20:53:24]
bmagic :
it looks like someone trying to take a dump but it keeps going back inside
[2025-01-23 20:53:24]
blaster33 :
good bye bulls
[2025-01-23 20:53:27]
HuskySquared :
(ii) The Working Group shall evaluate the potential creation and maintenance of a national digital asset stockpile and propose criteria for establishing such a stockpile, potentially derived from cryptocurrencies lawfully seized by the Federal Government through its law enforcement efforts.
[2025-01-23 20:53:33]
RobVacation :
dexswap: lol
[2025-01-23 20:53:35]
Halfway :
i have x10 short
[2025-01-23 20:53:44]
Halfway :
but this nigga take all stops
[2025-01-23 20:53:47]
BlissRP :
Halfway: you are halfway smart
[2025-01-23 20:53:54]
dexswap :
so no buying 1 mill bitcoin, just not selling sized
[2025-01-23 20:53:55]
dexswap :
[2025-01-23 20:53:58]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2000 USD @ 103206.5
[2025-01-23 20:53:59]
dexswap :
no affect on market
[2025-01-23 20:53:59]
RobVacation :
fck CBDC
[2025-01-23 20:54:11]
BlissRP :
btc to zero
[2025-01-23 20:54:13]
BlissRP :
eth to infinity
[2025-01-23 20:54:21]
PeacenLuv :
if i didnt know btc future this would be awful predicament
[2025-01-23 20:54:34]
dexswap :
sub 90 tonight, beginning of the ned
[2025-01-23 20:54:35]
al guul :
free sbf and just let him fkin run eet
[2025-01-23 20:55:00]
blaster33 :
nice 1h candle
[2025-01-23 20:55:02]
RobVacation :
IS smart cuz dollar is already pdged to usdt usdc etc
[2025-01-23 20:55:07]
bmagic :
anyone else see an unparraleled pump
[2025-01-23 20:55:12]
blaster33 :
the market is just retarded lately
[2025-01-23 20:55:18]
blaster33 :
up down up down, full retards
[2025-01-23 20:55:23]
BlissRP :
bmagic: back to mcdonalds :pepe:
[2025-01-23 20:55:36]
leBread :
crypto stockpile rejected. :kek:
[2025-01-23 20:55:38]
bmagic :
pump that sundae fudge
[2025-01-23 20:55:47]
pencilsol :
[2025-01-23 20:55:53]
pencilsol :
so this is how it's gonna be huh
[2025-01-23 20:55:58]
RobVacation :
no surprise here with PA
[2025-01-23 20:56:01]
BlissRP :
this is the most organic price action ever seen
[2025-01-23 20:56:06]
speedwell :
the chips are in the bag
[2025-01-23 20:56:18]
pencilsol :
i hate organic price action, give me rigged price action
[2025-01-23 20:56:23]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 25600 USD @ 102828.6
[2025-01-23 20:56:24]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTEUR`: Sell 22000 EUR @ 98757 ($NaN) - Another cow slaughtered
[2025-01-23 20:56:58]
jop988888 :
are we going to 90k?
[2025-01-23 20:57:03]
leBread :
its easy really, crypto stockpile to pay of national debt. now ask yourself, do you want to pay off us national debt?
[2025-01-23 20:57:05]
BlissRP :
jop988888: 69420
[2025-01-23 20:57:10]
leBread :
Or do you prefer profits?
[2025-01-23 20:57:27]
triplecheese :
Horrible price action honestly
[2025-01-23 20:57:36]
AvaMei :
Trump Executive Order prohibits ALL govt agencies from undertaking any action to establish, issue, or promote central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) - Fox mhh
[2025-01-23 20:57:51]
RobVacation :
great news
[2025-01-23 20:58:06]
pencilsol :
time to doom and gloom I guess
[2025-01-23 20:58:24]
fibotex :
AvaMei: source?
[2025-01-23 20:58:33]
Morph2k :
The top is in
[2025-01-23 20:58:46]
BlissRP :
Morph2k: on the upside down chart?
[2025-01-23 20:58:48]
BlissRP :
agree ser
[2025-01-23 20:58:54]
BlissRP :
fully agree
[2025-01-23 20:59:00]
RobVacation :
@leBread pays us debt by us. lol
[2025-01-23 20:59:11]
PeacenLuv :
ya hang here for first news btc true
[2025-01-23 20:59:13]
RobVacation :
musk idea
[2025-01-23 20:59:18]
PeacenLuv :
its munnee it matters
[2025-01-23 20:59:18]
fibotex :
AvaMei: ok
[2025-01-23 20:59:58]
PeacenLuv : i got this going on short time frame
[2025-01-23 21:00:27]
PeacenLuv :
its lots of vol anyhow which means the market is meeting here
[2025-01-23 21:00:27]
RobVacation :
1min chart looks more peaceful than 15min
[2025-01-23 21:00:37]
PeacenLuv :
pretty big range ya
[2025-01-23 21:00:55]
pencilsol :
fuck it, give me 1 second chart
[2025-01-23 21:01:00]
pencilsol :
I wanna look at the doom in 4k
[2025-01-23 21:01:02]
PeacenLuv :
not on a penny stock
[2025-01-23 21:01:12]
PeacenLuv :
1buck to buck ten
[2025-01-23 21:03:19]
ninnk :
10 sec
Trump Tanks Crude But Bitcoin Blasts Off, Stargate Surge Stalls
[2025-01-23 21:03:28]
ninnk :
blasts off to where :kek:
[2025-01-23 21:05:07]
leBread :
to the same place it was 2 hours ago sir.
[2025-01-23 21:05:36]
leBread :
There is no momentum, only morektum.
[2025-01-23 21:06:08]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 5 Cont @ 0.34774 ($178.66)
[2025-01-23 21:06:43]
leBread :
Imagine thinking being exit liquidity was a good strategy.
[2025-01-23 21:07:48]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 7973600 USD @ 102710.5 - Are ya winning, son?
[2025-01-23 21:08:02]
blaster33 :
oof :arthur:
[2025-01-23 21:08:05]
chujev :
7973600 oops
[2025-01-23 21:08:24]
Hottentot :
[2025-01-23 21:08:49]
speedwell :
hi hopes
[2025-01-23 21:08:49]
fibotex :
[2025-01-23 21:08:59]
jop988888 :
Is this the top?
[2025-01-23 21:09:02]
fibotex :
pamp et
[2025-01-23 21:09:10]
fibotex :
he sold?
[2025-01-23 21:09:13]
chujev :
bull market started
[2025-01-23 21:10:12]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:11:27]
jop988888 :
Why it cannot pump to 110k with this news! This is the top already
[2025-01-23 21:11:45]
BlissRP :
jop988888: we must first bait more krolegs
[2025-01-23 21:11:56]
BlissRP :
martingale it
[2025-01-23 21:12:25]
AvaMei :
stockpile needs cheaper coins
[2025-01-23 21:14:08]
HuskySquared :
well this was a bit anti climatic there
[2025-01-23 21:14:27]
jop988888 :
We cannot even pump man
[2025-01-23 21:14:36]
BlissRP :
jop988888: yes
[2025-01-23 21:14:38]
BlissRP :
delete all hope
[2025-01-23 21:14:40]
BlissRP :
and martingale it
[2025-01-23 21:14:42]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:14:50]
pencilsol :
HuskySquared: the pumps that has occured the last few days has been disappointingly small
[2025-01-23 21:14:55]
pencilsol :
and immediately reversed
[2025-01-23 21:15:05]
pencilsol :
ngl, I think this season is cooked
[2025-01-23 21:15:10]
BlissRP :
pencilsol: its almost like
[2025-01-23 21:15:14]
BlissRP :
boj is deciding on rates tomorrow
[2025-01-23 21:15:15]
BlissRP :
or something
[2025-01-23 21:15:19]
BlissRP :
nah that would be crazy
[2025-01-23 21:15:21]
BlissRP :
wouldnt it
[2025-01-23 21:15:22]
pencilsol :
[2025-01-23 21:15:29]
pencilsol :
the rates is barely gonna affect anything.
[2025-01-23 21:15:35]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:15:40]
pencilsol :
bet it will just be this again
[2025-01-23 21:15:41]
BlissRP :
and my father is thor
[2025-01-23 21:15:46]
pencilsol :
for the third-fourth time in a roll
[2025-01-23 21:16:04]
pencilsol :
BlissRP: I can't tell if u are dooming with me or u are being hopeful lol
[2025-01-23 21:16:48]
BlissRP :
you seem to think dollar yen is not important
[2025-01-23 21:16:55]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:16:56]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:16:58]
BlissRP :
i troll
[2025-01-23 21:17:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `SHIBUSD`: Sell 24 Cont @ 0.000019639 ($483.43)
[2025-01-23 21:17:27]
pencilsol :
BlissRP: you mentioned rates, not dollar
[2025-01-23 21:17:33]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 3.4000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 34.657 ($121.60)
[2025-01-23 21:17:35]
HuskySquared :
surprised we dont pump on the CBDC ban
[2025-01-23 21:17:50]
BlissRP :
pencilsol: yeah cause japanese rates have no effect on currency pairs
[2025-01-23 21:17:50]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:17:51]
BlissRP :
ok bro
[2025-01-23 21:17:58]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 20100 USD @ 102486.8
[2025-01-23 21:18:00]
BlissRP :
show me your lack of understanding of the world financial system
[2025-01-23 21:18:01]
pencilsol :
why are u talkinga bout japanese rn bro
[2025-01-23 21:18:06]
BlissRP :
jesus christ
[2025-01-23 21:18:10]
pencilsol :
i don't care about that nor have I mentioned it
[2025-01-23 21:18:10]
BlissRP :
what do you think boj is?
[2025-01-23 21:18:11]
contract details :
we going to 0
[2025-01-23 21:18:14]
contract details :
thanks trump
[2025-01-23 21:18:15]
BlissRP :
i mentioned it
[2025-01-23 21:18:16]
HuskySquared :
confused what people were expecting tbh
[2025-01-23 21:18:17]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:18:18]
pencilsol :
I don't know actualy lol
[2025-01-23 21:18:22]
BlissRP :
this guy is actually a lost soul
[2025-01-23 21:18:25]
BlissRP :
and cant be helped
[2025-01-23 21:18:30]
pencilsol :
uh huh
[2025-01-23 21:18:32]
BlissRP :
im over it
[2025-01-23 21:18:34]
BlissRP :
go study
[2025-01-23 21:18:37]
bmagic :
bank of jobbies
[2025-01-23 21:18:45]
bmagic :
blowjobs for days
[2025-01-23 21:18:47]
contract details :
BlissRP: how can i study to make money like oyu
[2025-01-23 21:18:49]
contract details :
whats your secret
[2025-01-23 21:18:50]
contract details :
[2025-01-23 21:18:54]
BlissRP :
contract details: be aware
[2025-01-23 21:18:57]
BlissRP :
and know everything
[2025-01-23 21:19:02]
BlissRP :
and be 3 steps ahead
[2025-01-23 21:19:03]
BlissRP :
every time
[2025-01-23 21:19:16]
contract details :
how do i stop having panic attacks and panic closing
[2025-01-23 21:19:17]
contract details :
[2025-01-23 21:19:45]
pencilsol :
just do everything at once
[2025-01-23 21:19:52]
pencilsol :
[2025-01-23 21:20:05]
bmagic :
i think market just decided to stop selling
[2025-01-23 21:20:10]
bmagic :
i seen it
[2025-01-23 21:20:17]
pencilsol :
in a dream?
[2025-01-23 21:20:47]
BlissRP :
imagine closing eth long and btc short within 30 minutes of each other with profit
[2025-01-23 21:20:49]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:20:49]
HuskySquared :
Migrants Not Needed: BlackRock's Fink Says 'Xenophobic' Countries Will Have Higher Standard Of Living Amid AI Revolution
[2025-01-23 21:20:50]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 21:20:54]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 21:21:03]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 21:21:13]
HuskySquared :
what do we need the nigrs for when we have tesla robot?
[2025-01-23 21:22:12]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: are you a real person
[2025-01-23 21:22:21]
BlissRP :
aint no way
[2025-01-23 21:22:27]
Dessos :
[2025-01-23 21:23:20]
HuskySquared :
BlissRP: no
[2025-01-23 21:23:38]
BlissRP :
thought so
[2025-01-23 21:23:41]
BlissRP :
youd be shot by now
[2025-01-23 21:24:34]
ninnk :
pömp it xi do it :doge:
[2025-01-23 21:25:27]
contract details :
[2025-01-23 21:25:31]
contract details :
can i get my money back arthur?
[2025-01-23 21:25:38]
contract details :
i really need to fix the toilet
[2025-01-23 21:27:03]
HuskySquared :
you now shit on the bottom
[2025-01-23 21:27:21]
HuskySquared :
nah but for real we should pump
[2025-01-23 21:27:33]
PeacenLuv : falling wedge on a low bully btc
[2025-01-23 21:27:41]
PeacenLuv :
7.93 milly liquid nice
[2025-01-23 21:30:53]
BlissRP :
[2025-01-23 21:30:57]
BlissRP :
fk btc its eth season
[2025-01-23 21:30:58]
PeacenLuv : chart shows big liquids moving up lezgoo bully
[2025-01-23 21:31:08]
HuskySquared :
so when do we pump now
[2025-01-23 21:31:18]
HuskySquared :
wasnt that the plan?
[2025-01-23 21:31:33]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: 69420
[2025-01-23 21:31:34]
BlissRP :
then pamp
[2025-01-23 21:32:00]
AvaMei :
wasnt it sell the news
[2025-01-23 21:32:31]
PeacenLuv :
70 milly 70 btc long
[2025-01-23 21:32:31]
BlissRP :
AvaMei: sell the rates
[2025-01-23 21:32:39]
PeacenLuv :
x 3k per 5min candle
[2025-01-23 21:32:52]
PeacenLuv :
210k in a 5min move
[2025-01-23 21:32:59]
45th_blown_account :
Melania 18 - 2.7 = healthy correction, time to buy the dip :doge:
[2025-01-23 21:33:25]
45th_blown_account :
slovenian rug pulls = the best
[2025-01-23 21:33:33]
BlissRP :
45th_blown_account: melanus the anus ser
[2025-01-23 21:33:58]
45th_blown_account :
BlissRP: yes sir :catjam:
[2025-01-23 21:34:15]
PeacenLuv :
11k rough
[2025-01-23 21:34:15]
PeacenLuv :
cross at mkt now a 1milly position is .11 btc
[2025-01-23 21:34:16]
PeacenLuv :
[2025-01-23 21:34:26]
45th_blown_account :
Melania did the XRP dip in 1 week. how about dat
[2025-01-23 21:34:51]
BlissRP :
45th_blown_account: catch me in eth's guts how bow dah
[2025-01-23 21:35:09]
PeacenLuv :
11k usd cross long u get 1000000 usd 1 buck contracts xbt/usd perpz
[2025-01-23 21:35:24]
HuskySquared :
[2025-01-23 21:35:26]
HuskySquared :
first move is always wrong
[2025-01-23 21:35:29]
HuskySquared :
its a net bullish event
[2025-01-23 21:35:53]
HuskySquared :
arguably the biggest commitment we ever got from a country
[2025-01-23 21:35:53]
BlissRP :
HuskySquared: this is the first logical thing you have said in a while
[2025-01-23 21:35:56]
BlissRP :
with that being said
[2025-01-23 21:35:58]
BlissRP :
eth 20k
[2025-01-23 21:35:58]
ninnk :
b-but bnq promised 140k in a couple of days, also he's always right!