This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2025-01-23 04:53:40] BlissRP : gamblers fallacy :doge: [2025-01-23 04:54:00] kchaitanya : BlissRP: he is another clown no one pays attention to [2025-01-23 04:55:36] PeacenLuv : really gewd news iz the stars are lining up for all of us [2025-01-23 04:56:15] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: yeah in the mcdonalds fryer [2025-01-23 04:57:12] bmagic : If u long from 109k to 3k you are a legend [2025-01-23 04:57:58] PeacenLuv : we're lucky [2025-01-23 04:58:42] "it will be........" : ahaha :doge: [2025-01-23 05:00:33] PeacenLuv : BTFD - "Buy The F*#!ING Dip" (Official Music Video) [2025-01-23 05:01:00] PeacenLuv : india is turning on as gold sellerz btc buyers [2025-01-23 05:02:22] PeacenLuv : im green here entry 101939 im super gewd trader longz btc [2025-01-23 05:03:04] PeacenLuv : ill keep my stop here prolly till 144k [2025-01-23 05:03:13] PeacenLuv : 101101 stop [2025-01-23 05:04:20] PeacenLuv : Die Antwoord - [20 Minutes] Diz Iz Why I'm Hot bully btc lezgoo [2025-01-23 05:04:37] PeacenLuv : only a pro trader would know a pro trader wen he sees 1 [2025-01-23 05:05:57] PeacenLuv : or she no mixez [2025-01-23 05:06:10] PeacenLuv : trumpz rule [2025-01-23 05:10:39] PeacenLuv : 1hr bully tunnel support ill keep my longstops under that tunnel as it rises no prob in fact purfektamooondough [2025-01-23 05:11:26] PeacenLuv : did we ever endure a lotta wipsaw as bullyz and as btc bearz grats all [2025-01-23 05:11:35] PeacenLuv : if yur still chill [2025-01-23 05:11:50] PeacenLuv : im kewl az a cucumber ssssss [2025-01-23 05:11:55] PeacenLuv : hot [2025-01-23 05:15:02] PeacenLuv : i see no bearz no whinerz no deluluz [2025-01-23 05:15:21] PeacenLuv : thiz iz y im hot and theyre not [2025-01-23 05:15:44] PeacenLuv : i warned the bearz so i gezz thatz y theyre not here [2025-01-23 05:16:47] PeacenLuv : so they get paid in a sinking btc wen they short that wrong from the start [2025-01-23 05:17:28] PeacenLuv : ohh im winning btc short position but hey phuk wut im winning is tanking lol and they think its gewd [2025-01-23 05:18:17] PeacenLuv : delulu btc bearz..bullyz picking on longs trying to earn an honezt living [2025-01-23 05:19:14] PeacenLuv : even though i muted the btc bearz im still gunna see them in the zooplinez rezt my life and or theirz sadd [2025-01-23 05:19:37] PeacenLuv : wtf getz into them [2025-01-23 05:19:47] PeacenLuv : strange crew [2025-01-23 05:20:07] PeacenLuv : i saw them alllll the wayyy up to wut [2025-01-23 05:20:19] PeacenLuv : idiotz for life i guezz [2025-01-23 05:20:36] PeacenLuv : werze they hav kidz too prolly teaching them schitt [2025-01-23 05:20:55] PeacenLuv : ya its serious malfunction of their mindz [2025-01-23 05:23:42] PeacenLuv : ahhh brush them aside to each hiz own [2025-01-23 05:24:24] PeacenLuv : for fun maybe admin could unmute a few for me too lower their egoz [2025-01-23 05:25:25] PeacenLuv : how many times can they b wrong if they long and short btc..if u only long btc youllnever be wrong and never need to decide between the two choice..funny 2 choices and they fail [2025-01-23 05:25:55] PeacenLuv : giv them 3 choices and theyre in living hell then [2025-01-23 05:26:48] PeacenLuv : Die Antwoord - Never Le Nkemise (Part 1 & 2 ) bully btc [2025-01-23 05:27:14] bluemaster : I will buy little bit at 80k 😜 [2025-01-23 05:27:22] bluemaster : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 40,100 USD @ 102294.4648 ``` [2025-01-23 05:27:28] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 20,100 USD @ 103657.0197 ``` [2025-01-23 05:27:31] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 65,600 USD @ 105805.5506 ``` [2025-01-23 05:28:01] bluemaster : nice ,lost hope to ever reload under 100k but stupid beras insist 😎 [2025-01-23 05:28:08] bluemaster : /pnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0572 XBT RPNL, -0.0012 XBT UPNL ``` [2025-01-23 05:28:13] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1807 XBT RPNL, 0.0054 XBT UPNL ``` [2025-01-23 05:28:17] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6216 XBT RPNL, 0.0012 XBT UPNL ``` [2025-01-23 05:28:31] PeacenLuv : btc bearz reboot and read this first it will help if u any brains.. in·vest /inˈvest/ verb verb: invest; 3rd person present: invests; past tense: invested; past participle: invested; gerund or present participle: investing 1. expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture. [2025-01-23 05:28:45] kchaitanya : and here comes our favroutie blue [2025-01-23 05:28:49] kchaitanya : @bluemaster :doge: [2025-01-23 05:29:02] PeacenLuv : y they phuking around [2025-01-23 05:29:04] bluemaster : Dear Arthur I miss your wicks ( can we have nice one to 50k) 😁 [2025-01-23 05:31:56] PeacenLuv : shud be rated legally insane if they think btc gunna get cheaper take the load off their famz [2025-01-23 05:32:36] PeacenLuv : they still shootv wounded horses [2025-01-23 05:39:37] PeacenLuv : pumpitt btcz destiny made to ascend [2025-01-23 05:40:17] PeacenLuv : on solid ground firmly planted impenetranle [2025-01-23 05:40:27] PeacenLuv : impenetrable* [2025-01-23 05:41:08] PeacenLuv : and 1ce wrong theyre alwayz wrong shorts longz 1ce wrong will b right [2025-01-23 05:42:30] PeacenLuv : DIE ANTWOORD - BANANA BRAIN btc bullyz [2025-01-23 05:43:10] PeacenLuv : wutevr btc bearz ya boyz turn into girlz too so bearz bullyz [2025-01-23 05:43:30] PeacenLuv : im chill with it [2025-01-23 05:44:42] PeacenLuv : btc bearz mixed up krew [2025-01-23 05:46:15] bmagic : Moon [2025-01-23 05:48:40] MoonBruv : [2025-01-23 05:50:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.2189 XBT @ 102594.3 ($22,440.02) [2025-01-23 05:50:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0010 XBT @ 102634.9 ($102.56) - 🐳 [2025-01-23 05:53:42] bmagic : Might be a good time to take profit temporarily if ur high leverage [2025-01-23 05:53:47] bmagic : 102660 [2025-01-23 05:54:08] bmagic : Otherwise let it rip [2025-01-23 06:00:36] BlissRP : bmagic: [2025-01-23 06:13:06] BlissRP : sol pays more [2025-01-23 06:13:10] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-23 06:14:26] MoonBruv : i am [2025-01-23 06:15:07] MoonBruv : ok profits taken [2025-01-23 06:15:17] MoonBruv : but keep some chorts on [2025-01-23 06:16:10] MoonBruv : as bluemaster also says people miss Arthur's big wick [2025-01-23 06:17:00] MoonBruv : volatility, versatile action [2025-01-23 06:17:25] MoonBruv : rigght in the asss [2025-01-23 06:17:50] MoonBruv : a time exchanges crash or go offline and price engines get confused [2025-01-23 06:19:09] BlissRP : MoonBruv: yes [2025-01-23 06:19:22] BlissRP : bow down to a satirical joke from your trading god and miss the next wave [2025-01-23 06:19:23] BlissRP : :kek: [2025-01-23 06:19:33] MoonBruv : :arthur: [2025-01-23 06:28:07] bluemaster : [2025-01-23 06:30:59] BlissRP : bluemaster: fk yes [2025-01-23 06:31:05] BlissRP : that guy can rot in hell [2025-01-23 06:31:06] BlissRP : boolish [2025-01-23 06:46:35] kroleg666 : [2025-01-23 06:50:19] kroleg666 : > Our next generation will move from 1000 qubits (physical) to more than 10,000 physical qubits, and we’ll exceed the 100 logical qubit mark, and I think that’s when we’ll see scientific advantage and do some interesting work,” he said. [2025-01-23 06:50:21] kroleg666 : bye btc [2025-01-23 06:51:35] BlissRP : kroleg666: [2025-01-23 06:55:29] leBread : Imagine not taking the opportunity to be exit luquidity, it is the most efficent way to become homeless. [2025-01-23 06:56:25] 45th_blown_account : imagin going back to 66k then to 3k : how about dat . Dooooo it [2025-01-23 06:58:06] 45th_blown_account : Lets make Gulf of America great again :doge: [2025-01-23 06:58:23] leBread : that would mean a lack of exit liquidity, we need plenty exit liquidity. The opportunity is still here to become exit liquidity sir. [2025-01-23 07:10:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `FARTCOINUSDT`: Buy 300 FARTCOIN @ 1.4241 ($426.75) [2025-01-23 07:12:20] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `FARTCOINUSDT`: Buy 200 FARTCOIN @ 1.4353 ($284.50) [2025-01-23 07:12:31] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `FARTCOINUSDT`: Buy 140 FARTCOIN @ 1.4417 ($199.15) [2025-01-23 07:12:47] BlissRP : who would short fartcoin bruh [2025-01-23 07:12:52] BlissRP : dont they know hot air rises [2025-01-23 07:12:59] BlissRP : plus its AI [2025-01-23 07:13:01] BlissRP : never short AI [2025-01-23 07:13:50] Benobi : I shorted Fartcoin. Made me a nice little profit [2025-01-23 07:14:49] BlissRP : never short ai. [2025-01-23 07:15:23] Benobi : Well. made me some profit X) [2025-01-23 07:15:28] Benobi : but I guess it was dangerous [2025-01-23 07:18:08] BlissRP : Benobi: [2025-01-23 07:18:45] Benobi : B) [2025-01-23 07:19:39] Benobi : look, I just opened a short on BTC &t 102400 with a stoploss at 102520. I love to live dangerously [2025-01-23 07:22:16] BlissRP : thats a pcenluv trade [2025-01-23 07:22:18] speedwell : Good old more dowm... [2025-01-23 07:23:22] 45th_blown_account : Stocks pumped and BTC not pumped anymore ? is it broken ? :pepe: [2025-01-23 07:23:36] BlissRP : BOJ interest rate decision friday [2025-01-23 07:23:38] BlissRP : what do you expect [2025-01-23 07:23:42] BlissRP : ptsd from august hitting [2025-01-23 07:24:06] BlissRP : straight to mcdonalds [2025-01-23 07:25:55] Luke Short : down only! only down! no pumps! only down! dead cats don't bounce! DOWN ONLY! [2025-01-23 07:26:14] BlissRP : Luke Short: down with the syndrome [2025-01-23 07:26:36] BlissRP : [2025-01-23 07:27:35] leBread : Your life as exit liquidity can begin sooner than santa can wrap presents for christmas. [2025-01-23 07:28:24] Benobi : I suggest to not open a short before 102100 is breaking for good [2025-01-23 07:28:26] HuskySquared : hi all i am husky and as part of member of 'exit liquidity anonymous' i want to talk about where arthur hayes touched me [2025-01-23 07:29:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `GOATUSDT`: Sell 60 GOAT @ 0.34379 ($20.63) [2025-01-23 07:29:17] Luke Short : get rekt [2025-01-23 07:29:47] 45th_blown_account : i salute everyone like Elon :doge: [2025-01-23 07:30:27] BlissRP : 45th_blown_account: you strike me more of an adolf type of guy [2025-01-23 07:33:34] 45th_blown_account : BlissRP: what you mean ? the Austrian painter ? never heard of him [2025-01-23 07:34:49] BlissRP : 45th_blown_account: no that reindeer with the red nose [2025-01-23 07:35:21] Benobi : Rudolf [2025-01-23 07:35:43] Benobi : two letters but a big mistake [2025-01-23 07:35:52] 45th_blown_account : BlissRP: u think Nazis was a political idea ? or something completely crazy ? Telling everyone in the country to salute with your name in it : how about dat ? [2025-01-23 07:36:32] BlissRP : Benobi: wait so you are telling me all the parents at the christmas carol events have been staring at me for a different reason than my mismatched socks? [2025-01-23 07:36:48] 45th_blown_account : when you go to N. Korea and say "gm sir " you add " kim jong un" in the end ? [2025-01-23 07:36:56] Benobi : oh. no. [2025-01-23 07:37:10] BlissRP : :kek: [2025-01-23 07:40:16] Benobi : Although it shoudn't be a problem. Otherwise we create a voldemort effect. and you can't abuse that. The step is very narrow between diabolizing someone and showing him some kind of respect. but most of all, the woldemort effect or the taboo effect is ot oly giving some kig of mysterious and charismatic vibe to something it's also preventing any logical analysis. [2025-01-23 07:42:09] Benobi : Like in classroom I made the nazi salute to explain them how you can associate a gesture with a symbolic and etc and they were like omg teacher you're not allowed to do that, it'sfordidden by the law like I have thrown an Avada Kedabra or swore God's name. so I had to explain to them that I could name Hitler or make any nazi salute I wanted as long as I'm ot promoting or endorsing or horoing their values. [2025-01-23 07:42:41] Benobi : anyway I swapped my short for long, wtf you'red doing BTC. [2025-01-23 07:43:04] BlissRP : nice sir [2025-01-23 07:43:09] BlissRP : always reverse pcenluv [2025-01-23 07:44:20] 45th_blown_account : BlissRP: you have twitter ? you are in Elon`s platform ? [2025-01-23 07:44:34] BlissRP : 45th_blown_account: i dont use [2025-01-23 07:44:37] BlissRP : only lurk [2025-01-23 07:44:54] 45th_blown_account : BlissRP: nice man. i hope you dont have doge either [2025-01-23 07:45:05] BlissRP : no no [2025-01-23 07:45:08] BlissRP : only ai memes [2025-01-23 07:45:09] 45th_blown_account : nice - nice [2025-01-23 07:56:20] _fred bloggs : Anyone got SOLUSDT max leverage as 66.7x and NOT 100x? [2025-01-23 07:57:11] kchaitanya : _fred bloggs: go to risk limit and try to change it and then adjust it back [2025-01-23 07:57:36] kchaitanya : once you do so , your leverage will start showing 100x @_fred bloggs [2025-01-23 07:58:12] _fred bloggs : The slider only shows up to 66,7 [2025-01-23 07:58:37] _fred bloggs : I mean 66.7 is enough :) [2025-01-23 07:59:00] kchaitanya : due below leverage you will see "risk limit" edit it once and you will start seeing leverage upto 100x @_fred bloggs [2025-01-23 08:02:01] _fred bloggs : Sorted Cheers [2025-01-23 08:09:50] HuskySquared : _fred bloggs: dont cheers too quickly [2025-01-23 08:09:56] HuskySquared : another one for the skewer [2025-01-23 08:09:57] HuskySquared : :arthur: [2025-01-23 08:10:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 700 USD @ 102351.8 - #yolo is a valid strategy [2025-01-23 08:11:48] Luke Short : the cornsupplies in our granary are rapidly decreasing melord! [2025-01-23 08:14:43] speedwell : Luke Short: Double the leverage! [2025-01-23 08:15:04] BlissRP : speedwell: and the beverage ser! [2025-01-23 08:16:05] Luke Short : you successfully sold all of our corn stock, Sire! [2025-01-23 08:22:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 20 GOAT @ 0.35097 ($7.02) [2025-01-23 08:31:33] speedwell : BlissRP: snigger snigger [2025-01-23 08:32:04] speedwell : you can say $nigger? [2025-01-23 08:32:17] speedwell : I can't say the either? [2025-01-23 08:32:27] HuskySquared : $nigr [2025-01-23 08:32:38] speedwell : thankyou ser [2025-01-23 08:32:52] speedwell : race sensetive [2025-01-23 08:32:57] HuskySquared : np [2025-01-23 08:33:07] HuskySquared : what race [2025-01-23 08:33:10] HuskySquared : its nigeria coin [2025-01-23 08:33:24] HuskySquared : Ethereum’s Descent Into Existential Crisis [2025-01-23 08:33:27] HuskySquared : :arthur: [2025-01-23 08:33:58] HuskySquared : :downrocket: [2025-01-23 08:36:40] leBread : its a sign of doomage. [2025-01-23 08:38:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `FARTCOINUSDT`: Sell 200 FARTCOIN @ 1.5533 ($299.28) [2025-01-23 08:38:18] HuskySquared : FARTCOIN IS GOING DOWN [2025-01-23 08:38:19] HuskySquared : SELL IT ALL [2025-01-23 08:38:24] HuskySquared : :pepe: [2025-01-23 08:38:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 100 MELANIA @ 3.039 ($303.90) [2025-01-23 08:43:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 130 MELANIA @ 2.932 ($381.16) [2025-01-23 08:45:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 1059.7000 MELANIA @ 2.921 ($3,095.38) - Thanks for playing [2025-01-23 08:48:18] leBread : sol is preparing the doomdance as well. [2025-01-23 08:49:21] 45th_blown_account : slovanian rugs for sale :doge: [2025-01-23 08:50:12] leBread : sweet i need to furnish my floors. [2025-01-23 08:51:06] 45th_blown_account : you take the rug and you dump it , then you pull it :doge: [2025-01-23 08:51:58] 45th_blown_account : BTC stopped taking steroids , only +80% 4 years ago :catjam: [2025-01-23 08:52:40] Benobi : it took+60 in a month, I think it's quite honorable yet [2025-01-23 08:53:00] Benobi : it just needs a breather [2025-01-23 08:53:15] Benobi : shorters exiting positions, profit taking, and then bounce back up [2025-01-23 08:53:25] Luke Short : there is no honor to be found in the upcoming bloodbaths ser [2025-01-23 08:55:25] HuskySquared : Gjergj: have you fucking died man [2025-01-23 08:56:11] Luke Short : marchin through red deserts for years, hopes and dreams of bulls collapsing on those innocent souls [2025-01-23 09:01:46] Luke Short : the red desert awaits you milord 🚩 [2025-01-23 09:06:56] Benobi : I'm mostly bear until we get a real breather so I guess I'll be amonsgt the one survivng winter [2025-01-23 09:07:37] Benobi : I just dearly hope the bulls took some decent profits from those levels [2025-01-23 09:08:43] Luke Short : 100k is our last Oasis we will dream hallucionate about in the deserts. If you didn’t get enough water at 100k You will have to Drink your own piss, sire! [2025-01-23 09:20:38] Jobby : Well, crypto went up lately due to the expectation Trump would do something positive for crypto. What we now see is that all he was planning was launch a memecoin and earn a lot of money for himself. So most likely we will now see a big fall back of crypto to at least below 60k? [2025-01-23 09:22:08] Benobi : especially with this weekend bank of japan and datas comng monday, you could expect such a breather but hey [2025-01-23 09:22:54] Benobi : my guess is that Trump (or at least his advisers) are keeping cryptos exectuvie orders up their sleeves to make the crypto rebounce from a dump or cancelling a dump [2025-01-23 09:23:42] Benobi : I mean, he got cryptos to seel high price and want to rebuy to make even more profit. It's easier to wait a dump and repump it with a fresh good news than trying to pump it higher with an already sold rumor [2025-01-23 09:24:00] Benobi : and in the meantime he'll got opportunity to buy cheaper. [2025-01-23 09:25:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 686.6000 MELANIA @ 2.829 ($1,942.39) [2025-01-23 09:26:00] Benobi : even at 80k we would still be very high [2025-01-23 09:28:16] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 31.6000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 35.548 ($1,169.20) [2025-01-23 09:34:19] bnqxbt : good mornin [2025-01-23 09:34:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 130 MELANIA @ 2.796 ($363.48) [2025-01-23 09:34:51] bnqxbt : compression still on I see, let's see how long they can keep it from pumping [2025-01-23 09:38:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `MELANIAUSDT`: Buy 90 MELANIA @ 2.844 ($255.96) [2025-01-23 09:39:23] bnqxbt : anyone trading those memes, should be banned from living [2025-01-23 09:39:52] HuskySquared : bnqxbt: good morning [2025-01-23 09:40:07] HuskySquared : ethereum collapsing [2025-01-23 09:40:16] HuskySquared : need to zero it [2025-01-23 09:40:50] bnqxbt : HuskySquared: stairs down elevator up [2025-01-23 09:41:12] bnqxbt : if this was the reverse, I would feel a little dumpish [2025-01-23 09:41:33] HuskySquared : HOLD THE FORT [2025-01-23 09:41:37] bnqxbt : the bear momentum is very exhausted atm [2025-01-23 09:41:58] bnqxbt : it's on the edge, like yesterday, they barely rescued it from flipping bullish [2025-01-23 09:42:04] bnqxbt : but it's climbing on the line [2025-01-23 09:42:46] bnqxbt : just one higher high candle to the previous on the 4h, will flip this bullish [2025-01-23 09:43:08] bnqxbt : let's see... if it's today.. waiting game [2025-01-23 09:44:02] bnqxbt : do we get the textbook rug before pump, or just a nice clean breakout [2025-01-23 09:47:18] Benobi : we broker 12700 did'nt we [2025-01-23 09:47:46] Benobi : bears exhausted ? I see bulls exhausted [2025-01-23 09:47:59] Benobi : bears have been sleeping for the past two weeks [2025-01-23 09:48:06] Benobi : lettig bulls rule the charge. [2025-01-23 09:48:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0018 XBT @ 101868.8 ($183.27) - 🐳 [2025-01-23 09:48:59] Benobi : Trump is ignoring BTC, Musk is all about DOGE, Trumps creates his own crypto and soon everyone will do. [2025-01-23 09:49:26] bnqxbt : Benobi: what did you expect? [2025-01-23 09:49:32] Benobi : he met with the XRP team..all of this is spliitting bulls forces on many cryptos [2025-01-23 09:49:45] bnqxbt : it's just clowns on the sidelines... who cares, btc doesn't [2025-01-23 09:50:15] bnqxbt : if you need trump for btc to move, then you don't know btc at all [2025-01-23 09:50:32] Benobi : me ? I would have expected everyone to keep up with the slowly and ealthy grind up for BTC on a natural course and not jump on the hype creating big gaps on his election and the on iinauguration [2025-01-23 09:50:50] Benobi : well, tell that to all those who sutpidly pumped the hype the last month [2025-01-23 09:51:07] Benobi : man, look at the chart. The recent volatile increase was fueled by trump. [2025-01-23 09:51:37] Benobi : and that's the issue. Of course you would rather believe it was just natural btc enthusiasm and sanity [2025-01-23 09:52:28] Benobi : but it's not coincidencial. Whales, and saylors, and gamblers and traders used the pretext to fuel volatility of the post halving bullrun which fucked up the charts [2025-01-23 09:52:37] Benobi : and now we don't know where we should be [2025-01-23 09:53:05] bnqxbt : market makers trade values, and risk. not what trump does or election results, or inagurations... usually the activity slows down before big events, because of hightent risk. but the direction and the patterns are more or less predetermined by the algorithmic pulse, the push and pull waves of accumulation and distribution. not what trump says or does [2025-01-23 09:54:01] bnqxbt : get off the news, and look under the hood, look at onchain data, look at indicators that the bots and algos use for decision making [2025-01-23 09:54:06] Benobi : so you tell me it's a normal bullrun to have no retrace ? [2025-01-23 09:54:21] bnqxbt : it's normal to be unpatient [2025-01-23 09:54:41] bnqxbt : we can go as high as 160k before correcting and cooling down the indicators [2025-01-23 09:54:42] Benobi : well, that's what of kind of do and that's why I feel that's there was disturbance in the Force X) [2025-01-23 09:55:30] bnqxbt : with fomo we can hit rsi of 100%, and then some... for days... nothing is impossible, but trying to justify with emotions is really terrible [2025-01-23 09:56:09] kroleg666 : lol stupid cows [2025-01-23 09:56:27] kroleg666 : > if you need trump for btc to move, then you don't know btc at all [2025-01-23 09:56:32] kroleg666 : we only need QC for btc to move [2025-01-23 09:56:37] Benobi : you are just expecting FOMO [2025-01-23 09:56:44] Benobi : which is cleary only emotions... [2025-01-23 09:56:47] kroleg666 : imagine fomo in something that is about to get rekd by QC [2025-01-23 09:56:50] bnqxbt : nothing goes in one straigth line, and the constant shakeoff, and turning everything into a dark noir depressed movie is part of the emotional game theory. for people to turn on their TA or the strategy they had. and then find out it was only a sham. [2025-01-23 09:57:10] bnqxbt : Benobi: I'm not, I said, WITH fomo we could EVEN... [2025-01-23 09:57:20] Benobi : alright [2025-01-23 09:57:32] bnqxbt : I'm expecting the normal tp of 130-140k [2025-01-23 09:57:39] bnqxbt : nothing is precise. [2025-01-23 09:57:50] bnqxbt : some things undershoot, other over [2025-01-23 09:58:09] bnqxbt : but after all is done it looks pretty much as expected [2025-01-23 09:58:46] Benobi : in 2020 we got from 15-ish to 55-ish, 40k, since september we were 50-ish we're 100-ish, 50k rise. [2025-01-23 09:59:22] bnqxbt : time is a function, at it can make even the best charts look untradable [2025-01-23 09:59:34] Benobi : how do you expect another 30-ish when some says Cyrpto can't be as volatile as before with so much peope, money, and institutions involed ? [2025-01-23 10:00:22] Benobi : We are still highly volatile while over the months I've read so may experts saying ad justifying that new bullruns wcouldn't be as volatile as before [2025-01-23 10:00:30] kroleg666 : bnqxbt: QC are literally being developed atm [2025-01-23 10:00:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `POLUSDT`: Sell 20 POL @ 0.4342 ($8.68) [2025-01-23 10:00:33] kroleg666 : actively [2025-01-23 10:00:39] kroleg666 : btc will die this year [2025-01-23 10:00:46] kroleg666 : along with all other useless crypto shit [2025-01-23 10:00:50] bnqxbt : Benobi: because of acc and distr, and risk models... when the risk is like now at medium to low for a long, and distribution is clearly accumulation here, we can't do anyhting but expect this to go up, bear momentum fading, rsi dropping but price not [2025-01-23 10:01:11] kroleg666 : nobody cares about economics when blockchain gets hacked [2025-01-23 10:01:29] bnqxbt : on the 4h the rsi is 42, and price is well over 100k [2025-01-23 10:01:36] kroleg666 : at best, exchanges will free btc trading to prevent selloff, then refund some fiat out of good will (keep hoping) [2025-01-23 10:01:39] kroleg666 : freeze* [2025-01-23 10:02:00] Joeyy132 : bnqxbt: you can’t chart btc sir [2025-01-23 10:02:04] Joeyy132 : it doesnt work [2025-01-23 10:02:10] kroleg666 : nobody cares about rsi or ta once blockchain gets hacked and can't function anymore [2025-01-23 10:02:15] kroleg666 : cold wallets will get fucked the hardest [2025-01-23 10:02:17] Joeyy132 : you have to TA your emotions [2025-01-23 10:02:19] kroleg666 : they will lose everything [2025-01-23 10:02:20] Joeyy132 : thats how u win [2025-01-23 10:02:29] bnqxbt : doesn't mean we can't go see some stops under 100k, but it would fade out quick with this much absorption [2025-01-23 10:02:41] kroleg666 : ok keep ignoring the truth [2025-01-23 10:03:43] Benobi : ok [2025-01-23 10:03:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PYTHUSDT`: Sell 20 PYTH @ 0.3149 ($6.30) [2025-01-23 10:03:48] Benobi : the lower the RSI, the bullish ? [2025-01-23 10:03:54] Benobi : or is it the other way round ? [2025-01-23 10:04:12] Joeyy132 : Benobi: neither [2025-01-23 10:04:18] bnqxbt : but anyways, prepare for the worst, because even if we would go way down here with maximum manipulation, we will continue up eventually, avoiding getting hunted is the number one goal [2025-01-23 10:04:29] Joeyy132 : rsi can be 90 for an extended period of time with price keep going up [2025-01-23 10:04:37] bnqxbt : Benobi: lower the rsi the more likely a reversal is [2025-01-23 10:04:39] ZtCedric : 88k next target [2025-01-23 10:04:42] Joeyy132 : and rsi can be super low and price keep dropping [2025-01-23 10:04:50] kroleg666 : who needs manipulation when qc will crack this trash without any effort [2025-01-23 10:04:59] Joeyy132 : so rsi means fk all stand alone [2025-01-23 10:05:08] bnqxbt : the higher the rsi, the more exhausted bulls are and a reversal is ikely [2025-01-23 10:05:33] Joeyy132 : bnqxbt: during the run from 15k to 60k the rsi hardly reset at all [2025-01-23 10:05:57] Joeyy132 : sttraught up only if u followed that rule you would have been expecting reversal every day [2025-01-23 10:06:03] _fred bloggs : Depends on the timeframe [2025-01-23 10:06:24] _fred bloggs : Maybe 1 month rsi not changed but 4hour or 1 day yes [2025-01-23 10:06:29] Joeyy132 : of course but even the higher tf never went low [2025-01-23 10:07:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ARBUSDT`: Sell 13.1000 ARB @ 0.6912 ($9.05) [2025-01-23 10:07:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SHIBUSDT`: Sell 480000 SHIB @ 0.000019932 ($9.56) [2025-01-23 10:09:25] Benobi : przmarket SPy is dumping a bit [2025-01-23 10:10:17] Benobi : [2025-01-23 10:10:54] Benobi : bnqxbt: I'm not really expecting a 80k -ish retrace, but at least a 90k-ish [2025-01-23 10:11:58] bnqxbt : Benobi: so btc went down to 90k, and came up to 109k now it has to go back 100% of that swing? [2025-01-23 10:12:29] bnqxbt : a natural consolidation would be to 0.5fib of the move up, that is at 96 [2025-01-23 10:12:48] bnqxbt : so is the 4h 200ma [2025-01-23 10:12:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 2090 GOAT @ 0.32511 ($679.46) [2025-01-23 10:13:04] bnqxbt : and also the breakout line from previous resistance [2025-01-23 10:13:33] bnqxbt : doesn't HAVE TO go there, but it could and it's a high interest place for orders, longs [2025-01-23 10:16:38] bnqxbt : I don't really care what happens between here and 140k, ... when 140k comes I'll do more TA, with the new data [2025-01-23 10:17:11] bnqxbt : you can only chart weather 3 days in advance, but you can have a grasp of 2 weeks ahed, and have a macro guestimate for the coming months [2025-01-23 10:18:38] bnqxbt : just becaue it rained for 1 week, doesnät mean it has to be sunny next week. [2025-01-23 10:18:55] Benobi : yes [2025-01-23 10:18:57] Benobi : sure [2025-01-23 10:19:39] bnqxbt : all bull runs look different [2025-01-23 10:20:01] Benobi : but why do you consider we went from 90 to 109 so we should not retrace ? I can say we wentup from 102 to 109, why do we retrace ? In my vision we went up from 67k two months ago to 102 k [2025-01-23 10:20:09] bnqxbt : because every next move is based on market conditions, not how much they have moved up or down or sideways. [2025-01-23 10:20:43] bnqxbt : Benobi: 2020 btc went from 10k to 45k [2025-01-23 10:20:48] bnqxbt : without retrace more or less [2025-01-23 10:20:50] Benobi : Well, everytime I zoom out on charts, I see that if you ignore the gaps by spiking pumps and dumps cryptos follows a trendly [2025-01-23 10:21:17] bnqxbt : or arguably from 3.7k to 65k in one line [2025-01-23 10:21:35] bnqxbt : looking at the magnitude of upside, compared to the "corrections" [2025-01-23 10:21:41] Benobi : in june there was a retrace at 30k [2025-01-23 10:22:37] Benobi : and one year later it fell back at 20k to take back it's natural course [2025-01-23 10:23:12] bnqxbt : if you look at basic btc patterns and fractals, you can see what is possible [2025-01-23 10:23:18] Benobi : if I try to follos the trend line and curve I see us aroud somewhere like 80k [2025-01-23 10:23:35] bnqxbt : the retraces are at points non-exsistant [2025-01-23 10:24:10] bnqxbt : we are with most probability going for the upper line, and if that breaks a similar to the fractal is possible [2025-01-23 10:24:33] bnqxbt : the upper res is at 130k [2025-01-23 10:25:15] bnqxbt : megaphone bull flag if you like, with a breakout tp at roughly 220k [2025-01-23 10:25:36] Benobi : I think I'm too much of an amateur and a groundthinker to understand what you're trying to explain to me. To me it sounds delusionnal that have such a high increase so quickly many people will invest massive money to reach that [2025-01-23 10:25:56] Benobi : I mean it's ok to believe that on a small crypto where investing is ot much money to risk. [2025-01-23 10:26:20] bnqxbt : it might sound absurd, if you think we have moved too much already without retrace, but it's not a matter of emotion or opinion. if it can happen, there is not much anyone can do about it. just like watching trump coin surpass most traded companies mcap [2025-01-23 10:26:58] bnqxbt : Benobi: obviously btc is heavy [2025-01-23 10:27:11] bnqxbt : but the market factors, and what causes a price to move are the same [2025-01-23 10:27:23] bnqxbt : more money in btc, than small shetcoins, so it evens out [2025-01-23 10:27:42] bnqxbt : if the conditions are met... nothing stopping it [2025-01-23 10:28:09] Benobi : I have the feeling that you approach this with a mathematical poit of view [2025-01-23 10:28:23] bnqxbt : the weekly and monthly dmi are getting very low, so I am cautious with guessing 200k this march... but... anything can happen [2025-01-23 10:28:56] bnqxbt : bulls are exhausted on the macro, a retrace IS coming, but... doesn't have to be here, because on the smaller frames we still have space [2025-01-23 10:28:57] Benobi : but the people investing money are not bots. they can end up in jail or worst for the big players if they do shit. Look at people mocing germany for having sold at 50k. So emotions DO get involved in the investment path [2025-01-23 10:29:39] bnqxbt : retail and social value is zero in btc, it's only algo trading... [2025-01-23 10:29:54] HuskySquared : idk [2025-01-23 10:29:56] HuskySquared : social value is there [2025-01-23 10:29:56] bnqxbt : if anyhting, mostly exit or entry volume [2025-01-23 10:30:02] HuskySquared : ever told a girl at a party u own big batches btc? [2025-01-23 10:30:10] HuskySquared : they like you because they have definite proof that u can eat ass [2025-01-23 10:30:15] bnqxbt : haha [2025-01-23 10:30:38] bnqxbt : girls don't genrally know anything about crypto [2025-01-23 10:30:50] Benobi : well, I still think you are ignoring some basic humans leverage involved in fear and greed. [2025-01-23 10:30:52] bnqxbt : have followed up with asking them first, how much one btc is worth [2025-01-23 10:30:57] Benobi : Yes. and that IS a big point. [2025-01-23 10:31:18] bnqxbt : Benobi: like I said, we small humans with limited funds, are just volume at best [2025-01-23 10:31:21] bnqxbt : we have no say [2025-01-23 10:31:31] Benobi : how long do you think a Whale's girl is going to not panic with him having o much potential money but not taking it to buy their house ? [2025-01-23 10:31:37] Benobi : yesss [2025-01-23 10:31:58] Benobi : but the guys moving big money also got humans feeling. It's ot their money but they can suffer consequences [2025-01-23 10:32:20] bnqxbt : whales are now mstr, exchanges, musk, oligarchs like musk, not some small time 100btc dude [2025-01-23 10:32:24] Benobi : it seems to Saylor is scrutinized [2025-01-23 10:32:30] Benobi : yes [2025-01-23 10:32:30] bnqxbt : even 100 btc is nothing [2025-01-23 10:32:35] bnqxbt : 1000btc [2025-01-23 10:32:38] bnqxbt : * [2025-01-23 10:32:41] Benobi : but Musk is human, Saylor too [2025-01-23 10:32:47] HuskySquared : ehhh [2025-01-23 10:32:59] Benobi : Saylor at least [2025-01-23 10:33:03] HuskySquared : :D [2025-01-23 10:33:13] bnqxbt : musk doesn't even whipe his own ass, he has zero motoric skills, he has no brain, he preys on other to make him rich... [2025-01-23 10:33:13] HuskySquared : pretty sure the Muskbot glitched out recently [2025-01-23 10:33:21] HuskySquared : bnqxbt: nah thats dumb [2025-01-23 10:33:30] HuskySquared : dont be sad just because you disagree with his politics, hes a smart dude [2025-01-23 10:33:31] kroleg666 : Mush is obviously alien [2025-01-23 10:33:33] kroleg666 : Musk* [2025-01-23 10:33:41] bnqxbt : he is not smart... he is arrogant [2025-01-23 10:33:48] bnqxbt : and really bad at sciense [2025-01-23 10:33:53] kroleg666 : > [12:33] bnqxbt: musk doesn't even whipe his own ass, he has zero motoric skills, he has no brain, he preys on other to make him rich... [2025-01-23 10:33:55] Benobi : hey Kroleg, maybe he could help us getting qucker i QC [2025-01-23 10:33:56] kroleg666 : thats how capitalism works [2025-01-23 10:33:59] bnqxbt : science [2025-01-23 10:34:05] Benobi : OR WORSE, maybe he's here to PREVENT us achieving QC [2025-01-23 10:34:05] HuskySquared : bnqxbt: eh [2025-01-23 10:34:11] kroleg666 : Benobi: Musk will buy QRL once QC get close enough [2025-01-23 10:34:11] kroleg666 : dw [2025-01-23 10:34:14] HuskySquared : its always fun <2m net worth people say 1b+ person are dumb because they are smart [2025-01-23 10:34:15] HuskySquared : smh [2025-01-23 10:34:16] kroleg666 : maybe he's already buying secretly [2025-01-23 10:34:25] kroleg666 : QRL will be new DOGE+ETH+BTC combined [2025-01-23 10:34:26] HuskySquared : today societty has weird entitlement syndrome of thinking they are smart [2025-01-23 10:34:33] HuskySquared : even though they are not [2025-01-23 10:34:40] bnqxbt : he didn't become rich, he was born rich [2025-01-23 10:35:10] bnqxbt : difference, he bought technology that made him richer, he is nothing but a broken child [2025-01-23 10:35:21] bnqxbt : now he bought politics [2025-01-23 10:35:35] HuskySquared : what do you have to show for in life in comparison [2025-01-23 10:35:41] HuskySquared : genuinely curious [2025-01-23 10:36:04] HuskySquared : i think you snowflakes make clowns out of yourselves by downtalking people that achieved infinitely more in their tenure in life tbh [2025-01-23 10:36:23] HuskySquared : people can agree with politics all they want, but this standard run-of-the-mill 'rich guy bad' is stupid af [2025-01-23 10:36:31] HuskySquared : loser mentality [2025-01-23 10:36:39] Benobi : Well [2025-01-23 10:36:41] kroleg666 : HuskySquared: there is a theory that many rich ppl got successful because they have small dicks so they were motivated to achieve something else [2025-01-23 10:36:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MELANIAUSDT`: Sell 200 MELANIA @ 2.816 ($563.20) [2025-01-23 10:36:46] kroleg666 : well im not rich [2025-01-23 10:36:52] Benobi : I'll argue there that it's all about what you look for in life. [2025-01-23 10:36:57] Benobi : and what you consider worthy. [2025-01-23 10:36:58] HuskySquared : Benobi: cope [2025-01-23 10:37:03] bnqxbt : like saying bolt is really smart and a role model because he runs fast, so musk is an awesome person because he has a lot of money he stole from poor people [2025-01-23 10:37:04] HuskySquared : that's all this here is [2025-01-23 10:37:11] bnqxbt : because of rigged system [2025-01-23 10:37:24] HuskySquared : bnqxbt: rigged system because of your failure to success in it? [2025-01-23 10:37:30] bnqxbt : once you become x rich, wealth comes easy [2025-01-23 10:37:33] kroleg666 : HuskySquared: rich guys are very bad for humanity, because they just hoard wealth or waste it for personal pleasure, while science is suffocating [2025-01-23 10:37:34] HuskySquared : lmao [2025-01-23 10:37:38] kroleg666 : capitalism is dead end [2025-01-23 10:37:53] bnqxbt : HuskySquared: maybe I don't strive to be the richest person and see other poor [2025-01-23 10:37:55] HuskySquared : smells like circus in here [2025-01-23 10:37:56] kroleg666 : imagine if Musk used all that wealth for something useful [2025-01-23 10:38:01] kroleg666 : well ok at least he has SpaceX [2025-01-23 10:38:05] kroleg666 : saylor tho? NOTHING [2025-01-23 10:38:08] kroleg666 : NO USE TO HUMANITY [2025-01-23 10:38:10] kroleg666 : PARASITE [2025-01-23 10:38:15] HuskySquared : and you have use to humanity kroleg? [2025-01-23 10:38:24] kroleg666 : at least I don't steal from humanity [2025-01-23 10:38:29] HuskySquared : because u suck too much to do it [2025-01-23 10:38:30] HuskySquared : man [2025-01-23 10:38:33] kroleg666 : and if I'll become rich I'll do something useful [2025-01-23 10:38:34] kroleg666 : with it [2025-01-23 10:38:36] HuskySquared : OFC [2025-01-23 10:38:38] HuskySquared : hahahaa [2025-01-23 10:38:46] HuskySquared : talk is easy [2025-01-23 10:38:58] kroleg666 : what's so hard about investing those billions into science [2025-01-23 10:39:01] kroleg666 : or space exploration [2025-01-23 10:39:03] HuskySquared : maybe you try to be good at something and become rich to be in a position to make a decision like it [2025-01-23 10:39:04] kroleg666 : or cure for cancer [2025-01-23 10:39:05] kroleg666 : etc [2025-01-23 10:39:10] HuskySquared : yea what's so hard about it [2025-01-23 10:39:12] HuskySquared : i dont see you doing it? [2025-01-23 10:39:13] kroleg666 : they invest only BREADCRUMBS to appear good in mass media [2025-01-23 10:39:19] kroleg666 : meanwhile just sitting on piles of gold [2025-01-23 10:39:27] kroleg666 : and hoarding everything else, not letting it be used for anything [2025-01-23 10:39:44] kroleg666 : HuskySquared: its not hard for those already having billions [2025-01-23 10:39:48] kroleg666 : but they don't want to [2025-01-23 10:39:53] kroleg666 : they rather just sit on pile of gold [2025-01-23 10:39:53] kroleg666 : forever [2025-01-23 10:39:58] kroleg666 : while humanity is stagnating [2025-01-23 10:40:00] HuskySquared : and you know this because of all the billionares that you talk to? [2025-01-23 10:40:12] HuskySquared : do you have any idea how money works? how change works? [2025-01-23 10:40:29] kroleg666 : when I see things like 'Elon Musk's worth is 9999999999999$' it means he has that much wealth just sitting around doing nothing useful [2025-01-23 10:40:31] kroleg666 : at best its investments [2025-01-23 10:40:35] Benobi : Well I've met several very wealthy people [2025-01-23 10:40:42] HuskySquared : no it means that's the medias narrative of how much his stakes in his companies are valued [2025-01-23 10:40:45] HuskySquared : he doesnt have this in cash you idiot [2025-01-23 10:40:49] kroleg666 : > do you have any idea how money works? [2025-01-23 10:40:50] HuskySquared : nor could he easily get it [2025-01-23 10:40:52] kroleg666 : I know that capitalism doesnt work [2025-01-23 10:40:56] kroleg666 : it will doom us all [2025-01-23 10:40:58] HuskySquared : then u are dumb af [2025-01-23 10:41:10] kroleg666 : infinite concentration of wealth while it cant do anything useful [2025-01-23 10:41:22] HuskySquared : like i said u dont understand how capital works [2025-01-23 10:41:24] Benobi : people who owns castles and such because I organize events in castle. None of them were happy people. Almost. They were greediest, more distrustful and more worried and stressed than people with nothing [2025-01-23 10:41:28] kroleg666 : capital works for creation of capital [2025-01-23 10:41:33] kroleg666 : it doesn't help to advance humanity [2025-01-23 10:41:35] Benobi : boys while we talk btc is falling. [2025-01-23 10:41:50] HuskySquared : you guys being long makes me worry about my position because the intelligence level is very low in here [2025-01-23 10:41:55] HuskySquared : wtf [2025-01-23 10:42:05] kroleg666 : HuskySquared: if Zerg invaded Earth in 2050 do you think we will have any chance? HELL NO, we will be busy stealing money from each other and spending on luxury cars and iphones [2025-01-23 10:42:12] kroleg666 : Zerg is example of efficient lifeform [2025-01-23 10:42:18] kroleg666 : no bitcoin, no bullshit [2025-01-23 10:42:20] HuskySquared : kroleg666: bro not even the protoss had chance vs zerg [2025-01-23 10:42:21] kroleg666 : only what is required to advance [2025-01-23 10:42:28] HuskySquared : wtf [2025-01-23 10:42:45] kroleg666 : protoss would laugh their asses off if they saw what we're doing [2025-01-23 10:42:54] kroleg666 : even tho they can't laugh [2025-01-23 10:42:56] kroleg666 : but they'll learn [2025-01-23 10:43:02] Benobi : X ) [2025-01-23 10:43:03] kroleg666 : its that ridiculous [2025-01-23 10:43:32] kroleg666 : HuskySquared: tell me how much percentage of Earth wealth was spent on space defences in last century [2025-01-23 10:43:43] kroleg666 : is it at least 1%? KEEP DREAMING [2025-01-23 10:43:44] kroleg666 : its fucking 0 [2025-01-23 10:44:00] HuskySquared : do you know why that is though? [2025-01-23 10:44:01] kroleg666 : they bullshit us with 'aliens dont exist' bullshit so that nobody would suspect [2025-01-23 10:44:07] kroleg666 : because its not profitable [2025-01-23 10:44:08] HuskySquared : thats not due to the billionares my friend [2025-01-23 10:44:11] kroleg666 : capitalism is only about doing what is profitable [2025-01-23 10:44:13] HuskySquared : thats due to your elected politicans [2025-01-23 10:44:19] HuskySquared : :) [2025-01-23 10:44:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.3948 XBT @ 101316.5 ($39,985.71) [2025-01-23 10:44:23] kroleg666 : politicians are elected by their capitals [2025-01-23 10:44:28] kroleg666 : again, money does everything [2025-01-23 10:44:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 15000 USD @ 101267.4 [2025-01-23 10:44:37] kroleg666 : money promotes the most greedy mfs who only want to make more money [2025-01-23 10:45:23] kroleg666 : who even needs Zerg, random asteroid will wipe us out [2025-01-23 10:45:38] kroleg666 : because space exploration and spreading to at least one other planet/star IS NOT PROFITABLE [2025-01-23 10:45:40] kroleg666 : so nobody does it [2025-01-23 10:45:43] bnqxbt : the problem with super rich people is, the fact they can change the rules by paying. so anyone playing by the rules they played while succeeding to become rich, has now diminished greatly. and the openings are getting fewer and fewer. it's in their best interest to not think about anyone else. same like a 30yo in the 70s saying to someone 30yo in 2025 that , why don't you just buy a house. and pay it off. [2025-01-23 10:45:53] kroleg666 : in capitalism all power belongs to those who won't use this power for good of humanity [2025-01-23 10:46:00] bnqxbt : there is a nuance and it's not a tiny one [2025-01-23 10:46:31] kroleg666 : bnqxbt: our best hope is China taking over and turning humanity into efficient hivemind using telepathy via 5G and Neuralink [2025-01-23 10:46:37] kroleg666 : then humanity will continue progress [2025-01-23 10:46:38] bnqxbt : when the game rules keep changing, you can't win