This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2025-01-22 20:12:50] PeacenLuv : lots of material to copy [2025-01-22 20:13:29] PeacenLuv : does everyone here get there stops tagged by 1 dollah? [2025-01-22 20:13:48] PeacenLuv : phuk me u know how many times i been liquified long xbt? [2025-01-22 20:14:08] PeacenLuv : well if anyonez breaking recordz here its gotta b me [2025-01-22 20:14:44] PeacenLuv : back a bit btfd 5min i must put my trend lines in wrong place always [2025-01-22 20:15:00] PeacenLuv : its like phukmannn really [2025-01-22 20:15:02] pencilsol : Oh this is interesting, the news about the SOL and XRP listing on CME FUTURES is leaked. It not officially announced yet. Market is pre-news pumping this up first. [2025-01-22 20:15:16] PeacenLuv : liquid longs 103346 [2025-01-22 20:15:29] PeacenLuv : im trying to go up with 100k [2025-01-22 20:15:33] PeacenLuv : to start [2025-01-22 20:15:41] PeacenLuv : usd contracts xbt [2025-01-22 20:15:59] PeacenLuv : relentless bitzch btc [2025-01-22 20:16:07] PeacenLuv : itz like gfo btc [2025-01-22 20:16:29] PeacenLuv : does anyone get long lasting longz here big load [2025-01-22 20:16:54] PeacenLuv : pencilsol: big btc distrektion [2025-01-22 20:17:07] PeacenLuv : *distraction [2025-01-22 20:17:23] Atlemos : Hodl bag down 28% , fook [2025-01-22 20:17:45] PeacenLuv : 1 day 1 fkn day my longs wont get stopped out [2025-01-22 20:18:22] PeacenLuv : btfd btc losd again [2025-01-22 20:18:28] PeacenLuv : load* [2025-01-22 20:18:33] pencilsol : Atlemos: just look at XRP and SOL charts, amazing how CME FUTURES listing news could affect these coins eh? [2025-01-22 20:18:38] PeacenLuv : Atlemos: reallysounds like them true [2025-01-22 20:18:43] PeacenLuv : imstill listening [2025-01-22 20:19:03] PeacenLuv : i could to the stage theatrix [2025-01-22 20:19:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 1330 XRP @ 3.2807 ($4,359.98) - Bonjour! [2025-01-22 20:19:20] pencilsol : Rip xrp shorter [2025-01-22 20:19:23] PeacenLuv : RonnieREKT: digger [2025-01-22 20:19:31] PeacenLuv : pencilsol: ya [2025-01-22 20:19:42] Atlemos : pencilsol: so in short, only buy cme alts? [2025-01-22 20:19:55] pencilsol : Trying to short the news is gonna be hard work, need to see what the Asian market will do with this news [2025-01-22 20:20:00] PeacenLuv : if u get munne from it its gewd if u lose munnee from it its bad [2025-01-22 20:20:19] Atlemos : golden rule for a Hodl, never sell in a loss = can not fail 😎 [2025-01-22 20:20:45] Randy72 : that was jut a pullback on btc. [2025-01-22 20:20:47] PeacenLuv : tweeked trend and it busted instantly [2025-01-22 20:21:06] Atlemos : Black swan on 1 mins!! [2025-01-22 20:21:10] pencilsol : Atlemos: apparently so, CME is just that big of a deal [2025-01-22 20:21:13] Randy72 : she want to keepdropping [2025-01-22 20:21:14] PeacenLuv : i never wanna call bullish channel throw-over again [2025-01-22 20:21:25] PeacenLuv : thatz zuch bullschitt [2025-01-22 20:21:57] PeacenLuv : bullish channel throw over is like sell phukeen fast [2025-01-22 20:22:13] PeacenLuv : its dumpin [2025-01-22 20:22:23] PeacenLuv : see u 3k lower [2025-01-22 20:22:58] PeacenLuv : usd feds close soon rise into close incoming btc [2025-01-22 20:35:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 4 SOL @ 270.73 ($1,082.60) [2025-01-22 20:36:22] pencilsol : Oh shit another big news, You can now use Solana and USDC to pay for stuff in Shopify [2025-01-22 20:36:41] MrBritcoin : :me::me::me::me: [2025-01-22 20:37:02] pencilsol : Didn't realize 'Solana pay' was a thing until now [2025-01-22 20:37:32] pencilsol : So CME future listing and Shopify integration news in one day, what's next for SOL lmao [2025-01-22 20:38:03] pencilsol : /PNL solusdt [2025-01-22 20:38:12] pencilsol : /pnl solusdt ``` :bitmex: SOLUSDT: -15.93 USDT RPNL, 1,180.02 USDT UPNL ``` [2025-01-22 20:40:52] PeacenLuv : lol pleez no bullish channel throw-over [2025-01-22 20:41:06] PeacenLuv : phukeen schittz deadly [2025-01-22 20:43:11] 45th_blown_account : did they cancel the 72 genders so they can start their little ww3 and they cant find volunteers "men to give their lives for their country" agenda ? [2025-01-22 20:43:44] PeacenLuv : i thought all amerikuntz are queer @45th_blown_account [2025-01-22 20:45:45] 45th_blown_account : PeacenLuv: Bitcoin is waiting for the war to pump :doge: [2025-01-22 20:46:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 3 SOL @ 268.78 ($806.06) [2025-01-22 20:46:18] Simio_Long : dump it drump it [2025-01-22 20:46:29] Simio_Long : TRUMP IT [2025-01-22 20:47:15] 45th_blown_account : trump Tuah dat thing :catjam: [2025-01-22 20:49:27] clarknova : [2025-01-22 20:49:41] clarknova : 👍 [2025-01-22 21:05:41] ninnk : bully 2nd HL on 15m [2025-01-22 21:05:55] ninnk : up up and away plz :rocket: [2025-01-22 21:13:17] Randy72 : btc on tha way down. that was a pullback on the 4 hour. lets see if we get another pullback on the 1 hour on the way down. [2025-01-22 21:22:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 20 SOL @ 266.22 ($5,322.60) - Up only! [2025-01-22 21:23:46] Getr!ch : bluemaster: solana 129 [2025-01-22 21:24:48] PeacenLuv : btfd btc lezgoo [2025-01-22 21:24:59] PeacenLuv : hester n barak wrong crowd [2025-01-22 21:25:39] PeacenLuv : longstops up 101101 lezgoo btc [2025-01-22 21:25:59] PeacenLuv : volume looks like buying [2025-01-22 21:26:30] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103008 [2025-01-22 21:26:49] PeacenLuv : 103508* [2025-01-22 21:27:41] PeacenLuv : long entry 103846 pumpittup [2025-01-22 21:28:27] PeacenLuv : 5min baby blue addz abov [2025-01-22 21:29:05] PeacenLuv : surre wuznt rise into fedz humpday usd close [2025-01-22 21:30:22] PeacenLuv : ive heard the planetz are kining up that changez arrythang [2025-01-22 21:30:31] PeacenLuv : lining aligning [2025-01-22 21:31:34] PeacenLuv : thois ought to smoke a few bhitchy bearz [2025-01-22 21:32:09] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103817 pumpittup [2025-01-22 21:32:47] PeacenLuv : im selling greenz [2025-01-22 21:32:53] PeacenLuv : buy higher [2025-01-22 21:35:12] PeacenLuv : ao price n vol all due for a change btc 5min [2025-01-22 21:36:17] PeacenLuv : lol i dont need to go to 3min [2025-01-22 21:36:33] ninnk : nice xrp pump [2025-01-22 21:38:00] PeacenLuv : buddy was talking to em say more btc pumpage [2025-01-22 21:44:15] dexswap : u mean xrp dump [2025-01-22 21:44:25] dexswap : it pumped 0.10 after cme news and then reversed [2025-01-22 21:44:29] dexswap : terrible [2025-01-22 21:44:44] dexswap : couldnt even stay up from that [2025-01-22 21:45:02] ninnk : it's called sarcasm [2025-01-22 21:45:36] MoonBruv : day 1 of btc price action tearing everyone a new assshole [2025-01-22 21:45:53] MoonBruv : are we ready boys [2025-01-22 21:46:12] MoonBruv : the 9600 prophecy is WIP [2025-01-22 21:47:11] MoonBruv : it's either 450k or 9600 [2025-01-22 21:50:16] MoonBruv : the ichimoku sandoshi clouds are looking way too dangerous right now, have a look : [2025-01-22 21:50:27] MoonBruv : yamamoto suzuki, mitsubishi [2025-01-22 21:51:41] MoonBruv : forgive them father [2025-01-22 21:51:45] MoonBruv : for they do not know whats ahead [2025-01-22 21:52:01] PeacenLuv : btfd btc lezgoo [2025-01-22 21:52:26] MoonBruv : :arthur: [2025-01-22 21:53:45] MoonBruv : sht dude [2025-01-22 21:53:51] MoonBruv : guys open up the chatgpt tasks tab [2025-01-22 21:54:04] MoonBruv : and paste this in : do an extremely nested and advanced, comprehensive analysis THAT PURELY FOCUSES ON evolving the analysis on previous days' analyses, on top of price changes. [2025-01-22 21:54:14] MoonBruv : it does a pretty good job at compounding the daily price action analysis [2025-01-22 21:54:34] MoonBruv : and sends you a notification of that with percentage of whats likely and whats going on [2025-01-22 21:54:56] MoonBruv : I thought tasks was a dumb idea, but good use of it as an advanced cron job is not so bad eh [2025-01-22 21:55:03] MoonBruv : fook [2025-01-22 22:03:53] PeacenLuv : thats prolly the cawk for dolly btc bully [2025-01-22 22:04:24] PeacenLuv : long entry 103924 [2025-01-22 22:12:21] bnqxbt : very ez long [2025-01-22 22:18:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 5.3000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 38.235 ($205.61) [2025-01-22 22:19:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 0.3000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 38.046 ($11.64) [2025-01-22 22:28:23] dexswap : MoonBruv: i did all that and it just said ya momma :pepe: [2025-01-22 22:29:32] bnqxbt : long or have ragretz [2025-01-22 22:31:23] bnqxbt : :rocket: [2025-01-22 22:34:43] dexswap : plz pump [2025-01-22 22:34:59] BlissRP : dexswap: subscribe to my onlypumps [2025-01-22 22:35:00] bmagic : This pice action is disgusting [2025-01-22 22:35:05] bmagic : But pumpable [2025-01-22 22:35:14] dexswap : i promise to jebus i will never long the top again [2025-01-22 22:35:26] ninnk : just look at today's range after market open [2025-01-22 22:35:30] ninnk : not even 2% :arthur: [2025-01-22 22:35:34] BlissRP : dexswap: the top?? we agreed on 103 why are you not long from there bozo [2025-01-22 22:35:35] bmagic : Its a pump just really disgusting shakeout [2025-01-22 22:35:47] dexswap : BlissRP: i panic longed 109k [2025-01-22 22:35:51] BlissRP : oh lawd [2025-01-22 22:36:02] dexswap : so i short 89k and longed 109k [2025-01-22 22:36:04] dexswap : both pos open [2025-01-22 22:36:06] dexswap : stuck [2025-01-22 22:36:21] BlissRP : legendary strategy right there [2025-01-22 22:36:29] dexswap : fcked [2025-01-22 22:36:33] speedwell : sol back from the underworld [2025-01-22 22:37:11] speedwell : dexswap: hurts so good, come on baby make it.... [2025-01-22 22:37:12] dexswap : but now if price reaches 109k surely it breaks higher? so what do i do with my long [2025-01-22 22:37:27] dexswap : i might hedge a short there [2025-01-22 22:37:40] dexswap : big IF [2025-01-22 22:37:54] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 19,000 USD @ 104052.8589 ``` [2025-01-22 22:38:06] bmagic : 114k [2025-01-22 22:38:18] speedwell : nah way yarway [2025-01-22 22:40:31] BlissRP : trading boring azz corn when sol will make you billionidas [2025-01-22 22:40:34] BlissRP : shame [2025-01-22 22:40:53] BlissRP : shame to your family and shame to the degens [2025-01-22 22:41:13] dexswap : price action sucks [2025-01-22 22:41:25] dexswap : impossible to trade [2025-01-22 22:43:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 180 Cont @ 0.36415 ($6,836.09) - Don't quit your day job [2025-01-22 22:45:42] bnqxbt : very ez long @dexswap [2025-01-22 22:48:18] bnqxbt : now is the time for longest long [2025-01-22 22:48:21] bnqxbt : the fat one [2025-01-22 22:49:13] bnqxbt : we are going to be up at 140k, as fast as a unicorn blinks [2025-01-22 22:49:53] bnqxbt : = could take a couple days [2025-01-22 22:50:39] bnqxbt : clapping your hands very loud, could make the blink faster, soo start clapping those dirty hands! NOW! [2025-01-22 22:51:21] speedwell : get those fingers out of your nose and clap monkeys! [2025-01-22 22:51:50] Dessos : > [2025-01-22 22:52:32] Atlemos : speedwell: [2025-01-22 22:53:48] speedwell : Atlemos: smile [2025-01-22 22:55:20] Atlemos : dexswap: back in a liquidity pool doin nothing [2025-01-22 22:55:39] Luke Short : 😁 [2025-01-22 22:56:00] Luke Short : 🚩 [2025-01-22 22:56:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 5 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 37.548 ($193.98) [2025-01-22 22:56:32] Luke Short : !since [2025-01-22 22:56:37] Luke Short : /since ``` :bitmex: Luke Short has been on BitMEX since Mar 29, 2018. ``` [2025-01-22 22:57:44] Atlemos : Luke Short: mister a real classic [2025-01-22 22:59:09] Randy72 : that was the pullback in the one hour [2025-01-22 22:59:43] dexswap : u r fcking with me! [2025-01-22 22:59:46] Randy72 : we keep dropping [2025-01-22 22:59:47] Luke Short : Atlemos: long time no see Sir [2025-01-22 23:00:16] Atlemos : Luke Short: yees where is the supreme leader? [2025-01-22 23:00:34] BlissRP : Atlemos: printing orange candles ser [2025-01-22 23:00:37] BlissRP : :arthur: [2025-01-22 23:00:48] Luke Short : No sé. probably mowing someones lawn [2025-01-22 23:01:36] Atlemos : 😁 [2025-01-22 23:02:34] Luke Short : I like Bitmex 👌 [2025-01-22 23:03:26] Atlemos : Luke Short: i_love_bitmex had his pump today [2025-01-22 23:05:06] speedwell : surley it;s a she? [2025-01-22 23:05:15] Dessos : > [2025-01-22 23:07:31] Luke Short : i hate diamond chart patterns [2025-01-22 23:09:08] clarknova : Luke Short: you shouldn't, you hate something that doesn't really exist :) [2025-01-22 23:12:49] Luke Short : clarknova: [2025-01-22 23:13:09] Luke Short : i hope you appreciate me dawing 5 lines for you ser [2025-01-22 23:14:12] Atlemos : Luke Short: the sharp on the upper side is bearish 😲 [2025-01-22 23:14:19] MoonBruv : 9600 is coming [2025-01-22 23:15:33] MoonBruv : we hit the debt ceiling and alfredo gets caught pants down, it all happens so fast [2025-01-22 23:16:01] MoonBruv : poor japanese people, their national bank is going to go bankrupt with sam altman's stargate project [2025-01-22 23:17:40] Atlemos : MoonBruv: that sounds interresting, can it take humans? [2025-01-22 23:18:01] MoonBruv : yes [2025-01-22 23:18:07] MoonBruv : that's why it's expensive I think [2025-01-22 23:18:14] MoonBruv : :arthur: [2025-01-22 23:19:01] Atlemos : stargates are not for the hands of humans [2025-01-22 23:19:54] Atlemos : 👽 [2025-01-22 23:20:51] Getr!ch : Solana 300 [2025-01-22 23:21:04] Atlemos : i use free Groc, good enough [2025-01-22 23:21:31] Atlemos : Smarter than DingaDinga [2025-01-22 23:21:32] MoonBruv : i have the 200 dolla pro membership of openai [2025-01-22 23:21:36] MoonBruv : i pay so much :( [2025-01-22 23:22:38] Atlemos : pro! ask if its a long or short [2025-01-22 23:23:20] MoonBruv : it's thinking [2025-01-22 23:23:50] MoonBruv : wait, it thinks for minutes [2025-01-22 23:25:26] MoonBruv : [2025-01-22 23:25:35] MoonBruv : damn man it's full of shid [2025-01-22 23:27:06] Luke Short : "halving event (the next one is expected around mid-2024)" AI still live sin 2023 kek [2025-01-22 23:27:49] PeacenLuv : lomngstops bully btc up 101101 [2025-01-22 23:28:56] MoonBruv : this is what japanese people paid 500 billion dolla for [2025-01-22 23:29:51] Atlemos : its avoiding to answer in numbers, smart gpt playing safe [2025-01-22 23:32:01] Atlemos : Bing ai (windows) According to recent technical analyses, there is some optimism about Bitcoin’s potential to rise higher. Analysts have different opinions, but several forecasts suggest a bullish outlook:1 BITFINEX analysts predict Bitcoin could reach around $122,000. Another analysis indicates that Bitcoin might rally to $170,000 by the end of March 2025 if historical patterns hold true. A more cautious forecast suggests a potential drop to $39,500 in a bearish scenario. [2025-01-22 23:35:05] PeacenLuv : purpl support 5min [2025-01-22 23:35:33] Atlemos : nice dbl line [2025-01-22 23:42:02] MoonBruv : there is a rumored prophecy [2025-01-22 23:42:07] MoonBruv : of the bottom target price [2025-01-22 23:42:23] MoonBruv : i can't mention the number, but many here know already [2025-01-22 23:43:32] ninnk : 69420 :doge: [2025-01-22 23:51:01] MoonBruv : 9600 [2025-01-22 23:54:08] BlissRP : 666420 [2025-01-22 23:55:17] ninnk : sixty-nine thousand four hundred twenty dollars and zero cents :doge: [2025-01-22 23:55:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 103647.3 - Game over [2025-01-22 23:59:02] BlissRP : or in eth's case [2025-01-22 23:59:09] BlissRP : zero dollars and zero cents [2025-01-22 23:59:11] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-22 23:59:23] BlissRP : and zero hopes dreams and ambitions [2025-01-22 23:59:25] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-23 00:01:48] ninnk : let's hope it goes out in a blaze of 15k glory [2025-01-23 00:04:01] PeacenLuv : wedge breakout stil hapenin xbt 5min [2025-01-23 00:04:42] PeacenLuv : the retrace is happenin [2025-01-23 00:04:58] ninnk : btc wanna get dirty with the tunnel [2025-01-23 00:05:02] ninnk : on 1h [2025-01-23 00:05:08] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103242 [2025-01-23 00:05:23] BlissRP : has he reached 10 stopouts yet [2025-01-23 00:05:32] BlissRP : is it safu [2025-01-23 00:05:47] ninnk : dunno, i *stopped* counting long ago :kek: [2025-01-23 00:06:36] PeacenLuv : pump incoming 5min [2025-01-23 00:07:31] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: M is for mcdonalds [2025-01-23 00:07:51] PeacenLuv : im thinking retrace finished [2025-01-23 00:08:28] PeacenLuv : ya 109k retrace [2025-01-23 00:10:35] ninnk : :doge: [2025-01-23 00:11:03] ninnk : 00s were something different lmao [2025-01-23 00:11:19] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103508 [2025-01-23 00:11:23] ninnk : now """people""" get offended and demand you say "r-word" like some fucking retard [2025-01-23 00:13:39] PeacenLuv : tokyoz open [2025-01-23 00:13:58] PeacenLuv : unless theyre closed lol [2025-01-23 00:16:43] BlissRP : guys [2025-01-23 00:16:51] BlissRP : ive finally solved the market [2025-01-23 00:16:54] BlissRP : [2025-01-23 00:19:42] blaster33 : BlissRP: very possible actually [2025-01-23 00:19:47] blaster33 : give the flush [2025-01-23 00:20:17] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 500 USD @ 103437.8 - 🐳 [2025-01-23 00:21:22] BlissRP : blaster33: straight to mcdonalds :doge: [2025-01-23 00:21:45] contract details : can i stop longing [2025-01-23 00:21:50] contract details : i just want to short to 0 [2025-01-23 00:21:53] contract details : why am i longing [2025-01-23 00:22:03] BlissRP : idk bro [2025-01-23 00:22:08] BlissRP : pcenluv is longing [2025-01-23 00:22:09] contract details : like clearly to 0 [2025-01-23 00:22:13] contract details : no way this low holds [2025-01-23 00:22:15] contract details : 0 chance [2025-01-23 00:22:54] PeacenLuv : buy the fip dohn be stupid [2025-01-23 00:24:14] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103008 [2025-01-23 00:24:26] contract details : yeah [2025-01-23 00:24:27] contract details : to 0 [2025-01-23 00:25:30] BlissRP : i guess were just reverse @contract details at this point [2025-01-23 00:25:31] BlissRP : :pepe: [2025-01-23 00:25:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.5964 XBT @ 103200.1 ($61,520.68) - ouch.. [2025-01-23 00:25:44] contract details : BlissRP: why? [2025-01-23 00:25:48] contract details : its going to 0 [2025-01-23 00:25:51] contract details : crashing [2025-01-23 00:25:53] BlissRP : not me but the marquette [2025-01-23 00:25:55] BlissRP : i swear [2025-01-23 00:25:55] contract details : but i longed it [2025-01-23 00:26:04] contract details : and im already rekt [2025-01-23 00:26:30] BlissRP : LONGSTOPZ [2025-01-23 00:26:33] BlissRP : :kek: [2025-01-23 00:26:42] PeacenLuv : phuk longstops up 101101 wut a bhitzch btc [2025-01-23 00:26:55] PeacenLuv : volumes coming in [2025-01-23 00:27:01] BlissRP : omg how many times can we stop him in 10 minutes [2025-01-23 00:27:05] BlissRP : is this a game [2025-01-23 00:27:29] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103008 [2025-01-23 00:27:56] contract details : i am going to 0 tonight [2025-01-23 00:28:11] BlissRP : contract details: dont worry ser i will pamp it myself if i have to [2025-01-23 00:28:20] BlissRP : but not while pcenluv is still alive [2025-01-23 00:28:26] contract details : nah im rekt [2025-01-23 00:28:28] contract details : i cant win [2025-01-23 00:28:35] PeacenLuv : buy the dip btc [2025-01-23 00:28:38] BlissRP : get your head out the gutter ser [2025-01-23 00:28:41] BlissRP : you are a champion [2025-01-23 00:28:44] PeacenLuv : ya heres volume asia [2025-01-23 00:28:54] PeacenLuv : timid lil creaturez [2025-01-23 00:32:28] contract details : :pepe: [2025-01-23 00:34:35] BlissRP : contract details: CHAMPION [2025-01-23 00:34:47] contract details : BlissRP: i got stopped on the bottom 1s [2025-01-23 00:34:49] contract details : 1s candle [2025-01-23 00:34:52] contract details : not even 1m, 1s [2025-01-23 00:34:56] BlissRP : nah ur fkin lying bro [2025-01-23 00:35:01] BlissRP : theres no way [2025-01-23 00:35:08] ninnk : that man literally never lies [2025-01-23 00:35:09] BlissRP : nobody is this unlucky so many times [2025-01-23 00:35:15] contract details : :pepe: [2025-01-23 00:35:20] contract details : you want a picture [2025-01-23 00:35:36] BlissRP : :pepe: [2025-01-23 00:35:45] BlissRP : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: [2025-01-23 00:37:39] contract details : unluckiest week in my life tbh [2025-01-23 00:37:48] contract details : life changing trades turned into life destroying trrades [2025-01-23 00:42:02] BlissRP : contract details: if we go to mcdonalds ill order you a large fries ser [2025-01-23 00:43:58] contract details : do you really see a long here [2025-01-23 00:43:58] contract details : :pepe: [2025-01-23 00:46:15] BlissRP : contract details: not yet [2025-01-23 00:47:30] PeacenLuv : basically witjout peacenluv yur all phuked [2025-01-23 00:48:00] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: with* [2025-01-23 00:48:33] contract details : lol [2025-01-23 00:48:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0400 XBT @ 103073.8 ($4,121.22) [2025-01-23 00:50:52] PeacenLuv : 1 day 1 phukeen dayy btc thiz phukeen mumkee macheen iz gunna stop hitting my stops 1 day [2025-01-23 00:51:30] "it will be........" : . [2025-01-23 00:52:06] "it will be........" : BlissRP: is the peace n love 10 stop out strategy working well? [2025-01-23 00:52:23] BlissRP : "it will be........": it is ser [2025-01-23 00:52:26] PeacenLuv : longstops up 102758 eat mee [2025-01-23 00:52:46] "it will be........" : BlissRP: excellent, good trading :doge: [2025-01-23 00:52:59] PeacenLuv : 1 want 10k trail longstop green btc [2025-01-23 00:53:23] PeacenLuv : pamp theez coww btc [2025-01-23 00:54:13] PeacenLuv : wutevr so the stars are linig up i need a break anyhow . covid wascgood [2025-01-23 00:54:55] PeacenLuv : longstops up 103008 excuz meeeee steve martin [2025-01-23 00:55:19] PeacenLuv : am i in yur way [2025-01-23 00:55:37] PeacenLuv : u can get the phuk outta mine [2025-01-23 00:55:59] PeacenLuv : im coming through baybee [2025-01-23 00:56:52] PeacenLuv : phukit less support im pulling back u guys supportbnow longstops up 102666 [2025-01-23 00:57:36] PeacenLuv : lol every 1 k from 37 hun i hit the sixez [2025-01-23 00:58:20] PeacenLuv : next longstop or ill add first 103666 shudda guessed it [2025-01-23 00:58:57] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: [2025-01-23 00:59:02] PeacenLuv : fastvridecto 5k 3 hrs sympho [2025-01-23 00:59:20] PeacenLuv : symphotiytuz [2025-01-23 00:59:48] PeacenLuv : symphosex utc bfg [2025-01-23 01:01:32] PeacenLuv : ya im green btc so what . long entry 103154 [2025-01-23 01:01:57] PeacenLuv : im staying up to trade so hmm [2025-01-23 01:02:11] BlissRP : ah man [2025-01-23 01:02:14] BlissRP : dump all night then [2025-01-23 01:03:22] PeacenLuv : i wanna see 20 molly yen perccorn [2025-01-23 01:03:42] BlissRP : wait til friday ser [2025-01-23 01:03:44] BlissRP : the yen loves corn [2025-01-23 01:04:41] BlissRP : contract details: THE BOT [2025-01-23 01:04:44] PeacenLuv : tell bliss 5 min again bottomed and umm maybe its personal his hih with me [2025-01-23 01:05:08] PeacenLuv : gig* [2025-01-23 01:05:13] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: im not your op lil bro [2025-01-23 01:05:17] BlissRP : just the voice of reason [2025-01-23 01:05:25] PeacenLuv : i want him to win [2025-01-23 01:06:22] PeacenLuv : then lose . not lose first [2025-01-23 01:06:50] PeacenLuv : different emotions exude [2025-01-23 01:07:24] PeacenLuv : either way [2025-01-23 01:08:11] PeacenLuv : id rather see poor get rich and richbpoor [2025-01-23 01:08:28] PeacenLuv : hez big winner [2025-01-23 01:08:46] PeacenLuv : like blue kinda [2025-01-23 01:08:59] BlissRP : nah im not blue rich [2025-01-23 01:09:11] BlissRP : but i will be cause while he only trades corn i catch up [2025-01-23 01:09:19] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-23 01:09:23] PeacenLuv : how many wanna see blue get melted? [2025-01-23 01:11:18] BlissRP : only gamblers deserve to be melted cheese [2025-01-23 01:12:39] PeacenLuv : well i got a green fueld for bullyz below price green vol green meet [2025-01-23 01:13:10] PeacenLuv : addingvlong 103258 [2025-01-23 01:13:46] PeacenLuv : up elevator [2025-01-23 01:23:42] PeacenLuv : therez that green field for bullyz grazing below 5min btc [2025-01-23 01:25:18] PeacenLuv : added early phukit [2025-01-23 01:25:25] PeacenLuv : i hav no control [2025-01-23 01:26:33] PeacenLuv : wen yur full steam forward wut decizionz are to make [2025-01-23 01:27:01] PeacenLuv : 5min pumpee btc lezgoo [2025-01-23 01:31:59] BlissRP : holy sht he might get one right lads [2025-01-23 01:32:12] BlissRP : definitely apocalyptic times [2025-01-23 01:41:10] PeacenLuv : ya my lil ywllow frendz az timid az they are 1ce they sit to meal they eat a lot [2025-01-23 01:41:26] PeacenLuv : btc chowmein on the plate [2025-01-23 01:41:41] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo [2025-01-23 01:45:13] Core73 : Bitmex token flip bnb token this year😁 [2025-01-23 01:49:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 133500 USD @ 102853 - ouch.. [2025-01-23 01:50:05] "it will be........" : ronnie serving the peace n luv special [2025-01-23 01:50:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 70000 USD @ 102784.1 - Check your inbox [2025-01-23 01:50:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.2800 XBT @ 102821.2 ($28,778.76) [2025-01-23 01:50:13] chujev : it's over [2025-01-23 01:50:24] contract details : BlissRP: told you to 0 [2025-01-23 01:50:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2200 USD @ 102648 [2025-01-23 01:50:34] contract details : why am i not short [2025-01-23 01:50:35] contract details : :pepe: [2025-01-23 01:50:56] BlissRP : contract details: [2025-01-23 01:51:02] BlissRP : what do you mean u told me ser [2025-01-23 01:51:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 9.5000 SOL @ 252.76 ($2,400.09) - McDonald's is hiring [2025-01-23 01:51:07] BlissRP : i solved the market already [2025-01-23 01:51:10] BlissRP : straight to mcdonalds [2025-01-23 01:51:35] contract details : why do i counter myself [2025-01-23 01:51:38] contract details : it's so easy and obvious [2025-01-23 01:51:40] contract details : ;pepe: [2025-01-23 01:51:42] contract details : :pepe: [2025-01-23 01:53:31] blaster33 : boring dump [2025-01-23 01:54:45] PeacenLuv : well im short [2025-01-23 01:54:50] ninnk : PeacenLuv: muted [2025-01-23 01:55:09] PeacenLuv : lol [2025-01-23 01:55:20] PeacenLuv : ninnk: [2025-01-23 01:55:41] PeacenLuv : son of a gun [2025-01-23 01:56:36] PeacenLuv : ninnk: got dirtee with 1 hr tunnel [2025-01-23 01:57:00] ninnk : PeacenLuv: it's time for your medication mr brown :doge: [2025-01-23 01:57:06] PeacenLuv : 2hrs to go syplysex [2025-01-23 01:57:32] PeacenLuv : syphlessex [2025-01-23 01:58:02] PeacenLuv : long 2 hrs + now utc [2025-01-23 01:58:23] PeacenLuv : ninnk: lol thnx dr [2025-01-23 02:04:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 700 USD @ 102552.6 - 😂 [2025-01-23 02:06:06] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTM25`: Sell 1000 USD @ 107631.5 [2025-01-23 02:06:06] blaster33 : armaggedon in preparation [2025-01-23 02:06:45] ZtCedric : this one is nuking big time [2025-01-23 02:08:01] SangFrais : trump pardoned ulbricht the guy who tried to kill 5 online friends LMAO [2025-01-23 02:09:12] BlissRP : SangFrais: is that what were calling him now? [2025-01-23 02:09:18] BlissRP : i prefer father of corn ser [2025-01-23 02:09:58] SangFrais : i bet that he has billions in bitcoin and his he made a deal to give a lot of it away to get out of jail and have people lobby for him to trump [2025-01-23 02:10:46] SangFrais : BlissRP: he's a loser fck him [2025-01-23 02:10:51] SangFrais : very low iq individual [2025-01-23 02:11:06] BlissRP : sounds emotional [2025-01-23 02:11:20] BlissRP : we wouldnt have any of what we have today if he didnt exist [2025-01-23 02:11:30] SangFrais : yeah if you want to cover your tracks by killing people [2025-01-23 02:11:38] SangFrais : you deserve to die very slowly [2025-01-23 02:11:47] BlissRP : i didnt take you for a headline regurgitator [2025-01-23 02:11:55] BlissRP : but it seems i was wrong [2025-01-23 02:12:25] BlissRP : he was framed on that hit ser it is public knowledge [2025-01-23 02:12:34] BlissRP : but if we only read headlines from corrupt news we would never know [2025-01-23 02:12:44] SangFrais : lol framed is not the same as baited [2025-01-23 02:12:55] SangFrais : if you get baited youre just stupid [2025-01-23 02:13:09] BlissRP : yes what a stupidhead making billions [2025-01-23 02:13:12] BlissRP : stupid rich people [2025-01-23 02:13:26] ninnk : found the reason for this dump: satto is long :doge: [2025-01-23 02:13:58] BlissRP : ninnk: the reason is the golden arches ser [2025-01-23 02:14:03] BlissRP : they sing to us [2025-01-23 02:14:04] SangFrais : BlissRP: you look up to people because they make money? [2025-01-23 02:14:07] BlissRP : to start the fryers [2025-01-23 02:14:18] BlissRP : SangFrais: no [2025-01-23 02:14:20] BlissRP : i make money [2025-01-23 02:15:24] BlissRP : fact is, crypto would not be anywhere close to where it is today if people werent exposed to bitcoin on his platform [2025-01-23 02:15:30] BlissRP : all crypto rich should thank him [2025-01-23 02:15:37] SangFrais : every inbred born in a hog pen can make money selling or facilitating drug sales or any other whatever illegal shit [2025-01-23 02:16:09] SangFrais : lol i call bullshit on that one nobody needed darkweb to make bitcoin known to the world [2025-01-23 02:16:40] BlissRP : we'll never know [2025-01-23 02:16:42] BlissRP : cause it happened [2025-01-23 02:17:26] BlissRP : whatever alternate universe you need to imagine to refrain from being in denial, so be it [2025-01-23 02:17:31] speedwell : legal lawful [2025-01-23 02:17:42] speedwell : I know where I stand [2025-01-23 02:18:00] SangFrais : anyway if i were one of the guys he was working with and he tried to kill me to cover his own sorry ass [2025-01-23 02:18:05] SangFrais : he wouldnt even be alive today [2025-01-23 02:18:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1974 XBT @ 102210 ($20,164.06) [2025-01-23 02:18:53] speedwell : Have to wait for the book? [2025-01-23 02:18:57] SangFrais : snitches and backstabbers just deserve to get boiled alive [2025-01-23 02:21:22] BlissRP : meanwhile were just here punishing mcdonalds workers instead :pepe: [2025-01-23 02:25:02] PeacenLuv : long it btfd btc [2025-01-23 02:25:23] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: bro you said were shorting now [2025-01-23 02:25:57] kchaitanya : BlissRP: PeacenLuv is a clown [2025-01-23 02:25:59] kchaitanya : :doge: [2025-01-23 02:26:02] PeacenLuv : adding 102508 longz [2025-01-23 02:26:13] BlissRP : kchaitanya: he is great trader ser [2025-01-23 02:26:26] BlissRP : never wrong [2025-01-23 02:26:27] kchaitanya : BlissRP: sure ser :kek: [2025-01-23 02:27:50] ninnk : did someone say 97.5 :doge: [2025-01-23 02:28:07] BlissRP : ninnk: maybe :doge: [2025-01-23 02:38:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 55.1000 SOL @ 246.69 ($13,582.81) - Exodia OBLITERATE! [2025-01-23 02:39:59] BlissRP : wait [2025-01-23 02:40:05] BlissRP : founder of ledger was kidnapped? [2025-01-23 02:40:10] BlissRP : cold storage rekt :kek: [2025-01-23 02:41:02] BlissRP : jk it was fud [2025-01-23 02:41:16] BlissRP : :pepe: [2025-01-23 02:48:42] BlissRP : fun cancelled [2025-01-23 02:55:16] BlissRP : sol looking bouncy off the .618 [2025-01-23 02:55:26] BlissRP : take your 100x's kids :doge: [2025-01-23 02:55:47] PeacenLuv : 😑😛argh coffee or zleep [2025-01-23 02:57:07] PeacenLuv : freakin btcz all overcthe chart [2025-01-23 02:57:38] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: its been smoothly down since your first stop out last night ser [2025-01-23 02:57:50] BlissRP : maybe if you used a higher time frame once in a while you could spot a trend [2025-01-23 02:58:35] PeacenLuv : long entry 102511 [2025-01-23 02:59:26] BlissRP : blind darts it is then [2025-01-23 02:59:29] BlissRP : :pepe: [2025-01-23 03:12:00] PeacenLuv : wtf iz up joee loading longz? scammer [2025-01-23 03:32:52] PeacenLuv : longstops up 102758 lezgoo [2025-01-23 03:33:17] PeacenLuv : adding longv103008 [2025-01-23 03:33:46] PeacenLuv : entry longs 102555 [2025-01-23 03:34:26] PeacenLuv : ifcyur longing or shorting btc jusxbring lotsa munnee an u need to use it put on the table [2025-01-23 03:34:50] PeacenLuv : they all are moving [2025-01-23 03:50:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0040 XBT @ 102473.8 ($409.66) - 🐳 [2025-01-23 03:50:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 102314.7 - this was the last penny! [2025-01-23 03:52:10] PeacenLuv : bully here btc [2025-01-23 03:52:27] PeacenLuv : i gotta enter im out right now [2025-01-23 03:53:05] PeacenLuv : i cant see any risk longing aoz kewl [2025-01-23 03:53:16] PeacenLuv : long entree102251 is gewdd [2025-01-23 03:53:32] PeacenLuv : longed her [2025-01-23 03:53:42] PeacenLuv : bloody red 5min [2025-01-23 03:54:05] PeacenLuv : added up 102265 entry [2025-01-23 03:54:25] PeacenLuv : longstops 102008 lezgoo [2025-01-23 03:55:13] PeacenLuv : werent we recntly 109k btc per [2025-01-23 03:55:16] PeacenLuv : waduup [2025-01-23 03:56:36] PeacenLuv : uptrending bully wavee and tunnel support lezgoo ao deep were dun [2025-01-23 03:56:49] PeacenLuv : call it a c or a 2 complete [2025-01-23 03:57:05] PeacenLuv : start a 3 or a 1 [2025-01-23 03:57:54] PeacenLuv : ive got long funding on the way i cant stop it [2025-01-23 03:59:10] PeacenLuv : longstops up 102158 [2025-01-23 03:59:50] PeacenLuv : btc like 1.024 cents now [2025-01-23 04:00:25] Jobby : Shorting trumpofficial is fun [2025-01-23 04:00:27] PeacenLuv : w tf did the bankers dew with thye 3rd decimal n back all these years [2025-01-23 04:00:50] PeacenLuv : Jobby: i bet it is pleasurable [2025-01-23 04:01:06] PeacenLuv : [2025-01-23 04:05:49] Jobby : PeacenLuv: too bad the risk limit is low and therefore maintenance margins huge. Can’t short much more than 5x [2025-01-23 04:07:11] Jobby : Liquidatin at 45, so should be safe [2025-01-23 04:15:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 10000 USD @ 101997.1 [2025-01-23 04:18:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 500 USD @ 101968.5 - 😂 [2025-01-23 04:21:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100000 USD @ 101786.7 - Make trading great again [2025-01-23 04:21:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 210 DOGE @ 0.35 ($73.47) [2025-01-23 04:27:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 23.5000 SOL @ 245.82 ($5,771.86) - McDonald's is hiring