BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2025-01-22 02:03:23] LazyLauren : Hard lesson to learn
[2025-01-22 02:03:27] LazyLauren : Oh well
[2025-01-22 02:03:47] BlissRP : good thing is this is just getting started
[2025-01-22 02:03:52] LazyLauren : Yes
[2025-01-22 02:03:54] SangFrais : LazyLauren: one of my friends only trades alt coins he went from zero to millions a couple times, even to 25m one time, but in the end you lose it all, at least 99.9% do
[2025-01-22 02:04:22] LazyLauren : SangFrais: if I get above 10k I am going to start pulling money off
[2025-01-22 02:04:37] SangFrais : yeah so did he
[2025-01-22 02:04:45] BlissRP : :arthur:
[2025-01-22 02:04:51] LazyLauren : If I get to 2 mill I will never come here again and just buy 3 McDonald's
[2025-01-22 02:05:24] SangFrais : everyone thinks the same but when you get there and end up broke again you wonder how could it ever happen
[2025-01-22 02:05:38] LazyLauren : This is the second time losing my stack
[2025-01-22 02:05:49] LazyLauren : My problem is usually taking profits too soon
[2025-01-22 02:07:44] SangFrais : my richest friends who stay rich put away enough money to get a mortgage and they buying houses and repeat
[2025-01-22 02:08:19] LazyLauren : Apartments would be sick.
[2025-01-22 02:08:24] SangFrais : even all their super cars are put on loan and on the business deductible
[2025-01-22 02:08:37] SangFrais : yeah they got many appartments in london and antwerp also commercial properties
[2025-01-22 02:09:10] PeacenLuv : btfd btc 2hr lezgoo
[2025-01-22 02:09:34] LazyLauren : Rich people play the long game, the long game is easy once you have money. I make really good money for where I am from. I will figure this out eventually. I was years ago and lost half my stack on LTC and left last time. I can leave this website when I need to I hope 🤣
[2025-01-22 02:10:03] LazyLauren : My family wasn't so poor I would not have sold last cycle and bought a bunch of tacos
[2025-01-22 02:10:08] SangFrais : the rich people i mention started from the bottom though
[2025-01-22 02:10:22] LazyLauren : Yea it's still a long game.
[2025-01-22 02:10:53] LazyLauren : Once you get rolling and if you timed the market right. Now the real estate market might be over ought, or to say no one can afford it
[2025-01-22 02:11:13] PeacenLuv : tight 2hr body bully shus close soon
[2025-01-22 02:11:22] LazyLauren : Also BTC was a shortcut
[2025-01-22 02:11:50] LazyLauren : I bought a bunch of TAXIS when I sold, not tacos lmao
[2025-01-22 02:12:23] LazyLauren : I am rich for a Colombian y'all don't gotta try to tell me I am shit. Maybe you are shit
[2025-01-22 02:12:25] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo
[2025-01-22 02:12:29] SangFrais : yeah many markets like fooked but still everyone keeps buying, housing can go down but not much in dense populated countries
[2025-01-22 02:12:53] SangFrais : in the netherlands they changing many tax laws causing people to move abroad
[2025-01-22 02:13:15] LazyLauren : SangFrais: yea I just mean the new homes being built are so expensive who can buy them? Apartments are probably the best bet as the whole world becomes Europe and runs outta space
[2025-01-22 02:16:45] SangFrais : LazyLauren: yeah but europe is a safe investment at least some of the higher end countries, here they get sold almost instantly even during pre sale at high prices, in south america, africa, middle east and east europe theres almost unlimited space to keep building
[2025-01-22 02:17:41] SangFrais : many rich people with wife and kids get stuck here and sell old home to buy more expensive home with higher mortgage, only the young rich and free move abroad aside from the retired people
[2025-01-22 02:17:53] pencilsol : LazyLauren: i did NOT expect anyone to go that hard into XRP
[2025-01-22 02:17:55] pencilsol : damn
[2025-01-22 02:17:58] pencilsol : feelsbadman
[2025-01-22 02:18:17] SangFrais : even some of my friends a couple 30 years old made 200k selling their old home for the new market price
[2025-01-22 02:18:33] BlissRP : ai16z looks ready to splode
[2025-01-22 02:18:40] pencilsol : I never even touched XRP at all during this period. only sol, btc, doge and ltc
[2025-01-22 02:18:48] BlissRP : so glad i bought it at 80 cents while morons dumped everything to buy scam memes
[2025-01-22 02:18:50] BlissRP : ty morons
[2025-01-22 02:18:51] pencilsol : from 2k to 6k now
[2025-01-22 02:18:52] LazyLauren : SangFrais: yea here the don't build homes people can afford, just homes to list for sale for foreigners. So everyone lives in a slum the goal to get a nice apartment or some land outside the city. Can't build cheap homes here the land costs so much. I want to buy restaurants in Medellin or an apartment complex.
[2025-01-22 02:18:52] pencilsol : feelsgoodman
[2025-01-22 02:19:06] pencilsol : just trying make up to 10k then dip out of this crypto market for a while
[2025-01-22 02:19:46] BlissRP : pencilsol: bruh
[2025-01-22 02:19:48] LazyLauren : pencilsol: I shoulda stayed in sol
[2025-01-22 02:20:06] BlissRP : just 2-3x long sol, close your screens, uninstall your apps, check back in july-october
[2025-01-22 02:20:12] BlissRP : literally effortless
[2025-01-22 02:20:36] SangFrais : LazyLauren: you have TG?
[2025-01-22 02:20:38] BlissRP : zero stress
[2025-01-22 02:20:41] pencilsol : that's the thing, I already am holding a 2.5x SOL margin position. Not sure If I could wait that long though @BlissRP
[2025-01-22 02:20:43] LazyLauren : BlissRP: yes that was my actual plan I fucking started shorting
[2025-01-22 02:20:51] SangFrais : BlissRP: lol leverage alts = rekt
[2025-01-22 02:20:53] pencilsol : LazyLauren: live as we go
[2025-01-22 02:21:03] BlissRP : SangFrais: interesting theory
[2025-01-22 02:21:09] BlissRP : ive been holding one entire cycle
[2025-01-22 02:21:11] BlissRP : with lev
[2025-01-22 02:21:15] LazyLauren : Yea
[2025-01-22 02:21:24] pencilsol : if ur lev is 2x - 3x. you can hold margin position for a LONG while
[2025-01-22 02:21:28] SangFrais : BlissRP: i meant not being battle worn + leverage + alts
[2025-01-22 02:21:38] BlissRP : corn is for scared pensioners
[2025-01-22 02:21:45] BlissRP : SangFrais: oh
[2025-01-22 02:21:46] pencilsol : unless crypto market starts being extremely volatile like 50% difference a day then 2x-3x won't do anything
[2025-01-22 02:21:50] BlissRP : i mean i said 2-3x bruh not 50x
[2025-01-22 02:22:05] BlissRP : chances of liq from here with that lev is so freakin small
[2025-01-22 02:22:11] BlissRP : alt season is on the cusp
[2025-01-22 02:22:16] SangFrais : LazyLauren: add @Z992648
[2025-01-22 02:22:49] SangFrais : BlissRP: leverage makes no difference if someone is new tho, i forgot to add
[2025-01-22 02:23:05] BlissRP : that is where the second part comes in, not looking at anything
[2025-01-22 02:23:11] SangFrais : tbh you can get rich in these markets in weeks
[2025-01-22 02:23:17] BlissRP : yep
[2025-01-22 02:23:20] SangFrais : but it takes a lot of knowledge to keep it
[2025-01-22 02:23:32] BlissRP : ive been buying all the poopoo people dumped to buy those two scams
[2025-01-22 02:23:34] LazyLauren : SangFrais: ok let me make a tg account
[2025-01-22 02:24:44] SangFrais : BlissRP: todays markets are 10x better than a few years ago but still
[2025-01-22 02:24:48] SangFrais : easy to blow your top
[2025-01-22 02:25:01] SangFrais : if you dont know what youre doing
[2025-01-22 02:25:19] BlissRP : i had a massive hedge short on sol while i had too many longs
[2025-01-22 02:25:20] BlissRP : and it paid
[2025-01-22 02:25:27] SangFrais : nice
[2025-01-22 02:25:30] BlissRP : but truthfully i am mostly in spot
[2025-01-22 02:25:37] BlissRP : too much to keep track of
[2025-01-22 02:25:38] SangFrais : good
[2025-01-22 02:26:34] BlissRP : ltc gave me a move for the ages the last week as well
[2025-01-22 02:26:40] BlissRP : round tripped
[2025-01-22 02:27:17] SangFrais : BlissRP: and you do all this with tradingview only?
[2025-01-22 02:27:21] BlissRP : now all the good alts are cheap
[2025-01-22 02:27:32] BlissRP : SangFrais: meme lines and moving averages ser
[2025-01-22 02:27:36] BlissRP : naked chart
[2025-01-22 02:28:02] BlissRP : i paint it to my hearts desire :arthur:
[2025-01-22 02:28:05] SangFrais : BlissRP: tradingview, naked, thats impressive
[2025-01-22 02:28:34] BlissRP : i use way more for stocks
[2025-01-22 02:28:37] SangFrais : im so deep in ninjatrader that i can never go without like 5 addon's minimum
[2025-01-22 02:28:50] BlissRP : but bots here are too good, they run way farther both ways than youd expect
[2025-01-22 02:29:23] BlissRP : and as you can see from the box, the average person is like 20x minimum trading :kek:
[2025-01-22 02:29:25] SangFrais : for alts yeah i bet
[2025-01-22 02:30:52] SangFrais : if theres some free advice i can give any leech watching thats willing to go very deep
[2025-01-22 02:31:03] ninnk :
[2025-01-22 02:31:23] SangFrais : when i started here there were some people talking about elliot wave
[2025-01-22 02:31:34] SangFrais : and i never thoght much about it until igot unti it
[2025-01-22 02:31:53] BlissRP : i like fib's too
[2025-01-22 02:31:55] SangFrais : and those people are like the few % of trollbox that made it
[2025-01-22 02:32:16] SangFrais : yeah fibs
[2025-01-22 02:32:38] BlissRP : the 50% is a magnet
[2025-01-22 02:32:39] BlissRP : every time
[2025-01-22 02:33:12] BlissRP : thats all i used on ltc and sol other than lines and ma's this past week
[2025-01-22 02:33:16] BlissRP : and they both hit
[2025-01-22 02:33:26] SangFrais : 50% is pretty weak but depends on timeframe and chance
[2025-01-22 02:33:33] LazyLauren : bmagic: @SangFrais I added you
[2025-01-22 02:34:19] SangFrais : golden ratio is the easy %
[2025-01-22 02:34:26] SangFrais : 61,8 - 161,8 etc
[2025-01-22 02:35:14] SangFrais : but once you get on all timeframes and even ticks then all ratios seem like the golden ratio some times lol
[2025-01-22 02:36:00] SangFrais : combination with smoothed EMA's, one slow one fast, plus regular slow SMA, deff basic addition
[2025-01-22 02:36:21] SangFrais : then again you got retracement patterns too etc
[2025-01-22 02:36:31] SangFrais : ABC retracement, finbonacci
[2025-01-22 02:37:26] SangFrais : slow ema + fast ema with each their own clouds works well too just by itself
[2025-01-22 02:37:56] SangFrais : LazyLauren: whattup send something
[2025-01-22 02:38:40] SangFrais : MACD also invaluable, just the macd difference, fck the lines
[2025-01-22 02:39:20] BlissRP : SangFrais:
[2025-01-22 02:39:35] BlissRP : circled my entry
[2025-01-22 02:39:53] BlissRP : exit first touch of .5
[2025-01-22 02:41:30] SangFrais : BlissRP: im not familiar much with tradingview, did you draw a fib extension in the future?
[2025-01-22 02:41:46] SangFrais : or ist hat a retracement
[2025-01-22 02:43:05] BlissRP : trend base fib extension
[2025-01-22 02:43:19] BlissRP : doesnt really matter which one you use or if you draw it wrong, the 50 is still the same
[2025-01-22 02:43:43] SangFrais : fib extension is what you draw to known zig zag points
[2025-01-22 02:44:11] SangFrais : you cant draw it in the future
[2025-01-22 02:44:53] SangFrais : see if you got zig zag on tradingview it shows the points plus higher low, lower lower, double bottom, top etc
[2025-01-22 02:46:24] BlissRP : i dont like drawing top to bottom
[2025-01-22 02:46:26] BlissRP : so i used it
[2025-01-22 02:46:30] BlissRP : backwards
[2025-01-22 02:46:31] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-22 02:47:12] LazyLauren : SangFrais: won't let me yet bc new account or something one sec
[2025-01-22 02:47:16] SangFrais : if you can use zig zag addon it draws swing points automatically tho its pretty helpful
[2025-01-22 02:47:36] SangFrais : it shows double top/bottom with certain strenght those are very useful
[2025-01-22 02:47:40] LazyLauren : SangFrais: do you use it on alta in USd?
[2025-01-22 02:47:52] SangFrais : almost always dumps.pumps at those points on certain timeframes
[2025-01-22 02:48:14] BlissRP : SangFrais:
[2025-01-22 02:48:18] SangFrais : LazyLauren: i almost only trade btcusd
[2025-01-22 02:48:22] BlissRP : LTC went past , but i still got out at .50
[2025-01-22 02:48:58] SangFrais : BlissRP: how many timeframes you watch at one time
[2025-01-22 02:49:29] BlissRP : i like 2 or 4 hr
[2025-01-22 02:49:34] BlissRP : depends on time frame
[2025-01-22 02:49:40] BlissRP : most of my trades are day trades
[2025-01-22 02:51:07] BlissRP : 1 perma long
[2025-01-22 02:51:41] BlissRP : to hedge my perma long i check daily weekly monthly
[2025-01-22 02:51:47] SangFrais : everything is very personal obviously but minimum i use are 6 different timeframes at one time, most is 6x ticks and 8x minutes together
[2025-01-22 02:52:25] BlissRP : thats the thing everyone has to find their own way
[2025-01-22 02:52:56] SangFrais : so regularly i got like 17 charts infront of me including daily 2 times with different fibs and 1 weekly
[2025-01-22 02:53:13] BlissRP : its a full time job ser :arthur:
[2025-01-22 02:53:23] SangFrais : yeah
[2025-01-22 03:09:17] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 663 Cont @ 253.59 ($17,780.35) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2025-01-22 04:08:25] BlissRP : just scam it already
[2025-01-22 04:13:35] HuskySquared : my dog just did the most nasty of all farts
[2025-01-22 04:13:37] HuskySquared : bullish :arthur:
[2025-01-22 04:23:20] migozelaaa : Where are you bulls
[2025-01-22 04:25:20] AD431 : Bitmex price went up for the first time in over 2 years
[2025-01-22 04:25:24] AD431 : any news?
[2025-01-22 04:25:35] AD431 : Bmex I mean
[2025-01-22 04:26:31] SangFrais : AD431: shoot anything that moves with money
[2025-01-22 04:27:32] PeacenLuv : 😯longstops up 105548 lezgoo
[2025-01-22 04:28:31] SangFrais : thats whats happening
[2025-01-22 04:28:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `TRUMPOFFICIALUSDT`: Sell 0.2000 TRUMPOFFICIAL @ 40.902 ($8.28)
[2025-01-22 04:56:47] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc lezgoo
[2025-01-22 05:04:12] BlissRP : top signal here
[2025-01-22 05:04:14] BlissRP : dampit
[2025-01-22 05:04:52] "it will be........" : BlissRP: who lol
[2025-01-22 05:07:22] PeacenLuv : sweet pa btc
[2025-01-22 05:08:19] BlissRP : sweet top buyer btc
[2025-01-22 05:08:51] BlissRP : after minimum 10 stop outs
[2025-01-22 05:08:55] BlissRP : it becomes safe to buy
[2025-01-22 05:09:19] BlissRP : :arthur:
[2025-01-22 05:09:37] PeacenLuv : longstops up 105666
[2025-01-22 05:10:00] BlissRP : 105666 first target
[2025-01-22 05:10:04] PeacenLuv : get sum btc now
[2025-01-22 05:10:18] BlissRP : and hes done
[2025-01-22 05:10:19] BlissRP : 9 more to go
[2025-01-22 05:10:27] BlissRP : isnt this fun?
[2025-01-22 05:10:49] PeacenLuv : 10 or 13k run will shut me up up
[2025-01-22 05:11:44] PeacenLuv : 😴😙i figure
[2025-01-22 05:25:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 100 Cont @ 3.1812 ($6,723.47) - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2025-01-22 05:30:14] BlissRP : already up ~80% on ai16z lmao
[2025-01-22 05:37:58] 45th_blown_account : Slovenian rug pull :doge:
[2025-01-22 05:38:10] BlissRP : almost time for another btc bully
[2025-01-22 05:38:18] BlissRP : and then a reality check
[2025-01-22 05:52:05] Laplace : BlissRP: not yet, probably two week before 114 and then duck under 90
[2025-01-22 05:53:11] BlissRP : Laplace: a 50 dollar move in btc for pcenluv to buy you are ruling out?
[2025-01-22 05:53:13] BlissRP : interesting
[2025-01-22 05:53:15] PeacenLuv : 😯😯pumpittup lezgoo xbt usd
[2025-01-22 05:53:22] BlissRP : and here he comes
[2025-01-22 05:54:17] Laplace : BlissRP: 50 dollah? not sure if i follow
[2025-01-22 05:54:32] BlissRP : 9 more stop outs before buying is safu
[2025-01-22 05:54:39] BlissRP : the 10 loss in a row rule
[2025-01-22 05:55:01] "it will be........" : BlissRP: lol
[2025-01-22 05:56:46] HuskySquared : who crashed my MSTR yesterday before close
[2025-01-22 05:57:08] HuskySquared : dont get how it can be legal to do that man
[2025-01-22 05:57:42] BlissRP : ross is free so they will panic buy back
[2025-01-22 05:57:44] BlissRP : it is written
[2025-01-22 05:58:01] HuskySquared : so question
[2025-01-22 05:58:03] HuskySquared : since he got a pardon
[2025-01-22 05:58:08] HuskySquared : does that he mean he get the 100k btc back?
[2025-01-22 05:58:12] HuskySquared : because if yes
[2025-01-22 05:58:14] HuskySquared : :downrocket:
[2025-01-22 05:58:20] 45th_blown_account : Slovenian immigrant rug pull : how about dat :arthur:
[2025-01-22 05:58:28] BlissRP : not his keys not his btc ser
[2025-01-22 05:58:34] BlissRP : im sure hes got more tho
[2025-01-22 05:58:52] BlissRP : 45th_blown_account: :doge:
[2025-01-22 06:00:12] 45th_blown_account : BlissRP: whose keys ? who`s they ?
[2025-01-22 06:00:29] BlissRP : ross
[2025-01-22 06:01:28] 45th_blown_account : Biden waited 4 years to pardon people , Trump cant wait ? for some reason ?
[2025-01-22 06:01:59] BlissRP : he said day 1
[2025-01-22 06:02:04] BlissRP : if he didnt do it on day 1
[2025-01-22 06:02:06] BlissRP : we go to zero
[2025-01-22 06:02:09] 45th_blown_account : these early things, rarely happen without a plan
[2025-01-22 06:02:37] 45th_blown_account : maybe rug pull and new president ? he is old :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:03:19] BlissRP : we need the orange man
[2025-01-22 06:03:36] BlissRP : he will crash usd and then we all celebrate infinite gains
[2025-01-22 06:05:51] 45th_blown_account : when mass adoption ? i want to work for fartcoin , soooooo much :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:07:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200 USD @ 105890.8 - 😂
[2025-01-22 06:11:59] BlissRP : oh no he quit bully tunneling
[2025-01-22 06:12:02] BlissRP : now poomp
[2025-01-22 06:12:07] BlissRP : :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:12:55] 45th_blown_account : i will miss the rest of 65 genders :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:13:11] 45th_blown_account : i will always identify as helicopter apachi :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:13:20] BlissRP : are we burning all the others or whats the plan
[2025-01-22 06:15:52] 45th_blown_account : where will they/them go after they get banned ? :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:26:30] 45th_blown_account : , Yuge legs and yuge hands :doge:
[2025-01-22 06:28:17] BlissRP : even though he stopped posted
[2025-01-22 06:28:20] BlissRP : the market knows he bought
[2025-01-22 06:28:22] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-22 06:28:27] BlissRP : posting*
[2025-01-22 06:29:29] 45th_blown_account : Saylor just bought 11,000 BTC , at 105k (send it , its time)
[2025-01-22 06:29:34] HuskySquared : lol
[2025-01-22 06:30:30] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : ETH breakout imminent
[2025-01-22 06:31:48] HuskySquared : Crypto_Cowboy_1982: u mean breakdown
[2025-01-22 06:32:39] BlissRP : eth zero
[2025-01-22 06:34:03] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : one of the two
[2025-01-22 06:34:25] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : ETH ETF with staking
[2025-01-22 06:34:34] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : That would be nice
[2025-01-22 06:34:58] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : I still believe
[2025-01-22 06:35:32] Crypto_Cowboy_1982 : 22.01.2025: ETH to $4,000 within 7 days....
[2025-01-22 06:36:28] bmagic : Pumpy
[2025-01-22 06:37:25] BlissRP : pump ze upside down chart
[2025-01-22 06:37:26] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-22 06:37:50] bmagic : What trumps doing with his memecoin isn’t ethically legal
[2025-01-22 06:38:10] BlissRP : i think we can all agree on that ser @bmagic
[2025-01-22 06:38:14] bmagic : He should be impeached for it but america is blatantly corrupt so they will pardon
[2025-01-22 06:38:22] BlissRP : the problem is both memes got so big it can do damage to the market
[2025-01-22 06:38:36] BlissRP : it already has but it can be a black swan
[2025-01-22 06:39:39] PeacenLuv : btfd btc lezgoo
[2025-01-22 06:39:41] BlissRP : if boj raises rates friday :pepe:
[2025-01-22 06:39:51] bmagic : Nah bitcoin will just show dominance agaib
[2025-01-22 06:39:56] bmagic : All will be well
[2025-01-22 06:40:01] PeacenLuv : BlissRP: pumpittup
[2025-01-22 06:40:06] BlissRP : longstopz 105320 @PeacenLuv
[2025-01-22 06:40:11] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-22 06:41:01] PeacenLuv : longstops 105008
[2025-01-22 06:42:40] BlissRP : fine
[2025-01-22 07:14:22] 45th_blown_account : i see an "M" : its either Melania or McDonalds :arthur:
[2025-01-22 07:15:58] BlissRP : 45th_blown_account: lmao
[2025-01-22 07:24:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 3602 Cont @ 258.9 ($98,389.91) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2025-01-22 07:25:36] kroleg666 :
[2025-01-22 07:26:03] kroleg666 : MIT researchers have achieved a groundbreaking milestone in quantum computing by setting a new world record with a single-qubit gate fidelity of 99.998% using a superconducting qubit known as fluxonium. This achievement marks the highest fidelity ever recorded for a superconducting-based quantum processor, surpassing previous records held by ion-trapped qubits.
[2025-01-22 07:27:51] Benobi : does ayone frequently use the button "reverse" position ? Does it cost much more than manually closing and reopening ?
[2025-01-22 07:32:32] BlissRP : Benobi: chances you can do that with good accuracy is about as high as kroleg making money on QRL
[2025-01-22 07:32:37] BlissRP : close to zero ser
[2025-01-22 07:41:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 800 USD @ 105146.4 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2025-01-22 07:44:39] BlissRP : approaching pcenluv stop #2
[2025-01-22 07:44:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4865400 USD @ 105072.7 - Don't quit your day job
[2025-01-22 07:44:45] BlissRP : 8 more stops to go before its safe to buy
[2025-01-22 07:46:46] BlissRP : :doge:
[2025-01-22 07:53:29] Benobi : BlissRP: lol
[2025-01-22 07:55:37] BlissRP : chronic losing is a disease
[2025-01-22 07:56:38] BlissRP : we are on the cusp of a nice cascade
[2025-01-22 07:58:48] speedwell : Ross Ulbricht of SilkRoad just got released from prison.
[2025-01-22 07:59:01] BlissRP : speedwell: you are about 12 hours late ser
[2025-01-22 07:59:15] BlissRP : we were celebrating earlier
[2025-01-22 08:02:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 40000 USD @ 105037.9
[2025-01-22 08:02:11] BlissRP : next fun event is waiting for BOJ interest rate decision
[2025-01-22 08:02:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 600 USD @ 105009.4 - 😂
[2025-01-22 08:02:32] BlissRP : cascade loading
[2025-01-22 08:04:21] BlissRP : 104935 to start it
[2025-01-22 08:04:24] kroleg666 : BlissRP:
[2025-01-22 08:04:28] kroleg666 : btc is finished
[2025-01-22 08:04:36] BlissRP : kroleg666: shut up moron see you at 300k
[2025-01-22 08:04:40] kroleg666 : lol
[2025-01-22 08:05:14] kroleg666 : the only way to get to 300k now is if quantum hackers have sense of humor and will 250x long it with stolen satoshi's coins for lulz
[2025-01-22 08:05:28] kroleg666 : 300k then 0 next minute, ez
[2025-01-22 08:05:30] BlissRP : QRL going to zero
[2025-01-22 08:05:33] kroleg666 : sure bro
[2025-01-22 08:05:35] kroleg666 : keep dreaming
[2025-01-22 08:05:38] BlissRP : you are already down 50%
[2025-01-22 08:05:40] BlissRP : LMAO
[2025-01-22 08:05:44] kroleg666 : i'm not?
[2025-01-22 08:05:48] kroleg666 : my average price is like 55c
[2025-01-22 08:05:57] BlissRP : you switched into it above 1
[2025-01-22 08:05:59] BlissRP : dont lie
[2025-01-22 08:06:00] BlissRP : i have logs
[2025-01-22 08:06:01] kroleg666 : LOL
[2025-01-22 08:06:04] kroleg666 : show them
[2025-01-22 08:06:10] kroleg666 : my highest buy was 80c
[2025-01-22 08:06:22] speedwell : BlissRP: just got in...was happy for him, high price to pay
[2025-01-22 08:06:31] BlissRP : speedwell: same ser
[2025-01-22 08:06:36] kroleg666 : even $1 would be cheap
[2025-01-22 08:06:38] BlissRP : he made bitcoin what it is today
[2025-01-22 08:06:51] kroleg666 : once guys like Elon notice QRL it will skyrocket so hard your ass will explode
[2025-01-22 08:07:02] speedwell : BlissRP: silk road was my entry point
[2025-01-22 08:07:03] kroleg666 : 10000% per day minimum
[2025-01-22 08:07:16] BlissRP : speedwell: same but me and my friends got mt gox'd after
[2025-01-22 08:07:37] BlissRP : didnt touch it again til 2016/17
[2025-01-22 08:07:40] speedwell : i missed that, thank the lord
[2025-01-22 08:11:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 254 Cont @ 0.3635 ($9,690.51) - Check your inbox
[2025-01-22 08:14:32] dexswap : short target here 103?
[2025-01-22 08:15:04] BlissRP : dexswap: this cascade should reach 104400 but after that i am not sure
[2025-01-22 08:15:22] BlissRP : 103 is a good bet
[2025-01-22 08:15:31] BlissRP : any more would be kinda greedy imo
[2025-01-22 08:25:50] BlissRP : good luck degens i am off
[2025-01-22 08:40:44] Schmico666 : DOOM!!!!!!!!!!
[2025-01-22 08:50:23] HuskySquared : Donald Trump confirms memecoin launch, says billions in profits is ‘peanuts’ for his team
[2025-01-22 08:50:24] HuskySquared : lol
[2025-01-22 08:51:18] HuskySquared : “I don’t know where it is, I don’t know much about it other than I launched it. I heard it was very successful.”
[2025-01-22 08:51:20] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2025-01-22 08:51:46] HuskySquared : Ethereum Core Developer Eric Conner Departs as Vitalik Dismisses Calls for Leadership Change
[2025-01-22 08:51:47] HuskySquared : eth to zero
[2025-01-22 08:59:12] HuskySquared : man
[2025-01-22 08:59:15] HuskySquared : i dont know what happened to trollbox
[2025-01-22 08:59:17] HuskySquared : and my guild chat
[2025-01-22 08:59:19] HuskySquared : its like all is dead
[2025-01-22 08:59:22] HuskySquared : nobody here
[2025-01-22 08:59:22] HuskySquared : nobody there
[2025-01-22 08:59:25] HuskySquared : Gjergj gone
[2025-01-22 08:59:27] HuskySquared : Gjergj:
[2025-01-22 08:59:35] HuskySquared : The_Reaper gone/not around much
[2025-01-22 08:59:37] HuskySquared : The_Reaper:
[2025-01-22 08:59:42] HuskySquared : clarnova does not visit guild chat anymore it seems
[2025-01-22 08:59:44] HuskySquared : clarknova:
[2025-01-22 08:59:45] HuskySquared : ????
[2025-01-22 08:59:52] HuskySquared : :me::gun:
[2025-01-22 09:01:35] TG_P88li : click reality
[2025-01-22 09:02:04] TG_P88li : until reality break
[2025-01-22 09:05:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 2.5000 SOL @ 254.79 ($636.88)
[2025-01-22 09:08:18] clarknova : HuskySquared: o/
[2025-01-22 09:08:59] clarknova : Still here ! Tons of work.
[2025-01-22 09:09:21] Randy72 : im gonna short bitcoin. looks like it gonna keep dropping
[2025-01-22 09:09:55] clarknova : Randy72: It depends your time frame
[2025-01-22 09:11:28] clarknova : On the daily, DXY is forming a top.
[2025-01-22 09:13:55] 45th_blown_account : Melania rug pull me again :pepe:
[2025-01-22 09:13:56] Randy72 : clarknova: i shorted that little pulbach on the one houer at 105,300 lets see
[2025-01-22 09:15:34] Randy72 : need one % short
[2025-01-22 09:30:33] The_Reaper : dxy forming a top is bullish for btc
[2025-01-22 09:30:37] The_Reaper : why would u short thazt
[2025-01-22 09:30:39] The_Reaper : lmfao
[2025-01-22 09:30:57] The_Reaper : recipe for rekt
[2025-01-22 09:35:36] Randy72 : dont know what dxy is. i work direction and pull back.have to look into that dxy
[2025-01-22 09:37:12] Randy72 : i use 4 hour for direction one howr for the pull back and one minute to enter
[2025-01-22 09:54:42] HuskySquared :
[2025-01-22 09:54:43] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2025-01-22 10:03:15] HuskySquared : Jambo launches satellite on Solana to connect global network of JamboPhones
[2025-01-22 10:03:18] HuskySquared : whatveer jambo is and whatever this means
[2025-01-22 10:05:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 20 SOL @ 252.38 ($5,046.92) - ouch..
[2025-01-22 10:05:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1700 USD @ 104684.8
[2025-01-22 10:23:17] bmagic : Long now sirs
[2025-01-22 10:23:51] Randy72 : bmagic: on what
[2025-01-22 10:24:04] MANsa_MOONsa : lets goooo
[2025-01-22 10:29:02] HuskySquared : MANsa_MOONsa: you joining the best guild again?
[2025-01-22 10:29:03] HuskySquared : :pepe:
[2025-01-22 10:29:06] HuskySquared : we miss you there
[2025-01-22 10:29:25] MANsa_MOONsa : 😡
[2025-01-22 10:29:32] MANsa_MOONsa : send invite
[2025-01-22 10:30:38] HuskySquared : dont know how
[2025-01-22 10:30:41] HuskySquared : you need to try to join i think
[2025-01-22 10:31:20] contract details : bullish on cattle
[2025-01-22 10:33:48] betmix : Feels like the market is just waiting for a reason to move higher
[2025-01-22 10:37:55] contract details : or die
[2025-01-22 10:38:00] contract details : why higher
[2025-01-22 10:38:14] contract details : indices will go up premarket retrace at open
[2025-01-22 10:49:59] HuskySquared : we need
[2025-01-22 10:50:03] HuskySquared : a crypto related executive order is all tbh
[2025-01-22 10:52:26] Benobi : I doubt so
[2025-01-22 10:52:41] Benobi : much harm has been done by Turmp already
[2025-01-22 10:52:57] Benobi : to be honest I thik peope are just graspig the position in disbelief and denial
[2025-01-22 10:53:33] Benobi : what ould the EO be ? asfar as I've read on the Lummi bill the national reserve goal was about "keeping the seized crypto instead of selling them"
[2025-01-22 10:53:35] Benobi : youhouuuu
[2025-01-22 10:54:28] speedwell : Rule No. 1 Don't panic.
[2025-01-22 10:54:29] Benobi : we're far from "let's buy crypto as a digital investment". and that would suit what the SEC said about USA can't own cryptos. Keeping seized cryptos is much acceptable than buying them.
[2025-01-22 10:56:23] speedwell : Rule No. 2 There is no problem, the system is working just fine.
[2025-01-22 10:57:32] Randy72 : would'nt touch anything trump. They will pump and dump and leave everyone hanging
[2025-01-22 10:58:03] Benobi : which is why I would short the recents pumps
[2025-01-22 10:58:57] HuskySquared : Benobi: to alllow banks to buy it
[2025-01-22 10:59:04] Benobi : last week pumps and even last monht have been fueled with Trump Hype AND trump money, I'm certain his team where the one helping pumping one crypto after aother just before so Trump could say crupto is doig reat thanks to me and the sell the hype.
[2025-01-22 10:59:05] HuskySquared : which was forbdden in a prebious executive order by biden
[2025-01-22 10:59:19] HuskySquared : iirc
[2025-01-22 10:59:26] speedwell : Rule No. 3 Don't get angry at the clowns.
[2025-01-22 10:59:27] Benobi : hm, ok
[2025-01-22 10:59:35] Benobi : thank you Husky
[2025-01-22 11:00:29] 45th_blown_account : Banks will buy higher :doge: Who cares about banks : Funds is the new banking system :doge:
[2025-01-22 11:00:40] Benobi : well, no point at getting angr at clowns, because they tell everyone they are here solely for enterainment. but you should get angry as people knowing they're only clowns but lying to you about that and knowing they'll do shit for their own purposes
[2025-01-22 11:00:50] speedwell : Rule No. 4 Seek beauty in all it;s forms
[2025-01-22 11:00:57] Benobi : 45th_blown_account: well thoug, that's true I doubt banks will buy here
[2025-01-22 11:01:11] HuskySquared : Benobi: np
[2025-01-22 11:01:12] Benobi : speedwell: beauty is relative :P highly
[2025-01-22 11:01:20] nab3 : Agreed with you the entire thing is a disgrace
[2025-01-22 11:01:27] HuskySquared : Benobi: i mean the thing is
[2025-01-22 11:01:31] 45th_blown_account : Benobi: they will buy at 500k like a boss :doge:
[2025-01-22 11:01:32] HuskySquared : we are most bullish global setup for btc atm
[2025-01-22 11:01:39] HuskySquared : any kind of big move by the US will have chain effects
[2025-01-22 11:01:59] speedwell : There have always been clowns. Rule No. 5 Don't become a clown
[2025-01-22 11:02:07] Benobi : Well, I may be stuck in my narrative then.
[2025-01-22 11:02:33] speedwell : +12
[2025-01-22 11:02:47] Benobi : I hear that a lot, everythng is so bullish for BTC. But my opinion as an outsider is...Well guys we earn more than 60 percent in two months already.
[2025-01-22 11:02:51] 45th_blown_account : i wouldnt buy Trump coin or fart coin. But i would buy Trump`sfart coin :doge:
[2025-01-22 11:03:39] 45th_blown_account : Melania`sfart coin :catjam:
[2025-01-22 11:04:34] HuskySquared : the longer we stick around current price
[2025-01-22 11:04:38] HuskySquared : the more likely we are to move up imo
[2025-01-22 11:04:51] HuskySquared : kind of inevitable really
[2025-01-22 11:05:03] HuskySquared : bear only have a chance on Friday or FOMC
[2025-01-22 11:05:13] Benobi : FOMC ?
[2025-01-22 11:05:23] HuskySquared : rate hike/cut/stay
[2025-01-22 11:05:29] HuskySquared : from fed
[2025-01-22 11:05:36] Benobi : when is it ?
[2025-01-22 11:05:50] HuskySquared : 26-27
[2025-01-22 11:06:00] HuskySquared : and japan rate decision is on friday
[2025-01-22 11:06:02] Benobi : yes
[2025-01-22 11:06:15] Benobi : so yes, the week-end sounds risky
[2025-01-22 11:06:25] Benobi : especially at those levels
[2025-01-22 11:06:34] kroleg666 : HuskySquared:
[2025-01-22 11:06:49] HuskySquared : kroleg666: PUT THE FRIES IN THE BAG SON
[2025-01-22 11:06:56] kroleg666 : lol stop sweating
[2025-01-22 11:06:59] speedwell : Benobi: Stop looking down
[2025-01-22 11:07:18] kroleg666 : imagine countertrading Q day
[2025-01-22 11:07:43] speedwell : kroleg666: When Q day?
[2025-01-22 11:08:18] kroleg666 : speedwell: soon
[2025-01-22 11:08:22] kroleg666 : this year probs
[2025-01-22 11:08:30] speedwell : Same as Elon Mars day.....sooooooooononnnnn
[2025-01-22 11:08:50] speedwell : prommmisssseeee
[2025-01-22 11:08:56] kroleg666 : Elon will pump QRL so hard
[2025-01-22 11:08:59] speedwell : pinky promisssssse
[2025-01-22 11:09:16] speedwell : Elon is a dude cracker
[2025-01-22 11:10:19] speedwell : A retard for the low IQ public.
[2025-01-22 11:10:56] HuskySquared : lol
[2025-01-22 11:12:18] speedwell : kroleg666: Live now bother, not for their promised tomorrow that will never come
[2025-01-22 11:12:27] speedwell : brother
[2025-01-22 11:13:02] contract details : only thing pumping are american stocks
[2025-01-22 11:13:50] speedwell : Everything is pumping, went out today and everybody is fat as fuc
[2025-01-22 11:15:34] HuskySquared : can confirm
[2025-01-22 11:15:36] HuskySquared : i am fat as fuc
[2025-01-22 11:15:45] HuskySquared : inflation? i dont notice it
[2025-01-22 11:16:01] speedwell : gobble gobble gobble
[2025-01-22 11:16:10] speedwell : gobble economy
[2025-01-22 11:16:23] HuskySquared : speedwell:
[2025-01-22 11:16:28] HuskySquared : mr frundles :arthur:
[2025-01-22 11:16:29] speedwell : little piggy eyes
[2025-01-22 11:16:50] speedwell : pigs all at the troff
[2025-01-22 11:18:11] speedwell : HuskySquared: Exactly
[2025-01-22 11:19:36] speedwell : And so easy to manipulate...
[2025-01-22 11:19:54] speedwell : put the fries in the bag
[2025-01-22 11:20:32] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2025-01-22 11:22:03] speedwell : If I put fries in bag all live can I go to mars Mr Elon? No, but you can see some cgi on face book of my rocket on 'mars'
[2025-01-22 11:22:36] speedwell : life^
[2025-01-22 11:23:48] speedwell : complete retard nation is just around the corner. Even I'm worried, who's going to put the fries in the bag?
[2025-01-22 11:29:19] MoonBruv : the fries shall be put in da bag
[2025-01-22 11:29:31] MoonBruv : lil broes
[2025-01-22 11:29:56] MoonBruv : I knew that chart pattern would end up looking like the tesla logo
[2025-01-22 11:30:02] MoonBruv : symmetry is everywhere man
[2025-01-22 11:30:19] MoonBruv : lets look at my analysis for a second here guys alright, let's meditate on it
[2025-01-22 11:30:52] MoonBruv :
[2025-01-22 11:31:22] bluemaster : Ross is free man
[2025-01-22 11:32:31] speedwell : +1
[2025-01-22 11:36:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 1220 XRP @ 3.2039 ($3,904.41) - Bonjour!
[2025-01-22 11:36:50] speedwell : MoonBruv: Look ing more hopeful if I'm reading it right?
[2025-01-22 11:38:35] speedwell : Do you think that dark matter will affect the price?
[2025-01-22 11:42:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 105 Cont @ 257.68 ($2,841.83) - There goes ur space money
[2025-01-22 11:53:44] The_Reaper : Space money 🚀🚀🚀
[2025-01-22 11:53:55] The_Reaper : high volume inc
[2025-01-22 11:54:27] The_Reaper : many will call manip
[2025-01-22 12:00:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 9 Cont @ 3329.75 ($3,149.98) - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2025-01-22 12:00:21] speedwell : xrp
[2025-01-22 12:00:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 105123
[2025-01-22 12:00:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 30 Cont @ 257.73 ($812.72)
[2025-01-22 12:00:44] HuskySquared : wtf was that coinbase btc candle
[2025-01-22 12:01:00] speedwell : moe e ment
[2025-01-22 12:01:09] speedwell : move e ment
[2025-01-22 12:01:39] HuskySquared : market selling 300 btco rs o
[2025-01-22 12:01:39] HuskySquared : like, wat
[2025-01-22 12:02:23] Halfway : xrp ultra trash
[2025-01-22 12:02:40] speedwell : good lead indicator
[2025-01-22 12:04:29] speedwell : off a we go a
[2025-01-22 12:11:14] ninnk : :bmex::rocket:
[2025-01-22 12:15:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 20800 USD @ 105481.9
[2025-01-22 12:25:16] bluemaster :
[2025-01-22 12:26:24] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc
[2025-01-22 12:33:46] seniva : seniva: 出勤も変換もできない 全部usdtにしてほしい
[2025-01-22 12:35:33] PeacenLuv : btfd btc 5min fully bully lezgoo
[2025-01-22 12:35:58] PeacenLuv : we did 5min bullish channel throw-over
[2025-01-22 12:37:02] PeacenLuv : rare pattern
[2025-01-22 12:37:49] PeacenLuv : seniva: huh? say wuttt?
[2025-01-22 12:40:44] PeacenLuv : last 5min glose bully inverted green hammer xbtusdperp
[2025-01-22 12:40:57] PeacenLuv : on a low
[2025-01-22 12:42:45] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo nutz btc
[2025-01-22 12:43:37] PeacenLuv : sum support/purple