This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2025-01-21 19:15:43] PeacenLuv : lol bullish channel throwover u want more bearz? [2025-01-21 19:16:22] bnqxbt : dexswap: we haven't seen one of those during the last 3 years [2025-01-21 19:16:33] bnqxbt : not going to happen now either [2025-01-21 19:17:10] dexswap : -10k within 10 mins isnt a satan candle? [2025-01-21 19:17:18] dexswap : multiple just in the last months [2025-01-21 19:17:19] bnqxbt : 104k is the volume zone in this "bull flag" [2025-01-21 19:17:29] bnqxbt : dexswap: -10k? [2025-01-21 19:17:31] bnqxbt : is nothing [2025-01-21 19:17:34] PeacenLuv : purpl supports longittu [2025-01-21 19:17:40] dexswap : 10 of those is 0 [2025-01-21 19:18:01] bnqxbt : well... now you are altering dynamics [2025-01-21 19:18:47] bnqxbt : try submerging 10L of air in a tank, and now do it with 10 of those [2025-01-21 19:18:53] BMEXcheers : lets look at Tesla share price [2025-01-21 19:18:54] BMEXcheers : heh [2025-01-21 19:19:10] bnqxbt : there is a reason why boats float [2025-01-21 19:19:35] bnqxbt : buoyancy is a thermodynamics thing [2025-01-21 19:20:15] bnqxbt : btc has mad buoyancy [2025-01-21 19:20:39] bnqxbt : only way btc would drop 10x10k is if the sun ecplodes [2025-01-21 19:20:44] bnqxbt : and we get a glitch [2025-01-21 19:21:25] bnqxbt : btc needs a reson to go down, it needs no reason to go up [2025-01-21 19:21:29] dexswap : fair enough, u sound smarter than me so il agree @bnqxbt [2025-01-21 19:21:45] 45th_blown_account : clarknova: very bullish for crypto, all the 9,2m coins :doge: [2025-01-21 19:22:24] PeacenLuv : buy the dip [2025-01-21 19:22:42] 45th_blown_account : Fartcoin ETFs baby, lets go Blackrock :doge: [2025-01-21 19:22:50] bnqxbt : only in these mad times, can a president have a personal crypto running for blockchain bribing [2025-01-21 19:23:04] bnqxbt : not even trying to hide it [2025-01-21 19:23:24] PeacenLuv : hangon bullyz weeee [2025-01-21 19:23:31] 45th_blown_account : let the plebs have crypto, we have $ :doge: [2025-01-21 19:23:44] PeacenLuv : bully fully 5min [2025-01-21 19:23:56] BlissRP : 45th_blown_account: [2025-01-21 19:24:03] BlissRP : you thought fartcoin was cool? [2025-01-21 19:24:08] BlissRP : meet unicorn fart dust [2025-01-21 19:24:16] HuskySquared : :arthur: [2025-01-21 19:24:17] 45th_blown_account : BlissRP: :catjam: [2025-01-21 19:24:38] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-21 19:25:08] PeacenLuv : bigpump btc [2025-01-21 19:26:23] BMEXcheers : damn, everywhere i turn reddit/x/facebook/4chun ....everyone loves Islam [2025-01-21 19:26:26] BMEXcheers : and whats not to love [2025-01-21 19:26:39] BMEXcheers : what a great personality 😁😏 [2025-01-21 19:27:02] HuskySquared : where ivanka coin [2025-01-21 19:27:05] HuskySquared : i would :snake: it [2025-01-21 19:28:04] clarknova : BMEX 👀 !!!! [2025-01-21 19:28:25] BMEXcheers : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [2025-01-21 19:28:35] bluemaster : talk is cheep [2025-01-21 19:28:53] HuskySquared : bluemaster: can u relink the nice AI gif from yesterday [2025-01-21 19:28:54] HuskySquared : i lost it [2025-01-21 19:29:20] HuskySquared : :pepe: [2025-01-21 19:30:04] bluemaster : something only for Husky @HuskySquared [2025-01-21 19:30:22] HuskySquared : rip it got deleted [2025-01-21 19:30:23] HuskySquared : wtf [2025-01-21 19:30:30] HuskySquared : Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else. [2025-01-21 19:30:33] HuskySquared : we need mirror [2025-01-21 19:31:16] bluemaster : HuskySquared: they removed motherfuckers [2025-01-21 19:31:18] bluemaster : [2025-01-21 19:31:49] HuskySquared : lol [2025-01-21 19:32:13] HuskySquared : how much computer powers needed [2025-01-21 19:32:15] HuskySquared : to create the one from before [2025-01-21 19:32:18] HuskySquared : i will buy enough computers [2025-01-21 19:32:20] bluemaster : HuskySquared: that is reason I use my own server ,should save that one [2025-01-21 19:32:21] HuskySquared : =D\ [2025-01-21 19:33:32] ninnk : why is eth still eating shit [2025-01-21 19:34:48] BlissRP : ninnk: sol is the new eth [2025-01-21 19:34:59] BlissRP : eth will run with all other alts instead of on its own [2025-01-21 19:35:12] bluemaster : Poor beras [2025-01-21 19:35:16] BlissRP : liquidity is sucked by the scam memes and will flow back into alts [2025-01-21 19:35:17] dexswap : bluemaster: im short fb, expect divorce proceedings to follow which leeds to zuck stepping down as ceo [2025-01-21 19:36:30] BlissRP : dexswap: because he looked at a girls chest? [2025-01-21 19:36:33] BlissRP : seems extreme bruv [2025-01-21 19:36:53] dexswap : asian women r very jealous [2025-01-21 19:36:56] bluemaster : dexswap: he need nice white eastern Europe girl ,not that Chinese spy [2025-01-21 19:37:12] BlissRP : dexswap: mine lets me go on benders [2025-01-21 19:37:28] BlissRP : and by benders i dont mean alcohol or drugs ser [2025-01-21 19:37:29] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-21 19:37:34] BlissRP : i mean bend hers [2025-01-21 19:37:38] dexswap : all her feed will be is seeing her husband peeping [2025-01-21 19:37:46] dexswap : they arguing everyday [2025-01-21 19:37:51] Dr. Casper Darling : sol and pump and dump meme coins are now friends. [2025-01-21 19:37:52] dexswap : affects a mans head [2025-01-21 19:38:48] bluemaster : [2025-01-21 19:40:53] bluemaster : [2025-01-21 19:51:05] PeacenLuv : incoming pump btc [2025-01-21 19:52:12] PeacenLuv : xbt longstops up 10666 [2025-01-21 19:53:53] PeacenLuv : bully supports up n off the chart we goooo weeee [2025-01-21 19:54:20] PeacenLuv : adding longz 107258 [2025-01-21 19:54:27] bluemaster : game over for ETH .Solana now will become go to for shitcoins printing [2025-01-21 19:55:43] PeacenLuv : whoooaahhh nally longitt [2025-01-21 19:59:36] pencilsol : oh shit ETH drama [2025-01-21 19:59:53] pencilsol : I wonder if that will even affect the price [2025-01-21 20:00:00] Dr. Casper Darling : trump will never rise again. and since sol is not trumps bitch and associated with scam pump and dump coins, sol is finished as well and will dump hard soon. [2025-01-21 20:00:06] ninnk : :eth: [2025-01-21 20:00:12] BlissRP : Dr. Casper Darling: :kek: [2025-01-21 20:00:12] ninnk : ^ lmao that : eth: [2025-01-21 20:00:24] BlissRP : i havent seen a more wrong point of view in my life [2025-01-21 20:01:17] BlissRP : raising my sol target based on that [2025-01-21 20:01:19] BlissRP : 2k per sol [2025-01-21 20:01:25] BlissRP : glhf [2025-01-21 20:09:49] MrBritcoin : adam an eve is it [2025-01-21 20:11:36] bluemaster : BlissRP: I am going to work for few k just to have a rest from this Trollbox [2025-01-21 20:11:46] BlissRP : bluemaster: good call ser [2025-01-21 20:12:06] BlissRP : see you at 110k [2025-01-21 20:15:03] ayooo : bluemaster: moin [2025-01-21 20:15:18] The_Reaper : Who tf is necking eth like this [2025-01-21 20:15:33] The_Reaper : It is following btc, but some1 is necking it from going up [2025-01-21 20:15:52] BlissRP : The_Reaper: why would it go up before other alts [2025-01-21 20:15:54] BlissRP : ? [2025-01-21 20:16:47] BlissRP : listen close and listen good [2025-01-21 20:16:52] BlissRP : i will not repeat this again [2025-01-21 20:17:00] BlissRP : sol has fully overtaken eth in every way [2025-01-21 20:17:11] BlissRP : the rotation of liquidity has changed [2025-01-21 20:17:19] BlissRP : btc->sol->alts [2025-01-21 20:17:28] BlissRP : no longer btc->eth->alts [2025-01-21 20:17:44] BlissRP : ty for coming to my ted talk [2025-01-21 20:18:23] bnqxbt : eth will pump, no matter what rotation [2025-01-21 20:18:43] BlissRP : yes [2025-01-21 20:18:44] BlissRP : but not first [2025-01-21 20:18:52] bnqxbt : who cares what order [2025-01-21 20:18:53] BlissRP : so stop with the confusion [2025-01-21 20:18:54] pencilsol : bnqxbt: eth vitality drama is occuring rn as we speak, check twitter [2025-01-21 20:19:05] bnqxbt : I don't care [2025-01-21 20:19:09] BlissRP : the order matters because you can keep rotating into faster movers [2025-01-21 20:19:10] bnqxbt : it's not in my TA [2025-01-21 20:19:14] pencilsol : you should, it's funny af [2025-01-21 20:19:17] BlissRP : ok to stfu then moron lmao [2025-01-21 20:19:21] BlissRP : jeezus christ [2025-01-21 20:19:26] pencilsol : devs are rage quitting from eth [2025-01-21 20:19:29] pencilsol : :P [2025-01-21 20:19:52] bnqxbt : you don't devs [2025-01-21 20:20:00] bnqxbt : need [2025-01-21 20:20:11] The_Reaper : BlissRP: liberty global is buying eth by the masses [2025-01-21 20:20:16] bnqxbt : algos just need to pump., and the party is on again [2025-01-21 20:20:18] pencilsol : the last time a CEO pissed off the people investing in it. caused the FTX crash [2025-01-21 20:20:20] The_Reaper : Guess who is associated with liberty global [2025-01-21 20:20:29] BlissRP : The_Reaper: is it deez nutz ser? [2025-01-21 20:20:38] The_Reaper : Trump [2025-01-21 20:21:07] BlissRP : money flow dictates the whole cycle [2025-01-21 20:22:03] bnqxbt : I think most here would need to go to psycho the rapist. [2025-01-21 20:22:06] The_Reaper : The Donald Trump-backed crypto project World Liberty Financial has snapped up millions of dollars worth of Ether as the token has seen a slight uptick in strength against Bitcoin. World Liberty Financial bought up 14,403 Ether ETH $3,327.16 across a flurry of purchases on Jan. 19, worth a total of $48 million, Lookonchain posted to X on Jan. 19. [2025-01-21 20:22:12] BlissRP : where to rotate means you are always on the fastest horse at the right time [2025-01-21 20:22:22] BlissRP : if all you do is sit there hodling like a pleb then disregard [2025-01-21 20:22:25] BlissRP : this is too high level for you [2025-01-21 20:22:48] The_Reaper : World Liberty’s total ETH holdings have now hit 33,630 ETH, worth over $107 million, according to Arkham Intelligence data. [2025-01-21 20:22:53] bnqxbt : BlissRP: switching is the losers game [2025-01-21 20:23:09] PeacenLuv : bully orange uptrend ronalddonald trump [2025-01-21 20:23:18] bnqxbt : you only need to fail once and there is no way back in.... [2025-01-21 20:23:37] BlissRP : morons can make anything a losers game [2025-01-21 20:23:47] bnqxbt : while holding bags from the bottom as I do, it is better in the long run, and you end up with more gains [2025-01-21 20:23:49] Dr. Casper Darling : The_Reaper: nice. ETH is +0.13 %. Much bull [2025-01-21 20:24:00] BlissRP : bnqxbt: your lack of understanding is astounding ser [2025-01-21 20:24:10] bnqxbt : you are just a gambler [2025-01-21 20:24:12] BlissRP : no [2025-01-21 20:24:14] BlissRP : i am not [2025-01-21 20:24:16] BlissRP : even close [2025-01-21 20:24:17] bnqxbt : rying to MAXIMIZE [2025-01-21 20:24:17] BlissRP : lmao [2025-01-21 20:24:22] The_Reaper : Dr. Casper Darling: it is commonly known that institutions do extensive research begore yoloi g into an asset [2025-01-21 20:24:29] The_Reaper : They must know something [2025-01-21 20:24:31] BlissRP : knowing exactly how to maximize keeps you way ahead [2025-01-21 20:24:38] bnqxbt : haha [2025-01-21 20:24:41] bnqxbt : best lie [2025-01-21 20:24:42] pencilsol : The_Reaper: I wonder why trump staff is buying so much of ETH [2025-01-21 20:24:50] pencilsol : compared to sol, since that's where trump token is built on [2025-01-21 20:24:55] Dr. Casper Darling : The_Reaper: you are talking about the developing country called USA, sir [2025-01-21 20:25:00] ninnk : they're gonna make pepe the official currency of US [2025-01-21 20:25:03] ninnk : obviously [2025-01-21 20:25:08] ninnk : :pepe: [2025-01-21 20:25:13] pencilsol : it would have made sense if trump team start flowing money into sol to pump up trump [2025-01-21 20:25:19] pencilsol : but eth? [2025-01-21 20:25:22] pencilsol : interesting [2025-01-21 20:25:27] Dr. Casper Darling : I will keep longing kekius maximus [2025-01-21 20:25:27] The_Reaper : He never mentioned sol [2025-01-21 20:25:29] PeacenLuv : Nelly - Hot In Herre bully btc lezgoo [2025-01-21 20:25:31] The_Reaper : Why? [2025-01-21 20:25:39] PeacenLuv : leztake our clothez off [2025-01-21 20:25:41] bnqxbt : pencilsol: washing the rug pull bribe money to eth [2025-01-21 20:25:49] The_Reaper : Sol is from stinky democrat scambankman fried [2025-01-21 20:25:51] BlissRP : The_Reaper: he didnt mention any crypto ser [2025-01-21 20:26:02] BlissRP : for 2 days now [2025-01-21 20:26:14] The_Reaper : He is buying first [2025-01-21 20:26:14] bnqxbt : sol is eth but better [2025-01-21 20:26:18] The_Reaper : Then he wil mention [2025-01-21 20:26:25] The_Reaper : Are u dumb? [2025-01-21 20:26:48] The_Reaper : The profits he will get from that are 1000x that of the launch of his memecoin [2025-01-21 20:26:51] bnqxbt : why I have both eth and sol [2025-01-21 20:26:55] BlissRP : i think you need to read between the lines reap [2025-01-21 20:26:55] The_Reaper : Which was obviously a test [2025-01-21 20:27:04] The_Reaper : No [2025-01-21 20:27:10] BlissRP : he cannot mention crypto while scamming the market with memes [2025-01-21 20:27:12] The_Reaper : U need to think straight about this [2025-01-21 20:27:27] The_Reaper : He can do anything [2025-01-21 20:27:35] BlissRP : :kek: [2025-01-21 20:27:38] BlissRP : this is a lost cause [2025-01-21 20:27:43] BlissRP : talking to a bunch of bonehead morons [2025-01-21 20:27:43] The_Reaper : He just releaesed capitol criminals with sentences from 8-22years [2025-01-21 20:27:46] BlissRP : enjoy rat race [2025-01-21 20:27:47] The_Reaper : LOL [2025-01-21 20:28:22] bnqxbt : sol is going to 2500, but eth might go to 32k [2025-01-21 20:28:43] bnqxbt : I see highest possibility eth goes to 20k [2025-01-21 20:29:14] TG_undefined : when btc hit 2mio ? 😂 [2025-01-21 20:29:31] Alvaro2407 : eth is so fucked up.. this thing barely moved [2025-01-21 20:29:32] bnqxbt : while @BlissRP is MAXIMALIZING hunting dildocoin and buttcheeksDPcoin [2025-01-21 20:29:57] BlissRP : bnqxbt: if you dont understand, just say that. [2025-01-21 20:29:58] bnqxbt : Alvaro2407: look at xrp [2025-01-21 20:30:10] bnqxbt : it did NOTHING... and then 500% [2025-01-21 20:30:14] BlissRP : money flow is a pretty simple concept [2025-01-21 20:30:26] bnqxbt : don't look what they do, trade the TA [2025-01-21 20:30:45] ninnk : xrp is weaponised autism [2025-01-21 20:30:56] BlissRP : ninnk: i thought that was trollboxx [2025-01-21 20:30:59] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-21 20:31:05] ninnk : :arthur: [2025-01-21 20:31:06] bnqxbt : it's day and night in here with the BS "it can't do this, it can't do that" it's just one enter button away from doing 500% [2025-01-21 20:31:17] Alvaro2407 : @bnqxbt you are right.. still not for impatient people [2025-01-21 20:31:19] The_Reaper : I mean can’t u see [2025-01-21 20:31:27] The_Reaper : They did mention crypto [2025-01-21 20:31:32] The_Reaper : Not in a way of talks [2025-01-21 20:31:34] PeacenLuv : 2PAC, POP SMOKE FT BIGGIE, DMX, EAZY E, ICE CUBE, DR DRE, NWA, NIPSEY, METHOD MAN, SNOOP DOGG bully btc lezgoo [2025-01-21 20:31:54] The_Reaper : Btw, they did mention crypto [2025-01-21 20:31:57] PeacenLuv : bottomed unless im wrong [2025-01-21 20:32:01] bnqxbt : you guys should invest time in TA and less on trumps underwear [2025-01-21 20:32:03] The_Reaper : Not in the way of talks [2025-01-21 20:32:24] The_Reaper : But what happened to the Department of Government Efficiency? [2025-01-21 20:32:42] pencilsol : hmmm they put the doge icon onto their official website [2025-01-21 20:32:50] The_Reaper : Its now a real thing, with the real shiba inu coin starring on its website [2025-01-21 20:32:52] pencilsol : [2025-01-21 20:32:55] BlissRP : pencilsol: boolish [2025-01-21 20:32:55] The_Reaper : That is crypto!!! [2025-01-21 20:33:09] pencilsol : not sure why the website looks so... like that [2025-01-21 20:33:14] pencilsol : but i guess it's a starting point [2025-01-21 20:33:22] bnqxbt : trump is an idiot, he is deranged, he has a fake tan, he is schizophrenic. he gets lost when he speaks, and he can't stop talking about himself. it's he himself and I everyday. never his fault, not even when he holds the gun. [2025-01-21 20:33:25] The_Reaper : Trust me [2025-01-21 20:33:31] The_Reaper : They zre banking big first [2025-01-21 20:33:44] The_Reaper : His melecoin was a test of interest [2025-01-21 20:33:50] The_Reaper : Mee oin* [2025-01-21 20:34:00] The_Reaper : Ffs memecoin* [2025-01-21 20:34:19] BlissRP : i am just as close to aneurysm ser, believe me. [2025-01-21 20:34:22] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-21 20:34:25] The_Reaper : Now he knows the effects, he will put them to 100000000x use [2025-01-21 20:34:43] bnqxbt : The_Reaper: trump is a scam artist [2025-01-21 20:34:50] bnqxbt : HE WILL USE THIS [2025-01-21 20:34:55] bnqxbt : for himself [2025-01-21 20:34:56] The_Reaper : The TA only says one thing to me right now [2025-01-21 20:35:02] The_Reaper : They ARE buying [2025-01-21 20:35:10] The_Reaper : And people are selling into them [2025-01-21 20:35:15] bnqxbt : as he always does, then get caught, and trials on tv for 4 years, then he gets a 3rd presidency [2025-01-21 20:35:16] The_Reaper : Guess who will win lol [2025-01-21 20:35:30] BlissRP : The_Reaper: whoever buys what all the morons are selling to buy scam memes [2025-01-21 20:36:07] pencilsol : bnqxbt: by the time third presidency comes around, trump might've already passed away by then lol [2025-01-21 20:36:09] pencilsol : the guy is old af [2025-01-21 20:36:20] bnqxbt : they will elect an AI version of him [2025-01-21 20:36:25] bnqxbt : it's the us afterall [2025-01-21 20:36:31] bnqxbt : nothing makes sense over there [2025-01-21 20:36:32] BlissRP : bnqxbt: :arthur: [2025-01-21 20:36:36] bnqxbt : the more stupid, the better [2025-01-21 20:36:58] bnqxbt : more drugs, more poison food, rich get richer, poor vote for the rich to make them sicker and poorer [2025-01-21 20:37:07] 45th_blown_account : Elon salute to Melania coin : its in my heart :doge: [2025-01-21 20:37:10] bnqxbt : rinse and repeat [2025-01-21 20:37:50] bnqxbt : I think the population would decline dramatically if it wasn't for immigrants keeping the country afloat. [2025-01-21 20:38:21] Symphoenix : we are approaching a zone of decision : note the tiiming -> 21h18 - 21h48 UTC ! 30 minutes of pure madness :D [2025-01-21 20:38:50] bnqxbt : Symphoenix: that madness was monday [2025-01-21 20:38:50] PeacenLuv : btfd btc bully [2025-01-21 20:39:26] bnqxbt : trump is the worst costume old batman villain that has no credibility [2025-01-21 20:39:44] bnqxbt : when they used to have pajamas on.. [2025-01-21 20:39:56] Symphoenix : [2025-01-21 20:40:07] bnqxbt : trump would be the big diaper baby that has a cane. and is very fake tanned [2025-01-21 20:42:45] dexswap : JUST IN: Trump announces strengthening the US dollar and boosting oil production as the top priority for the US government. [2025-01-21 20:43:01] dexswap : no digital gold?? [2025-01-21 20:43:03] BlissRP : dexswap: proof? [2025-01-21 20:43:10] BlissRP : his only strat is to devalue usd [2025-01-21 20:43:13] BlissRP : and thats a fact [2025-01-21 20:43:49] dexswap : [2025-01-21 20:43:56] dexswap : crazy [2025-01-21 20:44:31] BlissRP : dexswap: :kek: [2025-01-21 20:44:37] speedwell : bnqxbt: you may appreciate this [2025-01-21 20:46:06] PeacenLuv : im short xbtusd [2025-01-21 20:46:49] bnqxbt : so where is the trump pump everyone was talking about [2025-01-21 20:47:36] _fred bloggs : it was 3 seconds on melania [2025-01-21 20:49:32] PeacenLuv : 103k 105k support 108k resistance between is meat [2025-01-21 20:49:36] BlissRP : gotta wonder how much this liquidity grab will slow the cycle [2025-01-21 20:50:09] PeacenLuv : we may get 5min bear blood pool here to long soon [2025-01-21 20:50:15] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -24,000 USD @ 106770.305 ``` [2025-01-21 20:50:23] bmagic : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: -20 Cont @ 3345.76 ``` [2025-01-21 20:50:24] PeacenLuv : [2025-01-21 20:50:25] bmagic : Now what [2025-01-21 20:50:59] PeacenLuv : down low vol no buyers lotsa supply [2025-01-21 20:51:14] PeacenLuv : mkt meets below [2025-01-21 20:51:35] PeacenLuv : this was avg jou usa prolly biting longz btc [2025-01-21 20:51:52] PeacenLuv : its fever abov 100k [2025-01-21 20:52:01] PeacenLuv : hot [2025-01-21 20:52:28] PeacenLuv : u ever graffed a bean plant to 10 cm from 0? [2025-01-21 20:52:50] PeacenLuv : unimpaired itll dew 12 cm [2025-01-21 20:53:30] PeacenLuv : y would it pump here its rich [2025-01-21 20:53:39] PeacenLuv : its a sell [2025-01-21 20:53:39] blocker : doge makes adam an eve top on m30 [2025-01-21 20:54:22] bmagic : Oof [2025-01-21 20:54:23] PeacenLuv : 92k [2025-01-21 20:54:38] dexswap : bmagic: where to sir [2025-01-21 20:54:39] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: why not zero? [2025-01-21 20:54:59] bmagic : dexswap: sleep [2025-01-21 20:55:12] dexswap : u trust ur stops? [2025-01-21 20:55:34] bmagic : No [2025-01-21 20:55:45] PeacenLuv : at bmex login pg melania looks like satoshi [2025-01-21 20:55:52] bmagic : But my balls are heavy [2025-01-21 20:57:08] PeacenLuv : theres wavee tunnel n ao 1hr xbt/usdperpz where the munneez at [2025-01-21 20:58:33] BlissRP : i think peacenluv has more people muted than winning trades in the past 2 years [2025-01-21 20:58:38] BlissRP : :doge: [2025-01-21 20:58:59] bmagic : Chart still says 114k [2025-01-21 20:59:09] bmagic : I should probably take profit [2025-01-21 20:59:17] BlissRP : tis a good call ser [2025-01-21 20:59:31] BlissRP : 104 is possible but more than that is grasping [2025-01-21 20:59:42] BlissRP : however friday BOJ 90% chance of raising interest rates [2025-01-21 20:59:45] BlissRP : remember august? [2025-01-21 20:59:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSDT`: Buy 560 DOGE @ 0.38324 ($214.54) [2025-01-21 21:00:19] ninnk : BlissRP: that was hot af 🥵 [2025-01-21 21:00:27] ninnk : it was also hot af outside :sun: 🥵 [2025-01-21 21:00:33] ninnk : ☀️ [2025-01-21 21:00:34] BlissRP : ninnk: +1 [2025-01-21 21:00:42] ninnk : when summer again :pepe: [2025-01-21 21:00:51] BlissRP : i miss defi summer [2025-01-21 21:00:57] ninnk : maybe i should have two safe houses on two opposite sides of the planet [2025-01-21 21:00:58] BlissRP : never again :arthur: [2025-01-21 21:02:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `AI16ZUSDT`: Buy 129 AI16Z @ 1.142 ($146.89) [2025-01-21 21:02:10] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 10,000 USD @ 106332.0751 ``` [2025-01-21 21:02:17] PeacenLuv : theres 6hr uptrending tunnel i extended the uptrend from the earlier original support pennant on pole bully [2025-01-21 21:02:20] bmagic : Im going to bed [2025-01-21 21:02:25] bmagic : Stop 105300 [2025-01-21 21:02:36] BlissRP : have a good rest ser [2025-01-21 21:02:58] bmagic : God speed bulls [2025-01-21 21:03:23] PeacenLuv : im outta my short 106508 n longing below prolly [2025-01-21 21:03:35] PeacenLuv : sharing with u [2025-01-21 21:03:39] PeacenLuv : not germz [2025-01-21 21:03:43] PunkJunk : /rpnl xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: 6,584.04 USDT RPNL ``` [2025-01-21 21:03:54] PeacenLuv : PunkJunk: boss [2025-01-21 21:04:17] PunkJunk : Thnx [2025-01-21 21:04:20] ninnk : PeacenLuv: you shorted? p-pappa? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ [2025-01-21 21:04:27] PunkJunk : Lovin it [2025-01-21 21:04:58] PunkJunk : /pnl xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: 6,584.04 USDT RPNL, 725.88 USDT UPNL ``` [2025-01-21 21:05:27] PeacenLuv : for a bit [2025-01-21 21:05:29] PunkJunk : /pnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0588 XBT RPNL, 0.0025 XBT UPNL ``` [2025-01-21 21:05:49] PeacenLuv : duznt cost much easier to manage then from a zero [2025-01-21 21:06:08] PeacenLuv : gettem cheaper [2025-01-21 21:06:13] PunkJunk : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0000 XBT RPNL, 0.0000 XBT UPNL ``` [2025-01-21 21:06:15] PeacenLuv : maybe baybee [2025-01-21 21:06:18] bmagic : [2025-01-21 21:06:24] PeacenLuv : sayz chart [2025-01-21 21:06:33] PeacenLuv : donlookatmee [2025-01-21 21:06:54] bmagic : Ex [2025-01-21 21:06:58] PeacenLuv : tod i dunno y it would pop [2025-01-21 21:07:03] PeacenLuv : time of day [2025-01-21 21:07:25] PeacenLuv : fingerz pointing at usa and btc and melania [2025-01-21 21:07:42] PeacenLuv : phuk shez hot why ffzakez [2025-01-21 21:07:48] PeacenLuv : killin meee [2025-01-21 21:08:37] PeacenLuv : btc has been travelling more recent periods past so prolly future periodz too [2025-01-21 21:09:03] PeacenLuv : imagine catching the wigglez [2025-01-21 21:09:18] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: youll catch nothing pal [2025-01-21 21:09:24] PeacenLuv : stak usd n btc [2025-01-21 21:09:43] PeacenLuv : i think im gunna hold chf soon too [2025-01-21 21:09:53] PeacenLuv : short gbp and eur [2025-01-21 21:10:01] PeacenLuv : euro dollah [2025-01-21 21:10:19] PeacenLuv : prolly getting counterfeeited hardcore ride now by new immigrantz [2025-01-21 21:10:22] PeacenLuv : y not [2025-01-21 21:10:42] PeacenLuv : becuzz its illegal? [2025-01-21 21:10:49] PeacenLuv : like trump right [2025-01-21 21:11:13] PeacenLuv : spadez a spades so usually a spade is a spade more often than not [2025-01-21 21:11:30] PeacenLuv : this a rising wedge on a low 5min [2025-01-21 21:11:40] PeacenLuv : and my eyes are burnt from displayz [2025-01-21 21:11:52] PeacenLuv : not burnt out just burnt [2025-01-21 21:12:23] PeacenLuv : lol added 2x more shorts to load than the load [2025-01-21 21:12:44] Dr. Casper Darling : omg this market is scam [2025-01-21 21:12:47] PeacenLuv : i hear berz singing so hmm i wait for the crying [2025-01-21 21:13:00] PeacenLuv : short lived bearz [2025-01-21 21:13:12] PeacenLuv : sad some were transitioning too [2025-01-21 21:13:16] PeacenLuv : lol [2025-01-21 21:13:38] PeacenLuv : i need steve to yell short like his short 17k calls [2025-01-21 21:14:22] BlissRP : the bull equivalent of steve is making fun of steve [2025-01-21 21:14:25] BlissRP : i cant make this sht up [2025-01-21 21:14:28] BlissRP : :arthur: [2025-01-21 21:17:04] PeacenLuv : i may unmute bliss if hez the biggezt prik now . miss rectilereptile [2025-01-21 21:17:33] PeacenLuv : goin green short weee [2025-01-21 21:17:38] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: <3 [2025-01-21 21:18:02] PeacenLuv : prolly to me itsxabout whos the best btc trader [2025-01-21 21:18:42] PeacenLuv : jump off the big banana [2025-01-21 21:19:43] BlissRP : i cant bring myself to trade btc at this stage [2025-01-21 21:19:47] BlissRP : much too boring sers [2025-01-21 21:20:13] BlissRP : like watching paint dry and grass grow [2025-01-21 21:21:26] Atlemos : Peacnluv try flip to dark theme. you can run bullys alot longer until brunt dizplayz, cheers [2025-01-21 21:21:36] Atlemos : pumpitup! btfd [2025-01-21 21:21:41] PeacenLuv : i cant imagine heres .5 btc i wanna 2x it [2025-01-21 21:21:51] Atlemos : nice [2025-01-21 21:23:32] PeacenLuv : im exiting some shorts [2025-01-21 21:23:45] Atlemos : Kid bought some top [2025-01-21 21:24:10] PeacenLuv : long here [2025-01-21 21:25:07] Atlemos : is btc in a full rotation or just a breather [2025-01-21 21:25:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `100BONKUSDT`: Sell 10000 100BONK @ 0.0033552 ($33.55) [2025-01-21 21:25:41] PeacenLuv : lol ya im a bizzee dude . mair hairz in a bun now lol [2025-01-21 21:26:02] PeacenLuv : prolly at 18 was last as long [2025-01-21 21:26:24] PeacenLuv : iz very weird [2025-01-21 21:26:46] PeacenLuv : its so there [2025-01-21 21:27:07] Atlemos : nice the metalheady in a manbun, evolution 😎 [2025-01-21 21:27:17] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc [2025-01-21 21:27:45] PeacenLuv : Atlemos: lol started panterra lead singer haircut [2025-01-21 21:28:28] halil64 : pump bmex [2025-01-21 21:28:31] PeacenLuv : maybe btc shaved 13k that week [2025-01-21 21:28:47] PeacenLuv : halil64: im with u [2025-01-21 21:29:27] Atlemos : time to log in I_Love_Bitmex BMX pumpin! [2025-01-21 21:29:51] PeacenLuv : my buddys here in tb prolly bought sum red xbt [2025-01-21 21:30:30] PeacenLuv : im selling first few bmex pumps [2025-01-21 21:30:50] PeacenLuv : 3 bumps yur up thang [2025-01-21 21:31:17] PeacenLuv : too many whinerz down here [2025-01-21 21:32:10] PeacenLuv : its werth another liquid anyhow the attempt [2025-01-21 21:32:17] any random name : BMEX making a move😬😬😬😬 [2025-01-21 21:32:39] BlissRP : any random name: the end must be nigh [2025-01-21 21:33:09] PeacenLuv : i hav bmex 5min looks like its selling off [2025-01-21 21:33:59] halil64 : any random name: lol it dumped only with 34 bmex [2025-01-21 21:34:08] halil64 : and then it pumped with 50 bme [2025-01-21 21:34:27] any random name : I still think its a good coin to hold and forget about [2025-01-21 21:37:34] PeacenLuv : bmex uptrend jus broke its a sell [2025-01-21 21:40:08] PeacenLuv : 5min rising into falling wedge i moved over steep trend by midriff [2025-01-21 21:40:23] contract details : BlissRP: :pepe: [2025-01-21 21:40:34] contract details : so did you take the free 50x [2025-01-21 21:40:36] contract details : :arthur: [2025-01-21 21:40:37] PeacenLuv : prolly spit out the top of the rising wedge az btc bear failure ya sad for them agreed [2025-01-21 21:41:00] PeacenLuv : phukeen warned a cupl on our way up [2025-01-21 21:41:01] BlissRP : contract details: lol no [2025-01-21 21:41:22] PeacenLuv : i already longed 107758 prolly 5 times recent 7 day chart [2025-01-21 21:41:36] PeacenLuv : like gimme a break [2025-01-21 21:41:37] speedwell : Go TechLead [2025-01-21 21:42:16] contract details : BlissRP: unforgies :pepe: [2025-01-21 21:42:20] contract details : good night [2025-01-21 21:42:34] PeacenLuv : ya tight n i dont du azz sex [2025-01-21 21:42:39] PeacenLuv : [2025-01-21 21:43:30] PeacenLuv : like really who the phuk tradez a 5min btc high lev decently? [2025-01-21 21:44:02] PeacenLuv : who has a trading callous on left palm via samsung longing btc [2025-01-21 21:44:10] PeacenLuv : prolly same perp [2025-01-21 21:44:41] PeacenLuv : glad im not in jail worse a tiger cage in nam iz hot there [2025-01-21 21:45:26] PeacenLuv : ya happy days on tv in the mess tent and a few dudez out in the tiger cage 1974 [2025-01-21 21:45:37] PeacenLuv : lol trump go for it u rebuild it [2025-01-21 21:45:56] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc [2025-01-21 21:46:02] PeacenLuv : u c democracy [2025-01-21 21:46:38] PeacenLuv : weeee btc longz lezgoo [2025-01-21 21:46:54] PeacenLuv : hope it wigglez more [2025-01-21 21:47:18] Atlemos : 😲 azz 6, agree! dont go against one way traffic [2025-01-21 21:47:27] PeacenLuv : we called our dates wigz for wigglerz in nam theyre called laptopz yur wifez the mainframe [2025-01-21 21:49:19] PeacenLuv : baby bluz for bully btc addonz [2025-01-21 21:50:12] Dario1 : If I were an evil MM, I would most definitely shake out over-leveraged longs before ATH 😈 [2025-01-21 21:50:29] PeacenLuv : to win the mktz gotta b on yur side [2025-01-21 21:50:47] PeacenLuv : i gezz the wife too [2025-01-21 21:51:29] PeacenLuv : if they ever phuk off on u itz a real bitch wen they return [2025-01-21 21:53:33] contract details : If I were an evil MM I'd be drinking cannubi :pepe: [2025-01-21 21:54:42] Dario1 : contract details: lolz [2025-01-21 21:54:45] PeacenLuv : arthurrrrrr [2025-01-21 21:54:47] Atlemos : Dario1: ya think that Saylor guy can do it? i doubt.. But can be seen on some shady alts. Prob set ready with leverage before [2025-01-21 21:56:23] PeacenLuv : bmex wtf iz thiz? [2025-01-21 21:56:48] Dario1 : Atlemos: Yeah I doubt it too, sir. Saylor doesn’t have a red button anyway 😛 [2025-01-21 21:57:00] Atlemos : PeacenLuv: big shorty!! 😲 [2025-01-21 21:57:09] Dario1 : shady alts hmm yeah makes sense [2025-01-21 21:57:17] Atlemos : 😆 [2025-01-21 21:57:32] Dario1 : 😆 [2025-01-21 21:58:04] PeacenLuv : i bought the dip bmex [2025-01-21 21:58:12] PeacenLuv : long bmex n btc hands up [2025-01-21 21:58:19] PeacenLuv : Atlemos: fuun [2025-01-21 21:58:49] PeacenLuv : 100.96x bmex whoooahhh [2025-01-21 21:59:10] PeacenLuv : ya better thank the artful dodger arthurr [2025-01-21 21:59:41] PeacenLuv : i actually knocked down bmex first a cupl hits i admit [2025-01-21 21:59:51] PeacenLuv : stimulated the trade [2025-01-21 22:00:03] PeacenLuv : its cheap like sum ladeez [2025-01-21 22:01:12] PeacenLuv : longstops bmex token 0.188 and more than load so ya ill short again if [2025-01-21 22:01:41] PeacenLuv : buly bmex token the sun alays rises [2025-01-21 22:01:50] PeacenLuv : alwayz* [2025-01-21 22:02:59] PeacenLuv : btc bully lezgoo 3hr [2025-01-21 22:03:02] PeacenLuv : hehe [2025-01-21 22:03:59] PeacenLuv : therez the crotch bully [2025-01-21 22:05:20] any random name : 😅😂🤣🤣 [2025-01-21 22:05:30] halil64 : bmex at least this cycle 12 $ [2025-01-21 22:05:46] PeacenLuv : lil bullish channel throwover [2025-01-21 22:06:10] PeacenLuv : ya we're gunna need bmex utility token once bmex headquarterz in vegas [2025-01-21 22:06:12] TG_SendMemecoin : sksksksksk [2025-01-21 22:06:45] PeacenLuv : iheard meeting arthur elon n trump is this true pleez someone confirm [2025-01-21 22:06:58] PeacenLuv : must be on social [2025-01-21 22:07:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SUIUSDT`: Sell 2 SUI @ 4.6888 ($9.38) [2025-01-21 22:07:45] PeacenLuv : i stuck the trump donaldz orange on the uptrend cuz he haz a nice wofe [2025-01-21 22:08:24] PeacenLuv : btfd tokyo will [2025-01-21 22:09:14] PeacenLuv : im dropping my support of btc [2025-01-21 22:10:42] TG_P88li : plume yes [2025-01-21 22:11:17] PeacenLuv : support lowered [2025-01-21 22:11:31] PeacenLuv : sumeone pamp bmex token ffzakez [2025-01-21 22:11:40] PeacenLuv : sign the deal art [2025-01-21 22:12:01] TG_P88li : huh [2025-01-21 22:12:50] PeacenLuv : bmex token breakou 5min [2025-01-21 22:13:24] PeacenLuv : ya hammer it long 100x werth a go [2025-01-21 22:13:51] PeacenLuv : jus promise me u sell higher [2025-01-21 22:14:38] PeacenLuv : btc beartrap bullyz buy red [2025-01-21 22:16:03] TG_P88li : no i plume you buy scam marguaritas [2025-01-21 22:20:04] dexswap : ross being pardoned [2025-01-21 22:20:09] dexswap : didnt think he would do it [2025-01-21 22:20:12] dexswap : mad [2025-01-21 22:20:34] dexswap : to pardon the biggest drug lord [2025-01-21 22:21:29] TG_P88li : great [2025-01-21 22:22:13] BlissRP : dexswap: ok i believe in the trump again [2025-01-21 22:23:13] TG_P88li : plume mean lightweight mean easy 10x [2025-01-21 22:23:17] 45th_blown_account : i salute everyone like Elon :doge: [2025-01-21 22:23:41] BlissRP : the autism roman salute right back at ya ser!