BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2025-01-15 21:02:03] DingaDinga : are u serious?
[2025-01-15 21:02:34] DingaDinga : damn americans
[2025-01-15 21:03:18] DingaDinga : probably got through the same psychotechnic test before getting rejected from the military
[2025-01-15 21:04:18] DingaDinga : i have to admit, it's a good one
[2025-01-15 21:04:30] Atlemos : 😁
[2025-01-15 21:05:36] DingaDinga : i''l take a screenshot
[2025-01-15 21:06:42] DingaDinga : it's saved next to techical anaylys/wyckoff
[2025-01-15 21:06:58] DingaDinga : i'll find it someday
[2025-01-15 21:07:18] Atlemos : when is next wyckoff spring?
[2025-01-15 21:07:30] DingaDinga : i hope she won't be too old to fricking rich
[2025-01-15 21:07:58] Symphoenix : Atlemos: after his week off ...
[2025-01-15 21:08:00] DingaDinga : what leverage has Bennet?
[2025-01-15 21:08:19] DingaDinga : we had a spring bro
[2025-01-15 21:08:23] DingaDinga : monday3
[2025-01-15 21:08:38] DingaDinga : this is markup phase
[2025-01-15 21:08:41] Atlemos : Symphoenix: 😆
[2025-01-15 21:08:47] DingaDinga : long and strong from here
[2025-01-15 21:08:55] DingaDinga : 100x
[2025-01-15 21:08:57] Atlemos : DingaDinga: agree on that
[2025-01-15 21:09:06] DingaDinga : no bro
[2025-01-15 21:09:08] DingaDinga : 50c
[2025-01-15 21:09:11] DingaDinga : 50x
[2025-01-15 21:09:22] DingaDinga : don't bet the farm
[2025-01-15 21:09:54] DingaDinga : or, if you wanna bet the farm, do it now
[2025-01-15 21:10:23] DingaDinga : then you get rekt in descent way
[2025-01-15 21:10:33] DingaDinga : because you was close
[2025-01-15 21:11:51] Symphoenix : next target = 21h45 UTC !
[2025-01-15 21:13:25] _fred bloggs : Someone just did a 4 million contract short
[2025-01-15 21:13:42] _fred bloggs : 99,720
[2025-01-15 21:14:17] DingaDinga : rib
[2025-01-15 21:14:25] DingaDinga : really,
[2025-01-15 21:14:55] DingaDinga : thats an inverted bear
[2025-01-15 21:14:57] _fred bloggs : Yeah surprised to see that kind of trade here
[2025-01-15 21:15:11] DingaDinga : i saw a 5 milli yesterday too
[2025-01-15 21:15:18] DingaDinga : .its nothing bro
[2025-01-15 21:15:24] DingaDinga : its pleb to get rekt
[2025-01-15 21:15:48] _fred bloggs : lol
[2025-01-15 21:17:04] DingaDinga : buy it
[2025-01-15 21:17:21] Mannan09 : How can I change. Y email
[2025-01-15 21:24:15] DingaDinga : as if minus 99.5k will ever get filled
[2025-01-15 21:24:22] DingaDinga : go to sleep bro
[2025-01-15 21:25:13] DingaDinga : wake up plus 100k, happy afternoon
[2025-01-15 21:25:37] PeacenLuv : btfd btc 5min
[2025-01-15 21:25:45] DingaDinga : get our orders right3-
[2025-01-15 21:29:21] al guul : poor burgers
[2025-01-15 21:30:29] BMEXcheers : if they profile Khabib, what chance do the rest of us have
[2025-01-15 21:35:03] bluemaster : I just love to buy high
[2025-01-15 21:35:03] Symphoenix : 10 min before impact...
[2025-01-15 21:35:07] bluemaster : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 95,100 USD @ 98856.2334 ```
[2025-01-15 21:35:12] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1609 XBT RPNL, 0.0211 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-15 21:35:15] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6047 XBT RPNL, 0.0001 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-15 21:35:50] bluemaster : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 135,100 USD @ 99105.0811 ```
[2025-01-15 21:37:43] PeacenLuv : therez a bullish uptrend pink trendline ill extend
[2025-01-15 21:37:49] PeacenLuv : 15min
[2025-01-15 21:38:09] al guul : c :btc: rn 🚀🚀🚀
[2025-01-15 21:38:30] PeacenLuv : like sohh 15min oversold btc pumpittup lezgoo
[2025-01-15 21:38:52] DingaDinga : as far as a dobble bottom go, at least a higher low. forever high3
[2025-01-15 21:39:05] DingaDinga :
[2025-01-15 21:39:28] DingaDinga : figure it out
[2025-01-15 21:40:02] DingaDinga : better go 1x
[2025-01-15 21:41:38] DingaDinga : so if your leverage is below age, live forever
[2025-01-15 21:42:44] DingaDinga : as if forever ever meant a number
[2025-01-15 21:43:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 2.9971 ($59.71)
[2025-01-15 21:43:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 10 XRP @ 2.997 ($29.97)
[2025-01-15 21:45:59] PeacenLuv : btfd btc 15min lezgoo
[2025-01-15 21:46:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 16000 XRP @ 3.0204 ($48,256.64) - RIP
[2025-01-15 21:47:37] PeacenLuv : check 15min vol humday usdfedz close 13min
[2025-01-15 21:51:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 1500 XRP @ 3.0398 ($4,548.51) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2025-01-15 21:51:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 200 Cont @ 3.0326 ($12,100.67) - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2025-01-15 21:52:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 6000 XRP @ 3.0543 ($18,303.90) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2025-01-15 21:53:36] DingaDinga : Atlemos: bro Benner was 12
[2025-01-15 21:53:43] DingaDinga : Bennet
[2025-01-15 21:53:55] kroleg666 : Elon Musk cheated Twitter shareholders out of over $150 million by waiting too long to disclose his growing stake in the platform ahead of a takeover bid back in 2022, the SEC said in a lawsuit. (It’s been probing him since 2022.) The complaint was immediately disputed by Musk’s lawyers, but he’s also facing investor litigation accusing him of hiding his acquisition of Twitter shares.
[2025-01-15 21:54:30] Atlemos : DingaDinga: sorry, wrong answer
[2025-01-15 21:55:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 900 XRP @ 3.06 ($2,749.62) - Are ya winning, son?
[2025-01-15 21:56:33] DingaDinga : Atlemos: bro
[2025-01-15 21:57:27] DingaDinga : Atlemos: 24?
[2025-01-15 21:57:57] Atlemos : Dinga, wrong again
[2025-01-15 21:58:04] DingaDinga : 48/?
[2025-01-15 21:58:41] DingaDinga : yeag3
[2025-01-15 21:58:53] DingaDinga : she has to be the same age
[2025-01-15 21:58:58] DingaDinga : when she was
[2025-01-15 21:59:05] DingaDinga : from where is now
[2025-01-15 21:59:55] DingaDinga : the whole question is incorrect
[2025-01-15 22:02:11] DingaDinga : bro; are u scamming me with time based questions?
[2025-01-15 22:02:29] Atlemos : DingaDinga: Lol you started the game
[2025-01-15 22:02:42] Atlemos : its a pro Q for math kids
[2025-01-15 22:02:47] DingaDinga : I litteraly thought u was legit bro
[2025-01-15 22:03:20] DingaDinga : thought like in the past time
[2025-01-15 22:03:32] DingaDinga : are u legit or what?
[2025-01-15 22:03:49] PeacenLuv : at least a long btc wen it phukz off aint goin to zero a short wud stop at zero
[2025-01-15 22:03:50] Atlemos : DingaDinga: 3 of my 4 ai could the answer
[2025-01-15 22:04:21] PeacenLuv : longz no top shortz can only go to zero
[2025-01-15 22:04:24] DingaDinga : enough chance to prove you wrong
[2025-01-15 22:07:26] DingaDinga : so daphne is 24 years ols
[2025-01-15 22:07:42] DingaDinga : Daphne is 24 years old. She is twice as old as Bennet was, when Daphne was the same age as Bennet is now. How old is Bennet now?
[2025-01-15 22:08:28] DingaDinga : that sentence ofter the comma, when was becomes how bro
[2025-01-15 22:08:38] DingaDinga : is this legal?
[2025-01-15 22:09:19] jotrader : xrp going to liq some shorter lets go xd
[2025-01-15 22:10:47] BlissRP : contract details: wen valhalla
[2025-01-15 22:11:10] contract details : BlissRP: never i missed out :arthur:
[2025-01-15 22:11:20] BlissRP : contract details: bro same
[2025-01-15 22:11:21] DingaDinga : how can u be twice as old from now
[2025-01-15 22:11:32] BlissRP : i was trying to be responsible and not hold full size into data
[2025-01-15 22:11:32] contract details : BlissRP: i only had that long on topstep i opened as i woke up :pepe:
[2025-01-15 22:11:50] Atlemos : DingaDinga: yes, it is right, was a question on TV in a competition in math
[2025-01-15 22:12:03] contract details : i was 100% sure it was going to be a pump ser data is irrelevant, going down for weeks tradfi into extreme fear, squeeze them to heaven :pepe:
[2025-01-15 22:12:24] BlissRP : catalysts are a thing ser
[2025-01-15 22:12:57] contract details : ser the long entry is before data. All data does is let normies fomo in while big players caused that wick bottom :pepe:
[2025-01-15 22:14:16] DingaDinga : Atlemos: oké, is it legal?.
[2025-01-15 22:14:50] DingaDinga : can we ask these questions to any person on the street?+
[2025-01-15 22:15:06] BlissRP : anyways im going to go rage short now
[2025-01-15 22:15:07] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-15 22:15:38] DingaDinga : knowing they wont understand without
[2025-01-15 22:16:03] DingaDinga : is it legal, to know something
[2025-01-15 22:16:09] contract details : BlissRP: ok lets rageshort xrp togethner
[2025-01-15 22:16:14] contract details : :arthur:
[2025-01-15 22:16:17] DingaDinga : without educating the question
[2025-01-15 22:16:21] BlissRP : contract details: thats too scary ser
[2025-01-15 22:17:09] DingaDinga : to being able to understand or sumit any form of intelligence without ever trying to make to understand the form of the being
[2025-01-15 22:17:46] Grill_the_bera_71 : no liq
[2025-01-15 22:17:47] Grill_the_bera_71 : made
[2025-01-15 22:17:49] Grill_the_bera_71 : scam
[2025-01-15 22:17:52] Atlemos : DingaDinga: its ok, to be honest i could not the answer but some of my friends nailed it
[2025-01-15 22:18:15] DingaDinga : 😉
[2025-01-15 22:19:49] 45th_blown_account : XRP solid $3 :doge:
[2025-01-15 22:21:22] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: xrppppp
[2025-01-15 22:21:30] XRP GOD : 😍😍😍🤫🤫🤫
[2025-01-15 22:21:45] 45th_blown_account : XRP GOD: :catjam: ($20)
[2025-01-15 22:23:44] Atlemos : Moo Deng, nasty coin, Ripple Deng, better coin (pro info)
[2025-01-15 22:24:28] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: soon 🤫🤫✈️🫡
[2025-01-15 22:24:59] DingaDinga : as if intelligence could differntiate from the being
[2025-01-15 22:25:02] DingaDinga : +
[2025-01-15 22:25:16] XRP GOD : Atlemos: :doge:
[2025-01-15 22:25:22] DingaDinga : get your equasion right bruh
[2025-01-15 22:26:37] Atlemos : DingaDinga: whut about the river question, any updates?
[2025-01-15 22:27:20] DingaDinga : Atlemos: let me get onother one
[2025-01-15 22:30:40] DingaDinga : Atlemos: If the river was closer than the curch on the same day that the river turned 35, how old would the bridge be if the river was scraped from the earth a few century's earlier before huminity could ever figure out to build a bridge before any perpective was built do differentiate how close or how close, any bridge on river, observed from any point in space, nomather the time.
[2025-01-15 22:31:18] DingaDinga : how old is Brigitte?
[2025-01-15 22:31:30] DingaDinga : 😏😏😏😏
[2025-01-15 22:32:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 500 XRP @ 3.0582 ($1,527.26)
[2025-01-15 22:32:16] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSDT`: Buy 50 DOGE @ 0.37972 ($18.98)
[2025-01-15 22:32:45] Atlemos : 😲
[2025-01-15 22:33:43] PeacenLuv : 15min going bully pump lezgoo
[2025-01-15 22:34:10] Atlemos : Denga: If we view it through a more conventional lens, would you be seeking to understand how the relationship between natural landscapes and human-made structures (like bridges) intertwines with our perception of time? Unraveling time and space like this can be quite fun!
[2025-01-15 22:35:05] PeacenLuv : same tweeked
[2025-01-15 22:35:14] Atlemos : PeacenLuv, pumpuittup, we ready for more green in pipe and on chart! 😎
[2025-01-15 22:35:16] DingaDinga : No, my only question is, is Brigitte still alive?
[2025-01-15 22:35:44] DingaDinga : she could be 102
[2025-01-15 22:35:47] DingaDinga : 304
[2025-01-15 22:37:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 20 Cont @ 3.0838 ($1,229.37)
[2025-01-15 22:37:36] Atlemos : DingaDinga: thats hard, need chat gpt for that
[2025-01-15 22:37:53] DingaDinga : ond how many seconds does she has to breath on singular day on one
[2025-01-15 22:38:14] DingaDinga : because if she had to count.
[2025-01-15 22:38:15] XRP GOD : Atlemos: xrp 3$🎆🚀
[2025-01-15 22:38:24] DingaDinga : she probably had to lose it
[2025-01-15 22:38:48] XRP GOD : ✈️🤑
[2025-01-15 22:40:06] DingaDinga : and bro
[2025-01-15 22:40:09] DingaDinga : .
[2025-01-15 22:40:17] PeacenLuv : abt here prolly gunna increase a sharper angle up than that pink uptrend
[2025-01-15 22:40:20] DingaDinga : don"t mind the presuure
[2025-01-15 22:40:46] DingaDinga : becouse brigitte would burned out long age "in corporate terms"
[2025-01-15 22:40:55] PeacenLuv : perpective..from inside prizun wallz it muzt zuk
[2025-01-15 22:41:02] Atlemos : XRP GOD: im to late in mister 😬
[2025-01-15 22:41:05] PeacenLuv : perspective
[2025-01-15 22:41:23] DingaDinga : long age/ago
[2025-01-15 22:41:28] PeacenLuv : good thing for prizunz
[2025-01-15 22:41:29] DingaDinga : perspective
[2025-01-15 22:41:30] PeacenLuv : btc
[2025-01-15 22:41:33] DingaDinga : yeah bro
[2025-01-15 22:41:40] PeacenLuv : DingaDinga: ya
[2025-01-15 22:41:40] DingaDinga : nailed it3-
[2025-01-15 22:42:12] PeacenLuv : quantum btc
[2025-01-15 22:42:18] PeacenLuv : microburzt
[2025-01-15 22:42:23] DingaDinga : i need some rest
[2025-01-15 22:42:48] PeacenLuv : im adding phukkitt averaging down that 107758 long bs
[2025-01-15 22:43:14] PeacenLuv : wut a scam up there btc 13k 14k haircut sheesh
[2025-01-15 22:43:32] PeacenLuv : werent we jus 92k my hedz spinning
[2025-01-15 22:43:34] DingaDinga : figure it out
[2025-01-15 22:44:03] PeacenLuv : if u hear an admin long btc sell it for certain
[2025-01-15 22:44:25] PeacenLuv : or newz
[2025-01-15 22:44:45] PeacenLuv : im waiting for bmex vol to show rumpor leak
[2025-01-15 22:44:50] PeacenLuv : rumor
[2025-01-15 22:44:53] DingaDinga : for the reccord, history paintings
[2025-01-15 22:45:10] PeacenLuv : first few bmex pumpz shud b sold off
[2025-01-15 22:45:31] DingaDinga : for the reccord, history paintings
[2025-01-15 22:46:39] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 50 Cont @ 3.0943 ($3,085.98) - McDonald's is hiring
[2025-01-15 22:46:44] PeacenLuv : bully its wud i know if my 5min chartz helped me or hurt meÜ
[2025-01-15 22:47:21] DingaDinga : PeacenLuv: bro ur charts are fukds
[2025-01-15 22:47:30] PeacenLuv : DingaDinga: ya ya same here
[2025-01-15 22:47:46] PeacenLuv : and sohh?
[2025-01-15 22:48:05] PeacenLuv : DingaDinga: yur schitt dont stink?
[2025-01-15 22:48:35] PeacenLuv : arryone else her muted but u
[2025-01-15 22:49:20] PeacenLuv : fixed that bye
[2025-01-15 22:49:31] DingaDinga : nr
[2025-01-15 22:49:34] DingaDinga : i telling
[2025-01-15 22:49:35] PeacenLuv : lol quik refresh helpz
[2025-01-15 22:49:43] DingaDinga : better get ur charts right
[2025-01-15 22:49:54] PeacenLuv : wut a nice way to say hi
[2025-01-15 22:50:01] DingaDinga : sloppy bro
[2025-01-15 22:51:04] PeacenLuv : i ran a biz 30 plus yearz i couldnt slam a door on facez but here my pleazur
[2025-01-15 22:52:25] PeacenLuv : Zero the Hero (2004 Remaster) Black Sabbath btc bully lezgoohh
[2025-01-15 22:54:27] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc lezgoohh
[2025-01-15 22:58:09] PeacenLuv : therez a bully 5min pumpittup lezgoo
[2025-01-15 23:00:04] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2025-01-15 23:01:36] jotrader : Xrp 3.42 today EZ
[2025-01-15 23:04:38] chujev : holy LTC
[2025-01-15 23:05:22] jotrader : ltc moving niice
[2025-01-15 23:05:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 700 XRP @ 3.1056 ($2,170.69) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2025-01-15 23:06:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 4 Cont @ 3.1054 ($247.75)
[2025-01-15 23:08:19] PeacenLuv : 😒 the trend is following the pink trend up
[2025-01-15 23:08:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 20 XRP @ 3.1401 ($62.69)
[2025-01-15 23:09:05] jotrader : xrp testing all time highs soon
[2025-01-15 23:09:16] jotrader : 3.28 i think
[2025-01-15 23:11:15] PeacenLuv : btc grass below blusky above pink rainbowh i gezz
[2025-01-15 23:11:56] PeacenLuv : must be btc pumpp time ive been here a while
[2025-01-15 23:12:10] jotrader : im profit taking a bit at xrp all time highs hehe
[2025-01-15 23:12:17] jotrader : let rest run maybe
[2025-01-15 23:13:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `FILUSD`: Buy 7 Cont @ 5.612 ($391.52)
[2025-01-15 23:15:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 980 XRP @ 3.1883 ($3,122.52) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2025-01-15 23:16:39] kroleg666 : QRL +25%
[2025-01-15 23:24:00] PeacenLuv : 101.8x leverage
[2025-01-15 23:24:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `LTCUSD`: Buy 38 Cont @ 117.48 ($891.22)
[2025-01-15 23:28:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 0.38491 ($115.44)
[2025-01-15 23:29:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0500 XBT @ 100145 ($5,006.81)
[2025-01-15 23:42:55] clarknova : :)
[2025-01-15 23:56:43] Atlemos : Pump test emminent
[2025-01-16 00:02:08] jotrader : downtrend broken on btc now we fly up
[2025-01-16 00:02:10] fedor231 : Sec has filed it 😔
[2025-01-16 00:02:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200000 USD @ 100748.5 - Are ya winning, son?
[2025-01-16 00:03:47] Benobi : so XRp dump ?
[2025-01-16 00:03:55] Benobi : fedor231:
[2025-01-16 00:04:45] Atlemos : Benobi what is your upper target?
[2025-01-16 00:06:02] Benobi : my lowest liq on XR¨is 3,7 X)
[2025-01-16 00:06:35] Benobi : I'm short. I can't believe those flying things don't come back on earth to breath a bit and a have a slower but helathier progression
[2025-01-16 00:06:58] Benobi : lowest liq on BTC is 117k.
[2025-01-16 00:07:54] Benobi : of course I'm suffering like hell ow, even though I knew BTc was probably gong possibly visitink 100K.
[2025-01-16 00:08:08] Benobi : I just hope my forecast of it coming down afterwards hold.
[2025-01-16 00:08:38] Benobi : but this is so sudden, quick and powerful thrust I feel miserable. again.
[2025-01-16 00:09:31] 45th_blown_account : fake pump :doge:
[2025-01-16 00:09:43] 45th_blown_account : only XRP pump is real :doge:
[2025-01-16 00:12:27] Atlemos : Benobi: ok im not in yet, just watching the show
[2025-01-16 00:17:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ADAUSD`: Sell 2754 Cont @ 1.057 ($29,163.49) - when moon?
[2025-01-16 00:18:48] blaster33 : JUST IN: 🇺🇸 SEC officially files appeal in Ripple lawsuit to classify $XRP as a security.
[2025-01-16 00:18:52] blaster33 : lmao :arthur:
[2025-01-16 00:23:22] PeacenLuv : 15min bullish btc
[2025-01-16 00:24:23] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2025-01-16 00:24:45] XRP GOD : blaster33: 👀
[2025-01-16 00:28:03] Dexul : did someone say "thrust" 🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2025-01-16 00:36:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 600 USD @ 100012.5 - Game over
[2025-01-16 00:36:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4100 USD @ 99783.7
[2025-01-16 00:38:52] PeacenLuv : buy the blood btc longittup
[2025-01-16 00:38:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SHIBUSDT`: Sell 147000000 SHIB @ 0.000022125 ($3,251.93) - REKT!
[2025-01-16 00:38:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SUIUSDT`: Sell 2498 SUI @ 4.6961 ($11,729.36) - Exodia OBLITERATE!
[2025-01-16 00:43:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 150000 USD @ 99653.1 - Thanks for playing
[2025-01-16 00:51:13] kroleg666 : FIRST SUPPORT $0
[2025-01-16 00:56:54] migozelaaa : 60k pls
[2025-01-16 01:00:18] Dexul : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 200 USD @ 99860.2 ```
[2025-01-16 01:00:22] Dexul : lets goo
[2025-01-16 01:03:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 170 XRP @ 3.0334 ($515.78)
[2025-01-16 01:08:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 200 XRP @ 3.0569 ($611.87)
[2025-01-16 01:11:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `PNUTUSDT`: Buy 70 PNUT @ 0.64791 ($45.35)
[2025-01-16 01:23:15] XRP GOD : 💥💥Biden address the nation Ferrell speech 💥💥
[2025-01-16 01:32:27] MoonBruv : the crash is about to begin they timed it so well
[2025-01-16 01:32:30] MoonBruv : so so so so well
[2025-01-16 01:32:35] MoonBruv : :catjam:
[2025-01-16 01:33:53] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: :kek:
[2025-01-16 01:44:28] Dessos : >
[2025-01-16 01:53:18] PeacenLuv : btfd btc
[2025-01-16 01:53:56] XRP GOD : Sec fillies another case Xrp keeps pumping 🤑✈️🤑✈️🤑✈️
[2025-01-16 01:55:46] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: :arthur:
[2025-01-16 02:16:39] leBread : :bread: :eyes: :rocket:
[2025-01-16 02:20:20] migozelaaa : Go 60k pls
[2025-01-16 02:33:32] BlissRP : XRP GOD: sec lost its credibility
[2025-01-16 02:33:37] BlissRP : no one cares or believes their bs
[2025-01-16 02:57:59] bmagic : All those greedy shorts
[2025-01-16 02:58:07] bmagic : Not taking profits
[2025-01-16 02:58:10] kchaitanya : bmagic: :doge:
[2025-01-16 02:58:13] bmagic : Offff
[2025-01-16 02:58:23] kchaitanya : /pnl xrpusd @bmagic ``` :bitmex: XRPUSD: 0.0497 XBT RPNL, 0.0015 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-16 02:58:42] bmagic : Nice. Mental xrp
[2025-01-16 02:58:52] kchaitanya : bmagic: oh ye
[2025-01-16 03:02:52] PeacenLuv : btfd btc
[2025-01-16 03:08:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHH25`: Sell 0.0500 ETH @ 0.0341 ($168.90)
[2025-01-16 03:09:36] XRP GOD : bmagic: xrp 3$ 🤑
[2025-01-16 03:09:52] XRP GOD : I’m rich boyzzzz
[2025-01-16 03:10:44] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: :catjam:
[2025-01-16 03:10:54] XRP GOD : BlissRP: :catjam:
[2025-01-16 03:11:21] BlissRP : XRP GOD: :doge:
[2025-01-16 03:11:45] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: I took profit at 3 and 3.1 now only have a small position
[2025-01-16 03:11:51] kchaitanya : /position xrpusd ``` :bitmex: XRPUSD: 11 Cont @ 2.3691 ```
[2025-01-16 03:11:55] kchaitanya : :doge:
[2025-01-16 03:12:08] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: yes sir 😍🤑
[2025-01-16 03:12:27] XRP GOD : leve the rest for 100
[2025-01-16 03:12:33] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: :catjam: dump it again and I am ready with my limit orders at 2.5 :D
[2025-01-16 03:12:54] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: :catjam:
[2025-01-16 03:14:11] XRP GOD : The Xrp scam is scamming everyone 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[2025-01-16 03:14:15] XRP GOD : 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2025-01-16 03:14:23] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: worth keeping it for $100
[2025-01-16 03:14:47] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: 100 in 4 days
[2025-01-16 03:15:04] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: hahahaha, dont think it is happening that fast :D
[2025-01-16 03:15:21] XRP GOD : This is the Xrp army 🤑
[2025-01-16 03:15:56] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: :catjam:
[2025-01-16 03:16:56] XRP GOD : We gona scam to 100
[2025-01-16 03:17:12] XRP GOD : trump pump in 4days
[2025-01-16 03:18:51] XRP GOD : Xrp party soon
[2025-01-16 03:28:11] XRP GOD : We’re all my xrp haters at show your face 🤫🤫🤫✈️✈️✈️
[2025-01-16 03:36:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000000 USD @ 99248.6 - For financial freedom!
[2025-01-16 03:37:19] leBread : Selling before 280k, well, their loss.
[2025-01-16 03:38:03] blocker : яж ми хуя педал
[2025-01-16 03:39:42] BlissRP : RonnieREKT: yikes
[2025-01-16 03:42:13] blocker : suck my pecker you bloody wankers
[2025-01-16 03:53:31] MoonBruv : next station: Moon
[2025-01-16 03:53:38] MoonBruv : fasten your seatbelts ladies
[2025-01-16 03:55:37] kchaitanya : MoonBruv: please get me a dip, I took profit on my longs and have very less positions to take it to moon
[2025-01-16 04:02:17] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 200 Cont @ 3.0534 ($12,153.41) - No refunds :arthur:
[2025-01-16 04:15:43] blocker : i made a shit load of money longing eth breakout ad then shorting double top and rejection
[2025-01-16 04:16:18] blocker : more than 24 h infront of the fucking comp waiting for that htrade
[2025-01-16 04:17:34] MoonBruv : something powerful is in the works
[2025-01-16 04:18:02] MoonBruv : watch the next few weeks
[2025-01-16 04:18:16] MoonBruv : an insane event
[2025-01-16 04:18:43] MoonBruv : SOMETHING CRAZY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN
[2025-01-16 04:18:51] MoonBruv : WATCH OUT PPL
[2025-01-16 04:29:23] kchaitanya : MoonBruv: as you say your highness
[2025-01-16 04:35:38] BlissRP : kroleg666: rekt
[2025-01-16 04:50:18] bluemaster : MoonBruv: who care that is reason we have bitcoin
[2025-01-16 04:50:24] bluemaster : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 135,100 USD @ 99105.0811 ```
[2025-01-16 05:12:07] Laplace : bluemaster: mate I'd short from here.
[2025-01-16 05:37:59] Umar kadar : Hii i will able to Buy Future with 5 USDT i am new user ?
[2025-01-16 05:51:25] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2025-01-16 06:26:53] leBread : shorting a bottom is a bad strategy tho.
[2025-01-16 06:32:00] Laplace : leBread: it's a fake out
[2025-01-16 06:38:35] leBread : hmm, is it really?
[2025-01-16 06:39:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 40 Cont @ 3.0972 ($2,472.90) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2025-01-16 06:40:01] leBread : Ronny seems to agree with me.
[2025-01-16 06:41:14] bluemaster : Laplace: why ?
[2025-01-16 06:43:15] Laplace : bluemaster: we will close the gap eventually 70 or even lower. It barely holds 100k based on price dynamics.
[2025-01-16 06:45:42] bluemaster : Laplace: I will load up even more if we go there ,who care
[2025-01-16 06:45:59] bluemaster : paper printed coupons vs Bitcoin
[2025-01-16 06:46:10] bluemaster : /liq xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 96.5 ```
[2025-01-16 06:46:17] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 1.6047 XBT RPNL, 0.0001 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-16 06:46:38] bluemaster :
[2025-01-16 06:47:32] bluemaster : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 135,100 USD @ 99105.0811 ```
[2025-01-16 06:47:40] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 1.1609 XBT RPNL, 0.0209 XBT UPNL ```
[2025-01-16 06:47:50] bluemaster : /liq xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 22101 ```
[2025-01-16 06:47:54] Laplace : bluemaster: You will, but before you do, longs going to be accumulated (this is what has been happening now) and then squeezed to 70.
[2025-01-16 06:49:12] bluemaster : Laplace: no one know how low bitcoin can wick down , my bet is we will be higher in 6 to 8 months or few years ,if I die I die
[2025-01-16 06:51:03] Laplace : bluemaster: in a couple of years it will be certainly higher than 100k. As always, the trend is clear, but I am not sure about 6 to 8 months.
[2025-01-16 06:52:26] bluemaster : Laplace: I am just trying to get rid of my AUD soon customers pay me
[2025-01-16 06:53:06] Laplace : bluemaster: that's always a good idea :)
[2025-01-16 06:53:55] bluemaster : I am Electrician not trader
[2025-01-16 06:56:08] bluemaster :
[2025-01-16 06:56:35] MoonBruv : $9600
[2025-01-16 06:56:49] Laplace : bluemaster: Your solar-panel business must be flourishing during summer.
[2025-01-16 06:58:36] MoonBruv : over the year melbourne barely gets even half the sun that queensland gets anyways
[2025-01-16 06:58:55] MoonBruv : I dont even know why people in this state bother with their renewables, it's too cloudy here lol
[2025-01-16 06:58:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 2250 XRP @ 3.1171 ($6,999.17) - Are ya winning, son?
[2025-01-16 06:59:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 3.1125 ($186.35)
[2025-01-16 07:00:51] MoonBruv : who wants an all you can eat korean bbq
[2025-01-16 07:01:29] MoonBruv : it's the best btw
[2025-01-16 07:02:17] MoonBruv : ill brb, before i go Ill leave arthur's chart here
[2025-01-16 07:02:30] MoonBruv : arthur took 2 to 3 weeks analysing and preparing this chart
[2025-01-16 07:02:40] MoonBruv : take your time people !
[2025-01-16 07:02:42] MoonBruv :
[2025-01-16 07:24:25] bluemaster : MoonBruv: you using chart when you trading bitcoin ?😜
[2025-01-16 07:25:14] kchaitanya : bluemaster: he is Henry the fifth original. I think his highness words are final :D
[2025-01-16 07:27:25] bluemaster : kchaitanya: hmm
[2025-01-16 07:28:12] bluemaster : kchaitanya: what is sad part they all been here for years ,all should be millioners by now
[2025-01-16 07:28:19] bluemaster : but what can I say
[2025-01-16 07:29:16] kchaitanya : bluemaster: kids needs to learn how to use leverage with caution
[2025-01-16 07:40:04] okc : Sapnin all
[2025-01-16 07:49:54] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2025-01-16 07:50:36] XRP GOD : Gm Xrp bulls
[2025-01-16 07:52:18] leBread : kchaitanya: 250x all in is best risk management sir.
[2025-01-16 07:52:39] leBread : yolo
[2025-01-16 08:08:06] HuskySquared : ^
[2025-01-16 08:08:13] HuskySquared : 250x ensures u do not hold losing position too long
[2025-01-16 08:08:23] HuskySquared : the liquidation engine is your risk manager it is better than any stop loss
[2025-01-16 08:08:31] HuskySquared : liquidation is the stop loss
[2025-01-16 08:16:05] crypto_kenevel : Any of you using AI to trade yet?
[2025-01-16 08:16:51] 45th_blown_account : :catjam:
[2025-01-16 08:17:06] BlissRP : crypto_kenevel: i am ai and qc already
[2025-01-16 08:17:08] BlissRP : no need
[2025-01-16 08:17:42] GodBleesYou : kchaitanya: hidden peanet wadge
[2025-01-16 08:17:54] GodBleesYou : WE gonna crash 🥲
[2025-01-16 08:17:58] GodBleesYou :
[2025-01-16 08:18:47] crypto_kenevel : Just used Korra Finances AI to generate 3 probable entry points for a 50x leverage play and then give me SL and TP with a minimum of a 3:1 r/r ratio. Fuck spot on!
[2025-01-16 08:19:09] crypto_kenevel : All I had to do was give her a picture of the chart
[2025-01-16 08:19:09] GodBleesYou : MoonBruv: moonbro 9600 is to much positive... 1300$ is the real support 😁
[2025-01-16 08:19:15] crypto_kenevel : WILD!!!
[2025-01-16 08:19:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 600 USD @ 99529.8 - Game over
[2025-01-16 08:19:52] BlissRP : crypto_kenevel: send it to kroleg he always does opposite of where it goes
[2025-01-16 08:19:59] BlissRP : :arthur:
[2025-01-16 08:20:09] GodBleesYou : BlissRP: 😆
[2025-01-16 08:25:09] Symphoenix : .....
[2025-01-16 08:26:13] PeacenLuv : btfd btc
[2025-01-16 08:30:20] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: buy resistance sell support
[2025-01-16 08:30:25] BlissRP : :kek: :kek: :kek:
[2025-01-16 08:33:56] MoonBruv : crypto_kenevel: Any of you using AI to trade yet? I'm releasing a tool soon that can help you trade. It will make everyone rich. AI assistant for coding and for trading
[2025-01-16 08:34:11] MoonBruv : already supports 10+ programming languages and large codebases
[2025-01-16 08:34:40] MoonBruv : a few weeks left to finish line left almost done wow
[2025-01-16 08:36:04] MoonBruv : the AGI is here
[2025-01-16 08:38:55] Symphoenix : 99560 at 09h34 UTC ?
[2025-01-16 08:39:16] leBread : beras, when dump? :kek:
[2025-01-16 08:39:47] BlissRP : leBread: 5 hours 20 min
[2025-01-16 08:41:12] PeacenLuv : btc bully therez yur frend the trend traderz
[2025-01-16 08:41:51] PeacenLuv : blue support up lezgoo pumpittup
[2025-01-16 08:41:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100000 USD @ 99288.5 - Another cow slaughtered
[2025-01-16 08:42:30] PeacenLuv : MoonBruv: gfy no help needed here tx/peace
[2025-01-16 08:43:31] PeacenLuv : im buying thiz dip cmon
[2025-01-16 08:43:39] leBread : BlissRP: beras pulling a non scare.
[2025-01-16 08:43:58] BlissRP : leBread: wait 5 hours 16 min ser
[2025-01-16 08:44:01] BlissRP : you will see
[2025-01-16 08:44:53] leBread : BlissRP: nah, nothing will happen. everyone knows profits are made by green buttons.
[2025-01-16 08:45:11] PeacenLuv : btc long thiz givt from abuv lezgoo
[2025-01-16 08:45:29] BlissRP : leBread: tell that to the rekt 5mil top buyer earlier :kek:
[2025-01-16 08:45:38] MoonBruv : but it's improving itself, it achieved recursive self improvemant
[2025-01-16 08:45:43] MoonBruv : nobody care :pepe:
[2025-01-16 08:45:56] PeacenLuv : MoonBruv: ya help is a loserz sport
[2025-01-16 08:46:08] MoonBruv : :pepe:
[2025-01-16 08:46:15] MoonBruv : so buy bitcorn ?
[2025-01-16 08:46:21] PeacenLuv : and i hate lizardz yur near muted
[2025-01-16 08:46:33] MoonBruv : Im no lizard im a water dragon
[2025-01-16 08:46:40] PeacenLuv : ohhh ic
[2025-01-16 08:46:59] PeacenLuv : therefore the blue lizard collar
[2025-01-16 08:47:28] PeacenLuv : pepe stinkz pepe lepeeeyuuu
[2025-01-16 08:47:30] MoonBruv : :arthur:
[2025-01-16 08:47:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2000 USD @ 98985.4
[2025-01-16 08:47:56] PeacenLuv : longstops up 98893 lezgoo
[2025-01-16 08:48:11] BlissRP : remember folks
[2025-01-16 08:48:16] BlissRP : if pcenluv is buying
[2025-01-16 08:48:24] BlissRP : it hasnt bottomed
[2025-01-16 08:48:26] BlissRP : :kek:
[2025-01-16 08:48:29] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 250 Cont @ 3.0565 ($15,122.51) - ouch..
[2025-01-16 08:48:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `POLUSDT`: Sell 420 POL @ 0.4726 ($198.49)
[2025-01-16 08:48:36] leBread : BlissRP: everyone knows that green button works best at the bottoms sir, only fools press it at a possible top.
[2025-01-16 08:48:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 98842.9 - Game over
[2025-01-16 08:48:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 98824.6 - Game over
[2025-01-16 08:49:05] BlissRP : leBread: doesnt really matter what they know if they cant act when the time is right due to emotion
[2025-01-16 08:49:10] "it will be........" : .
[2025-01-16 08:49:36] PeacenLuv : xbt longstops up 98666 lezgoo
[2025-01-16 08:49:43] BlissRP : LMAO
[2025-01-16 08:49:53] leBread : BlissRP: indeed, certain buttons should be disabled at times to save users from themselves sir.
[2025-01-16 08:50:07] PeacenLuv : therz the dip
[2025-01-16 08:50:16] MoonBruv : jesus will come back and show us which way to trade
[2025-01-16 08:50:24] MoonBruv : revelations 23:56
[2025-01-16 08:50:32] MoonBruv : jesus is pro bitcoin
[2025-01-16 08:50:33] BitMEX_Hans : MoonBruv: can you remember this guy in the TB?
[2025-01-16 08:50:38] PeacenLuv : they hung gzuz
[2025-01-16 08:50:40] "it will be........" : :doge: kek
[2025-01-16 08:50:42] MoonBruv : TB ?
[2025-01-16 08:50:51] BlissRP : bruh
[2025-01-16 08:50:54] BlissRP : trollbox
[2025-01-16 08:50:57] BlissRP : ....
[2025-01-16 08:51:04] BitMEX_Hans : There was a guy in the trollbox called Jesus.. a couple years ago. He had unrealised profits of idk.. 500BTC
[2025-01-16 08:51:11] BitMEX_Hans : and lost all of it again
[2025-01-16 08:51:17] BitMEX_Hans : almost like a husky story
[2025-01-16 08:51:18] clarknova : BitMEX_Hans: sure do :)
[2025-01-16 08:51:20] MoonBruv : ahh :arthur: :arthur:
[2025-01-16 08:51:22] HuskySquared : BitMEX_Hans: almost!
[2025-01-16 08:51:25] MoonBruv : I do remember the name
[2025-01-16 08:51:27] MoonBruv : lmao
[2025-01-16 08:51:29] PeacenLuv : jezuz h phukin criztoz
[2025-01-16 08:51:33] BitMEX_Hans : HuskySquared: :pepe:
[2025-01-16 08:51:37] HuskySquared : :pepe:
[2025-01-16 08:51:41] PeacenLuv : lol
[2025-01-16 08:51:42] HuskySquared : i got a nice emote tho
[2025-01-16 08:51:44] BlissRP : PeacenLuv: im waiting for you to stop out one more time then going to bed
[2025-01-16 08:51:45] HuskySquared : :me:
[2025-01-16 08:51:47] HuskySquared : worth the millions lost
[2025-01-16 08:51:49] BlissRP : this is comedy
[2025-01-16 08:51:52] clarknova : BitMEX_Hans: he was trading under ketamin. You can't make this up...
[2025-01-16 08:52:22] BitMEX_Hans : clarknova: 😆
[2025-01-16 08:52:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 40100 USD @ 98670.5
[2025-01-16 08:52:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SHIBUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 0.000021831 ($21.54)
[2025-01-16 08:52:31] PeacenLuv : xbt blu support up lezgoo
[2025-01-16 08:52:48] BlissRP : :arthur:
[2025-01-16 08:52:50] PeacenLuv : liquidz long 97425
[2025-01-16 08:53:20] RealBawlOfLasagna : Now to the main event, it's a kek world !
[2025-01-16 08:53:38] MoonBruv : that's what I'd call a biblical plot twist
[2025-01-16 08:53:47] PeacenLuv : here we goooo btc big runn
[2025-01-16 08:53:52] PeacenLuv : weeeee
[2025-01-16 08:54:12] BlissRP : jan 7th deja vu
[2025-01-16 08:54:18] PeacenLuv : i wish gzuz hung the group thatd b a twizt
[2025-01-16 08:55:02] PeacenLuv : cmon im gunna find gzuzz 500 btc here in internet
[2025-01-16 08:55:22] PeacenLuv : juzt numberz
[2025-01-16 08:55:31] Benobi : I hope we'll remind everyone what volatility is X)
[2025-01-16 08:55:34] KoalaBearz : what news did i miss? why hard dump
[2025-01-16 08:55:50] PeacenLuv : wat dump?
[2025-01-16 08:56:08] PeacenLuv : lookz pumpee heres 6hr
[2025-01-16 08:56:31] KoalaBearz : u mean this current one taking out most of yesterdays gains lol
[2025-01-16 08:56:57] BlissRP : looks a carbon copy of jan 7th
[2025-01-16 08:57:04] BlissRP : prove me wrong step up to the plate and buy it
[2025-01-16 08:57:09] KoalaBearz : i guess itdepends what u trading
[2025-01-16 08:57:12] HuskySquared : if xrp goes up more
[2025-01-16 08:57:16] PeacenLuv : gotta put my doobee down
[2025-01-16 08:57:16] HuskySquared : i will kill myself
[2025-01-16 08:57:17] HuskySquared : tbh
[2025-01-16 08:57:24] HuskySquared : i cant live in a world of RIPple
[2025-01-16 08:57:27] BlissRP : HuskySquared: same bro