BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-12-26 17:37:48] gulul : kroleg666: yeah... like the bros do who publish their wallet when they start a "project" and then they rug with the other wallet they didn´t tell you about
[2024-12-26 17:37:56] BitMEX_Joy : kroleg666: Hi there! We hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season. We’ve escalated your query to the relevant team regarding the issue with the /order command not working. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. If there’s anything else we can help you with, please let us know! 🙏
[2024-12-26 17:38:27] gulul : kroleg666: Why do you think Saylor is selling?
[2024-12-26 17:58:59] 45th_blown_account : :pepe: BTC :pepe:
[2024-12-26 17:59:36] PeacenLuv : 30min dip btc
[2024-12-26 18:02:05] kroleg666 : gulul: maybe he knows something
[2024-12-26 18:02:32] kroleg666 : Or, more likely, he failed to liquidate me so no point to pump further
[2024-12-26 18:02:55] kroleg666 : bullrun was to liquidate my 60k short
[2024-12-26 18:03:15] kroleg666 : but I was always a step ahead
[2024-12-26 18:03:21] gulul : kroleg666: itßs all about you
[2024-12-26 18:03:23] gulul : :-D
[2024-12-26 18:03:42] kroleg666 : now I escaped to QRL and he can't touch me
[2024-12-26 18:03:48] kroleg666 : he has no QRL
[2024-12-26 18:04:11] kroleg666 : that also means he will go down together with all crypto very soon
[2024-12-26 18:04:48] kroleg666 : and if he tries to run to QRL it will pump 10000x and I will win
[2024-12-26 18:04:54] kroleg666 : OUTPLAYED
[2024-12-26 18:07:39] gulul : kroleg666: dude...u frikkin weirdo hahahahaha
[2024-12-26 18:09:17] PeacenLuv : btc dun deal bully
[2024-12-26 18:09:32] PeacenLuv :
[2024-12-26 18:13:52] Joeyy132 : kroleg666: 😂😜👌😈
[2024-12-26 18:14:16] Joeyy132 : Not many can say they have outplayed saylor
[2024-12-26 18:14:22] Joeyy132 : i like it
[2024-12-26 18:16:10] SimioLong : monthly not looking good, yes Im mister obvious but does it hurts you? :kek:
[2024-12-26 18:16:30] SimioLong : :kek: :doge:
[2024-12-26 18:16:46] SimioLong : or can this be the ultimate TRAP ?
[2024-12-26 18:17:06] kroleg666 : monthly looks the same as every previous cycle top
[2024-12-26 18:17:15] kroleg666 : told u at 5 dec
[2024-12-26 18:17:20] Joeyy132 : kroleg666: nonono don’t say that
[2024-12-26 18:17:25] kroleg666 : :D
[2024-12-26 18:17:26] SimioLong : kroleg666: Eggggggxatcly
[2024-12-26 18:17:31] Joeyy132 : you will create the bottom
[2024-12-26 18:17:36] Joeyy132 : please don’t say that
[2024-12-26 18:17:45] kroleg666 : its fine saylor capitulated
[2024-12-26 18:17:51] SimioLong : Joeyy132: yes is in your mind :kek:
[2024-12-26 18:18:02] SimioLong : Long tron btw
[2024-12-26 18:18:16] SimioLong : 5m dont lie
[2024-12-26 18:18:22] Joeyy132 : SimioLong: no bro, there are powerful people here who read what me and Kelley write and counter us hard
[2024-12-26 18:18:30] Joeyy132 : as as we are the best traders they know
[2024-12-26 18:18:35] Joeyy132 : *kroleg
[2024-12-26 18:18:58] kroleg666 : SimioLong: everything except for QRL will be destroyed by quantum computers in 2025-2026
[2024-12-26 18:19:07] Joeyy132 : It’s real. When I don’t write here, we dump
[2024-12-26 18:19:12] Gandalf the Grey : Pumpa cancelled sorry
[2024-12-26 18:19:24] Joeyy132 : Pump is never ending
[2024-12-26 18:19:30] Joeyy132 : sins 2008
[2024-12-26 18:19:47] kroleg666 : QC will end it once and for all
[2024-12-26 18:19:57] Joeyy132 : Can we dump on Brad already?????
[2024-12-26 18:20:02] kroleg666 : not even joking
[2024-12-26 18:20:03] Joeyy132 : /pnl xrpusdt ``` :bitmex: XRPUSDT: 342.16 USDT RPNL, 276.11 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 18:20:06] SimioLong : Im going to be giving signals for 5m today, Im debugging my bot so help me :kek: :kek: :kek:
[2024-12-26 18:20:06] kroleg666 : dont countertrade QC
[2024-12-26 18:20:07] Joeyy132 : cmon brad
[2024-12-26 18:20:18] contract details : corn be weak
[2024-12-26 18:20:20] Joeyy132 : /pnl xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: 82.70 USDT RPNL, 198.51 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 18:20:23] Joeyy132 : cmon
[2024-12-26 18:20:29] Joeyy132 : Send it
[2024-12-26 18:20:43] Joeyy132 : /pnl solusdt ``` :bitmex: SOLUSDT: 34.15 USDT RPNL, 139.66 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 18:20:54] Joeyy132 : These my longs
[2024-12-26 18:20:57] bmagic : Sol 224 incoming
[2024-12-26 18:21:06] Joeyy132 : bmagic: ….
[2024-12-26 18:21:14] contract details : bmagic: ok ill long your call
[2024-12-26 18:21:18] Joeyy132 : /position solusdt ``` :bitmex: SOLUSDT: -23 SOL @ 195.04733 ```
[2024-12-26 18:21:21] Joeyy132 : oops
[2024-12-26 18:21:23] Yourholyhireless : is bull runned?
[2024-12-26 18:21:59] bmagic : contract details: I'm scared for us
[2024-12-26 18:22:04] bmagic : /position solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 1,750 Cont @ 189.14 ```
[2024-12-26 18:22:12] Joeyy132 : FULL SEND
[2024-12-26 18:22:17] Yourholyhireless : §=K
[2024-12-26 18:22:21] Yourholyhireless : 30k
[2024-12-26 18:25:46] Yourholyhireless : mc donalds
[2024-12-26 18:25:50] Yourholyhireless : 😳
[2024-12-26 18:25:53] Joeyy132 : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.0891 XBT @ 97912.25 ```
[2024-12-26 18:25:53] Yourholyhireless : 😌
[2024-12-26 18:26:02] Joeyy132 : cant flex my sub account
[2024-12-26 18:26:04] Joeyy132 : shame
[2024-12-26 18:26:54] Yourholyhireless : maybe this bullrun will never long again
[2024-12-26 18:27:30] 45th_blown_account : daily it makes and " M " (McDonalds) :pepe:
[2024-12-26 18:31:27] SimioLong : when you do pop there is no stop :kek:
[2024-12-26 18:34:24] Yourholyhireless : bullruN :downrocket:
[2024-12-26 18:34:50] SimioLong : volume is really bad for some sht coins here
[2024-12-26 18:35:17] SimioLong : charts looks so distorted compared with binances ones
[2024-12-26 18:35:29] Grichka : All in X100 short, no SL and go to bed. Safu TP at 87k.
[2024-12-26 18:35:45] Yourholyhireless : OK I DO
[2024-12-26 18:35:48] Yourholyhireless : night
[2024-12-26 18:36:11] Yourholyhireless : told you bullrun isnt over :downrocket.
[2024-12-26 18:36:22] Yourholyhireless : :downrocket:
[2024-12-26 18:39:49] LLooter : anyone here can answer me a question
[2024-12-26 18:42:04] Yourholyhireless : @LLooter 30K
[2024-12-26 18:42:35] LLooter : looking at your 1 minute chart, do the candles move simultaneously with the realtime prize or do they stay frozen for a minut or so and jump to the actual prize
[2024-12-26 18:43:10] bmagic : LLooter: its not real time
[2024-12-26 18:43:22] Joeyy132 : bmagic: why?
[2024-12-26 18:43:30] LLooter : bmagic: thks
[2024-12-26 18:43:34] bmagic : Server lag?
[2024-12-26 18:43:48] Joeyy132 : bmagic: the candles should move up and down whilst being created in real time yes
[2024-12-26 18:43:53] LLooter : no one noticed it et but its been for while already
[2024-12-26 18:43:55] Yourholyhireless : :arthur: hehe
[2024-12-26 18:43:57] bmagic : I use 3 minute or 5 minute to see real time dtaa
[2024-12-26 18:44:10] bmagic : But it lags
[2024-12-26 18:44:14] contract details : bitmex has massive data lag yes
[2024-12-26 18:44:21] contract details : everything is laggy and unusable
[2024-12-26 18:44:22] Joeyy132 : Oh
[2024-12-26 18:44:29] bmagic : The only real time data is the order book
[2024-12-26 18:44:41] Gandalf the Grey : /liq xbtusd went too hard ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 96786.6 ```
[2024-12-26 18:44:41] Yourholyhireless : arthurs book
[2024-12-26 18:45:27] bmagic : Gandalf the Grey: I salute :pepe:
[2024-12-26 18:45:38] LLooter : bmagic: yes and thats a problem if you try to scalp
[2024-12-26 18:45:54] LLooter : you cant follow the chart cause its messes with you
[2024-12-26 18:46:06] bmagic : LLooter: so use trading view
[2024-12-26 18:46:28] Gandalf the Grey : my mex aint lagging
[2024-12-26 18:46:35] LLooter : no i cant, i need the white theme, i cant stand the dark layout
[2024-12-26 18:46:40] Gandalf the Grey : maybe I have vip cause I burned enough money?
[2024-12-26 18:46:54] bmagic : Then use the white theme
[2024-12-26 18:47:04] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSDT`: Buy 400 ADA @ 0.8657 ($345.94)
[2024-12-26 18:48:21] LLooter : bmagic: its not the same, i have issues whit my eyes and get a headache if i try
[2024-12-26 18:48:23] bmagic : contract details: are we mooning?
[2024-12-26 18:48:40] LLooter : bmagic: but thks anyway for checking the isseu
[2024-12-26 18:48:51] LLooter : lag
[2024-12-26 18:49:05] Gandalf the Grey : If you ever feel bad remember you could have been born in India....
[2024-12-26 18:49:37] bmagic : My old boss was Indian
[2024-12-26 18:49:50] bmagic : Richest mofo I ever met..
[2024-12-26 18:50:35] Yourholyhireless : bmagic: putin?
[2024-12-26 18:50:41] Gandalf the Grey : lmfao
[2024-12-26 18:50:44] bmagic : Not from day trading tho. Losing like 1 mill in a single year was nothing for him
[2024-12-26 18:51:30] bmagic : Yourholyhireless: I haven't met putin
[2024-12-26 18:51:49] bmagic : But he is probably wealthier than Musk
[2024-12-26 18:52:00] bmagic : Just in secret
[2024-12-26 18:52:19] Yourholyhireless : if btc goes down you meet him
[2024-12-26 18:52:28] The_Reaper : m00n?
[2024-12-26 18:52:31] Yourholyhireless : maybe 15 years down
[2024-12-26 18:52:39] The_Reaper : who cancelled moon? ffs
[2024-12-26 18:52:48] Yourholyhireless : The_Reaper: putin lol
[2024-12-26 18:52:57] The_Reaper : no matter
[2024-12-26 18:53:04] The_Reaper : 1more hour to bend the 4hr again
[2024-12-26 18:53:08] The_Reaper : bears WILL bend over!
[2024-12-26 18:55:16] Yourholyhireless : bulls will run
[2024-12-26 18:55:39] Yourholyhireless : 90 degree down
[2024-12-26 18:56:41] bmagic : The_Reaper: looks like double moon to me
[2024-12-26 18:56:55] bmagic : This sell was in my TA but I traded it poorly
[2024-12-26 18:57:13] bmagic : It's now long to 102 or higher
[2024-12-26 18:57:42] bmagic : So holding my dildo ready for liftoff
[2024-12-26 18:58:38] Yourholyhireless : nullrun
[2024-12-26 19:00:23] bmagic : The only problem with longing this is thwt CZ wants 85k
[2024-12-26 19:00:30] bmagic : So we could dump
[2024-12-26 19:02:01] Gandalf the Grey : He just wants a longer dick imo
[2024-12-26 19:02:06] bmagic : But personally i see failed dump
[2024-12-26 19:02:38] bmagic : Gandalf the Grey: then he must embrace the 111k dildo
[2024-12-26 19:03:02] Gandalf the Grey : what is small is usually cute
[2024-12-26 19:03:12] bmagic : If btc hit 97k we goin to 103k
[2024-12-26 19:04:24] Gandalf the Grey : it is sideways. wait for direction imo
[2024-12-26 19:07:22] bearologist : :btc:
[2024-12-26 19:07:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1902 XBT @ 95478.4 ($18,146.22)
[2024-12-26 19:07:59] Gandalf the Grey : 95k solid
[2024-12-26 19:09:31] RonnieREKT : Sumthing is brewing here..
[2024-12-26 19:10:00] FishyGuy : Tea? There's always tea brewing somewhere in England
[2024-12-26 19:11:57] bearologist : wtf
[2024-12-26 19:14:54] Yourholyhireless : theres something brewing at 30k
[2024-12-26 19:18:24] hehe MOON : BUY EVERY WEAK ASS DUMP, EZ
[2024-12-26 19:18:29] hehe MOON : :DOGE:
[2024-12-26 19:19:05] loveofwisdom :
[2024-12-26 19:23:00] bmagic : They see me rollin
[2024-12-26 19:23:07] bmagic : They hating
[2024-12-26 19:23:08] 45th_blown_account : loveofwisdom: :arthur:
[2024-12-26 19:30:29] loveofwisdom : 45th_blown_account: happened to me again :( made 2800 from 800 down to 34 usd :/ ffs
[2024-12-26 19:31:30] 45th_blown_account : loveofwisdom: now you have re try from 34 or you ll insert coin ?
[2024-12-26 19:31:41] yellowpig : hehe MOON: :doge:
[2024-12-26 19:32:15] Joeyy132 : loveofwisdom: easily done
[2024-12-26 19:32:24] loveofwisdom : 45th_blown_account: if this goes down here I should be able to recover
[2024-12-26 19:33:12] 45th_blown_account : loveofwisdom: nice, GL sir and merry xmas
[2024-12-26 19:33:15] loveofwisdom : Joeyy132: easily? Been a roller coaster this few days. Recovered some lost recovered lost all the way downto 32
[2024-12-26 19:33:41] loveofwisdom : but I know why, still couldn’t help myself from stopping doing it
[2024-12-26 19:33:56] loveofwisdom : 45th_blown_account: thanks man and merry xmas to you too
[2024-12-26 19:34:40] bearologist : We're are my bulls :doge:?
[2024-12-26 19:35:30] BlissRP : bearologist: no, you're were their bull
[2024-12-26 19:35:47] bearologist : BlissRP: short agen :btc:
[2024-12-26 19:36:23] BlissRP : where we're were short?
[2024-12-26 19:37:01] bearologist : We're are my bears :doge:?
[2024-12-26 19:37:13] FishyGuy : we are are
[2024-12-26 19:37:28] bearologist : :me: that's right smh head
[2024-12-26 19:38:11] BlissRP : FishyGuy: are we arrr?
[2024-12-26 19:38:13] FishyGuy : shake my head head?
[2024-12-26 19:38:30] The_Reaper : pump this sack oh shit
[2024-12-26 19:38:44] FishyGuy : yarr we arrr
[2024-12-26 19:38:52] BlissRP : :doge:
[2024-12-26 19:51:59] PeacenLuv : btfd btc bully lezgoo @45th_blown_account
[2024-12-26 19:54:51] The_Reaper : bearologist: WHERE MY BEARS
[2024-12-26 19:55:17] PeacenLuv : btc in gfy btc bearzone pumpittu
[2024-12-26 19:55:52] PeacenLuv : no volume
[2024-12-26 19:56:04] PeacenLuv : jus me buying?
[2024-12-26 19:56:58] The_Reaper : All ran back to the mountains i guess
[2024-12-26 19:57:01] The_Reaper : Its on bulls
[2024-12-26 19:57:04] The_Reaper : stampede time
[2024-12-26 19:57:17] The_Reaper : i love these 4hr closes
[2024-12-26 19:57:36] PeacenLuv : colour coded snrz
[2024-12-26 19:57:59] The_Reaper : what an epic fight for 95k support
[2024-12-26 19:58:00] PeacenLuv : phukyahh btc
[2024-12-26 19:58:02] The_Reaper : but bulls won
[2024-12-26 19:58:39] BlissRP : The_Reaper: thats also the .382
[2024-12-26 19:59:10] The_Reaper : cool, i don't use fib retracement
[2024-12-26 20:01:37] The_Reaper : nasdaq and spx giving it one last pamp before close
[2024-12-26 20:03:48] Joeyy132 : You guys ready for 100k now
[2024-12-26 20:03:52] Joeyy132 : 😈😈😈
[2024-12-26 20:03:54] Joeyy132 : 😈😈😈
[2024-12-26 20:03:56] BlissRP : no
[2024-12-26 20:03:58] BlissRP : im ready for 200k
[2024-12-26 20:04:00] Joeyy132 : 😈😈😈
[2024-12-26 20:04:07] Joeyy132 : 100k tonight bro
[2024-12-26 20:04:37] Joeyy132 : time to spam green and get rich
[2024-12-26 20:04:42] Joeyy132 : Hehe
[2024-12-26 20:06:02] SimioLong : are you hoping son?
[2024-12-26 20:06:11] SimioLong : monthly is so trappy
[2024-12-26 20:06:20] SimioLong : for both sides LOL
[2024-12-26 20:08:14] BlissRP : SimioLong: last few cycles fractals had a similar monthly that was just forgotten and pumped past effortlessly
[2024-12-26 20:08:19] PeacenLuv : btc bearz no entree greenzone
[2024-12-26 20:08:21] BlissRP : but they can scam it if they want :doge:
[2024-12-26 20:09:09] SimioLong : BlissRP: of course... but the funny thing is that in every cycle I had had fear
[2024-12-26 20:09:33] SimioLong : even knowing whats is going to happen...
[2024-12-26 20:10:08] PeacenLuv : better btc bearz i dare u
[2024-12-26 20:10:28] BlissRP : SimioLong: thats fair ser
[2024-12-26 20:10:34] BlissRP : its painted that way for good reason
[2024-12-26 20:10:36] PeacenLuv : green zone off limuts to puzzee btc bearz
[2024-12-26 20:13:55] Fund Sucker : /position xbtz24 a little pump before close please ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 46,000 USD @ 67674.5665 ```
[2024-12-26 20:15:53] PeacenLuv : suckerz bearz..trapped i taunted themskeez
[2024-12-26 20:16:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0337 XBT @ 95628.9 ($3,219.58)
[2024-12-26 20:17:08] bearologist : Fund Sucker: damn, sweet pos
[2024-12-26 20:17:09] PeacenLuv : long liquids 94431 pumpittuprugpull btc bearz theyre caged riding bikes a zirkus
[2024-12-26 20:18:00] PeacenLuv : cmon teddybearz green open
[2024-12-26 20:20:15] PeacenLuv : 697 usd 30 min green last closed most recent xbtussd perpetual aktion itz munnee hunnee
[2024-12-26 20:21:02] bearologist : :btc:
[2024-12-26 20:21:03] PeacenLuv : 600 x 100btc 30min x2 = 120k per hr pay long
[2024-12-26 20:21:11] PeacenLuv : 1 btc
[2024-12-26 20:21:47] PeacenLuv : 1 btc per hr pay on the load
[2024-12-26 20:22:13] Fund Sucker : bearologist: been selling off and buying march for the last few weeks
[2024-12-26 20:22:19] Fund Sucker : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.3716 XBT RPNL, 0.1979 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 20:22:39] PeacenLuv : grren beforehand
[2024-12-26 20:23:52] bearologist : Fund Sucker: big w ngl I'd have folded along the way :kek:
[2024-12-26 20:23:56] Gandalf the Grey : Aiwaaaa
[2024-12-26 20:24:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 95383.9 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-12-26 20:25:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 40800 USD @ 95356.3
[2024-12-26 20:27:14] PeacenLuv : bear bait
[2024-12-26 20:27:35] PeacenLuv : dead horse bringz in bearz
[2024-12-26 20:28:10] PeacenLuv : btc bearz hairy pigz
[2024-12-26 20:28:38] PeacenLuv : jan1 pump btc
[2024-12-26 20:29:30] PeacenLuv : longstops up 94666 usd perp xbt
[2024-12-26 20:30:15] PeacenLuv : there btc bearz zucks
[2024-12-26 20:35:52] dexswap : sub 90 today?
[2024-12-26 20:36:03] bearologist : neh
[2024-12-26 20:38:15] Gandalf the Grey : Maybe
[2024-12-26 20:38:16] Joeyy132 : We all know where it’s hoing
[2024-12-26 20:38:23] Gandalf the Grey : maybe not
[2024-12-26 20:38:25] Joeyy132 : but none of us can trade it for profit
[2024-12-26 20:38:28] Joeyy132 : lol
[2024-12-26 20:38:30] Gandalf the Grey : ask LilBaby. He knows
[2024-12-26 20:40:17] The_Reaper : btc holding but eth dumping
[2024-12-26 20:40:45] Gandalf the Grey : Vitalik needs food
[2024-12-26 20:41:57] The_Reaper : options expiring tommorow
[2024-12-26 20:42:06] The_Reaper : dunno what that will do to price
[2024-12-26 20:44:01] Joeyy132 : The_Reaper: expiring tomorrow as in 4 hours time?
[2024-12-26 20:44:05] Joeyy132 : or end of tomorrow?
[2024-12-26 20:44:14] bearologist : All of them?
[2024-12-26 20:44:29] The_Reaper : deribit
[2024-12-26 20:44:32] Grichka : *domp eet*
[2024-12-26 20:44:36] The_Reaper : 4 billion of 14 billion total
[2024-12-26 20:44:41] bearologist : looking bullishish
[2024-12-26 20:51:45] bearologist : We're are my bulls :doge:?
[2024-12-26 20:52:19] BlissRP : where are my we're
[2024-12-26 20:52:24] Gandalf the Grey : 95k solid support
[2024-12-26 20:54:42] The_Reaper : where is the good old revenge pump when it decided support was tested enough
[2024-12-26 20:54:44] The_Reaper : and flew up a f ew k
[2024-12-26 20:58:46] BlissRP : The_Reaper: scammers on holiday
[2024-12-26 21:02:00] 45th_blown_account : :pepe:
[2024-12-26 21:04:04] bearologist : ok
[2024-12-26 21:05:30] BlissRP : bearologist: we're are ok?
[2024-12-26 21:06:55] bearologist : BlissRP: i rekt 95720
[2024-12-26 21:07:09] BlissRP : that sounds risky ser
[2024-12-26 21:07:38] bearologist : super safe! :btc:
[2024-12-26 21:07:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AEVOUSDT`: Sell 1922 AEVO @ 0.3567 ($692.50)
[2024-12-26 21:09:34] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AEVOUSDT`: Sell 654 AEVO @ 0.355 ($235.64)
[2024-12-26 21:10:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AEVOUSDT`: Sell 514 AEVO @ 0.3548 ($185.19)
[2024-12-26 21:10:01] contract details : onlydown
[2024-12-26 21:10:05] contract details : joey soon to become a millionaire
[2024-12-26 21:10:18] BlissRP : contract details: i thought hes long now ser
[2024-12-26 21:10:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PEPEUSDT`: Sell 280000 PEPE @ 0.000017092 ($4.78)
[2024-12-26 21:10:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 2 Cont @ 3306.6 ($630.38)
[2024-12-26 21:10:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 0.0700 ETH @ 3309.46 ($231.39)
[2024-12-26 21:10:44] Gandalf the Grey : Eth lol
[2024-12-26 21:10:47] Gandalf the Grey : sos sos
[2024-12-26 21:11:04] kroleg666 : bye btc
[2024-12-26 21:11:20] BlissRP : DAMPIT
[2024-12-26 21:13:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 2900 DOGE @ 0.30956 ($896.83)
[2024-12-26 21:21:14] PeacenLuv : 13k off the top could get cray cray here btc longs
[2024-12-26 21:21:54] PeacenLuv : got another blunt for the trip up
[2024-12-26 21:23:39] Gandalf the Grey : This price action makes me want to apologize to my toilet for taking a shit.😄
[2024-12-26 21:25:25] The_Reaper : yea holy sh!t
[2024-12-26 21:25:27] The_Reaper : wtf is this
[2024-12-26 21:27:16] The_Reaper : now brutal move to 98k please
[2024-12-26 21:27:19] The_Reaper : we earned this
[2024-12-26 21:28:54] Joeyy132 : 89k
[2024-12-26 21:28:55] Joeyy132 : plz
[2024-12-26 21:28:59] Joeyy132 : I beg
[2024-12-26 21:30:26] loveofwisdom : I beg too. plz bring it down.
[2024-12-26 21:33:42] Joeyy132 : Like how u want me to beg?
[2024-12-26 21:33:50] Joeyy132 : Harder ?
[2024-12-26 21:33:54] The_Reaper : 1800 btc dumped since an hour ago
[2024-12-26 21:33:54] Joeyy132 : faster?
[2024-12-26 21:33:59] The_Reaper : and coinbase cvannot break this support
[2024-12-26 21:34:04] The_Reaper : fook off now
[2024-12-26 21:34:09] The_Reaper : its ovah bears
[2024-12-26 21:34:16] Joeyy132 : /pnl xrpusdt ``` :bitmex: XRPUSDT: 342.62 USDT RPNL, 286.92 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 21:34:21] Joeyy132 : dump it hard plz
[2024-12-26 21:34:26] Joeyy132 : /pnl xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: 83.56 USDT RPNL, 200.36 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 21:34:29] zorrjov : aliens coming
[2024-12-26 21:34:32] Joeyy132 : /pnl solusdt ``` :bitmex: SOLUSDT: 34.58 USDT RPNL, 134.40 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-12-26 21:34:47] Joeyy132 : Plzzz
[2024-12-26 21:34:55] Joeyy132 : I’m begginb
[2024-12-26 21:35:06] The_Reaper : i think you will be liquidated
[2024-12-26 21:35:12] The_Reaper : but thats just my 2cents xD
[2024-12-26 21:35:19] Joeyy132 : I know someone reading this right now is capable of sending this to the abyss
[2024-12-26 21:35:20] Joeyy132 : so plz
[2024-12-26 21:35:22] Joeyy132 : do it
[2024-12-26 21:35:34] Joeyy132 : The lurkers
[2024-12-26 21:35:43] Joeyy132 : laughing to themselves readin this right now
[2024-12-26 21:35:55] Joeyy132 : Go on
[2024-12-26 21:36:00] Joeyy132 : you know you want to
[2024-12-26 21:36:10] Joeyy132 : The_Reaper: impossible sir
[2024-12-26 21:36:16] Joeyy132 : stops in profit
[2024-12-26 21:36:26] Joeyy132 : ok all positions of which there are 6
[2024-12-26 21:36:40] Joeyy132 : I will keep adding too
[2024-12-26 21:36:49] Joeyy132 : Until the abyss
[2024-12-26 21:37:02] The_Reaper : eth bounced the support
[2024-12-26 21:37:09] The_Reaper : this is going up
[2024-12-26 21:37:12] The_Reaper : 4hr coiling up
[2024-12-26 21:37:15] Joeyy132 : The_Reaper: it did same before then shat the bed
[2024-12-26 21:37:27] Joeyy132 : Couple days ago
[2024-12-26 21:37:41] Joeyy132 : If I get stopped out no problem
[2024-12-26 21:37:44] The_Reaper : "this time is different"
[2024-12-26 21:37:45] The_Reaper : xD
[2024-12-26 21:37:50] Joeyy132 : I know it’s very possible to hit 100k to ight
[2024-12-26 21:37:53] Joeyy132 : tonight
[2024-12-26 21:38:15] Joeyy132 : Expiry of options doesn’t help me relax
[2024-12-26 21:38:51] Joeyy132 : If they want paying, they will just send it to the moon last minute
[2024-12-26 21:39:05] The_Reaper : idk what these options gonna do tbh
[2024-12-26 21:39:11] Joeyy132 : Wick 108k and die
[2024-12-26 21:39:18] The_Reaper : who's in the money? And when is price gonna dump because of it?
[2024-12-26 21:39:33] Joeyy132 : The_Reaper: the love will come very soon
[2024-12-26 21:39:36] Joeyy132 : move
[2024-12-26 21:39:49] Joeyy132 : 15 hours till expiry
[2024-12-26 21:40:56] kroleg666 : this yearly will close at 0
[2024-12-26 21:41:17] PeacenLuv : zorrjov: sendemm to me ill share with alins my corn
[2024-12-26 21:41:18] Joeyy132 : USUALUSDTZ25 has already expired today at 12. Why is it still in the list
[2024-12-26 21:41:24] Joeyy132 : ????
[2024-12-26 21:41:27] Joeyy132 : @admin
[2024-12-26 21:41:41] PeacenLuv : phuk im starting a position low now
[2024-12-26 21:42:27] PeacenLuv : phuk i only wanted a 10k green stop trailing longz looks loke im gonna be wrong
[2024-12-26 21:42:54] PeacenLuv : RonnieREKT: bend over bhitzhez
[2024-12-26 21:44:55] BitMEX_Douglas : Joeyy132: Hi, it will be removed soon. As far as I see there's no trading activity on it
[2024-12-26 21:46:08] The_Reaper :
[2024-12-26 21:46:10] The_Reaper : looks familiar
[2024-12-26 21:46:17] The_Reaper : H&S is not valid here
[2024-12-26 21:46:26] The_Reaper : so prolly big dildo up beras ass very soon
[2024-12-26 21:47:38] The_Reaper : probably tp 102k
[2024-12-26 21:49:23] BlissRP : 103420
[2024-12-26 22:02:07] kroleg666 : 63434.22
[2024-12-26 22:04:53] BlissRP : kroleg666: no ser thats after 289420
[2024-12-26 22:20:20] The_Reaper : breakout 15min channel
[2024-12-26 22:20:37] The_Reaper : 5min alrdy closed outside
[2024-12-26 22:20:42] The_Reaper : 15 wil confirm in 10mins
[2024-12-26 22:20:54] contract details : bros i need therapy
[2024-12-26 22:23:36] BlissRP : contract details: shut up and become a billionaire during this generational bottom :doge:
[2024-12-26 22:24:33] contract details : BitMEX_Douglas: hello my friend can you please give me my $100 reward from the trading bot mission :pepe:
[2024-12-26 22:24:42] contract details : BlissRP: i got stopped on sol at 187
[2024-12-26 22:24:44] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-12-26 22:27:11] BlissRP : contract details: ah shit
[2024-12-26 22:27:15] BlissRP : nvm resume therapy
[2024-12-26 22:28:19] Joeyy132 : contract details: don’t worry it’s going lower
[2024-12-26 22:28:45] The_Reaper : will you just look at this scam lmfao
[2024-12-26 22:37:07] MR MILLIONAIRE : Joeyy132: idiot its2025december
[2024-12-26 22:45:40] contract details : very likely, i ragelonged it again
[2024-12-26 22:46:02] contract details : bitporn looks bearflaggy so i long it to confirm the dump
[2024-12-26 22:46:38] contract details : in ~4h we dump
[2024-12-26 22:46:50] Joeyy132 : MR MILLIONAIRE: oh yeh
[2024-12-26 22:50:44] Joeyy132 : BitMEX_Douglas: my bad it’s December 2025
[2024-12-26 22:54:38] bmagic : Hey guys
[2024-12-26 22:54:44] bmagic : contract details: moon
[2024-12-26 22:55:20] contract details : bmagic: death
[2024-12-26 22:55:46] bmagic : The_Reaper: yes structure intact. Confirmed r:r long to 102800
[2024-12-26 22:56:19] bmagic : contract details: I lost 5k on this dump and still top trader
[2024-12-26 22:56:25] bmagic : Long
[2024-12-26 22:57:09] bmagic : Solana keeps slow bleeding me
[2024-12-26 22:57:25] bmagic : But I have faith
[2024-12-26 23:01:44] Joeyy132 : bmagic: u long solana?
[2024-12-26 23:20:56] contract details : i love opening sutpid trades
[2024-12-26 23:21:01] contract details : it validates ones existance
[2024-12-26 23:21:11] Dessos : >
[2024-12-26 23:22:13] contract details : slow bleed me baby one more time
[2024-12-26 23:37:19] bmagic : Joeyy132: yeah
[2024-12-26 23:38:07] contract details : hehe dioom
[2024-12-26 23:38:19] bmagic : Dooom!
[2024-12-26 23:38:33] bmagic : I think it will pump hard
[2024-12-26 23:38:48] Joeyy132 : bmagic: all going down
[2024-12-26 23:39:25] contract details : bmagic: should i full port long on my prop trading scam account_
[2024-12-26 23:39:30] Joeyy132 : Fake wick
[2024-12-26 23:39:31] contract details : is this financial advice?
[2024-12-26 23:40:03] contract details : afterburger markets are so quiet
[2024-12-26 23:40:09] contract details : how do you guys scalp this shit
[2024-12-26 23:40:54] Joeyy132 : Fast
[2024-12-26 23:41:03] Joeyy132 : High leverage
[2024-12-26 23:41:13] contract details : i dont have balls joey
[2024-12-26 23:41:20] contract details : i need my 5% pumps and dumps
[2024-12-26 23:41:21] Joeyy132 : contract details: u do
[2024-12-26 23:41:34] Joeyy132 : U have to get out quick
[2024-12-26 23:41:39] Joeyy132 : thats the trick
[2024-12-26 23:41:49] Joeyy132 : coz when it comes back the other way you’re getting liq
[2024-12-26 23:46:33] contract details : yeah but it doesnt move enough
[2024-12-26 23:46:42] contract details : 1% move on 100x is basically break even
[2024-12-26 23:46:53] contract details : your limit orders get frontrun by bots instantly
[2024-12-26 23:46:55] contract details : need to market in and out
[2024-12-26 23:48:05] Randy72 : what a shit day, but it was to be expected the day after chistmas.
[2024-12-26 23:48:57] contract details : shittiest day in a while indeed
[2024-12-26 23:49:39] bmagic : Joeyy132: @contract details clear 97k move
[2024-12-26 23:49:52] bmagic : If it fails then short
[2024-12-26 23:50:01] bmagic : If it succeeds then long 102k
[2024-12-26 23:51:13] bmagic : Give it 4 hoursr
[2024-12-27 00:01:23] Joeyy132 : bmagic: sounds about right
[2024-12-27 00:01:58] Joeyy132 : I don’t really want that but can cope
[2024-12-27 00:02:24] Joeyy132 : I feel like it’s already failed
[2024-12-27 00:03:24] bmagic : I think it's entering first attempt
[2024-12-27 00:03:25] Joeyy132 : Either way
[2024-12-27 00:03:35] Joeyy132 : didgusting PA lol
[2024-12-27 00:03:35] bmagic : The sell off was expected
[2024-12-27 00:03:51] bmagic : I got caught out on a trade because I expected it earlier
[2024-12-27 00:04:10] bmagic : And was away from bitmex when it happenee
[2024-12-27 00:04:29] bmagic : But now I'm 90 percent confident in the long
[2024-12-27 00:04:30] Joeyy132 : I get u
[2024-12-27 00:04:57] Joeyy132 : We will find out very soon
[2024-12-27 00:05:00] Joeyy132 : likeeu say
[2024-12-27 00:05:06] bmagic : So confident I will recover 50 percent loss on yesterdy trade
[2024-12-27 00:05:17] bmagic : Let's go 97k
[2024-12-27 00:06:27] bmagic : Draw fib retracement from 12 November to today and watch it play out the levels
[2024-12-27 00:06:39] bmagic : 85k bottom. 108k top
[2024-12-27 00:07:41] blocker :
[2024-12-27 00:12:13] contract details : bmagic: i dont see it
[2024-12-27 00:12:17] contract details : but i am long because i am retarded
[2024-12-27 00:12:18] contract details : so good luck
[2024-12-27 00:15:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSD`: Sell 5 Cont @ 101.86 ($97.35)
[2024-12-27 00:17:16] blocker : fibonacci is meme
[2024-12-27 00:18:39] blocker : PA is queen, Vol is king, volume clusters and point of controls are the instruments
[2024-12-27 00:18:50] blocker : suck my pecker
[2024-12-27 00:18:58] contract details : agreed
[2024-12-27 00:19:23] bmagic : Fibonacci is only as good as the person using it
[2024-12-27 00:19:53] bmagic : So many noobs fail to understand the difference between an indicator and a prediction
[2024-12-27 00:20:00] blocker : fibonacci mibonacci fickinachi
[2024-12-27 00:20:17] bmagic : Can understand why some people cannot comprehend
[2024-12-27 00:21:52] kroleg666 : GOING TO ZERO
[2024-12-27 00:21:52] kroleg666 : LOOK
[2024-12-27 00:23:58] contract details : bmagic: too heav
[2024-12-27 00:24:42] bmagic : contract details: de risk around 192
[2024-12-27 00:25:07] bmagic : Ie 50 to 70 percent profit take
[2024-12-27 00:25:36] bmagic : 97k incoming
[2024-12-27 00:33:00] Joeyy132 : blocker: I have to agree with that
[2024-12-27 00:34:06] bmagic : Will probably hit 98k then retrace to 96800
[2024-12-27 00:34:15] kroleg666 : literally going to 0
[2024-12-27 00:34:48] bmagic : 95500 needs breakout convinced
[2024-12-27 00:35:17] kroleg666 : need to retest 0 still
[2024-12-27 00:38:26] bmagic : Agreed
[2024-12-27 00:38:51] bmagic : Do you have a trading calls group I can pay 1 btc a month for?
[2024-12-27 00:48:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 13000 USD @ 95698.6
[2024-12-27 00:48:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 40 Cont @ 3339.45 ($12,782.72) - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-12-27 00:48:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 80 ETH @ 28.651 ($267,120.00) - Bonjour!
[2024-12-27 00:48:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BMEXUSD`: Sell 8188 Cont @ 0.136 ($1,065.63)
[2024-12-27 00:49:51] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-12-27 00:52:24] bmagic : I didn't know we had xbteth on bitmex
[2024-12-27 00:52:41] bmagic : Who would short lol
[2024-12-27 00:53:48] bmagic : Also pathetic volume
[2024-12-27 00:56:12] bmagic : contract details: you ready to win?
[2024-12-27 00:56:43] bmagic : Close if 95500 fails
[2024-12-27 00:57:48] contract details : how much leverage
[2024-12-27 00:57:52] contract details : 1.3x seem risky
[2024-12-27 00:57:55] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-12-27 00:57:59] contract details : /liq solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 45.86 ```
[2024-12-27 00:58:16] bmagic : Ah ok
[2024-12-27 00:58:24] bmagic : U will be fine then
[2024-12-27 00:58:41] bmagic : 50x leverage
[2024-12-27 00:58:53] contract details : i wish i had the balls
[2024-12-27 00:58:57] contract details : i dont like this week 0 vol
[2024-12-27 00:59:09] contract details : if it sol goes 5% up 1x is fine
[2024-12-27 00:59:21] bmagic : Solana been rekt me all year
[2024-12-27 00:59:51] contract details : it destroyed me with that wick to 110 :kek:
[2024-12-27 00:59:56] bnqxbt : contract details: only way to survive sol is with max 2x
[2024-12-27 01:00:07] contract details : bnqxbt: agreed
[2024-12-27 01:00:13] bmagic : Only trade it because I yolo 15k contracts once and made me 8k in 30 minutes
[2024-12-27 01:00:20] bmagic : Was trying to buy btc
[2024-12-27 01:00:33] bmagic : :pepe:
[2024-12-27 01:00:38] bnqxbt : I bumped up my 2x to 10x and then had to exit, and opened a new 2.5x
[2024-12-27 01:00:53] bnqxbt : the funding was eating me so I wanted to re enter
[2024-12-27 01:01:05] bmagic : I stand by 212 forecast
[2024-12-27 01:01:07] bnqxbt : took profits from 130 and now entry 176
[2024-12-27 01:01:55] bnqxbt : I will let it ride to 500
[2024-12-27 01:02:11] bnqxbt : tp is 1300
[2024-12-27 01:03:11] bnqxbt : sol already cleared the most difficult ones, been in since 15$
[2024-12-27 01:03:39] bnqxbt : now it's only normal ath and then fomo left
[2024-12-27 01:04:29] contract details : 1300?