This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2024-12-18 08:29:33]
herby :
I saw one video where they couldn't tell the difference between a ufo and reflection on the window
[2024-12-18 08:29:43]
speedwell :
[2024-12-18 08:30:10]
herby :
All the comments think its a ufo
[2024-12-18 08:30:22]
herby :
People gone mad
[2024-12-18 08:30:32]
BMEXcheers :
sounds about american
[2024-12-18 08:30:41]
BMEXcheers :
[2024-12-18 08:30:42]
speedwell :
I'm more interested in the two wars
[2024-12-18 08:30:45]
herby :
Soccer moms
[2024-12-18 08:30:58]
herby :
[2024-12-18 08:31:05]
speedwell :
and standard of living
[2024-12-18 08:31:29]
herby :
Suddenly drone experts everywhere diagnosing passenger planes
[2024-12-18 08:32:38]
speedwell :
herby: Do you have to be a finance expert to know we have a housing proplem, or can we think for ourselves on that one?
[2024-12-18 08:33:44]
herby :
speedwell: of course you can think for yourself but the issue is when you come up with the wrong answer to the question
[2024-12-18 08:34:12]
speedwell :
herby: But the experts do the same too?
[2024-12-18 08:34:39]
herby :
You don't understand how facts are formed
[2024-12-18 08:34:51]
speedwell :
there are vested interests at play, experts can be bought
[2024-12-18 08:35:10]
herby :
[2024-12-18 08:35:46]
speedwell :
herby: my wife worked for Joe Hocky
[2024-12-18 08:36:07]
speedwell :
[2024-12-18 08:36:13]
herby :
Whos Joe hockey
[2024-12-18 08:36:32]
herby :
Is he evil
[2024-12-18 08:36:45]
speedwell :
Australian polly
[2024-12-18 08:37:23]
speedwell :
he was Treasurer I think?
[2024-12-18 08:37:31]
TrueNet :
speedwell: Experts can be bought, but nothing you can do about it. If you can't trust experts, how does it make sense to trust someone who is not an expert???
[2024-12-18 08:38:16]
speedwell :
TrueNet: The reallity is the experts all argue with each other
[2024-12-18 08:38:30]
speedwell :
healthy debate
[2024-12-18 08:39:03]
herby :
That's how facts are formed
[2024-12-18 08:39:05]
"it will be........" :
experts can be wrong tho, and subject to groupthink
[2024-12-18 08:39:20]
herby :
Not by some nerd on YouTube
[2024-12-18 08:39:50]
herby :
"it will be........": we are screwed, no hope then
[2024-12-18 08:40:00]
speedwell :
herby: what if it is a Dr of profsor?
[2024-12-18 08:40:54]
herby :
speedwell: huh?
[2024-12-18 08:41:33]
speedwell :
herby: There are university professors on youtube
[2024-12-18 08:41:42]
TrueNet :
speedwell: I have no issue with that, and that is a good thing. Humans don't have all the answers, so its going to be so, but you have no other choice than to trust your established institutions. Yes they are corrupt, and sometimes are incompetent, but that is the best you got.
[2024-12-18 08:41:49]
speedwell :
who question the narritive
[2024-12-18 08:41:50]
BlissRP :
there are also fake doctors on youtube
[2024-12-18 08:41:58]
TrueNet :
Proceeding to trust youtubers because experts are corrupt doesn't make sense at all
[2024-12-18 08:42:13]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 08:42:21]
speedwell :
TrueNet: I have the right to say no to them
[2024-12-18 08:42:39]
BlissRP :
but not the mental capacity
[2024-12-18 08:42:54]
TrueNet :
speedwell: You definitely have the right to be stupid
[2024-12-18 08:43:03]
speedwell :
BlissRP: are you butt hurt?
[2024-12-18 08:43:21]
speedwell :
TrueNet: to decide for myself
[2024-12-18 08:43:31]
herby :
speedwell: you need to understand the basics of how facts are formed and then you might be abit more trusting
[2024-12-18 08:43:35]
BlissRP :
yes i would rather see ronnie rekting people or bulls and bears arguing
[2024-12-18 08:43:37]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 08:43:59]
speedwell :
herby: I've read history. No trust.
[2024-12-18 08:44:23]
herby :
Scientific facts
[2024-12-18 08:45:04]
speedwell :
herby: and then there are the blury scientific 'fact'
[2024-12-18 08:45:27]
herby :
speedwell: you know all about those ones
[2024-12-18 08:45:34]
TrueNet :
speedwell: You literally believe viruses are not real, thats crazy
[2024-12-18 08:46:00]
speedwell :
TrueNet: But science supports my position.
[2024-12-18 08:46:23]
TrueNet :
speedwell: 😂😂😂 okay buddy
[2024-12-18 08:46:27]
speedwell :
TrueNet: It's very difficult to prove them to exist
[2024-12-18 08:47:05]
TrueNet :
speedwell: So what do you think causes common cold? 5G network installations???
[2024-12-18 08:47:09]
lelskates :
wtf blackrock bought 750M yesterday???
[2024-12-18 08:47:17]
lelskates :
and we still fell off a cliff lol
[2024-12-18 08:47:24]
lelskates :
that is some serious sell pressure
[2024-12-18 08:47:34]
speedwell :
TrueNet: It's very small down there and we are looking at frozen slides etc
[2024-12-18 08:47:40]
lelskates :
who the fk is dumping
[2024-12-18 08:47:51]
lelskates :
and handing their coins to blackrock
[2024-12-18 08:47:56]
lelskates :
on a platter
[2024-12-18 08:48:22]
speedwell :
TrueNet: Radiation does cause flu like symtoms, but mostly I think a cold is the body flushing out toxins
[2024-12-18 08:49:56]
speedwell :
TrueNet: I've been sick this week, but not leave the house? So I didn't 'catch' it?
[2024-12-18 08:51:18]
herby :
I believe in Santa clause and the tooth ferry
[2024-12-18 08:51:19]
speedwell :
lelskates: profit taking from 108k?
[2024-12-18 08:52:05]
Cringe :
[2024-12-18 08:52:20]
lelskates :
speedwell: was excessive
[2024-12-18 08:52:26]
speedwell :
herby: I don't care what you believe, it;s that you think I have to.
[2024-12-18 08:52:43]
speedwell :
lelskates: 3%?
[2024-12-18 08:53:13]
lelskates :
[2024-12-18 08:53:14]
herby :
I wake up in the morning and I have presents on Xmas day, has to be Santa
[2024-12-18 08:53:14]
lelskates :
do u math
[2024-12-18 08:53:46]
kroleg666 :
stupid cows
[2024-12-18 08:53:55]
BlissRP :
kroleg666: DAMPIT 90k
[2024-12-18 08:54:20]
speedwell :
herby: got a cold, must be a virus?
[2024-12-18 08:54:28]
herby :
speedwell: if you don't believe in Santa your a sheep
[2024-12-18 08:54:36]
BlissRP :
hey im regarded, it must be the toxins
[2024-12-18 08:55:35]
speedwell :
sheep do as they are told
[2024-12-18 08:55:58]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 29400 USD @ 103727
[2024-12-18 08:56:05]
speedwell :
and then there are the trained monkeys
[2024-12-18 08:56:19]
BlissRP :
this guy thinks hes cool and edgy because of his opinions
[2024-12-18 08:56:24]
BlissRP :
look how much attention it garnered him
[2024-12-18 08:56:30]
BlissRP :
great success
[2024-12-18 08:56:32]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 08:56:58]
herby :
He wants to fight me at the park next week @BlissRP
[2024-12-18 08:57:08]
speedwell :
BlissRP: where my ideas a bit hurty?
[2024-12-18 08:57:14]
BlissRP :
herby: id fly out to watch
[2024-12-18 08:57:22]
herby :
Until he found out im an islander then stopped mentioning it
[2024-12-18 08:57:28]
BlissRP :
speedwell: just flat out wrong is all, but maybe you know that and just want to be edgy who knows
[2024-12-18 08:57:43]
BlissRP :
herby: :kek:
[2024-12-18 08:58:07]
speedwell :
BlissRP: maybe you should look into some of what I say?
[2024-12-18 08:58:14]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 08:58:19]
speedwell :
herby: I didn't know that?
[2024-12-18 08:58:20]
BlissRP :
what you are saying is extremely regarded
[2024-12-18 08:58:37]
herby :
BlissRP: lol
[2024-12-18 08:58:39]
BlissRP :
from the bottom of my heart, get yourself some help.
[2024-12-18 08:59:10]
BlissRP :
id rather listen to korleg spam 30k targets
[2024-12-18 08:59:39]
herby :
speedwell: do you use a microwave
[2024-12-18 08:59:54]
speedwell :
[2024-12-18 09:00:03]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 09:00:04]
herby :
[2024-12-18 09:00:10]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 09:00:25]
herby :
Classic. Don't trust the magic warmer
[2024-12-18 09:00:26]
speedwell :
why would I?
[2024-12-18 09:00:43]
herby :
Why wouldn't you
[2024-12-18 09:00:46]
BlissRP :
cant use a microwave, the toxins bro. but meds, thats where i draw the line
[2024-12-18 09:01:24]
herby :
Meths as far as I go
[2024-12-18 09:01:44]
speedwell :
they are sh!t, lots of people don't use them
[2024-12-18 09:02:07]
herby :
Because you don't understand how it works
[2024-12-18 09:02:17]
herby :
And you have trust issues
[2024-12-18 09:03:14]
speedwell :
i don't need one? not like I'm in a rush
[2024-12-18 09:03:19]
herby :
Do you use electricity?
[2024-12-18 09:03:41]
speedwell :
yeah. off grid though
[2024-12-18 09:03:59]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 09:04:14]
herby :
Aka tent?
[2024-12-18 09:04:20]
speedwell :
I built my house
[2024-12-18 09:04:33]
speedwell :
solar hot water
[2024-12-18 09:04:53]
speedwell :
grow my own food
[2024-12-18 09:04:59]
speedwell :
[2024-12-18 09:05:03]
herby :
Makes sense
[2024-12-18 09:05:04]
speedwell :
fruit trees
[2024-12-18 09:05:31]
herby :
But you my friend are doing it out of fear
[2024-12-18 09:06:03]
speedwell :
3 kids grown up, all home births, no vax and still alive amazing
[2024-12-18 09:06:03]
bmagic :
[2024-12-18 09:06:09]
bmagic :
Champagne showers for all
[2024-12-18 09:06:15]
BMEXcheers :
the question which plagues my mind: should OAP actors be doing roles made for 25-35 year olds
[2024-12-18 09:06:19]
bmagic :
[2024-12-18 09:06:28]
BMEXcheers :
should hollywood ban OAPs from doing main heroine roles
[2024-12-18 09:06:46]
BMEXcheers :
but which actors can replace the greats, i dont see any young actors worth a dime
[2024-12-18 09:06:52]
speedwell :
bmagic: when? you said that this morning
[2024-12-18 09:07:11]
bmagic :
3 hourly
[2024-12-18 09:07:13]
lelskates :
lol anti vaxer lunatic
[2024-12-18 09:07:35]
lelskates :
one in every crowd
[2024-12-18 09:08:20]
bmagic :
All time highs marathon
[2024-12-18 09:08:27]
herby :
13 Mar 2023 — More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population.
[2024-12-18 09:08:34]
speedwell :
BMEXcheers: probably all AI soon?
[2024-12-18 09:11:53]
bmagic :
speedwell: how do u not feel bullish
[2024-12-18 09:11:59]
bmagic :
Or do u feel bullish
[2024-12-18 09:13:00]
speedwell :
bmagic: over all, but my two underwater positions have put a dampener on that
[2024-12-18 09:13:40]
speedwell :
bmagic: So I wish I had waited and entered here.
[2024-12-18 09:13:49]
bmagic :
Always a wish
[2024-12-18 09:13:56]
bmagic :
Never a plan
[2024-12-18 09:14:03]
bmagic :
Wheres your dry powder
[2024-12-18 09:14:20]
bmagic :
Mine got liquidated so i will have to transfer more
[2024-12-18 09:14:20]
speedwell :
liq 39k
[2024-12-18 09:14:38]
BlissRP :
speedwell: did you hold link this whole time bro? wtf
[2024-12-18 09:14:52]
speedwell :
BlissRP: fuc off you!
[2024-12-18 09:15:06]
BlissRP :
i got out break even and flipped to short the peaks quite a few times
[2024-12-18 09:15:11]
speedwell :
she'll be back
[2024-12-18 09:15:22]
bmagic :
Link will dominate next alt rally
[2024-12-18 09:15:27]
BlissRP :
idk man it can go to 22 before a spike
[2024-12-18 09:15:39]
BlissRP :
depends if alts rally tomorrow or if everything dumps tomorrow
[2024-12-18 09:15:52]
speedwell :
BlissRP: +1
[2024-12-18 09:15:59]
bmagic :
No more alt rallies this year
[2024-12-18 09:16:04]
speedwell :
I can hold , just boring
[2024-12-18 09:16:06]
bmagic :
Just exit rallies
[2024-12-18 09:16:07]
BlissRP :
i would not hold anything going into fomc
[2024-12-18 09:16:11]
BlissRP :
but hope the liq is far
[2024-12-18 09:16:51]
BlissRP :
bmagic: again, depends on reaction tomorrow. they can easily rally rest of year
[2024-12-18 09:17:27]
speedwell :
if btc goes up they should follow?
[2024-12-18 09:17:30]
BlissRP :
[2024-12-18 09:18:04]
BlissRP :
speedwell: yes, but market sentiment with regards to risk on risk off will dictate whether its btc dominance rally or btc dominance top
[2024-12-18 09:18:22]
BlissRP :
and we find out with reaction today
[2024-12-18 09:18:33]
BlissRP :
10 hours to go
[2024-12-18 09:19:49]
speedwell :
I remember Christmas 17' when we dumped to hell
[2024-12-18 09:21:07]
BlissRP :
yep, if that happens dominance will probably go higher
[2024-12-18 09:21:11]
BlissRP :
which means alts are fooked
[2024-12-18 09:21:19]
BlissRP :
30-40% fooked
[2024-12-18 09:22:12]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSD`: Buy 220 Cont @ 0.38655 ($8,869.79) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-12-18 09:24:15]
BlissRP :
and thats why other than my og sol long im not holding any lev into fomc
[2024-12-18 09:26:36]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 2.5388 ($52.93)
[2024-12-18 09:31:17]
speedwell :
I watched a good movie the other day. Poor Things.
[2024-12-18 09:33:19]
danny1680 :
any1 know a good site
[2024-12-18 09:33:28]
danny1680 :
that lists all the major news coming up
[2024-12-18 09:33:35]
danny1680 :
that will affect fin markets/crypto ?
[2024-12-18 09:33:38]
danny1680 :
ie fomc coming up
[2024-12-18 09:33:57]
danny1680 :
something that will give us a catalyst
[2024-12-18 09:34:00]
speedwell :
danny1680: trading economics?
[2024-12-18 09:34:42]
danny1680 :
speedwell: thanks, checking it out now
[2024-12-18 09:36:55]
Automator :
Automated profits is better than automated losses.
[2024-12-18 09:38:00]
Automator :
A good movie about automation is Terminator.
[2024-12-18 09:39:29]
bluemaster :
should I panic more 😜
[2024-12-18 09:39:46]
bluemaster :
so this is called dump this days ,shame
[2024-12-18 09:39:58]
bluemaster :
3 %
[2024-12-18 09:40:23]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 0.2881 XBT RPNL, 1.1698 XBT UPNL
[2024-12-18 09:40:30]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 1.4299 XBT RPNL, 0.2202 XBT UPNL
[2024-12-18 09:40:38]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 1.3044 XBT RPNL, 0.0000 XBT UPNL
[2024-12-18 09:42:12]
bluemaster :
shitcoiners trying old tricks but real money buying and wiping bitcoins form exchanges .....
[2024-12-18 09:44:45]
bmagic :
[2024-12-18 09:44:52]
bmagic :
Its time Ronnie wake up
[2024-12-18 09:48:50]
Automator :
Automated liquidations rain is profits for others.
[2024-12-18 09:58:20]
kroleg666 :
bluemaster: do it
[2024-12-18 09:58:21]
kroleg666 :
buy 100x
[2024-12-18 09:58:31]
kroleg666 :
one in a lifetime chance
[2024-12-18 10:00:11]
kroleg666 :
what, are you scared?
[2024-12-18 10:01:30]
kroleg666 :
big words, small balls
[2024-12-18 10:04:50]
Lauren_Padilla :
never do 100
[2024-12-18 10:05:04]
Lauren_Padilla :
14x max
[2024-12-18 10:05:22]
Lauren_Padilla :
even that is high
[2024-12-18 10:05:32]
Lauren_Padilla :
6x max should be goal
[2024-12-18 10:06:43]
kroleg666 :
he's doing it less than 1x and calling himself trader
[2024-12-18 10:06:48]
kroleg666 :
[2024-12-18 10:06:57]
kroleg666 :
too pussy to even do 1x
[2024-12-18 10:07:38]
kroleg666 :
now watch him hold his last position to 2030 underwater
[2024-12-18 10:07:49]
kroleg666 :
and in 2030 he starts to brag again lol
[2024-12-18 10:29:25]
contract details :
kroleg666: and yet he is getting richer and rich and you are not :arthur:
[2024-12-18 10:30:50]
boomes :
kroleg is a bot programmed to post bearish stuff
[2024-12-18 10:31:28]
Automator :
Automated programming
[2024-12-18 10:35:29]
kroleg666 :
contract details: yeah I wish I was born rich and didnt have to leverage
[2024-12-18 10:36:01]
kroleg666 :
boomes: im bullish (on QRL)
[2024-12-18 10:36:07]
kroleg666 :
traditional crypto will die soon, it's fact
[2024-12-18 10:36:19]
kroleg666 :
I hope to have enough time to exit at 42k and withdraw to fiat
[2024-12-18 10:36:23]
kroleg666 :
or, actually, to QRL
[2024-12-18 10:36:33]
kroleg666 :
hopefully it won't go above $10 by then
[2024-12-18 10:43:22]
Yourholyhireless :
is running good?
[2024-12-18 10:44:43]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 500 USD @ 104444 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-12-18 10:52:55]
Joeyy132 :
No more ath
[2024-12-18 10:52:58]
Joeyy132 :
get rekt morons
[2024-12-18 10:53:38]
PeacenLuv :
xmas pump lezgoo btc
[2024-12-18 11:02:22]
kroleg666 :
Joeyy132: 150k in 2030
[2024-12-18 11:02:30]
kroleg666 :
just hodl bro
[2024-12-18 11:02:58]
kroleg666 :
jk, qc will nuke this trash
[2024-12-18 11:03:07]
kroleg666 :
the whole chart will end
[2024-12-18 11:03:54]
al guul :
120 train in route. Leaving station in 3hrs 30 mins
[2024-12-18 11:06:08]
45th_blown_account :
alien drone invasion cancelled : drop it :pepe:
[2024-12-18 11:08:17]
Joeyy132 :
kroleg666: I have short from 102.6 which I added at 108
[2024-12-18 11:08:29]
Joeyy132 :
holding until 30k
[2024-12-18 11:08:44]
Joeyy132 :
Which is guaranteed coming maybe 6 months max
[2024-12-18 11:09:01]
Joeyy132 :
Will enjoy funding in meantime
[2024-12-18 11:09:28]
danny1680 :
kroleg666: look what exchange your using for such an important trendline "R"
[2024-12-18 11:09:49]
danny1680 :
i go off binance, we already broke out. even if you want worst case and connect top wick to wick
[2024-12-18 11:09:51]
danny1680 :
[2024-12-18 11:10:33]
Joeyy132 :
Yesterday I knew it was gonna wick 108, if I didn’t add there I would have liq at 108156
[2024-12-18 11:10:41]
Joeyy132 :
the scam is on another level
[2024-12-18 11:10:45]
Joeyy132 :
but this time I got it
[2024-12-18 11:10:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 4000 XRP @ 2.5704 ($10,256.52) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-12-18 11:11:12]
Joeyy132 :
Liq much higher now
[2024-12-18 11:11:40]
al guul :
safe to add here :btc:
[2024-12-18 11:13:06]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 4 Cont @ 3880.92 ($1,624.64)
[2024-12-18 11:28:04]
lelskates :
Beras nuked at 105
[2024-12-18 11:29:55]
bmagic :
Dead bears who haven’t taken profits
[2024-12-18 11:33:58]
contract details :
[2024-12-18 11:47:54]
contract details :
[2024-12-18 11:51:55]
al guul :
the universe is talking to us
[2024-12-18 12:03:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1100 USD @ 105131.3
[2024-12-18 12:04:26]
MrBath :
I've had a few beers tonight. Ready for FOMC
[2024-12-18 12:05:20]
MrBath :
Who else is having an FOMC party
[2024-12-18 12:05:38]
contract details :
all around me are familiear bears
[2024-12-18 12:05:49]
contract details :
haram @MrBath
[2024-12-18 12:06:33]
MrBath :
Bitmex has copy trading in production
[2024-12-18 12:06:36]
MrBath :
Sorry testnet
[2024-12-18 12:06:49]
MrBath :
Who's going to copy my trades when it's live?
[2024-12-18 12:07:05]
MrBath :
/pnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: -0.0003 XBT RPNL, 0.8538 XBT UPNL
[2024-12-18 12:07:29]
MrBath :
/pnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0001 XBT RPNL, 0.4716 XBT UPNL
[2024-12-18 12:07:39]
MrBath :
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -0.0024 XBT RPNL, 0.0558 XBT UPNL
[2024-12-18 12:24:16]
contract details :
MrBath: i will
[2024-12-18 12:31:57]
bnqxbt :
everything is about to pump
[2024-12-18 12:32:06]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSD`: Sell 50 Cont @ 117.99 ($1,236.84)
[2024-12-18 12:32:48]
bnqxbt :
alts have been holding their breath watching btc move up, and now that btc is striking a next new high, all alts will print 100% pumps
[2024-12-18 12:33:37]
bnqxbt :
don't fall for sell the news events, follow the M2 cycle, we are entering the golden room of next year. it's all going bananas from here
[2024-12-18 12:34:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `PYTHUSDT`: Sell 210 PYTH @ 0.4211 ($88.43)
[2024-12-18 12:34:20]
bnqxbt :
very few people can digest the insanity that is actually the coming reality
[2024-12-18 12:34:52]
bnqxbt :
it's like telling everyone what covid will be like, 1 year before, and how many would believe you
[2024-12-18 12:34:59]
bnqxbt :
but in this case it's a pump and not dump
[2024-12-18 12:36:05]
bnqxbt :
an open mind is not enough, you need to be smart as well
[2024-12-18 12:37:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 74 Cont @ 0.3844 ($2,981.30) - Don't quit your day job
[2024-12-18 12:39:42]
"it will be........" :
[2024-12-18 12:40:03]
contract details :
[2024-12-18 12:40:08]
GodBleesYou :
Praze badger!!!
[2024-12-18 12:40:38]
clarknova :
"it will be........": Another transphobic commentary ?!
[2024-12-18 12:40:47]
bnqxbt :
I could see a öliquidity drop here, sol is flirting to go test the breakout at 180, would require btc to drop
[2024-12-18 12:41:02]
bnqxbt :
after that, the mother of all pumps
[2024-12-18 12:41:15]
bnqxbt :
I'm setting orders
[2024-12-18 12:41:17]
"it will be........" :
clarknova: @contract details
[2024-12-18 12:41:18]
contract details :
how can you not feel fear of someone who is willing to mutilate his flesh out of pure unachievable delusion :arthur:
[2024-12-18 12:41:24]
bnqxbt :
wont have much time to catch the bounce
[2024-12-18 12:41:38]
clarknova :
"it will be........": ;(
[2024-12-18 12:41:47]
contract details :
ibb doesnt work for me sadly
[2024-12-18 12:41:51]
contract details :
but <3 @"it will be........"
[2024-12-18 12:41:55]
clarknova :
"it will be........": I heard about his terrible disease ;(
[2024-12-18 12:42:00]
bnqxbt :
btc might drop to 95k
[2024-12-18 12:42:12]
bnqxbt :
or a flash wick to 88k
[2024-12-18 12:42:26]
contract details :
i'll flash you my wick if you want
[2024-12-18 12:42:30]
bnqxbt :
that would align everything
[2024-12-18 12:42:38]
bnqxbt :
maybe too obvious?
[2024-12-18 12:42:55]
bnqxbt :
either way, don't get liquidated if we drop to 88k
[2024-12-18 12:43:04]
bnqxbt :
set buys, don't short
[2024-12-18 12:44:03]
bnqxbt :
no way in hell we continue up with all alts posting bullish flags, they will fake collapse, every single one of them, it's a 100% safe strat in crypto, every bullish formation will fail before posting the breakout it was going to do
[2024-12-18 12:44:27]
bnqxbt :
at least for 8years now it has been so
[2024-12-18 12:44:53]
bnqxbt :
they will wick down to 0.5 fib
[2024-12-18 12:44:55]
contract details :
if i flash it, it will be too obvious?
[2024-12-18 12:45:40]
contract details :
bros dudes i am making pasta dont pump it again ok
[2024-12-18 12:45:42]
bnqxbt :
especially bullish pennants
[2024-12-18 12:45:47]
contract details :
bye i love you keep buying
[2024-12-18 12:45:48]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 500 USD @ 105004 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-12-18 12:49:53]
bnqxbt :
[2024-12-18 12:50:14]
bnqxbt :
if we get 88k, I say we go to 180k before eoy
[2024-12-18 12:50:26]
MoonBruv :
156k before 9600
[2024-12-18 12:51:30]
MoonBruv :
saylor crash the price soon
[2024-12-18 12:51:59]
MoonBruv :
so he can cash out a bit
[2024-12-18 12:52:07]
bnqxbt :
this coming wave is the first of 3. the bigger it is the higher the last will go
[2024-12-18 12:52:09]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: 🤣
[2024-12-18 12:52:19]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: lol
[2024-12-18 12:52:40]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: good luck with that target
[2024-12-18 12:52:48]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 12:52:52]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 12:52:58]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 12:53:44]
GodBleesYou :
All i see is the start of mega bear market @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 12:54:32]
GodBleesYou :
Bitcoin went up 1000000000000% sithout goverment help... now thr govverment come to help.. they will lower the value by 99.9%.. like they do for everything @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 12:54:50]
NiceGuy :
GodBleesYou: how ti interpret your chart? and good call i sould have reduced more my position when u told me lol old habits die hard xd
[2024-12-18 12:55:14]
GodBleesYou :
Scariest words you can hear.. is i am from the gov and i come to help @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 12:55:17]
bnqxbt :
GodBleesYou: first of all get of the 9h chart
[2024-12-18 12:55:35]
bnqxbt :
gov is not helping anyone
[2024-12-18 12:55:46]
blaster33 :
GodBleesYou: what are those lines?
[2024-12-18 12:56:12]
GodBleesYou :
NiceGuy: blck plot is bear green plot is bear momentom. Blue is bull plot. Red is bull momentom . Orange is the avrage beetween bull and bear
[2024-12-18 12:56:13]
bnqxbt :
GodBleesYou: watch the macro, go to 1month chart, and 2w, and you will see
[2024-12-18 12:56:29]
bnqxbt :
and remember, the debt cycle is next year, printers will go insane
[2024-12-18 12:56:38]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: even worse.. on daily..
[2024-12-18 12:56:40]
bnqxbt :
why everything pumps every 4 years
[2024-12-18 12:56:53]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: beacuse of bots
[2024-12-18 12:57:01]
GodBleesYou :
Look at my enetery
[2024-12-18 12:57:01]
bnqxbt :
no, because of M2
[2024-12-18 12:57:08]
GodBleesYou :
I catch every bottom
[2024-12-18 12:57:14]
NiceGuy :
my noob analysis is that we will test 98k at least
[2024-12-18 12:57:16]
bnqxbt :
you are watching achart without knowing why they move
[2024-12-18 12:57:19]
NiceGuy :
[2024-12-18 12:57:28]
bnqxbt :
GodBleesYou: it's the easiest to do
[2024-12-18 12:57:41]
bnqxbt :
but your bias is leading you to the woods
[2024-12-18 12:57:43]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah yeah
[2024-12-18 12:57:54]
GodBleesYou :
. @bnqxbt i am forever bull
[2024-12-18 12:58:00]
GodBleesYou :
Was bull for 10 years
[2024-12-18 12:58:07]
GodBleesYou :
If i turn bear you should be scare
[2024-12-18 12:58:11]
bnqxbt :
don't be, be analytic
[2024-12-18 12:58:25]
bnqxbt :
btc is always bullish, trending forever up
[2024-12-18 12:58:30]
bnqxbt :
you can't be
[2024-12-18 12:58:38]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 500 USD @ 104977.4 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-12-18 12:58:40]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: see you at 1300$ per coin
[2024-12-18 12:58:51]
bnqxbt :
gl with that
[2024-12-18 12:58:54]
GodBleesYou :
On 1300$ i will be bull 4 ever bull once again
[2024-12-18 12:59:11]
GodBleesYou :
First need to rekt you and black rock @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 12:59:50]
bnqxbt :
that completely checks out
[2024-12-18 13:00:43]
bnqxbt :
1$ forever, us will buy every btc, and they will force it to 1$, then they sell on themself, and shoot them selves in the head and starts singing the nigeria anthem. while flying on a magic goose to mars
[2024-12-18 13:00:58]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: bty.. offcourse btc is bullish he always been..
[2024-12-18 13:01:11]
GodBleesYou :
But as well he drop 80-90% normaly
[2024-12-18 13:01:18]
GodBleesYou :
Gold never deop -80%
[2024-12-18 13:01:31]
bnqxbt :
btc will drop 70-80% but the bottom will be 100k
[2024-12-18 13:01:42]
NiceGuy :
gold is ultimate value hold until asteroid mining hahahaha
[2024-12-18 13:01:43]
bnqxbt :
there might be new forces to keep it from dropping
[2024-12-18 13:02:00]
bnqxbt :
maybe it only drops 50% next bear market
[2024-12-18 13:02:08]
GodBleesYou :
Hard almost impossible to maniplate the gold market.. and they still do it with payper tradring... think what they will do to btc 😬 @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 13:02:18]
GodBleesYou :
I trust govverment to fuck up crypto market
[2024-12-18 13:02:28]
bnqxbt :
GodBleesYou: they can F up people, not btc
[2024-12-18 13:02:40]
bnqxbt :
btc is tranparent, everybody can see everything, not with gold not with fiat
[2024-12-18 13:02:41]
GodBleesYou :
100% sure there "support" is posion for us
[2024-12-18 13:03:01]
bnqxbt :
you don't UNDERSTAND what this is
[2024-12-18 13:03:07]
bnqxbt :
that is your problem
[2024-12-18 13:03:17]
bnqxbt :
so you are making an emotional guess
[2024-12-18 13:03:19]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: gold is transpent as well.. they tell us with trade payper.. pepole still do it... jajajaja
[2024-12-18 13:03:32]
GodBleesYou :
Silver trade at 200x then yearly supply 😆😆😆
[2024-12-18 13:03:37]
GodBleesYou :
Thats what goverment do
[2024-12-18 13:03:37]
bnqxbt :
gold is as far away from transparent
[2024-12-18 13:03:52]
bnqxbt :
you don't even know what it means
[2024-12-18 13:04:29]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: yeah o dont know gold.. i only hold it for 20 years 😆😆
[2024-12-18 13:04:33]
GodBleesYou :
I dont know anything
[2024-12-18 13:04:35]
GodBleesYou :
I am noob
[2024-12-18 13:04:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ONDOUSDT`: Sell 20 ONDO @ 1.94286 ($38.85)
[2024-12-18 13:04:50]
bnqxbt :
btc can say, there are 10 btc, and everybody in the world can at any moment see where they are, no amount of paper lies will change the amount and where they are, gold and fiat you can lie and nobody can really tell what is the truth
[2024-12-18 13:04:57]
GodBleesYou :
Sorry pro trader so sorry to waste your time 😃😅😁😆 @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 13:05:25]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: pepole will sell if trend down and will buy if trend up
[2024-12-18 13:05:30]
bnqxbt :
gov can try to ban or sell or buy btc, nothing will happen
[2024-12-18 13:05:35]
GodBleesYou :
You give human to much cridet
[2024-12-18 13:05:42]
ninnk :
bnqxbt: ok tell me where my btc is then? ;)
[2024-12-18 13:05:48]
GodBleesYou :
Trust me everyone will sell there btc if we drop below 10k
[2024-12-18 13:05:51]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:05:57]
Schmico666 :
[2024-12-18 13:06:02]
ninnk :
i'll save u some time, they're in arthur's pocket
[2024-12-18 13:06:12]
ninnk :
[2024-12-18 13:07:00]
GodBleesYou :
blaster33: blck plot is bear green plot is bear momentom. Blue is bull plot. Red is bull momentom . Orange is the avrage beetween bull and bear
[2024-12-18 13:09:21]
al guul :
frontrun jpow :btc:
[2024-12-18 13:11:02]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:11:13]
GodBleesYou :
Only blind guy can think this is bullish
[2024-12-18 13:11:17]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:11:49]
GodBleesYou :
As you can see
[2024-12-18 13:11:56]
GodBleesYou :
As all of us can see
[2024-12-18 13:12:07]
GodBleesYou :
MY bear plot doing invert head and sholders
[2024-12-18 13:12:11]
GodBleesYou :
But for bear side
[2024-12-18 13:12:15]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:13:12]
bnqxbt :
you serisoly only have that to go by
[2024-12-18 13:13:30]
bnqxbt :
wow, you could be reading stars or even worse, news
[2024-12-18 13:13:33]
al guul :
gl with that
[2024-12-18 13:13:37]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: i am a math guy.. math dont lie love
[2024-12-18 13:13:50]
bnqxbt :
well your math missed the long ride to 100k,
[2024-12-18 13:14:06]
GodBleesYou :
No it didnt 😆😆😆
[2024-12-18 13:14:31]
GodBleesYou :
My real account still holding longs from 15k area 😆😆😆 @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 13:14:52]
GodBleesYou :
My avrage ebtery is 37k
[2024-12-18 13:15:12]
bnqxbt :
weirdest short flex
[2024-12-18 13:15:21]
bnqxbt :
gl with the 1300$
[2024-12-18 13:15:34]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: i play both sides 🤣
[2024-12-18 13:15:40]
bnqxbt :
which means no side
[2024-12-18 13:16:05]
GodBleesYou :
Bit more bear.. beacuse the indicator @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 13:16:09]
GodBleesYou :
Anyways i need to go
[2024-12-18 13:16:14]
GodBleesYou :
I warned you
[2024-12-18 13:17:05]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200 USD @ 105117.9 - Game over
[2024-12-18 13:17:18]
The_Reaper :
Gigachad pump coming
[2024-12-18 13:18:01]
bnqxbt :
The_Reaper: get ready for a attack drop, last big scoop up by the big whales, 88k is in the cards
[2024-12-18 13:18:43]
bnqxbt :
then we see 130, 150 and maybe even 180k before eoy
[2024-12-18 13:19:07]
bnqxbt :
minimum 130k
[2024-12-18 13:20:03]
blaster33 :
bnqxbt: i have hard time to believe we go to 88k and 130, 150 or 180 in 15 days
[2024-12-18 13:20:31]
blaster33 :
i mean if we go to 88k, i expect more range for like 1 month
[2024-12-18 13:21:06]
NiceGuy :
blaster33: have you been since 2017?
[2024-12-18 13:21:14]
NiceGuy :
there was days of -20%
[2024-12-18 13:21:20]
NiceGuy :
[2024-12-18 13:21:44]
bnqxbt :
technically, the drop wont affect and only be a 4h wick, we are going up from here
[2024-12-18 13:22:09]
bnqxbt :
it's just that many are going to get liquidated if it touches 88k in 4-8h
[2024-12-18 13:22:13]
blaster33 :
NiceGuy: no i mean, no doubt -20% can happen, it's just 88k to 130-150-180 in 15 days lol
[2024-12-18 13:23:03]
blaster33 :
but ye btc doubled its price in a few hours from 10k to 20k so i guess it's possible
[2024-12-18 13:23:12]
blaster33 :
in 2017
[2024-12-18 13:24:08]
contract details :
more moooon
[2024-12-18 13:24:33]
bnqxbt :
blaster33: btc went 45% in 11 days or less
[2024-12-18 13:25:09]
bnqxbt :
the setups is the same
[2024-12-18 13:25:48]
bnqxbt :
it was always going to 30k, but it needed to tap 19k before so, and it took less than 11 days to get up there,
[2024-12-18 13:25:52]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:25:56]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:26:22]
bnqxbt :
and because the drop was so furious the pump was twice that
[2024-12-18 13:26:29]
al guul :
fomc gonna pump eet
[2024-12-18 13:26:30]
GodBleesYou :
Anyone know the name oof the real song?
[2024-12-18 13:26:44]
GodBleesYou :
al guul: 100%
[2024-12-18 13:26:52]
GodBleesYou :
Impulse wave in the card
[2024-12-18 13:26:56]
GodBleesYou :
Short it!!
[2024-12-18 13:28:41]
bnqxbt :
fractal overlay
[2024-12-18 13:29:07]
ninnk :
GodBleesYou: yea i can send you real songs if you want
[2024-12-18 13:29:12]
ninnk :
wtf is this shit
[2024-12-18 13:30:13]
GodBleesYou :
ninnk: nostelgia love
[2024-12-18 13:30:25]
GodBleesYou :
Thats the song of need for speed 1 or 2
[2024-12-18 13:30:40]
GodBleesYou :
Take me back to teenage years
[2024-12-18 13:30:43]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:31:09]
trader4 :
cannot buy bmex
[2024-12-18 13:32:03]
MrBath :
What time FOMC
[2024-12-18 13:32:05]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: bty.. if you wanna be bull super bull? Bmex gonna pump so hard in the next few years
[2024-12-18 13:32:15]
GodBleesYou :
Me and few whales pumping it
[2024-12-18 13:32:43]
ninnk :
GodBleesYou: burnout revenge :heart_eyes:
[2024-12-18 13:33:12]
bnqxbt :
GodBleesYou: this guy gets the 2024 best financial advice award
[2024-12-18 13:33:36]
bnqxbt :
I think I would even believe trump before you
[2024-12-18 13:33:49]
GodBleesYou :
ninnk: just honest with.. i stoped short bmex now i am long
[2024-12-18 13:34:26]
MoonBruv :
god bless
[2024-12-18 13:34:29]
MoonBruv :
[2024-12-18 13:34:35]
MoonBruv :
merry nights to u all
[2024-12-18 13:34:45]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:34:54]
MoonBruv :
buy bmex and hold it until jan 21
[2024-12-18 13:34:59]
MoonBruv :
something incredible is about to happen
[2024-12-18 13:35:05]
MoonBruv :
your life is going to change
[2024-12-18 13:35:18]
MoonBruv :
if u hold a lot of bmex before 21 jan
[2024-12-18 13:35:44]
bnqxbt :
GodBleesYou: you chart gives you the worst long and short advice
[2024-12-18 13:35:52]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-12-18 13:36:12]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: budd have some respect.. i am trying to help
[2024-12-18 13:36:38]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: i didnt know 250% profit is a bad thing
[2024-12-18 13:36:42]
GodBleesYou :
Maybe it is
[2024-12-18 13:37:03]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: i didnt know +250% is a bad thing
[2024-12-18 13:37:34]
bnqxbt :
if you did 250% profit on bmex, you were gambling with lev
[2024-12-18 13:37:57]
bnqxbt :
bmex has swing worse than a 15 yo bi polar teen
[2024-12-18 13:38:04]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: 1x per trade
[2024-12-18 13:38:16]
GodBleesYou :
Long or short
[2024-12-18 13:38:25]
GodBleesYou :
No gamblaing.. math @bnqxbt
[2024-12-18 13:38:25]
bnqxbt :
and again, gl with the long
[2024-12-18 13:38:48]
bnqxbt :
next you are going to tell me you use math on meme coins
[2024-12-18 13:38:59]
bnqxbt :
because of course they have value
[2024-12-18 13:39:02]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: i dont trade mem coins..
[2024-12-18 13:39:07]
GodBleesYou :
To bad 🥲
[2024-12-18 13:39:12]
bnqxbt :
bmex is one
[2024-12-18 13:39:20]
GodBleesYou :
I missed the alt coin and meme and nfts
[2024-12-18 13:39:31]
GodBleesYou :
I am only badger kinda guy
[2024-12-18 13:39:55]
GodBleesYou :
Had few xmr in 2016.. 😆 but i dont touch alts...
[2024-12-18 13:39:55]
bnqxbt :
anyways, enough wasted time
[2024-12-18 13:42:16]
GodBleesYou :
bnqxbt: 😘
[2024-12-18 13:43:04]
kroleg666 :
QRL to the moon
[2024-12-18 13:43:09]
kroleg666 :
the bottom is in
[2024-12-18 13:43:38]
kroleg666 :
first target $100
[2024-12-18 13:44:10]
kroleg666 :
just wait till big players understand QRL is the real bitcoin
[2024-12-18 13:44:13]
kroleg666 :
and flip
[2024-12-18 13:44:16]
kroleg666 :
holy shit
[2024-12-18 13:44:20]
kroleg666 :
$1k won't hold
[2024-12-18 13:44:28]
FishyGuy :
I'll take "Things that'll never happen" for 500 please Alex
[2024-12-18 13:44:36]
kroleg666 :
just hodl QRL for 1 year and become billionaire
[2024-12-18 13:44:44]
kroleg666 :
screenshot this
[2024-12-18 13:52:08]
kroleg666 :
people that don't believe 1 QRL can be $1000000 are same people that didnt believe in bitcoin in 2009
[2024-12-18 13:53:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `DYDXUSD`: Sell 41 Cont @ 1.8272 ($784.30)
[2024-12-18 13:53:02]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `AAVEUSD`: Sell 5 Cont @ 367.49 ($192.36)
[2024-12-18 13:53:45]
kroleg666 :
meamwhile they long the top of useless air that will die in a year max :D :D :D
[2024-12-18 13:56:05]
Joeyy132 :
kroleg666: bro I can’t believe you are spewing this shit about qrl
[2024-12-18 13:56:11]
Joeyy132 :
give it up
[2024-12-18 13:56:22]
Joeyy132 :
Qrl is nothing
[2024-12-18 13:56:31]
Joeyy132 :
taking advantage of buzzwords
[2024-12-18 13:56:45]
kroleg666 :
Joeyy132: QRL will be the only coin surviving quantum apocalypse
[2024-12-18 13:56:51]
kroleg666 :
everybody, LITERALLY EVERYBODY will fomo in
[2024-12-18 13:56:53]
kroleg666 :
[2024-12-18 13:57:12]
kroleg666 :
it will reach 100k much faster than it took btc
[2024-12-18 13:57:35]
kroleg666 :
it also has smart contracts so can replace ETH
[2024-12-18 13:57:37]
Joeyy132 :
It would have happened already
[2024-12-18 13:57:41]
kroleg666 :
and it will be POS in Q1 2025