BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-11-11 19:29:18] I Love BitMEX : E
[2024-11-11 19:29:19] I Love BitMEX : T
[2024-11-11 19:29:20] I Love BitMEX : A
[2024-11-11 19:29:22] I Love BitMEX : R
[2024-11-11 19:29:23] I Love BitMEX : D
[2024-11-11 19:29:24] I Love BitMEX : E
[2024-11-11 19:29:25] I Love BitMEX : D
[2024-11-11 19:29:31] kroleg666 : its not even a market anymore
[2024-11-11 19:29:40] I Love BitMEX : @bitmex_hans alo bruv why u lied to me
[2024-11-11 19:30:10] I Love BitMEX : This is plain open season robbery since that cuck trump and elon won
[2024-11-11 19:30:22] kroleg666 : they are scamming the world in the open
[2024-11-11 19:30:28] 666getoboy : kroleg666: never was
[2024-11-11 19:30:30] kroleg666 : in broad daylight
[2024-11-11 19:30:38] kroleg666 : and cucks keep buying
[2024-11-11 19:30:38] dsi : I'm short x1, liquidation at 160k+, you know what's coming next
[2024-11-11 19:30:39] HuskySquared : kroleg666: u liq why u still here
[2024-11-11 19:30:40] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2024-11-11 19:30:44] kroleg666 : just to chat
[2024-11-11 19:31:00] I Love BitMEX : HuskySquared: hey dog shit go bark to another tree
[2024-11-11 19:31:22] bearologist : Got to admit, it almost feels like BITMEX isn't a wasteland for a min when the price goes up a few ticks
[2024-11-11 19:31:31] HuskySquared : i lost more than all of you plebs and im not close as sour as you are
[2024-11-11 19:31:33] HuskySquared : lmao
[2024-11-11 19:31:39] HuskySquared : character
[2024-11-11 19:31:45] bearologist : Did the 128MM suit settle yet
[2024-11-11 19:31:57] HuskySquared : bearologist: nah the gov demand payment
[2024-11-11 19:32:00] HuskySquared : but we have insurance fund
[2024-11-11 19:32:01] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2024-11-11 19:32:03] bearologist : Or the margin manipulation information request?
[2024-11-11 19:32:09] bearologist : It's due nov. 24th
[2024-11-11 19:32:17] dsi : lost 10k on bitmex and I'm salty, can't imagine losing million
[2024-11-11 19:32:21] HuskySquared : what margin manipulation information request
[2024-11-11 19:32:22] bluemaster : I don't have nothing to say 😎
[2024-11-11 19:32:24] bearologist : sorry the bid/ask spread
[2024-11-11 19:32:25] BlissRP : feels90kman
[2024-11-11 19:32:27] bearologist : manip
[2024-11-11 19:32:28] BlissRP : todayman
[2024-11-11 19:32:28] boros : Eloo
[2024-11-11 19:32:28] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0178 XBT RPNL, 0.9333 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-11 19:32:30] bearologist : suit
[2024-11-11 19:32:31] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.1462 XBT RPNL, 1.1182 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-11 19:32:43] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.7520 XBT RPNL, 0.4267 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-11 19:32:48] bearologist : It's from our fellow USA monkee's
[2024-11-11 19:32:52] bearologist : :me:
[2024-11-11 19:32:53] HuskySquared : :arthur:
[2024-11-11 19:33:10] BlissRP :
[2024-11-11 19:33:10] 666getoboy : 87 gonna pop
[2024-11-11 19:33:11] HuskySquared : bluemaster: :cool:
[2024-11-11 19:33:17] speedwell : I can see 90k from here...
[2024-11-11 19:33:19] BlissRP : 90k TODAY
[2024-11-11 19:33:22] General Host : 33420
[2024-11-11 19:33:32] General Host : :doge:
[2024-11-11 19:34:04] HuskySquared : BlissRP: yes please
[2024-11-11 19:34:17] BlissRP : magic 8 ball says: likely
[2024-11-11 19:34:38] hqc : maybe some state started buying
[2024-11-11 19:34:48] BlissRP : its trumps bitcoin fund!
[2024-11-11 19:34:50] BlissRP : share the news
[2024-11-11 19:34:53] MrBath : Its me. I started buying
[2024-11-11 19:34:54] BlissRP : :arthur:
[2024-11-11 19:35:22] bluemaster : I am going to work , it is not ethical to watch this 😜
[2024-11-11 19:35:23] hqc : ALL HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP!
[2024-11-11 19:35:35] I Love BitMEX : BITMEX STOLE From me over 1.4 btc
[2024-11-11 19:35:37] I Love BitMEX : But hey...
[2024-11-11 19:35:40] I Love BitMEX : Crypto
[2024-11-11 19:36:17] HuskySquared : hqc: BITCOIN ELECT
[2024-11-11 19:36:27] BlissRP : LMAO
[2024-11-11 19:36:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 48000 USD @ 86559.2 - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-11 19:36:43] BlissRP : its a long way to valhalla
[2024-11-11 19:37:06] I Love BitMEX : Are you bulls rich yet?
[2024-11-11 19:37:13] bearologist : HuskySquared: It's the hidden insider trading desk all over, but this time it's BITMEX_JOYCE and BITMEX_CHAD
[2024-11-11 19:37:21] bearologist : And the US of A is getting them! :kek:
[2024-11-11 19:37:28] HuskySquared : lol
[2024-11-11 19:37:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2000 USD @ 86662.5
[2024-11-11 19:37:37] 666getoboy : i gave in and fucking top longed
[2024-11-11 19:37:43] bearologist : Glad I could join the class action in time...
[2024-11-11 19:37:50] bearologist : Might refund my 9$
[2024-11-11 19:37:53] bearologist : :me:
[2024-11-11 19:37:54] speedwell : just sold some cheap corn.
[2024-11-11 19:37:57] hqc : I only made 0.4 btc so far only 4.6 and I'm at 0
[2024-11-11 19:38:12] BlissRP : I Love BitMEX: positioned for early retirement, ser
[2024-11-11 19:38:43] General Host : tp1
[2024-11-11 19:40:17] Motorizado : told u not to short this shit
[2024-11-11 19:40:25] bluemaster : I am just waiting to see which exchange goes down first ( Hucked wink wink )
[2024-11-11 19:40:37] Motorizado : ira parabolical movement
[2024-11-11 19:40:40] I Love BitMEX : 3027 is the wcammer liquidation on ethereum @bearologist @kroleg666
[2024-11-11 19:40:58] kroleg666 : scammers are controlling the price tho
[2024-11-11 19:41:01] BlissRP : bluemaster: coinbase 100p
[2024-11-11 19:41:02] kroleg666 : they will do what they want
[2024-11-11 19:41:11] I Love BitMEX : On btc it is76500 @kroleg666
[2024-11-11 19:41:19] kroleg666 : yeah it doesnt matter
[2024-11-11 19:41:20] BlissRP : kroleg666: i love being on the scammers team
[2024-11-11 19:41:22] kroleg666 : there's nobody above them
[2024-11-11 19:41:39] kroleg666 : BlissRP: you're not, its just not your turn yet
[2024-11-11 19:41:39] I Love BitMEX : bluemaster: u rich yet sir?
[2024-11-11 19:41:44] kroleg666 : they will liquidate 100% of honest traders
[2024-11-11 19:41:57] HuskySquared : lmao
[2024-11-11 19:41:58] BlissRP : kroleg666: i dont ever allow that to happen ser
[2024-11-11 19:42:04] kroleg666 : cool story
[2024-11-11 19:42:07] BlissRP : managing emotions
[2024-11-11 19:42:08] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: did you just call a number on me sir
[2024-11-11 19:42:13] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: :)
[2024-11-11 19:42:19] I Love BitMEX : HuskySquared: unrich?
[2024-11-11 19:42:27] HuskySquared : :(
[2024-11-11 19:42:28] I Love BitMEX : If you sound rich let me send u my wallet @HuskySquared
[2024-11-11 19:42:33] I Love BitMEX : So*
[2024-11-11 19:42:49] I Love BitMEX : All who are rich, i can send u my wallet... else be humble and fok off
[2024-11-11 19:43:04] HuskySquared : how did u even get unbanned
[2024-11-11 19:43:08] HuskySquared : its like if needler came back
[2024-11-11 19:43:14] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: BitMEX’s omission regarding the Insider Trading Desk misled customers into believing that BitMEX was not operating against their interests. Even after BitMEX disclosed the existence of the Insider Trading Desk on April 30, 2018, BitMEX omitted that the desk “enjoys information and technical advantages over BitMEX customers,” SAC ¶ 207. such as the ability to “trade against BitMEX customers during the lockouts,” SAC ¶ 208. BitMEX’s failure to disclose that it manipulated the prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum on the U.S.- based third-party reference exchanges, tricked customers into believing that BitMEX was not actually working against them by making its own trades profitable and forcing customerliquidations. SAC ¶¶ 207.
[2024-11-11 19:43:26] contract details : HuskySquared: you lost more in absolute nambas but not %
[2024-11-11 19:43:27] contract details : :Arthur:
[2024-11-11 19:43:31] HuskySquared : lol
[2024-11-11 19:43:33] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: Do you enjoy information and technical advantages over other traders, sir? :kek:
[2024-11-11 19:43:42] HuskySquared : bearologist: yea but isnt this old news
[2024-11-11 19:43:46] HuskySquared : since i came here they didnt need that anymore
[2024-11-11 19:43:49] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: yes I know this, I am one of the guys who have been actively hunted.
[2024-11-11 19:43:51] HuskySquared : i liquidate all by myself
[2024-11-11 19:43:58] bearologist : HuskySquared: I re-opened it
[2024-11-11 19:44:01] bearologist : They
[2024-11-11 19:44:04] HuskySquared : bearologist: lol
[2024-11-11 19:44:10] bearologist : Class actione sir, woof woof
[2024-11-11 19:44:11] contract details : ah bitmex
[2024-11-11 19:44:15] contract details : out favourite scam center
[2024-11-11 19:44:20] Yourholyhireless : is bluemster rekt?
[2024-11-11 19:44:28] bearologist : Bitmex long legged Joyce is plotting a plan right NOW!
[2024-11-11 19:44:30] BlissRP : contract details: ser your computer is infected with very serious virus
[2024-11-11 19:44:31] General Host : contract details: prob also by % since I remember him adding margin ..
[2024-11-11 19:44:33] BlissRP : i must remote in
[2024-11-11 19:44:35] kroleg666 : Yourholyhireless: he's part of whale cartel
[2024-11-11 19:44:49] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: bitmex stole from me 0.95 xbt in 2018 when they closed the exchange for 30 minutes and liquidated everyone
[2024-11-11 19:45:16] I Love BitMEX : HuskySquared: so u rich yet?
[2024-11-11 19:45:19] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: Join the suit, they go dark anytime to increase rekts, known provable fact, SIR.
[2024-11-11 19:45:19] General Host : but the husky never dies i guess
[2024-11-11 19:45:23] Yourholyhireless : :arthur: yar 😌
[2024-11-11 19:45:24] HuskySquared : I Love BitMEX: nope
[2024-11-11 19:45:25] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : on bybit was 57k
[2024-11-11 19:45:25] HuskySquared : i need 120k
[2024-11-11 19:45:38] I Love BitMEX : HuskySquared: ok i need just 50 dollars we are not the same.
[2024-11-11 19:45:43] kroleg666 : and once they liquidate all honest traders - all that money goes to terrorism and child trafficing
[2024-11-11 19:45:47] I Love BitMEX : I consider myself rich with 50 dollars
[2024-11-11 19:45:47] HuskySquared : I Love BitMEX: not the same by genetics
[2024-11-11 19:45:50] HuskySquared : u are romanian panhandler
[2024-11-11 19:46:04] I Love BitMEX : HuskySquared: and u are what
[2024-11-11 19:46:06] bearologist : They banned 2 of my accounts before for being on some Chinese IP
[2024-11-11 19:46:12] HuskySquared : lol
[2024-11-11 19:46:12] bearologist : Brother, I don't even eat chinese.
[2024-11-11 19:46:16] HuskySquared : HAHAHA
[2024-11-11 19:46:24] BlissRP : lmao
[2024-11-11 19:46:32] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: :)
[2024-11-11 19:46:40] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: I think it know u from somewhere...
[2024-11-11 19:46:48] I Love BitMEX : Can't put my fingers on who exactly
[2024-11-11 19:46:53] I Love BitMEX : But I think u already know me ..
[2024-11-11 19:46:56] I Love BitMEX : Hmmm @bearologist
[2024-11-11 19:47:12] HuskySquared : all right guys
[2024-11-11 19:47:12] HuskySquared : PUSH
[2024-11-11 19:47:15] HuskySquared : 100K
[2024-11-11 19:47:19] HuskySquared : ITS ONLY 13.5K AWAY
[2024-11-11 19:47:21] HuskySquared : SMALL MOVE
[2024-11-11 19:47:32] I Love BitMEX : @bitmex_hans alo
[2024-11-11 19:48:00] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: Long BitMEX :doge:
[2024-11-11 19:48:16] HuskySquared : push it
[2024-11-11 19:48:17] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: I have no money
[2024-11-11 19:48:26] I Love BitMEX : We are not trolling when we say we are poor.
[2024-11-11 19:48:35] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: I got money for ya if you join the suit
[2024-11-11 19:48:35] I Love BitMEX : Being poor is not a thing to joke about
[2024-11-11 19:48:55] bearologist : 10k cash if you bring proof
[2024-11-11 19:48:58] bearologist : :kek:
[2024-11-11 19:49:04] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: I would join. I have many evidence and emails, not only about bitmex but binance too
[2024-11-11 19:49:21] bearologist : We can roll this shack up in the Seychelles sire.
[2024-11-11 19:49:27] bearologist : Get the shmecklez.
[2024-11-11 19:50:23] I Love BitMEX : I only want my 0.95 xbt from when bitmex shut down for 30 minutes and liquidated ppl
[2024-11-11 19:50:29] I Love BitMEX : The rest i do not want.
[2024-11-11 19:50:33] speedwell : It's salty by the sea, come like in the mountains and be free.
[2024-11-11 19:50:48] speedwell : live*
[2024-11-11 19:51:04] contract details : BlissRP: ok
[2024-11-11 19:51:13] contract details : tell me what to do BlissRP
[2024-11-11 19:51:21] bearologist : Every wave has to come to shore.
[2024-11-11 19:51:24] I Love BitMEX : Funniest crap today @bearologist I bought some eth puts, after 30 minutes they scammed pumped me
[2024-11-11 19:51:44] I Love BitMEX : Now my puts are in shambles, but hey i still got time to expira
[2024-11-11 19:52:11] 666getoboy : i might have found the literal pico-top of this run and longed it, lets see
[2024-11-11 19:52:12] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: I think that push rekt like half a bil
[2024-11-11 19:52:19] bearologist : lol
[2024-11-11 19:52:28] bearologist : ez 10m+ fees
[2024-11-11 19:52:41] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: yes
[2024-11-11 19:52:51] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : kek
[2024-11-11 19:53:01] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: so yes, if u are planning a class action suit I am willing to participate
[2024-11-11 19:53:41] I Love BitMEX : Best part bitmex ceo is now German and German law applies to him @bearologist
[2024-11-11 19:53:41] bearologist : @I Love BitMEX join Case 1:20-cv-03232-ALC
[2024-11-11 19:54:24] bearologist : He is german?
[2024-11-11 19:54:29] bearologist : Sehr gut...
[2024-11-11 19:55:38] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: this hmm
[2024-11-11 19:55:58] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: you do realise this exchange is monitored...
[2024-11-11 19:56:08] contract details : monitor deez nuts
[2024-11-11 19:56:09] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-11 19:56:22] BMEXcheers : wow, if only i had longed at 51k with a simple 1btc long
[2024-11-11 19:56:23] kroleg666 : how can lawsuits work when they can bribe judge for 10M$ and thats it
[2024-11-11 19:56:26] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: BitMEX tricked customers into believing that BitMEX was not actually working against them by making its own trades profitable and forcing customer liquidations. SAC ¶¶ 207.
[2024-11-11 19:56:28] BMEXcheers : if only
[2024-11-11 19:56:30] kroleg666 : thye won't even feel it
[2024-11-11 19:56:33] BMEXcheers : *big shucks*
[2024-11-11 19:56:41] bearologist : 90% of profitable trades you see in chat are insider trading desk puppeteerz
[2024-11-11 19:56:50] contract details : lol
[2024-11-11 19:56:50] bearologist : It's so ez to zee zir
[2024-11-11 19:56:56] kroleg666 : 99%
[2024-11-11 19:56:59] contract details : no
[2024-11-11 19:57:00] contract details : 100%
[2024-11-11 19:57:00] kroleg666 : insiders, exchanges and whale pools
[2024-11-11 19:57:02] kroleg666 : controlling price
[2024-11-11 19:57:02] BMEXcheers : imagine a 2btc long
[2024-11-11 19:57:03] contract details : we are all bitmex bots
[2024-11-11 19:57:03] BMEXcheers : oooo
[2024-11-11 19:57:04] I Love BitMEX : All persons who purchased any Bitcoin or Ethereum swap products on BitMEX in domestic U.S. transactions between February 28, 2016 and an end date to be determined by the Court and were injured thereby. Accordingly, the Class Period is February 28, 2016 through the e nd date as determined by the Court. Defendants shall file their respective Answers to the Third Amended Complaint within 30 days
[2024-11-11 19:57:05] BMEXcheers : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[2024-11-11 19:57:08] kroleg666 : 100% likely too yeah
[2024-11-11 19:57:10] bearologist : Just need a judge to hammer the ting
[2024-11-11 19:57:15] kroleg666 : fish can be temporarily lucky but then its their turn
[2024-11-11 19:57:23] kroleg666 : only crypto cartel profits long term
[2024-11-11 19:57:49] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: That's an old suit
[2024-11-11 19:57:57] speedwell : 120%, they trade in a parallel universe, fucen scamers!
[2024-11-11 19:58:01] bearologist : There's like a billion of ' em
[2024-11-11 19:58:02] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: no other is a note form the current one
[2024-11-11 19:58:10] I Love BitMEX : So this lawsuit applies to all who want to join
[2024-11-11 19:58:14] kroleg666 : speedwell: they don't trade, they plan to set price to certain value and set it
[2024-11-11 19:58:14] I Love BitMEX : All bitmex customers
[2024-11-11 19:58:18] kroleg666 : because they control majority of capital
[2024-11-11 19:58:20] I Love BitMEX : Have been defrauded at 1 point
[2024-11-11 19:58:23] kroleg666 : and then they move price to other level
[2024-11-11 19:58:24] kroleg666 : and so on
[2024-11-11 19:58:28] bearologist : Try finding one in your jurisdiction it's easiest
[2024-11-11 19:58:33] bearologist : to join
[2024-11-11 19:58:46] bearologist : Ger many or Zimbobwe
[2024-11-11 19:58:46] I Love BitMEX : It's just plain order book spoofing
[2024-11-11 19:58:52] I Love BitMEX : They move the orderbook
[2024-11-11 19:58:55] I Love BitMEX : Not the volume
[2024-11-11 19:59:10] speedwell : kroleg666: liquidity hunting
[2024-11-11 19:59:16] I Love BitMEX : Yes @speedwell
[2024-11-11 19:59:17] kroleg666 : yeah thats what they do 24/7
[2024-11-11 19:59:23] kroleg666 : exchanges see liq prices of their customers
[2024-11-11 19:59:25] kroleg666 : and scam them
[2024-11-11 19:59:25] boros : Do we have any Admin here?
[2024-11-11 19:59:25] kroleg666 : 24/7
[2024-11-11 19:59:35] contract details : boros: how can i help?
[2024-11-11 19:59:47] I Love BitMEX : **okx is a big part of this, why do you think aerhur went to Korea?**
[2024-11-11 19:59:57] BMEXcheers : wow
[2024-11-11 19:59:58] bearologist : boros: They're in the inside trading desk rekting you
[2024-11-11 20:00:00] BMEXcheers : something changed
[2024-11-11 20:00:02] bearologist : :kek:
[2024-11-11 20:00:05] BMEXcheers : we are approaching 3000 users
[2024-11-11 20:00:07] BMEXcheers : this is it
[2024-11-11 20:00:10] contract details : short it
[2024-11-11 20:00:10] General Host : hail lord erther
[2024-11-11 20:00:11] BMEXcheers : the return of bmex
[2024-11-11 20:00:20] bearologist : LONG BMEX
[2024-11-11 20:00:25] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: yes bitmex a has its own **for profit market making desk with preferential treatment**
[2024-11-11 20:00:34] BMEXcheers : oh gosh, when bmex hits 3usd
[2024-11-11 20:00:36] General Host : I Love BitMEX: just rethink it
[2024-11-11 20:00:37] kroleg666 : and I always knew my liq will be hunted, hence I never used more than 5x. what I didn't know is how easy they can control the price against ta, against fundamentals and common sense
[2024-11-11 20:00:41] BMEXcheers : imma be market selling this shieeeeeet
[2024-11-11 20:00:45] kroleg666 : it seems moving price is free for them
[2024-11-11 20:00:49] contract details : yeah
[2024-11-11 20:00:50] kroleg666 : cuz they work together
[2024-11-11 20:00:52] contract details : they are moving the NQ
[2024-11-11 20:00:55] contract details : incredible scam
[2024-11-11 20:00:55] General Host : BitMEX profit = good for users
[2024-11-11 20:00:55] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: Imagine getting 1XBT back at 80k a pop
[2024-11-11 20:00:57] contract details : NQ 21k wow
[2024-11-11 20:01:02] contract details : i mean just blackcock moving everything
[2024-11-11 20:01:09] General Host : doesnt matter where the profits come from
[2024-11-11 20:01:19] kroleg666 : capitalism should be dismantled
[2024-11-11 20:01:21] speedwell : imagine black rock power to move market
[2024-11-11 20:01:22] kroleg666 : its rotten
[2024-11-11 20:01:25] General Host : but profits mean BitMEX will exist longer
[2024-11-11 20:01:28] General Host : and that means
[2024-11-11 20:01:37] bearologist : speedwell: They're only 35B deep in BTC
[2024-11-11 20:01:39] kroleg666 : the speed of rich scamming the poor is accelerating exponentially
[2024-11-11 20:01:42] I Love BitMEX : bearologist: mate, they really did scam me out of 0.95 xbt and it wasn't a normal liquidating, they closed the exchange mate
[2024-11-11 20:01:52] bearologist : Literally like dropping a penny for a pleb like us
[2024-11-11 20:01:52] General Host : you get free education, information and entertainment within the TB of BMex
[2024-11-11 20:02:01] kroleg666 : unless you're born top 1% elite and invited to all secret whale pools and cartels - you have no way to get even close
[2024-11-11 20:02:22] General Host : so Im glad for evry DOLLA bitmex is profiting
[2024-11-11 20:02:26] I Love BitMEX : **2940 users online. The most bitmex ever had this year**
[2024-11-11 20:02:32] I Love BitMEX : **dump it hard**
[2024-11-11 20:02:35] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: I wasn't joking that they closed 2 of my accounts for being on an illegal jurisdiction IP while I never was
[2024-11-11 20:02:36] kroleg666 : we need china to launch some nukes to turn the world into military economy
[2024-11-11 20:02:36] Djdez : XRP 🔥🔥🔥
[2024-11-11 20:02:41] speedwell : we can be like the little fish that swim with the shark
[2024-11-11 20:02:42] I Love BitMEX : **send citalik to the grave**
[2024-11-11 20:02:49] I Love BitMEX : Vitalik 💀
[2024-11-11 20:02:53] kroleg666 : thats the only way now, because no uprising is possible anymore due to them controlling all means of communication
[2024-11-11 20:03:01] bearologist : I just like to stir ze pot. :kek:
[2024-11-11 20:03:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 104 Cont @ 0.6091 ($1,096.19)
[2024-11-11 20:04:23] contract details : idk man
[2024-11-11 20:04:25] contract details : just long silver
[2024-11-11 20:04:26] I Love BitMEX : **the military is in control is a false narrative as it seems they let a literal conman as leader of the free world, this is mafia robbing us looking straight into our face and wallets, this space is criminal** @kroleg666
[2024-11-11 20:04:29] contract details : spin the wheel
[2024-11-11 20:04:43] kroleg666 : yep
[2024-11-11 20:04:51] speedwell : when was the last time we had 8 green days in a row?
[2024-11-11 20:05:06] kroleg666 : they can make 999999999999999999999 green days in a row if they want (for free)
[2024-11-11 20:05:09] kroleg666 : they decide everything
[2024-11-11 20:05:16] kroleg666 : no point even looking at candles here
[2024-11-11 20:05:19] kroleg666 : only put your money and pray
[2024-11-11 20:05:59] kekemann : 😆😆😆
[2024-11-11 20:06:13] I Love BitMEX : **CASINO MAFIA IN CONTROL**
[2024-11-11 20:06:14] kroleg666 : imagine doing ta on ponzi scam
[2024-11-11 20:06:20] speedwell : kroleg666: they create and ride trends, we do all the leg work
[2024-11-11 20:06:40] kroleg666 : no we can only get into queue for liquidation
[2024-11-11 20:06:41] contract details : imagine vodoo lines on candlesticks are science
[2024-11-11 20:06:44] kroleg666 : then they choose who to liquidate first
[2024-11-11 20:06:49] kroleg666 : based on what they see
[2024-11-11 20:06:49] speedwell : we fight the wars
[2024-11-11 20:07:18] ninnk : contract details: doji in retrograde
[2024-11-11 20:07:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 86650.2
[2024-11-11 20:08:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0026 XBT @ 86579.4 ($225.52) - Game over
[2024-11-11 20:08:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 22000 USD @ 86752.7
[2024-11-11 20:08:21] Djdez : Wat the heck BTC
[2024-11-11 20:08:36] contract details : degen long gold and silver
[2024-11-11 20:08:37] contract details : good night
[2024-11-11 20:08:38] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-11 20:08:54] I Love BitMEX : contract details: rekt? Feels bad man
[2024-11-11 20:09:05] BitMEX_Douglas : boros: Hi, how may we help you
[2024-11-11 20:09:07] I Love BitMEX : contract details: I am not trolling u
[2024-11-11 20:09:12] kroleg666 : yeah they will buy lots of gold jewelry with stolen money
[2024-11-11 20:09:15] kroleg666 : so gold will go up
[2024-11-11 20:09:22] kroleg666 : also diamonds and all expensive shit
[2024-11-11 20:09:24] kroleg666 : and lambos
[2024-11-11 20:09:26] bearologist : I Love BitMEX: Contact Jordan Goldstein of Selendy Gay PLLC
[2024-11-11 20:09:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSDT`: Buy 15000 DOGE @ 0.32239 ($4,844.72) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-11 20:09:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2000 USD @ 86814.1
[2024-11-11 20:09:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0062 XBT @ 86635.4 ($538.19) - this was the last penny!
[2024-11-11 20:09:43] Atlemos : This is crazy ATH for a whole day!
[2024-11-11 20:09:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0450 XBT @ 86756.5 ($3,911.27)
[2024-11-11 20:09:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100200 USD @ 86925.6 - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-11-11 20:10:02] contract details : I Love BitMEX: what?
[2024-11-11 20:10:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 250100 USD @ 86947.6 - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-11 20:10:09] speedwell : we dip, sold last corn?
[2024-11-11 20:10:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 1 XBT @ 86768.8 ($86,954.36) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-11 20:10:18] speedwell : when*
[2024-11-11 20:10:23] al guul : o the reks
[2024-11-11 20:10:25] I Love BitMEX : **crikey crime season**
[2024-11-11 20:10:25] 45th_blown_account : moon it now
[2024-11-11 20:10:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0003 XBT @ 86825.2 ($26.10) - this was the last penny!
[2024-11-11 20:10:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1000 USD @ 87030.5
[2024-11-11 20:10:58] speedwell : strong daily
[2024-11-11 20:11:05] Djdez : $100k btc 🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-11-11 20:11:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1044 XBT @ 86950.9 ($9,096.41)
[2024-11-11 20:11:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200 USD @ 87138.9 - Game over
[2024-11-11 20:11:17] psn : it looks like 100k today
[2024-11-11 20:11:24] Atlemos : 100 key less go! this will wake McAffe up!
[2024-11-11 20:11:25] clarknova : Ting'
[2024-11-11 20:11:26] I Love BitMEX : 1 trillion next
[2024-11-11 20:11:37] Schmico666 : DOOM!!!!
[2024-11-11 20:11:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 87186.5
[2024-11-11 20:11:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0045 XBT @ 87006.8 ($392.30) - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-11-11 20:12:05] I Love BitMEX : More, higher
[2024-11-11 20:12:06] psn : It could crash at 88888 btc likes stupid numbers
[2024-11-11 20:12:08] 45th_blown_account : 100k - > 180k
[2024-11-11 20:12:12] I Love BitMEX : To the fokin moon
[2024-11-11 20:12:16] al guul : fk me
[2024-11-11 20:12:19] contract details : can we stop
[2024-11-11 20:12:21] I Love BitMEX : Liquidate everyone
[2024-11-11 20:12:22] contract details : i need my bots to get filled
[2024-11-11 20:12:26] I Love BitMEX : Go to 1 trillion good
[2024-11-11 20:12:27] kroleg666 : if all exchanges are faking the price in unison - how can you tell if price is real or fake?
[2024-11-11 20:12:30] contract details : when darth maul
[2024-11-11 20:12:34] kroleg666 : maybe nobody is buying rn
[2024-11-11 20:12:39] HuskySquared : lol
[2024-11-11 20:12:46] bearologist : Can this thing move already...
[2024-11-11 20:12:47] clarknova : :)
[2024-11-11 20:12:49] owl : i trust the science, and the science says your gay
[2024-11-11 20:12:51] HuskySquared : bearologist: ^
[2024-11-11 20:12:54] HuskySquared : clarknova: :me:
[2024-11-11 20:13:07] clarknova : HuskySquared: :doge:
[2024-11-11 20:13:12] contract details : owl: <3
[2024-11-11 20:13:14] HuskySquared : clarknova: i need 120k before Nov 22
[2024-11-11 20:13:16] contract details : very gae
[2024-11-11 20:13:17] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-11 20:13:22] Joeyy132 : kroleg666: exchanges are scamming price
[2024-11-11 20:13:26] Joeyy132 : nobody is buying lol
[2024-11-11 20:13:27] Atlemos : Chat GPT is long, Hans is long, bin salman is long
[2024-11-11 20:13:28] I Love BitMEX : 1 trillion next guys
[2024-11-11 20:13:38] I Love BitMEX : How you gonna cash out all those dollars?
[2024-11-11 20:13:39] bearologist : Joeyy132: I bought? :me:
[2024-11-11 20:13:40] speedwell : HuskySquared: why, turn into pumkin?
[2024-11-11 20:13:40] clarknova : HuskySquared: would be surprising
[2024-11-11 20:13:42] kroleg666 : yeah I mean all they need to do is to talk this over and make some algorithm/bot that will pretend price is moving
[2024-11-11 20:13:44] contract details : it's a bull mahalo
[2024-11-11 20:13:46] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-11 20:13:47] I Love BitMEX : Y'all gonna be filthy rich!
[2024-11-11 20:13:51] HuskySquared : clarknova: nah
[2024-11-11 20:13:52] kroleg666 : and then they verify against each other and it matches
[2024-11-11 20:13:54] HuskySquared : not at the current velocity
[2024-11-11 20:13:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 10 XRP @ 0.6166 ($6.16)
[2024-11-11 20:14:05] kroleg666 : there is no way to check if those are actual buys
[2024-11-11 20:14:08] kroleg666 : or sells
[2024-11-11 20:14:13] bearologist : You can paint a coconut green, but you can't change the milk inside.
[2024-11-11 20:14:21] I Love BitMEX : Fake volumes all the way
[2024-11-11 20:14:36] clarknova : HuskySquared: let see what happens around 90 first
[2024-11-11 20:14:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1446 XBT @ 87093.9 ($12,620.08)
[2024-11-11 20:14:37] speedwell : feels real
[2024-11-11 20:14:49] HuskySquared : clarknova: my calls are 94k and 100k
[2024-11-11 20:14:49] speedwell : my bank says it's real
[2024-11-11 20:14:57] HuskySquared : i need 120k for mad profitens
[2024-11-11 20:14:57] speedwell : tax man too
[2024-11-11 20:15:05] HuskySquared : or more lol
[2024-11-11 20:15:19] clarknova : speedwell: it's not, it's internet virtual money to buy drugs only
[2024-11-11 20:15:21] contract details : HuskySquared: have you ever tried to calculate what your lifetime breakeven profit would be?
[2024-11-11 20:15:22] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-11-11 20:15:28] HuskySquared : contract details: i'd rather not
[2024-11-11 20:15:30] HuskySquared : LMAO
[2024-11-11 20:15:34] HuskySquared : unattainable
[2024-11-11 20:15:44] HuskySquared : nah jk what did i lose tops
[2024-11-11 20:15:47] HuskySquared : 25m at current price?
[2024-11-11 20:15:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 21100 USD @ 87423.7
[2024-11-11 20:15:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0093 XBT @ 87255.3 ($812.96) - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-11-11 20:15:50] bearologist : contract details: Who even looks back more than a week
[2024-11-11 20:15:51] kroleg666 : clarknova: dont forget terrorism and child trafficing
[2024-11-11 20:15:55] I Love BitMEX : There is no top
[2024-11-11 20:15:56] HuskySquared : not that much
[2024-11-11 20:15:59] I Love BitMEX : 1 trillion next
[2024-11-11 20:16:09] clarknova : kroleg666: also
[2024-11-11 20:16:12] I Love BitMEX : Close all shorts
[2024-11-11 20:16:14] Atlemos : Ops, trendline incoming:
[2024-11-11 20:16:17] I Love BitMEX : No matter
[2024-11-11 20:16:28] kroleg666 : Atlemos: doesnt matter, ta doesnt work in crypto anymore
[2024-11-11 20:16:30] I Love BitMEX : Let 100% longs and let's see what happens
[2024-11-11 20:16:30] contract details : bearologist: who doesn't
[2024-11-11 20:16:31] kroleg666 : they just set price where they want
[2024-11-11 20:16:33] I Love BitMEX : Just for fun
[2024-11-11 20:16:34] HuskySquared : can we pick up the space?
[2024-11-11 20:16:34] HuskySquared : pace
[2024-11-11 20:16:37] I Love BitMEX : 100% longs.
[2024-11-11 20:16:38] bearologist : HuskySquared: You can get 300XBT in one day with a mighty fine 250x
[2024-11-11 20:16:39] I Love BitMEX : Do it.
[2024-11-11 20:16:39] Joeyy132 : kroleg666: nobody is buying
[2024-11-11 20:16:42] contract details : time has become a continuum today tomorrow a month :pepe:
[2024-11-11 20:16:45] Joeyy132 : the cia can make price whatever they want
[2024-11-11 20:16:46] Atlemos : kroleg666: indeed!
[2024-11-11 20:16:48] Joeyy132 : they use pennies
[2024-11-11 20:16:52] Joeyy132 : see volume
[2024-11-11 20:16:54] kroleg666 : Joeyy132: maybe they are faking 99.9999% of all activity
[2024-11-11 20:16:56] Joeyy132 : lowet than ever begote
[2024-11-11 20:16:57] HuskySquared : bearologist: i am waiting for the options to convert at 120-150k
[2024-11-11 20:17:00] kroleg666 : and in reality there's like 20 ppl trying to trade
[2024-11-11 20:17:01] HuskySquared : and then i short 250x with few million
[2024-11-11 20:17:02] kroleg666 : and get scammed
[2024-11-11 20:17:04] I Love BitMEX : Close short
[2024-11-11 20:17:06] I Love BitMEX : Buy the dip
[2024-11-11 20:17:07] Joeyy132 : kroleg666: lol yes they are. It’s been this way for years
[2024-11-11 20:17:09] HuskySquared : but first i turn the 50k into 2.5m
[2024-11-11 20:17:09] HuskySquared : or so
[2024-11-11 20:17:12] I Love BitMEX : Let it go to 1 trillion
[2024-11-11 20:17:16] bearologist : HuskySquared: this shithole got optiones now? :kek:
[2024-11-11 20:17:17] I Love BitMEX : Let's see how u cash out after
[2024-11-11 20:17:22] HuskySquared : bearologist: yes
[2024-11-11 20:17:22] I Love BitMEX : Destroy the banking system
[2024-11-11 20:17:24] HuskySquared : theres a button
[2024-11-11 20:17:25] I Love BitMEX : Get all cash
[2024-11-11 20:17:26] HuskySquared : no idea how it works tho
[2024-11-11 20:17:26] I Love BitMEX : Go
[2024-11-11 20:17:32] Joeyy132 : kroleg666: ur writing exactly what is happening
[2024-11-11 20:17:34] bearologist : Fk don't tell me that
[2024-11-11 20:17:43] Joeyy132 : the only people trading this are a few here in trollbox lol
[2024-11-11 20:17:46] HuskySquared : so i just got 80 btc options for strikes 94k and 100k
[2024-11-11 20:17:47] I Love BitMEX : 1 million dollar by tomorrow
[2024-11-11 20:17:49] HuskySquared : backed by 50k
[2024-11-11 20:17:55] HuskySquared : i just need us to run to 150k
[2024-11-11 20:17:56] HuskySquared : or so
[2024-11-11 20:17:57] kroleg666 : Joeyy132: well how can you know if any buys or sells are real
[2024-11-11 20:18:00] kroleg666 : or if price is real
[2024-11-11 20:18:02] HuskySquared : and then i will make good moeny that i can use to short
[2024-11-11 20:18:02] HuskySquared : tbh
[2024-11-11 20:18:05] kroleg666 : you only see what they show you
[2024-11-11 20:18:16] Joeyy132 : lol
[2024-11-11 20:18:18] Atlemos : this is good for my nasty alt bag
[2024-11-11 20:18:20] Joeyy132 : none of it is real bro
[2024-11-11 20:18:29] bearologist : 50k = 80 btc exposure?
[2024-11-11 20:18:29] Joeyy132 : omly trades are real are the ones that liquidate you
[2024-11-11 20:18:34] contract details : HuskySquared: 100x into doge
[2024-11-11 20:18:36] contract details : easy
[2024-11-11 20:18:37] HuskySquared : bearologist: ye
[2024-11-11 20:18:37] Joeyy132 : Even those aren’t real sometimes
[2024-11-11 20:18:42] HuskySquared : bearologist: i got far out of money calls
[2024-11-11 20:18:42] kroleg666 : Joeyy132: we're probably already liquidated the moment we deposit
[2024-11-11 20:18:45] kroleg666 : then it's just a show to watch
[2024-11-11 20:18:48] HuskySquared : 94k nov 22, 100k nov 29
[2024-11-11 20:18:54] Joeyy132 : i I get liquidated and in the recent trades my positions isn’t even bought lol
[2024-11-11 20:18:56] HuskySquared : paid like 200 bucks premium for each
[2024-11-11 20:18:56] I Love BitMEX : HIGHER GO BULLS GO
[2024-11-11 20:18:58] HuskySquared : contract
[2024-11-11 20:18:58] Joeyy132 : kroleg666:
[2024-11-11 20:19:03] HuskySquared : :kek:
[2024-11-11 20:19:05] I Love BitMEX : CLose all shorts
[2024-11-11 20:19:07] HuskySquared : but we go up now so
[2024-11-11 20:19:10] I Love BitMEX : Let there be 100% longs!
[2024-11-11 20:19:12] HuskySquared : my options have a real chance to thrive
[2024-11-11 20:19:16] Joeyy132 : HuskySquared: bro
[2024-11-11 20:19:19] bearologist : Bro I ain't even know if I can trade on this bish while in a class actione
[2024-11-11 20:19:20] contract details : HuskySquared: i hope so
[2024-11-11 20:19:20] Joeyy132 : youre getting liquidated
[2024-11-11 20:19:22] HuskySquared : so far roi on the premiums is 330%