BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-11-08 08:52:02] speedwell : clarknova: gunna let that play
[2024-11-08 08:53:24] clarknova : speedwell: :D
[2024-11-08 08:53:59] speedwell : clarknova: where the joint?
[2024-11-08 08:54:48] clarknova : speedwell: oh man I'm in a french island in the pacific ocean. The weed here is... SPECIAL o_O
[2024-11-08 08:55:04] clarknova : speedwell: indian ocean sorry
[2024-11-08 08:55:10] speedwell : A big eue
[2024-11-08 08:55:16] speedwell : eye
[2024-11-08 08:55:52] clarknova : speedwell:
[2024-11-08 08:56:01] speedwell : age?
[2024-11-08 08:56:07] speedwell : your?
[2024-11-08 08:56:18] clarknova : speedwell: 56 :)
[2024-11-08 08:56:41] speedwell : 51
[2024-11-08 08:56:45] clarknova : speedwell: old enough :D
[2024-11-08 08:58:02] speedwell : I found paradise too rusta
[2024-11-08 08:59:12] speedwell : How are you going with motivation? reason to live?
[2024-11-08 08:59:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 2553 GRASS @ 3.3968 ($8,105.01) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-11-08 09:00:42] clarknova : speedwell: I'm not retired yet I'm on hollyday here.
[2024-11-08 09:00:44] speedwell : clarknova: whats the other link? not sure I'm oldernuf
[2024-11-08 09:01:02] clarknova : speedwell: just botanics :D
[2024-11-08 09:01:29] speedwell : clarknova: wife children in love?
[2024-11-08 09:02:05] clarknova : speedwell: a girl friend. I tried hard not to make children XD
[2024-11-08 09:04:28] speedwell : clarknova: Did you do asia, india etc?
[2024-11-08 09:04:41] clarknova : speedwell: japan and thailland
[2024-11-08 09:05:11] clarknova : speedwell: vietnam probably next
[2024-11-08 09:05:13] speedwell : how is your health?
[2024-11-08 09:05:31] clarknova : speedwell: so far so good. I do a lot of yoga. It probably helps
[2024-11-08 09:05:55] clarknova : speedwell: Are you working in insurance ? XD
[2024-11-08 09:06:40] speedwell : no, just interested in a guy a bit ahead of me
[2024-11-08 09:06:54] clarknova : speedwell: it sucks to get older for sure :)
[2024-11-08 09:07:35] speedwell : 50 to 60 will be great if I play it right
[2024-11-08 09:07:51] speedwell : better than ever
[2024-11-08 09:08:15] speedwell : and I;ve had a good time
[2024-11-08 09:08:17] clarknova : speedwell: less alcool and going to zero, quit smoking if you do
[2024-11-08 09:08:32] Schmico666 : 65k soon
[2024-11-08 09:08:33] clarknova : speedwell: more and more physical activity
[2024-11-08 09:08:46] Schmico666 : than total DOOM!!!
[2024-11-08 09:09:15] speedwell : alco bid challenge you agree?
[2024-11-08 09:09:27] clarknova : speedwell: supplements DO help. I take daily creatine, glycine, acetylcisteine, bcaa etc.
[2024-11-08 09:09:45] speedwell : not drink?
[2024-11-08 09:09:53] clarknova : speedwell: less and less
[2024-11-08 09:10:13] speedwell : well done, good man
[2024-11-08 09:10:17] clarknova : speedwell: good thing is I'm drunk way faster XD
[2024-11-08 09:10:47] speedwell : I was rock star, hard to stop
[2024-11-08 09:11:02] clarknova : speedwell: for real ? :)
[2024-11-08 09:11:09] speedwell : party every day
[2024-11-08 09:11:14] clarknova : speedwell: I'm a script writer... imagine
[2024-11-08 09:11:55] speedwell : To live or to die
[2024-11-08 09:11:58] clarknova : speedwell: what band ?
[2024-11-08 09:12:26] speedwell : no nothig band
[2024-11-08 09:12:38] speedwell : big in a small town
[2024-11-08 09:12:56] XRP GOD : BTC is flagging 🚀👀
[2024-11-08 09:13:09] clarknova : speedwell: nice :)
[2024-11-08 09:13:11] speedwell : singer song writer all my life
[2024-11-08 09:13:34] clarknova : speedwell: any youtube link to share ?!
[2024-11-08 09:13:52] speedwell : sound cloud?
[2024-11-08 09:14:33] speedwell : guess what the band was called?
[2024-11-08 09:15:12] clarknova : speedwell: mmm is it guessable ? :)
[2024-11-08 09:15:26] clarknova : speedwell: sure soundcloud is perfect
[2024-11-08 09:15:46] speedwell : you get one guess
[2024-11-08 09:15:55] clarknova : speedwell: Moonshot !
[2024-11-08 09:16:06] speedwell : try find me
[2024-11-08 09:16:15] clarknova : lol it's the name
[2024-11-08 09:16:17] speedwell : limf song
[2024-11-08 09:17:12] speedwell : I'll give you a song title
[2024-11-08 09:17:17] milion : @admin can you add driftusdt? it is making 10% in a minute a few times per hour XD
[2024-11-08 09:17:34] speedwell : Walk in the moonlight
[2024-11-08 09:21:30] speedwell : find it?
[2024-11-08 09:22:32] clarknova : speedwell: Liverpool International Music Festival ?
[2024-11-08 09:23:09] speedwell : All my family are from liverpool
[2024-11-08 09:23:24] speedwell : scous
[2024-11-08 09:23:49] clarknova : speedwell: found this but it's not rock
[2024-11-08 09:23:50] speedwell :
[2024-11-08 09:24:52] speedwell : No I not on the you tube
[2024-11-08 09:25:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 5 Cont @ 202.04 ($76.85)
[2024-11-08 09:25:52] clarknova : speedwell: no hit on soundcloud
[2024-11-08 09:25:58] speedwell : it's a romantic song I wrote
[2024-11-08 09:26:31] speedwell :
[2024-11-08 09:27:17] speedwell : about the struggles of love
[2024-11-08 09:28:03] clarknova : speedwell: I think I found it
[2024-11-08 09:28:22] clarknova : speedwell: oh you gave the link :)
[2024-11-08 09:28:28] Fall Guys : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 5,500 USD @ 67573.0465 ```
[2024-11-08 09:29:13] clarknova : speedwell: sounds a little bit like violent femme :)
[2024-11-08 09:29:27] speedwell : clarknova: thats me playing everything
[2024-11-08 09:30:10] clarknova : speedwell: pretty good job sir :)
[2024-11-08 09:30:35] speedwell : it's about love der
[2024-11-08 09:30:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 115 SOL @ 202.39 ($23,297.85) - Check your inbox
[2024-11-08 09:31:17] speedwell : ser
[2024-11-08 09:34:11] speedwell :
[2024-11-08 09:34:28] speedwell : punk rock
[2024-11-08 09:34:43] clarknova : speedwell: (i'm back to work. See you later ;) )
[2024-11-08 09:35:13] speedwell : clarknova: see you later
[2024-11-08 09:35:47] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:35:52] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:35:54] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:35:57] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:35:59] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:01] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:03] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:05] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:07] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:09] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:12] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:36:21] Eluus : I Love BitMEX: getting rekt again? Fkin poor loser
[2024-11-08 09:36:29] Eluus : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,625,000 USD @ 68298.5466 ```
[2024-11-08 09:36:32] Eluus : Ez money
[2024-11-08 09:36:44] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: u want me to send me some money?
[2024-11-08 09:36:50] Eluus : /upnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 2.4180 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-08 09:37:03] Eluus : I Love BitMEX: no I want you to die
[2024-11-08 09:37:05] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: u rich nice
[2024-11-08 09:37:39] speedwell : he poor
[2024-11-08 09:37:52] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: ok i will die now
[2024-11-08 09:38:15] Eluus : Good
[2024-11-08 09:38:19] speedwell : nobody cares
[2024-11-08 09:38:23] Eluus : Best thing you can do for humanity
[2024-11-08 09:39:13] speedwell : I Love BitMEX: age truth
[2024-11-08 09:39:17] Eluus : I Love BitMEX: show your position
[2024-11-08 09:39:36] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: I am poor
[2024-11-08 09:39:43] Eluus : I know
[2024-11-08 09:39:47] Eluus : I wanna laugh
[2024-11-08 09:39:51] speedwell : we are all poor
[2024-11-08 09:40:36] speedwell : nobody cares
[2024-11-08 09:41:01] speedwell : the poor are a resourse
[2024-11-08 09:41:21] speedwell : to run the machine
[2024-11-08 09:41:41] speedwell : of desperation
[2024-11-08 09:41:48] Eluus : Tru
[2024-11-08 09:42:00] Eluus : By machine you mean j3ws?
[2024-11-08 09:42:01] I Love BitMEX : KRma is a bitch
[2024-11-08 09:42:18] Eluus : I Love BitMEX: tru dat
[2024-11-08 09:42:18] I Love BitMEX : Hail Satan
[2024-11-08 09:42:35] Eluus : I Love BitMEX: you are satan
[2024-11-08 09:42:42] Eluus : You don't hail yourself
[2024-11-08 09:42:52] speedwell : Eluus: your unhealthy mind
[2024-11-08 09:43:06] 666getoboy : problem is CAPITALISM
[2024-11-08 09:43:11] 666getoboy : workers of the world unite
[2024-11-08 09:43:29] Eluus : Capitalism just means being able yo own property
[2024-11-08 09:43:41] Eluus : that is the root problem?
[2024-11-08 09:43:46] 666getoboy : <80 IQ take
[2024-11-08 09:43:48] speedwell : there is no problem
[2024-11-08 09:43:52] Eluus : Yo : to
[2024-11-08 09:44:30] Eluus : 666getoboy: you are too retarded
[2024-11-08 09:45:01] Eluus : Keep getting mad at the fact that people can own property and stay poor
[2024-11-08 09:45:15] speedwell : You have one job give your children confidence
[2024-11-08 09:45:27] 666getoboy : yes i am mad and im kinda poor
[2024-11-08 09:45:30] 666getoboy : all poors should be mad af
[2024-11-08 09:46:01] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: you'll get your ass raped pretty soon boy
[2024-11-08 09:46:03] Eluus : All poors should work hard and get rich rather than bithcing on online casinos about being poor
[2024-11-08 09:46:10] I Love BitMEX : Ihave some baby oil for u
[2024-11-08 09:46:28] 666getoboy : idk i make enough at this online casino im at the top 0.01% in my country
[2024-11-08 09:46:42] 666getoboy : but im still mad at capitalists
[2024-11-08 09:46:47] Eluus : I Love BitMEX: Why do the j3w5 always fantasize about such things?
[2024-11-08 09:46:52] speedwell : if you love your women and she love you you are rich
[2024-11-08 09:47:47] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: because getting sodomized is something you nazis want
[2024-11-08 09:47:57] I Love BitMEX : Sodomized like Muhammad gaddafi
[2024-11-08 09:48:16] Eluus : You're all sick you know that right?
[2024-11-08 09:48:39] speedwell : all?
[2024-11-08 09:49:07] speedwell : why you here?
[2024-11-08 09:49:21] Eluus : I mean the j3w5
[2024-11-08 09:49:21] speedwell : need more moey?
[2024-11-08 09:49:27] Eluus : Are you @speedwell a j3w?
[2024-11-08 09:49:37] I Love BitMEX : You just told me to end myself @Eluus
[2024-11-08 09:49:54] speedwell : lets get real
[2024-11-08 09:49:55] I Love BitMEX : Getting sodomized is far kinder punishment for you @Eluus
[2024-11-08 09:51:24] TG_Pilipili999 : whats the sentiment here
[2024-11-08 09:51:46] speedwell : Fuken tg back
[2024-11-08 09:51:47] I Love BitMEX : TG_Pilipili999: full frontal anal sex
[2024-11-08 09:52:18] speedwell : short to zerooooooo
[2024-11-08 09:52:31] I Love BitMEX : Oh my God ilb lies when he says that bitcoin is a pedo nazi terrorist scum filled place...
[2024-11-08 09:52:32] speedwell : retardarATION
[2024-11-08 09:52:44] I Love BitMEX : Then comes "eluus" a full blown nazi showing pos
[2024-11-08 09:53:16] I Love BitMEX : Then comes berner101 with nazi AND pedo propaganda
[2024-11-08 09:53:20] I Love BitMEX : Then his daddy steves
[2024-11-08 09:53:22] I Love BitMEX : And so on.
[2024-11-08 09:53:40] zzzzb : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:53:44] speedwell : TG_Pilipili999: yours?
[2024-11-08 09:54:19] speedwell : and your retard mate
[2024-11-08 09:54:24] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:27] I Love BitMEX : YESSSS
[2024-11-08 09:54:32] I Love BitMEX : NO MORE PEPE TRUMP
[2024-11-08 09:54:33] I Love BitMEX : YESSSSSS
[2024-11-08 09:54:36] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:39] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:45] I Love BitMEX : 👏👏👏
[2024-11-08 09:54:48] I Love BitMEX : :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:49] clarknova : :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:50] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:51] clarknova : yeah
[2024-11-08 09:54:54] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:54:58] zzzzb : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:55:00] I Love BitMEX : Gorgeous
[2024-11-08 09:55:06] TG_Pilipili999 : i have a mate ?
[2024-11-08 09:55:20] I Love BitMEX : THE END OF THE TRUMP REGIME IS HERE
[2024-11-08 09:55:21] speedwell : gay
[2024-11-08 09:55:25] I Love BitMEX : IT LASTED UNTIL TODAY
[2024-11-08 09:55:35] I Love BitMEX : TODAY THE TRUMP REIGN IS OVER!
[2024-11-08 09:55:45] TG_Pilipili999 : i don't know what to do so i short
[2024-11-08 09:55:58] 666getoboy : BULLISH ON JD VANCE
[2024-11-08 09:56:01] Fall Guys : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 5,500 USD @ 67573.0465 ```
[2024-11-08 09:56:04] speedwell : bulllllll rulllllll
[2024-11-08 09:56:17] TG_Pilipili999 : i mean number is big
[2024-11-08 09:56:27] dsi : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 09:56:47] speedwell : small
[2024-11-08 09:58:26] speedwell : i know much biggger numberss
[2024-11-08 09:58:49] TG_Pilipili999 : i'm hoping it retrace the election move so casual get out
[2024-11-08 09:59:10] speedwell : hope?
[2024-11-08 09:59:55] TG_Pilipili999 : i admit i don't have the 100k btc to put luck out of the way so yea i'm playing the hope game
[2024-11-08 10:00:11] speedwell : have you planted the potatoes?
[2024-11-08 10:00:40] TG_Pilipili999 : my potato plantation are always maintained in case shit happen ofc
[2024-11-08 10:01:13] speedwell : you cant eat cypto
[2024-11-08 10:01:31] TG_Pilipili999 : but crypto can eat you
[2024-11-08 10:01:43] speedwell : not realy
[2024-11-08 10:02:05] speedwell : i live in the real world
[2024-11-08 10:02:17] TG_Pilipili999 : good for you
[2024-11-08 10:02:50] TG_Pilipili999 : how is it there ?
[2024-11-08 10:03:03] speedwell : where are you from laddy?
[2024-11-08 10:03:20] TG_Pilipili999 : im from colorado
[2024-11-08 10:03:23] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 10:03:50] speedwell : TG_Pilipili999: haw are you going?
[2024-11-08 10:04:08] TG_Pilipili999 : inside the grand canyon
[2024-11-08 10:04:20] speedwell : mum dad etc
[2024-11-08 10:05:03] speedwell : what brings you here?
[2024-11-08 10:06:44] speedwell : hows the trades goin?
[2024-11-08 10:07:17] TG_Pilipili999 : it's complex
[2024-11-08 10:07:24] speedwell : heart rate up?
[2024-11-08 10:07:37] speedwell : age?
[2024-11-08 10:07:49] TG_Pilipili999 : no that's not such size
[2024-11-08 10:08:19] speedwell : enjoying yourself?
[2024-11-08 10:08:27] TG_Pilipili999 : always
[2024-11-08 10:08:40] speedwell : well done
[2024-11-08 10:08:59] speedwell : most important thing
[2024-11-08 10:11:09] speedwell : TG_Pilipili999: your crew just spamed so negitive
[2024-11-08 10:11:27] TG_Pilipili999 : i have no crew
[2024-11-08 10:11:36] speedwell : tg?
[2024-11-08 10:12:00] TG_Pilipili999 : what did they spam, TG is just for telegram
[2024-11-08 10:12:25] speedwell : cant mute you lot
[2024-11-08 10:12:43] speedwell : you seem nice
[2024-11-08 10:13:06] speedwell : sorry
[2024-11-08 10:13:11] TG_Pilipili999 : ofc i am i never understood why you wanted to mute me while i never saw you
[2024-11-08 10:14:06] speedwell : whats your play?
[2024-11-08 10:14:18] TG_Pilipili999 :
[2024-11-08 10:14:20] speedwell : long short
[2024-11-08 10:15:21] speedwell : im long forever
[2024-11-08 10:15:49] TG_Pilipili999 : but yea with BTC going sideway for now it's pointless
[2024-11-08 10:16:05] speedwell : age?
[2024-11-08 10:16:10] I Love BitMEX : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 10:16:19] TG_Pilipili999 : 47
[2024-11-08 10:17:00] speedwell : how much you risk?
[2024-11-08 10:17:06] TG_Pilipili999 : you bringed the CIA here I love bitmex ?
[2024-11-08 10:17:39] I Love BitMEX : TG_Pilipili999: yes
[2024-11-08 10:17:40] TG_Pilipili999 : one or two house per trade
[2024-11-08 10:18:10] TG_Pilipili999 : i see
[2024-11-08 10:18:26] speedwell : you see?
[2024-11-08 10:18:41] TG_Pilipili999 : the incoming crash
[2024-11-08 10:19:19] speedwell : TG_Pilipili999: why you say that?
[2024-11-08 10:21:42] I Love BitMEX : I believe in God and his light bearer Satan
[2024-11-08 10:21:47] I Love BitMEX : And satan says down
[2024-11-08 10:22:19] speedwell : i say love
[2024-11-08 10:22:33] speedwell : and care
[2024-11-08 10:23:21] speedwell : every day
[2024-11-08 10:23:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 3076 GRASS @ 3.4921 ($9,765.38) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-11-08 10:24:05] speedwell : trust and share
[2024-11-08 10:24:18] speedwell : every day
[2024-11-08 10:25:26] speedwell : wake up and love truly
[2024-11-08 10:25:38] I Love BitMEX : This sideways crap
[2024-11-08 10:25:42] I Love BitMEX : Bull market my arse
[2024-11-08 10:26:40] Eluus : How nice they kicked your fggts a$$ yesterday in NL lol
[2024-11-08 10:27:21] Eluus : I wish you did the same in my country but there aren't any j3w5 here
[2024-11-08 10:27:29] speedwell : the high seas
[2024-11-08 10:27:37] Eluus : If gladly kick the sh1t out of you
[2024-11-08 10:27:49] Eluus : I'd
[2024-11-08 10:27:54] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: where u from
[2024-11-08 10:28:27] Eluus : From the Heaven
[2024-11-08 10:28:44] Eluus : Where there are no j3w5 lol
[2024-11-08 10:28:47] I Love BitMEX : Such big mouth for a scared Lil pussy loser
[2024-11-08 10:29:00] Eluus : Lol a j3w calling me scared
[2024-11-08 10:29:06] Eluus : Yeah I'm the loser lol
[2024-11-08 10:29:23] Eluus : /upnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 2.4294 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-08 10:29:27] Eluus : Poor fggt
[2024-11-08 10:29:48] Eluus : Suffer for life and then some more
[2024-11-08 10:29:57] Eluus : Fkin j3w fggt
[2024-11-08 10:30:47] Eluus : Karma is a bitch right?
[2024-11-08 10:31:05] I Love BitMEX : Eluus: put the 🍟 in the bag.
[2024-11-08 10:31:15] Eluus : Hahahah
[2024-11-08 10:31:46] speedwell : Eluus: why do act like a child?
[2024-11-08 10:32:01] Eluus : How nice knowing you are poor as fk and can't make money here either 😄😆
[2024-11-08 10:32:23] Eluus : speedwell: why do you defend this genocide supporter? You a zionist too?
[2024-11-08 10:33:20] speedwell : triggeer?
[2024-11-08 10:35:41] speedwell : calm your self
[2024-11-08 10:35:55] speedwell : peace
[2024-11-08 10:36:15] speedwell : love
[2024-11-08 10:36:20] bluemaster : speedwell: be nice to Eluus , she is only girl trader here
[2024-11-08 10:37:23] Dario1 : bluemaster: +1
[2024-11-08 10:37:35] speedwell : respect is the true value of action
[2024-11-08 10:38:51] bluemaster : Dario1: she is girl with biggest balls here ,we should be ashamed ...
[2024-11-08 10:39:21] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0178 XBT RPNL, 0.4507 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-08 10:39:25] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.1462 XBT RPNL, 0.6304 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-08 10:39:28] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.6276 XBT RPNL, 0.2663 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-08 10:39:32] speedwell : we love the girls
[2024-11-08 10:39:58] speedwell : nothing without them
[2024-11-08 10:40:04] Dario1 : bluemaster: hehe indeed sir
[2024-11-08 10:43:41] bluemaster : Dario1: I miss cocky beras , this become boring
[2024-11-08 10:43:52] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: @bluemaster Love you, ser. :green_heart:
[2024-11-08 10:44:19] bluemaster : totally annihilated ,they not even thinking to sell little bit 😛
[2024-11-08 10:45:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 0.6000 SOL @ 202.94 ($121.88)
[2024-11-08 10:45:03] 45th_blown_account : :doge:
[2024-11-08 10:45:22] speedwell : big dip will kill many
[2024-11-08 10:46:14] speedwell : 73.5
[2024-11-08 10:46:38] bluemaster : speedwell: my worry is more not to be Mt Bitmex-ed if we explode to 200k +
[2024-11-08 10:47:27] speedwell : 50/50
[2024-11-08 10:48:55] Eluus : bluemaster: Interesting why you call me a "girl", when you lack balls yourself 😄
[2024-11-08 10:50:24] speedwell : if you got rich would you still love her?
[2024-11-08 10:50:27] Dario1 : bluemaster: Fucking pesky perma-bears. One of them was still in denial yesterday after ATH and still as arrogant as it can get. They never learn :arthur:
[2024-11-08 10:51:01] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: wow So nice to see you back, sir. Hope everything is going well.
[2024-11-08 10:52:46] bluemaster : Eluus: I am going soft and old ,61 + give me a credit for playing with kids here and not pokies
[2024-11-08 10:52:53] Dario1 : I think I was the only guy who asked tb where you were a couple of times because I missed you. Love you back, kind sir 💚
[2024-11-08 10:53:27] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: Ser, I attended a meditation course for 60 days, where we were not allowed to carry cell phones, laptops, internet and no outside contacts whatsoever, ser. - all you have to do is meditate for 60 days with free food and accommodation, ser. At the end of the program, one can donate whatever they would like, ser. The main thing is that one have to complete this course by observing noble silence, ser. Noble silence means silence of words, body gestures and mind, ser. The meditation works with the subconscious mind, ser. It is technique in which we trains our subconscious mind to change its perspective towards the craving and miseries, ser. I was in that program for 60 days, ser. :doge: :catjam:
[2024-11-08 10:53:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4100 USD @ 76191.8
[2024-11-08 10:54:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 700 Cont @ 203.96 ($10,886.41) - Check your inbox
[2024-11-08 10:54:27] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: so that is why I didn't not show up, ser. Missed you too, ser. :doge:
[2024-11-08 10:54:33] al guul : send, pump and ship :btc:
[2024-11-08 10:54:38] Senior. Professor. : mahalo :catjam:
[2024-11-08 10:55:52] al guul : rek em ron
[2024-11-08 10:55:53] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: Sounds very interesting. I try to meditate every few days. it really helps a lot and I am getting better at it. Glad you are back :doge: :catjam:
[2024-11-08 10:56:14] I Love BitMEX : We go to 1 trillion
[2024-11-08 10:56:18] Dario1 : and Werner was back too. Saw him yesterday after not showing up for a month or two
[2024-11-08 10:56:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTH25`: Buy 5000 USD @ 79550
[2024-11-08 10:56:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.3100 ETH @ 2925.02 ($907.53)
[2024-11-08 10:56:41] I Love BitMEX : Bye bitmez
[2024-11-08 10:57:49] al guul : buy button soon gone on coinbase
[2024-11-08 10:57:51] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: Ser, if you would like then here is the link to apply, ser. - It's available in almost all countries, ser. It's completely free of cost. They provide free accomodation and free food, ser. The only thing that is expected from you is to cease outside contacts for 10 days and focus, ser.
[2024-11-08 10:57:52] Senior. Professor. : :doge:
[2024-11-08 10:58:47] Dario1 : That was a nice correction so far. It could still go down a little bit more to 74ks
[2024-11-08 10:59:11] Dario1 :
[2024-11-08 11:00:03] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: It’s a bit too long for me, but saved the link, sir. Thank you 😊
[2024-11-08 11:00:15] Dario1 : 🙏
[2024-11-08 11:00:51] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: +1
[2024-11-08 11:01:14] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: Your friend MrBritcoin made a discord group and a lot of people joined, would you be interested in joining?
[2024-11-08 11:01:33] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: +1 back, sir. Mahalo !
[2024-11-08 11:02:04] Dario1 : We share charts and TA there and everybody is kind to each other
[2024-11-08 11:02:19] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: Ser, mrbritcoin muted me, ser. He has to unmute me first, ser.
[2024-11-08 11:02:54] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: that’s because he asked you not to ask him questions about his girl friend because she was reading tb
[2024-11-08 11:03:06] Dario1 : hou were best buddies before that :arthur:
[2024-11-08 11:03:57] Dario1 : He asked to get perma banned himself on tb. I will ask him on discord
[2024-11-08 11:04:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 130 Cont @ 204.47 ($2,029.25) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-08 11:04:51] Senior. Professor. : Dario1: :arthur: You have such a great memmory, ser. 👍
[2024-11-08 11:05:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 143.1000 SOL @ 204.35 ($29,271.68) - Check your inbox
[2024-11-08 11:06:01] Eluus : bluemaster: I see l. Too old to trade like a man but not too old to call fellow traders "girl".😄
[2024-11-08 11:06:20] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: 😂
[2024-11-08 11:07:59] al guul : claude sonnet is so badass
[2024-11-08 11:08:17] any random name : 😅😂
[2024-11-08 11:08:33] clarknova : Is it real money I'm making ? I really can convert this USDT in real money ? Can someone tell me ?
[2024-11-08 11:09:21] 45th_blown_account : this money has coins and on that coins have a delulu person :arthur: @clarknova
[2024-11-08 11:09:46] clarknova : 45th_blown_account: oh so it's fake money like monopoly bills right ?
[2024-11-08 11:10:32] 45th_blown_account : clarknova: "go to jail " exactly :arthur:
[2024-11-08 11:10:40] clarknova : 45th_blown_account: hahhaha
[2024-11-08 11:11:41] clarknova : Today's closing gonna be totally nuts
[2024-11-08 11:12:28] 45th_blown_account : clarknova: 6k back on the menu on Monday :doge:
[2024-11-08 11:12:30] I Love BitMEX : @bitmex_hans got scammed again
[2024-11-08 11:13:44] I Love BitMEX : Fml
[2024-11-08 11:15:18] I Love BitMEX : This market is held by fokin air
[2024-11-08 11:15:42] I Love BitMEX : Got fakkt by these scammers
[2024-11-08 11:15:42] Dario1 : Senior. Professor.: MrBritcoin is happy you are back
[2024-11-08 11:16:23] I Love BitMEX : Burn in hell
[2024-11-08 11:21:51] dsi : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:23:52] Ogwost : Delulu beras shorting at this range 🤣
[2024-11-08 11:24:50] Ogwost : I've warned u for the last month we go 60.4 - 75, easiest money evah
[2024-11-08 11:24:57] dsi : when btc 100k ? :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:25:04] contract details : yeah i am delulu for closing my short on nasdaq before opening doom
[2024-11-08 11:25:07] contract details : silly me
[2024-11-08 11:25:46] Ogwost : Index lul
[2024-11-08 11:27:51] contract details : wait pepe is back
[2024-11-08 11:27:54] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:55] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:55] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:55] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:55] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:55] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:55] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:27:56] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:28:00] dsi : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:28:04] contract details : finally
[2024-11-08 11:28:48] dsi : btc ath, pepe ath next week :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:31:16] ninnk : contract details: :pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:34:12] TG_Pilipili999 : :pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:35:14] TG_Pilipili999 : no way :doge:
[2024-11-08 11:35:14] Dario1 : :trump:
[2024-11-08 11:35:22] Dario1 : :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:35:46] Dario1 : they should add the trump emoji
[2024-11-08 11:37:58] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:03] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:28] contract details : :trumpepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:30] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:31] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:31] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:31] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:38:31] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:46:16] TG_Pilipili999 : 2 month of uptrend
[2024-11-08 11:46:36] BMEXcheers : you were warned
[2024-11-08 11:46:42] BMEXcheers : Kamala dump inc
[2024-11-08 11:47:04] TG_Pilipili999 : how went your surgery ?
[2024-11-08 11:47:37] TG_Pilipili999 : did you fly to nuketown yet ?
[2024-11-08 11:47:44] ebigreat : My trade automatically changed to bot, how do I change it
[2024-11-08 11:48:09] BMEXcheers : TG_Pilipili999: it has gone well, I am still deswelling
[2024-11-08 11:48:22] BMEXcheers : I didnt get bogged* *But my lips are looking bogged
[2024-11-08 11:48:25] BMEXcheers : rest is good
[2024-11-08 11:48:29] TG_Pilipili999 : glad to hear that
[2024-11-08 11:48:33] BMEXcheers : 2 of my female friends now want liplifts
[2024-11-08 11:48:36] BMEXcheers : : |
[2024-11-08 11:48:40] BMEXcheers : hopefully they shrink
[2024-11-08 11:48:48] BMEXcheers : if not...pray i never end up in prison
[2024-11-08 11:49:01] TG_Pilipili999 : you are more beautiful now
[2024-11-08 11:49:13] BMEXcheers : yes, but i dont pass as human (yet)
[2024-11-08 11:49:19] BMEXcheers : need a rhino plasty and jaw angles
[2024-11-08 11:49:28] BMEXcheers : then we can start talking about passing as human
[2024-11-08 11:49:33] BMEXcheers : if i can reach 4/10
[2024-11-08 11:49:36] BMEXcheers : its good enogh
[2024-11-08 11:49:48] TG_Pilipili999 : i think you might be too harsh with yourself
[2024-11-08 11:50:56] TG_Pilipili999 : but yea i never saw you
[2024-11-08 11:51:27] TG_Pilipili999 : i think gym is in off to be a 5
[2024-11-08 11:53:31] tozak : Gm guys
[2024-11-08 11:53:45] TG_Pilipili999 : gm
[2024-11-08 11:54:17] TG_Pilipili999 : can someone nuke solana so i can sleep well
[2024-11-08 11:55:12] tozak : Nuke down to how much?
[2024-11-08 11:55:35] TG_Pilipili999 : 195 would do it
[2024-11-08 11:56:40] Schmico666 : tozak: 65k first target
[2024-11-08 11:56:55] Schmico666 : tozak: btc
[2024-11-08 11:57:03] tozak : I don't think I have the capital to nuke it down much, lol but 195 not far off, might lose some support there though
[2024-11-08 11:57:39] TG_Pilipili999 : it's not far yea my entry is at 200
[2024-11-08 11:58:04] tozak : Nah that later, save until BTC bit higher then we nuke to 65K
[2024-11-08 11:58:29] tozak : Gotta get more retail in first
[2024-11-08 11:59:09] contract details : BMEXcheers: BOGGEDcheers
[2024-11-08 11:59:18] TG_Pilipili999 : thoses stupid memecoiners keep buying the solana like there is no tommorow
[2024-11-08 11:59:37] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:59:39] contract details : solana has a proven solid use case
[2024-11-08 11:59:41] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:59:41] contract details : solana to 1k
[2024-11-08 11:59:44] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:59:48] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:59:53] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 11:59:56] tozak : It's already so high market cap yep people say sol to $15K
[2024-11-08 12:00:12] TG_Pilipili999 : this has to stop we need to push solana to 0 so they stop getting rugged from dirty scammers
[2024-11-08 12:00:14] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:00:17] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:00:19] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:00:22] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:00:25] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:00:32] Crazydodger : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:01:08] tozak : Gotta get BTC up just a little higher so people can flip to short
[2024-11-08 12:01:28] 666getoboy : btc is consolidating atm then dropping
[2024-11-08 12:02:01] 666getoboy : this pump is finished
[2024-11-08 12:02:07] 666getoboy : have to pick up more steam
[2024-11-08 12:03:05] tozak : Ah... that's retails fault, they aren't buying because most already fomo into XRP over $2 on previous cycles
[2024-11-08 12:03:55] tozak : Perhaps a reset then, clean out all longs to start from the bottom
[2024-11-08 12:05:51] TG_Pilipili999 : finally a nice dump structure on btc
[2024-11-08 12:06:20] tozak : Happy days
[2024-11-08 12:07:01] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:07:05] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:07:10] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:07:14] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:07:16] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:07:19] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:07:22] The_Reaper : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:08:17] TG_Pilipili999 : well enough of this i'm closing and going to sleep
[2024-11-08 12:09:04] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:09:04] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:09:05] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:09:05] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:09:07] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:10:52] tozak : Powell isn't gonna step down, it's going to be either Trump or Powell
[2024-11-08 12:11:50] tozak : Powell will shut down Crypto this year if not stopped
[2024-11-08 12:18:07] any random name : Haha the fake dump
[2024-11-08 12:18:19] Senior. Professor. : schmico666: You're an imposter. I'm the Real .Senior.Professor, :arthur:
[2024-11-08 12:18:39] BMEXcheers : BMEX = BOGGEDMex
[2024-11-08 12:18:42] BMEXcheers : now you know
[2024-11-08 12:21:38] Schmico666 : Senior. Professor.: WTF???
[2024-11-08 12:21:50] Schmico666 : Senior. Professor.: ARE U BACK FROM THE IMPOSTERJAIL???
[2024-11-08 12:22:16] Senior. Professor. : schmico666: You're an imposter. I'm the Real .Senior.Professor, :arthur:
[2024-11-08 12:22:24] Senior. Professor. : Schmico666: schmico666: NO! U ARE THE LIAR AND VIRUS-nOOb_PROFESSOR!!
[2024-11-08 12:22:32] Senior. Professor. : :arthur: :arthur:
[2024-11-08 12:22:46] Senior. Professor. : Schmico666: lmaooooooooo
[2024-11-08 12:23:04] Senior. Professor. : Schmico666: Laughing my F1ucking arse off, ser. :P
[2024-11-08 12:23:09] Senior. Professor. : Schmico666: good to see you back, ser.
[2024-11-08 12:23:13] Senior. Professor. : Schmico666: Missed you, ser/
[2024-11-08 12:25:02] ninnk :
[2024-11-08 12:32:24] SteveS. : Mid 60K
[2024-11-08 12:32:36] Schmico666 : Senior. Professor.: +1 back ser. Mahalo!!
[2024-11-08 12:32:49] Senior. Professor. : Schmico666: I love you, ser. :green_heart:
[2024-11-08 12:33:41] SteveS. : Bitmex Douglas basically alluded that spam.with sad faces are legal, just not smiley faces pla
[2024-11-08 12:33:43] SteveS. : Pls
[2024-11-08 12:33:46] SteveS. : Pls
[2024-11-08 12:34:10] SteveS. : So spam away with sad faces, it's legal
[2024-11-08 12:36:47] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:36:56] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:37:15] contract details : :(
[2024-11-08 12:37:22] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:37:24] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:37:25] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:41:02] clarknova : Incoming link tp#1
[2024-11-08 12:41:17] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:41:21] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-08 12:49:58] bluemaster : SteveS.: you are alive ? It si ok Steve it is just a money ....