BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-11-06 21:13:07] Pilot : took loans
[2024-11-06 21:13:09] Pilot : blew them
[2024-11-06 21:13:17] Pilot : high lev degen shit
[2024-11-06 21:13:19] speedwell : Pilot: I keep selling because it turns sooo hard
[2024-11-06 21:13:38] Dario1 : We don’t know the story behind that 75 mil liq. Maybe it was just a hedge and didn’t mind getting liqed
[2024-11-06 21:13:39] Berns101 : Pilot: not supposed to risk more than 10% per trade
[2024-11-06 21:13:43] Pilot : I still use high lev but “safely” for scalping with leftovers and shit or just during chop
[2024-11-06 21:13:56] Berns101 : 10x10 attempts...
[2024-11-06 21:13:58] Pilot : yeah set stops at 10% acc size
[2024-11-06 21:14:03] Berns101 : or 3x33
[2024-11-06 21:14:13] Berns101 : up to you
[2024-11-06 21:14:15] Berns101 : ..
[2024-11-06 21:14:21] Pilot : Survival is the main key really bois
[2024-11-06 21:14:27] Berns101 : i prefer 10 tries imo
[2024-11-06 21:14:32] Pilot : just hang in there and hodl when you catch a good trade
[2024-11-06 21:14:35] Berns101 : yes you dont have to give up
[2024-11-06 21:14:40] Pilot : 👽
[2024-11-06 21:14:46] Berns101 : as long as you have 10$
[2024-11-06 21:14:48] Pilot : Like I say
[2024-11-06 21:14:50] Berns101 : you can get back in game
[2024-11-06 21:14:50] Pilot : /since ``` :bitmex: Pilot has been on BitMEX since Aug 20, 2016. ```
[2024-11-06 21:14:56] Pilot : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 250,000 USD @ 74692.0819 ```
[2024-11-06 21:14:57] bluemaster : just to remind you kids ,you don; have to over leverage , I shit my self on 0.5 x
[2024-11-06 21:15:07] Pilot : Nothing crazy ofc
[2024-11-06 21:15:14] bluemaster : point is not to lose single satoshi
[2024-11-06 21:15:14] Pilot : I know there is ballers here
[2024-11-06 21:15:15] Berns101 : Pilot: if it break 77100 you can add slightly
[2024-11-06 21:15:17] speedwell : amazing how fast the greed kicks in, I WANT MOOOREEEE!
[2024-11-06 21:15:27] Pilot : But to me this is a big amount
[2024-11-06 21:15:34] Berns101 : yea if everyone hold through 76 we will fly
[2024-11-06 21:15:41] Berns101 : the buying pressure will moon automatically
[2024-11-06 21:16:01] Berns101 : the spot guys are down for over 100
[2024-11-06 21:16:07] al guul : buy with yer last penny
[2024-11-06 21:16:37] Berns101 : the eft spot buyers are not selling under 100 obviously lol
[2024-11-06 21:16:47] Pilot : Trying to calculate based on support/resistance levels and volume where the orders have been placed and where liquidations would kick in
[2024-11-06 21:16:49] Berns101 : they wont make anything if that was case
[2024-11-06 21:16:59] Berns101 : we need to get bitcoin trending everywhere so long tho
[2024-11-06 21:17:08] Berns101 : exchanges getting rich on spot imo
[2024-11-06 21:17:57] Pilot : Berns101: When you say 77.1k how do you come to that estimation (asking nicely :) )
[2024-11-06 21:17:59] bluemaster : Berns101: exchanges will go bust , to much shorted vs customers
[2024-11-06 21:18:05] Berns101 : obviously spot people are thinking over 200k
[2024-11-06 21:18:15] Berns101 : nobody going to buy 70k eft billion volume
[2024-11-06 21:18:21] Berns101 : bitcoin
[2024-11-06 21:18:25] Berns101 : with 2% return
[2024-11-06 21:18:26] Symphoenix : down
[2024-11-06 21:18:32] Berns101 : they are holding
[2024-11-06 21:18:32] SangFrais : Kamala is conceding victory and there's a fooking DJ playing party music LMAO
[2024-11-06 21:18:35] SangFrais :
[2024-11-06 21:18:39] doublecheese : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 7,000 USD @ 64079.9718 ```
[2024-11-06 21:18:46] Pilot : SangFrais: lamooo
[2024-11-06 21:18:51] Pilot : doublecheese: ayy nice entry king
[2024-11-06 21:19:11] doublecheese : Since I bought 64k, I don't like the idea of buying here and making my entry go higher
[2024-11-06 21:19:19] SangFrais : Conceding defeat I meant lol
[2024-11-06 21:19:20] Berns101 : Pilot: im assuming the breakout will lead to further buying above last high above 2kish
[2024-11-06 21:19:31] Berns101 : then this will trigger massive liquidations and fomo pump and adding
[2024-11-06 21:19:35] Berns101 : over 80k
[2024-11-06 21:19:38] Berns101 : imo
[2024-11-06 21:19:58] doublecheese : Pilot: thanks! It's just low leveraging and lots of holding
[2024-11-06 21:20:05] Pilot : Berns101: I hear ya. I think the “people” have factored in a bit of wiggle room just above ATH so it can still reverse. If big liqs kick in its game over/rocket time
[2024-11-06 21:20:06] Berns101 : you can hedge though for nothing here
[2024-11-06 21:20:18] Berns101 : Pilot: yes
[2024-11-06 21:20:35] Berns101 : i wont close early they will be out of position and cry later on
[2024-11-06 21:20:54] Symphoenix : this is the top of this run !! Be ready !
[2024-11-06 21:20:55] Berns101 : the eft spot gang just started in the game..
[2024-11-06 21:20:58] Pilot : doublecheese: Play it safe if you are winning but if those big liquidations kick in personally I’d make like tiny additions e.g 1/10th of position
[2024-11-06 21:21:10] Pilot : so if you have a 10k position low lev just add 1k
[2024-11-06 21:21:14] Pilot : on dips
[2024-11-06 21:21:52] doublecheese : Pilot: yes I was considering adding a bit but I want to do it on dips. I don't like buying during full blown FOMO phase
[2024-11-06 21:22:04] Pilot : doublecheese: makese sense
[2024-11-06 21:22:19] contract details : que mala kamala
[2024-11-06 21:22:26] MrBritcoin :
[2024-11-06 21:22:45] doublecheese : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 3 Cont @ 2625.16 ```
[2024-11-06 21:22:52] doublecheese : And this is my side bet :)
[2024-11-06 21:23:14] doublecheese : SOL too risky to touch on margin so I hold it spot
[2024-11-06 21:23:41] Symphoenix : Intercontinental, cross-platforms and cross-currencies SELL signal here ! SELL everything !
[2024-11-06 21:25:42] Pilot : Possiblity retest 74k again? Or just full steam ahead
[2024-11-06 21:25:45] Symphoenix : this is over bois
[2024-11-06 21:25:53] Pilot : Obviouslt no one knows but yea
[2024-11-06 21:25:54] bluemaster : my AUD died
[2024-11-06 21:27:10] al guul : sell the farm!
[2024-11-06 21:27:58] Symphoenix : for christ sake run !
[2024-11-06 21:30:18] contract details : sell the house
[2024-11-06 21:30:20] contract details : sell the wife kids
[2024-11-06 21:30:23] contract details : add margin
[2024-11-06 21:30:26] contract details : 30x safu
[2024-11-06 21:31:07] Pilot : i got mushies coming (no trading while mushing) lol
[2024-11-06 21:31:08] al guul : longo ath! never fails!
[2024-11-06 21:31:10] Pilot :
[2024-11-06 21:31:24] MrBritcoin : Symphoenix: 😏 lol
[2024-11-06 21:31:27] contract details : al guul: keep winning ser
[2024-11-06 21:31:30] Pilot : like a few days though so ill take em if i mane some good gains
[2024-11-06 21:31:40] al guul : contract details: :)
[2024-11-06 21:32:11] MrBritcoin : trump dump
[2024-11-06 21:32:30] MrBritcoin : always was the case an always will be
[2024-11-06 21:33:41] Symphoenix : damn it ! I tried !
[2024-11-06 21:33:54] MrBritcoin : scam politics pump unreal
[2024-11-06 21:34:10] Pilot : lol go short now
[2024-11-06 21:34:27] MrBritcoin : always a dodgy event at tops an bottoms this aint no bottom
[2024-11-06 21:35:02] MrBritcoin : not with two huge gaps under us
[2024-11-06 21:36:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `LTCUSD`: Buy 512 Cont @ 70.81 ($5,503.36) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-06 21:37:34] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1332 XBT @ 75691.4 ($10,091.57)
[2024-11-06 21:40:57] al guul : all in top longo
[2024-11-06 21:41:12] MrBritcoin :
[2024-11-06 21:41:23] contract details : what top
[2024-11-06 21:42:00] Symphoenix :
[2024-11-06 21:42:46] Pilot : 5m bbands broken down
[2024-11-06 21:43:01] Pilot : little pullback maybe
[2024-11-06 21:44:12] danielm11 : not sure, looks like bull algo is about
[2024-11-06 21:44:35] danielm11 : price isn't dropping as easy as before
[2024-11-06 21:48:41] contract details : just set your oversold scalpers
[2024-11-06 21:48:45] contract details : and come back next month
[2024-11-06 21:48:46] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-11-06 21:50:50] Pilot : Gonna hodl my long then
[2024-11-06 21:50:56] Pilot : sit on hands and shi
[2024-11-06 21:51:49] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 5314 GRASS @ 2.4545 ($12,228.05) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-06 21:53:27] owl : BTC looks great frankly, but SOLBTC is going to go on a fu*king tear
[2024-11-06 21:53:39] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 1200 GRASS @ 2.7846 ($2,761.32) - Bonjour!
[2024-11-06 21:53:39] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `APEUSDT`: Sell 490 APE @ 1.05 ($505.58)
[2024-11-06 21:53:39] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0100 XBT @ 75806.8 ($758.83) - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-11-06 21:56:02] MrBritcoin : whos the admin in tonight
[2024-11-06 21:56:28] MrBritcoin : @ADMI
[2024-11-06 21:56:35] MrBritcoin : @ADMIN
[2024-11-06 21:57:04] BitMEX_ChrisK : MrBritcoin: How may we be of help?
[2024-11-06 21:57:36] MrBritcoin : BitMEX_ChrisK: hi there i requesting a perma ban please
[2024-11-06 21:57:57] BitMEX_ChrisK : on you? :)
[2024-11-06 21:58:00] MrBritcoin : your be doing me an honour
[2024-11-06 21:58:09] MrBritcoin : yea
[2024-11-06 21:58:20] Pilot : .£/zen 1 year
[2024-11-06 21:58:25] Pilot : lol
[2024-11-06 21:58:34] BitMEX_ChrisK : No problem :)
[2024-11-06 21:58:45] BitMEX_ChrisK : > *:door::hammer: User `MrBritcoin` has been permanently banned from chat.*
[2024-11-06 21:58:54] danielm11 : aww :(
[2024-11-06 21:59:01] ninnk : bye britty stay safe <3
[2024-11-06 21:59:19] speedwell : what happened? REKT?
[2024-11-06 21:59:49] ninnk : probably opened a short and was hunted immediately
[2024-11-06 22:00:23] Pilot : Rip
[2024-11-06 22:00:34] speedwell : I know the feeling, like somebody is watching
[2024-11-06 22:00:53] Pilot : Another fallen soldier
[2024-11-06 22:01:08] ninnk : i said probably not definitely
[2024-11-06 22:01:16] danielm11 : in reality probably making same decisions as a lot of people getting stop hunted at once
[2024-11-06 22:01:21] ninnk : maybe he got bored with us :D
[2024-11-06 22:01:59] contract details : imagine shorting bitcoin
[2024-11-06 22:02:00] contract details : pfft
[2024-11-06 22:02:36] Dario1 : He is not REKT. He made a discord group yesterday and he will be talking there instead of tb, at least for the time being.
[2024-11-06 22:03:01] contract details : talk about being paranoid
[2024-11-06 22:03:50] danielm11 : market makers can make you feel paranoid if you're using too much leverage
[2024-11-06 22:05:00] danielm11 : try putting your stop too close to pa during chop, price will follow you if you're in range - but that season is probably over now
[2024-11-06 22:07:00] Dario1 : I think it’s a matter of personal preference and privacy. Maybe there is someone out there reading trollbox and he doesn’t want that person to know all the stuff he types here. Like a girl friend or something. Many similar things have happened here before.
[2024-11-06 22:07:15] al guul : 80 yep yep
[2024-11-06 22:07:33] danielm11 : you would have to be a whale for that to actually matter though
[2024-11-06 22:07:37] contract details : i want arthur to read me
[2024-11-06 22:08:53] speedwell : Fear and greed, what a team!
[2024-11-06 22:15:34] meeeepo : americans
[2024-11-06 22:15:47] meeeepo : can someone buy for me original maga hat and send to eu
[2024-11-06 22:16:35] Yourholyhireless : meeeepo: whats this, maga
[2024-11-06 22:26:50] HuskySquared : meeeepo: bold move
[2024-11-06 22:26:50] HuskySquared : lmao
[2024-11-06 22:32:52] bluemaster :
[2024-11-06 22:35:40] 45th_blown_account : lets make BTC great again :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 22:35:43] RomanW93 : who is arthur?
[2024-11-06 22:36:05] Symphoenix : i tried so hard to warn you...
[2024-11-06 22:49:06] al guul : no man never set foot in this place
[2024-11-06 22:49:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.1000 ETH @ 2731.62 ($273.30)
[2024-11-06 22:51:04] The Emerging Bull : nasdaq closed on/just above previous ATH
[2024-11-06 22:51:23] The Emerging Bull : Symphoenix: did you short?
[2024-11-06 22:53:04] speedwell : RomanW93: Arthur Hayes (born 1985) is an American entrepreneur, and a co-founder and former CEO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX.
[2024-11-06 22:53:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 300 Cont @ 189.87 ($4,321.59) - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-11-06 22:53:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SUIUSD`: Buy 5400 Cont @ 2.338 ($9,578.66) - Check your inbox
[2024-11-06 22:53:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 26 Cont @ 2745.68 ($5,416.14) - RIP
[2024-11-06 22:58:16] Symphoenix : the best traders should now feel it coming ! The big dump...
[2024-11-06 22:58:31] contract details : too soon
[2024-11-06 23:00:01] speedwell : next god candle loading...?
[2024-11-06 23:00:10] contract details : cme is back
[2024-11-06 23:00:15] contract details : more burgers?
[2024-11-06 23:00:17] contract details : nah
[2024-11-06 23:00:24] speedwell : mind theg gap
[2024-11-06 23:01:31] ninnk :
[2024-11-06 23:06:29] contract details : MORE BURGERS
[2024-11-06 23:09:08] Symphoenix : top
[2024-11-06 23:10:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 440 GRASS @ 2.7507 ($1,012.48)
[2024-11-06 23:16:00] AD431 : Bmex is the worst performing coin I've ever bought jfc
[2024-11-06 23:16:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 2250 GOAT @ 0.8043 ($1,809.56)
[2024-11-06 23:16:22] AD431 : Down only for 2 years since inception despite being introduced at the perfect time right at the start of a bull market
[2024-11-06 23:17:26] Yourholyhireless : normal pa
[2024-11-06 23:17:31] Symphoenix : 1 min
[2024-11-06 23:18:19] any random name : Symphoenix: the major dip?
[2024-11-06 23:21:14] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 370 GOAT @ 0.82945 ($303.84)
[2024-11-06 23:21:20] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 350 GOAT @ 0.82945 ($287.42)
[2024-11-06 23:21:25] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 560 GOAT @ 0.82292 ($456.24)
[2024-11-06 23:21:31] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 280 GRASS @ 2.7937 ($644.31)
[2024-11-06 23:21:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 470 GOAT @ 0.82195 ($382.47)
[2024-11-06 23:38:57] any random name : RONNIE STILL REKTING
[2024-11-06 23:40:47] The Emerging Bull : What is this? No more trumpe pumpe
[2024-11-06 23:41:04] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-06 23:41:49] The Emerging Bull : Nasdaq closed a couple $s above ATH, now back below... could be double top
[2024-11-06 23:42:16] contract details : you mean ES?
[2024-11-06 23:42:20] The Emerging Bull : Or we pump after daily close perhaps
[2024-11-06 23:42:28] contract details : ath is 21217
[2024-11-06 23:42:51] contract details : oh nevermind im looking at futures
[2024-11-06 23:42:52] contract details : :kek:
[2024-11-06 23:43:13] The Emerging Bull : contract details: skilling / US 100s
[2024-11-06 23:43:56] The Emerging Bull : Literally closed a few $s above ATH fron July
[2024-11-06 23:44:03] contract details : yeah true
[2024-11-06 23:44:10] contract details : it's just cme futures went brrr
[2024-11-06 23:44:21] The Emerging Bull : yeh
[2024-11-06 23:45:24] contract details : i wanted to short it on cme reopen but balls not found
[2024-11-06 23:46:32] The Emerging Bull : contract details: i have longs from bellow bit shorted the top for now
[2024-11-06 23:46:52] The Emerging Bull : Had shorts for but at 76.7 but missed by a couple hundred
[2024-11-06 23:46:55] The Emerging Bull : btc
[2024-11-06 23:47:12] contract details : my bot also missed by a bit
[2024-11-06 23:47:19] contract details : didnt get shorts in :kek:
[2024-11-06 23:47:26] The Emerging Bull : We may be in a bull flag with support 64.180
[2024-11-06 23:47:33] The Emerging Bull : 74180**
[2024-11-06 23:47:45] contract details : i lost a funded account longing 20060 on NQ
[2024-11-06 23:47:53] contract details : unrealised loss what a scam
[2024-11-06 23:48:07] The Emerging Bull : contract details: that's crazy, i never even knew cme went there
[2024-11-06 23:48:48] contract details : The Emerging Bull:
[2024-11-06 23:48:55] The Emerging Bull : Anyway, it seems more likely we break out from here hard, or have a pull back
[2024-11-06 23:49:25] Gandalf the Grey : Pompaaaaaa
[2024-11-06 23:49:36] The Emerging Bull : contract details: thanks, interesting... i remember you mentioned 21k here ab few weeks ago but i thought it was a typo. I trade nasdaqw almost every day
[2024-11-06 23:50:02] The Emerging Bull : contract details: I joined Mr Britcoin's discord to share charst etc
[2024-11-06 23:50:46] contract details : i missed the entire run
[2024-11-06 23:50:57] contract details : didnt trade today, went to sleep before it started moving
[2024-11-06 23:50:58] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-06 23:54:57] The Emerging Bull : contract details: I was lucky and got sokme longs in from 20.370 and closed 75% at 20.8. Will add if it breaks that area
[2024-11-06 23:55:29] any random name : The Emerging Bull: nice!!
[2024-11-06 23:55:33] The Emerging Bull : But, double top is a possibility until we close a few daily candles above there
[2024-11-06 23:55:57] contract details : The Emerging Bull: that gap up and down there will be quite interesting
[2024-11-06 23:55:58] The Emerging Bull : any random name: thanks... i was long 18.8 a week or so ago and closed that at 20.2
[2024-11-06 23:56:07] contract details : i have no balls but i would shor to the gap and go for a long
[2024-11-06 23:56:14] contract details : i dont swing indices though
[2024-11-06 23:56:57] The Emerging Bull : contract details: It's risky as high chance we go parabolic for a few weeks and crash hard for 4 years after that... or just continue parabolic for Trump's term lol
[2024-11-06 23:57:28] The Emerging Bull : I like longs with stops in profit
[2024-11-06 23:57:37] The Emerging Bull : Or shorts with stops in profit
[2024-11-06 23:57:44] contract details : who doesn't :kek:
[2024-11-06 23:57:52] The Emerging Bull : yeh
[2024-11-06 23:58:03] any random name : Author saying 250k this year😮
[2024-11-06 23:58:14] contract details : arthur about to be a billionaire again
[2024-11-06 23:59:16] The Emerging Bull : yeh, i'm hearing that a lot...I was advised this is happening: "257k 287 317 top range. Monthly and Q4 candle 2025 will most likely close at or below 257 but wick to 287 or 317
[2024-11-06 23:59:19] The Emerging Bull : "
[2024-11-07 00:00:03] any random name : Man thats a gamble!!😅
[2024-11-07 00:00:16] contract details : would be wild to buy the 80k bottom in 2026
[2024-11-07 00:00:17] contract details : :kek:
[2024-11-07 00:00:45] any random name : Maybe open a small long with liquidation around 40k😅
[2024-11-07 00:01:06] contract details : i opened a small long at 668
[2024-11-07 00:01:17] contract details : i had my finger on the extra 0 didnt do it closed in sadness
[2024-11-07 00:01:24] any random name : Leave this is a sub account and forget about it
[2024-11-07 00:01:27] contract details : now i watch :arthur:
[2024-11-07 00:01:42] contract details : i have the only long bots on though
[2024-11-07 00:01:46] contract details : grid was too big i guess
[2024-11-07 00:04:30] vbob : never get why peeps always buy after the pump
[2024-11-07 00:04:38] vbob : max fomo
[2024-11-07 00:05:22] contract details : because rarely it goes up only
[2024-11-07 00:05:27] contract details : and you get in or you buy higher
[2024-11-07 00:05:38] contract details : if there is a chance that happen it has to be this one
[2024-11-07 00:05:41] contract details : i'd rather miss out though
[2024-11-07 00:06:52] doublecheese : vbob: what else can you do with an asset which is going up in price and you didn't buy before?
[2024-11-07 00:07:01] doublecheese : You can only buy high and sell higher
[2024-11-07 00:07:28] Symphoenix : sorry guys, i was just the messenger....
[2024-11-07 00:07:28] doublecheese : Higher risk ofc but what else could you do?
[2024-11-07 00:09:02] vbob : well the mark goes in ziiggss and zaggss, what goes up will pull back
[2024-11-07 00:09:07] vbob : so you buy then
[2024-11-07 00:09:28] vbob : if you buy at the top, the smart peeps are selling into you
[2024-11-07 00:09:38] vbob : and your over lev and just get stopped out
[2024-11-07 00:10:07] vbob : but if you have a big account, you dont have to worry :P
[2024-11-07 00:10:14] vbob : just ride the old girl
[2024-11-07 00:11:01] doublecheese : vbob: I am playing long term and low lev so I have no issues with stops and hopefully liquidations
[2024-11-07 00:11:03] speedwell : It's all about missed opportunities.
[2024-11-07 00:11:10] doublecheese : I am planning to add a bit during dips though
[2024-11-07 00:11:28] doublecheese : Then I sell, switch to spot and hedge short the next bear market
[2024-11-07 00:11:35] doublecheese : But I will never ever sell my corn
[2024-11-07 00:12:35] doublecheese : Next bull market rinse and repeat. And keep buying spot. In 10 years I can be wealthy maybe :D
[2024-11-07 00:13:59] doublecheese : I have a small account which I want to make big @vbob
[2024-11-07 00:14:10] doublecheese : But high lev means making it 0
[2024-11-07 00:14:21] contract details : just put $100 into every top 1000 shitcoin
[2024-11-07 00:14:21] vbob : its all about the little wins, soon add up dont rush and your be good
[2024-11-07 00:14:25] contract details : everything will pump
[2024-11-07 00:14:31] vbob : might take 5 years
[2024-11-07 00:14:59] vbob : if you want to get rich fast, but a shit load alts on spot
[2024-11-07 00:15:21] vbob : wait for btc to finish pumping and alts will then join the party
[2024-11-07 00:15:30] doublecheese : contract details: I don't have $100 for 1000 shietcoins and I prefer other (funnier) forms of gambling
[2024-11-07 00:16:48] doublecheese : vbob: I have placed my bet on 8 different alts (9 including ETH). But I am not counting on them. If they work, everything will get converted in btc
[2024-11-07 00:17:09] doublecheese : No fiat unless it will buy me a house or something, which will require many years
[2024-11-07 00:23:10] vbob : eth is dead
[2024-11-07 00:23:13] vbob : sol will take over
[2024-11-07 00:23:29] vbob : invest in sol long term, and for get about it. you do alrigh t
[2024-11-07 00:26:32] doublecheese : vbob: I do have a decent SOL bag and I think it will overtake eth too, despite many naysayers
[2024-11-07 00:27:01] doublecheese : However I didn't have the courage to get rid of my bigger eth bag so I am holding eth too
[2024-11-07 00:27:05] clarknova : nay
[2024-11-07 00:36:05] GodBleesYou : any random name: if artur say 250k he means 25k
[2024-11-07 00:36:17] GodBleesYou : You need to learn artur 😂
[2024-11-07 00:36:36] GodBleesYou : Always -90% of his target
[2024-11-07 00:37:09] GodBleesYou : Bmex lunch in 1$ now in 0.1$.. now bmex is a buy by artur rules
[2024-11-07 00:37:14] GodBleesYou : ❤️❤️❤️
[2024-11-07 00:37:33] FishyGuy : imagine basing your future on the rantings of one dude
[2024-11-07 00:45:50] any random name : GodBleesYou: bmex is sad i would eternally pump it so it reflects the growth of bitmex
[2024-11-07 00:46:14] any random name : *internally
[2024-11-07 00:46:38] GodBleesYou : FishyGuy: you dont think like artur 😉
[2024-11-07 00:46:44] GodBleesYou : Now he will pump it
[2024-11-07 00:46:52] GodBleesYou : After it died 90%
[2024-11-07 00:47:04] GodBleesYou : And he will keep it down for years
[2024-11-07 00:47:31] GodBleesYou : But it will pump at some point
[2024-11-07 00:47:35] Symphoenix : What a terrific audience, so glad to be here !
[2024-11-07 00:47:39] GodBleesYou : He makes whales accumelte it
[2024-11-07 00:48:36] any random name : Bmex to replace USD?
[2024-11-07 00:49:32] speedwell : where is the retrace to?
[2024-11-07 01:01:41] ninnk : :pepe:
[2024-11-07 01:02:14] ninnk : :pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-07 01:05:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 100 Cont @ 2746.73 ($20,701.70) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-07 01:05:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 7500 USD @ 75371.3
[2024-11-07 01:07:55] Dessos : >
[2024-11-07 01:09:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSD`: Buy 3000 Cont @ 0.20054 ($45,399.63) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-11-07 01:09:14] GodBleesYou : any random name: not to replace usd jaja but it will pump above 10$ in some point
[2024-11-07 01:09:20] GodBleesYou : Trust artur
[2024-11-07 01:09:33] Momes : doge yo
[2024-11-07 01:12:29] Momes : trump pump alrdy factored in lowk
[2024-11-07 01:15:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 375 Cont @ 2778.73 ($78,651.10) - There goes ur space money
[2024-11-07 01:17:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 60 Cont @ 2785.56 ($12,599.95) - RIP
[2024-11-07 01:20:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTETH`: Sell 200 ETH @ 26.985 ($559,220.00) - The struggle is real
[2024-11-07 01:25:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 40 Cont @ 2805.04 ($8,461.01) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-07 01:26:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `PEPEUSD`: Buy 120 Cont @ 0.000010575 ($957.60)
[2024-11-07 01:28:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 5 Cont @ 2825.63 ($1,068.06)
[2024-11-07 01:28:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1000 USD @ 75608.5
[2024-11-07 01:30:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.2427 XBT @ 75707.6 ($18,378.21)
[2024-11-07 01:32:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `BCHUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 384.9 ($29.14)
[2024-11-07 01:32:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `LINKUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 12.517 ($9.48)
[2024-11-07 01:32:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100 USD @ 75699.9 - this was the last penny!
[2024-11-07 01:34:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `POLUSDT`: Buy 430 POL @ 0.3467 ($149.08)
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `PEPEUSD`: Buy 15704 Cont @ 0.000010674 ($126,978.42) - Bonjour!
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `AVAXUSD`: Buy 19444 Cont @ 27.681 ($407,717.95) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 81384 Cont @ 190.12 ($1,172,085.46) - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `AAVEUSD`: Buy 447 Cont @ 185.76 ($6,290.02) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `LINKUSD`: Buy 64495 Cont @ 12.515 ($611,433.66) - RIP
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 8617 Cont @ 2938.3 ($1,917,982.63) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `100SATSUSD`: Sell 6652 Cont @ 0.00002538 ($12,788.99) - steady lads..
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BMEXUSD`: Sell 74857 Cont @ 0.099 ($5,613.84) - Bullrun cancelled?
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSD`: Buy 203800 Cont @ 0.3718 ($573,992.22) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-07 01:34:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTM25`: Buy 7554200 USD @ 80575.5 - RIP
[2024-11-07 01:35:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100 USD @ 75851 - this was the last penny!
[2024-11-07 01:36:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 50 Cont @ 2832.59 ($10,754.26) - No refunds :arthur:
[2024-11-07 01:36:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0082 XBT @ 75899.7 ($622.65) - 😂
[2024-11-07 01:36:37] vbob : lol
[2024-11-07 01:36:58] hellguard4 : xd
[2024-11-07 01:37:00] speedwell : opps
[2024-11-07 01:37:44] tuutuutuut : is ROI of 6030% a lot?
[2024-11-07 01:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 262517 Cont @ 191.18 ($3,812,339.63) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-07 01:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 3566100 USD @ 75972.1 - Don't quit your day job
[2024-11-07 01:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTM25`: Buy 4506600 USD @ 81775 - There goes ur space money
[2024-11-07 01:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SUIUSD`: Buy 105138 Cont @ 2.376 ($189,806.66) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-07 01:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTETH`: Sell 251 ETH @ 26.826 ($711,027.78) - Another cow slaughtered
[2024-11-07 01:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `BLURUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 0.2277 ($5.19)
[2024-11-07 01:38:24] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : ops
[2024-11-07 01:38:27] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : 4mln
[2024-11-07 01:38:34] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : bera rekt
[2024-11-07 01:39:08] chujev : how the hell - Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 3566100
[2024-11-07 01:41:10] meeeepo : chujev: ??
[2024-11-07 01:41:16] meeeepo : did u just get liqd @chujev
[2024-11-07 01:41:26] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : chujev: you
[2024-11-07 01:41:39] chujev : no not me, just don't understand how a long gets liq in a pump
[2024-11-07 01:41:49] speedwell : what about the short under it?
[2024-11-07 01:41:50] meeeepo : chujev: did u lose everythging?
[2024-11-07 01:42:12] chujev : /position BTCZ24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 192,700 USD @ 64876.9285 ```
[2024-11-07 01:42:18] any random name : tuutuutuut: not allot. baby food lol
[2024-11-07 01:42:30] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 9 ETH @ 27.046 ($25,424.55)
[2024-11-07 01:42:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 34 ETH @ 27.033 ($96,093.52) - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-11-07 01:42:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 170 ETH @ 27.045 ($480,443.80) - RIP
[2024-11-07 01:42:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 119 ETH @ 27.039 ($336,179.76) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-11-07 01:43:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 696 ETH @ 27.062 ($1,966,269.60) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-07 01:43:15] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTETH`: Buy 2461 ETH @ 27.055 ($6,951,242.16) - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2024-11-07 01:43:18] tuutuutuut : any random name: I save money not giving milk but taking it
[2024-11-07 01:43:25] any random name : SOO MUCH PEOPLE TRIED TO SHORT THE TOP LMAOOO
[2024-11-07 01:43:28] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : 70k programed
[2024-11-07 01:44:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 1.4000 ETH @ 2813.99 ($3,941.17) - Don't quit your day job
[2024-11-07 01:44:06] MrBath : get em ronnie
[2024-11-07 01:44:10] tuutuutuut : me and EM decided to pump those poo poo coins for yall, the people Trump was the vehicle
[2024-11-07 01:45:01] any random name : I NEED ANOTHER CRASH COURSE ON CANDLE STICKS 🤦
[2024-11-07 01:45:20] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `USDTUSDC`: Sell 62 Cont @ 0.9811 ($468.25)
[2024-11-07 01:45:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 1.2100 ETH @ 0.03838 ($3,396.05) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-07 01:46:00] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `100SATSUSD`: Sell 142 Cont @ 0.0000246 ($268.74)
[2024-11-07 01:46:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 51.2500 ETH @ 0.03852 ($144,461.45) - Bonjour!
[2024-11-07 01:47:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 76.8700 ETH @ 0.03853 ($216,749.57) - No refunds :arthur:
[2024-11-07 01:47:19] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 1.0100 ETH @ 0.03854 ($2,847.12) - Buenos Dias!
[2024-11-07 01:47:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 4.9700 ETH @ 0.0385 ($14,000.49) - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-11-07 01:48:15] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 1.0100 ETH @ 0.0385 ($2,844.17) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-07 01:48:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 1.0400 ETH @ 0.03847 ($2,924.13) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-11-07 01:49:11] Yourholyhireless : im ignoring all shorts lol
[2024-11-07 01:49:16] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 1.0400 ETH @ 0.03847 ($2,921.99) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-07 02:01:03] PeacenLuv : pumputtup lezgoohhh btc
[2024-11-07 02:32:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 133 Cont @ 2842.21 ($28,490.75) - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-11-07 02:32:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 86.6100 ETH @ 0.03812 ($246,153.41) - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2024-11-07 02:40:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 0.0700 ETH @ 0.03858 ($199.31)
[2024-11-07 02:41:08] Simio_Short : ETH 3k tomorrow :O
[2024-11-07 02:44:15] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 47.8800 ETH @ 0.03897 ($136,053.89) - Bonjour!
[2024-11-07 02:44:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHZ24`: Buy 10.4200 ETH @ 0.03894 ($29,598.01) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-07 02:50:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 2855.69 ($644.66)
[2024-11-07 02:53:06] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 2 Cont @ 3039.3 ($448.44)
[2024-11-07 02:54:34] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 73 Cont @ 2863.34 ($15,733.09) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2024-11-07 02:55:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 2 Cont @ 3042.35 ($449.01)
[2024-11-07 02:55:34] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 1980 XRP @ 0.5491 ($1,087.69)
[2024-11-07 02:55:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 2 Cont @ 3041.7 ($448.89)
[2024-11-07 02:58:11] The Emerging Bull : 74.8 then 76.6 i reckon
[2024-11-07 02:59:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 2 Cont @ 3116.9 ($459.87)
[2024-11-07 02:59:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.1500 ETH @ 2874.57 ($431.39)
[2024-11-07 02:59:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ARBUSD`: Buy 1076 Cont @ 0.592 ($479.61)
[2024-11-07 03:00:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 2 Cont @ 3110.55 ($458.82)
[2024-11-07 03:01:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 2120 Cont @ 3108.85 ($486,044.55) - Bonjour!
[2024-11-07 03:01:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDZ24`: Buy 441 Cont @ 3107.35 ($101,040.46) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-07 03:04:36] speedwell : The Emerging Bull: fib retrace?
[2024-11-07 03:05:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 20000 USD @ 75101.7
[2024-11-07 03:06:32] The Emerging Bull : speedwell: trendline of small bull flag pennant it's in... but 21 ema is around 746610 and that ususally bounces first time too.
[2024-11-07 03:06:44] The Emerging Bull : 74610*
[2024-11-07 03:06:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 3970 XRP @ 0.556 ($2,204.78) - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-11-07 03:07:36] speedwell : The Emerging Bull: +1
[2024-11-07 03:11:52] Simio_Short : LOL it's bouncing on 15m EMA no more retrace until 80k
[2024-11-07 03:22:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 35000 Cont @ 0.5762 ($303,769.77) - There goes ur space money
[2024-11-07 03:22:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 1460 Cont @ 2857.62 ($314,244.93) - No refunds :arthur:
[2024-11-07 03:32:34] XRP GOD : Xrp is pumping
[2024-11-07 03:33:49] "it will be........" : .
[2024-11-07 03:35:27] meeeepo : @admin taker fees increased 0.07% to 0.1%? dafuq?
[2024-11-07 03:38:37] KoalaBearz : greed
[2024-11-07 03:48:56] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : meeeepo: they are 0.05% for me now, decreased
[2024-11-07 03:50:38] kchaitanya : Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis: :pepe:
[2024-11-07 03:58:56] 45th_blown_account : :doge:
[2024-11-07 04:05:34] any random name : THE DUMP'
[2024-11-07 04:07:49] TG_Pilipili999 : hehe
[2024-11-07 04:33:02] Yourholyhireless : yes bears sell trump good idea lol
[2024-11-07 04:33:08] Yourholyhireless : 😜
[2024-11-07 04:35:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XUSDT`: Sell 9000 X @ 0.00007623 ($0.75)
[2024-11-07 04:50:56] vbob : :pepe:
[2024-11-07 05:12:46] The_Reaper : /pnl ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: -6.29 USDT RPNL, 312.18 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-11-07 05:13:20] The_Reaper : Make my wallet great again 😂
[2024-11-07 05:17:02] MR MILLIONAIRE : @guys why eth deccontract hasmarkedprice 100$ more?
[2024-11-07 05:17:17] MR MILLIONAIRE : did anyone see this?
[2024-11-07 05:17:31] MR MILLIONAIRE : @guys why eth dec contract has marked price 100$ more?
[2024-11-07 05:20:39] The_Reaper : MR MILLIONAIRE: bro its futures contracts
[2024-11-07 05:20:59] The_Reaper : So people buy that betting on higher price aka premium
[2024-11-07 05:27:52] MR MILLIONAIRE : The_Reaper: yes im saying thetrade and index price
[2024-11-07 05:28:14] MR MILLIONAIRE : 2980 and 3090
[2024-11-07 05:39:23] The_Reaper : MR MILLIONAIRE: yup its normal
[2024-11-07 06:00:38] herby : my mother inlaw just called to let me know to sell the bitcoins
[2024-11-07 06:01:51] herby : such a wise woman
[2024-11-07 06:03:41] herby : ive been holding for 3 years and in profit 7.6%
[2024-11-07 06:04:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 4000000 USD @ 74661.3 - Don't quit your day job
[2024-11-07 06:05:32] MrBath : Ouch $4m
[2024-11-07 06:07:24] I Love BitMEX : **So all trump supporters are long? Perfect**
[2024-11-07 06:08:42] vbob : ouch
[2024-11-07 06:12:51] DMC2 : bullrun over?
[2024-11-07 06:13:28] hqc : OH NOES
[2024-11-07 06:13:39] "it will be........" : .
[2024-11-07 06:14:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2800 USD @ 74516.3
[2024-11-07 06:17:05] vbob : lol everyone is long perfect time to sell into everyone
[2024-11-07 06:17:33] vbob : the norm.... then it will go down everyone will short and it will go back to ath and make eveyone sad again
[2024-11-07 06:17:45] vbob : enjoy the party train
[2024-11-07 06:23:28] hqc : time to sleep
[2024-11-07 06:23:30] hqc : gn
[2024-11-07 06:28:35] danielm11 : looks like a textbook test of breakout level as support
[2024-11-07 06:29:15] speedwell : it's just having a little rest.
[2024-11-07 06:30:35] clarknova : :)
[2024-11-07 06:37:23] BMEXcheers : here we go
[2024-11-07 06:37:25] BMEXcheers : back down
[2024-11-07 06:37:33] BMEXcheers : Kamala strikes back
[2024-11-07 06:38:06] clarknova : BMEXcheers: you are missing a crucial piece of data
[2024-11-07 06:38:06] danielm11 : looks like we bounced off support so far
[2024-11-07 06:38:51] danielm11 : should get buy in from the ta nerds if this area holds
[2024-11-07 06:39:51] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : well hello trolbox brothers
[2024-11-07 06:41:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 620 DOGE @ 0.18969 ($117.68)
[2024-11-07 06:41:28] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : clarknova:
[2024-11-07 06:41:34] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : 76300 local top
[2024-11-07 06:41:36] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : KEK
[2024-11-07 06:41:57] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : 70500 we go
[2024-11-07 06:43:37] elChisoso : 4k you say, ok. Agree.
[2024-11-07 06:45:38] danielm11 : i'd be taking short profit around here
[2024-11-07 06:46:31] danielm11 : we're only on day 2 of ATH breakout
[2024-11-07 06:46:53] elChisoso : Next: ATL
[2024-11-07 06:46:56] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : danielm11: on eth 2750
[2024-11-07 06:47:00] danielm11 : ok permabear
[2024-11-07 06:47:12] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : im the quantum bull
[2024-11-07 06:47:24] danielm11 : i meant elChisoso
[2024-11-07 06:47:31] elChisoso : lol, imagine missing out on all the profits to 4k :kek:
[2024-11-07 06:47:36] Caseoemc : Here we go boys
[2024-11-07 06:48:18] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : waiting down for buttom shorters
[2024-11-07 06:48:23] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : to killlem on mmy grill
[2024-11-07 06:48:30] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : comeon kunts
[2024-11-07 06:48:41] elChisoso : Shorting the top has been a profitable strategy since the beginning of the markets. :arthur:
[2024-11-07 06:48:48] Momes : /position dogeusd ``` :bitmex: DOGEUSD: -1,740 Cont @ 0.20704 ```
[2024-11-07 06:48:56] danielm11 : okay so wait until we get to the top :P
[2024-11-07 06:48:57] Momes : /pnl dogeusd ``` :bitmex: DOGEUSD: -0.0001 XBT RPNL, 0.0290 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-07 06:49:17] elChisoso : smart
[2024-11-07 06:55:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ENAUSDT`: Buy 290 ENA @ 0.5099 ($148.05)
[2024-11-07 07:00:06] Robrisio : Hey guys have a question what you think is best profitable strategy for shorts?
[2024-11-07 07:01:05] danielm11 : close them fast in a bull market or get rekt
[2024-11-07 07:05:13] Robrisio : Ok added more
[2024-11-07 07:13:44] Hidden Stockpile : on the weekly your trying to short the biggest bull flag in history?
[2024-11-07 07:13:53] Hidden Stockpile : good luck
[2024-11-07 07:14:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GRASSUSDT`: Buy 981 GRASS @ 2.4872 ($2,715.31) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-11-07 07:16:08] Hidden Stockpile : trading is very simple, people make it complicated. Just pull money out of the market thats it
[2024-11-07 07:35:16] xini : We going sky high @Hidden Stockpile
[2024-11-07 07:35:35] xini : 12h chart is screaming
[2024-11-07 07:55:22] public123456789 : Why did Bitmex more then doubled it's maker fees?!
[2024-11-07 07:57:14] elChisoso : arthur needs a new ferrari sir