BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-11-06 04:50:32] bmagic : Trumps a dog
[2024-11-06 04:50:33] al guul : lol
[2024-11-06 04:50:36] bmagic : I will short him
[2024-11-06 04:50:39] bmagic : Short trump
[2024-11-06 04:50:42] MoonBruv :
[2024-11-06 04:50:52] scraps : bmagic: what
[2024-11-06 04:50:52] The Emerging Bull : bmagic: i'm hoping fgot 75.7 - 76.2
[2024-11-06 04:50:56] The Emerging Bull : for*
[2024-11-06 04:51:06] scraps : bmagic: trump wins then btc goes up
[2024-11-06 04:51:20] bmagic : Thats what they want you to believe
[2024-11-06 04:51:26] bmagic : Trump doesnt even know what bitcoin is
[2024-11-06 04:51:34] bmagic : Its clear everytime he talks about it
[2024-11-06 04:51:41] The Emerging Bull : bmagic: short barron, more dump potential from his height
[2024-11-06 04:52:11] bmagic : Trump will back business
[2024-11-06 04:52:17] bmagic : He doesnt know bitcoin
[2024-11-06 04:52:27] bmagic : He will back the fed and the banks
[2024-11-06 04:52:40] MoonBruv : all the fractional reserve dollars, created within the last few years already flew into bitcoin, we basically transferred the tradfi into bitcoin already
[2024-11-06 04:52:46] MoonBruv : via blackrock
[2024-11-06 04:52:47] bmagic : The Emerging Bull: lol can’t short the moon
[2024-11-06 04:52:51] MoonBruv : trump doesn't change anything
[2024-11-06 04:53:04] bmagic : Trump is redundant
[2024-11-06 04:53:54] Yourholyhireless : biden is running longers are coming
[2024-11-06 04:54:13] Yourholyhireless : MoonBruv: only that btc pumps 100 %
[2024-11-06 04:54:19] MoonBruv : yeah, ofc
[2024-11-06 04:54:25] MoonBruv : and i wont be surprised if it's the 80-120k range
[2024-11-06 04:54:35] MoonBruv : but u know how long that will last
[2024-11-06 04:54:41] Yourholyhireless : few days
[2024-11-06 04:54:52] Yourholyhireless : wit harris 10 years
[2024-11-06 04:55:26] MoonBruv : holy shit kamala actually almost caught up with trump
[2024-11-06 04:55:45] MoonBruv : I wish I could vote for insurrection
[2024-11-06 04:55:50] MoonBruv : I bet my ASS it's happening soon xD
[2024-11-06 04:57:22] bmagic : Until 77k breaks this is bearish
[2024-11-06 04:59:19] MoonBruv : Harris needs to sweep nearly every remaining swing state to stand a chance.
[2024-11-06 04:59:59] MoonBruv : but if she locks down the blue-leaning undecided states and snatches Pennsylvania or Georgia, she could pull a last-second win.
[2024-11-06 05:00:48] tozak : just gonna remove that tiny position I got on BTC, or ya can, just dont rip please
[2024-11-06 05:02:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 0.20266 ($15.06)
[2024-11-06 05:02:06] MoonBruv : Don’t think for a second these vote-counting “delays” are just a coincidence.
[2024-11-06 05:02:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 74157.9 - this was the last penny!
[2024-11-06 05:02:31] tozak : TY
[2024-11-06 05:02:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0001 XBT @ 74115.8 ($7.40) - 🐳
[2024-11-06 05:03:11] MoonBruv : you see the price drop is literally blue states appearing
[2024-11-06 05:03:15] MoonBruv : on the map xD
[2024-11-06 05:03:21] MoonBruv : this girl is winning wtf
[2024-11-06 05:03:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 7600 USD @ 73850.8
[2024-11-06 05:04:24] tozak : selective manipulation?
[2024-11-06 05:04:44] tozak : why I still freezing up?
[2024-11-06 05:06:32] Dario1 : Moonipulation :arthur:
[2024-11-06 05:06:35] XRP GOD : I’m back is trump winning
[2024-11-06 05:06:44] XRP GOD : who is winning
[2024-11-06 05:06:55] MoonBruv : kamala is getting close to 50%
[2024-11-06 05:07:04] scraps : Harris 209 : 230 Trump
[2024-11-06 05:07:04] tozak : wait, whats the end goal?
[2024-11-06 05:07:14] MoonBruv : kamala is going to win in the last 5 seconds
[2024-11-06 05:07:24] MoonBruv : and they're going to announce it the safest, most reliable election of all time
[2024-11-06 05:07:29] MoonBruv : and then flip everyone off
[2024-11-06 05:07:31] MoonBruv : lmao
[2024-11-06 05:07:37] Dario1 : XRP GOD:
[2024-11-06 05:07:40] scraps : MoonBruv: :pepe:pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-06 05:08:01] XRP GOD : Dario1: 😘
[2024-11-06 05:08:03] Robrisio : IAMA I'm a coin
[2024-11-06 05:08:10] Dario1 : XRP GOD: 😘
[2024-11-06 05:08:13] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: @tozak :doge:
[2024-11-06 05:08:22] MoonBruv : :catjam:
[2024-11-06 05:11:03] al guul : aint been done since /1892
[2024-11-06 05:13:19] tozak : COME on guys... just stop frags really
[2024-11-06 05:13:30] tozak : I aint trying to trade
[2024-11-06 05:17:56] bmagic : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.0337 XBT @ 74018.8 ```
[2024-11-06 05:18:01] bmagic : /position solusdt ``` :bitmex: SOLUSDT: -6 SOL @ 184.68166 ```
[2024-11-06 05:23:59] scraps : bmagic: you are short? 👽
[2024-11-06 05:24:21] scraps : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-06 05:25:17] voixjomz : :pepe:
[2024-11-06 05:25:35] voixjomz : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-06 05:25:59] tozak : Is Archer real?
[2024-11-06 05:27:04] al guul : they have voted
[2024-11-06 05:28:06] al guul : for ath
[2024-11-06 05:30:19] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0180 XBT RPNL, 0.3685 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-06 05:30:23] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.1462 XBT RPNL, 0.5180 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-06 05:30:30] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.6185 XBT RPNL, 0.2514 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-06 05:31:08] bluemaster : that was easy 😜 silly kids
[2024-11-06 05:31:57] bmagic : Yeah i am countering bluemaster so he wins
[2024-11-06 05:32:26] tozak : u also bot?
[2024-11-06 05:32:36] bmagic : yes
[2024-11-06 05:32:40] bmagic : Intrasecond
[2024-11-06 05:33:34] tozak : If I try and withdarw my little BTC left is that rreal"?
[2024-11-06 05:34:12] Simio_Short : 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😵
[2024-11-06 05:34:14] bluemaster : bmagic: I love you man
[2024-11-06 05:34:38] bluemaster : bmagic: they countering me last 13 years ...
[2024-11-06 05:35:20] bmagic : bluemaster: how deep is your entry sir
[2024-11-06 05:35:25] bmagic : 62k?
[2024-11-06 05:35:35] bluemaster : /position xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 135,000 USD @ 66164.6972 ```
[2024-11-06 05:35:40] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 310,000 USD @ 68245.4105 ```
[2024-11-06 05:35:43] bmagic : Nice
[2024-11-06 05:35:45] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 265,400 USD @ 71296.1643 ```
[2024-11-06 05:35:47] bmagic : Literally on breakout
[2024-11-06 05:35:52] tozak : what this over and I cough up on sleep etc, recon you could show how to do a bit and I try give you a hand now and ten?
[2024-11-06 05:35:54] bmagic : Jealous
[2024-11-06 05:36:13] kchaitanya : /upnl solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0134 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-11-06 05:36:46] bluemaster : bmagic: boring I have to hold xbtm25 8 months for expire
[2024-11-06 05:37:01] bluemaster : xbth25 only 5 months left
[2024-11-06 05:37:09] tozak : you can sell now and get the premium
[2024-11-06 05:37:51] bluemaster : tozak: premium in real bull market jump to 10k +
[2024-11-06 05:37:51] XRP GOD : bluemaster: 😘🥳🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-11-06 05:37:58] XRP GOD : we are fuckkkkk rich
[2024-11-06 05:38:14] XRP GOD : :doge: :doge: :doge:
[2024-11-06 05:38:21] bmagic : bluemaster: hmm not sure what the next 8 months holds but im not so positive until 77k breaks
[2024-11-06 05:38:23] XRP GOD : 120k if trump wims
[2024-11-06 05:38:24] al guul : :btc:
[2024-11-06 05:38:46] tozak : wth is TRump real lol
[2024-11-06 05:38:51] XRP GOD : al guul: :catjam: :Bitcoin:
[2024-11-06 05:39:00] bluemaster : bmagic: they not going print more bitcoins mate ...
[2024-11-06 05:39:26] bmagic : bluemaster: yeah accumulation will continue
[2024-11-06 05:39:36] bmagic : But price is another story
[2024-11-06 05:39:47] tozak : Deep State?
[2024-11-06 05:39:48] tozak : The Cia?
[2024-11-06 05:39:50] bmagic : Theres a lot of regulatory attacks on bitcoin at the moment
[2024-11-06 05:39:52] bluemaster : watch when they discover that some of us not selling at any price ...😎
[2024-11-06 05:40:00] bmagic : Will come into headlines soon
[2024-11-06 05:40:18] scraps : bmagic: i wonder why, it's pretty mainstream now
[2024-11-06 05:40:28] bmagic : Fud
[2024-11-06 05:40:35] bmagic : Mainstream fud
[2024-11-06 05:41:01] bmagic : Some of my trade friends are saying down now early 2025 up
[2024-11-06 05:41:07] bmagic : Elections a trap
[2024-11-06 05:41:15] bmagic : I don’t listen to them tho
[2024-11-06 05:42:00] scraps : bmagic: we're sitting above old ath
[2024-11-06 05:42:13] tozak : Since I n can ya see a invoice for me in eail to print
[2024-11-06 05:42:33] scraps : bmagic: still looks bullish until market decides
[2024-11-06 05:45:07] tozak : unfeeze
[2024-11-06 05:47:31] bluemaster :
[2024-11-06 05:47:40] bmagic : I dont mind it looking bullish
[2024-11-06 05:47:51] bmagic : Some of the best shorts look bullish
[2024-11-06 05:48:03] bmagic : Also some of the best liquidations on shorts look bullish
[2024-11-06 05:48:05] tozak : you recon I coul d borro ibn court
[2024-11-06 05:48:22] bmagic : bluemaster: i quit my job like that
[2024-11-06 05:48:52] bluemaster : bmagic: perfect
[2024-11-06 05:50:45] Dario1 : Trump just won in Georgia. He is the next president. You heard it here first 😃
[2024-11-06 05:51:23] bluemaster : Dario1: that Indian bitch never had a chance ... Jews don;t like Indians
[2024-11-06 05:51:25] scraps : Georgia pump? it was blue last time, i checked the map for flipped states
[2024-11-06 05:51:35] al guul : leftmedia is so hilarious
[2024-11-06 05:52:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0200 XBT @ 74731.3 ($1,494.58)
[2024-11-06 05:52:28] bmagic : Sweep 73500 then tackle ATH rally
[2024-11-06 05:52:58] Dario1 : bluemaster: indeed, but I thought her husband was jewish, not sure tho. In any case I never liked the way she talks. Very annoying…
[2024-11-06 05:53:07] scraps : lets go. trump pump time
[2024-11-06 05:53:16] bluemaster : Dario1: he was her handler
[2024-11-06 05:53:26] Dario1 : bluemaster: haha yeah
[2024-11-06 05:53:37] The_Reaper : Trump is gonna lose badly
[2024-11-06 05:53:42] scraps : :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-11-06 05:54:14] The_Reaper : States not counted yet are all for harris
[2024-11-06 05:54:29] The_Reaper : Why pump lol
[2024-11-06 05:54:37] scraps : The_Reaper: you can buy kamala contracts not sure if leveraged
[2024-11-06 05:54:49] al guul : denial
[2024-11-06 05:54:54] scraps : The_Reaper: can't tell if serious
[2024-11-06 05:55:00] lelskates : imagine voting for that bitch lol
[2024-11-06 05:55:05] The_Reaper : I am serieus
[2024-11-06 05:55:05] lelskates : get fkn rekt
[2024-11-06 05:55:14] lelskates : crypto bull run is going to be massive
[2024-11-06 05:55:19] The_Reaper : Exact same scenario as 2020
[2024-11-06 05:55:26] scraps : bitcoin still pumps if kamala wins, usd devalues
[2024-11-06 05:55:48] The_Reaper : The states that have not been counted were all for democrats in 2020
[2024-11-06 05:56:03] The_Reaper : He has lost.
[2024-11-06 05:56:40] bluemaster : fuck the politics
[2024-11-06 05:57:32] al guul : lol. agree blue :)
[2024-11-06 05:58:20] Punaniman : The_Reaper: few different rules in place now after covid election
[2024-11-06 06:00:08] The_Reaper : Punaniman: yea idd, rules are to not vote for senile old men and convicted criminals
[2024-11-06 06:00:09] al guul : mara lago corn party
[2024-11-06 06:00:19] The_Reaper : But wait thats trump …
[2024-11-06 06:00:44] The_Reaper : Not to mention he sleeps with the enemy
[2024-11-06 06:00:52] The_Reaper : Aka russia
[2024-11-06 06:01:09] Punaniman : The_Reaper: haaahha rofl go suck on kamalas titties bro
[2024-11-06 06:01:14] Punaniman : imagine not wanting trump
[2024-11-06 06:01:22] al guul : gonna be so much salt today
[2024-11-06 06:02:23] The_Reaper : Punaniman: whats is trump gonna do about inflation, nothing, its all just promises that czn never be met
[2024-11-06 06:02:47] The_Reaper : He sh!ttalks and lies more then ever
[2024-11-06 06:02:56] The_Reaper : Lmao
[2024-11-06 06:03:23] Punaniman : The_Reaper: and what is kamabla going to do?`u mad LMAO
[2024-11-06 06:03:24] The_Reaper : The only thing he will fix is thinking about his own wallet
[2024-11-06 06:03:39] Kristen's Vagene : Thanks Trump for pumping my coin
[2024-11-06 06:03:49] The_Reaper : Punaniman: what is she not, inflation is easing isnt it??
[2024-11-06 06:04:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSDT`: Buy 16660 DOGE @ 0.2091 ($3,482.04) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-11-06 06:04:09] al guul : left facemelt. Corn up only :btc:
[2024-11-06 06:04:17] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1200 XBT @ 74933.3 ($8,991.66)
[2024-11-06 06:04:27] The_Reaper : Short doge and trumpcoin and tesla
[2024-11-06 06:04:43] tozak : you ready? yep
[2024-11-06 06:04:44] The_Reaper : Ez shorts
[2024-11-06 06:05:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0100 XBT @ 74998.8 ($749.90) - 🐳
[2024-11-06 06:05:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 4 Cont @ 186.41 ($55.92)
[2024-11-06 06:05:18] al guul : i guess the pollsters are out of work
[2024-11-06 06:05:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1458 XBT @ 75091.4 ($10,946.27)
[2024-11-06 06:05:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3300 USD @ 75082.8
[2024-11-06 06:05:32] tozak : hasrd
[2024-11-06 06:05:51] Robrisio : Ready?
[2024-11-06 06:06:03] tozak : wait 2
[2024-11-06 06:06:50] The_Reaper : Heres proof trump ill be dead
[2024-11-06 06:06:53] The_Reaper :
[2024-11-06 06:07:16] The_Reaper : Like i said, exact same scenario as 2020, states not counted yet are all democrats
[2024-11-06 06:07:37] Robrisio : Do you smell something?
[2024-11-06 06:07:41] The_Reaper : Mr wig can pack his bags hombre
[2024-11-06 06:08:29] al guul : the denial is strong
[2024-11-06 06:08:32] scraps : Kristen's Vagene: which coin is that?
[2024-11-06 06:09:10] The_Reaper : Short doge short trump and short tesla
[2024-11-06 06:09:14] The_Reaper : Thats all folks
[2024-11-06 06:10:21] "it will be........" : God emperor Trump ftw :doge:
[2024-11-06 06:10:35] scraps : trump is head in nevada
[2024-11-06 06:10:40] scraps : ahead
[2024-11-06 06:11:52] al guul : question now is what fkery dems are gonna do to fk poo up
[2024-11-06 06:12:03] scraps : Trump might land on 312 votes
[2024-11-06 06:12:14] scraps : if states hold
[2024-11-06 06:12:24] The_Reaper : scraps: harris*
[2024-11-06 06:12:42] scraps : The_Reaper: with those 3am voters?
[2024-11-06 06:12:44] The_Reaper : scraps: states not counted for yet are all for democrats, see here
[2024-11-06 06:12:48] The_Reaper :
[2024-11-06 06:12:59] The_Reaper : Same scenario as 2020
[2024-11-06 06:13:26] scraps : The_Reaper: fraud? pretty sure 2020 was fraud
[2024-11-06 06:13:56] scraps : The_Reaper: he won georgia
[2024-11-06 06:14:09] Berns101 : if trump doesnt win we will have ww3
[2024-11-06 06:14:15] Eluus : He's winning despite the fact that democrats are cheating
[2024-11-06 06:14:15] lelskates : so first thing hes doing is FIRING GARY GENSLER HAHAHA
[2024-11-06 06:14:21] Berns101 : and blackrock owning the democratic party to sell weapons
[2024-11-06 06:14:23] Eluus : Berns101: 100%
[2024-11-06 06:14:23] lelskates : THEN GIVING HIMSELF A PARDON
[2024-11-06 06:14:26] Berns101 : do you ngrs understand me
[2024-11-06 06:14:26] lelskates : LOL
[2024-11-06 06:14:30] lelskates : WHAT A FKN CHAD
[2024-11-06 06:14:33] scraps : Berns101: kamala/democrats are weak, trump will stop ww3
[2024-11-06 06:14:43] Berns101 : vote for a aryan race not a ngr whore
[2024-11-06 06:14:50] lelskates : gensler its over kunt
[2024-11-06 06:14:52] Berns101 : you will be better off regardless of your race
[2024-11-06 06:14:56] lelskates : pack your fkn things
[2024-11-06 06:14:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `AAVEUSD`: Buy 408 Cont @ 157.71 ($4,818.18) - RIP
[2024-11-06 06:15:50] Berns101 : 80k or pullback
[2024-11-06 06:16:13] Berns101 : im also not racist until they start mob attacking you for a 100$
[2024-11-06 06:16:22] Berns101 : stick with your own
[2024-11-06 06:16:57] The Emerging Bull : 3rd test of 75k already
[2024-11-06 06:17:10] Berns101 : look at the prison system
[2024-11-06 06:17:20] Berns101 : races not meant to mix in survival times
[2024-11-06 06:17:26] The_Reaper : Eluus: mentally ill bro
[2024-11-06 06:17:32] The_Reaper : Like trump himself
[2024-11-06 06:17:34] Berns101 : its nature
[2024-11-06 06:17:49] Berns101 : the news want a mixed one world race and to depopulate the white race
[2024-11-06 06:17:55] Berns101 : we are the only competitors
[2024-11-06 06:18:00] The_Reaper : Desire for people wanting to kill him when not even being president
[2024-11-06 06:18:02] Berns101 : and we are goys aka non gentiles....
[2024-11-06 06:18:03] The_Reaper : Gl
[2024-11-06 06:18:06] Berns101 : read talmud ...
[2024-11-06 06:18:12] Berns101 : if it aint white fk it...
[2024-11-06 06:18:22] Berns101 : we need to stop being sensitive
[2024-11-06 06:18:32] Berns101 : because these monkeys are non sensitive at all...
[2024-11-06 06:18:41] Berns101 : they will rape your wife probably..
[2024-11-06 06:19:05] Berns101 : in their talmud it says that our creator is in hell
[2024-11-06 06:19:10] Berns101 : these ngrs are sickos
[2024-11-06 06:19:18] Eluus : Tru dat @Berns101
[2024-11-06 06:21:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 124500 USD @ 75183.7 - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-11-06 06:21:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1572 XBT @ 75198.9 ($11,818.05)
[2024-11-06 06:21:45] Berns101 : 80k or pullback
[2024-11-06 06:22:11] lelskates : bahahah
[2024-11-06 06:22:15] lelskates : Mcdonalds Bears
[2024-11-06 06:22:27] speedwell : nath
[2024-11-06 06:22:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 75235.3
[2024-11-06 06:22:34] speedwell : again
[2024-11-06 06:22:48] Berns101 : me and arthur go on the yacht some times
[2024-11-06 06:22:51] yellowpig : :Pepe:
[2024-11-06 06:22:55] Berns101 : i tell him stay on your side
[2024-11-06 06:23:11] Berns101 : he says kiss my ass cracka
[2024-11-06 06:23:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0162 XBT @ 75287.6 ($1,219.66)
[2024-11-06 06:23:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2500 USD @ 75293.1
[2024-11-06 06:23:25] Eluus : /position xbtusd I'm gonna get my own yacht soon ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,625,000 USD @ 68298.5466 ```
[2024-11-06 06:23:27] Berns101 : but we are both racist genius
[2024-11-06 06:23:34] The_Reaper : Get ready to short TRUMP TESLA and DOGE
[2024-11-06 06:23:37] Berns101 : we are not sensitive fagits
[2024-11-06 06:23:39] al guul : so .. bois.. 85 kek?
[2024-11-06 06:24:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1000 USD @ 75380.3
[2024-11-06 06:24:06] MoonBruv : ok, trump actually won
[2024-11-06 06:24:08] MoonBruv : he made it to 267/270
[2024-11-06 06:24:09] Berns101 : yall turned psy feminist and censor everything
[2024-11-06 06:24:18] Berns101 : MoonBruv: are you sure mate please?
[2024-11-06 06:24:43] The_Reaper : Pump my eth but dump all the rest
[2024-11-06 06:25:31] The_Reaper : Trmp wil never get further then the current 247 he had
[2024-11-06 06:25:43] The_Reaper : Remaining states are for democrats
[2024-11-06 06:29:03] Berns101 : GOOD FORCES WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL
[2024-11-06 06:29:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTZ24`: Sell 600 USD @ 75929.5 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-11-06 06:29:08] Berns101 : THE RIGHTEOUS
[2024-11-06 06:29:17] Berns101 : TRUMP DOESNT DRINK AND IS NOT A RACIST FK LIKE ME
[2024-11-06 06:29:22] Punaniman : The_Reaper: he literally won u noob
[2024-11-06 06:29:27] Dario1 : The_Reaper: it’s over mate. He already has 267
[2024-11-06 06:29:34] Berns101 : trust me its best for you all non whites to
[2024-11-06 06:29:41] Berns101 : we have adverted major corruption and deaths
[2024-11-06 06:30:05] Eluus : The_Reaper: lol mETH user loser
[2024-11-06 06:30:13] Eluus : You're going down
[2024-11-06 06:30:24] Eluus : Rekt
[2024-11-06 06:30:29] Berns101 : if you voted Harris you probably going to hell lmao satans party of blaclrock
[2024-11-06 06:30:38] Berns101 : you failed the simulation basically.....
[2024-11-06 06:30:47] Berns101 : lmao
[2024-11-06 06:31:16] Eluus : You have to be an NPC to vote for Harris
[2024-11-06 06:33:18] hehe MOON : SILLY BEARAS NEVER LERN
[2024-11-06 06:33:19] al guul : in 4 yeara no-one will remember the kamala
[2024-11-06 06:33:28] hehe MOON : **TRUMP PUMP IS HERE**
[2024-11-06 06:34:04] hehe MOON : 100k tomorrow
[2024-11-06 06:34:30] The_Reaper : Dario1: you are blind, clearly says 247
[2024-11-06 06:35:30] al guul : can I feel the denial? No
[2024-11-06 06:36:52] Dario1 : The_Reaper: No, I am afraid you are either blind, in denial or not looking at latest updates. He really has 267
[2024-11-06 06:36:54] Dario1 :
[2024-11-06 06:37:19] The_Reaper : Dario1: bro lmfao, confirmed idiot
[2024-11-06 06:37:29] The_Reaper : Fox news is pro republican sheisse
[2024-11-06 06:37:35] Punaniman : The_Reaper: dude world leaders are literally congratulating him
[2024-11-06 06:37:41] doublecheese : Hello frens. I do not care about politics, but cheese is still holding, of course. I have long awaited this ath.
[2024-11-06 06:37:43] Punaniman : mark cuban as well
[2024-11-06 06:37:47] doublecheese : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 7,000 USD @ 64079.9718 ```
[2024-11-06 06:37:54] Punaniman : are you a literaly dumbass? trump is crowned president
[2024-11-06 06:38:06] Quangduong : Hi ad
[2024-11-06 06:38:35] Dario1 : The_Reaper: of course fox is pro republican, but they provide reliable election results for as long as I can remember ;)
[2024-11-06 06:38:53] al guul : cubana on twitter congrats trump
[2024-11-06 06:39:26] Mr.Kazi : it pumped
[2024-11-06 06:39:26] Punaniman : the rest of election is literally just to see how much more trump can stomp kamala
[2024-11-06 06:39:30] Mr.Kazi : what happened
[2024-11-06 06:39:38] Dario1 : Punaniman: exactly
[2024-11-06 06:39:49] The_Reaper : The redt is the flipping point
[2024-11-06 06:39:57] The_Reaper : Rest*
[2024-11-06 06:40:02] Punaniman : he needs one state, lol
[2024-11-06 06:40:05] The_Reaper : Exactly like 2020
[2024-11-06 06:40:10] SangFrais : looks like trump won indeed
[2024-11-06 06:40:13] Punaniman : he has been congratulated by hard core demorats already
[2024-11-06 06:40:40] Punaniman : go on polumarket and bet
[2024-11-06 06:40:49] Punaniman : or stfu
[2024-11-06 06:40:51] Punaniman : coper
[2024-11-06 06:41:21] SangFrais : The_Reaper: nah I was wrong, Bidennwas doing much better in 2020 in those states still counting than now
[2024-11-06 06:42:19] SangFrais : but that trump would win is already old news now I guess
[2024-11-06 06:42:49] The_Reaper : My shorts are ready
[2024-11-06 06:43:17] al guul : leftwing media is so funny
[2024-11-06 06:43:37] speedwell : al guul: they crying?
[2024-11-06 06:43:55] meeeepo : is it possible for btc to dump under 60k now
[2024-11-06 06:44:12] al guul : speedwell: o yes ser. In denial :)
[2024-11-06 06:44:18] Berns101 : i fk with biggie tupac Arthur hayes mike tyson and malcom x
[2024-11-06 06:44:21] Dario1 : speedwell: haha 😄
[2024-11-06 06:44:25] Berns101 : the rest of you monkey ngrs can get some
[2024-11-06 06:44:37] Berns101 : fk off to africa ngr
[2024-11-06 06:44:40] Berns101 : lmao
[2024-11-06 06:45:01] The_Reaper : @admin perm ban now please @Berns101
[2024-11-06 06:46:45] Mr.Kazi : this is crazy
[2024-11-06 06:47:05] Mr.Kazi : this pump
[2024-11-06 06:47:26] Mr.Kazi : trump don't liquidate us
[2024-11-06 06:47:32] Dario1 : The_Reaper: It’s a done deal. Trump has 277 now
[2024-11-06 06:47:53] Mr.Kazi : thing thing should be below 50k
[2024-11-06 06:48:17] SangFrais : Dario1: you in Dubai yet, it's cold as fk here now
[2024-11-06 06:48:21] clarknova : Dario1: Oh course Steves called a Harris victory
[2024-11-06 06:49:14] The_Reaper : Dario1: everything will be counted. Then we will talk, hush now
[2024-11-06 06:49:22] clarknova : sweet jeez this is the end of the world and I gonna end up rich. Oh irony.
[2024-11-06 06:50:08] Dario1 : clarknova: haha that was yet another wrong call. So funny 😂
[2024-11-06 06:50:12] SangFrais : clarknova: lol
[2024-11-06 06:50:18] clarknova : :)
[2024-11-06 06:50:31] al guul : play the game or be sheep
[2024-11-06 06:50:46] Dario1 : SangFrais: Nope, in Rijswijk right now for a party next week
[2024-11-06 06:51:34] Dario1 : The_Reaper: Don’t give up hope tho. You get another chance in 2028 😁
[2024-11-06 06:52:07] Gandalf the Grey : Mama Mia
[2024-11-06 06:52:17] Gandalf the Grey : Who ate this much chicken so it pumperino hahaha
[2024-11-06 06:52:22] Gandalf the Grey : We rich guys?
[2024-11-06 06:53:01] clarknova : buy bitcoin, build a nuclear shelter
[2024-11-06 06:53:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1000 USD @ 74377.9
[2024-11-06 06:54:00] clarknova : freeze yourself to -200° and put your wake up alarm in twelve centuries
[2024-11-06 06:54:16] SangFrais : clarknova: trump gonna fix everything according to him and Elon
[2024-11-06 06:54:21] SangFrais : no worries
[2024-11-06 06:54:27] Dario1 : clarknova: lmao
[2024-11-06 06:54:30] Gandalf the Grey : wtf is euro doing
[2024-11-06 06:54:54] clarknova : SangFrais: oh he said that ? ok we're all saved. That was close though.
[2024-11-06 06:55:30] SangFrais : clarknova: just go to Africa nobody is gonna nuke that
[2024-11-06 06:55:41] Gandalf the Grey : lol it is donald pump
[2024-11-06 06:55:44] Gandalf the Grey : I got it
[2024-11-06 06:55:47] Gandalf the Grey : lmfao
[2024-11-06 06:56:10] clarknova : Gandalf the Grey: Euro is going right to where it came from
[2024-11-06 06:56:21] clarknova : cycle of life
[2024-11-06 06:56:28] clarknova : dust to dust
[2024-11-06 06:57:02] _fred bloggs : Americans are stupid
[2024-11-06 06:57:05] clarknova : SangFrais: I'm at La Réunion right now. Pretty sofe here XD
[2024-11-06 06:57:12] The_Reaper : Dario1: you dont even know what you are saying for europe and nato bro
[2024-11-06 06:57:50] clarknova : _fred bloggs: the world is stupid sir
[2024-11-06 06:58:01] _fred bloggs : Ineed
[2024-11-06 06:58:06] _fred bloggs : Indeed lol
[2024-11-06 06:58:32] _fred bloggs : I cen't speill
[2024-11-06 06:58:39] SangFrais : clarknova: nice, buying an old colonial mansion would be epic
[2024-11-06 06:58:43] _fred bloggs : I'm retarded
[2024-11-06 06:59:29] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 54650 DOGE @ 0.20467 ($11,188.28) - Bullrun cancelled?
[2024-11-06 06:59:39] clarknova : SangFrais: it's so beautiful here o_O you've ever been there ?
[2024-11-06 07:00:58] SangFrais : clarknova: nah stil on my list, Martinique too
[2024-11-06 07:01:01] clarknova : I double down on my 80k call
[2024-11-06 07:01:32] Dario1 : The_Reaper: I haven’t said anything about europe and nato bro. Maybe you are confusing with what someone else said, the same way you are confused with election results
[2024-11-06 07:02:22] clarknova : SangFrais: I don't know La Martinique yet but it's a real paradise here. I asked a friend "and is it in winter ?". He answered "pretty much the same" XD
[2024-11-06 07:03:11] al guul : harris is a shame
[2024-11-06 07:03:36] al guul : fkin shame
[2024-11-06 07:04:22] scraps : trumps leading in all the countys in all those states
[2024-11-06 07:04:30] scraps : trump 312 win
[2024-11-06 07:04:58] scraps : the MAGA wave is coming
[2024-11-06 07:05:40] SangFrais : clarknova: yeah inknow a girl from Marseille who's always there during winter
[2024-11-06 07:07:50] TG_Pilipili999 : ultra seeeend it
[2024-11-06 07:08:29] TG_Pilipili999 : PAMP IT ATH PRICE DISCOVERY
[2024-11-06 07:08:45] XRP GOD : Trump win 🥇 🚀😘
[2024-11-06 07:08:56] XRP GOD : :doge: :catjam:
[2024-11-06 07:09:17] _fred bloggs : Eat poop
[2024-11-06 07:10:04] FishyGuy : hey Gensler, I bet McDs are hiring
[2024-11-06 07:10:29] The_Reaper : If he gets elected, see what his big mouth on gensler is gonna do
[2024-11-06 07:10:40] The_Reaper : He cannot even fire him like he said
[2024-11-06 07:10:59] elChisoso : organic growth they say :kek:
[2024-11-06 07:11:00] The_Reaper : All big talks but really nothing he can do about it
[2024-11-06 07:11:06] blaster33 : Ok it's official now, Pennsylvania is for Trump, no valid counts for Harris anymore
[2024-11-06 07:12:05] lelskates : yep Harris is cooked
[2024-11-06 07:12:12] lelskates : back to india for u
[2024-11-06 07:12:17] The_Reaper : Vote for soon to be convicted fellon
[2024-11-06 07:12:37] The_Reaper : He should have never been allowed into the race with all the investigations and allegations lmfao
[2024-11-06 07:12:58] The_Reaper : But Dumbmerica got what they want
[2024-11-06 07:13:16] The_Reaper : A senile lying old man hahaha
[2024-11-06 07:13:21] scraps : blaster33: trump has already won
[2024-11-06 07:14:04] "it will be........" : clarknova: nuclear shelter haha please. I pray you see the light one day
[2024-11-06 07:14:38] "it will be........" : Trump the only option
[2024-11-06 07:16:02] elChisoso : Kamala won hawaii with 0 votes. :arthur:
[2024-11-06 07:16:16] kchaitanya : elChisoso: :arthur:
[2024-11-06 07:16:20] 666getoboy : trump speaking soon, we mooning?
[2024-11-06 07:17:17] clarknova : "it will be........": depends where you live right ? Cause some gonna see a real bright light
[2024-11-06 07:18:10] Dario1 : "it will be........": In some countries it’s pretty normal and even mandatory. Take Switzerland for example
[2024-11-06 07:18:17] Dario1 : Since the 1960s, every Swiss municipality has had to build nuclear bunkers for their residents - and they're mandatory in large homes and residential buildings.
[2024-11-06 07:20:14] "it will be........" : Dario1: mate I know nuclear bunkers exist I was referring to the sentiment behind his comment
[2024-11-06 07:21:06] "it will be........" : clarknova: yes doom and long as you're stuck in that echo chamber
[2024-11-06 07:21:15] Dario1 : "it will be........": oh okay. I just hope putin doesn’t nuke us. You are lucky to live in AU :arthur:
[2024-11-06 07:21:52] kchaitanya : "it will be........": @Dario1 :doge:
[2024-11-06 07:22:12] Dario1 : kchaitanya: hello sir :doge:
[2024-11-06 07:22:13] "it will be........" : Dario1: hope he doesn't either. And true :doge: for now
[2024-11-06 07:22:19] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:21] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:22] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:24] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:25] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:26] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:27] Dario1 : "it will be........": :doge:
[2024-11-06 07:22:28] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:30] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:31] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:32] kchaitanya : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe::pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-06 07:22:45] al guul : hillary for president :bt: kill em all
[2024-11-06 07:23:02] al guul : :btc:
[2024-11-06 07:24:11] elChisoso : hillarious
[2024-11-06 07:25:17] XRP GOD : TRUMP WON 🇺🇸🥳🥳
[2024-11-06 07:25:43] al guul : trump on stage now
[2024-11-06 07:26:05] scraps : democrats dont just divide his country, he divides the world
[2024-11-06 07:26:17] scraps : joe brandon is fired
[2024-11-06 07:26:24] MoonBruv : trump is onstage, only to fire up the upcoming insurrection
[2024-11-06 07:26:38] scraps : MoonBruv: you're joking right
[2024-11-06 07:26:38] MoonBruv : trump is going to lose in last 5 seconds
[2024-11-06 07:26:59] MoonBruv : mark my words, there's still time to rig the elections
[2024-11-06 07:27:02] SangFrais : dana white on the stage with trump lol
[2024-11-06 07:27:17] scraps : have a look at battleground countys state by state, they can't cheat this one
[2024-11-06 07:27:25] MoonBruv : really, is it over then
[2024-11-06 07:27:33] MoonBruv : absolutely no chance of rigging it after this point ?
[2024-11-06 07:27:37] MoonBruv : I dont believe it
[2024-11-06 07:27:38] MoonBruv : lmao
[2024-11-06 07:27:46] SangFrais : yeah trump victory speech
[2024-11-06 07:27:50] scraps : Bitcoin to go past the moon, outta space 👽
[2024-11-06 07:27:50] al guul : pump the corn mr president!
[2024-11-06 07:28:49] clarknova : :)
[2024-11-06 07:29:01] clarknova : Gensler ! Gensler !
[2024-11-06 07:29:55] SangFrais : clarknova: now france has to get rid of macron
[2024-11-06 07:30:19] clarknova : SangFrais: marine lepen is next
[2024-11-06 07:30:21] al guul : "the golden age" :)
[2024-11-06 07:30:23] SangFrais : and canada get rid of trudeau
[2024-11-06 07:30:24] XRP GOD : clarknova: omg. XRP 😂🥳
[2024-11-06 07:30:32] clarknova : XRP GOD: :)
[2024-11-06 07:30:32] MoonBruv : GUYS
[2024-11-06 07:30:38] MoonBruv : IF ITS OVER WHY IS CNN STILL SHOWING A NO WIN YET ?
[2024-11-06 07:30:39] MoonBruv :
[2024-11-06 07:31:03] clarknova : MoonBruv: hopium
[2024-11-06 07:32:09] SangFrais : clarknova: i dont trust ugly women
[2024-11-06 07:32:11] al guul : this was important
[2024-11-06 07:32:34] scraps : Trump 267 !
[2024-11-06 07:32:58] scraps : as soon as he hits 270 it's straight to 80k+
[2024-11-06 07:33:09] scraps : SELL THE FARM. LOAD THE BOAT
[2024-11-06 07:33:19] clarknova : SangFrais: I'd gladly f*CK Marion :)
[2024-11-06 07:33:32] scraps : Harris 214 : 267 Trump
[2024-11-06 07:34:00] MoonBruv : CNN’s calling Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina for him? That’s basically signing, sealing, and delivering the victory. Harris’s path to a comeback is about as likely as finding a unicorn in your backyard.
[2024-11-06 07:34:06] bmagic : Dump it
[2024-11-06 07:34:11] scraps : if he wins any state, its 270+ and he's won
[2024-11-06 07:34:13] MoonBruv : okkk.... I think he really won
[2024-11-06 07:34:26] MoonBruv : but its the last few states, dems pulled a last second comeback before
[2024-11-06 07:34:32] scraps : bmagic: anytime now, one more state could confirm.. and then its 80K+
[2024-11-06 07:34:32] 666getoboy : LETS PUMP MR PRESIDENT
[2024-11-06 07:34:34] MoonBruv : they can rig it easily
[2024-11-06 07:34:41] scraps : you wont have time to cover
[2024-11-06 07:34:54] MoonBruv : if this really changes in the next few hours it'll be insane 😂
[2024-11-06 07:34:56] elChisoso : ok,. trump won, time to take profits. :arthur:
[2024-11-06 07:34:56] SangFrais : clarknova: she could eat my morning yoghurt too
[2024-11-06 07:36:29] elChisoso : Trump is still orange, its funny.
[2024-11-06 07:36:48] MoonBruv : I think what you guys should be shorting is .... not just bitcoin
[2024-11-06 07:36:49] MoonBruv : but everything
[2024-11-06 07:36:56] _fred bloggs : The_Reaper: 100%. America voted in a guy who 48 hours ago was blowing his microphone
[2024-11-06 07:36:58] MoonBruv : until they take the office in january, they will obliterate everything
[2024-11-06 07:37:06] MoonBruv : now they will stop rigging the financial data
[2024-11-06 07:37:08] MoonBruv : loool
[2024-11-06 07:37:11] al guul : _loading_
[2024-11-06 07:37:25] MoonBruv : actual job data, actual CPI, actual unemployment
[2024-11-06 07:37:37] MoonBruv : ship it
[2024-11-06 07:37:54] MoonBruv : sign tariffs, seal the borders
[2024-11-06 07:38:00] SangFrais : MoonBruv: but everyone longed 75k waiting for 100k
[2024-11-06 07:38:02] MoonBruv : ayyy mami
[2024-11-06 07:38:07] MoonBruv : 2025 will be powerful
[2024-11-06 07:38:20] Sir.LongCorn : Are we Trumpumping?
[2024-11-06 07:38:23] _fred bloggs : MoonBruv you don't understand tariffs just like Trump