This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2024-11-04 19:17:59] tozak : any random name: most trade OTC [2024-11-04 19:18:21] speedwell : MrBritcoin: there are hidden sanctuaries everywhere. [2024-11-04 19:18:40] tozak : unless they particularly dont want to trade OTC [2024-11-04 19:18:57] any random name : tozak: thats true [2024-11-04 19:19:11] tozak : hang on? do I have MrBritcoin on mute atm, how I unmute? [2024-11-04 19:19:29] MrBritcoin : speedwell: so what your saying is turn a blind eye to governments killing people through war an fear ie covid i cant do it [2024-11-04 19:19:30] any random name : lmao why you mute him? [2024-11-04 19:19:53] contract details : tozak: /unmute @MrBritcoin [2024-11-04 19:19:55] contract details : without @ [2024-11-04 19:20:12] speedwell : MrBritcoin: I'm saying your life right now is more important than the T.V. [2024-11-04 19:20:15] MrBritcoin : an you have to remember it people like us who are in the line of fire to be killed via anothe rgov [2024-11-04 19:20:19] any random name : I have ilovebitxex on mute..he goes deep and dark sometimes with his comments [2024-11-04 19:20:35] tozak : any random name: I get pushed towards OTC on one of the other exchanges I use, because they prefer all orders over $100K on spot orders to go OTC. They offer me a 90% disscount on trading fees if I do OTC trade. [2024-11-04 19:20:47] MrBritcoin : an we support them fuoocking madnes [2024-11-04 19:21:01] speedwell : MrBritcoin: You are being brainwashed to be unhappy [2024-11-04 19:21:12] MrBritcoin : if only [2024-11-04 19:21:24] MrBritcoin : i see it for what it is [2024-11-04 19:21:42] tozak : Woow, trippy, its like looking at a ghost now [2024-11-04 19:21:53] tozak : contract details: Cheers, that worked [2024-11-04 19:21:53] MrBritcoin : an you dont want to face it thats the worrying part in trth [2024-11-04 19:21:57] speedwell : MrBritcoin: Sure. But you can still sing and dance can't you? [2024-11-04 19:22:12] any random name : tozak: wow thats a good deal...odd though that they push that [2024-11-04 19:22:42] MrBritcoin : i can an i try but its still there as morph says like a splinter in your mind [2024-11-04 19:22:50] speedwell : Don't let the demons get you down. [2024-11-04 19:23:19] speedwell : Be apart of the joy division [2024-11-04 19:23:22] tozak : any random name: Not huge volume for smaller new meme coins and I was just Spot buying $200K of each which caused some price movement against exchange [2024-11-04 19:23:23] Crazydodger : when dump? [2024-11-04 19:23:32] MrBritcoin : im not down i have to belives there will be a monumental change [2024-11-04 19:24:00] speedwell : there won't be sorry. [2024-11-04 19:24:24] speedwell : it happens in your heart now. today. [2024-11-04 19:24:32] tozak : 68K again? [2024-11-04 19:24:59] any random name : look it slowly and surely [2024-11-04 19:25:09] tozak : The Emerging Bull: What do you have on your chart for our critical resistance to get through? [2024-11-04 19:25:23] speedwell : 66? [2024-11-04 19:25:29] speedwell : 70 [2024-11-04 19:25:36] clarknova : :doge: [2024-11-04 19:25:37] tozak : haha I meant the other way [2024-11-04 19:25:57] speedwell : 70.2 [2024-11-04 19:26:00] MrBritcoin : speedwell: i think your find change is round the corner an comming sooner than most can fathom thats why its best to be ready [2024-11-04 19:26:21] speedwell : MrBritcoin: oh, I'm so ready. [2024-11-04 19:26:58] speedwell : but that's because I choose to live that way anyway [2024-11-04 19:27:15] speedwell : create paradise now [2024-11-04 19:27:23] speedwell : in your home [2024-11-04 19:27:37] speedwell : don't wait for change to come [2024-11-04 19:27:42] MrBritcoin : oh i am glad you are saying so but from you telling me there wont be tells me otherwise [2024-11-04 19:28:29] speedwell : I'm saying it won't happen 'out there' [2024-11-04 19:28:51] speedwell : you are the change you want to see in the world [2024-11-04 19:29:07] speedwell : the dickheads will always be dickheads [2024-11-04 19:29:22] speedwell : and they will drag you in if you let them. [2024-11-04 19:30:54] speedwell : plant a flower bed. [2024-11-04 19:31:19] speedwell : stick it to the man! [2024-11-04 19:31:39] speedwell : beauty IS the revolution. [2024-11-04 19:31:48] any random name : MrBritcoin: what ever you do don't get dragged into the dk heads. heard its a 5hitty situation [2024-11-04 19:31:55] contract details : choosing how to live is true freedom [2024-11-04 19:31:57] contract details : i choose poverty [2024-11-04 19:32:16] speedwell : contract details: every day [2024-11-04 19:33:07] MrBritcoin : people dont hold me down i do it to my self really to know that the population most of it is blind to it all is sad really i just wish they would wake up an see the big picture most arent ready tho i except it but just wish they would see it [2024-11-04 19:33:35] speedwell : yeah, I know, I feel ya [2024-11-04 19:33:48] speedwell : but it ain't going to happen. [2024-11-04 19:34:00] tozak : I went through about 5 years of depression after getting a good grasp of how our Government is really run. Then not long after a couple friends went through the same. If we ever do have a mass awakening I am not sure how many people would be mentally ready for it.... I get that quote now in the Martix [2024-11-04 19:34:59] speedwell : I've come to realise it has't to be the way it is. [2024-11-04 19:35:21] MrBritcoin : tozak: yea its ok for people to not see it i get that but id like them to try [2024-11-04 19:35:23] speedwell : just be happy that YOU are not asleep. [2024-11-04 19:35:36] tozak : I guess a lot of people gonna be shocked when we get our next lockdown when we go through the curremcy reset later this decade [2024-11-04 19:35:43] contract details : tozak: all you need to do is long corn [2024-11-04 19:35:49] contract details : unlike my bot trying to short here [2024-11-04 19:35:52] contract details : :arthur: ? [2024-11-04 19:35:58] speedwell : ha ha [2024-11-04 19:36:04] speedwell : dumb bot! [2024-11-04 19:36:19] tozak : contract details: I was gonna ask if you had longed any yet or not? [2024-11-04 19:36:28] contract details : some but not here [2024-11-04 19:36:36] speedwell : 71.6 long! [2024-11-04 19:36:47] contract details : I was long on the ES [2024-11-04 19:36:53] contract details : now a bit on corn [2024-11-04 19:36:56] contract details : please corn be gentle [2024-11-04 19:37:06] contract details : it just feels awful when you long before a 30% drop [2024-11-04 19:37:14] contract details : every time this year you would have been punished [2024-11-04 19:37:15] tozak : Whales are constantly just chipping away bit by bit each dip now [2024-11-04 19:37:16] contract details : :arthur: [2024-11-04 19:37:30] MrBritcoin : tozak: an im glad you came through your deep rest iv been through it aswell takes a certain type of person to get through it well done your one of a phew [2024-11-04 19:37:45] speedwell : you feel soooo intelligent. [2024-11-04 19:38:28] contract details : who [2024-11-04 19:38:36] contract details : every time i get a mail from bitmex i feel the smartest [2024-11-04 19:38:41] contract details : i donated to a good cause [2024-11-04 19:38:53] tozak : However some are considering to all just long the breakout instead, which at first I thought was stupid but then realized a lot of smaller players are considering shorting the breakout. whateva happens then gon be messy. [2024-11-04 19:39:23] speedwell : your wife says, why arn't you playing with your core today? [2024-11-04 19:39:31] speedwell : corn [2024-11-04 19:40:32] speedwell : is my husband donating to the rich again? [2024-11-04 19:40:56] speedwell : silly man [2024-11-04 19:41:31] speedwell : how about you do something usefull like take the kids to the park? [2024-11-04 19:41:53] tozak : my wife sometimes asks me when have I eaten, showered and slept last..... I usually have to ask her what day it is now [2024-11-04 19:42:10] speedwell : :) [2024-11-04 19:42:53] tozak : She says at least the cat gets off the computer chair once a day to eat [2024-11-04 19:43:08] scraps : i might add here [2024-11-04 19:43:23] bluemaster : guys you still have wives. ? 😜 [2024-11-04 19:43:29] tozak : scraps: adding short or long? [2024-11-04 19:43:40] speedwell : I have 2 [2024-11-04 19:43:44] scraps : tozak: long, obviously [2024-11-04 19:43:47] tozak : bluemaster: 2nd one is better than 1st one [2024-11-04 19:43:54] tozak : scraps: nice [2024-11-04 19:44:08] MrBritcoin : bluemaster: yea why have you got a boi fren lol [2024-11-04 19:44:25] bluemaster : tozak: no thanks 1 is plenty can not handle even one [2024-11-04 19:44:37] any random name : aright setting a order and going be bed😁 [2024-11-04 19:44:48] speedwell : bluemaster: just keep them in their own house. [2024-11-04 19:44:54] any random name : hope I don't wake uo REKT again lol [2024-11-04 19:45:14] speedwell : any random name: take up drinking [2024-11-04 19:45:33] bluemaster : don't over leverage with wives just like trading [2024-11-04 19:45:46] tozak : bluemaster: first wife left me when I had 130 BTC worth less than $10,000 and 2nd wife married me only a few years later when I was a ,multi-millionaire, God those days where fun rubbing in with the ex to pickup the kids in Limos and Private Helicoppers [2024-11-04 19:45:54] contract details : 1 wife is 1 too many women [2024-11-04 19:45:56] contract details : :arthur: [2024-11-04 19:47:08] speedwell : tozak: wild. how now with ex cow? [2024-11-04 19:47:15] bluemaster : tozak: I never told my wife about Bitcoin ,just in case ... 😟 [2024-11-04 19:47:40] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 265,400 USD @ 71296.1643 ``` [2024-11-04 19:47:43] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 325,000 USD @ 68245.4105 ``` [2024-11-04 19:47:46] contract details : bluemaster: smart :kek: [2024-11-04 19:47:47] bluemaster : /position xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 270,000 USD @ 66164.6972 ``` [2024-11-04 19:48:14] contract details : i told her we are perpetually bound to poverty [2024-11-04 19:48:16] contract details : but she didnt leave [2024-11-04 19:48:18] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 just to tease Market Maker ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0180 XBT RPNL, 0.0483 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-11-04 19:48:20] contract details : my plans failed [2024-11-04 19:48:25] any random name : tozak: hahaha not the shower eaten and day!! 3:47am for me and my wife came down to check on me😂 [2024-11-04 19:48:25] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.1263 XBT RPNL, 0.1382 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-11-04 19:48:30] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.5005 XBT RPNL, 0.1598 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-11-04 19:48:38] tozak : Well, the funny story continues, I ended up with total coins worth hundres of millions but never wanted to pay child support so only cash out just enough to survive, over the time I lost over 95% of my coins as exchanges went bust [2024-11-04 19:49:04] speedwell : ouch [2024-11-04 19:49:10] tozak : any random name: lol [2024-11-04 19:50:40] tozak : speedwell: yeah, but what a ride, cant complain but even the 5% left is enough to live pretty well. Have no debt, couple houses, couple cars and bought a few Companies out and a couple shops to get a income stream from to retire on [2024-11-04 19:50:48] any random name : tozak: hahahah your so petty!!not the helicopter ...I would do the same haha [2024-11-04 19:51:06] tozak : Oh it was the funnies shit eva [2024-11-04 19:51:13] Sir.LongCorn : COWS ARE WINNING [2024-11-04 19:51:28] scraps : tozak: damn.. i've lost a lot from 3 exchanges that closed.. mtgox, and a couple of exit scams. to think what could have been 😐 [2024-11-04 19:51:32] speedwell : tozak: still freinds with ex? [2024-11-04 19:52:29] tozak : My 3 kids saw me rock up in the chopper and the pilot was going over to do his weight check of the kids and 2 of them where super confused whilst my other kid said "fuck yeah Dad, I call Shotgun!" [2024-11-04 19:53:19] bluemaster : scraps: for me was opposite Mt Gox keep me safe from spending coins [2024-11-04 19:53:22] tozak : scraps: sucks hey, still I guess better than some who just had 100% on one exchange [2024-11-04 19:53:39] contract details : at least you have exchanges to blame for losing your coins [2024-11-04 19:53:41] contract details : i simply lost my wallet [2024-11-04 19:53:43] contract details : :arthur: [2024-11-04 19:54:04] tozak : contract details: ah another contributor to the lost pool of BTC [2024-11-04 19:54:27] scraps : tozak: at the time, it was 100%, i mined in 2009 - 11 [2024-11-04 19:54:49] any random name : tozak: I hear someone still looking in a landfill for their wallet lol [2024-11-04 19:54:49] contract details : close to 20 btc mined in More than I will make wageslaveing for the rest of my days oh whale [2024-11-04 19:55:03] contract details : but here i am ready to donate to :Arthur: [2024-11-04 19:55:08] tozak : I always yell that at the TV whenever the news people talk about 21 million, I am like its only like 20 million less Genesis, less all that lost shit ya morons [2024-11-04 19:55:18] speedwell : I thought I was buying cheap drugs, turns out now they were very expensive. [2024-11-04 19:55:23] bluemaster : [2024-11-04 19:55:27] scraps : bluemaster: did you get 100% back? they never accepted my claim [2024-11-04 19:56:00] bluemaster : scraps: yes [2024-11-04 19:56:29] scraps : bluemaster: 😲 [2024-11-04 19:56:30] bluemaster : scraps: with my calculation arround 30 % [2024-11-04 19:57:24] scraps : every now and then i find a wallet with 0.01 or something in it.. thats about my wealth now [2024-11-04 19:57:31] tozak : speedwell: Oh there was some sucess stories with that too, lol, lile people had like a few bucks of BTC left over from SR they forgot about then found they had enough to pay off mortgage now but had trouble explain to family now what they were doing in their younger days [2024-11-04 19:58:06] bluemaster : and silly kids trying to get rich quick with over leveraging long or short , nothing changed except OG scam ,ETH Foundation and shitcoiners not in control anymore [2024-11-04 19:58:21] scraps : found one the other month was worth like 2 cents when last used.. today? like 1k @tozak [2024-11-04 19:58:26] speedwell : tozak: I got some sweep number but did not know how to use it? [2024-11-04 19:58:52] speedwell : silk road [2024-11-04 20:00:04] any random name : quick question if I transfer between subs on here do I loose money? [2024-11-04 20:00:33] bluemaster : strategy used by most kids here : [2024-11-04 20:00:52] tozak : I had one wallet I used to just claim the free 10 cents worth of BTC from every night after work from the old BTC Faucet and forgot about that then later I found and the all the 10 cent deposits had changed to $80 deposits [2024-11-04 20:01:15] BitMEX_Emo : any random name: No, transfers between subaccounts are free and instant [2024-11-04 20:03:00] tozak : LOL, wife just walked past me on here way to work, she said its 6am on Tuesday now, then sniffed my head and said have a shower and goto bed. [2024-11-04 20:03:06] any random name : BitMEX_Emo: ah sweet thanks [2024-11-04 20:03:11] I Love BitMEX : This market sucks [2024-11-04 20:03:13] I Love BitMEX : Boooooo [2024-11-04 20:03:17] I Love BitMEX : Good night [2024-11-04 20:03:21] I Love BitMEX : /zen 2h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 2 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ``` [2024-11-04 20:03:27] BitMEX_Emo : any random name: 😎 [2024-11-04 20:03:35] speedwell : is it more down? [2024-11-04 20:03:52] tozak : doesnt look good [2024-11-04 20:03:56] any random name : tozak: no breakfast ? [2024-11-04 20:04:02] tozak : haha [2024-11-04 20:04:11] speedwell : 7am, I feel like getting drunk. [2024-11-04 20:04:30] tozak : speedwell: one step ahead of you [2024-11-04 20:04:40] tozak : click goes the can [2024-11-04 20:05:05] any random name : tozak: I will join u guys and have a sip of baileys [2024-11-04 20:05:07] speedwell : my left kidney cautions against this thinking [2024-11-04 20:05:24] tozak : finish this off then I guess its probably time to get ready for work [2024-11-04 20:05:56] tozak : See if I can get some sleep in the meeting room today [2024-11-04 20:06:11] speedwell : I've given up 'work', just sick of the driving. [2024-11-04 20:06:49] clarknova : :) [2024-11-04 20:07:31] tozak : Honestly not the best look for a CEO walking in with no sleep two days smelling like beer and my employees glare at me when I go crash in the meeting room [2024-11-04 20:08:13] speedwell : where will we be in 4 hours big red? [2024-11-04 20:08:23] scraps : anyone got any melbourne cup tips? seems a few aussies here [2024-11-04 20:08:38] tozak : Yesterday I had like 30 missed calls, apparently was the bussiest day we have had [2024-11-04 20:08:39] any random name : tozak: that is the perfect look! says he works so hard he hardly cares for oneself [2024-11-04 20:08:52] tozak : any random name: yeah [2024-11-04 20:09:22] speedwell : motivation is eveything [2024-11-04 20:09:48] speedwell : scraps: not into horses sorry [2024-11-04 20:10:04] speedwell : is it this week? [2024-11-04 20:10:09] tozak : I will have to get ontop of everything there today I recon, probably the best move I made actually buying a bunch of Gold Companies just before Gold started to rally [2024-11-04 20:10:55] tozak : Little bit of a fluke [2024-11-04 20:11:31] speedwell : mistakes are how you get ahead in life. [2024-11-04 20:11:43] tozak : Moved about $9,000,000 in Gold yesterday alone [2024-11-04 20:12:05] speedwell : heavy [2024-11-04 20:12:31] speedwell : need a big truck for that! [2024-11-04 20:12:51] bluemaster : anyone seen my hyaena mate from South Africa @SteveS [2024-11-04 20:13:09] contract details : mmm [2024-11-04 20:13:13] tozak : sounds so impressive and everyone tells me must make a fortune, on the very tiny margins though each Company and process less all overheads I actually recon my Accountant and Lawyer and Bank make more from me [2024-11-04 20:13:54] speedwell : the guy that sells picks [2024-11-04 20:14:12] speedwell : and shovels [2024-11-04 20:14:19] tozak : speedwell: yep that story [2024-11-04 20:14:51] Pilot : sup kings [2024-11-04 20:14:59] Pilot : this is lookin as expected [2024-11-04 20:15:05] Pilot : down we go for a bit [2024-11-04 20:15:09] Pilot : whats for dinner [2024-11-04 20:15:19] speedwell : cow [2024-11-04 20:15:26] Pilot : yummy [2024-11-04 20:15:50] speedwell : blood everywhere [2024-11-04 20:15:59] Pilot : adrenochrome [2024-11-04 20:15:59] speedwell : guts [2024-11-04 20:16:09] Pilot : feel the fear bulls [2024-11-04 20:16:11] tozak : This year though I managed to turn then all around from negative flow to positive by buying out each of the premises we where renting. That was just a money pit. So finally first years in the green, [2024-11-04 20:16:25] Pilot : and we will drink your blood [2024-11-04 20:16:45] Pilot : tozak: Good shi brother [2024-11-04 20:17:00] speedwell : hitting support.... [2024-11-04 20:17:03] Pilot : 💪 [2024-11-04 20:17:17] bluemaster : Pilot: it is not blood just more affordable bitcoin mate 😜 [2024-11-04 20:17:18] Pilot : I think support is gonna break [2024-11-04 20:17:25] Pilot : and we go to 62/63k [2024-11-04 20:17:34] Pilot : Longer term support [2024-11-04 20:17:38] speedwell : Pilot: go away [2024-11-04 20:17:40] tozak : Who is getting a sence of dajavu right now, lol [2024-11-04 20:18:00] bluemaster : Pilot: nothing wrong with that ,for me just a chance to load up again [2024-11-04 20:18:12] Pilot : bluemaster: thats the way [2024-11-04 20:18:43] bluemaster : /orders xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: Buy 1,300,000 USD @ 61618 ``` [2024-11-04 20:18:45] Pilot : speedwell: u might be rifht to be fair [2024-11-04 20:18:52] Pilot : little bounce here [2024-11-04 20:18:55] tozak : waterfalls down to 52K ? [2024-11-04 20:19:20] scraps : don't go chasin' waterfalls [2024-11-04 20:19:28] tozak : haha [2024-11-04 20:19:39] speedwell : my sell orders just look silly up there. [2024-11-04 20:20:13] speedwell : like a silly fantasy [2024-11-04 20:20:28] scraps : i prefer to help build a wall, strong buy support, might as well join in [2024-11-04 20:23:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 800 USD @ 67535.6 - 🐳 [2024-11-04 20:26:15] scraps : must be ready to rocket, my browser just ran out of memory [2024-11-04 20:28:52] tozak : scraps: haha mine has twice as well [2024-11-04 20:29:42] any random name : scraps: rockets go up 😁 [2024-11-04 20:30:12] XRP GOD : tozak: gm🫡☕️☕️ @scraps :doge: [2024-11-04 20:30:40] XRP GOD : BTC looks week safe to long yet? [2024-11-04 20:30:45] scraps : XRP GOD: good morning friend 😉 [2024-11-04 20:31:13] XRP GOD : Pilot: :catjam: [2024-11-04 20:32:36] tozak : I actually feel its shouldn't be bad, Stockmarket didnt crash, alts look to me like even if not bottomed they are dam close and BTC really should get its bouce off 64K at the lowest and if we did bouce at 64K it would be a perfect chart patter, absolute textbook, to crash under 64K its kind off running out of oppurtunity to do that, like it needed to be a pretty fast and severe crash earlier on.... so actually looking pretty good imo [2024-11-04 20:33:08] contract details : what if the crash starts now [2024-11-04 20:34:10] tozak : Starts now it could.... but would probably need to be severe and fast and there tons of support on way down to run through [2024-11-04 20:34:58] tozak : I dont see it unless it coming off major event effecting all markets severly [2024-11-04 20:37:13] tozak : Who reconds the support at 65K or wait for the major one at 64K [2024-11-04 20:37:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.2546 XBT @ 67480.6 ($17,167.15) [2024-11-04 20:39:05] tozak : bmagic was right about the 66K I didnt realise we had overshot that window already. It can get a bounce off 66K but be less likely now [2024-11-04 20:40:46] scraps : tozak: last time i was here he was calling short to 58k.. i told him 69.5k, then 72k and then 73k.. i was on the money.. he hasn't really acknowledged me since [2024-11-04 20:41:31] any random name : scraps: hahaha [2024-11-04 20:41:38] bluemaster : open Interest have to drop from 321 mill to about 250 mill ,to many over leveraged momentum traders [2024-11-04 20:41:46] scraps : any random name: ;) [2024-11-04 20:41:53] tozak : scraps: yeah I dont understand his calls, but they like 50% of the time on the money and like 50% off the time just way off imo [2024-11-04 20:42:19] tozak : I dunno if just fudding sometimes or not [2024-11-04 20:43:41] tozak : I think too there a fair bit of people with good coin waiting for the Greed meter to goto Fear before they will enter [2024-11-04 20:44:41] tozak : - If you wait for too low then you will miss out just like the ones who went too early [2024-11-04 20:45:06] meeeepo : bluemaster: im one of them [2024-11-04 20:45:07] scraps : tozak: yes, sometimes people call the opposite of their trades, but he was serious and the charts were obvious. left me scratching my head because he's some sort of fund manager [2024-11-04 20:45:24] meeeepo : bluemaster: if they scam elections, it will get nasty, better wait results [2024-11-04 20:45:43] TG_Pilipili999 : hehe [2024-11-04 20:45:57] bluemaster : meeeepo: nice 😁 [2024-11-04 20:46:08] any random name : tozak: did you. set any long orders? [2024-11-04 20:46:12] tozak : scraps: yeah he does the calls in our Guild but like I say its like 50% time spot on calls and 50% are just like way wrong obviously wrong [2024-11-04 20:46:48] tozak : any random name: yeah I started scaling with expectation to add if we waterfall down to each lower support area [2024-11-04 20:48:11] doublecheese : /liq xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 49882.3 ``` [2024-11-04 20:48:15] tozak : ideally I would like to get down to 62K as that will scale me in probably the best position, higher up okay but leaving money on the table and lower okay but just be defending down to 52K not adding much [2024-11-04 20:48:21] doublecheese : Not feeling safe [2024-11-04 20:48:39] doublecheese : Fk, I will have to add margin again [2024-11-04 20:48:56] tozak : you get to 52K then [2024-11-04 20:49:53] tozak : Unless something major changes I think the likelyhood of loosing 64K fairly remote [2024-11-04 20:50:03] doublecheese : A real safe liq price is under 30k, so I either reduce my position or I add margin [2024-11-04 20:50:22] doublecheese : tozak: during elections anything can happen [2024-11-04 20:50:38] contract details : only safe liq is stop in profit [2024-11-04 20:50:38] doublecheese : Under 40k also safe [2024-11-04 20:50:39] contract details : :kek: [2024-11-04 20:51:01] any random name : nothing is safe lol [2024-11-04 20:51:25] doublecheese : contract details: I'm not closing this pos until 2025, I don't care being in the red momentarily [2024-11-04 20:51:29] tozak : Can do but its almost the question then if better to set stops on breaks of key support and just go back to hunting a new low [2024-11-04 20:52:34] tozak : TBH the best thing to do is close the troll box and open the trading rooms on telegram [2024-11-04 20:53:02] doublecheese : tozak: they do hunt stops and then bounce back, so over leveraged longs and people using stops are out of the game. There's a reason I don't use stops anymore. It's expensive but only working way. Also requires patience [2024-11-04 20:53:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PEPEUSDT`: Sell 10000 PEPE @ 0.000007942 ($0.08) [2024-11-04 20:53:43] contract details : then place buys at stop [2024-11-04 20:53:46] contract details : :kek: [2024-11-04 20:53:55] tozak : yes, I set my stops way out of position then I set my price alert on the ranging area and I move the stop at the last second [2024-11-04 20:54:18] any random name : tozak: any room you recommend ? [2024-11-04 20:55:02] tozak : OR I set the stop in place and change then change it from say $100 to $200,000 just before it triggers and bots wont hunt the $100 position [2024-11-04 20:55:36] doublecheese : Eth is going to 1800 is btc dumps to 50ks [2024-11-04 20:55:42] doublecheese : Even low 60ks [2024-11-04 20:56:05] tozak : any random name: best to search on YouTube then see which ones are curenty active and trending with good traders on it atm [2024-11-04 20:56:18] doublecheese : If [2024-11-04 20:56:30] speedwell : bye suppot [2024-11-04 20:56:35] tozak : doublecheese: I have my buys set for ETH down there [2024-11-04 20:56:46] speedwell : buy support [2024-11-04 20:57:15] scraps : btc isn't going down, mrBritcoin posted a chart many hours ago that shows the dip was the last one [2024-11-04 20:57:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 11000 USD @ 67378.1 [2024-11-04 20:57:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 18000 USD @ 67330.5 [2024-11-04 20:58:14] scraps : this is a buy zone [2024-11-04 20:58:22] speedwell : 67 next... [2024-11-04 20:59:14] speedwell : 66.5 [2024-11-04 20:59:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0167 XBT @ 67359.1 ($1,124.00) [2024-11-04 20:59:30] doublecheese : scraps: problem is, there is absolutely zero retail interest in bitcoin. And stock market is likely to crash hard after elections. I know my chances of rekt are high, unless I reduce my long or keep adding margin [2024-11-04 20:59:45] BMEXcheers : > ORANGE MAN BAD > I HATE AI > LE SHIFT JOOMEX STOLE MY MUNEE Also TB: > wow, i love me these AI trading bots [2024-11-04 20:59:48] BMEXcheers : :¬) [2024-11-04 21:00:02] tozak : okay gl guys I gotta go, dont panic too bad, highly doubt its as bad as you recon and unless major event then its only like 16 hours or so before we historically get to the time we are generally always heading upwards ready for the vote counting to start off later [2024-11-04 21:09:19] TISTOGEL : TRUM [2024-11-04 21:09:26] TISTOGEL : ?? [2024-11-04 21:09:41] scraps : in b4 trump pump [2024-11-04 21:12:03] Sir.LongCorn : WoW what happened [2024-11-04 21:12:16] Sir.LongCorn : Is Kamalax winning or what [2024-11-04 21:12:47] scraps : Sir.LongCorn: nope, trumps polled to win with 287 electoral college votes [2024-11-04 21:13:12] Sir.LongCorn : scraps: ahah ok cool I see price goes down [2024-11-04 21:13:18] Sir.LongCorn : I was scared [2024-11-04 21:14:37] tozak : Price dumps so can fill bags while others get scared then soon as Green meter turns to Fear meter it shoots up and free lunch is over, never get BTC under 70K again [2024-11-04 21:15:07] Sir.LongCorn : Iran moving ? [2024-11-04 21:15:11] tozak : Make hay while the sun shines [2024-11-04 21:15:45] tozak : Sir.LongCorn: Iran planning to test Kamalia if Trump looses [2024-11-04 21:16:10] tozak : Iran wont try shit if Trump wins [2024-11-04 21:16:46] Sir.LongCorn : tozak: gps jamming apparently rn [2024-11-04 21:16:59] scraps : this is mrBritcoins chart i screenshotted [2024-11-04 21:17:14] tozak : gonna be wild though cos even if Trump gets more votes and wins Media will push Kamala and spurce up her chances and her Polls [2024-11-04 21:17:53] tozak : Sir.LongCorn: okay... FUD away Iam out now guys, check back in 24 hours... [2024-11-04 21:18:03] scraps : tozak: most republicans don't trust mail in votes, there will be a red wave.. in person votes [2024-11-04 21:19:31] tozak : yeah, I am gonna tranfer some more BTC on when I get to the office incase cas really cherry pick a bottom later [2024-11-04 21:20:24] tozak : scraps: lol, you blame them for not trusting mail, lol [2024-11-04 21:22:40] tozak : if you ever want to pick out the bots and the traders in the troll box just wait for moments like this where the price yo-yos up and down going absolutly no where and half the comments are why crash why crash when its actually same price as 3 hours ago [2024-11-04 21:22:50] tozak : okay bye for reals [2024-11-04 21:23:32] speedwell : Where's TG? [2024-11-04 21:24:24] kroleg666 : giga doom [2024-11-04 21:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSD`: Sell 724 Cont @ 156.6 ($7,606.45) - Check your inbox [2024-11-04 21:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 0.5008 ($6.72) [2024-11-04 21:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `FILUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 3.2579 ($21.86) [2024-11-04 21:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 15 SOL @ 156.75 ($2,348.88) - No refunds! [2024-11-04 21:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 281400 USD @ 67094.6 - Bonjour! [2024-11-04 21:24:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.6326 XBT @ 67126.3 ($42,440.56) [2024-11-04 21:24:28] blaster33 : :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:24:38] scraps : its crashing [2024-11-04 21:24:45] contract details : corn is a bad boy [2024-11-04 21:24:48] kroleg666 : going to 30k as predicted [2024-11-04 21:24:53] speedwell : bus to goblin town is here. [2024-11-04 21:25:11] HuskySquared : lol [2024-11-04 21:25:12] HuskySquared : :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:25:15] blaster33 : nah we need to liquidate some bears now, back to 71k :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:25:17] contract details : they stopped everyone [2024-11-04 21:25:20] contract details : ;they stopped everyone [2024-11-04 21:25:20] HuskySquared : it hunted me [2024-11-04 21:25:21] HuskySquared : and liquidated me [2024-11-04 21:25:23] contract details : :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:25:25] contract details : classic after market wick [2024-11-04 21:25:40] contract details : cz knows husky is back [2024-11-04 21:26:12] Yourholyhireless : zhe bull run [2024-11-04 21:26:16] Yourholyhireless : the bull [2024-11-04 21:26:25] Yourholyhireless : run ↩️ [2024-11-04 21:26:33] blaster33 : HuskySquared: arthur put a target on your head :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:26:35] 45th_blown_account : Trump, save us - save us :pepe: :pepe: [2024-11-04 21:26:35] Yourholyhireless : also called backwards bull run [2024-11-04 21:26:44] Dario1 : Null hao :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:26:48] HuskySquared : :arthur:L [2024-11-04 21:27:07] Yourholyhireless : bull run to 42k [2024-11-04 21:27:22] contract details : arturo takes no prisioners [2024-11-04 21:27:52] kroleg666 : who tf is buying [2024-11-04 21:27:52] kroleg666 : stop [2024-11-04 21:27:59] HuskySquared : lol [2024-11-04 21:28:35] danielm11 : god eth sucks [2024-11-04 21:29:23] 45th_blown_account : ETH :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:29:31] contract details : dETH [2024-11-04 21:30:21] contract details : all this eth is so ded probably means it will do another 20% teleport [2024-11-04 21:30:23] contract details : :kek: [2024-11-04 21:32:55] kroleg666 : 30k inevitable [2024-11-04 21:33:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0800 XBT @ 67167.5 ($5,369.71) [2024-11-04 21:33:48] scraps : ohh shiii [2024-11-04 21:34:08] gemeo2 : The long is coming into view [2024-11-04 21:34:27] Yourholyhireless : Bull run to 2 k shoert term [2024-11-04 21:34:31] Yourholyhireless : short term [2024-11-04 21:34:33] Yourholyhireless : 2k [2024-11-04 21:34:37] gemeo2 : Took so time away and my bitcoin brain calls me back to buy the dip [2024-11-04 21:34:37] Yourholyhireless : night lol [2024-11-04 21:34:50] Yourholyhireless : gemeo2: no dip next 20 years [2024-11-04 21:35:09] Yourholyhireless : :( [2024-11-04 21:35:13] Yourholyhireless : next target 42k [2024-11-04 21:35:17] Yourholyhireless : then bullrun to 30k [2024-11-04 21:35:18] gemeo2 : Low 66 please [2024-11-04 21:35:26] kroleg666 : 50k -> 60k -> 42k -> 46k -> 30k [2024-11-04 21:35:39] kroleg666 : bullrun starts at 30k [2024-11-04 21:35:42] gemeo2 : Nah later [2024-11-04 21:35:50] gemeo2 : First 71k [2024-11-04 21:35:58] kroleg666 : nah [2024-11-04 21:36:02] gemeo2 : The Trump pump [2024-11-04 21:36:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 314000 USD @ 66994.4 - The struggle is real [2024-11-04 21:36:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 40 Cont @ 2386.67 ($6,395.23) - steady lads.. [2024-11-04 21:36:16] kroleg666 : gemeo2: second ear is done no point going to 71k now [2024-11-04 21:36:26] Yourholyhireless : gemeo2: btc wont go up for next 20 years [2024-11-04 21:36:29] Yourholyhireless : 20 years short [2024-11-04 21:36:41] gemeo2 : You know not the ways of the Ponzi corn [2024-11-04 21:36:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1500 USD @ 66980.7 [2024-11-04 21:37:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 100 USD @ 66960.9 - 😂 [2024-11-04 21:37:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0010 XBT @ 67002.3 ($66.96) - 🐳 [2024-11-04 21:37:29] contract details : scammed [2024-11-04 21:37:31] contract details : trump is losing [2024-11-04 21:37:32] gemeo2 : Yeah maybe it don't bounce so high, which can Bitcon Armageddon just getz worse [2024-11-04 21:37:55] Yourholyhireless : gemeo2: you have no clue where schaschlik sauce brings the price to :downrocket: [2024-11-04 21:38:16] Berns101 : ngr powa [2024-11-04 21:38:22] contract details : russian shaslik lets goo [2024-11-04 21:38:35] Berns101 : lets go niggies its your time to shine bright white [2024-11-04 21:38:53] Berns101 : return of the chimps [2024-11-04 21:38:57] Berns101 : whoah!!! [2024-11-04 21:39:01] gemeo2 : Stop the steal [2024-11-04 21:39:02] Berns101 : we all doing pushups join us [2024-11-04 21:39:10] Yourholyhireless : next target 2k [2024-11-04 21:39:14] Yourholyhireless : 100x short as usual [2024-11-04 21:39:18] Yourholyhireless : no sl needed [2024-11-04 21:39:34] Yourholyhireless : or 1 x long maximum risk [2024-11-04 21:39:48] kroleg666 : weak af bounce [2024-11-04 21:39:51] Yourholyhireless : sauce [2024-11-04 21:40:00] gemeo2 : contract details: lmao he's well ahead so far [2024-11-04 21:40:15] Yourholyhireless : btc wont have a bullrun till 2027 [2024-11-04 21:40:26] Berns101 : shine on you crazy niggle [2024-11-04 21:40:37] Yourholyhireless : 5 year bear market lol [2024-11-04 21:41:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 9000 USD @ 66966.7 [2024-11-04 21:41:34] scraps : Yourholyhireless: 4 years if kamala wins [2024-11-04 21:41:40] Yourholyhireless : one 5 minute candle to 2k please [2024-11-04 21:42:01] Berns101 : afrimerican [2024-11-04 21:42:10] Halfway : 6 days only red [2024-11-04 21:42:16] Yourholyhireless : bullrun mc donalds said [2024-11-04 21:42:20] HuskySquared : Crypto volatility stalls as investors await US election outcome – Bitfinex [2024-11-04 21:42:22] Yourholyhireless : but only hire letters arrived [2024-11-04 21:42:22] HuskySquared : -10% [2024-11-04 21:42:24] HuskySquared : ncie job [2024-11-04 21:42:29] Yourholyhireless : minimum wage [2024-11-04 21:42:39] Berns101 : imagine 20 years of harris and niga bama [2024-11-04 21:42:43] Berns101 : and biden [2024-11-04 21:42:59] Berns101 : your kids going to be lgbt nigrs forever [2024-11-04 21:43:01] Berns101 : deal with it [2024-11-04 21:43:18] Berns101 : military is allowed to blast on you aswell joe biden passed the law 2 weeks ago [2024-11-04 21:43:22] gemeo2 : We are buying [2024-11-04 21:43:22] kroleg666 : lgbt already won tho [2024-11-04 21:43:24] scraps : this isn't even the dump if its going to dump [2024-11-04 21:43:28] kroleg666 : look at modern computer games [2024-11-04 21:43:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 155.61 ($10.41) [2024-11-04 21:43:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 2 Cont @ 2374.88 ($317.88) [2024-11-04 21:43:37] kroleg666 : everything cursed [2024-11-04 21:43:37] HuskySquared : holy [2024-11-04 21:43:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PEPEUSDT`: Sell 10000 PEPE @ 0.000007763 ($0.08) [2024-11-04 21:43:45] HuskySquared : just another teusday [2024-11-04 21:43:54] Yourholyhireless : longers like bear markets [2024-11-04 21:45:29] contract details : bears like longers markets [2024-11-04 21:45:46] Berns101 : lmao [2024-11-04 21:45:52] 45th_blown_account : holders like longer bear markets :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:46:03] contract details : they can hold longer indeed [2024-11-04 21:46:03] Berns101 : if the ngr lgbt communist party was not planned [2024-11-04 21:46:04] contract details : :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:46:12] Berns101 : then why did they secretly pass the kill civilian law [2024-11-04 21:46:21] Berns101 : with the blackrock jew ngr complex military [2024-11-04 21:46:25] Berns101 : you stupid punk btch [2024-11-04 21:46:32] Berns101 : explain that you fkin wanka [2024-11-04 21:46:40] Berns101 : come daddy is listening explain that to me [2024-11-04 21:46:49] Berns101 : before i fkin headbutt your ear off your face [2024-11-04 21:47:00] Berns101 : and pick it up scream in it [2024-11-04 21:47:04] Berns101 : and then sht it out [2024-11-04 21:47:07] Yourholyhireless : 2k or 3k? [2024-11-04 21:47:10] Berns101 : can you fiin hear me??? [2024-11-04 21:47:13] Berns101 : now huh [2024-11-04 21:47:16] Berns101 : pubk btch [2024-11-04 21:47:31] Berns101 : next is the nose [2024-11-04 21:47:37] Berns101 : dont fk with berns like that ever [2024-11-04 21:47:38] Berns101 : tho [2024-11-04 21:47:41] scraps : Berns101: you having a big drinking session? [2024-11-04 21:47:42] Yourholyhireless : longers below 69k since 100 attempts to stay above lol [2024-11-04 21:47:47] kroleg666 : they are forcing genderchange in young children to make humanity weak and unable to defend itself from coming invasion [2024-11-04 21:47:54] Berns101 : scraps: yes i got your mom and he sister on me [2024-11-04 21:48:02] Berns101 : no homo [2024-11-04 21:48:06] XRP GOD : scraps: oh no we dumping [2024-11-04 21:48:34] gemeo2 : TRUMP PUMP NOW [2024-11-04 21:48:47] Berns101 : scraps: im using my blackrock stock to turn them into ngr loving lgbq [2024-11-04 21:48:48] contract details : hehehe :bitcoin: rekt time [2024-11-04 21:48:50] gemeo2 : Kek :pepe: [2024-11-04 21:48:55] contract details : every long is a mistake [2024-11-04 21:49:00] Berns101 : with my communist military jew complex you dum ngr [2024-11-04 21:49:04] GodBleesYou : Biy the dips [2024-11-04 21:49:07] Yourholyhireless : 🐃🚽🚽 safer is safe [2024-11-04 21:49:07] GodBleesYou : ❤️ [2024-11-04 21:49:15] kroleg666 : trump is like 'hey that one immigrant rped somebody lets ban 999999999999 immigrants because of that' [2024-11-04 21:49:22] gemeo2 : contract details: how were you ever allowed to trade? [2024-11-04 21:49:26] Berns101 : if you think this is democracy ill give my military a raise and some blackrock smoke [2024-11-04 21:49:28] gemeo2 : Duhh [2024-11-04 21:49:30] gemeo2 : Lmao [2024-11-04 21:49:41] Berns101 : crush that rock stock up your nostril real quick [2024-11-04 21:49:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `APEUSDT`: Sell 400 APE @ 0.881 ($365.44) [2024-11-04 21:49:44] contract details : gemeo2: uh? [2024-11-04 21:49:48] Berns101 : call it ngr rock [2024-11-04 21:49:51] Berns101 : aka black rock [2024-11-04 21:49:52] gemeo2 : Berns101: two choices, slavery or slavery [2024-11-04 21:50:00] contract details : gemeo2: i dont trade my bot does [2024-11-04 21:50:07] gemeo2 : contract details: REKT Ser [2024-11-04 21:50:13] Berns101 : gemeo2: ngr or LGBTQ take your childrens furure [2024-11-04 21:50:17] Berns101 : flip a coin [2024-11-04 21:50:17] contract details : oh no my $2 [2024-11-04 21:50:18] gemeo2 : contract details: your bot sucks [2024-11-04 21:50:22] contract details : :arthur: [2024-11-04 21:50:24] Berns101 : tax money is good for them [2024-11-04 21:50:27] Berns101 : keeps them in line