BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-11-03 05:30:31] I Love BitMEX : tozak: exactly
[2024-11-03 05:31:04] I Love BitMEX : tozak: but until p, derrivatives exchanges would go bankrupt way before that
[2024-11-03 05:31:08] I Love BitMEX : 0
[2024-11-03 05:33:10] tozak : Yeah lots of problems with that, oh well we will find out next hour, lol
[2024-11-03 05:33:39] I Love BitMEX : tozak: I personally think that asian bears aka pandas are just cute
[2024-11-03 05:33:54] I Love BitMEX : Not even real bears, they are cats disguised as cute bears @tozak
[2024-11-03 05:34:08] I Love BitMEX : tozak: a grizzly or a brown bear would absolutely destroyed them
[2024-11-03 05:34:31] I Love BitMEX : Who the f takes a panda seriously nowadays
[2024-11-03 05:34:40] I Love BitMEX : Pandas 🐼 are the clowns 🤡 of bears
[2024-11-03 05:34:55] I Love BitMEX : Replace the black and white with red and white and basically the same.
[2024-11-03 05:36:31] I Love BitMEX : The Asian black bear is very aggressive but again relatively small compared to the European and American ones
[2024-11-03 05:36:43] I Love BitMEX : So tiny bears for tiny dumps
[2024-11-03 05:37:02] I Love BitMEX : Gae Asians gonna get sent emails from Arthur's wallet
[2024-11-03 05:48:24] I Love BitMEX : Bears about their genitals removed
[2024-11-03 05:48:30] I Love BitMEX : **ALL ABOARD**
[2024-11-03 05:53:08] contract details : my bitmex bots are still fcked
[2024-11-03 05:53:22] contract details : they spam stop buys at 78k with or without position
[2024-11-03 05:53:27] contract details : and cant sell only buy :arthur:
[2024-11-03 05:55:36] TG_undefined : 100x short this scam market
[2024-11-03 05:56:26] contract details : bitmex wont let me :Arthur:
[2024-11-03 05:57:17] TG_undefined : literallly 100x short is free money
[2024-11-03 06:00:42] tozak : Bears feeling it now?
[2024-11-03 06:02:03] TG_undefined : this market is such a fkin scam 100x short
[2024-11-03 06:19:24] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : when dump
[2024-11-03 06:19:27] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : :)
[2024-11-03 06:20:11] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : looj at 4H chart ETH
[2024-11-03 06:20:18] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : we have printed a dildo
[2024-11-03 06:22:42] contract details : IS THIS THE BOTTOM GUYS
[2024-11-03 06:22:45] contract details : I WANT CHEAP CORN
[2024-11-03 06:23:37] TG_undefined : 100x short its over
[2024-11-03 06:25:06] Mr.Kazi : 58k still in play
[2024-11-03 06:26:39] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : yea u wish bera
[2024-11-03 06:26:53] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : im waiting here with my grill
[2024-11-03 06:26:53] I Love BitMEX : Imagine being so gae
[2024-11-03 06:27:04] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : I Love BitMEX: 😆😆😆😆
[2024-11-03 06:27:15] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : imagine being gae bera
[2024-11-03 06:28:17] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : look at 1W
[2024-11-03 06:28:25] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : eth shitty
[2024-11-03 06:28:28] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : corn
[2024-11-03 06:28:41] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : like a kunta kinte
[2024-11-03 06:29:20] TG_undefined : another free short look at this scam market lmfao
[2024-11-03 06:29:51] TG_undefined : complete ponzi collapse everywhere
[2024-11-03 06:30:00] I Love BitMEX : Peanut dump so harambe pump
[2024-11-03 06:30:06] I Love BitMEX : Dicks out for harambe!
[2024-11-03 06:30:13] I Love BitMEX : Gorila!
[2024-11-03 06:30:25] TG_undefined : Trumps winning too funny part and still 100x shorts are safe
[2024-11-03 06:31:01] I Love BitMEX : How is trump winnng when he literally gave a microphone a blowjob yesterday love on stage @TG_undefined
[2024-11-03 06:31:07] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : kamala won iowa
[2024-11-03 06:31:08] I Love BitMEX : Tell me more about it
[2024-11-03 06:31:18] I Love BitMEX : Live on stage
[2024-11-03 06:31:19] TG_undefined : Elon won trump the election
[2024-11-03 06:31:26] I Love BitMEX : 😂
[2024-11-03 06:31:28] I Love BitMEX : Retarded
[2024-11-03 06:31:49] TG_undefined : everyone loves elon he won him oenssylvania which was Bidens last time
[2024-11-03 06:31:50] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : buttom shorteres gona wina a rekt medal
[2024-11-03 06:32:19] TG_undefined : its gg Trump wins Elon next president
[2024-11-03 06:32:22] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : are u shorting son?
[2024-11-03 06:32:48] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : tesla cyborg for president
[2024-11-03 06:33:16] TG_undefined : Elon Musk CARRRIED this election lol
[2024-11-03 06:33:46] I Love BitMEX : Bottom shorters are hilarious, they always think they know better. Then the price reverses and they're left holding the bag. Suddenly all their "analysis" goes out the window. Nothing like seeing them panic sell for a nice pump. Don't be the guy who bought puts at the bottom!
[2024-11-03 06:34:00] TG_undefined : the ponzi collapsing 100x short
[2024-11-03 06:34:25] 45th_blown_account : when delulus cry :doge:
[2024-11-03 06:34:47] TG_undefined : Elon most popular Autist in the world won Trump the election
[2024-11-03 06:36:59] I Love BitMEX : Autists lives matter
[2024-11-03 06:37:31] TG_undefined : hes gonna win pennsylvania its gg
[2024-11-03 06:38:53] TG_undefined : im voting Trump tmrw
[2024-11-03 06:39:23] TG_undefined : Voted Biden last time thank me later crypto geeks
[2024-11-03 06:41:15] TG_undefined : literally voted biden cause he was crypto friendly now it switched
[2024-11-03 06:43:09] TG_undefined : now trump wants BTC made in USA so he gets to he in office
[2024-11-03 06:43:49] TG_undefined : btw thats like everyone i know that owns crypto all switched over to Trumpers
[2024-11-03 06:45:04] any random name : LETS ALL AGREE NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN OVER THE NEXT FEW DAY!
[2024-11-03 06:46:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `APEUSDT`: Buy 3523 APE @ 0.981 ($3,348.26) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-03 06:46:14] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:14] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:16] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:48:24] I Love BitMEX : Gm gm
[2024-11-03 06:48:30] I Love BitMEX : 🚀
[2024-11-03 06:50:17] TG_undefined : Trump pump incoming
[2024-11-03 06:51:22] TG_undefined : Elon Musk trump rocket
[2024-11-03 06:56:34] tozak : Wot? Says the permanent bear
[2024-11-03 06:56:44] 45th_blown_account : :pepe: the winner
[2024-11-03 06:57:00] 45th_blown_account : he didnt win yet, but who knows who really won ? :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:58:36] Mr.Kazi : price has been playing a lot up here and it looks so ready to 31k
[2024-11-03 06:58:58] Mr.Kazi : 44k would be the ideal floor
[2024-11-03 07:04:17] TG_undefined : Elon Musk is a Winner he put Trump in office
[2024-11-03 07:04:36] I Love BitMEX : Mr.Kazi: yes, I think 0 is reasonable target and outcome .
[2024-11-03 07:05:45] TG_undefined : Fading Elong Musk Trump Win is like fading Elons Rocket🚀
[2024-11-03 07:10:08] I Love BitMEX : Bears trying so hard
[2024-11-03 07:10:11] I Love BitMEX : It's hilarious
[2024-11-03 07:10:21] I Love BitMEX : Market maker confused ✔️ ✅️
[2024-11-03 07:11:22] TG_undefined : Elong Musk will bring us to Mars with Trump
[2024-11-03 07:11:30] I Love BitMEX : Time to kill this market for good
[2024-11-03 07:11:39] I Love BitMEX : 💀
[2024-11-03 07:11:47] YevKam : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[2024-11-03 07:11:54] TG_undefined : Glorious days ahead
[2024-11-03 07:12:09] I Love BitMEX : Imagine if trump dies tonight
[2024-11-03 07:12:11] I Love BitMEX : ^
[2024-11-03 07:12:27] YevKam : I Love BitMEX: btc 1k
[2024-11-03 07:12:27] I Love BitMEX : Instant crypto to 0
[2024-11-03 07:12:30] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-11-03 07:12:31] TG_undefined : keep dreaming its going to be a Musk Trump show to Mars🚀
[2024-11-03 07:12:46] YevKam : TG_undefined: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[2024-11-03 07:13:18] TG_undefined : Glorious days of trump and Elon in the office are ahead Golden age of BITCOIN
[2024-11-03 07:13:23] Symphoenix : in pump we trusk !
[2024-11-03 07:13:31] I Love BitMEX : Market maker suddenly decreased spread
[2024-11-03 07:13:33] I Love BitMEX : Lmao
[2024-11-03 07:13:36] I Love BitMEX : Pussy
[2024-11-03 07:13:39] I Love BitMEX : Hahahahhahaha
[2024-11-03 07:13:42] I Love BitMEX : Hahahahahahhahahahaha
[2024-11-03 07:14:09] TG_undefined : I love Elon I love Trump I love Bitcoin 2025 to MARS🚀
[2024-11-03 07:14:53] I Love BitMEX : Angry gay bears
[2024-11-03 07:14:55] MarginMadman : HODLERS
[2024-11-03 07:14:55] I Love BitMEX : Lmaooo
[2024-11-03 07:15:06] TG_undefined : Elon will help Trump win and put Bitcoin on Mars
[2024-11-03 07:15:19] I Love BitMEX : **Hey bears at least send it to 0 in 15 minute candle**
[2024-11-03 07:15:31] I Love BitMEX : Weak pathetic bears
[2024-11-03 07:15:59] TG_undefined : ELON carrying TRUMP to PRESIDENCY
[2024-11-03 07:17:14] TG_undefined : just think about it Trump President, Elon launching rockets to Mars, Bitcoin pumping to 70k
[2024-11-03 07:21:58] contract details : god bless elon trump
[2024-11-03 07:23:22] TG_undefined : who killed the ponzi whys it so weak
[2024-11-03 07:23:31] I Love BitMEX : **come on bears liquidate all your coins and send this ponzi to 0**
[2024-11-03 07:24:15] I Love BitMEX : Pathetic
[2024-11-03 07:24:25] I Love BitMEX : I'm off these cocksuckers are boring
[2024-11-03 07:24:29] I Love BitMEX : Enjoy your Sunday
[2024-11-03 07:24:34] I Love BitMEX : /zen 1h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 1 hour zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-11-03 07:24:36] Symphoenix : top
[2024-11-03 07:24:47] TG_undefined : fking scam market
[2024-11-03 07:25:32] TG_undefined : crypto geeks panic shorting what a scam
[2024-11-03 07:33:51] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : buttom shorters
[2024-11-03 07:33:59] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : preparato
[2024-11-03 07:35:32] TG_undefined : you guys are pathetic geeks deserve lower
[2024-11-03 07:35:42] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : gae
[2024-11-03 07:35:48] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : bera
[2024-11-03 07:36:01] TG_undefined : panic shorting
[2024-11-03 07:36:14] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : look at orderbook
[2024-11-03 07:38:32] TG_undefined : this ponzi is cooked
[2024-11-03 07:47:53] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : ups
[2024-11-03 07:48:04] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : smell damp cencelation
[2024-11-03 07:48:45] TG_undefined : look at this scam its over
[2024-11-03 07:49:57] TG_undefined : down only ponzi
[2024-11-03 07:50:23] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : someone is overlevared
[2024-11-03 07:50:27] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : buttom shorter
[2024-11-03 07:50:29] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : gae
[2024-11-03 07:51:15] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : all trap all rekt
[2024-11-03 07:51:27] TG_undefined : crypto is the biggest fking scam ponzi
[2024-11-03 07:52:10] XRP GOD : Trump loosing 🔻📉🛬
[2024-11-03 07:53:06] TG_undefined : fking geek scam market
[2024-11-03 07:54:06] TG_undefined : trump winning and u geeks still panic shorting want to stay poor
[2024-11-03 08:02:07] 45th_blown_account : trump lost ? :doge:
[2024-11-03 08:02:27] 45th_blown_account : lol, Elon`s money bye bye
[2024-11-03 08:06:58] TG_undefined : shorts are free money fk this scam market
[2024-11-03 08:07:47] tozak : CME calling... that want their price back at 69,730 soon
[2024-11-03 08:08:09] TG_undefined : 100x short down only
[2024-11-03 08:08:49] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : weekend dump monday pamp
[2024-11-03 08:08:52] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : remember that
[2024-11-03 08:08:56] TG_undefined : ponzi sliding down to zero lmfao
[2024-11-03 08:11:14] Symphoenix : up
[2024-11-03 08:11:27] tozak : but the poor bears?
[2024-11-03 08:11:49] TG_undefined : 100x shorter again free money
[2024-11-03 08:12:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 10 ETH @ 2447.88 ($24,465.50) - Check your inbox
[2024-11-03 08:12:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.6000 XBT @ 68312.3 ($40,966.70)
[2024-11-03 08:14:35] TG_undefined : 100x shorts are ssafe
[2024-11-03 08:15:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `APEUSDT`: Buy 159 APE @ 1.016 ($158.97)
[2024-11-03 08:20:29] TG_undefined : ponzi collapsing AGGGAINNNN
[2024-11-03 08:21:38] TG_undefined : 100x shorted this ponzi again lmfao
[2024-11-03 08:22:23] TG_undefined : every green candle short
[2024-11-03 08:22:29] contract details : can we buy back yet
[2024-11-03 08:22:31] BMEXcheers : we cool
[2024-11-03 08:22:33] BMEXcheers : we coo
[2024-11-03 08:22:39] BMEXcheers : beetcorn n shieeeet
[2024-11-03 08:22:52] BMEXcheers : 4.5 withdrawl fee on my 10$ withdrawal
[2024-11-03 08:23:03] BMEXcheers : bmex be like j00mex
[2024-11-03 08:25:40] I Love BitMEX : **Trump doing air blowjobs to a microphone was this week's best moment**
[2024-11-03 08:28:31] MarginMadman : GM gentlemen! Corn takes no prisinors
[2024-11-03 08:29:48] Symphoenix : Click GREEN to be SUPREME !
[2024-11-03 08:33:40] Symphoenix : What has been set into motion cannot be stopped...
[2024-11-03 08:38:51] Gandalf the Grey : Nice uptrend kurwa
[2024-11-03 08:40:25] I Love BitMEX : **ladies and gentlemen Donald Gae Trump** @admin @Gandalf the Grey @Symphoenix @MarginMadman
[2024-11-03 08:42:27] contract details : @admin my bot is going insane Order could not be submitted: Rejected: Too many stop orders Sent from
[2024-11-03 08:42:28] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-03 08:44:20] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-11-03 08:45:08] tozak : we dump now? short to 62K?
[2024-11-03 08:45:49] tozak : fake up then down
[2024-11-03 08:45:52] tozak : rug pull
[2024-11-03 08:45:55] BMEXcheers : you got JMEX'd
[2024-11-03 08:46:08] tozak : JMEX'd?
[2024-11-03 08:46:15] BMEXcheers : j00mex'd
[2024-11-03 08:46:36] tozak : say woot?
[2024-11-03 08:46:38] contract details : why is my bot spamming a stop buy order at 78k
[2024-11-03 08:46:42] contract details : evne though it's long
[2024-11-03 08:46:44] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-11-03 08:47:02] BitMEX_Anastasia : contract details: please make sure that your bot respects our limits
[2024-11-03 08:47:07] tozak : pivot dump soon
[2024-11-03 08:47:26] BMEXcheers : le bitmex admin backdoor into bot before big move
[2024-11-03 08:47:54] contract details : BitMEX_Anastasia: all your bots are acting up
[2024-11-03 08:48:07] contract details : they keep spamming a stop market buy above ath
[2024-11-03 08:48:10] contract details : can't figure out why
[2024-11-03 08:48:19] tozak : fake pump, its a fump
[2024-11-03 08:48:40] tozak : never again 70K
[2024-11-03 08:50:25] BitMEX_Anastasia : contract details: ok in that case please send us an email to
[2024-11-03 09:00:06] I Love BitMEX : Up only
[2024-11-03 09:01:32] I Love BitMEX : The daily will close green
[2024-11-03 09:02:38] TG_hardcoreuser : Factssss
[2024-11-03 09:03:47] I Love BitMEX : Dumb bears think they can outplay the badger
[2024-11-03 09:03:48] I Love BitMEX : Lmao
[2024-11-03 09:05:03] I Love BitMEX : Come one bears
[2024-11-03 09:06:32] TG_hardcoreuser : Hey do you short with leverage ?
[2024-11-03 09:07:19] I Love BitMEX : TG_hardcoreuser: can not computer the answer
[2024-11-03 09:09:12] I Love BitMEX : TG_hardcoreuser: Okay, real talk for a sec: trading can feel like a rollercoaster ride 🎢. Those upswings are exhilarating, right? But, it's super important to remember what goes up can also come down. Leverage is powerful stuff - it can magnify your wins, but also make losses sting way more. Do your homework, manage your risk, and never trade with money you can't afford to lose. Just some friendly advice from someone who's been there! 🤓 #trading #leverage #riskmanagement #investing #becarefuloutthere
[2024-11-03 09:09:57] I Love BitMEX : Also remember this: asian bears are gae af as they are pandas and pandas are cute @TG_hardcoreuser
[2024-11-03 09:10:04] I Love BitMEX : 🐼 🐼 🐼 🐼 🐼
[2024-11-03 09:10:15] I Love BitMEX : Look how cute and gae they are. Not scary at all
[2024-11-03 09:10:39] I Love BitMEX : Asian bears are purely in disbelief
[2024-11-03 09:11:15] I Love BitMEX : Asian bears had the alpha for the past 7 years. Not anymore
[2024-11-03 09:11:21] I Love BitMEX : Coivd dump? Asia
[2024-11-03 09:11:31] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin cash dump? Asia
[2024-11-03 09:11:35] I Love BitMEX : This dump? Asia
[2024-11-03 09:11:40] I Love BitMEX : So member
[2024-11-03 09:11:43] I Love BitMEX : Remember
[2024-11-03 09:11:49] I Love BitMEX : The 5th of November
[2024-11-03 09:12:10] I Love BitMEX : And asian bears are gae af, little dicks little brains.
[2024-11-03 09:13:07] I Love BitMEX : All money laundering chinese tether scammers will get jailed by either communist china or democratic usa
[2024-11-03 09:13:19] I Love BitMEX : So basically there is no escape from this pump and their liquidations
[2024-11-03 09:13:49] I Love BitMEX : The open interest spiked like a motherfucker
[2024-11-03 09:13:57] I Love BitMEX : So get rekt asian bears
[2024-11-03 09:14:02] I Love BitMEX : You were looking for trouble
[2024-11-03 09:14:05] I Love BitMEX : Now you have it
[2024-11-03 09:14:08] I Love BitMEX : All in trouble.
[2024-11-03 09:14:56] I Love BitMEX : **1684 users online**
[2024-11-03 09:15:43] I Love BitMEX : We about to liquidate all gae asian bears who shorted ethereum
[2024-11-03 09:15:54] I Love BitMEX : 50x eth short detected
[2024-11-03 09:16:09] I Love BitMEX : **ALL ABOARD THE ASIAN PIQUIDATION TRAIN 🚆**
[2024-11-03 09:16:43] I Love BitMEX : Look at eth just look
[2024-11-03 09:17:17] I Love BitMEX : Userinfo for "I Love BitMEX" (irc:no): First seen: 2018-03-27 14:45:44 UTC Last seen: 2024-11-03 03:25:20 UTC Posts: 290421 Posts avg.: 5.0158 posts per hour Banned: 117 Last ban: 72566026
[2024-11-03 09:18:06] I Love BitMEX : I will let bitcoiners sell all their bags and pump eth just to laugh
[2024-11-03 09:18:14] I Love BitMEX : Eth will be number 1 market cap once I am done
[2024-11-03 09:18:20] I Love BitMEX : And all bitcoiners will be in disbelief
[2024-11-03 09:18:23] I Love BitMEX : Permanently
[2024-11-03 09:18:56] I Love BitMEX : Meanwhile @BitMEX_Anastasia is adding to their shark shorts
[2024-11-03 09:20:38] TG_hardcoreuser : Woah man. Dropping it
[2024-11-03 09:21:21] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-11-03 09:22:23] I Love BitMEX : Hey bears
[2024-11-03 09:22:26] I Love BitMEX : When dump?
[2024-11-03 09:22:41] I Love BitMEX : Isn't it funny we don't see bluecuck anymore?
[2024-11-03 09:22:45] I Love BitMEX : Guy exit scammed
[2024-11-03 09:22:52] I Love BitMEX : And finally we can trade
[2024-11-03 09:25:15] I Love BitMEX : Retards conditioned to trade same patterns but they don't see I AM ACTIVELY FACE FUKING THEM
[2024-11-03 09:25:31] I Love BitMEX : :ME:
[2024-11-03 09:25:40] I Love BitMEX : YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE
[2024-11-03 09:27:28] TG_hardcoreuser : Bro. Tyyy for reminding mee- yes always need to hear that
[2024-11-03 09:28:01] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : bear trap
[2024-11-03 09:28:22] I Love BitMEX : @BitMEX_Anastasia don't mind my language please, it is all metaphorical
[2024-11-03 09:28:25] I Love BitMEX : Anyhow...
[2024-11-03 09:28:37] I Love BitMEX : The scammers paint Adam and eve that's all they know
[2024-11-03 09:28:55] I Love BitMEX : I paint Adam and steves so they make gae sex
[2024-11-03 09:28:57] I Love BitMEX : These MM
[2024-11-03 09:29:13] I Love BitMEX : When dump?
[2024-11-03 09:30:45] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : push bull
[2024-11-03 09:30:51] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : rekt them all
[2024-11-03 09:31:02] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: on it
[2024-11-03 09:32:13] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : no power for damp
[2024-11-03 09:32:15] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : anymore
[2024-11-03 09:32:28] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : its profetic
[2024-11-03 09:33:12] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: have you ever seen a badger wildlife 📹?
[2024-11-03 09:33:36] al guul : im loading on this basty little mf
[2024-11-03 09:33:43] al guul : *nasty
[2024-11-03 09:33:45] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: those Lil creatures are resilient. They can be bitten by snakes, bees, attacked by lions or hyenas they don't care. Badger doesn't give a fuck
[2024-11-03 09:34:01] I Love BitMEX : The Badger doesn't simply give up
[2024-11-03 09:34:07] I Love BitMEX : That's why bulls and bears are both fokrd
[2024-11-03 09:34:14] I Love BitMEX : They are messing with the Badger
[2024-11-03 09:34:31] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : doeit
[2024-11-03 09:34:32] GRILL__THE_BERA71 :
[2024-11-03 09:35:30] Berns101 : pretty lame lets see tommorow going to nap a bit
[2024-11-03 09:35:40] Berns101 : not feeling it .
[2024-11-03 09:35:40] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: wrong video sir
[2024-11-03 09:36:06] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: this is the video, this is my spirit animal aka this is me @admin @BitMEX_Anastasia @tozak @contract details
[2024-11-03 09:36:37] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : i smell scam on this PA
[2024-11-03 09:37:20] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: yes
[2024-11-03 09:37:26] I Love BitMEX : I am scamming you as we speak.
[2024-11-03 09:37:34] I Love BitMEX : Watch the video sir and u will understand @GRILL__THE_BERA71
[2024-11-03 09:37:36] I Love BitMEX : No troll
[2024-11-03 09:37:58] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : werner sszot the fok up
[2024-11-03 09:38:14] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: is werner on? I have him on mute lol
[2024-11-03 09:39:33] tozak : letz dump!
[2024-11-03 09:39:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 200 USD @ 68225.8 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-11-03 09:39:45] I Love BitMEX : You can try
[2024-11-03 09:39:54] I Love BitMEX : 😅🕜
[2024-11-03 09:39:55] tozak : nice
[2024-11-03 09:39:57] tozak : dump time
[2024-11-03 09:40:00] tozak : finally~
[2024-11-03 09:41:08] tozak : 53K CME Gap Fill
[2024-11-03 09:42:18] I Love BitMEX : tozak: Man, the charts are looking wild right now. Seeing that CME gap makes me think we're in for some big moves. Not sure which way it'll go though, up or down. Could be a wild ride either way. Gonna be interesting to see how it all plays out. Better buckle up and get ready for some volatility. This is what makes trading so exciting, right? Let's see what happens!
[2024-11-03 09:44:44] TG_Blockchainz : Buy LilPump official Celebritycoin
[2024-11-03 09:46:07] TG_Blockchainz : If Trump win the election next week this coin go to the moon just at 500k Marketcap while Iggy Azaleas celebritycoin MOTHER is already at above 30 Mio
[2024-11-03 09:48:26] BMEXcheers : he wont
[2024-11-03 09:48:33] BMEXcheers : scraps 2.0
[2024-11-03 09:52:09] al guul : shes so derty now
[2024-11-03 09:52:17] tozak : hmmm I am wondering about this dump
[2024-11-03 09:52:17] al guul : sunday morning
[2024-11-03 09:55:07] Joeyy132 : …..
[2024-11-03 09:55:12] Joeyy132 : pathetic token
[2024-11-03 09:55:22] Joeyy132 : Back to 60k
[2024-11-03 09:55:25] Joeyy132 : and lower
[2024-11-03 09:55:52] Joeyy132 : Silly worthless vapourware
[2024-11-03 09:56:19] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin to 0, eth to 1 million
[2024-11-03 09:56:43] Joeyy132 : I Love BitMEX: both to 0
[2024-11-03 09:56:48] I Love BitMEX : Joeyy132: no
[2024-11-03 09:56:56] I Love BitMEX : Eth will outperform bitcoin in any single metric
[2024-11-03 09:56:57] Joeyy132 : You will see
[2024-11-03 09:56:59] I Love BitMEX : Including market cap
[2024-11-03 09:57:13] Joeyy132 : They will both go sub 100
[2024-11-03 09:57:22] I Love BitMEX : Then sell
[2024-11-03 09:57:27] Joeyy132 : I have
[2024-11-03 09:57:32] Joeyy132 : its all a scam lol
[2024-11-03 09:57:43] I Love BitMEX : Vitalik ain't a scammer
[2024-11-03 09:57:49] Joeyy132 : Pumped with fake dollars totally controlled by the cia
[2024-11-03 09:57:50] I Love BitMEX : His foundation is
[2024-11-03 09:58:00] Joeyy132 : compkstely centralised
[2024-11-03 09:58:08] I Love BitMEX : Joeyy132: why would you counter trade the cia sir
[2024-11-03 09:58:10] Joeyy132 : bitcoin will go to 0
[2024-11-03 09:58:18] I Love BitMEX : Joeyy132: yes bitcoin will go to p
[2024-11-03 09:58:18] Joeyy132 : guaranteed
[2024-11-03 09:58:21] I Love BitMEX : To
[2024-11-03 09:58:23] I Love BitMEX : 0
[2024-11-03 09:58:25] Joeyy132 : failed at ath for good
[2024-11-03 09:58:31] Joeyy132 : never going ath
[2024-11-03 09:58:33] Joeyy132 : never
[2024-11-03 09:58:37] Joeyy132 : ded serious
[2024-11-03 09:59:04] Joeyy132 : Needed to break ath
[2024-11-03 09:59:08] tozak : 1 last visit to 69K maybe but never again see 70K
[2024-11-03 09:59:09] Joeyy132 : and couldnt
[2024-11-03 09:59:12] I Love BitMEX : I haven't met people using bitcoin day to day but I have met people who use eth day to day.
[2024-11-03 09:59:14] Joeyy132 : so never will now
[2024-11-03 09:59:18] Joeyy132 : falken too far away
[2024-11-03 09:59:19] I Love BitMEX : Eth to 1 million bitcoin to 0
[2024-11-03 09:59:22] I Love BitMEX : That's the trade
[2024-11-03 09:59:42] Joeyy132 : I Love BitMEX: donut
[2024-11-03 10:00:03] Joeyy132 : if btc goes 0 everything goes 0
[2024-11-03 10:00:18] Joeyy132 : All crapto is worthless
[2024-11-03 10:00:18] I Love BitMEX : Joeyy132: nah
[2024-11-03 10:00:27] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin is just an old shitcoin
[2024-11-03 10:00:30] Joeyy132 : TRX is the only one worth anything
[2024-11-03 10:00:33] I Love BitMEX : Eth is the real stuff
[2024-11-03 10:00:41] I Love BitMEX : Look at all that tether hosted on it
[2024-11-03 10:00:42] Joeyy132 : Trx >eth
[2024-11-03 10:00:46] I Love BitMEX : Om bitcoin there is 0 tether
[2024-11-03 10:00:49] I Love BitMEX : On
[2024-11-03 10:00:51] tozak : If BTC zero every alt will be Zero
[2024-11-03 10:00:54] tozak : inc Tether
[2024-11-03 10:00:56] Joeyy132 : tozak: exactly
[2024-11-03 10:00:58] I Love BitMEX : tozak: no
[2024-11-03 10:01:04] tozak : um yeah
[2024-11-03 10:01:04] I Love BitMEX : I bought eth will euro and dollar
[2024-11-03 10:01:09] I Love BitMEX : Not with bitcoin
[2024-11-03 10:01:13] Joeyy132 : Trx shits all over eth
[2024-11-03 10:01:15] I Love BitMEX : My eth is backed by cash
[2024-11-03 10:01:20] Joeyy132 : rekt @I Love BitMEX
[2024-11-03 10:01:23] I Love BitMEX : Your bitcoin is backed by fake Chinese dollars
[2024-11-03 10:01:26] I Love BitMEX : /position ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: 0.03 ETH @ 2452.1 ```
[2024-11-03 10:01:32] I Love BitMEX : I piss on you bears
[2024-11-03 10:01:36] I Love BitMEX : /zen 2h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 2 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-11-03 10:01:47] tozak : also if BTC even ever fails a support test in the very bootom exponential channel, it will die and all other alts with it
[2024-11-03 10:02:21] Joeyy132 : Get ready this week we see 71k then 60k
[2024-11-03 10:02:23] Joeyy132 : same week
[2024-11-03 10:02:37] tozak : It can handle big swings and violent changes to hash rate, but it cant hold up a deflationary spiral
[2024-11-03 10:02:44] Joeyy132 : Then the week after we go to 30k
[2024-11-03 10:03:31] Joeyy132 : Seeing bitcoin collapse will make lots of people happy
[2024-11-03 10:03:34] Joeyy132 : myself included
[2024-11-03 10:04:50] tozak : Easist way to destroy BTC is not shorting to the ground
[2024-11-03 10:05:10] tozak : Best and easiest way to destroy it is actually going with the flow
[2024-11-03 10:06:07] tozak : If any Bull Cycle happens where we extend past the very top channel showing that cycles bull top and we go past it by 2x it will die, 100%
[2024-11-03 10:06:33] tozak : Tulip Bubble Blow off Top Baby!
[2024-11-03 10:06:43] tozak : fastest way to end it
[2024-11-03 10:08:23] tozak : I honestly recon if Trump wins that may be the way we go out this cycle. But if Democrats win, might be an early WWIII
[2024-11-03 10:10:25] tozak : I have a feeling if Trump wins Wallstreet might push a short dip to test to see about getting a 0.5% cut on the 7th. But if Democrats win then likely Iran might smell the weakness and do their own test.
[2024-11-03 10:11:22] tozak : I much rather Trump wins, I recon we will at least get one more year of freedon then...
[2024-11-03 10:13:39] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : bend over beras
[2024-11-03 10:13:53] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : time for gren dildo
[2024-11-03 10:14:28] tozak : GRILL__THE_BERA71: nah man dump time
[2024-11-03 10:14:51] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : maby im wrong
[2024-11-03 10:14:52] tozak : I first thought dump, them thought pump, now I know its gonna dump!
[2024-11-03 10:15:01] tozak : 100%
[2024-11-03 10:15:06] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : but didint we dump 11 %
[2024-11-03 10:15:09] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : simnce 3 days
[2024-11-03 10:15:12] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : on ETH
[2024-11-03 10:15:36] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : and 8 on corn
[2024-11-03 10:15:42] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : ??????????????????
[2024-11-03 10:15:44] tozak : yeah so
[2024-11-03 10:15:51] tozak : we dumping more
[2024-11-03 10:16:01] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : dumb bera
[2024-11-03 10:16:08] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : probobly buttom shorted
[2024-11-03 10:16:08] tozak : (but only a tiny bit) shhh
[2024-11-03 10:17:50] tozak : anyone know how long left now for CMR to open?
[2024-11-03 10:17:59] tozak : CME
[2024-11-03 10:19:00] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : 23:00\
[2024-11-03 10:21:20] tozak : Kewl
[2024-11-03 10:26:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100 USD @ 68465.2 - 🐳
[2024-11-03 10:26:41] tozak : I dont like the look of this....
[2024-11-03 10:27:01] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : bend over
[2024-11-03 10:27:02] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : gae
[2024-11-03 10:27:19] tozak : meeeep!
[2024-11-03 10:27:28] tozak : wtf
[2024-11-03 10:30:41] tozak : maybe a double down oppurtunity
[2024-11-03 10:30:56] XRP GOD : :catjam:
[2024-11-03 10:40:21] ninnk : bmex so cheap! wow what an opportunity! :doge:
[2024-11-03 10:41:41] tozak : ninnk: I think its only use these days is to evaporate wealth
[2024-11-03 10:44:31] ninnk : bmex is the future of transactions! btc is old and slow, bmex is instant! can't wait for the day i buy milk using bmex with my bitmex visa! :doge:
[2024-11-03 10:45:46] tozak : better save up a few billion of them
[2024-11-03 10:47:25] ninnk : tozak:
[2024-11-03 10:48:13] 45th_blown_account : delulus fate dark :arthur:
[2024-11-03 10:50:36] tozak : This dump is taking almost as long as my morning ones
[2024-11-03 10:55:36] Crazydodger : Oke i used to see my xbt balance under order value but its gone
[2024-11-03 10:55:46] Crazydodger : anyone know how to get it back?
[2024-11-03 10:56:08] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : stop being rekt
[2024-11-03 10:56:16] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : the balance wil grow
[2024-11-03 10:56:18] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : :)
[2024-11-03 10:56:47] Crazydodger : it was a serious question
[2024-11-03 10:57:10] Vitaliksb!tch : Crazydodger: balance on top below limit
[2024-11-03 10:57:25] Crazydodger : Yeah but i dont i
[2024-11-03 10:57:28] Crazydodger : like it
[2024-11-03 10:57:37] Crazydodger : i want it back how it was
[2024-11-03 10:57:55] Vitaliksb!tch : Crazydodger: was easier in cats not sure if we can change it tho
[2024-11-03 10:58:00] Vitaliksb!tch : Sats
[2024-11-03 10:58:28] Crazydodger : yeah
[2024-11-03 11:05:40] Atlemos : Pro TA
[2024-11-03 11:11:58] tozak : Atlemos: CME Gap will likely force that trend line break
[2024-11-03 11:12:42] Berns101 : I think up then down
[2024-11-03 11:12:56] Atlemos : tozak: sii, less go
[2024-11-03 11:13:20] Berns101 : Atlemos: exactly
[2024-11-03 11:13:21] tozak : nah dump first
[2024-11-03 11:13:37] Berns101 : maybe 5th turns bull
[2024-11-03 11:13:40] Berns101 : who knows
[2024-11-03 11:13:48] tozak : Atlemos: I just loaded up on short again
[2024-11-03 11:14:00] tozak : lets go
[2024-11-03 11:14:02] Berns101 : buying dips Nov should pay imo
[2024-11-03 11:14:34] tozak : Atlemos: we touch that bottom channel trend line then we can bouce up and break the top
[2024-11-03 11:15:02] tozak : Atlemos: what is it? 67,600 ish on your chart?
[2024-11-03 11:17:20] tozak : Atlemos: I recon its a coin flip if down up or up
[2024-11-03 11:17:50] Atlemos : tozak: well if it not pop up right here i dont think its a valid f wedge
[2024-11-03 11:18:13] tozak : Atlemos: I think we are due to move soonish now
[2024-11-03 11:29:41] tozak : Atlemos: F'ers we been net short all this time now with less than 30 mins until volume and just switched to net long...
[2024-11-03 11:36:10] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : its so manipuleted scam
[2024-11-03 11:36:13] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : kek
[2024-11-03 11:37:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PEPEUSD`: Sell 500 Cont @ 0.00000825 ($2,819.66) - REKT!
[2024-11-03 11:48:23] Sir.LongCorn : Next week fire 🔥
[2024-11-03 11:48:35] Sir.LongCorn : Be ready for max volatility
[2024-11-03 12:01:33] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : Sir.LongCorn: i thin today we se some quantum scma
[2024-11-03 12:01:44] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : the mother of all scams
[2024-11-03 12:08:38] contract details : gird yourselves
[2024-11-03 12:15:57] BMEXcheers : this sh1ts gonna tank harder than a trump rally at down town Milwaukee
[2024-11-03 12:28:11] I Love BitMEX : Wut
[2024-11-03 12:29:52] BMEXcheers : this shits gonna tank harder than a fury rematch
[2024-11-03 12:29:54] BMEXcheers : yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
[2024-11-03 12:32:11] I Love BitMEX : **FINAL REKT SOON**
[2024-11-03 12:32:27] elChisoso : uh oh
[2024-11-03 12:42:19] Gandalf the Grey : Kamala gonna dump her baaags
[2024-11-03 12:45:02] I Love BitMEX : Don't you love how gae this is?
[2024-11-03 12:57:03] Symphoenix : Be careful Buddies ! You have 10 minutes to read this :
[2024-11-03 13:05:27] I Love BitMEX : There is no need to be upset
[2024-11-03 13:05:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 30000 DOGE @ 0.14858 ($4,455.66) - Make trading great again
[2024-11-03 13:07:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BCHUSD`: Sell 91 Cont @ 339.3 ($2,110.20) - Don't quit your day job
[2024-11-03 13:08:27] BMEXcheers : weekly is cooked
[2024-11-03 13:08:29] BMEXcheers : dont @ me
[2024-11-03 13:08:39] BMEXcheers : 2 week MACD has always been a top indicator for ever market
[2024-11-03 13:08:48] BMEXcheers : did I say DONT @ ME UNTIL WE REACH THE BOTTOM
[2024-11-03 13:09:13] I Love BitMEX : **fok crypto, you don't need anxiety in your life**
[2024-11-03 13:17:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BLURUSDT`: Sell 3600 BLUR @ 0.1905 ($685.62)
[2024-11-03 13:21:13] Pilot : At least those dumb bit liqs have stopped haha
[2024-11-03 13:21:24] Pilot : Kept longing and just instarekting
[2024-11-03 13:21:29] The_Reaper : What scum is selling on weekends
[2024-11-03 13:22:03] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : black boy on friday selling
[2024-11-03 13:22:06] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : thhe scam
[2024-11-03 13:34:11] I Love BitMEX : Rekt
[2024-11-03 13:35:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `EOSUSD`: Sell 22 Cont @ 0.4107 ($61.64)
[2024-11-03 13:35:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSDT`: Sell 7 LTC @ 66.98 ($468.68)
[2024-11-03 13:38:01] I Love BitMEX : Litecoin the scam that never ends to disappoint
[2024-11-03 13:38:06] I Love BitMEX : A bigger disappointment than eth
[2024-11-03 13:43:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PEPEUSD`: Sell 14 Cont @ 0.000008136 ($77.65)
[2024-11-03 13:43:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SEIUSDT`: Sell 40 SEI @ 0.3495 ($13.98)
[2024-11-03 13:43:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 400 USD @ 68170.2 - 😂
[2024-11-03 13:45:56] I Love BitMEX : Watch litecoin go to 0
[2024-11-03 13:47:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1468 XBT @ 68144.1 ($9,999.60)
[2024-11-03 13:47:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSD`: Sell 1830 Cont @ 66.61 ($16,605.78) - Thanks for playing
[2024-11-03 13:47:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BCHUSD`: Sell 500 Cont @ 336.6 ($11,463.31) - Check your inbox
[2024-11-03 13:47:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 10000 USD @ 68119.6
[2024-11-03 13:48:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 4900 DOGE @ 0.1471 ($720.53)
[2024-11-03 13:48:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSDT`: Sell 6.6000 LTC @ 66.36 ($438.04)
[2024-11-03 13:48:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LTCUSD`: Sell 209 Cont @ 66.39 ($1,889.59)
[2024-11-03 13:50:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AVAXUSD`: Sell 150 Cont @ 22.941 ($2,342.93) - Make trading great again
[2024-11-03 13:50:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SOLUSDT`: Sell 11 SOL @ 161.59 ($1,776.64)
[2024-11-03 13:50:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `AVAXUSDT`: Sell 0.4000 AVAX @ 22.943 ($9.17)
[2024-11-03 13:51:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2200 USD @ 68064.6