BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-11-03 03:20:56] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : wwhere are bulla
[2024-11-03 03:20:58] I Love BitMEX : I find it very gay to sell here
[2024-11-03 03:21:07] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : yellow kunts damped
[2024-11-03 03:21:12] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: yes
[2024-11-03 03:21:15] I Love BitMEX : Chinese scammers
[2024-11-03 03:21:33] ninnk : bullish selling spotted, """dump""" until toozdae/wensdeee, pöomp aftwerwaerdz btfd btc
[2024-11-03 03:21:59] Simio_Short : are you scared son? 😱
[2024-11-03 03:22:16] I Love BitMEX : Simio_Short: not really
[2024-11-03 03:22:53] I Love BitMEX : Chinese have small dick
[2024-11-03 03:22:58] I Love BitMEX : My dick is huuuuuuge
[2024-11-03 03:22:58] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : remember the rule
[2024-11-03 03:23:04] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : weekend dump
[2024-11-03 03:23:06] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : monday pamp
[2024-11-03 03:23:10] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : and oposite
[2024-11-03 03:23:22] I Love BitMEX : The rules are only in your tiny brain 🧠
[2024-11-03 03:23:29] I Love BitMEX : The size of a peanut 🥜
[2024-11-03 03:23:57] ninnk : /since "never trust weekend pump" ``` :bitmex: ninnk has been on BitMEX since Jan 10, 2024. ```
[2024-11-03 03:24:07] ninnk : @SphinxOfSpades
[2024-11-03 03:24:20] I Love BitMEX : GRILL__THE_BERA71: you're basically **the member of Chinese communist party**
[2024-11-03 03:24:29] I Love BitMEX : You're communist slave
[2024-11-03 03:24:29] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : /since ``` :bitmex: GRILL__THE_BERA71 has been on BitMEX since Jun 4, 2020. ```
[2024-11-03 03:24:31] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : yea
[2024-11-03 03:24:32] I Love BitMEX : Lmao
[2024-11-03 03:24:34] Pilot : /since ``` :bitmex: Pilot has been on BitMEX since Aug 20, 2016. ```
[2024-11-03 03:24:46] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : since i vipe u bera ass last cici;e
[2024-11-03 03:24:47] Pilot : 😎
[2024-11-03 03:24:47] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : rekt
[2024-11-03 03:25:20] I Love BitMEX : I'm here since 2018.
[2024-11-03 03:25:20] ninnk : :rainbow:
[2024-11-03 03:26:49] ninnk : I Love BitMEX: how much for a vial of tearas? asking for a friend :eyes:
[2024-11-03 03:27:29] I Love BitMEX : Love BitMEX Userinfo for "I Love BitMEX" (irc:no): First seen: 2018-03-27 14:45:44 UTC Last seen: 2024-10-30 16:24:48 UTC Posts: 288885 Posts avg.: 4.9965 posts per hour Banned: 117 Last ban: 72566026
[2024-11-03 03:28:32] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : kamala won in IOWA
[2024-11-03 03:28:39] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : here the damp
[2024-11-03 03:29:01] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : info from 3 am
[2024-11-03 03:29:03] ninnk : I Love BitMEX: i type my benid ascii with 3 equal signs
[2024-11-03 03:29:18] ninnk : b e n i s *
[2024-11-03 03:30:42] I Love BitMEX : ninnk: lol
[2024-11-03 03:32:54] Yourholyhireless : Mc Donalds guys Mc Donalds
[2024-11-03 03:35:15] ninnk : I Love BitMEX: laugh harder priz, i need to collect your tearas (for research purposez ofc)
[2024-11-03 03:38:25] ninnk : friendly reminder: weekend moves are *fake* ever since bankers :vomitemoji: got involved
[2024-11-03 03:39:20] ninnk : Yourholyhireless: 2 mcflury table 16 plz
[2024-11-03 03:40:57] XRP GOD : ninnk: Is it safe to long or wait ?
[2024-11-03 03:41:03] XRP GOD : Pilot:
[2024-11-03 03:41:37] XRP GOD : Any pro traders in
[2024-11-03 03:42:07] XRP GOD : :catjam:
[2024-11-03 03:43:34] ninnk : XRP GOD: btfd xbtusd alwaeez safe to long
[2024-11-03 03:44:29] ninnk : unless ur degen gambler
[2024-11-03 03:45:47] ninnk : 2x+ rekt :eyes: 27k thursday 72k friday :eyes: my horoscope said so
[2024-11-03 03:47:18] Pilot : Was music playlistint
[2024-11-03 03:47:42] Pilot : Just grooving out watching 1 second chart
[2024-11-03 03:47:50] I Love BitMEX : Lol
[2024-11-03 03:48:54] Pilot :
[2024-11-03 03:49:27] Pilot : 5s but ye
[2024-11-03 03:49:44] Pilot : still feels cool with techno and weed and beer
[2024-11-03 03:49:59] ninnk : 1s chart for wannabe gorilla niggas, if u want to succeed use 213ms and 514m chart
[2024-11-03 03:50:19] Pilot : just sit here watching this shit like a degen and eating bad food, smokin and drinking
[2024-11-03 03:50:32] ninnk : and use MA69 amd EMA420
[2024-11-03 03:51:07] Pilot : lol goys the ema 69 420 cross jus happened lifht one up and buyyyyy
[2024-11-03 03:51:25] Pilot : love that
[2024-11-03 03:52:08] ninnk : i am infinite basin of knowledge, trust at your own risk
[2024-11-03 03:53:05] ninnk : om nama narayana
[2024-11-03 03:57:19] kchaitanya : ninnk: hahahaha :doge:
[2024-11-03 03:58:32] ninnk : kchaitanya: हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे॥
[2024-11-03 03:58:48] kchaitanya : ninnk: Jai ho
[2024-11-03 03:58:53] Pilot : hail eris
[2024-11-03 03:58:56] Pilot : 23
[2024-11-03 03:59:13] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: hindustan ppl dumped on us ser
[2024-11-03 03:59:19] ninnk : :catjam:
[2024-11-03 03:59:24] kchaitanya : I Love BitMEX: :arthur:
[2024-11-03 03:59:46] ninnk : I Love BitMEX: ur compiter has virus
[2024-11-03 03:59:48] Pilot : load up da ting
[2024-11-03 04:00:00] Pilot : spray everyone down
[2024-11-03 04:00:05] Pilot : the time has come
[2024-11-03 04:00:15] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: spat on that thang
[2024-11-03 04:00:52] I Love BitMEX : Cmon bears
[2024-11-03 04:01:01] I Love BitMEX : You dumping or what?
[2024-11-03 04:02:17] I Love BitMEX : Uuuuu
[2024-11-03 04:02:49] Symphoenix : up
[2024-11-03 04:02:56] I Love BitMEX : Only up
[2024-11-03 04:02:58] I Love BitMEX : And
[2024-11-03 04:03:00] I Love BitMEX : Up only
[2024-11-03 04:03:04] XRP GOD : ninnk: 😋😘
[2024-11-03 04:03:11] Symphoenix : I Love BitMEX: :)
[2024-11-03 04:03:21] kchaitanya : Symphoenix: so glad to be here :doge:
[2024-11-03 04:03:33] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-11-03 04:03:38] Symphoenix : kchaitanya: YESSSSS !
[2024-11-03 04:03:41] Yourholyhireless : ninnk: 2 mc Flurry table 16
[2024-11-03 04:03:47] Symphoenix : H1 and H4 agree !
[2024-11-03 04:04:01] ninnk : XRP GOD: bear trap loading :eyes:
[2024-11-03 04:04:21] Pilot : Ngl scalping the 5 second chart is fun
[2024-11-03 04:04:24] Yourholyhireless : where is 5 minute man?
[2024-11-03 04:04:28] Yourholyhireless : and Puddingman
[2024-11-03 04:04:45] I Love BitMEX : Poor bears
[2024-11-03 04:04:49] Pilot : Have a go with a small amount and just surf
[2024-11-03 04:04:57] Pilot : its quite fun
[2024-11-03 04:05:07] Yourholyhireless : Pilot: surfing Sschaschlik sauce
[2024-11-03 04:05:19] ninnk : transexual porn
[2024-11-03 04:05:35] ninnk : ooops this isnt google :flushed:
[2024-11-03 04:05:50] Pilot : 😱
[2024-11-03 04:07:59] XRP GOD : ninnk: ok:doge:
[2024-11-03 04:08:06] tozak : wow everyone love to short a bottom
[2024-11-03 04:08:14] XRP GOD : tozak: :doge:
[2024-11-03 04:08:17] I Love BitMEX : tozak: morning
[2024-11-03 04:08:20] Pilot :
[2024-11-03 04:08:23] tozak : gm
[2024-11-03 04:08:26] Pilot : 1 hour 6 mins
[2024-11-03 04:08:32] Pilot : GANG
[2024-11-03 04:08:37] I Love BitMEX : Up only
[2024-11-03 04:08:38] tozak : whats in 1 hour?
[2024-11-03 04:08:41] I Love BitMEX : 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-11-03 04:08:43] Pilot : tozak: mornin bruh
[2024-11-03 04:08:53] Yourholyhireless : A bullrun ends when a bull run starts
[2024-11-03 04:08:54] tozak : Sup Wings!
[2024-11-03 04:09:09] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: Back in action lets moveup
[2024-11-03 04:09:25] Yourholyhireless : Pilot: below 69k onion sauce
[2024-11-03 04:09:31] tozak : gonna do the quick dunp to 64/65 or not?
[2024-11-03 04:09:36] Pilot : 🔭🔭🔭
[2024-11-03 04:09:43] Symphoenix : You have 10 minutes to read this :
[2024-11-03 04:10:07] Yourholyhireless : :arthur:🔭🍟
[2024-11-03 04:10:19] Yourholyhireless : dont move
[2024-11-03 04:10:52] I Love BitMEX : :bog: *He sold? PAMP EET*
[2024-11-03 04:11:02] Pilot : Symphoenix: information absorbed
[2024-11-03 04:11:07] Pilot : lets get it
[2024-11-03 04:11:40] tozak : No-ice
[2024-11-03 04:12:16] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-11-03 04:13:03] Yourholyhireless : Fries are now in full control of btc
[2024-11-03 04:13:13] Yourholyhireless : 🍟
[2024-11-03 04:13:20] tozak : its bit worrying no matter where we are or what price we are at any time I put a long out it gets grabbed in full instantly, even if out the money
[2024-11-03 04:13:22] Symphoenix : Pilot: :)
[2024-11-03 04:13:33] tozak : I think 64 man!
[2024-11-03 04:14:23] tozak : that would be a wild CME Gap, lol
[2024-11-03 04:14:49] tozak : Thats what they get for not trading 24/7 with zero sleep, softies
[2024-11-03 04:15:13] tozak : CME Traders aren't real traders
[2024-11-03 04:16:00] Symphoenix : I have also this :
[2024-11-03 04:16:46] tozak : come next week I doubt any long alt position be left
[2024-11-03 04:16:48] I Love BitMEX : Get cucked bears!
[2024-11-03 04:17:03] Yourholyhireless : i now drive to Mc Donalds for rest of the week bye
[2024-11-03 04:17:06] tozak : yeah stick em a candle
[2024-11-03 04:17:15] ninnk : Symphoenix: scalpel.jpg
[2024-11-03 04:17:16] tozak : I doubt but, more down my guess
[2024-11-03 04:17:20] I Love BitMEX : 10 sticks!
[2024-11-03 04:18:55] al guul : Gentlemen!
[2024-11-03 04:19:01] tozak : should I act shocked if we dump?
[2024-11-03 04:19:17] Pilot : nah
[2024-11-03 04:19:46] Symphoenix : my bot is crazy ! It likes to humiliate me ! So i stop trying to prove it is wrong.... Check and balance as they say...
[2024-11-03 04:19:49] Pilot : up and sideways we go
[2024-11-03 04:19:55] tozak : lots of liquid now over 70
[2024-11-03 04:20:07] ninnk : if we dont go below 60500 you cant call it a dump
[2024-11-03 04:20:39] tozak : I reckon Whales gobble up low 60s
[2024-11-03 04:21:09] ninnk : 4 year cycle yadda yadda
[2024-11-03 04:24:24] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: this pump will be glorious
[2024-11-03 04:25:54] I Love BitMEX : These asian bears are really really gay
[2024-11-03 04:26:02] I Love BitMEX : Have you ever seen pandas 🐼?
[2024-11-03 04:26:04] Symphoenix : a few minutes before the powerful wave of short covering !
[2024-11-03 04:26:05] I Love BitMEX : So cute
[2024-11-03 04:26:37] I Love BitMEX : **these are Zhu Su type of gay panda Asian bears, little docks as they say**
[2024-11-03 04:26:55] I Love BitMEX : **arthur hayes trained the Gay Korean panda degenerates well**
[2024-11-03 04:27:31] I Love BitMEX : 3 arrow capital type of scammers
[2024-11-03 04:27:33] I Love BitMEX : Kek
[2024-11-03 04:27:46] Symphoenix : i the meantime, have a break, have a kitkat !
[2024-11-03 04:29:22] I Love BitMEX : tozak: @Pilot @Symphoenix these gae Asians tried to rug pull Europeans lmao
[2024-11-03 04:29:41] I Love BitMEX : **Little do they know that Europeans are masters**
[2024-11-03 04:30:07] I Love BitMEX : **next dump we start colonising china**
[2024-11-03 04:30:12] I Love BitMEX : Be warned Asians
[2024-11-03 04:30:16] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-11-03 04:30:17] Symphoenix : I Love BitMEX: You are a son of Machiavel right ?
[2024-11-03 04:30:22] I Love BitMEX : Symphoenix: yes
[2024-11-03 04:30:29] Symphoenix : I Love BitMEX: NIIIIIICE
[2024-11-03 04:30:49] Symphoenix : and pumpin and pumpin and mumpin !!!
[2024-11-03 04:30:54] I Love BitMEX : Symphoenix: direct descendant of the Mighty Lords Bogdanoffs @admin can confirm
[2024-11-03 04:31:27] Symphoenix : I Love BitMEX: Damn, they died because of covid ! Too bad !
[2024-11-03 04:31:34] Symphoenix : so sad
[2024-11-03 04:31:40] Symphoenix : told yaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[2024-11-03 04:31:41] I Love BitMEX : Symphoenix: yes may them rest in heaven. God bless.
[2024-11-03 04:31:53] I Love BitMEX : Their spirit flows through me
[2024-11-03 04:32:01] Symphoenix : good to know !
[2024-11-03 04:32:56] Symphoenix : let's unplug the brain for a minute :
[2024-11-03 04:33:45] I Love BitMEX : Symphoenix: \(^_^)/
[2024-11-03 04:33:53] Symphoenix : I Love BitMEX: :D
[2024-11-03 04:33:53] tozak : gonna we some big swings com election day now its getting closer in the polls
[2024-11-03 04:35:29] tozak : Anyone here recon Wallstreet will give Trump a new test if he wins? Usually if an election year is near a recession and we change parties within a couple day Wallstreet start they super dumps to see if they can incite a 50 point interest rate cut, at least thats been their playbook in the past
[2024-11-03 04:35:50] Symphoenix : let's see if my theory about global south buying from westerners holds !
[2024-11-03 04:35:51] I Love BitMEX : tozak: trump will be jailed for treason and face a firing squad. Or lifetime jail
[2024-11-03 04:36:04] tozak : This year looks like a perfect setup for that
[2024-11-03 04:36:25] tozak : probs, poor guy, only wnats World Peace
[2024-11-03 04:36:49] I Love BitMEX : tozak: he is a pedo nazi mafia money launderer
[2024-11-03 04:36:54] tozak : Well then WWIII might start 2025 instead of the planned 2026/2027
[2024-11-03 04:36:55] I Love BitMEX : A conman
[2024-11-03 04:36:57] I Love BitMEX : A scammer
[2024-11-03 04:37:01] I Love BitMEX : The biggest kne
[2024-11-03 04:37:03] I Love BitMEX : One
[2024-11-03 04:37:32] I Love BitMEX : tozak: there will be no ww3, russia and ukraine are having peace talks on Monday
[2024-11-03 04:37:44] jjhiijiji : this guy basicaly eats all the bs media gives hum and regurgitates it on trollbox
[2024-11-03 04:37:47] I Love BitMEX : Ukraine war will end by Christmas
[2024-11-03 04:37:55] jjhiijiji : thats why he shorted all the way to 70s and turnedd bullish at the top
[2024-11-03 04:37:57] jjhiijiji : caue hes retarded
[2024-11-03 04:38:05] tozak : I hope he wins so I can enjoy my last year of freedom in 2025 before the crash. then the lock down and martial law then WWIII then a 2 decade modern day post war dark ages
[2024-11-03 04:38:06] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: hello nazi
[2024-11-03 04:38:10] Pilot : ok i am having a quick sleep
[2024-11-03 04:38:14] I Love BitMEX : How does it feel to sell the bottom?
[2024-11-03 04:38:14] Pilot : night kings
[2024-11-03 04:38:17] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-11-03 04:38:34] Pilot : /zen 1h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 1 hour zen mode Pilot. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-11-03 04:38:37] tozak : who sold the bottom?
[2024-11-03 04:38:40] Yourholyhireless : me
[2024-11-03 04:38:42] Symphoenix : US Constitution is NEGATIVE : it doesn't give you any right but restrains governments from doing whatever they want...
[2024-11-03 04:38:43] Yourholyhireless : what else
[2024-11-03 04:39:13] I Love BitMEX : ( ̄^ ̄)
[2024-11-03 04:39:16] tozak : Yourholyhireless: well you will look stupid for that for a couple hours, but later on will not look so bad I recon
[2024-11-03 04:39:50] Berns101 : that was the trump election bottom
[2024-11-03 04:39:53] Symphoenix : What you'll experience in a few minutes is called a "sputnik moment" !
[2024-11-03 04:39:53] Berns101 : imo
[2024-11-03 04:39:59] Berns101 : good shake out
[2024-11-03 04:40:14] Berns101 : wyt time to fk these retailers?
[2024-11-03 04:40:20] tozak : or a spanking moment
[2024-11-03 04:40:27] Symphoenix : tozak: :D
[2024-11-03 04:40:59] tozak : get ready to either fist bump or act surprised
[2024-11-03 04:41:17] tozak : ahhh fun times
[2024-11-03 04:41:17] I Love BitMEX : **SPANK ME DADDY @BitMEX_Arthur** :me:
[2024-11-03 04:41:23] I Love BitMEX : :arthur:
[2024-11-03 04:42:20] tozak : ah crossing MDAs and SMAs now nice might speed up real soon
[2024-11-03 04:42:20] Berns101 : im a legendary member
[2024-11-03 04:42:26] Berns101 : power rangers no avengers
[2024-11-03 04:42:51] tozak : boom 1K up then 19K down lol
[2024-11-03 04:44:12] tozak : I recon I could put money on BTC never ever going over 72K ever again
[2024-11-03 04:49:55] I Love BitMEX : Uuuu
[2024-11-03 04:50:17] tozak : wots going on?
[2024-11-03 04:53:05] I Love BitMEX : tozak: I am fiddling with the market maker .
[2024-11-03 04:53:13] Yourholyhireless : im spending one week at Mc donalds and you?
[2024-11-03 04:53:13] I Love BitMEX : tozak: bogdanoff in control
[2024-11-03 04:53:43] jjhiijiji : imagine thinking this is the bottom
[2024-11-03 04:53:46] tozak : Yourholyhireless: hopefully they feel sorry for me loosing all my BTC trading and offer me some free fries
[2024-11-03 04:54:07] Yourholyhireless : tozak: they will hire
[2024-11-03 04:54:09] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: imagine being so r e traded like your entire bloodline
[2024-11-03 04:54:35] tozak : wow, savage
[2024-11-03 04:56:27] I Love BitMEX : I bought your liquidation
[2024-11-03 04:56:34] I Love BitMEX : I will do it again soon
[2024-11-03 04:56:42] jjhiijiji : hes just salty he shorted all the way to the top and then said i dnt know what im talking about when i said short 70s. poor fellah. im sure his tears are bitter
[2024-11-03 04:56:55] I Love BitMEX : ^ rekt
[2024-11-03 04:57:43] jjhiijiji : hell be fine though he just gotta suck kalamaas dick for 50 dollars and relong till he gets it right
[2024-11-03 04:58:30] jjhiijiji : imagine having a smaller ick than kamala lol
[2024-11-03 04:58:42] I Love BitMEX : Kamala will be @POTUS
[2024-11-03 04:58:57] I Love BitMEX : And you can't do anything about it from your shithole country
[2024-11-03 04:59:28] I Love BitMEX : Even you know kamala is going to be totuși
[2024-11-03 04:59:31] I Love BitMEX : Potus
[2024-11-03 04:59:41] I Love BitMEX : That's why you shorted all in with all your last money
[2024-11-03 04:59:56] I Love BitMEX : Cause you're a nazi fukface that does not like democracy
[2024-11-03 05:00:08] I Love BitMEX : You crave for the 4th reich
[2024-11-03 05:00:14] I Love BitMEX : And I am going to liquidate you.
[2024-11-03 05:00:18] I Love BitMEX : Fuk u.
[2024-11-03 05:00:22] jjhiijiji : i hate nazis andmy ancestors created democrazy
[2024-11-03 05:00:40] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: u a gae French?
[2024-11-03 05:00:42] I Love BitMEX : It figures
[2024-11-03 05:00:45] jjhiijiji : hahah
[2024-11-03 05:00:48] I Love BitMEX : France never won a war!
[2024-11-03 05:00:48] jjhiijiji : french created democracy??
[2024-11-03 05:00:52] jjhiijiji : u fckin retard
[2024-11-03 05:00:53] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: yes
[2024-11-03 05:00:56] jjhiijiji : no they didnt
[2024-11-03 05:00:58] I Love BitMEX : And greek
[2024-11-03 05:01:00] jjhiijiji : the greeks did
[2024-11-03 05:01:06] I Love BitMEX : Kalimera
[2024-11-03 05:01:10] jjhiijiji : gamo tin mana sou
[2024-11-03 05:01:35] I Love BitMEX : So Greek gyros why u like to sell the bottom
[2024-11-03 05:01:44] I Love BitMEX : You like getting ass raped by turks?
[2024-11-03 05:01:51] I Love BitMEX : And you call yourself a proud Greek
[2024-11-03 05:01:54] I Love BitMEX : Imagine that
[2024-11-03 05:01:58] jjhiijiji : hahah this guy
[2024-11-03 05:02:12] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: turks are literally raping your shorts
[2024-11-03 05:02:18] I Love BitMEX : Did you see bch?
[2024-11-03 05:02:23] kchaitanya : jjhiijiji: :doge:
[2024-11-03 05:02:29] jjhiijiji : kchaitanya: yooo :)
[2024-11-03 05:02:37] jjhiijiji : how u doing buddy
[2024-11-03 05:02:50] kchaitanya : what a lovely sunday ... enjoying cheap sats @jjhiijiji :kek:
[2024-11-03 05:03:30] kchaitanya : /position solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 1,000 Cont @ 170.02 ```
[2024-11-03 05:03:38] I Love BitMEX : /position ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: 0.13 ETH @ 2451.5639 ```
[2024-11-03 05:03:43] kchaitanya : /liq solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 0 ```
[2024-11-03 05:03:45] I Love BitMEX : Up only gae greek
[2024-11-03 05:03:52] jjhiijiji : i closed my short early btc from 70s eth from 2600s ;/ waiting to see now
[2024-11-03 05:03:55] kchaitanya : waiting for another dip @jjhiijiji
[2024-11-03 05:03:58] Yourholyhireless : endrun has ended cause bull run has startended
[2024-11-03 05:04:04] Berns101 : this is wht we hate news
[2024-11-03 05:04:09] Yourholyhireless : bullrun never ends to start
[2024-11-03 05:04:14] Berns101 : like wtf will happen on 5th?
[2024-11-03 05:04:24] Berns101 : whos fina win?
[2024-11-03 05:04:26] kchaitanya : Yourholyhireless: bring it down plz
[2024-11-03 05:04:35] kchaitanya : jjhiijiji: superb :clap:
[2024-11-03 05:04:36] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: I like your country and food, don't ne a gae nazi. Europe is our common ground, we have good food too
[2024-11-03 05:04:42] I Love BitMEX : *don't be
[2024-11-03 05:04:44] Yourholyhireless : collapse it up
[2024-11-03 05:05:26] jjhiijiji : dont call me a nazi most of my relatives that lived through that time fought in ww2. if therewas a kill all nazis button id press it now
[2024-11-03 05:05:28] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: our countries are good friends, we come to Greece each summer
[2024-11-03 05:05:33] tozak : Shorts sweating now?
[2024-11-03 05:05:41] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: I apologise then.
[2024-11-03 05:05:49] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: I really do. Sorry
[2024-11-03 05:06:02] kchaitanya : tozak: now its time for shorters to pay
[2024-11-03 05:06:04] jjhiijiji : no worries then x
[2024-11-03 05:06:05] kchaitanya : :arthur:
[2024-11-03 05:06:24] kchaitanya : I Love BitMEX: relax budds
[2024-11-03 05:06:35] tozak : We should sooo go test the waters up at 80K now, can always dump to 20K after, lol
[2024-11-03 05:07:00] kchaitanya : tozak: ye I already have a limit order set at 79k level to short
[2024-11-03 05:07:02] I Love BitMEX : kchaitanya: I am relaxed it's a beautiful autumn morning, it's Sunday, Asians gave is a nice price
[2024-11-03 05:07:21] kchaitanya : I Love BitMEX: :doge:
[2024-11-03 05:07:27] kchaitanya : /orders btcusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: Sell 50,000 USD @ 79544 ```
[2024-11-03 05:07:34] tozak : kchaitanya: well that's getting dodged by 10 cents for sure, lol
[2024-11-03 05:08:29] I Love BitMEX : 200%
[2024-11-03 05:09:11] TG_undefined : ANOTHER FREEEE 100X SHORT
[2024-11-03 05:09:17] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-11-03 05:09:41] TG_undefined : YOU WILL NEVER GET MY 69k SHORT
[2024-11-03 05:09:50] jjhiijiji : im off for family sunday with the kids good luck fellow degens. if this doesnt pump by monday open and ETF peeps gonna panic sell on open prolly.
[2024-11-03 05:10:03] I Love BitMEX : Have fun
[2024-11-03 05:10:07] jjhiijiji : cheers
[2024-11-03 05:10:23] I Love BitMEX : tozak: @TG_undefined @kchaitanya @jjhiijiji this is my trading quant
[2024-11-03 05:10:28] I Love BitMEX : @admin
[2024-11-03 05:11:00] jjhiijiji : I Love BitMEX: 😆😆
[2024-11-03 05:11:01] kchaitanya : I Love BitMEX: :doge:
[2024-11-03 05:11:17] I Love BitMEX : 😁
[2024-11-03 05:11:37] kchaitanya : I Love BitMEX: what was the site you told me sometime back to create big pictures here
[2024-11-03 05:11:52] I Love BitMEX : kchaitanya: twitch quotes
[2024-11-03 05:12:56] kchaitanya : I Love BitMEX: yep yep
[2024-11-03 05:13:28] kchaitanya : ⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠐⢶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⡀⠁⠁⣠⣀⣀⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁ ⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠙⢿⣯⣠⣶⣦⣤⣤⣌⣛⠻⢇⣠⣤⣤⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁ ⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠻⣿⣿⣿⡟⢉⡤⢤⣤⣤⡍⠛⢡⢖⣥⣶⣦⣀⠁⠁ ⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⣠⣿⣿⣿⡏⣭⣶⣿⣿⠟⢿⣦⡡⣿⣿⡇⠁⡙⣷⡀ ⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡞⣿⣿⡟⢀⡀⣿⣿⢻⣿⣿⣀⣁⣿⠏ ⠁⠁⠁⢀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⢰⢻⣿⣇⣈⣴⣿⠟⢨⣛⠛⠛⠉⠁⠁ ⠁⣠⣶⣿⣿⡟⢋⠤⣤⠘⢿⣿⣧⡙⠻⠌⠒⠙⠛⢛⣫⣥⣿⣦⡈⠉⣡⣴⣾⠇ ⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⡇⠁⠙⠷⣤⡙⠻⢿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠟⠋⠁⠁ ⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠻⣄⠁⣀⡀⠉⠙⠒⠂⠉⠍⠉⠉⠉⠉⣩⣍⣁⣂⡈⠠⠂⠁⠁ ⠁⠘⢿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡉⠳⢬⣛⠷⢦⡄⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⣀⣼⣿⣿⠿⠛⠋⠁⠁⠁⠁ ⠁⠁⠁⠉⠻⢿⣿⣿⣷⣦⣬⣍⣓⡒⠒⣒⣂⣠⡬⠽⠓⠂⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁⠁
[2024-11-03 05:13:36] kchaitanya : thanks @I Love BitMEX :kek:
[2024-11-03 05:13:42] tozak : This pump feels like climbing up a massive set of fire stairs on skates holding two platters full of beverages..... like if you get me
[2024-11-03 05:14:08] I Love BitMEX : tozak: yes my little bot is working overtime
[2024-11-03 05:14:18] kchaitanya : tozak: ⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⣠⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⢯⡓⢻⠿⠿⠷⡜⣯⠭⢽⠿⠯⠽⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⣼⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⣥⣝⠂⠐⠈⢸⠿⢆⠱⠯⠄⠈⠸⣛⡒⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣭⡭⢟⣲⣶⡿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠋⠄⠄⣴⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⢶⡀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢟⣛⠿⢿⣷⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠄⢰⠇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⣧ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡹⣭⣛⠳⠶⠬⠭⢭⣝⣛⣛⣛⣫⣭⡥⠄⠸⡄⣶⣶⣾⣿⣿⢇⡟ ⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣭⣛⣛⡛⠳⠶⠶⠶⣶⣶⣶⠶⠄⠄⠄⠙⠮⣽⣛⣫⡵⠊⠁ ⣍⡲⠮⣍⣙⣛⣛⡻⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠖⠂⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣬⣭⣭⣭⣝⣭⣭⣭⣴⣷⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠤⠿⠦⠤⠄⠄
[2024-11-03 05:14:28] I Love BitMEX : tozak: we found supply
[2024-11-03 05:15:16] I Love BitMEX : The alt wipe out wass funny tho
[2024-11-03 05:15:57] I Love BitMEX : But vitalik is the best
[2024-11-03 05:18:12] I Love BitMEX : I'm seeing a lot of positive signs for crypto in the coming months. All the charts and predictions seem to point towards a bullish end of the year. It feels like we've finally bottomed out and are ready for a real upswing. Of course, anything can happen in the crypto world, that's for sure! But I'm feeling optimistic about things finally turning around.
[2024-11-03 05:19:41] tozak : Moving way to slow, a trap is being calculated atm
[2024-11-03 05:21:32] tozak : Mt money is on a fake out reversal. Maybe up first then speed up then pivot and dump super hard.
[2024-11-03 05:22:33] tozak : Or my real favourite, we start a dump, then reversal, super hard pump past 70K then pivot and super hard dump to 60K lol
[2024-11-03 05:23:24] tozak : In retrospec I recon I should have just closed all a week ago and just waited for election
[2024-11-03 05:23:41] I Love BitMEX : tozak:
[2024-11-03 05:25:29] TG_undefined : bro my shorts printing
[2024-11-03 05:25:52] tozak : TP now?
[2024-11-03 05:26:09] tozak : Or wait for sub 40
[2024-11-03 05:26:36] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-11-03 05:27:21] TG_undefined : going to 20k all shorts are safe
[2024-11-03 05:27:54] I Love BitMEX : Yes probably 0 next
[2024-11-03 05:28:25] tozak : Always the 0, lol
[2024-11-03 05:28:38] tozak : Like how's it calculated
[2024-11-03 05:29:01] tozak : A short to 0 and sold sells for infity BTC?
[2024-11-03 05:30:31] I Love BitMEX : tozak: exactly
[2024-11-03 05:31:04] I Love BitMEX : tozak: but until p, derrivatives exchanges would go bankrupt way before that
[2024-11-03 05:31:08] I Love BitMEX : 0
[2024-11-03 05:33:10] tozak : Yeah lots of problems with that, oh well we will find out next hour, lol
[2024-11-03 05:33:39] I Love BitMEX : tozak: I personally think that asian bears aka pandas are just cute
[2024-11-03 05:33:54] I Love BitMEX : Not even real bears, they are cats disguised as cute bears @tozak
[2024-11-03 05:34:08] I Love BitMEX : tozak: a grizzly or a brown bear would absolutely destroyed them
[2024-11-03 05:34:31] I Love BitMEX : Who the f takes a panda seriously nowadays
[2024-11-03 05:34:40] I Love BitMEX : Pandas 🐼 are the clowns 🤡 of bears
[2024-11-03 05:34:55] I Love BitMEX : Replace the black and white with red and white and basically the same.
[2024-11-03 05:36:31] I Love BitMEX : The Asian black bear is very aggressive but again relatively small compared to the European and American ones
[2024-11-03 05:36:43] I Love BitMEX : So tiny bears for tiny dumps
[2024-11-03 05:37:02] I Love BitMEX : Gae Asians gonna get sent emails from Arthur's wallet
[2024-11-03 05:48:24] I Love BitMEX : Bears about their genitals removed
[2024-11-03 05:48:30] I Love BitMEX : **ALL ABOARD**
[2024-11-03 05:53:08] contract details : my bitmex bots are still fcked
[2024-11-03 05:53:22] contract details : they spam stop buys at 78k with or without position
[2024-11-03 05:53:27] contract details : and cant sell only buy :arthur:
[2024-11-03 05:55:36] TG_undefined : 100x short this scam market
[2024-11-03 05:56:26] contract details : bitmex wont let me :Arthur:
[2024-11-03 05:57:17] TG_undefined : literallly 100x short is free money
[2024-11-03 06:00:42] tozak : Bears feeling it now?
[2024-11-03 06:02:03] TG_undefined : this market is such a fkin scam 100x short
[2024-11-03 06:19:24] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : when dump
[2024-11-03 06:19:27] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : :)
[2024-11-03 06:20:11] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : looj at 4H chart ETH
[2024-11-03 06:20:18] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : we have printed a dildo
[2024-11-03 06:22:42] contract details : IS THIS THE BOTTOM GUYS
[2024-11-03 06:22:45] contract details : I WANT CHEAP CORN
[2024-11-03 06:23:37] TG_undefined : 100x short its over
[2024-11-03 06:25:06] Mr.Kazi : 58k still in play
[2024-11-03 06:26:39] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : yea u wish bera
[2024-11-03 06:26:53] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : im waiting here with my grill
[2024-11-03 06:26:53] I Love BitMEX : Imagine being so gae
[2024-11-03 06:27:04] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : I Love BitMEX: 😆😆😆😆
[2024-11-03 06:27:15] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : imagine being gae bera
[2024-11-03 06:28:17] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : look at 1W
[2024-11-03 06:28:25] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : eth shitty
[2024-11-03 06:28:28] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : corn
[2024-11-03 06:28:41] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : like a kunta kinte
[2024-11-03 06:29:20] TG_undefined : another free short look at this scam market lmfao
[2024-11-03 06:29:51] TG_undefined : complete ponzi collapse everywhere
[2024-11-03 06:30:00] I Love BitMEX : Peanut dump so harambe pump
[2024-11-03 06:30:06] I Love BitMEX : Dicks out for harambe!
[2024-11-03 06:30:13] I Love BitMEX : Gorila!
[2024-11-03 06:30:25] TG_undefined : Trumps winning too funny part and still 100x shorts are safe
[2024-11-03 06:31:01] I Love BitMEX : How is trump winnng when he literally gave a microphone a blowjob yesterday love on stage @TG_undefined
[2024-11-03 06:31:07] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : kamala won iowa
[2024-11-03 06:31:08] I Love BitMEX : Tell me more about it
[2024-11-03 06:31:18] I Love BitMEX : Live on stage
[2024-11-03 06:31:19] TG_undefined : Elon won trump the election
[2024-11-03 06:31:26] I Love BitMEX : 😂
[2024-11-03 06:31:28] I Love BitMEX : Retarded
[2024-11-03 06:31:49] TG_undefined : everyone loves elon he won him oenssylvania which was Bidens last time
[2024-11-03 06:31:50] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : buttom shorteres gona wina a rekt medal
[2024-11-03 06:32:19] TG_undefined : its gg Trump wins Elon next president
[2024-11-03 06:32:22] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : are u shorting son?
[2024-11-03 06:32:48] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : tesla cyborg for president
[2024-11-03 06:33:16] TG_undefined : Elon Musk CARRRIED this election lol
[2024-11-03 06:33:46] I Love BitMEX : Bottom shorters are hilarious, they always think they know better. Then the price reverses and they're left holding the bag. Suddenly all their "analysis" goes out the window. Nothing like seeing them panic sell for a nice pump. Don't be the guy who bought puts at the bottom!
[2024-11-03 06:34:00] TG_undefined : the ponzi collapsing 100x short
[2024-11-03 06:34:25] 45th_blown_account : when delulus cry :doge:
[2024-11-03 06:34:47] TG_undefined : Elon most popular Autist in the world won Trump the election
[2024-11-03 06:36:59] I Love BitMEX : Autists lives matter
[2024-11-03 06:37:31] TG_undefined : hes gonna win pennsylvania its gg
[2024-11-03 06:38:53] TG_undefined : im voting Trump tmrw
[2024-11-03 06:39:23] TG_undefined : Voted Biden last time thank me later crypto geeks
[2024-11-03 06:41:15] TG_undefined : literally voted biden cause he was crypto friendly now it switched
[2024-11-03 06:43:09] TG_undefined : now trump wants BTC made in USA so he gets to he in office
[2024-11-03 06:43:49] TG_undefined : btw thats like everyone i know that owns crypto all switched over to Trumpers
[2024-11-03 06:45:04] any random name : LETS ALL AGREE NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN OVER THE NEXT FEW DAY!
[2024-11-03 06:46:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `APEUSDT`: Buy 3523 APE @ 0.981 ($3,348.26) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-11-03 06:46:14] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:14] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:15] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:46:16] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:48:24] I Love BitMEX : Gm gm
[2024-11-03 06:48:30] I Love BitMEX : 🚀
[2024-11-03 06:50:17] TG_undefined : Trump pump incoming
[2024-11-03 06:51:22] TG_undefined : Elon Musk trump rocket
[2024-11-03 06:56:34] tozak : Wot? Says the permanent bear
[2024-11-03 06:56:44] 45th_blown_account : :pepe: the winner
[2024-11-03 06:57:00] 45th_blown_account : he didnt win yet, but who knows who really won ? :pepe:
[2024-11-03 06:58:36] Mr.Kazi : price has been playing a lot up here and it looks so ready to 31k
[2024-11-03 06:58:58] Mr.Kazi : 44k would be the ideal floor
[2024-11-03 07:04:17] TG_undefined : Elon Musk is a Winner he put Trump in office
[2024-11-03 07:04:36] I Love BitMEX : Mr.Kazi: yes, I think 0 is reasonable target and outcome .
[2024-11-03 07:05:45] TG_undefined : Fading Elong Musk Trump Win is like fading Elons Rocket🚀
[2024-11-03 07:10:08] I Love BitMEX : Bears trying so hard
[2024-11-03 07:10:11] I Love BitMEX : It's hilarious
[2024-11-03 07:10:21] I Love BitMEX : Market maker confused ✔️ ✅️
[2024-11-03 07:11:22] TG_undefined : Elong Musk will bring us to Mars with Trump
[2024-11-03 07:11:30] I Love BitMEX : Time to kill this market for good
[2024-11-03 07:11:39] I Love BitMEX : 💀
[2024-11-03 07:11:47] YevKam : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[2024-11-03 07:11:54] TG_undefined : Glorious days ahead
[2024-11-03 07:12:09] I Love BitMEX : Imagine if trump dies tonight
[2024-11-03 07:12:11] I Love BitMEX : ^
[2024-11-03 07:12:27] YevKam : I Love BitMEX: btc 1k
[2024-11-03 07:12:27] I Love BitMEX : Instant crypto to 0
[2024-11-03 07:12:30] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-11-03 07:12:31] TG_undefined : keep dreaming its going to be a Musk Trump show to Mars🚀
[2024-11-03 07:12:46] YevKam : TG_undefined: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[2024-11-03 07:13:18] TG_undefined : Glorious days of trump and Elon in the office are ahead Golden age of BITCOIN
[2024-11-03 07:13:23] Symphoenix : in pump we trusk !
[2024-11-03 07:13:31] I Love BitMEX : Market maker suddenly decreased spread
[2024-11-03 07:13:33] I Love BitMEX : Lmao
[2024-11-03 07:13:36] I Love BitMEX : Pussy
[2024-11-03 07:13:39] I Love BitMEX : Hahahahhahaha
[2024-11-03 07:13:42] I Love BitMEX : Hahahahahahhahahahaha
[2024-11-03 07:14:09] TG_undefined : I love Elon I love Trump I love Bitcoin 2025 to MARS🚀
[2024-11-03 07:14:53] I Love BitMEX : Angry gay bears
[2024-11-03 07:14:55] MarginMadman : HODLERS
[2024-11-03 07:14:55] I Love BitMEX : Lmaooo
[2024-11-03 07:15:06] TG_undefined : Elon will help Trump win and put Bitcoin on Mars
[2024-11-03 07:15:19] I Love BitMEX : **Hey bears at least send it to 0 in 15 minute candle**
[2024-11-03 07:15:31] I Love BitMEX : Weak pathetic bears
[2024-11-03 07:15:59] TG_undefined : ELON carrying TRUMP to PRESIDENCY
[2024-11-03 07:17:14] TG_undefined : just think about it Trump President, Elon launching rockets to Mars, Bitcoin pumping to 70k
[2024-11-03 07:21:58] contract details : god bless elon trump
[2024-11-03 07:23:22] TG_undefined : who killed the ponzi whys it so weak
[2024-11-03 07:23:31] I Love BitMEX : **come on bears liquidate all your coins and send this ponzi to 0**
[2024-11-03 07:24:15] I Love BitMEX : Pathetic
[2024-11-03 07:24:25] I Love BitMEX : I'm off these cocksuckers are boring
[2024-11-03 07:24:29] I Love BitMEX : Enjoy your Sunday
[2024-11-03 07:24:34] I Love BitMEX : /zen 1h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 1 hour zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-11-03 07:24:36] Symphoenix : top
[2024-11-03 07:24:47] TG_undefined : fking scam market
[2024-11-03 07:25:32] TG_undefined : crypto geeks panic shorting what a scam
[2024-11-03 07:33:51] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : buttom shorters
[2024-11-03 07:33:59] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : preparato
[2024-11-03 07:35:32] TG_undefined : you guys are pathetic geeks deserve lower
[2024-11-03 07:35:42] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : gae
[2024-11-03 07:35:48] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : bera
[2024-11-03 07:36:01] TG_undefined : panic shorting
[2024-11-03 07:36:14] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : look at orderbook
[2024-11-03 07:38:32] TG_undefined : this ponzi is cooked
[2024-11-03 07:47:53] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : ups
[2024-11-03 07:48:04] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : smell damp cencelation
[2024-11-03 07:48:45] TG_undefined : look at this scam its over
[2024-11-03 07:49:57] TG_undefined : down only ponzi
[2024-11-03 07:50:23] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : someone is overlevared
[2024-11-03 07:50:27] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : buttom shorter
[2024-11-03 07:50:29] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : gae
[2024-11-03 07:51:15] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : all trap all rekt
[2024-11-03 07:51:27] TG_undefined : crypto is the biggest fking scam ponzi
[2024-11-03 07:52:10] XRP GOD : Trump loosing 🔻📉🛬
[2024-11-03 07:53:06] TG_undefined : fking geek scam market
[2024-11-03 07:54:06] TG_undefined : trump winning and u geeks still panic shorting want to stay poor
[2024-11-03 08:02:07] 45th_blown_account : trump lost ? :doge:
[2024-11-03 08:02:27] 45th_blown_account : lol, Elon`s money bye bye