BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-30 22:35:28] Joeyy132 : It’s showing a lot of weakness here at 72
[2024-10-30 22:35:32] Joeyy132 : 72.7
[2024-10-30 22:35:34] Yourholyhireless : :arthur: 😂
[2024-10-30 22:35:37] Joeyy132 : keeps rejecting
[2024-10-30 22:35:45] contract details : Yourholyhireless: iarrr :(
[2024-10-30 22:36:15] Yourholyhireless : bluemaster: 😳😂
[2024-10-30 22:36:38] Yourholyhireless : PeacenLuv: 😳😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[2024-10-30 22:36:41] Joeyy132 : I’m praying for 75 but it’s not looking good
[2024-10-30 22:36:56] Yourholyhireless : :arthur: garrrr
[2024-10-30 22:37:01] Joeyy132 : Need a miracle
[2024-10-30 22:37:03] Yourholyhireless : wallet looks good
[2024-10-30 22:37:07] Joeyy132 : dont like relying on hope
[2024-10-30 22:40:35] Yourholyhireless : 100x short is the reality
[2024-10-30 22:42:49] elChisoso : You can always pay for :fries: using money.
[2024-10-30 22:44:09] Dario1 : Regarding weakness, I heard MMs like to read Sun Tzu’s Art of War.
[2024-10-30 22:44:27] Dario1 : Where he says: All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
[2024-10-30 22:49:35] Dario1 : Here is a clip from a movie called Wall Street
[2024-10-30 22:49:42] Dario1 :
[2024-10-30 22:52:27] Yourholyhireless : next target: hamburger
[2024-10-30 22:52:34] bluemaster : I don't use any indicator ,just following money and money doesn't lie ...if 59-60k hold we are safe for next level up ,simple us that !
[2024-10-30 22:52:35] Yourholyhireless : :downrocket:
[2024-10-30 22:52:52] Yourholyhireless : Mc Donalds is safe
[2024-10-30 22:54:12] Dario1 : But then again more retail has to short in order for them to see more profits by pumping and liquidating them
[2024-10-30 22:54:29] Dario1 : so we need more bearish propaganda
[2024-10-30 22:54:40] Dario1 : :kek:
[2024-10-30 22:54:52] Dario1 : :downrocket:
[2024-10-30 22:54:57] MrBritcoin : Dario1: this market has been drawn here via spoofing alone you only have to look at the orderbook an compaire recent tradesif you hover over the depthchart an scroll out it tightens up an the order book your then seen the spoofing at its worst its been artificialy pulled here question is when it ends it will be really bad crash
[2024-10-30 22:56:28] MrBritcoin : the big question is who is responsible for this
[2024-10-30 22:57:04] danielm11 :
[2024-10-30 22:57:12] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: I would love to see a nice crash after ATH. You know how many months I have been asking bear bros to crash it to at least 40k
[2024-10-30 22:58:40] danielm11 : what if the exchanges have so much liquidity vs traders the price doesn't even matter? it will never rise or fall as much as we think it will
[2024-10-30 22:59:09] danielm11 : just constant anticipation and then it moves the other way and repeat until everyone loses
[2024-10-30 23:00:29] MrBritcoin : so the market is just a hoover sucking trades up it seems
[2024-10-30 23:01:12] MrBritcoin : only winner seems to be the exchange an they charge you a fee for it
[2024-10-30 23:01:32] danielm11 : its unregulated, so it is the logical inevitable conclusion when unchecked greed continues to grow
[2024-10-30 23:01:44] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: We are after all in unregulated markets and it was our own choice to keep playing this game, despite that. I mean nobody forced us to trade crypto
[2024-10-30 23:04:45] MrBritcoin : Dario1: yes i hear your point but if it is artificial then what is the point
[2024-10-30 23:05:07] danielm11 : the point is for us to lose money
[2024-10-30 23:05:31] MrBritcoin : so that makes sence hay
[2024-10-30 23:07:03] PeacenLuv : 😑 @Yourhopumputtup bitcoin lezgoolyhireless
[2024-10-30 23:07:30] MrBritcoin : so we are here to line some other folks pocket are we i best make an exchange then
[2024-10-30 23:07:45] Joeyy132 : MrBritcoin: if you know how they play you should be able to win
[2024-10-30 23:07:49] Joeyy132 : you ain’t gotta beat them
[2024-10-30 23:07:53] Joeyy132 : you gotta beat yourself
[2024-10-30 23:09:59] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: Some of it is artificial for sure but there are at least 20 major MMs active here competing with each other. Each of them have their own different objectives and strategies opposing each other. That’s where the real war is, behind the scenes…
[2024-10-30 23:11:43] MrBritcoin : so you pointing out or to one of those twenty spoofing the market or a couple of them
[2024-10-30 23:13:23] MrBritcoin : because its clearly accounts with the capital to place the orders for spoofing the market yes
[2024-10-30 23:14:05] speedwell : Do we still get the scam wicks like the old days?
[2024-10-30 23:14:46] danielm11 : see 5m chart at 20:00
[2024-10-30 23:15:13] MrBritcoin : Dario1: or could it still be the internal trading desk wich clearly still excists on this platform
[2024-10-30 23:15:45] MrBritcoin : coming back to trading against its customers
[2024-10-30 23:16:43] speedwell : danielm11: 300 drop ain't so bad.
[2024-10-30 23:17:01] danielm11 : still a scam wick
[2024-10-30 23:17:35] speedwell : 700 over 10mins
[2024-10-30 23:17:56] speedwell : so yeah, nice clean out before the run.
[2024-10-30 23:18:13] speedwell : after a sharp rise too.
[2024-10-30 23:21:13] Joeyy132 : Bitcoin is supposed to take your money
[2024-10-30 23:21:17] Joeyy132 : It’s ok
[2024-10-30 23:21:25] Joeyy132 : Give it for the cause
[2024-10-30 23:21:57] Joeyy132 : Remember
[2024-10-30 23:22:01] Joeyy132 : traders get rekt
[2024-10-30 23:22:10] Joeyy132 : Don’t be a trader
[2024-10-30 23:22:13] Joeyy132 : be a degen
[2024-10-30 23:23:49] MrBritcoin : Joeyy132: well clearly thats what they pray on being they provide 250x on this exchange
[2024-10-30 23:24:05] MrBritcoin : makes it easy for them hay
[2024-10-30 23:25:11] Joeyy132 : At the end of the day it’s always all on you
[2024-10-30 23:25:17] Joeyy132 : you click the button nobody else
[2024-10-30 23:26:50] MrBritcoin : sure but its not a fair trade if the odds are against you before you press the button hay
[2024-10-30 23:28:50] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: I wouldn’t necessarily label it as spoofing and I still remember the video you posted here 3 years ago about spoofing. I think it’s not wise for me to talk about these sensitive subjects and make certain conclusions without solid evidence, but even if there was any internal trading desk back when bitmex was a major player, it doesn’t make much sense for it to be active now.
[2024-10-30 23:29:17] Dario1 : Because they lost almost 50% market share and now just 0.5% or something. So if they want to move the price, doing it on bitmex alone with their internal trading desk won’t suffice.
[2024-10-30 23:29:32] Dario1 : They have to run bots on at least 50 exchanges simultaneously. They might as well have an external market making company take care of that, but I just remembered we talked about this years ago :arthur:
[2024-10-30 23:30:21] elChisoso : Joeyy132: but the button is there tho.
[2024-10-30 23:30:42] elChisoso : would be easier to avoid the button if it was gone
[2024-10-30 23:32:22] MrBritcoin : Dario1: if you were on to a money maker would you give it up i dont think you would i think you would just make it on accounts with bots so its not so obvoiuse to see 100 accounts with bots linked up an i can physically see it happening with the order book an the walls going up on the depth chart soon as i enter a trade here
[2024-10-30 23:33:09] MrBritcoin : the market insa goes against me an then you can see the shuffle of trade in the book an depth chart
[2024-10-30 23:34:11] MrBritcoin : to make the market go agaist me ican almost proove it if i could dockument it
[2024-10-30 23:34:49] MrBritcoin : but that is a task in its self
[2024-10-30 23:34:52] elChisoso : No worries, as long as the :fries: are paid for, you can eat them.
[2024-10-30 23:37:34] MrBritcoin : so either my trades are shared to others or the bots have been set on my trades to counter them
[2024-10-30 23:38:27] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: You have a point. Remember CZ had hundreds of fake accounts running trading bots? I heard he was active on more exchanges, including bitmex. So we really have no clue what exactly is going on and those who know all the details wouldn’t talk about it in public anyway. Therefore let’s enjoy life 🍷
[2024-10-30 23:41:34] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: As far as I know MMs make decisions based on statistics. They don’t target anyone specifically…
[2024-10-30 23:43:52] MrBritcoin : Dario1: well as i see it it needs talking about if you ask me because it aint right im not just pointing at bitmex but id say it is the hubie the centre of it for sure being every thing is so skued here i dont know much about CZ as im not or never have been interested with binance as its banned in the uk an has been for some timenow
[2024-10-30 23:44:51] Dario1 : If they want to target someone specifically then they have to move the price on at least 50 exchanges simultaneously. That requires a lot of capital and a lot of risks involved because their competitor MMs are waiting for them patiently to make a wrong move
[2024-10-30 23:46:32] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: You are absolutely right. We should be free to talk about everything . Nothing wrong with speculating as long as we don’t make certain statements or conclusions without solid evidence
[2024-10-30 23:46:59] Dario1 : because there can be legal consequences 😛
[2024-10-30 23:48:14] MrBritcoin : well not really due to the fact they can move it both ways there money is pretty secure id imagen like iv said you can see the order books shuffle funds about so it seems pretty set up with bots alone
[2024-10-30 23:48:15] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: It really sucks that a lot of exchanges are banned in UK and NL
[2024-10-30 23:48:59] MrBritcoin : well there is a reason for it i guess
[2024-10-30 23:49:07] Dario1 : but you can always register an offshore proprietary trading company in a country where it’s allowed
[2024-10-30 23:49:18] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: yes ofc
[2024-10-30 23:49:49] bmagic : Why so much doom
[2024-10-30 23:50:17] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: DMCC freezone in dubai is very popular for crypto companies
[2024-10-30 23:55:46] MrBritcoin : bmagic: because i can see the spoofing an fowl play within bitmex trading agaist me there is something very odd about bitmex im really wondering if its my charts that screw there earnings up an they are trying there best to push me outan they have done that
[2024-10-30 23:56:03] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: One MM can move it both ways but there will be consequences because other MMs are watching their moved and will take advantage of the situation and bankrupt their MM competitor. That’s when the game theory and the chaos theory come handy
[2024-10-30 23:56:24] Dario1 : moves*
[2024-10-30 23:56:54] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: told you to long at 68k
[2024-10-30 23:57:22] SangFrais : but you and some others shorted all the way up
[2024-10-30 23:57:47] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: im good dont worry about me but im seeing the reality of bitmex an how there playing the game
[2024-10-30 23:58:20] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: bitmex is a baby exchange now, your grief shouldnt be with them
[2024-10-31 00:00:08] MrBritcoin : well scalping on bitmex is a problem its fixed so you cant do it its a shame for me because i like the format but if no gains no play its assimple as that
[2024-10-31 00:01:57] MrBritcoin : fo rexample iv made twice my account on other exchanges to day using the same set up indicatosr but when on bitmex it using the the same play they change the the indicator an market
[2024-10-31 00:02:17] MrBritcoin : really funny how that is dont you think
[2024-10-31 00:03:33] SangFrais : make a video about it so we can clearly see the evidence please, then you can get the recognition too and wont have to discuss in text
[2024-10-31 00:05:02] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: you know something i might just do that
[2024-10-31 00:05:55] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: that would be much appreciated mate
[2024-10-31 00:06:20] MrBritcoin : ill be back 🤖
[2024-10-31 00:06:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SUIUSDT`: Sell 18 SUI @ 2.0723 ($37.29)
[2024-10-31 00:07:02] speedwell : It's a new day...
[2024-10-31 00:08:09] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: +1
[2024-10-31 00:08:28] Dario1 : New day new chances…
[2024-10-31 00:08:39] Dario1 : Oh happy days
[2024-10-31 00:09:10] Vitaliksb!tch : Wtf we still here
[2024-10-31 00:09:11] Dario1 : One day we might look back and review our life
[2024-10-31 00:09:28] SangFrais : speedwell: @Dario1 lol
[2024-10-31 00:09:54] Dario1 : and come to the conclusion that these days were actually our best days :arthur:
[2024-10-31 00:10:12] Dario1 : imagine we live under a bridge
[2024-10-31 00:10:32] Dario1 : it’s damn cold at night
[2024-10-31 00:10:42] Dario1 : snowing too :kek:
[2024-10-31 00:11:25] SangFrais : Dario1: videogaming days were good but that was 10+ years ago
[2024-10-31 00:11:31] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: although It will take time to record two situations the same to record them both as a fair representation
[2024-10-31 00:12:12] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: that would be epic, do take your time for accurate analysis
[2024-10-31 00:12:20] speedwell : SangFrais: + 1
[2024-10-31 00:12:29] Dario1 : SangFrais: Nice song m8 lol
[2024-10-31 00:12:57] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: i will give it a go
[2024-10-31 00:13:21] Dario1 : SangFrais: haha same last games I played was Civ3 and Fifa 2012
[2024-10-31 00:13:35] speedwell : Strong buy signal on all time formats. Lets see how we go?
[2024-10-31 00:14:39] MrBritcoin : speedwell: so your not seeing a head an shoulders at resistance no?
[2024-10-31 00:15:44] SangFrais : imo we need to pump hard to maintain momentum otherwise down
[2024-10-31 00:15:58] speedwell : MrBritcoin: A possible low of 71.4
[2024-10-31 00:16:09] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-31 00:18:31] SangFrais : Dario1: i played black ops 6 zombies its pretty good with friends
[2024-10-31 00:18:45] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: yep love if it dont pump soon it will get dump hard
[2024-10-31 00:18:56] MrBritcoin : speedwell: an id imagen you havent seen the cup an handle
[2024-10-31 00:20:13] speedwell : MrBritcoin: where do you think todays close will be?
[2024-10-31 00:20:20] kroleg666 : 42k
[2024-10-31 00:21:50] Dario1 : SangFrais: Looks great. I prefer strategy based games. Waiting for Civ 7 which will be released next year feb
[2024-10-31 00:22:50] MrBritcoin : speedwell: i dont think it will move far being the system will wait for the monthly wages to come in from retail then there dump on there fomo buys
[2024-10-31 00:22:52] kroleg666 : SMAC still better
[2024-10-31 00:23:42] speedwell : MrBritcoin: Interesting.
[2024-10-31 00:23:53] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah i prefer strategy games more too, i still play company of heroes 2, its epic especially on high skill level
[2024-10-31 00:24:42] bmagic : Im shorting this below 71k
[2024-10-31 00:24:51] SangFrais : bmagic: lol
[2024-10-31 00:26:00] Dario1 : SangFrais: First time I hear about this game but looks fun to play
[2024-10-31 00:26:28] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah its like $5 on sale
[2024-10-31 00:27:22] SangFrais : very micromanagement game
[2024-10-31 00:28:17] Dario1 : SangFrais: didn’t know games are so damn cheap these days
[2024-10-31 00:28:47] Dario1 : I see
[2024-10-31 00:29:12] Vitaliksb!tch : Sell btc buy $5 games
[2024-10-31 00:29:23] Dario1 : :arthur:
[2024-10-31 00:29:27] Vitaliksb!tch : More fun than these charts
[2024-10-31 00:29:30] SangFrais : Dario1: its 12 years old but theres a lot of separate DLC you can see price chart here
[2024-10-31 00:29:35] SangFrais : Vitaliksb!tch: very true
[2024-10-31 00:30:35] Vitaliksb!tch : Fuk this I'm going to sleep nyt peeps
[2024-10-31 00:32:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1000 USD @ 72089.2
[2024-10-31 00:33:06] Dario1 : SangFrais: I see. I’m starting to feel old now. We didn’t have these things when I was younger 😛
[2024-10-31 00:33:23] kroleg666 : 99% of new games suck
[2024-10-31 00:33:27] kroleg666 : casual woke garbage
[2024-10-31 00:33:40] "it will be........" : .
[2024-10-31 00:33:49] kroleg666 : .
[2024-10-31 00:33:59] "it will be........" : +1
[2024-10-31 00:35:15] Dario1 : .
[2024-10-31 00:35:28] Dario1 : kroleg666: yep indeed
[2024-10-31 00:35:53] TG_Pilipili999 : that fil sheitcoin was at 200$ now it's 3
[2024-10-31 00:36:38] speedwell : The immutable TG is back!
[2024-10-31 00:36:59] TG_Pilipili999 : hello ser
[2024-10-31 00:37:12] SangFrais : Dario1: some people die and regret not having enough fun some people die regret not focusing on relations enough but money can always be made and its almost never a regret
[2024-10-31 00:38:12] speedwell : SangFrais: You can't do it all. Health Family Money. Choose two.
[2024-10-31 00:38:13] yellowpig : 🐽
[2024-10-31 00:38:30] "it will be........" : The TG guild, only the most annoying allowed in
[2024-10-31 00:38:43] yellowpig : lol
[2024-10-31 00:38:45] speedwell : "it will be........": +1
[2024-10-31 00:38:49] TG_Pilipili999 : immutable x good long too you right
[2024-10-31 00:39:02] "it will be........" : the pilipilis, the bitcoinsss, the ILB's and such
[2024-10-31 00:39:17] Dario1 : SangFrais: Wise words, bro. Wife tells me the exact same thing. I think no matter what I do, I will regret it anyway hehe
[2024-10-31 00:39:31] yellowpig : Noom wants to play
[2024-10-31 00:39:42] yellowpig : 😒
[2024-10-31 00:39:49] Dario1 : yellowpig: Noom account still disabled?
[2024-10-31 00:40:02] yellowpig : Dario1: all try
[2024-10-31 00:40:28] Dario1 : yellowpig: what’s the reason behind it?
[2024-10-31 00:40:35] SangFrais : speedwell: still have friends that have all three of those but no satisfaction/happiness
[2024-10-31 00:40:47] yellowpig : Dario1: didn't ask not sure
[2024-10-31 00:41:38] yellowpig : 😢
[2024-10-31 00:42:12] Dario1 : yellowpig: we can always start a campaign to bring noom back to tb
[2024-10-31 00:42:23] yellowpig : 😘
[2024-10-31 00:42:45] yellowpig : 🚀🚀🚀™️
[2024-10-31 00:43:03] yellowpig : Dario1: seen bot42
[2024-10-31 00:43:10] Dario1 : 😘 :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-31 00:43:32] Dario1 : yellowpig: he disappeared weeks ago. He is also canadian
[2024-10-31 00:43:46] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: what exchange you trading on these days then
[2024-10-31 00:43:50] Dario1 : but I heard his 65k short didn’t go very well
[2024-10-31 00:43:52] yellowpig : Dario1: 👍
[2024-10-31 00:44:01] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: just spot
[2024-10-31 00:44:02] Dario1 : not sure if his account was disabled as well
[2024-10-31 00:44:19] yellowpig : probably
[2024-10-31 00:44:22] bmagic : Will be a large alt pump now
[2024-10-31 00:44:24] bmagic : Lets go
[2024-10-31 00:44:56] yellowpig : Dario1: noob ad-min don't know
[2024-10-31 00:45:04] Dario1 : yellowpig: lol indeed
[2024-10-31 00:45:55] Berns101 : top imo lets see if Donald is priced in already
[2024-10-31 00:46:11] Berns101 : might sell the 5th or just sit now
[2024-10-31 00:46:12] Berns101 : gl
[2024-10-31 00:46:35] Berns101 : im not a sheep so im not a good indicator for market makers imo
[2024-10-31 00:46:47] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: really i thought you would be trading the hell out of this
[2024-10-31 00:46:51] Berns101 : you want to find a casual pleb im more of lion...
[2024-10-31 00:47:05] Berns101 : so less for you
[2024-10-31 00:47:25] Berns101 : sheep will be more for you... as more sheeps exist... duhhhhh...
[2024-10-31 00:47:30] Berns101 : ngr
[2024-10-31 00:47:38] Berns101 : use brain
[2024-10-31 00:47:55] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: 😢
[2024-10-31 00:48:02] Berns101 : i think its priced in already imo
[2024-10-31 00:48:07] Berns101 : gn gl
[2024-10-31 00:48:40] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: $65057/$59013 on the radar
[2024-10-31 00:48:47] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: hows the bee hive been
[2024-10-31 00:48:58] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: no luck
[2024-10-31 00:49:14] MrBritcoin : no way shame
[2024-10-31 00:49:32] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: put it aside for now
[2024-10-31 00:49:50] Yourholyhireless : bullrun curva :downrocket:
[2024-10-31 00:49:53] Yourholyhireless : bull run
[2024-10-31 00:50:01] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: i thought they would look after there self really
[2024-10-31 00:50:21] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: you would think
[2024-10-31 00:50:48] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: dont foprget the gaps one at 53k on just below us aswel for the weekend
[2024-10-31 00:50:59] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: just seeing in i catch a wild swarm now
[2024-10-31 00:51:26] TG_Pilipili999 : quick pamp
[2024-10-31 00:51:50] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: 53k look like a good bottom
[2024-10-31 00:51:53] Joeyy132 : Back to 71k
[2024-10-31 00:51:59] Joeyy132 : Lfggg
[2024-10-31 00:52:03] Joeyy132 : Haha
[2024-10-31 00:52:06] Joeyy132 : shambled
[2024-10-31 00:52:42] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: holding $71752 key here
[2024-10-31 00:52:50] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: id say with the liqs it will fall harder than expected
[2024-10-31 00:53:06] Yourholyhireless : 2 k
[2024-10-31 00:53:22] Joeyy132 : Yourholyhireless: fall 2k?
[2024-10-31 00:53:27] Joeyy132 : Likely
[2024-10-31 00:53:32] Yourholyhireless : to 2k per btc
[2024-10-31 00:53:40] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: roomers are bears pool at 74k
[2024-10-31 00:54:07] yellowpig : 🐻🔫
[2024-10-31 00:54:13] MoonBruv : below 87k is nonsense
[2024-10-31 00:54:23] MoonBruv : somewhere between 87 and 93 very soon
[2024-10-31 00:54:28] MoonBruv : is. where we need to be
[2024-10-31 00:54:39] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: 1 year has been cleaned out for sells now
[2024-10-31 00:54:53] speedwell : accumulation...
[2024-10-31 00:55:58] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: think sideways up slightly
[2024-10-31 00:58:27] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: 1 year on this been cleared stop hunt a liqs so seems kinda blank space an with open interest so low its any ones game at this point
[2024-10-31 00:59:10] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: hows the election looking
[2024-10-31 00:59:21] MrBritcoin : your end
[2024-10-31 00:59:28] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: very polar
[2024-10-31 00:59:34] Yourholyhireless : 90 ° down november
[2024-10-31 01:00:05] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: its like there is two country's
[2024-10-31 01:00:09] MrBritcoin : did you see the rogan show with him on lol
[2024-10-31 01:00:18] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: some of it
[2024-10-31 01:00:35] yellowpig : :pepe:
[2024-10-31 01:00:38] speedwell : yellowpig: There are, the haves and the have nots.
[2024-10-31 01:00:39] yellowpig : hehe
[2024-10-31 01:00:43] MrBritcoin : i thought it was good myself
[2024-10-31 01:01:02] yellowpig : speedwell: 😆
[2024-10-31 01:02:39] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: the ladys are smashing the reels on facebook 😘
[2024-10-31 01:03:22] yellowpig : next gen going to be vary lucky boys
[2024-10-31 01:04:14] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: alot of them are ai not even real lol
[2024-10-31 01:05:03] MrBritcoin : just like this spoofed market
[2024-10-31 01:06:09] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: ya i guess
[2024-10-31 01:06:35] MrBritcoin : its hard to spot them on a small screen ie the phone
[2024-10-31 01:08:04] yellowpig : MrBritcoin:
[2024-10-31 01:08:17] yellowpig : 😎
[2024-10-31 01:09:31] MrBritcoin : yellowpig:
[2024-10-31 01:12:17] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: 😊
[2024-10-31 01:12:31] TG_Pilipili999 : to the ATH we go
[2024-10-31 01:18:00] MoonBruv : :rocket:
[2024-10-31 01:19:53] MrBritcoin : yellowpig: anyway nice chatting see you around again
[2024-10-31 01:20:12] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: hopefully
[2024-10-31 01:21:37] yellowpig : ...
[2024-10-31 01:39:09] Yourholyhireless : my bullrun shorts more than all bear market
[2024-10-31 01:39:16] Yourholyhireless : 😳
[2024-10-31 01:40:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ENAUSDT`: Sell 11000 ENA @ 0.3548 ($3,902.80) - Another cow slaughtered
[2024-10-31 01:41:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `WLDUSDT`: Sell 11 WLD @ 1.967 ($21.63)
[2024-10-31 01:46:22] Yourholyhireless : bullrun has ended
[2024-10-31 01:46:27] Yourholyhireless : bull run has started
[2024-10-31 01:46:35] meeeepo : JUST IN: BlackRock bought $875 MILLION in #Bitcoin for its ETF today.
[2024-10-31 01:46:41] meeeepo : no price movement?
[2024-10-31 01:50:44] Dario1 : ATH within hours :rocket:
[2024-10-31 01:56:08] Dario1 : I just hope the majority of retail don’t long it, because then dumping will become more profitable for them
[2024-10-31 01:56:42] Dario1 : so more bearish propaganda needed :arthur:
[2024-10-31 02:00:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSDT`: Buy 240 DOGE @ 0.17245 ($41.37)
[2024-10-31 02:01:32] speedwell : Dario1: Nothing in the 'news'. It's like there is a blackout?
[2024-10-31 02:06:13] Dario1 : speedwell: Not sure, but I’m fine with any blackout as long as it’s purpose is pumping to ATH 😜
[2024-10-31 02:08:42] speedwell : Dario1: Tell the public after the pump...then dump?
[2024-10-31 02:09:23] speedwell : on them
[2024-10-31 02:11:00] Dario1 : speedwell: Great strategy :arthur:
[2024-10-31 02:11:14] Dario1 : JUST IN: Data from CoinGlass shows that Bitcoin futures open interest (OI) hit an all-time high on Oct. 29 as BTC price broke past $73,000 for the first time since March.
[2024-10-31 02:11:33] Dario1 : High OI indicates that there is significant investor interest in Bitcoin. When open interest increases along with BTC prices, it suggests new money is coming into the market amid increasing demand, indicating a strengthening trend.
[2024-10-31 02:12:42] speedwell : You can imagine blackrock wants to buy as much as it cam before retail finds out.
[2024-10-31 02:13:41] Dario1 : speedwell: for sure
[2024-10-31 02:14:15] Yourholyhireless : he he bull run :downrocket:
[2024-10-31 02:15:07] bmagic : Its an alt run for sure
[2024-10-31 02:15:28] bmagic : Not sure about bitcoin acting like a sheeitcoin yet
[2024-10-31 02:15:50] Dario1 : Back a few months ago there was a secretive deal between Blackrock and Coinbase
[2024-10-31 02:17:10] Dario1 : So the bitcoin market is not as transparent as before after that deal. It’s open to more manipulation, which makes TA harder and less accurate
[2024-10-31 02:17:23] Dario1 :
[2024-10-31 02:17:51] bmagic : Was it called operation CoinrOCK?
[2024-10-31 02:17:57] big horse tip : MEGA GOD PUMP
[2024-10-31 02:18:17] Dario1 : bmagic: lol
[2024-10-31 02:18:42] bmagic : /position solusdt ``` :bitmex: SOLUSDT: 85 SOL @ 175.31124 ```
[2024-10-31 02:18:43] big horse tip : NEVER END BULL MARKET
[2024-10-31 02:18:43] bmagic : Ez
[2024-10-31 02:26:28] Yourholyhireless : big horse tip: bull run never end :downrocket:
[2024-10-31 02:26:56] DanishDG : Bmex fail
[2024-10-31 02:31:34] speedwell : Dario1: Imagine BR could pump and dump at will?
[2024-10-31 02:31:55] SangFrais : Dario1:
[2024-10-31 02:36:06] Dario1 : speedwell: Yeah imagine that. BR can do whatever they want. They have more soft power than SEC. No wonder it’s called the company that owns the world
[2024-10-31 02:36:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 600 USD @ 72473.4 - Game over
[2024-10-31 02:38:40] SangFrais : I thought it was old news that money runs the world and calls the shots
[2024-10-31 02:41:01] Dario1 : SangFrais: Interesting video.
[2024-10-31 02:41:03] SangFrais : the most obvious recent example is Elon Musk who is immune
[2024-10-31 02:41:18] Dario1 : That's exactly what I tell my brother who is a PvdA member working at Rijkswaterstaat. He wants to become a parliment member and I tell him fck politics. Start your own business instead
[2024-10-31 02:41:51] Dario1 : but he is so passionate about politics and elections lol
[2024-10-31 02:42:09] Dario1 : SangFrais: yep
[2024-10-31 02:42:24] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah politics are a waste of time and energy, even i you make it to the level of 50k per month
[2024-10-31 02:42:56] SangFrais : unless you enjoy deceiving people, there are a lot of those people
[2024-10-31 02:43:01] SangFrais : in politics
[2024-10-31 02:43:25] Dario1 : SangFrais: how much do those parliament members earn? 7-10k per month?
[2024-10-31 02:43:34] Dario1 : SangFrais: exactly
[2024-10-31 02:43:40] SangFrais : Dario1: top level earns 50k per month plus
[2024-10-31 02:43:50] SangFrais : and thats without corporate donations
[2024-10-31 02:44:13] SangFrais : forget about stocks etc
[2024-10-31 02:44:38] SangFrais : just solid monthly income
[2024-10-31 02:45:01] SangFrais : for doing literally nothing basically
[2024-10-31 02:45:04] Dario1 : that’s a lot more than I expected
[2024-10-31 02:45:35] Dario1 : Must be top ministry functions because thise earn more than prime minister
[2024-10-31 02:45:45] Dario1 : but no way 50k
[2024-10-31 02:46:17] SangFrais : Dario1: im sure of of it bro
[2024-10-31 02:46:22] Dario1 : they*
[2024-10-31 02:47:35] Dario1 : SangFrais: wilders was there for how long? 10+ years
[2024-10-31 02:47:51] Dario1 : so he is richer than I thought
[2024-10-31 02:48:44] SangFrais : Dario1: of course he's rich, who would stay in politics having to live in a safehouse with 24/7 bodyguards
[2024-10-31 02:49:11] SangFrais : he's not someone that would make money from doing podcasts
[2024-10-31 02:50:15] Dario1 : SangFrais:
[2024-10-31 02:51:30] SangFrais : Dario1: thats just official information BS, thats like the basic tax money they get
[2024-10-31 02:51:51] Dario1 : SangFrais: hehe he would just repeat the same things on every podcast. Boring to listen to him lol
[2024-10-31 02:52:20] Dario1 : SangFrais: yep lots of shady deals going on behind the scenes
[2024-10-31 02:52:44] SangFrais : Dario1: havent you heard about all the meetings that (ex) politicians are being called to by institutional bodies that are controlled by corporations and even israel?
[2024-10-31 02:53:12] SangFrais : of course they are going to secret private meetings for fun and without payment
[2024-10-31 02:53:21] Dario1 : SangFrais: Bildenberg?
[2024-10-31 02:54:21] Dario1 : Bohemian Grove?
[2024-10-31 02:54:28] SangFrais : Dario1: calling out one name is insignificant, you could fill a whole page with them
[2024-10-31 02:56:26] SangFrais : anyway those entities are too deeply embedded everywhere
[2024-10-31 02:57:12] Dario1 : SangFrais: True, but those two are the most important ones. Literally every president was there before getting elected.
[2024-10-31 02:58:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 700 USD @ 72550.3 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-31 03:03:52] SangFrais : Dario1: regardless, they're all pawns, and the people under them just keep getting dumber every generation, hopefully ill have moved all my assets away before shit really hits the fan
[2024-10-31 03:04:48] Dario1 : SangFrais: when do you predict shit will hit the fan? How long do we have?
[2024-10-31 03:05:54] speedwell : Will it be a slow grind or short sharp shock?
[2024-10-31 03:06:28] speedwell : COVID was a wake up call to be sure to be sure.
[2024-10-31 03:06:32] Dario1 : slow grind can be painful. I rather have sharp shock :arthur:
[2024-10-31 03:07:11] Dario1 : speedwell: indeed
[2024-10-31 03:07:15] SangFrais : Dario1: couldnt say but i hope we have another 10 years at least, im hoping to move within 5 max
[2024-10-31 03:07:45] speedwell : I don't think they have full control. They ride trends, create trends
[2024-10-31 03:08:00] speedwell : That's why we are swimming in propaganda.
[2024-10-31 03:08:17] Dario1 : SangFrais: Good so we have some time left to prepare
[2024-10-31 03:08:26] SangFrais : speedwell: +1
[2024-10-31 03:09:18] SangFrais : Dario1: im focusing on having a home in south america, africa, and asia. Would be easy to move from continent to continent to with a good boat
[2024-10-31 03:09:36] SangFrais : thing is just that some countries are easily destabilized
[2024-10-31 03:09:49] SangFrais : so need to diversify with that too
[2024-10-31 03:10:14] speedwell : I also believe they believe in universal karmic principles. So it will be done by your consent.
[2024-10-31 03:10:53] speedwell : You will enslave yourself.
[2024-10-31 03:29:40] Dario1 : speedwell: Full control is obviously never possible but of course they have many tools at their disposal, including Hegelian dialectic or Problem-Reaction-Solution strategy :arthur:
[2024-10-31 03:30:14] Dario1 : SangFrais: Nice bro. Yes diversification is the solution
[2024-10-31 03:30:48] speedwell : Dario1: They only have power if people obey.
[2024-10-31 03:31:19] Dario1 : speedwell: yes, couldn’t agree more
[2024-10-31 03:32:25] speedwell : And the obedience around covid shocked me.
[2024-10-31 03:33:28] speedwell : I saw smart people doing dumb things.
[2024-10-31 03:33:36] Dario1 : 😂
[2024-10-31 03:33:40] "it will be........" : .
[2024-10-31 03:33:52] "it will be........" : lol same
[2024-10-31 03:34:48] SangFrais : speedwell: covid was an epic test, tought me a lot about people around me
[2024-10-31 03:35:17] speedwell : SangFrais: epic demic.
[2024-10-31 03:35:51] "it will be........" : yeah, 90% gna 90% lol
[2024-10-31 03:36:15] SangFrais : most people would swallow crushed glass if they were told to
[2024-10-31 03:36:40] SangFrais : forget about if it was for their (health) benefit
[2024-10-31 03:36:46] "it will be........" : fickle, impressionable, and simply can't be trusted
[2024-10-31 03:37:40] speedwell : 3 types. Those who saw through it and did not comply
[2024-10-31 03:37:55] speedwell : Those who saw through it and had to comply
[2024-10-31 03:38:00] SangFrais : sheep i.e. easily influenced @"it will be........" feeble indeed
[2024-10-31 03:38:08] speedwell : and those who believed.
[2024-10-31 03:38:27] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-10-31 03:41:16] SangFrais : yeah, 3 types of people, those who watch things happen, those who wonder whats happening and those that make things happen, thats just the law of nature
[2024-10-31 03:41:49] speedwell : :)
[2024-10-31 03:43:11] speedwell : The 'do gooders' are the worst.
[2024-10-31 03:43:32] speedwell : and the easiest to manipulate.
[2024-10-31 03:43:57] speedwell : they are so desperate to be seen to be doing good.
[2024-10-31 03:44:32] speedwell : Look at me I'm saving the world!
[2024-10-31 03:45:50] Dario1 : XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-10-31 03:45:55] Dario1 : speedwell: nice one
[2024-10-31 03:46:01] Dario1 : We have someone on trollbox who worked at Google, earning 600k per year, saw through it and didn't want to take the vaccine
[2024-10-31 03:46:15] Dario1 : so he quit his job. it changed many lives
[2024-10-31 03:46:40] Dario1 : SangFrais: also nice one +1
[2024-10-31 03:46:51] speedwell : cool. rare.
[2024-10-31 03:46:59] SangFrais : Dario1: 600k before tax is nothing, thats less than 30k per month in netherlands
[2024-10-31 03:47:55] Dario1 : SangFrais: He was unlucky because his friend scammed him 90 btcs
[2024-10-31 03:48:08] Dario1 : he would be a millionaire now enjoying life
[2024-10-31 03:49:19] SangFrais : Dario1: if i calculated in today's price BTC i would have lost millions too but i havent lost a night of sleep from it, but at least i didnt lose it to other people
[2024-10-31 03:49:41] Dario1 : SangFrais: 600k is still more than most people I know
[2024-10-31 03:49:42] SangFrais : people are the worst, fooking parasites
[2024-10-31 03:50:28] Dario1 : SangFrais: yeah noticed you talking about the millions you lost. Sorry 😞
[2024-10-31 03:50:37] SangFrais : Dario1: trading on own account is top 0.1% of earners anyway
[2024-10-31 03:50:51] Dario1 : SangFrais: yep
[2024-10-31 03:53:08] SangFrais : sh1t could get deep if 72k falls
[2024-10-31 03:55:01] SangFrais : 72k>71.5k>70k
[2024-10-31 03:55:11] SangFrais : was expecting 75k but 73k was first target
[2024-10-31 03:55:43] Dario1 : So ATH canceled?
[2024-10-31 03:55:46] SangFrais : structure could still go strong
[2024-10-31 03:55:54] SangFrais : nah not yet
[2024-10-31 03:56:02] Yourholyhireless : 42k
[2024-10-31 03:56:20] speedwell : NATH any day now.
[2024-10-31 03:56:56] Dario1 : Yourholyhireless: Can’t wait for that 🙏😘
[2024-10-31 03:57:03] Yourholyhireless : maybe bullrun will never btc again 😟🍟
[2024-10-31 03:57:37] Yourholyhireless : :arthur: yarr e yarr
[2024-10-31 03:57:40] SangFrais : looks kinda weak but 71.5-72k can still bounce
[2024-10-31 03:57:54] Dario1 : Yourholyhireless: bullrun never started to end so it’s probably the restaurant again 🔥🍟
[2024-10-31 03:58:21] Dario1 : Yourholyhireless: arr yarr :arthur:
[2024-10-31 03:58:32] speedwell : Brand new 4hr soon.
[2024-10-31 03:58:55] I Love BitMEX : Up only
[2024-10-31 03:58:58] Yourholyhireless : yarr the gameboy is gone at the ground of the sea 🐙 arr :arthur:
[2024-10-31 03:59:17] Dario1 : :arthur:
[2024-10-31 04:01:47] bmagic : Solana dropped to 166 last time it was here
[2024-10-31 04:01:48] bmagic : Duamp it
[2024-10-31 04:12:40] 45th_blown_account : burst the bubble :arthur:
[2024-10-31 04:14:21] MrBath : I have decided to take profits before the election
[2024-10-31 04:14:41] MrBath : /rpnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.1059 XBT RPNL ```
[2024-10-31 04:15:15] badtradesonly : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 30 Cont @ 2658.42 ```
[2024-10-31 04:24:28] speedwell : MrBath: +1
[2024-10-31 04:26:03] badtradesonly : 12h doji time to dump
[2024-10-31 04:26:13] badtradesonly : Eth
[2024-10-31 04:40:25] "it will be........" : hahaha
[2024-10-31 04:50:10] I Love BitMEX : /position polusdt ``` :bitmex: POLUSDT: 1,800 POL @ 0.3326223 ```
[2024-10-31 04:50:11] I Love BitMEX : Up only
[2024-10-31 04:52:03] Djdez : Bears sniffing for an opportunity
[2024-10-31 04:52:35] I Love BitMEX : They can sniff my big dick
[2024-10-31 04:52:42] I Love BitMEX : 🚀 👩‍🚀 🚀 👨‍🚀 🚀 👨‍🚀 🚀 👨‍🚀
[2024-10-31 04:53:02] Djdez : 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-10-31 04:54:39] I Love BitMEX : Pol to 40 cents
[2024-10-31 04:55:21] I Love BitMEX : Polygon is the most fundamentally bullish coin on the current market
[2024-10-31 04:55:34] I Love BitMEX : It is the prediction markets blockchain
[2024-10-31 04:55:43] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-31 04:57:47] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : I Love BitMEX: POL has been getting hammered
[2024-10-31 04:57:58] kchaitanya : Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis: how are you ser?
[2024-10-31 04:58:01] kchaitanya : :pepe:
[2024-10-31 04:58:02] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : why will it recover? their tech is ok but they seem to be getting squeezed out by the competition
[2024-10-31 04:58:13] I Love BitMEX : Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis: yes
[2024-10-31 04:58:14] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : kchaitanya: :pepe::pepe::pepe:
[2024-10-31 04:58:19] I Love BitMEX : /position polusdt ``` :bitmex: POLUSDT: 1,900 POL @ 0.3324264 ```
[2024-10-31 04:58:21] I Love BitMEX : Up only
[2024-10-31 05:06:01] I Love BitMEX : Today qe andnwe break ath
[2024-10-31 05:06:03] "it will be........" : kchaitanya: how is Shawn ser? lol
[2024-10-31 05:06:05] I Love BitMEX : Bullish
[2024-10-31 05:06:43] kchaitanya : "it will be........": oh man, I miss that clown here in TB. No fun without that clown ser :doge:
[2024-10-31 05:08:59] Pilot : war going on the charts rn
[2024-10-31 05:09:08] Pilot : this is a stalemate sideways
[2024-10-31 05:09:20] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: i am trying to pump
[2024-10-31 05:09:33] Pilot : walls holding
[2024-10-31 05:10:01] Pilot : i got a new laptop i need to setup been trading from my phone
[2024-10-31 05:10:14] Pilot : need to get api set up and do some magic
[2024-10-31 05:10:55] Pilot : and need to reverify my bitstamp n shi
[2024-10-31 05:11:06] Pilot : got a few exchanges i want to plug into
[2024-10-31 05:11:13] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: sir I am bitstamp insider, soon perpetuals
[2024-10-31 05:11:30] Pilot : i was a big bitstamp user back in like 2016
[2024-10-31 05:11:36] Pilot : i like em
[2024-10-31 05:11:50] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: :) we will go back, bitstamp is the best exchange man, they even had gold bars to buy
[2024-10-31 05:11:58] Pilot : foreal
[2024-10-31 05:12:04] Pilot : remember ftx as well lol
[2024-10-31 05:12:18] Pilot : i remeber trading btc for gold and shi
[2024-10-31 05:12:30] Pilot : until they got fbi’d
[2024-10-31 05:12:49] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: ftx had only chart
[2024-10-31 05:12:58] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: bitstamp delivered gold
[2024-10-31 05:13:02] I Love BitMEX : Real one
[2024-10-31 05:13:11] Pilot : pretty awesome
[2024-10-31 05:14:29] Pilot : maybe it wasnt ftx i cant remember but yeah it was like you could trade crypto for other stocks and shit
[2024-10-31 05:16:07] I Love BitMEX : Nobody let's you sell the top for so much. So this ain't the top
[2024-10-31 05:16:09] I Love BitMEX : Bull market
[2024-10-31 05:17:03] Pilot : tons of buying tbh
[2024-10-31 05:17:20] Pilot : i cant use bybit
[2024-10-31 05:17:32] Pilot : but i want to monitor the books
[2024-10-31 05:17:44] Pilot : can eu get around using it? I guess kyc wont let me
[2024-10-31 05:19:01] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: i am verified there
[2024-10-31 05:19:09] I Love BitMEX : What jurisdiction are you to be banned lmao
[2024-10-31 05:19:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `GRASSUSDT`: Sell 2956 GRASS @ 1.0438 ($2,961.91) - when moon?
[2024-10-31 05:19:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSDT`: Sell 10 DOGE @ 0.17176 ($1.72)
[2024-10-31 05:19:50] Pilot : not banned just never signed up and uk at the moment waiting for changing passport
[2024-10-31 05:20:00] Pilot : stupid country no idea why i moved here
[2024-10-31 05:20:30] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: well if only the ip is brittish bur ur id is not banned... then u gan use vpn
[2024-10-31 05:20:31] Pilot : was for a job
[2024-10-31 05:20:54] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: yeah i will sign up with a different passport next year i guess
[2024-10-31 05:21:02] Pilot : also moving from here anyway
[2024-10-31 05:21:13] Pilot : just so long to wait lol
[2024-10-31 05:21:17] I Love BitMEX : Still don't understand how people go on prediction market and bet but they don't buy the coin actually supporting it
[2024-10-31 05:21:22] I Love BitMEX : /position polusdt ``` :bitmex: POLUSDT: 2,000 POL @ 0.332235 ```
[2024-10-31 05:21:27] I Love BitMEX : Pol to 40 cents minimum
[2024-10-31 05:22:07] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: what nationality are u?
[2024-10-31 05:22:20] XRP GOD : Guys I found some news for the 31st 💥👀💥
[2024-10-31 05:23:57] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: british but i have spanish soon
[2024-10-31 05:24:08] bmagic : Bit dump orders coming in
[2024-10-31 05:24:11] bmagic : Beware
[2024-10-31 05:24:16] Pilot : pol is cool btw looked at it earlier