This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2024-10-29 01:14:08]
MoonBruv :
sixth henry in da house
[2024-10-29 01:14:26]
MoonBruv: @herby 😘
[2024-10-29 01:14:52]
MoonBruv: Trump pump 7 days to pump 🫡🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-10-29 01:15:02]
MrBritcoin :
@herby imagen if he remembered it
[2024-10-29 01:15:16]
MoonBruv :
one day someone will hack his wallet and pull a robin hood on it, like throwing cash from their balcony
[2024-10-29 01:15:17]
MrBritcoin :
an moved them
[2024-10-29 01:15:30]
MoonBruv :
I hope that happens
[2024-10-29 01:16:08]
scraps :
the bowl is forming... once completed, it will run 70,400 then to 72k
[2024-10-29 01:16:14]
MrBritcoin :
with AI i wonder if it could be hacked nowa days
[2024-10-29 01:16:30]
MoonBruv :
scraps: what if it crash maaan
[2024-10-29 01:16:55]
MoonBruv: 100k in 6 days
[2024-10-29 01:17:09]
MoonBruv :
it depends on the quantum, if some bad actor can get access to an early prototype with just a bit higher qubit, we are about to enter the decryption zone soon
[2024-10-29 01:17:09]
scraps :
MoonBruv: if crash then crash but no crash signals have been broadcast
[2024-10-29 01:17:18]
scraps :
therefor it will run
[2024-10-29 01:17:29]
MoonBruv :
someone could rekt the satoshi wallet when that happen ser
[2024-10-29 01:18:33]
MrBritcoin :
where there is a will there is a way
[2024-10-29 01:18:40]
scraps :
quantum computing is not even a thing.. too many errors. they cant mess with btc. and scaling includes quantum scaling anyway,.. its on the cards. BTC IS FUTUREPROOF
[2024-10-29 01:18:46]
MoonBruv :
it's just a collision away, qubits of my heart ... yeeeeehaawwww. Imagine you are the one that gets to do it - where would you splash all that cash
[2024-10-29 01:19:44]
MoonBruv :
I'd probably invalidate all of it in a single transaction and burn the entirety of it
[2024-10-29 01:19:57]
MoonBruv :
theres nothing else to do, all that dirty money should burn
[2024-10-29 01:20:27]
MrBritcoin :
you only need the wallet and where its kept an the the dictionary through it with every possible combo of words
[2024-10-29 01:20:29]
MoonBruv :
it would actually cause some disinflation and gov would immediately print some money
[2024-10-29 01:20:36]
MoonBruv :
ending up even worse loool
[2024-10-29 01:20:44]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-29 01:21:55]
MrBritcoin :
lets be honest most iv set up are no longer then 8 letters each so start with the smaller words an get bigger
[2024-10-29 01:22:25]
MoonBruv :
8 letters are brute forced with an average gpu in a few hours
[2024-10-29 01:22:48]
MoonBruv :
or 5 mins
[2024-10-29 01:23:22]
MoonBruv :
8 chars are like the sweet spot,
[2024-10-29 01:23:24]
MoonBruv :
as sweet as honey
[2024-10-29 01:23:27]
MrBritcoin :
what wallet was it in would be an early brand
[2024-10-29 01:24:10]
MrBritcoin :
when it was made there was probly one wallet about for him to store it
[2024-10-29 01:24:12]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2586.91 ($361.67)
[2024-10-29 01:24:38]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 245 Cont @ 2592.13 ($44,420.35) - Bonjour!
[2024-10-29 01:24:48]
MoonBruv :
even if you get to steal, gov will steal most of it back from you with tax anyways
[2024-10-29 01:24:53]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 01:25:01]
scraps :
gearing up... here goes again... Youse r-r-ready? The Cannon group has just given you a dare
[2024-10-29 01:25:04]
MoonBruv :
so even the thieves are discouraged by the gov being the biggest thief
[2024-10-29 01:25:28]
scraps :
moon are you aussie?
[2024-10-29 01:25:53]
scraps :
if not i'll take a guess you're from the UK
[2024-10-29 01:26:35]
scraps :
MoonBruv: bruv?
[2024-10-29 01:26:39]
MrBritcoin :
MoonBruv: if i was able to acess it id give to people
[2024-10-29 01:27:02]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 01:27:10]
MoonBruv :
where else could capital gains tax be so high
[2024-10-29 01:27:13]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 01:27:44]
Yourholyhireless :
My bullruns short faster than my bears
[2024-10-29 01:29:43]
MrBritcoin :
MoonBruv: if you made that sort of money you would draw a little to be able to go where you needed then draw the rest when your settled some where nice with a low tax bracket
[2024-10-29 01:30:39]
MrBritcoin :
pay the tax then move back lol
[2024-10-29 01:31:13]
MrBritcoin :
or you might like it where you are an stay
[2024-10-29 01:32:23]
MrBritcoin :
plenty of optins if you got the money id say thats what many would an have done
[2024-10-29 01:33:06]
MrBritcoin :
if they made substantial money
[2024-10-29 01:33:14]
Yourholyhireless :
Sometimes i think bullrun has ended when bull run has started
[2024-10-29 01:34:14]
MrBritcoin :
iv heard one story of some one making it big that was the boot but he says hes lost it again
[2024-10-29 01:36:00]
MrBritcoin :
not heard any other stories apart from that one yea iv seen people make on trading but most put it right back in
[2024-10-29 01:37:51]
MrBritcoin :
for example look at crypto face an this video hes bragging about the size of the trade yet hes -7000 in his pnl
[2024-10-29 01:42:49]
MrBritcoin :
i dont think many people spotted it clearly from an earlier trade an he flipped
[2024-10-29 01:43:28]
MrBritcoin :
an then goes live when its in profit
[2024-10-29 01:44:22]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 01:44:35]
MoonBruv :
its like flashing the audience with your tits
[2024-10-29 01:44:44]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-29 01:45:34]
Yourholyhireless :
okay guys bullrun is over
[2024-10-29 01:45:43]
Yourholyhireless :
we no go to 44
[2024-10-29 01:45:45]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 01:45:50]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 01:46:00]
MrBritcoin :
if you made big money trading why do youtube an sell an indicator
[2024-10-29 01:52:46]
MrBritcoin :
they do it to fund there habit
[2024-10-29 01:57:31]
ninnk :
doge :doge:
[2024-10-29 01:59:34]
Doge X :
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:
[2024-10-29 01:59:53]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 01:59:56]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:00:52]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `GOATUSDT`: Sell 90 GOAT @ 0.61018 ($54.91)
[2024-10-29 02:02:07]
scraps :
XRP GOD: 👽👽👽 72K today, i called it yesterday
[2024-10-29 02:02:15]
Yourholyhireless :
44 k
[2024-10-29 02:02:59]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: why not 42? 44 isn't a viable number. 42 is most popular number between 0 - 100
[2024-10-29 02:03:03]
scraps: I saw you had a nice long yesterday 😘🚀💙
[2024-10-29 02:03:15]
scraps :
XRP GOD: yes i fat fingered it heh
[2024-10-29 02:03:26]
scraps :
so nothing came of it
[2024-10-29 02:03:29]
im going for 100k in 6 days @scraps 🫡😘
[2024-10-29 02:03:54]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 373700 USD @ 70330.8 - There goes ur space money
[2024-10-29 02:04:09]
Yewwwww :Bitcoin:
[2024-10-29 02:04:21]
[2024-10-29 02:04:23]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200 USD @ 70382.4 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-29 02:04:23]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:04:27]
scraps :
XRP GOD: 75k for sure, then 80k election day. 100? it just might happen with this current running of the bulls
[2024-10-29 02:04:27]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:04:36]
"it will be........" :
[2024-10-29 02:04:38]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:
[2024-10-29 02:04:41]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:04:48]
scraps: huger
[2024-10-29 02:04:54]
[2024-10-29 02:04:58]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:05:11]
Yourholyhireless :
My bulls run faster tha bear markets
[2024-10-29 02:05:46]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:05:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.3937 XBT @ 70490.1 ($27,724.39)
[2024-10-29 02:05:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 3 ETH @ 2587.84 ($7,756.50) - There goes ur space money
[2024-10-29 02:05:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4000 USD @ 70421.8
[2024-10-29 02:05:50]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:05:52]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:05:55]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:06:09]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: all the other kids with their pumped up kicks. . .
[2024-10-29 02:06:19]
[2024-10-29 02:06:31]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:06:32]
scraps :
better run better run, faster than my 100 imaginary contracts
[2024-10-29 02:06:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 36800 USD @ 70428.4
[2024-10-29 02:07:16]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:07:42]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:07:44]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:07:46]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:08:13]
🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:09:09]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4500 USD @ 70486
[2024-10-29 02:09:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 5 Cont @ 2595.27 ($915.02)
[2024-10-29 02:09:28]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.3555 XBT @ 70607.8 ($25,077.24)
[2024-10-29 02:09:28]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10600 USD @ 70542.4
[2024-10-29 02:09:40]
al guul :
hey hey hey
[2024-10-29 02:10:00]
al guul: :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:10:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1001 XBT @ 70651 ($7,064.92)
[2024-10-29 02:10:14]
al guul :
XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:10:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 20000 USD @ 70618.1
[2024-10-29 02:10:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.7100 XBT @ 70687.4 ($50,137.71) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-10-29 02:10:43]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 16000 USD @ 70670.6
[2024-10-29 02:10:47]
al guul: 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀
[2024-10-29 02:11:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 45800 USD @ 70757.7
[2024-10-29 02:11:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2600.68 ($368.03)
[2024-10-29 02:12:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 50000 USD @ 70838.7 - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-10-29 02:12:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1000 XBT @ 70928.9 ($7,084.99)
[2024-10-29 02:13:00]
al guul :
violent :btc:
[2024-10-29 02:14:23]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTM25`: Buy 1000 USD @ 75601.5
[2024-10-29 02:14:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4500 USD @ 70960.4
[2024-10-29 02:14:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.2023 XBT @ 71038.1 ($14,354.98)
[2024-10-29 02:15:08]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 45300 USD @ 71044.7
[2024-10-29 02:15:08]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.8231 XBT @ 71129.7 ($58,475.63) - Check your inbox
[2024-10-29 02:20:23]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 71058.7
[2024-10-29 02:20:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.8000 XBT @ 71151 ($56,863.70) - RIP
[2024-10-29 02:20:53]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 71101.3
[2024-10-29 02:21:04]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0300 XBT @ 71214.4 ($2,134.22)
[2024-10-29 02:21:21]
SimioLong :
wait a minute! my paycheck is not here yet! :imp:
[2024-10-29 02:21:24]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.7500 XBT @ 71271.5 ($53,397.93) - Up only!
[2024-10-29 02:21:24]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3400 USD @ 71198.7
[2024-10-29 02:21:24]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 2615.01 ($558.54)
[2024-10-29 02:21:24]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTH25`: Buy 5000 USD @ 74131
[2024-10-29 02:21:24]
SimioLong :
stop it!!!
[2024-10-29 02:22:25]
SimioLong :
of course when my fuqin paychek comes it will be another ATH :( :pepe:
[2024-10-29 02:23:53]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0050 XBT @ 71405.7 ($356.66) - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-29 02:23:55]
SimioLong: warnings I told I to long:doge:
[2024-10-29 02:23:58]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 22300 USD @ 71386.3
[2024-10-29 02:24:07]
[2024-10-29 02:24:08]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 5 ETH @ 2622.01 ($13,095.55) - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-10-29 02:24:16]
[2024-10-29 02:24:23]
[2024-10-29 02:24:28]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0478 XBT @ 71552.8 ($3,416.52)
[2024-10-29 02:24:28]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 8000 USD @ 71476.8
[2024-10-29 02:24:43]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 30300 USD @ 71498.1
[2024-10-29 02:26:19]
💥👀everyone plz retweet my post I need Elon to see it
[2024-10-29 02:27:21]
scraps :
i've called it all year... ranging.. gift prices.. easy plays.. ATH november
[2024-10-29 02:27:23]
tozak :
what a market and still XRP cant even buy a friend... no offense to you @XRP GOD
[2024-10-29 02:27:59]
scraps :
tozak: I'm his friend buddy, whats your dysfunction?
[2024-10-29 02:28:44]
tozak :
Its XRP the token, Ripple just can't get over 60 cents
[2024-10-29 02:29:17]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:29:24]
MoonBruv :
why am I ALWAYS on the wrong side man xD
[2024-10-29 02:29:41]
MoonBruv :
fk offffff
[2024-10-29 02:29:44]
nacx :
[2024-10-29 02:29:46]
MoonBruv :
what is this
[2024-10-29 02:29:55]
MoonBruv :
this is manipulation
[2024-10-29 02:30:05]
ArcLight :
Exit pimp????
[2024-10-29 02:30:13]
scraps :
tozak: ripple is the og shitcoin, but it has usecase now. fastest send of any coin
[2024-10-29 02:30:13]
ninnk :
[2024-10-29 02:31:12]
MrBritcoin :
so they still do the moonipulation at tops then still a thing hay
[2024-10-29 02:31:24]
tozak: bro Xrp always pumps last relax our day will come I have over 100 coins Xrp only 5-% of my holdings
[2024-10-29 02:31:48]
MrBritcoin :
as if that will ever change
[2024-10-29 02:31:50]
MoonBruv :
I feel like buying
[2024-10-29 02:31:58]
MoonBruv :
right here :arthur: :arthur:
[2024-10-29 02:32:08]
MoonBruv: :kek:
[2024-10-29 02:34:49]
MrBritcoin :
seventy thousand doll hairs when you say it out loud it just seems wrong hay
[2024-10-29 02:34:50]
scraps :
Bitcoin ready to run again... finding support
[2024-10-29 02:35:33]
TG_undefined :
easy short
[2024-10-29 02:35:34]
MrBritcoin :
bleed timeafter that scam
[2024-10-29 02:36:05]
All bulls come join our guild family:doge:
[2024-10-29 02:36:12]
only bulls allowed
[2024-10-29 02:36:26]
:catjam: :catjam:
[2024-10-29 02:36:29]
MoonBruv :
a few days to election results, I'm buyingg
[2024-10-29 02:37:05]
MrBath :
[2024-10-29 02:37:08]
GodBleesYou :
TG_undefined: this time i am with you
[2024-10-29 02:37:19]
GodBleesYou :
/position xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.1872 XBT @ 70959.4
[2024-10-29 02:37:20]
MrBath :
[2024-10-29 02:37:26]
MoonBruv: just scale in small every day buy the red candles 🫡💥🥳
[2024-10-29 02:37:42]
MrBath :
Welcome to the golden bull
[2024-10-29 02:37:43]
GodBleesYou :
Go go badger @TG_undefined
[2024-10-29 02:37:54]
MrBath: :doge: 😘
[2024-10-29 02:37:55]
kchaitanya :
MrBath: how are you ser?
[2024-10-29 02:38:03]
kchaitanya: :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:38:07]
MrBath :
kchaitanya: good thank you. how are you
[2024-10-29 02:38:08]
scraps :
Who's ready to take it to 72k? i need ready and willing participants and we can run this
[2024-10-29 02:38:10]
kchaitanya :
XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:38:14]
ninnk :
[2024-10-29 02:38:15]
kchaitanya :
MrBath: i am a bear
[2024-10-29 02:38:18]
kchaitanya :
[2024-10-29 02:38:23]
MrBath :
kchaitanya: bears out
[2024-10-29 02:38:27]
kchaitanya: :doge: :doge: :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:38:28]
owl :
hello, how are we all. whos short?
[2024-10-29 02:38:29]
scraps :
balls out
[2024-10-29 02:38:29]
MrBath :
ninnk: :catjam:
[2024-10-29 02:38:30]
GodBleesYou :
ArcLight: yep exit pump
[2024-10-29 02:38:33]
scraps :
72k time
[2024-10-29 02:38:38]
kchaitanya :
@owl me
[2024-10-29 02:38:51]
100k Lets Goooo
[2024-10-29 02:38:51]
GodBleesYou :
kchaitanya: i am bear with you
[2024-10-29 02:38:59]
GodBleesYou :
Stop hunts
[2024-10-29 02:39:05]
kchaitanya :
GodBleesYou: god bless you along with me :pray:
[2024-10-29 02:39:17]
owl :
you need to be buying every tiny bull flag you see right now
[2024-10-29 02:39:37]
owl: helloooo😘
[2024-10-29 02:39:40]
GodBleesYou :
59k stop hunt 69k stop hunt 65k stop hunt 71k stop hunt @kchaitanya crazy days
[2024-10-29 02:39:52]
kchaitanya :
GodBleesYou: ye indeed
[2024-10-29 02:39:53]
owl :
XRP GOD: hello beloved
[2024-10-29 02:39:59]
scraps :
bullflags on every timeframe... BITCOIN IS A GIFT UNDER 72K
[2024-10-29 02:40:00]
owl: were is bot ?
[2024-10-29 02:41:10]
owl :
XRP GOD: have not seen around
[2024-10-29 02:41:54]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SUIUSDT`: Buy 300 SUI @ 1.9095 ($572.31)
[2024-10-29 02:41:56]
scraps :
ready to go? lets go bois test the waters before the final send
[2024-10-29 02:42:21]
owl: 😞😞
[2024-10-29 02:44:18]
[2024-10-29 02:44:24]
[2024-10-29 02:44:28]
[2024-10-29 02:44:40]
owl :
lets top long this sh!t boys. top longerrrrrr!!!
[2024-10-29 02:44:53]
owl :
highs beget highs
[2024-10-29 02:46:10]
kchaitanya :
where is my man @bluemaster today @owl ?
[2024-10-29 02:46:10]
owl :
you guys are my real family, sorry i have been gone so long
[2024-10-29 02:46:13]
owl :
there is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto
[2024-10-29 02:46:19]
scraps :
owl: top? this isn't the top, we have a ways to climb yet. Big day ahead
[2024-10-29 02:46:51]
owl: come join our guild 😘:doge:
[2024-10-29 02:46:55]
MoonBruv :
if it corrects a bit I will be able to switch back to longgg
[2024-10-29 02:47:02]
MoonBruv :
why isnt it even correcting bruv
[2024-10-29 02:47:09]
MoonBruv :
is it goign straight to moon ?
[2024-10-29 02:47:17]
MoonBruv :
holy guacamoly
[2024-10-29 02:47:23]
scraps :
72k,,, then maybe 75
[2024-10-29 02:47:31]
MoonBruv :
your assshole is oily
[2024-10-29 02:47:36]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:47:38]
MoonBruv: hehe some noes trump gona win
[2024-10-29 02:47:38]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:47:45]
100k soon
[2024-10-29 02:48:02]
MoonBruv :
thats exactly whats happening
[2024-10-29 02:48:16]
MoonBruv :
by the time they realise we will be at 73k breaking the ath, only then they will join and take it to 80
[2024-10-29 02:48:21]
MoonBruv :
self fulfilling prophecy
[2024-10-29 02:48:35]
MoonBruv :
everyones crying about their top signal
[2024-10-29 02:48:51]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:48:52]
scraps :
mini inverse h&s on the one minute... ITS ALMOST TIME... FULL SEND 72k and beyond
[2024-10-29 02:49:03]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:49:21]
Mooon it straight to 100m
[2024-10-29 02:49:42]
kchaitanya :
XRP GOD: non stop?
[2024-10-29 02:49:43]
kchaitanya :
[2024-10-29 02:50:01]
scraps :
if eth pumps to 2,700 btc will go 75k
[2024-10-29 02:50:09]
owl: come to our guild :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:50:16]
kchaitanya :
XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-10-29 02:50:20]
kchaitanya :
[2024-10-29 02:50:25]
scraps :
keep an eye on eth. Yes Join AI Deep Trading
[2024-10-29 02:50:39]
kchaitanya: come to our guild 😈🥳
[2024-10-29 02:50:42]
owl :
XRP GOD: but i love my guild
[2024-10-29 02:50:51]
kchaitanya :
XRP GOD: lol.... I am already part of a guild
[2024-10-29 02:51:07]
owl: don’t worry they will all follow you here 😈🥳
[2024-10-29 02:53:40]
scraps :
wtf i had a market order trigger but it wasnt on my stop price
[2024-10-29 02:54:37]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:54:42]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:54:53]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 02:56:46]
MoonBruv :
I mean compared to monetary devaluations and capital gains tax
[2024-10-29 02:56:53]
MoonBruv :
I prefer this anyday every day
[2024-10-29 02:57:12]
MoonBruv :
but u have to cash out using their system, which gets slapped tax again
[2024-10-29 02:57:17]
MoonBruv :
jesus christ :kek:
[2024-10-29 03:00:38]
MoonBruv :
nek target is 83k
[2024-10-29 03:01:15]
scraps :
btc about to pump again.. again
[2024-10-29 03:01:19]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 03:02:51]
MoonBruv: I took some profits I have to go back to work cya in 5h
[2024-10-29 03:03:04]
[2024-10-29 03:03:23]
[2024-10-29 03:03:34]
scraps :
XRP GOD: i got screwed by a market order i never placed.. thats the 4th time today
[2024-10-29 03:03:53]
scraps :
XRP GOD: i thought i got delev'd or something.. odd
[2024-10-29 03:04:02]
scraps: don’t rush we will get another chance later
[2024-10-29 03:04:15]
[2024-10-29 03:10:42]
scraps :
btc is holding solid... lets kick it off another round.. 100 contracts lets go
[2024-10-29 03:14:59]
scraps :
[2024-10-29 03:15:17]
Fall Guys :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 4,900 USD @ 67500.1
[2024-10-29 03:15:57]
kchaitanya :
/upnl solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0061 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-29 03:16:56]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 03:18:03]
KoalaBearz :
its all waiting for the election. when trump is the clear winner this will moon
[2024-10-29 03:18:15]
MoonBruv :
isnt he alredy clear winnar
[2024-10-29 03:19:16]
scraps :
its going to set up for 80k before election day
[2024-10-29 03:19:47]
KoalaBearz :
i mean more officially as its obvious he is going to win hence why they have started pumping
[2024-10-29 03:20:02]
MoonBruv :
we could find ourselves around 87k tomorrow evening
[2024-10-29 03:20:42]
MoonBruv :
by the time I get out of the shower it'll be at 75
[2024-10-29 03:21:06]
MoonBruv :
all TA can stop, theres nothing to analyse right now, it just goes up
[2024-10-29 03:21:21]
MoonBruv :
250x all in, say your prayers and take your shower
[2024-10-29 03:21:27]
MoonBruv :
dont look bak
[2024-10-29 03:22:05]
KoalaBearz :
waiting for the old scam wicks at some point to load up on my current trades
[2024-10-29 03:22:06]
MoonBruv :
shower time, altogether
[2024-10-29 03:22:18]
MoonBruv :
bright light of burning brotherhood
[2024-10-29 03:23:11]
scraps :
bitcoin on sale again! wont last 5 minutes, buy while you can
[2024-10-29 03:28:55]
scraps :
here she goes, again
[2024-10-29 03:29:05]
scraps :
market buy time brb
[2024-10-29 03:32:54]
yellowpig :
[2024-10-29 03:33:52]
MoonBruv :
🙅 no bueno
[2024-10-29 03:40:03]
scraps :
Ok guys and gals, lets go for another round of bitcoin buys.. another 100 contracts lets go
[2024-10-29 03:42:57]
Yourholyhireless :
Bullrun has ended cause bull run has started
[2024-10-29 03:43:18]
Yourholyhireless :
back to 42 k
[2024-10-29 03:44:05]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: 72k?? Yes sir. Coming right up.
[2024-10-29 03:45:52]
GodBleesYou :
42 btc wall pushing the price doqn
[2024-10-29 03:45:54]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-29 03:47:18]
TG_undefined :
free 100x short
[2024-10-29 03:48:36]
The Emerging Bull :
Phew closed half in small profits
[2024-10-29 03:48:41]
The Emerging Bull :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -15,000 USD @ 71070.6798
[2024-10-29 03:48:59]
SangFrais :
Donald Trump and his allies were scrambling on Monday to stem the fallout from a campaign rally at New York’s Madison Square Garden where one speaker called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage” and another likened Kamala Harris to a prostitute with “pimp handlers”.
[2024-10-29 03:49:04]
SangFrais :
[2024-10-29 03:49:05]
The Emerging Bull :
Adding 71.6 area, weekly level there
[2024-10-29 03:49:48]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 03:49:52]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 03:49:54]
GodBleesYou :
The Emerging Bull: ❤️
[2024-10-29 03:50:32]
The Emerging Bull :
GodBleesYou: 😅😀
[2024-10-29 03:50:45]
GodBleesYou :
The Emerging Bull: i am short with you love
[2024-10-29 03:51:03]
GodBleesYou :
Closed 3p% here
[2024-10-29 03:52:18]
The Emerging Bull :
GodBleesYou: great! I had short orders while i was driving home from visiting my parents/brothers. 71.4 - 71.6 is hopefully a retrace area... above there probably going to 73k+
[2024-10-29 03:52:50]
GodBleesYou :
The Emerging Bull: yep 73k sound right
[2024-10-29 03:53:01]
The Emerging Bull :
GodBleesYou: 😅
[2024-10-29 04:01:32]
scraps :
Buy signal on bitcoin again
[2024-10-29 04:02:30]
scraps :
eth also giving buy signal
[2024-10-29 04:06:38]
badtradesonly :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,000 USD @ 70955.2
[2024-10-29 04:06:51]
badtradesonly :
[2024-10-29 04:07:14]
scraps :
Market buys will be the only way once the real fomo starts
[2024-10-29 04:07:16]
kchaitanya :
badtradesonly: kya baat :clap:
[2024-10-29 04:07:28]
kchaitanya :
/upnl solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0064 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-29 04:09:27]
scraps :
real fomo starts soon, this is just testing the waters for sharks 👽
[2024-10-29 04:09:39]
MoonBruv :
top signal is in
[2024-10-29 04:09:53]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 04:10:04]
MoonBruv :
bull market to 9600 begins now
[2024-10-29 04:10:04]
scraps :
i don't believe it is, 72k needs to be reached first
[2024-10-29 04:10:24]
scraps :
then it will decide to cool off or pump like a mofo to 75k
[2024-10-29 04:10:25]
MoonBruv :
yeah Im long, just enjoying the volatility
[2024-10-29 04:11:01]
MoonBruv :
for me bitcoin is now half a dollar plaything
[2024-10-29 04:11:12]
MoonBruv :
I would never take bitcoin serious with this volatility, even if it went to 250
[2024-10-29 04:12:02]
speedwell :
The hungry caterpillar
[2024-10-29 04:12:30]
MoonBruv :
bitcoin can sck my cockkk
[2024-10-29 04:13:11]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 04:16:55]
bmagic :
Duamp it
[2024-10-29 04:18:17]
kchaitanya :
bmagic: how you doing ser?
[2024-10-29 04:18:28]
kchaitanya :
/position solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 800 Cont @ 174.44
[2024-10-29 04:18:34]
kchaitanya :
/upnl solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0065 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-29 04:20:33]
scraps :
1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d ALL SCREAM BUYYYYYYY
[2024-10-29 04:20:44]
scraps :
bitcoin going to interstellar space today
[2024-10-29 04:21:16]
The Emerging Bull :
[2024-10-29 04:21:28]
scraps :
inb4 75k
[2024-10-29 04:21:57]
The Emerging Bull :
Nasdaq filled gap now will prob go on a run into earnings tomorrow eve
[2024-10-29 04:22:13]
bluemaster :
[2024-10-29 04:24:02]
bmagic :
bmagic: bitmex account rekt but otherwise very good
[2024-10-29 04:24:20]
bmagic :
Flew to close to the sun and missed my long
[2024-10-29 04:24:23]
bmagic :
[2024-10-29 04:24:46]
bmagic :
Being opposite time zone of US always has its challenges
[2024-10-29 04:24:53]
kchaitanya :
bmagic: whats wrong with bitmex account?
[2024-10-29 04:25:17]
bluemaster :
/position xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 295,000 USD @ 66590.3098
[2024-10-29 04:25:21]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0161 XBT RPNL, 0.4416 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-29 04:25:30]
bluemaster :
/position xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 240,000 USD @ 70761.8933
[2024-10-29 04:25:36]
kchaitanya :
bluemaster: and here comes flashing pnl from blue
[2024-10-29 04:25:49]
kchaitanya :
it is so boring without you @bluemaster
[2024-10-29 04:25:51]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: -0.0003 XBT RPNL, 0.2429 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-29 04:26:07]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.4388 XBT RPNL, 0.3810 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-29 04:26:14]
bluemaster :
/position xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 245,000 USD @ 65004.2903
[2024-10-29 04:26:19]
bluemaster :
[2024-10-29 04:26:42]
kchaitanya :
bluemaster: did you thank the berasssss
[2024-10-29 04:30:20]
bluemaster :
kchaitanya: no anymore I am used to free money now
[2024-10-29 04:30:40]
kchaitanya :
bluemaster: lol, enjoy the money rain
[2024-10-29 04:30:54]
Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis :
kchaitanya: where are we going now
[2024-10-29 04:31:08]
Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis :
100 via 50?
[2024-10-29 04:31:20]
kchaitanya :
I think we will see 70k soon at the min
[2024-10-29 04:31:42]
kchaitanya :
if it has to make a big move up, then it has to do some absorption first
[2024-10-29 04:33:39]
Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis :
loving this market
[2024-10-29 04:33:49]
Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis :
what a great time to be on bitmex
[2024-10-29 04:33:56]
Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis :
[2024-10-29 04:34:58]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 04:36:16]
Yourholyhireless :
bull run has started :downrocket:
[2024-10-29 04:37:00]
45th_blown_account :
[2024-10-29 04:37:14]
Yourholyhireless :
hell yea :downrocket:
[2024-10-29 04:38:32]
kchaitanya :
Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis: yes ser, pepe is fucking it all up :pepeb:
[2024-10-29 04:39:30]
Yourholyhireless :
my bullruns short faster than bearmarket
[2024-10-29 04:42:39]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 04:46:28]
MoonBruv :
go go go sista
[2024-10-29 04:46:59]
MoonBruv :
you'll hit the jackpot, just buy it :arthur:
[2024-10-29 04:47:09]
MoonBruv :
all my sisters
[2024-10-29 04:47:13]
MoonBruv :
it's time
[2024-10-29 04:47:22]
MoonBruv :
shake what yo mama gave ya
[2024-10-29 04:55:32]
any random name :
is this expected to go down anytime soon?
[2024-10-29 04:56:08]
bmagic :
[2024-10-29 04:56:13]
MoonBruv :
the trajectory is always up ser
[2024-10-29 04:56:15]
daarkneth :
hahahah yeah, Today
[2024-10-29 04:56:15]
bmagic :
Then next 4 months
[2024-10-29 04:56:18]
bmagic :
[2024-10-29 04:56:19]
bmagic :
[2024-10-29 04:56:21]
bmagic :
[2024-10-29 04:56:25]
daarkneth :
into the ground
[2024-10-29 04:56:38]
bmagic :
Bull news is fake
[2024-10-29 04:56:40]
MoonBruv :
a friend blocked me today because I told him he might need to stop being a bear
[2024-10-29 04:56:45]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 04:56:48]
any random name :
ah ok..ill close my short and take a loss..womp womp
[2024-10-29 04:56:56]
bmagic :
Thats cause you sounded like a noob
[2024-10-29 04:57:00]
MoonBruv :
people are getting really emotionally invested though
[2024-10-29 04:57:03]
bmagic :
He is ultra intelligent bear
[2024-10-29 04:57:07]
MoonBruv :
I dont have a serious position because it's seriously vollatile
[2024-10-29 04:57:18]
bmagic :
I don’t get emotional
[2024-10-29 04:57:22]
bmagic :
I get rekt
[2024-10-29 04:57:25]
bmagic :
Different feels
[2024-10-29 04:57:31]
daarkneth :
@moonbruv, your friend a bitch
[2024-10-29 04:57:33]
MoonBruv :
so I guessed, my friend was probably rekt recently
[2024-10-29 04:57:40]
bmagic :
Hahah maybe
[2024-10-29 04:57:45]
MoonBruv :
so maybe I ended up rubbing salt on the wound
[2024-10-29 04:57:49]
bmagic :
Its been tough being bearish
[2024-10-29 04:58:03]
bmagic :
I am short to medium bearish but difficult to trade
[2024-10-29 04:58:14]
bmagic :
Swing trading i made 6k out of 500 usd
[2024-10-29 04:58:25]
bmagic :
Then got rekt in my sleep last friday
[2024-10-29 04:58:30]
MoonBruv :
former friend*
[2024-10-29 04:58:31]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 04:58:40]
any random name :
shorted at 64k liquidation at 76k..think ill bow out here and lick my wounds😭
[2024-10-29 04:58:50]
bmagic :
MoonBruv: sounds like he doesn’t deserve you and your antagonism
[2024-10-29 04:59:54]
any random name :
might as well close and now wake up to worst
[2024-10-29 05:04:27]
scraps :
bmagic: whats your call at the moment? i did warn you 69.5k - 72k
[2024-10-29 05:04:46]
Eluus :
/position xbtusd I have this position open since 8 months
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,625,000 USD @ 68298.5466
[2024-10-29 05:05:13]
Eluus :
oahahhaha insane!
[2024-10-29 05:05:16]
speedwell :
Eluus: target?
[2024-10-29 05:05:30]
Eluus :
No target
[2024-10-29 05:05:43]
speedwell :
no rudder
[2024-10-29 05:05:43]
Eluus :
Will close when I feel like
[2024-10-29 05:06:00]
Eluus :
Started longing at 30k
[2024-10-29 05:06:28]
scraps :
speedwell: sails at half mast right now, let me fix that brb 2min 100 contracts
[2024-10-29 05:06:55]
Yourholyhireless :
my bullruns end faster than my shorts
[2024-10-29 05:06:55]
scraps :
[2024-10-29 05:07:41]
speedwell :
current should be enough.
[2024-10-29 05:07:44]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: bullrun is about to start, whachu talkin bout willis
[2024-10-29 05:08:11]
Yourholyhireless :
scraps: my bullruns short faster than my sideways markets
[2024-10-29 05:09:16]
scraps :
[2024-10-29 05:09:37]
Yourholyhireless :
dont muss this short opportunity of your life
[2024-10-29 05:09:41]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 05:09:59]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: this is setting up to 80k for usa elections
[2024-10-29 05:10:13]
scraps :
could be 72k - 75k today
[2024-10-29 05:10:30]
Yourholyhireless :
scraps: Did Mc Donalds told so?
[2024-10-29 05:10:47]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: no, but they called today about hiring
[2024-10-29 05:11:22]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: they wanted me for CEO position. i said aint nobody got time for that i gotta get my tendies
[2024-10-29 05:12:56]
Yourholyhireless :
main task 100x short
[2024-10-29 05:12:59]
GodBleesYou :
bmagic: hey love
[2024-10-29 05:13:15]
GodBleesYou :
Hope you doing omay 😬
[2024-10-29 05:13:51]
contract details :
[2024-10-29 05:14:16]
GodBleesYou :
Both you and sparks gog stoped 🤕 @bmagic
[2024-10-29 05:14:16]
scraps :
This next bitcoin run MIGHT be the big one
[2024-10-29 05:14:25]
Yourholyhireless :
bull run yes
[2024-10-29 05:14:51]
Yourholyhireless :
90 °down
[2024-10-29 05:18:25]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 05:18:30]
Yourholyhireless :
target 42k
[2024-10-29 05:18:33]
Yourholyhireless :
100x short
[2024-10-29 05:18:34]
Yourholyhireless :
no sl
[2024-10-29 05:19:35]
scraps :
if you follow the chart patterns, this is the bottom on btc before the next pump
[2024-10-29 05:19:53]
scraps :
it's played out 3 times in a row now
[2024-10-29 05:20:12]
Yourholyhireless :
scraps: no no its to top of the bull market
[2024-10-29 05:20:23]
Yourholyhireless :
and the start of the bear market lol
[2024-10-29 05:20:41]
scraps :
Yourholyhireless: sure, then what is ATH next week? not a top either
[2024-10-29 05:20:51]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 05:21:00]
Yourholyhireless :
top since 11 years
[2024-10-29 05:23:49]
Yourholyhireless :
scraps: more bull runs to come :downlocket:
[2024-10-29 05:23:54]
Yourholyhireless :
scraps: more bull runs to come :downrocket:
[2024-10-29 05:25:56]
Yourholyhireless :
Burger King is i control :downrocket:
[2024-10-29 05:26:02]
Yourholyhireless :
is in control
[2024-10-29 05:26:06]
Yourholyhireless :
Mc Donalds
[2024-10-29 05:26:52]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 05:30:37]
Yourholyhireless :
scraps: fast bull run :downrocket:
[2024-10-29 05:31:24]
Yourholyhireless :
no support below
[2024-10-29 05:34:09]
speedwell :
I guess we wait for london?
[2024-10-29 05:37:12]
contract details :
just buy the top
[2024-10-29 05:37:14]
contract details :
and a new top appears
[2024-10-29 05:39:01]
Yourholyhireless :
contract details: btc cant go up
[2024-10-29 05:39:47]
Yourholyhireless :
we need a correction
[2024-10-29 05:39:50]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 05:39:57]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-29 05:41:21]
contract details :
correktions are not allowed in anticipion of a trump victory
[2024-10-29 05:41:26]
contract details :
this scam world says onlyup
[2024-10-29 05:41:43]
contract details :
you didnt long the 1m wick to the fib? unlucky miss 7%
[2024-10-29 05:41:45]
contract details :
[2024-10-29 05:44:40]
The_Reaper :
ETH move over 3k now wtf
[2024-10-29 05:44:43]
The_Reaper :
[2024-10-29 05:45:02]
The_Reaper :
Eth should have been nearing 4k already with these prices
[2024-10-29 05:45:05]
The_Reaper :
[2024-10-29 05:47:13]
speedwell :
bad eth!
[2024-10-29 05:47:25]
MoonBruv :
up onlu
[2024-10-29 05:47:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 2623.29 ($186.27)
[2024-10-29 05:47:29]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 05:47:32]
speedwell :
make eth great again!
[2024-10-29 05:47:39]
MoonBruv :
everything goes up soon
[2024-10-29 05:47:56]
MoonBruv :
bitcoin always up, alts follow up, up is the only way, forever and ever
[2024-10-29 05:48:12]
MoonBruv :
i change my surname to up
[2024-10-29 05:48:16]
MoonBruv :
mr up
[2024-10-29 05:48:21]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-29 05:48:33]
MoonBruv :
to the moon bruv
[2024-10-29 05:49:02]
The_Reaper :
Im breakeven rite now
[2024-10-29 05:49:11]
MoonBruv :
bubble gum asset of the future, haters gonna hate :arthur: lets make it to 126k before the crash come on
[2024-10-29 05:49:14]
scraps :
[2024-10-29 05:49:21]
The_Reaper :
Holding this since july
[2024-10-29 05:49:27]
MoonBruv :
there will be serious margin it can easily go 120
[2024-10-29 05:49:30]
The_Reaper :
/pnl ethusdt
:bitmex: ETHUSDT: -37.22 USDT RPNL, 0.88 USDT UPNL
[2024-10-29 05:49:34]
MoonBruv :
with the fomo of next 1 week
[2024-10-29 05:49:57]
The_Reaper :
/position ethusdt
:bitmex: ETHUSDT: 1.2 ETH @ 2624.3136
[2024-10-29 05:50:03]
MoonBruv :
everyone will be out on streets flashing each other with tits after the wave