This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2024-10-29 01:03:51] MoonBruv : hey guys, should I buy it here or sell it [2024-10-29 01:04:04] MoonBruv : I need someone to tell me what to do with my money [2024-10-29 01:05:23] speedwell : MoonBruv: I think it be a green day. [2024-10-29 01:06:59] MrBritcoin : MoonBruv: do what you want with it soon your own nothing an be happy lol [2024-10-29 01:07:10] MoonBruv : :arthur: [2024-10-29 01:07:21] MoonBruv : I was happy when I owned it too [2024-10-29 01:07:36] MoonBruv : I'll be happy when it's in my government's hands [2024-10-29 01:07:40] MoonBruv : :arthur: [2024-10-29 01:08:07] MoonBruv : hope I can cash out and run away from it all and buy some land with it on the way down [2024-10-29 01:08:08] MrBritcoin : did you really own anything in life or just handle it [2024-10-29 01:09:07] herby : Oh no this looks really bad [2024-10-29 01:09:42] MrBritcoin : i wonder in years to come an people pass away if there leave there crypto to anyone ie there wallet passphrase an if they dont there btc will be lost for ever [2024-10-29 01:09:45] MoonBruv : I'm just a debt free cash saver [2024-10-29 01:10:27] MoonBruv : if a deflationary recession hits and they can no longer print money, it would be the best scenario for me [2024-10-29 01:10:50] MrBritcoin : like Satoshi's wallet there but not acessable [2024-10-29 01:11:16] MoonBruv : ecB and Fed just released some papers saying they will tax bitcoin really hard if they don't ban it outright, we already have massive capital gains tax in here even for gold.... soooo..... [2024-10-29 01:11:37] MoonBruv : and 100% cgt here if you can't hold the asset for more than a year, otherwise half of everything gets bitten [2024-10-29 01:13:28] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: yo brother :doge: [2024-10-29 01:13:48] MoonBruv : yoyoyoyo :catjam: [2024-10-29 01:13:57] herby : Imagine if satoshi is just dum and forgot the pw [2024-10-29 01:14:08] MoonBruv : sixth henry in da house [2024-10-29 01:14:26] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: @herby 😘 [2024-10-29 01:14:52] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: Trump pump 7 days to pump 🫡🚀🚀🚀🚀 [2024-10-29 01:15:02] MrBritcoin : @herby imagen if he remembered it [2024-10-29 01:15:16] MoonBruv : one day someone will hack his wallet and pull a robin hood on it, like throwing cash from their balcony [2024-10-29 01:15:17] MrBritcoin : an moved them [2024-10-29 01:15:30] MoonBruv : I hope that happens [2024-10-29 01:16:08] scraps : the bowl is forming... once completed, it will run 70,400 then to 72k [2024-10-29 01:16:14] MrBritcoin : with AI i wonder if it could be hacked nowa days [2024-10-29 01:16:30] MoonBruv : scraps: what if it crash maaan [2024-10-29 01:16:55] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: 100k in 6 days [2024-10-29 01:17:09] MoonBruv : it depends on the quantum, if some bad actor can get access to an early prototype with just a bit higher qubit, we are about to enter the decryption zone soon [2024-10-29 01:17:09] scraps : MoonBruv: if crash then crash but no crash signals have been broadcast [2024-10-29 01:17:18] scraps : therefor it will run [2024-10-29 01:17:29] MoonBruv : someone could rekt the satoshi wallet when that happen ser [2024-10-29 01:18:33] MrBritcoin : where there is a will there is a way [2024-10-29 01:18:40] scraps : quantum computing is not even a thing.. too many errors. they cant mess with btc. and scaling includes quantum scaling anyway,.. its on the cards. BTC IS FUTUREPROOF [2024-10-29 01:18:46] MoonBruv : it's just a collision away, qubits of my heart ... yeeeeehaawwww. Imagine you are the one that gets to do it - where would you splash all that cash [2024-10-29 01:19:44] MoonBruv : I'd probably invalidate all of it in a single transaction and burn the entirety of it [2024-10-29 01:19:57] MoonBruv : theres nothing else to do, all that dirty money should burn [2024-10-29 01:20:27] MrBritcoin : you only need the wallet and where its kept an the the dictionary through it with every possible combo of words [2024-10-29 01:20:29] MoonBruv : it would actually cause some disinflation and gov would immediately print some money [2024-10-29 01:20:36] MoonBruv : ending up even worse loool [2024-10-29 01:20:44] MrBritcoin : run [2024-10-29 01:21:55] MrBritcoin : lets be honest most iv set up are no longer then 8 letters each so start with the smaller words an get bigger [2024-10-29 01:22:25] MoonBruv : 8 letters are brute forced with an average gpu in a few hours [2024-10-29 01:22:48] MoonBruv : or 5 mins [2024-10-29 01:23:22] MoonBruv : 8 chars are like the sweet spot, [2024-10-29 01:23:24] MoonBruv : as sweet as honey [2024-10-29 01:23:27] MrBritcoin : what wallet was it in would be an early brand [2024-10-29 01:24:10] MrBritcoin : when it was made there was probly one wallet about for him to store it [2024-10-29 01:24:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2586.91 ($361.67) [2024-10-29 01:24:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 245 Cont @ 2592.13 ($44,420.35) - Bonjour! [2024-10-29 01:24:48] MoonBruv : even if you get to steal, gov will steal most of it back from you with tax anyways [2024-10-29 01:24:53] MoonBruv : :kek: [2024-10-29 01:25:01] scraps : gearing up... here goes again... Youse r-r-ready? The Cannon group has just given you a dare [2024-10-29 01:25:04] MoonBruv : so even the thieves are discouraged by the gov being the biggest thief [2024-10-29 01:25:28] scraps : moon are you aussie? [2024-10-29 01:25:53] scraps : if not i'll take a guess you're from the UK [2024-10-29 01:26:35] scraps : MoonBruv: bruv? [2024-10-29 01:26:39] MrBritcoin : MoonBruv: if i was able to acess it id give to people [2024-10-29 01:27:02] MoonBruv : aussiee [2024-10-29 01:27:10] MoonBruv : where else could capital gains tax be so high [2024-10-29 01:27:13] MoonBruv : lool [2024-10-29 01:27:44] Yourholyhireless : My bullruns short faster than my bears [2024-10-29 01:29:43] MrBritcoin : MoonBruv: if you made that sort of money you would draw a little to be able to go where you needed then draw the rest when your settled some where nice with a low tax bracket [2024-10-29 01:30:39] MrBritcoin : pay the tax then move back lol [2024-10-29 01:31:13] MrBritcoin : or you might like it where you are an stay [2024-10-29 01:32:23] MrBritcoin : plenty of optins if you got the money id say thats what many would an have done [2024-10-29 01:33:06] MrBritcoin : if they made substantial money [2024-10-29 01:33:14] Yourholyhireless : Sometimes i think bullrun has ended when bull run has started [2024-10-29 01:34:14] MrBritcoin : iv heard one story of some one making it big that was the boot but he says hes lost it again [2024-10-29 01:36:00] MrBritcoin : not heard any other stories apart from that one yea iv seen people make on trading but most put it right back in [2024-10-29 01:37:51] MrBritcoin : for example look at crypto face an this video hes bragging about the size of the trade yet hes -7000 in his pnl [2024-10-29 01:42:49] MrBritcoin : i dont think many people spotted it clearly from an earlier trade an he flipped [2024-10-29 01:43:28] MrBritcoin : an then goes live when its in profit [2024-10-29 01:44:22] MoonBruv : lol [2024-10-29 01:44:35] MoonBruv : its like flashing the audience with your tits [2024-10-29 01:44:44] MrBritcoin : yep [2024-10-29 01:45:34] Yourholyhireless : okay guys bullrun is over [2024-10-29 01:45:43] Yourholyhireless : we no go to 44 [2024-10-29 01:45:45] Yourholyhireless : k [2024-10-29 01:45:50] Yourholyhireless : now [2024-10-29 01:46:00] MrBritcoin : if you made big money trading why do youtube an sell an indicator [2024-10-29 01:52:46] MrBritcoin : they do it to fund there habit [2024-10-29 01:57:31] ninnk : doge :doge: [2024-10-29 01:59:34] Doge X : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge: [2024-10-29 01:59:53] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 01:59:56] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:00:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `GOATUSDT`: Sell 90 GOAT @ 0.61018 ($54.91) [2024-10-29 02:02:07] scraps : XRP GOD: 👽👽👽 72K today, i called it yesterday [2024-10-29 02:02:15] Yourholyhireless : 44 k [2024-10-29 02:02:59] scraps : Yourholyhireless: why not 42? 44 isn't a viable number. 42 is most popular number between 0 - 100 [2024-10-29 02:03:03] XRP GOD : scraps: I saw you had a nice long yesterday 😘🚀💙 [2024-10-29 02:03:15] scraps : XRP GOD: yes i fat fingered it heh [2024-10-29 02:03:26] scraps : so nothing came of it [2024-10-29 02:03:29] XRP GOD : im going for 100k in 6 days @scraps 🫡😘 [2024-10-29 02:03:54] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 373700 USD @ 70330.8 - There goes ur space money [2024-10-29 02:04:09] XRP GOD : Yewwwww :Bitcoin: [2024-10-29 02:04:21] XRP GOD : lfgooooo [2024-10-29 02:04:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 200 USD @ 70382.4 - this was the last penny! [2024-10-29 02:04:23] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:04:27] scraps : XRP GOD: 75k for sure, then 80k election day. 100? it just might happen with this current running of the bulls [2024-10-29 02:04:27] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:04:36] "it will be........" : . [2024-10-29 02:04:38] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge: [2024-10-29 02:04:41] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:04:48] XRP GOD : scraps: huger [2024-10-29 02:04:54] XRP GOD : higher [2024-10-29 02:04:58] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:05:11] Yourholyhireless : My bulls run faster tha bear markets [2024-10-29 02:05:46] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:05:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.3937 XBT @ 70490.1 ($27,724.39) [2024-10-29 02:05:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 3 ETH @ 2587.84 ($7,756.50) - There goes ur space money [2024-10-29 02:05:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4000 USD @ 70421.8 [2024-10-29 02:05:50] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:05:52] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:05:55] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:06:09] scraps : Yourholyhireless: all the other kids with their pumped up kicks. . . [2024-10-29 02:06:19] XRP GOD : 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🐻🔫 [2024-10-29 02:06:31] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:06:32] scraps : better run better run, faster than my 100 imaginary contracts [2024-10-29 02:06:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 36800 USD @ 70428.4 [2024-10-29 02:07:16] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:07:42] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:07:44] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:07:46] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:08:13] XRP GOD : 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:09:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4500 USD @ 70486 [2024-10-29 02:09:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 5 Cont @ 2595.27 ($915.02) [2024-10-29 02:09:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.3555 XBT @ 70607.8 ($25,077.24) [2024-10-29 02:09:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10600 USD @ 70542.4 [2024-10-29 02:09:40] al guul : hey hey hey [2024-10-29 02:10:00] XRP GOD : al guul: :doge: [2024-10-29 02:10:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1001 XBT @ 70651 ($7,064.92) [2024-10-29 02:10:14] al guul : XRP GOD: :doge: [2024-10-29 02:10:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 20000 USD @ 70618.1 [2024-10-29 02:10:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.7100 XBT @ 70687.4 ($50,137.71) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh? [2024-10-29 02:10:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 16000 USD @ 70670.6 [2024-10-29 02:10:47] XRP GOD : al guul: 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀:doge:🚀 [2024-10-29 02:11:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 45800 USD @ 70757.7 [2024-10-29 02:11:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2600.68 ($368.03) [2024-10-29 02:12:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 50000 USD @ 70838.7 - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh? [2024-10-29 02:12:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1000 XBT @ 70928.9 ($7,084.99) [2024-10-29 02:13:00] al guul : violent :btc: [2024-10-29 02:14:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTM25`: Buy 1000 USD @ 75601.5 [2024-10-29 02:14:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 4500 USD @ 70960.4 [2024-10-29 02:14:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.2023 XBT @ 71038.1 ($14,354.98) [2024-10-29 02:15:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 45300 USD @ 71044.7 [2024-10-29 02:15:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.8231 XBT @ 71129.7 ($58,475.63) - Check your inbox [2024-10-29 02:20:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 71058.7 [2024-10-29 02:20:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.8000 XBT @ 71151 ($56,863.70) - RIP [2024-10-29 02:20:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 71101.3 [2024-10-29 02:21:04] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0300 XBT @ 71214.4 ($2,134.22) [2024-10-29 02:21:21] SimioLong : wait a minute! my paycheck is not here yet! :imp: [2024-10-29 02:21:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.7500 XBT @ 71271.5 ($53,397.93) - Up only! [2024-10-29 02:21:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3400 USD @ 71198.7 [2024-10-29 02:21:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 2615.01 ($558.54) [2024-10-29 02:21:24] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTH25`: Buy 5000 USD @ 74131 [2024-10-29 02:21:24] SimioLong : stop it!!! [2024-10-29 02:22:25] SimioLong : of course when my fuqin paychek comes it will be another ATH :( :pepe: [2024-10-29 02:23:53] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0050 XBT @ 71405.7 ($356.66) - this was the last penny! [2024-10-29 02:23:55] XRP GOD : SimioLong: warnings I told I to long:doge: [2024-10-29 02:23:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 22300 USD @ 71386.3 [2024-10-29 02:24:07] XRP GOD : :Bitcoin: [2024-10-29 02:24:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 5 ETH @ 2622.01 ($13,095.55) - Are ya winning, son? [2024-10-29 02:24:16] XRP GOD : :Bitcoin: [2024-10-29 02:24:23] XRP GOD : :Bitcoin [2024-10-29 02:24:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0478 XBT @ 71552.8 ($3,416.52) [2024-10-29 02:24:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 8000 USD @ 71476.8 [2024-10-29 02:24:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 30300 USD @ 71498.1 [2024-10-29 02:26:19] XRP GOD : 💥👀everyone plz retweet my post I need Elon to see it [2024-10-29 02:27:21] scraps : i've called it all year... ranging.. gift prices.. easy plays.. ATH november [2024-10-29 02:27:23] tozak : what a market and still XRP cant even buy a friend... no offense to you @XRP GOD [2024-10-29 02:27:59] scraps : tozak: I'm his friend buddy, whats your dysfunction? [2024-10-29 02:28:44] tozak : Its XRP the token, Ripple just can't get over 60 cents [2024-10-29 02:29:17] MoonBruv : uh [2024-10-29 02:29:24] MoonBruv : why am I ALWAYS on the wrong side man xD [2024-10-29 02:29:41] MoonBruv : fk offffff [2024-10-29 02:29:44] nacx : Cripple [2024-10-29 02:29:46] MoonBruv : what is this [2024-10-29 02:29:55] MoonBruv : this is manipulation [2024-10-29 02:30:05] ArcLight : Exit pimp???? [2024-10-29 02:30:13] scraps : tozak: ripple is the og shitcoin, but it has usecase now. fastest send of any coin [2024-10-29 02:30:13] ninnk : [2024-10-29 02:31:12] MrBritcoin : so they still do the moonipulation at tops then still a thing hay [2024-10-29 02:31:24] XRP GOD : tozak: bro Xrp always pumps last relax our day will come I have over 100 coins Xrp only 5-% of my holdings [2024-10-29 02:31:48] MrBritcoin : as if that will ever change [2024-10-29 02:31:50] MoonBruv : I feel like buying [2024-10-29 02:31:58] MoonBruv : right here :arthur: :arthur: [2024-10-29 02:32:08] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: :kek: [2024-10-29 02:34:49] MrBritcoin : seventy thousand doll hairs when you say it out loud it just seems wrong hay [2024-10-29 02:34:50] scraps : Bitcoin ready to run again... finding support [2024-10-29 02:35:33] TG_undefined : easy short [2024-10-29 02:35:34] MrBritcoin : bleed timeafter that scam [2024-10-29 02:36:05] XRP GOD : All bulls come join our guild family:doge: [2024-10-29 02:36:12] XRP GOD : only bulls allowed [2024-10-29 02:36:26] XRP GOD : :catjam: :catjam: [2024-10-29 02:36:29] MoonBruv : a few days to election results, I'm buyingg [2024-10-29 02:37:05] MrBath : FULL SEND [2024-10-29 02:37:08] GodBleesYou : TG_undefined: this time i am with you [2024-10-29 02:37:19] GodBleesYou : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.1872 XBT @ 70959.4 ``` [2024-10-29 02:37:20] MrBath : :pepe: [2024-10-29 02:37:26] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: just scale in small every day buy the red candles 🫡💥🥳 [2024-10-29 02:37:42] MrBath : Welcome to the golden bull [2024-10-29 02:37:43] GodBleesYou : Go go badger @TG_undefined [2024-10-29 02:37:54] XRP GOD : MrBath: :doge: 😘 [2024-10-29 02:37:55] kchaitanya : MrBath: how are you ser? [2024-10-29 02:38:03] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: :doge: [2024-10-29 02:38:07] MrBath : kchaitanya: good thank you. how are you [2024-10-29 02:38:08] scraps : Who's ready to take it to 72k? i need ready and willing participants and we can run this [2024-10-29 02:38:10] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: :doge: [2024-10-29 02:38:14] ninnk : MrBath: [2024-10-29 02:38:15] kchaitanya : MrBath: i am a bear [2024-10-29 02:38:18] kchaitanya : :doge: [2024-10-29 02:38:23] MrBath : kchaitanya: bears out [2024-10-29 02:38:27] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: :doge: :doge: :doge: [2024-10-29 02:38:28] owl : hello, how are we all. whos short? [2024-10-29 02:38:29] scraps : balls out [2024-10-29 02:38:29] MrBath : ninnk: :catjam: [2024-10-29 02:38:30] GodBleesYou : ArcLight: yep exit pump [2024-10-29 02:38:33] scraps : 72k time [2024-10-29 02:38:38] kchaitanya : @owl me [2024-10-29 02:38:51] XRP GOD : 100k Lets Goooo [2024-10-29 02:38:51] GodBleesYou : kchaitanya: i am bear with you [2024-10-29 02:38:59] GodBleesYou : Stop hunts [2024-10-29 02:39:05] kchaitanya : GodBleesYou: god bless you along with me :pray: [2024-10-29 02:39:17] owl : you need to be buying every tiny bull flag you see right now [2024-10-29 02:39:37] XRP GOD : owl: helloooo😘 [2024-10-29 02:39:40] GodBleesYou : 59k stop hunt 69k stop hunt 65k stop hunt 71k stop hunt @kchaitanya crazy days [2024-10-29 02:39:52] kchaitanya : GodBleesYou: ye indeed [2024-10-29 02:39:53] owl : XRP GOD: hello beloved [2024-10-29 02:39:59] scraps : bullflags on every timeframe... BITCOIN IS A GIFT UNDER 72K [2024-10-29 02:40:00] XRP GOD : owl: were is bot ? [2024-10-29 02:41:10] owl : XRP GOD: have not seen around [2024-10-29 02:41:54] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SUIUSDT`: Buy 300 SUI @ 1.9095 ($572.31) [2024-10-29 02:41:56] scraps : ready to go? lets go bois test the waters before the final send [2024-10-29 02:42:21] XRP GOD : owl: 😞😞 [2024-10-29 02:44:18] XRP GOD : :doge: [2024-10-29 02:44:24] XRP GOD : :doge: [2024-10-29 02:44:28] XRP GOD : :doge: [2024-10-29 02:44:40] owl : lets top long this sh!t boys. top longerrrrrr!!! [2024-10-29 02:44:53] owl : highs beget highs [2024-10-29 02:46:10] kchaitanya : where is my man @bluemaster today @owl ? [2024-10-29 02:46:10] owl : you guys are my real family, sorry i have been gone so long [2024-10-29 02:46:13] owl : there is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto [2024-10-29 02:46:19] scraps : owl: top? this isn't the top, we have a ways to climb yet. Big day ahead [2024-10-29 02:46:51] XRP GOD : owl: come join our guild 😘:doge: [2024-10-29 02:46:55] MoonBruv : if it corrects a bit I will be able to switch back to longgg [2024-10-29 02:47:02] MoonBruv : why isnt it even correcting bruv [2024-10-29 02:47:09] MoonBruv : is it goign straight to moon ? [2024-10-29 02:47:17] MoonBruv : holy guacamoly [2024-10-29 02:47:23] scraps : 72k,,, then maybe 75 [2024-10-29 02:47:31] MoonBruv : your assshole is oily [2024-10-29 02:47:36] MoonBruv : bears [2024-10-29 02:47:38] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: hehe some noes trump gona win [2024-10-29 02:47:38] MoonBruv : :PP [2024-10-29 02:47:45] XRP GOD : 100k soon [2024-10-29 02:48:02] MoonBruv : thats exactly whats happening [2024-10-29 02:48:16] MoonBruv : by the time they realise we will be at 73k breaking the ath, only then they will join and take it to 80 [2024-10-29 02:48:21] MoonBruv : self fulfilling prophecy [2024-10-29 02:48:35] MoonBruv : everyones crying about their top signal [2024-10-29 02:48:51] MoonBruv : BUT ITS MOON TIME [2024-10-29 02:48:52] scraps : mini inverse h&s on the one minute... ITS ALMOST TIME... FULL SEND 72k and beyond [2024-10-29 02:49:03] MoonBruv : ITS MOOORNNNN [2024-10-29 02:49:21] XRP GOD : Mooon it straight to 100m [2024-10-29 02:49:42] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: non stop? [2024-10-29 02:49:43] kchaitanya : :doge: [2024-10-29 02:50:01] scraps : if eth pumps to 2,700 btc will go 75k [2024-10-29 02:50:09] XRP GOD : owl: come to our guild :doge: [2024-10-29 02:50:16] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: :doge: [2024-10-29 02:50:20] kchaitanya : :kek: [2024-10-29 02:50:25] scraps : keep an eye on eth. Yes Join AI Deep Trading [2024-10-29 02:50:39] XRP GOD : kchaitanya: come to our guild 😈🥳 [2024-10-29 02:50:42] owl : XRP GOD: but i love my guild [2024-10-29 02:50:51] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: lol.... I am already part of a guild [2024-10-29 02:51:07] XRP GOD : owl: don’t worry they will all follow you here 😈🥳 [2024-10-29 02:53:40] scraps : wtf i had a market order trigger but it wasnt on my stop price [2024-10-29 02:54:37] MoonBruv : yeeeepppppp [2024-10-29 02:54:42] MoonBruv : U STARTING TO NOTICE IT NOW [2024-10-29 02:54:53] MoonBruv : :arthur::arthur: [2024-10-29 02:56:46] MoonBruv : I mean compared to monetary devaluations and capital gains tax [2024-10-29 02:56:53] MoonBruv : I prefer this anyday every day [2024-10-29 02:57:12] MoonBruv : but u have to cash out using their system, which gets slapped tax again [2024-10-29 02:57:17] MoonBruv : jesus christ :kek: [2024-10-29 03:00:38] MoonBruv : nek target is 83k [2024-10-29 03:01:15] scraps : btc about to pump again.. again [2024-10-29 03:01:19] MoonBruv : GET IN BEFORE THE NEK WAVE [2024-10-29 03:02:51] XRP GOD : MoonBruv: I took some profits I have to go back to work cya in 5h [2024-10-29 03:03:04] XRP GOD : scraps: [2024-10-29 03:03:23] XRP GOD : :doge: [2024-10-29 03:03:34] scraps : XRP GOD: i got screwed by a market order i never placed.. thats the 4th time today [2024-10-29 03:03:53] scraps : XRP GOD: i thought i got delev'd or something.. odd [2024-10-29 03:04:02] XRP GOD : scraps: don’t rush we will get another chance later [2024-10-29 03:04:15] XRP GOD : 🫡😘 [2024-10-29 03:10:42] scraps : btc is holding solid... lets kick it off another round.. 100 contracts lets go [2024-10-29 03:14:59] scraps : [2024-10-29 03:15:17] Fall Guys : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 4,900 USD @ 67500.1 ``` [2024-10-29 03:15:57] kchaitanya : /upnl solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0061 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-10-29 03:16:56] MoonBruv : [2024-10-29 03:18:03] KoalaBearz : its all waiting for the election. when trump is the clear winner this will moon [2024-10-29 03:18:15] MoonBruv : isnt he alredy clear winnar [2024-10-29 03:19:16] scraps : its going to set up for 80k before election day [2024-10-29 03:19:47] KoalaBearz : i mean more officially as its obvious he is going to win hence why they have started pumping [2024-10-29 03:20:02] MoonBruv : we could find ourselves around 87k tomorrow evening [2024-10-29 03:20:42] MoonBruv : by the time I get out of the shower it'll be at 75 [2024-10-29 03:21:06] MoonBruv : all TA can stop, theres nothing to analyse right now, it just goes up [2024-10-29 03:21:21] MoonBruv : 250x all in, say your prayers and take your shower [2024-10-29 03:21:27] MoonBruv : dont look bak [2024-10-29 03:22:05] KoalaBearz : waiting for the old scam wicks at some point to load up on my current trades [2024-10-29 03:22:06] MoonBruv : shower time, altogether [2024-10-29 03:22:18] MoonBruv : bright light of burning brotherhood [2024-10-29 03:23:11] scraps : bitcoin on sale again! wont last 5 minutes, buy while you can [2024-10-29 03:28:55] scraps : here she goes, again [2024-10-29 03:29:05] scraps : market buy time brb [2024-10-29 03:32:54] yellowpig : hehe [2024-10-29 03:33:52] MoonBruv : 🙅 no bueno [2024-10-29 03:40:03] scraps : Ok guys and gals, lets go for another round of bitcoin buys.. another 100 contracts lets go [2024-10-29 03:42:57] Yourholyhireless : Bullrun has ended cause bull run has started [2024-10-29 03:43:18] Yourholyhireless : back to 42 k [2024-10-29 03:44:05] scraps : Yourholyhireless: 72k?? Yes sir. Coming right up. [2024-10-29 03:45:52] GodBleesYou : 42 btc wall pushing the price doqn [2024-10-29 03:45:54] GodBleesYou : Down [2024-10-29 03:47:18] TG_undefined : free 100x short [2024-10-29 03:48:36] The Emerging Bull : Phew closed half in small profits [2024-10-29 03:48:41] The Emerging Bull : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -15,000 USD @ 71070.6798 ``` [2024-10-29 03:48:59] SangFrais : Donald Trump and his allies were scrambling on Monday to stem the fallout from a campaign rally at New York’s Madison Square Garden where one speaker called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage” and another likened Kamala Harris to a prostitute with “pimp handlers”. [2024-10-29 03:49:04] SangFrais : LMFAO [2024-10-29 03:49:05] The Emerging Bull : Adding 71.6 area, weekly level there [2024-10-29 03:49:48] MoonBruv : :arthur::arthur::arthur: [2024-10-29 03:49:52] MoonBruv : wtf [2024-10-29 03:49:54] GodBleesYou : The Emerging Bull: ❤️ [2024-10-29 03:50:32] The Emerging Bull : GodBleesYou: 😅😀 [2024-10-29 03:50:45] GodBleesYou : The Emerging Bull: i am short with you love [2024-10-29 03:51:03] GodBleesYou : Closed 3p% here [2024-10-29 03:52:18] The Emerging Bull : GodBleesYou: great! I had short orders while i was driving home from visiting my parents/brothers. 71.4 - 71.6 is hopefully a retrace area... above there probably going to 73k+ [2024-10-29 03:52:50] GodBleesYou : The Emerging Bull: yep 73k sound right [2024-10-29 03:53:01] The Emerging Bull : GodBleesYou: 😅 [2024-10-29 04:01:32] scraps : Buy signal on bitcoin again [2024-10-29 04:02:30] scraps : eth also giving buy signal [2024-10-29 04:06:38] badtradesonly : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,000 USD @ 70955.2 ``` [2024-10-29 04:06:51] badtradesonly : FOMO [2024-10-29 04:07:14] scraps : Market buys will be the only way once the real fomo starts [2024-10-29 04:07:16] kchaitanya : badtradesonly: kya baat :clap: [2024-10-29 04:07:28] kchaitanya : /upnl solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0064 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-10-29 04:09:27] scraps : real fomo starts soon, this is just testing the waters for sharks 👽 [2024-10-29 04:09:39] MoonBruv : top signal is in [2024-10-29 04:09:53] MoonBruv : :P [2024-10-29 04:10:04] MoonBruv : bull market to 9600 begins now [2024-10-29 04:10:04] scraps : i don't believe it is, 72k needs to be reached first [2024-10-29 04:10:24] scraps : then it will decide to cool off or pump like a mofo to 75k [2024-10-29 04:10:25] MoonBruv : yeah Im long, just enjoying the volatility [2024-10-29 04:11:01] MoonBruv : for me bitcoin is now half a dollar plaything [2024-10-29 04:11:12] MoonBruv : I would never take bitcoin serious with this volatility, even if it went to 250 [2024-10-29 04:12:02] speedwell : The hungry caterpillar [2024-10-29 04:12:30] MoonBruv : bitcoin can sck my cockkk [2024-10-29 04:13:11] MoonBruv : PETER SCHIFF SUCKS BALLS. BRB [2024-10-29 04:16:55] bmagic : Duamp it [2024-10-29 04:18:17] kchaitanya : bmagic: how you doing ser? [2024-10-29 04:18:28] kchaitanya : /position solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 800 Cont @ 174.44 ``` [2024-10-29 04:18:34] kchaitanya : /upnl solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 0.0065 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-10-29 04:20:33] scraps : 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d ALL SCREAM BUYYYYYYY [2024-10-29 04:20:44] scraps : bitcoin going to interstellar space today [2024-10-29 04:21:16] The Emerging Bull : In [2024-10-29 04:21:28] scraps : inb4 75k [2024-10-29 04:21:57] The Emerging Bull : Nasdaq filled gap now will prob go on a run into earnings tomorrow eve [2024-10-29 04:22:13] bluemaster : :me: [2024-10-29 04:24:02] bmagic : bmagic: bitmex account rekt but otherwise very good [2024-10-29 04:24:20] bmagic : Flew to close to the sun and missed my long [2024-10-29 04:24:23] bmagic : Sleeeeep [2024-10-29 04:24:46] bmagic : Being opposite time zone of US always has its challenges [2024-10-29 04:24:53] kchaitanya : bmagic: whats wrong with bitmex account? [2024-10-29 04:25:17] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 295,000 USD @ 66590.3098 ``` [2024-10-29 04:25:21] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0161 XBT RPNL, 0.4416 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-10-29 04:25:30] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 240,000 USD @ 70761.8933 ``` [2024-10-29 04:25:36] kchaitanya : bluemaster: and here comes flashing pnl from blue [2024-10-29 04:25:49] kchaitanya : it is so boring without you @bluemaster [2024-10-29 04:25:51] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: -0.0003 XBT RPNL, 0.2429 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-10-29 04:26:07] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.4388 XBT RPNL, 0.3810 XBT UPNL ``` [2024-10-29 04:26:14] bluemaster : /position xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 245,000 USD @ 65004.2903 ``` [2024-10-29 04:26:19] bluemaster : 😜 [2024-10-29 04:26:42] kchaitanya : bluemaster: did you thank the berasssss [2024-10-29 04:30:20] bluemaster : kchaitanya: no anymore I am used to free money now [2024-10-29 04:30:40] kchaitanya : bluemaster: lol, enjoy the money rain [2024-10-29 04:30:54] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : kchaitanya: where are we going now [2024-10-29 04:31:08] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : 100 via 50? [2024-10-29 04:31:20] kchaitanya : I think we will see 70k soon at the min [2024-10-29 04:31:42] kchaitanya : if it has to make a big move up, then it has to do some absorption first [2024-10-29 04:33:39] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : loving this market [2024-10-29 04:33:49] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : what a great time to be on bitmex [2024-10-29 04:33:56] Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis : :pepe::pepe::pepe: [2024-10-29 04:34:58] Yourholyhireless : 42k [2024-10-29 04:36:16] Yourholyhireless : bull run has started :downrocket: [2024-10-29 04:37:00] 45th_blown_account : :doge: [2024-10-29 04:37:14] Yourholyhireless : hell yea :downrocket: [2024-10-29 04:38:32] kchaitanya : Colorful-Bnkrupt-Sis: yes ser, pepe is fucking it all up :pepeb: [2024-10-29 04:39:30] Yourholyhireless : my bullruns short faster than bearmarket [2024-10-29 04:42:39] Yourholyhireless : :downrocket: [2024-10-29 04:46:28] MoonBruv : go go go sista [2024-10-29 04:46:59] MoonBruv : you'll hit the jackpot, just buy it :arthur: [2024-10-29 04:47:09] MoonBruv : all my sisters [2024-10-29 04:47:13] MoonBruv : it's time [2024-10-29 04:47:22] MoonBruv : shake what yo mama gave ya [2024-10-29 04:55:32] any random name : is this expected to go down anytime soon? [2024-10-29 04:56:08] bmagic : Today [2024-10-29 04:56:13] MoonBruv : the trajectory is always up ser [2024-10-29 04:56:15] daarkneth : hahahah yeah, Today [2024-10-29 04:56:15] bmagic : Then next 4 months [2024-10-29 04:56:18] bmagic : Down [2024-10-29 04:56:19] bmagic : Down [2024-10-29 04:56:21] bmagic : Down [2024-10-29 04:56:25] daarkneth : into the ground [2024-10-29 04:56:38] bmagic : Bull news is fake [2024-10-29 04:56:40] MoonBruv : a friend blocked me today because I told him he might need to stop being a bear [2024-10-29 04:56:45] MoonBruv : lmao [2024-10-29 04:56:48] any random name : ah ok..ill close my short and take a loss..womp womp [2024-10-29 04:56:56] bmagic : Thats cause you sounded like a noob [2024-10-29 04:57:00] MoonBruv : people are getting really emotionally invested though [2024-10-29 04:57:03] bmagic : He is ultra intelligent bear [2024-10-29 04:57:07] MoonBruv : I dont have a serious position because it's seriously vollatile [2024-10-29 04:57:18] bmagic : I don’t get emotional [2024-10-29 04:57:22] bmagic : I get rekt [2024-10-29 04:57:25] bmagic : Different feels [2024-10-29 04:57:31] daarkneth : @moonbruv, your friend a bitch [2024-10-29 04:57:33] MoonBruv : so I guessed, my friend was probably rekt recently [2024-10-29 04:57:40] bmagic : Hahah maybe [2024-10-29 04:57:45] MoonBruv : so maybe I ended up rubbing salt on the wound [2024-10-29 04:57:49] bmagic : Its been tough being bearish [2024-10-29 04:58:03] bmagic : I am short to medium bearish but difficult to trade [2024-10-29 04:58:14] bmagic : Swing trading i made 6k out of 500 usd [2024-10-29 04:58:25] bmagic : Then got rekt in my sleep last friday [2024-10-29 04:58:30] MoonBruv : former friend* [2024-10-29 04:58:31] MoonBruv : :arthur: [2024-10-29 04:58:40] any random name : shorted at 64k liquidation at 76k..think ill bow out here and lick my wounds😭 [2024-10-29 04:58:50] bmagic : MoonBruv: sounds like he doesn’t deserve you and your antagonism [2024-10-29 04:59:54] any random name : might as well close and now wake up to worst [2024-10-29 05:04:27] scraps : bmagic: whats your call at the moment? i did warn you 69.5k - 72k [2024-10-29 05:04:46] Eluus : /position xbtusd I have this position open since 8 months ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,625,000 USD @ 68298.5466 ``` [2024-10-29 05:05:13] Eluus : oahahhaha insane! [2024-10-29 05:05:16] speedwell : Eluus: target? [2024-10-29 05:05:30] Eluus : No target [2024-10-29 05:05:43] speedwell : no rudder [2024-10-29 05:05:43] Eluus : Will close when I feel like [2024-10-29 05:06:00] Eluus : Started longing at 30k [2024-10-29 05:06:28] scraps : speedwell: sails at half mast right now, let me fix that brb 2min 100 contracts [2024-10-29 05:06:55] Yourholyhireless : my bullruns end faster than my shorts [2024-10-29 05:06:55] scraps : 👽👽👽 [2024-10-29 05:07:41] speedwell : current should be enough. [2024-10-29 05:07:44] scraps : Yourholyhireless: bullrun is about to start, whachu talkin bout willis [2024-10-29 05:08:11] Yourholyhireless : scraps: my bullruns short faster than my sideways markets [2024-10-29 05:09:16] scraps : Yourholyhireless: [2024-10-29 05:09:37] Yourholyhireless : dont muss this short opportunity of your life [2024-10-29 05:09:41] Yourholyhireless : miss [2024-10-29 05:09:59] scraps : Yourholyhireless: this is setting up to 80k for usa elections [2024-10-29 05:10:13] scraps : could be 72k - 75k today [2024-10-29 05:10:30] Yourholyhireless : scraps: Did Mc Donalds told so? [2024-10-29 05:10:47] scraps : Yourholyhireless: no, but they called today about hiring [2024-10-29 05:11:22] scraps : Yourholyhireless: they wanted me for CEO position. i said aint nobody got time for that i gotta get my tendies [2024-10-29 05:12:56] Yourholyhireless : main task 100x short [2024-10-29 05:12:59] GodBleesYou : bmagic: hey love [2024-10-29 05:13:15] GodBleesYou : Hope you doing omay 😬 [2024-10-29 05:13:51] contract details : hiiiiiiiiiiireee [2024-10-29 05:14:16] GodBleesYou : Both you and sparks gog stoped 🤕 @bmagic [2024-10-29 05:14:16] scraps : This next bitcoin run MIGHT be the big one [2024-10-29 05:14:25] Yourholyhireless : bull run yes [2024-10-29 05:14:51] Yourholyhireless : 90 °down [2024-10-29 05:18:25] Yourholyhireless : see [2024-10-29 05:18:30] Yourholyhireless : target 42k [2024-10-29 05:18:33] Yourholyhireless : 100x short [2024-10-29 05:18:34] Yourholyhireless : no sl [2024-10-29 05:19:35] scraps : if you follow the chart patterns, this is the bottom on btc before the next pump [2024-10-29 05:19:53] scraps : it's played out 3 times in a row now [2024-10-29 05:20:12] Yourholyhireless : scraps: no no its to top of the bull market [2024-10-29 05:20:23] Yourholyhireless : and the start of the bear market lol [2024-10-29 05:20:41] scraps : Yourholyhireless: sure, then what is ATH next week? not a top either [2024-10-29 05:20:51] Yourholyhireless : 69k [2024-10-29 05:21:00] Yourholyhireless : top since 11 years [2024-10-29 05:23:49] Yourholyhireless : scraps: more bull runs to come :downlocket: [2024-10-29 05:23:54] Yourholyhireless : scraps: more bull runs to come :downrocket: [2024-10-29 05:25:56] Yourholyhireless : Burger King is i control :downrocket: [2024-10-29 05:26:02] Yourholyhireless : is in control [2024-10-29 05:26:06] Yourholyhireless : Mc Donalds [2024-10-29 05:26:52] Yourholyhireless : Hiring [2024-10-29 05:30:37] Yourholyhireless : scraps: fast bull run :downrocket: [2024-10-29 05:31:24] Yourholyhireless : no support below [2024-10-29 05:34:09] speedwell : I guess we wait for london? [2024-10-29 05:37:12] contract details : just buy the top [2024-10-29 05:37:14] contract details : and a new top appears [2024-10-29 05:39:01] Yourholyhireless : contract details: btc cant go up [2024-10-29 05:39:47] Yourholyhireless : we need a correction [2024-10-29 05:39:50] Yourholyhireless : 42k [2024-10-29 05:39:57] Yourholyhireless : lol [2024-10-29 05:41:21] contract details : correktions are not allowed in anticipion of a trump victory [2024-10-29 05:41:26] contract details : this scam world says onlyup [2024-10-29 05:41:43] contract details : you didnt long the 1m wick to the fib? unlucky miss 7% [2024-10-29 05:41:45] contract details : :arthur: [2024-10-29 05:44:40] The_Reaper : ETH move over 3k now wtf [2024-10-29 05:44:43] The_Reaper : Scamshet [2024-10-29 05:45:02] The_Reaper : Eth should have been nearing 4k already with these prices [2024-10-29 05:45:05] The_Reaper : Pathetic