This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2024-10-27 15:52:07]
blaster33 :
[2024-10-27 15:57:49]
Jameel0072 :
How could I refer my friend to join Bitmex when it always going down
[2024-10-27 16:03:07]
MrBritcoin :
what is going on with this wash trading
[2024-10-27 16:03:40]
MrBritcoin :
stop this bull sh!t now what a joke
[2024-10-27 16:05:18]
MrBritcoin :
bitmex should expose this account there know whos doing it
[2024-10-27 16:07:12]
MrBritcoin :
unless its the exchange doing it them self
[2024-10-27 16:07:38]
MrBritcoin :
thats probably mor to the point
[2024-10-27 16:08:53]
BMEXcheers :
i tell you what though, the turkish ladies are so fine and nice, too
[2024-10-27 16:08:58]
BMEXcheers :
maybe i should move there
[2024-10-27 16:09:51]
MrBritcoin :
its like a casino here if your seeing the top the exchange scams you same as at a casino they ban you
[2024-10-27 16:10:21]
MrBritcoin :
if you constantly win
[2024-10-27 16:11:06]
MrBritcoin :
same rules different platform
[2024-10-27 16:12:29]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: yes
[2024-10-27 16:12:40]
I Love BitMEX :
That's why
[2024-10-27 16:12:43]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 16:12:46]
I Love BitMEX :
Btc to 0
[2024-10-27 16:13:05]
MrBritcoin :
britcoin walks in to the casino takes a look around sees the manipultion an walks back out the same door
[2024-10-27 16:14:11]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: i no longer trade here for now
[2024-10-27 16:15:45]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: 30 minutes ago bitmex manipulated price up with 100x
[2024-10-27 16:15:52]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 26000 USD @ 67785.7
[2024-10-27 16:17:38]
Djdez :
I Love BitMEX: 😲
[2024-10-27 16:18:24]
I Love BitMEX :
As soon as this house of cards is exposed it gets destroyed
[2024-10-27 16:19:08]
I Love BitMEX :
Solama chart lmao
[2024-10-27 16:21:00]
45th_blown_account :
Solana in japanese means : rug pull imminent
[2024-10-27 16:22:54]
I Love BitMEX :
Only retarded Americans use solana mostly as it was their biggest bag during ftx
[2024-10-27 16:23:13]
I Love BitMEX :
The rest are just speculators and meme holders or fast transfer
[2024-10-27 16:23:49]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-27 16:25:05]
MrBritcoin :
the last two 4 hr candels are fake
[2024-10-27 16:27:20]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: yes
[2024-10-27 16:27:54]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: regulations will be good for people who actually know how to trade
[2024-10-27 16:28:28]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: yea i thought with etf`s it would be already
[2024-10-27 16:28:30]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: regulations will scam the scammers
[2024-10-27 16:28:36]
I Love BitMEX :
So that is good for us @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-27 16:28:45]
blaster33 :
we'll retrace the whole pump
[2024-10-27 16:29:00]
I Love BitMEX :
blaster33: yes
[2024-10-27 16:30:16]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: hey what is 170/2 = ?
[2024-10-27 16:30:30]
PeacenLuv :
btc pumpittup llezgoo
[2024-10-27 16:32:17]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: what are you asking that for ?
[2024-10-27 16:32:35]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: the answer is solana :me:
[2024-10-27 16:32:47]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: go low lev sell on solana
[2024-10-27 16:32:57]
MrBritcoin :
well i dont touch the sol
[2024-10-27 16:33:08]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: mate
[2024-10-27 16:33:17]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: last time I help
[2024-10-27 16:33:20]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 16:33:31]
I Love BitMEX :
I am selling solana
[2024-10-27 16:33:35]
I Love BitMEX :
Good luck
[2024-10-27 16:34:05]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 16:34:10]
MrBritcoin :
i dont touch alts if i can help it
[2024-10-27 16:34:56]
MrBritcoin :
the books are two thin here
[2024-10-27 16:37:44]
MrBritcoin :
they can be move with a small amount of funds bitcoin is different yet saying that usdt is the main market mover these days
[2024-10-27 16:38:09]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: soalana bear market under 170 usd
[2024-10-27 16:39:42]
MrBritcoin :
bitcoin runs the show not meme tokens
[2024-10-27 16:40:30]
Jameel0072 :
I’m disappointed in the whole Bitmex team . You conniving to go against peoples that trusted you the most
[2024-10-27 16:41:23]
MrBritcoin :
Jameel0072: you cant just blame one there all in on it
[2024-10-27 16:41:50]
Jameel0072 :
You are the sole holders of bitmex token and everyday you dumping it. Who’s is going to buy it again?
[2024-10-27 16:44:06]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 16:44:47]
I Love BitMEX :
**People should expect nothing less from. Crypto than a giant scam** **at least until we have this space fully regulated and legal**
[2024-10-27 16:45:03]
I Love BitMEX :
**I am a law abidding citizen and I only been scammed.**
[2024-10-27 16:45:42]
I Love BitMEX :
**7 years of getting scammed**
[2024-10-27 16:46:20]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: i feel the exact same way to
[2024-10-27 16:47:27]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: it's by design
[2024-10-27 16:47:36]
MrBritcoin :
i think it was a great learning curve for me but enought is enough now i think ill do much better in stonks an we get brakes with market open an close
[2024-10-27 16:47:54]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: and I noticed over the years that the scams get bigger and more visible when an exchange is ready to go bankrupt or some scammer to go to jail
[2024-10-27 16:48:02]
I Love BitMEX :
So I expect jail sentences next week
[2024-10-27 16:48:04]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 16:48:07]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 16:48:21]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: same i do better in stocks now
[2024-10-27 16:48:30]
MrBritcoin :
wich means more traders acting on news events an is probly better to follow the money flow
[2024-10-27 16:49:41]
MrBritcoin :
this crypto is a shame market you only got to read the meme names
[2024-10-27 16:49:52]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: the problem with crypto are the books
[2024-10-27 16:50:01]
I Love BitMEX :
Like the mm cleares liquidity up and down
[2024-10-27 16:50:12]
I Love BitMEX :
Then spoofs the books but without actual trades
[2024-10-27 16:50:30]
I Love BitMEX :
Aka the price is shown for example that it pumps but with 10 dollar volume
[2024-10-27 16:50:40]
I Love BitMEX :
And that price is used to liquidate people on leverage @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-27 16:50:44]
I Love BitMEX :
A giant casino scam
[2024-10-27 16:50:49]
MrBritcoin :
yea bots an books you can do things in crypto you cant on stonks due to it being illegal
[2024-10-27 16:50:56]
I Love BitMEX :
The spot market TELLS you it is bearish for example
[2024-10-27 16:51:16]
I Love BitMEX :
But they run the book higher without actual trades and you get liquidated on futures @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-27 16:51:47]
I Love BitMEX :
Bitm3x is one of the trading desks doing that
[2024-10-27 16:51:55]
I Love BitMEX :
Then we have binance trading desk
[2024-10-27 16:52:00]
I Love BitMEX :
And then okx trading desk
[2024-10-27 16:52:06]
I Love BitMEX :
All these 3 do the same
[2024-10-27 16:55:33]
MrBritcoin :
we need to make an indicator that shows its happening
[2024-10-27 16:57:08]
MrBritcoin :
there is alot you can tell from the depth chart
[2024-10-27 17:01:52]
MrBritcoin :
i mean six months here i want to make money not a groove in my chair
[2024-10-27 17:03:33]
MrBritcoin :
you only got to look at troll box its dead now new people here
[2024-10-27 17:04:00]
MrBritcoin :
wich means no one is buying
[2024-10-27 17:04:54]
MrBritcoin :
its just bots buying an selling of each other at this point
[2024-10-27 17:13:26]
MrBritcoin :
one thing i have spotted the second i enter a trade market goes for me soon as i leave it it stays still long or short in or out its diffenitly a targeting market if not just a theft device
[2024-10-27 17:14:03]
SangFrais :
trump at joe rogan lmao
[2024-10-27 17:14:17]
MrBritcoin :
two days ago that was
[2024-10-27 17:14:25]
SangFrais :
no yesterday
[2024-10-27 17:14:33]
MrBritcoin :
he was in maccydees to
[2024-10-27 17:14:51]
SangFrais :
he really sounds like an old rambling man
[2024-10-27 17:15:02]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 177.22 ($120.00)
[2024-10-27 17:15:04]
al guul :
weekend over you lazy gentlemen! Lets get the show on the road again 🚀
[2024-10-27 17:15:14]
MrBritcoin :
SangFrais: what more than biden lol
[2024-10-27 17:15:40]
SangFrais :
MrBritcoin: nah less but still hes just old
[2024-10-27 17:16:16]
MrBritcoin :
al guul: na just wait until markets open tomorrow
[2024-10-27 17:16:59]
MrBritcoin :
weekend trading is just a scam to your well being
[2024-10-27 17:17:09]
MrBritcoin :
an wealth
[2024-10-27 17:18:35]
MrBritcoin :
i really dont see why bitmex dont close the same as cme markets oh wait its so they can scam you on the sly
[2024-10-27 17:19:19]
MrBritcoin :
6hrs cme opens then i might think about a trade
[2024-10-27 17:20:05]
MrBritcoin :
because if cme opens an btc is at this price here we get a move up
[2024-10-27 17:20:32]
MrBritcoin :
then id be looking at the 71k mark
[2024-10-27 17:21:11]
al guul :
MrBritcoin: just some effort to keep the spirit high ser ;)
[2024-10-27 17:21:25]
MrBritcoin :
seems thats the plan to me at this point
[2024-10-27 17:23:12]
MrBritcoin :
that would then take out anyone whos put in sells over the last weeks or added to positions then during the week it will crash taking all buyers out
[2024-10-27 17:24:02]
MrBritcoin :
seems like the market makers plan to me at this point
[2024-10-27 17:24:27]
MrBritcoin :
oh wait the exchanges plan
[2024-10-27 17:25:13]
I Love BitMEX :
Idiots keep on buying the top
[2024-10-27 17:25:19]
MrBritcoin :
oh did i say that out loud
[2024-10-27 17:26:39]
MrBritcoin :
big players are waiting for the election news to dumpo you know that sell the news is the way its always been an will continue to be
[2024-10-27 17:28:03]
Dessos :
[2024-10-27 17:28:08]
MrBritcoin :
so let it happen let the dust settle an then trade as this is just going to pump an dump up an down taking your funds bit buy bit
[2024-10-27 17:29:09]
clarknova :
Dessos: I'd be very surprised, but we should have the answer quickly.
[2024-10-27 17:31:06]
MrBritcoin :
clarknova: if market was bullish it would of taken off already fact
[2024-10-27 17:31:48]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 17:32:32]
MrBritcoin :
an we got a cme gap at 53 to 54 k zone
[2024-10-27 17:32:33]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100 USD @ 67807.2 - #yolo is a valid strategy
[2024-10-27 17:33:03]
al guul :
[2024-10-27 17:33:17]
Atlemos :
Time to log in Camoe, BTC movin!
[2024-10-27 17:33:35]
MrBritcoin :
so it looks like 71k weekend scam once again
[2024-10-27 17:34:48]
Atlemos :
BTC twitching, bluemaster at coinbase again
[2024-10-27 17:36:57]
danielm11 :
MrBritcoin: you gone bearish?
[2024-10-27 17:37:50]
al guul :
lets goo corn :btc:
[2024-10-27 17:39:14]
MrBritcoin :
danielm11: yes just entered the scam wick
[2024-10-27 17:41:09]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 17:41:10]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 17:41:18]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 17:44:13]
MrBritcoin :
/position xbtusd
[2024-10-27 17:44:47]
MrBritcoin :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -10,900 USD @ 67857.3367
[2024-10-27 17:49:38]
MrBritcoin :
oh yea did the fire walk last night an was a great success the number for the charity funds raised havent been added up yet but im sure we did good for a great cause for helping folks with epilepsy
[2024-10-27 17:53:08]
MrBritcoin :
if you would like to help the cause with a small amont to help people in the world that are not as lucky as are selfs feel free to contribute thanks in advance if you do
[2024-10-27 17:53:12]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 17:54:35]
MrBritcoin :
if you could make it out to james boddy so we know where its came from would be very greatful even if its a cup of coffe priced donation
[2024-10-27 17:55:04]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 17:55:32]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 17:58:07]
I Love BitMEX :
Top buyers
[2024-10-27 17:58:10]
I Love BitMEX :
Get shafted
[2024-10-27 17:58:15]
I Love BitMEX :
Kill them all
[2024-10-27 17:58:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 2200 USD @ 67667.1
[2024-10-27 17:59:26]
al guul :
fire walk with me :btc:
[2024-10-27 18:01:30]
MrBritcoin :
danielm11: what about you did you enter
[2024-10-27 18:04:06]
danielm11 :
MrBritcoin: I went long, I know its scammy lately but when bear sentiment is high is also when they turn on the btfd bull bots
[2024-10-27 18:04:49]
MrBritcoin :
danielm11: ok well good luck
[2024-10-27 18:04:54]
danielm11 :
you too!
[2024-10-27 18:07:38]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 18:10:09]
bmagic :
Back to 66k
[2024-10-27 18:10:34]
bmagic :
Wish id been paying attention this weekend tho
[2024-10-27 18:10:40]
bmagic :
Plenty of scam action
[2024-10-27 18:14:24]
SangFrais :
looks like back below 67k
[2024-10-27 18:20:30]
I Love BitMEX :
bmagic: you lost nothing
[2024-10-27 18:20:34]
I Love BitMEX :
Weekends are for sleeping
[2024-10-27 18:20:38]
I Love BitMEX :
And liquidating top longer
[2024-10-27 18:21:46]
I Love BitMEX :
Also the funniest people now are the ones thinking trump will win usa presidency
[2024-10-27 18:21:50]
I Love BitMEX :
When he can't even run
[2024-10-27 18:21:51]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:21:59]
I Love BitMEX :
He is a convicted criminal
[2024-10-27 18:23:20]
I Love BitMEX :
Solana chart man
[2024-10-27 18:23:25]
I Love BitMEX :
A continuous pump
[2024-10-27 18:23:30]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:30:31]
I Love BitMEX :
Solana back to 2 dollars
[2024-10-27 18:30:36]
I Love BitMEX :
All In short
[2024-10-27 18:30:39]
I Love BitMEX :
Right about now
[2024-10-27 18:30:45]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:30:48]
I Love BitMEX :
/zen 5m
:bitmex: Enjoy your 5 minutes zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner.
[2024-10-27 18:33:22]
al guul :
cubans new glasses look sooo smart
[2024-10-27 18:33:43]
al guul :
[2024-10-27 18:35:29]
BMEXcheers :
y'all see that Khamzat
[2024-10-27 18:35:35]
BMEXcheers :
he da real mudda f0rking deal
[2024-10-27 18:36:40]
I Love BitMEX :
So many retards on solana
[2024-10-27 18:36:51]
I Love BitMEX :
The liquidations will be glorious @al guul
[2024-10-27 18:37:03]
I Love BitMEX :
All the action in 2024 was on solana scam coins and memes
[2024-10-27 18:37:10]
I Love BitMEX :
Eth should be 0
[2024-10-27 18:37:15]
I Love BitMEX :
Solana should be 2 dolla
[2024-10-27 18:37:22]
I Love BitMEX :
Btc should be sub 10k
[2024-10-27 18:37:25]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:37:27]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:37:34]
I Love BitMEX :
Enjoy the bear market
[2024-10-27 18:37:39]
I Love BitMEX :
Lower high for 6 months now
[2024-10-27 18:37:41]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:37:46]
I Love BitMEX :
Impotent billiards
[2024-10-27 18:37:51]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:37:56]
I Love BitMEX :
And ultra gae
[2024-10-27 18:38:12]
al guul :
I Love BitMEX: its all down to the 5 of nov ilb
[2024-10-27 18:38:44]
al guul :
thats the bet
[2024-10-27 18:39:51]
I Love BitMEX :
al guul: i know 100% who's the next president
[2024-10-27 18:39:58]
I Love BitMEX :
Her name is Kamala Harris
[2024-10-27 18:40:16]
I Love BitMEX :
al guul: easiest money is to go on polymarket and buy 50 usd of kamala token aka the bet on her
[2024-10-27 18:40:33]
I Love BitMEX :
Trump can't even win technically .
[2024-10-27 18:40:37]
I Love BitMEX :
Not to mention rigging
[2024-10-27 18:40:40]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:40:47]
I Love BitMEX :
Kamala has 63%
[2024-10-27 18:40:52]
I Love BitMEX :
That's more than enough
[2024-10-27 18:41:16]
I Love BitMEX :
al guul: i am very short on solana
[2024-10-27 18:41:21]
I Love BitMEX :
But o. Binance
[2024-10-27 18:43:15]
I Love BitMEX :
al guul: i will trade solana the next 2 months because I want to liquidate all degens there
[2024-10-27 18:43:23]
I Love BitMEX :
Most of ethereum degens have been rekt
[2024-10-27 18:43:33]
I Love BitMEX :
But plenty more are still alive on solana
[2024-10-27 18:43:38]
I Love BitMEX :
Aka majority of idiots are there
[2024-10-27 18:43:48]
I Love BitMEX :
So I will stop with solana once the tree is shaken
[2024-10-27 18:44:58]
al guul :
Make plans both ways mate :) @I Love BitMEX _threat level midnight_
[2024-10-27 18:48:04]
I Love BitMEX :
al guul: no, every time I longed these ppl dumped on me
[2024-10-27 18:48:08]
I Love BitMEX :
So no
[2024-10-27 18:48:10]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:48:21]
I Love BitMEX :
We are in financial recession for 18 months now
[2024-10-27 18:48:29]
I Love BitMEX :
At least the German economy is @al guul
[2024-10-27 18:48:43]
I Love BitMEX :
It's just that the world of finance is gaslighted everyone else
[2024-10-27 18:48:59]
I Love BitMEX :
We are in bear market but with financial crime at all time high @al guul
[2024-10-27 18:49:46]
I Love BitMEX :
al guul: mafia runs the world and especially the crypto space, not governments
[2024-10-27 18:50:13]
I Love BitMEX :
Since the pandemic it only gotten worse
[2024-10-27 18:51:26]
SangFrais :
al guul: lol
[2024-10-27 18:52:06]
I Love BitMEX :
Ftx liquidators have an average price of 22 dollars per solana, why should I pay them? @al guul
[2024-10-27 18:52:20]
I Love BitMEX :
They are scammers
[2024-10-27 18:54:03]
I Love BitMEX :
They are the ones distributing here
[2024-10-27 18:54:13]
I Love BitMEX :
And taking advantage of pleb generates
[2024-10-27 18:54:17]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:54:37]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 500 USD @ 67486.3 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-27 18:54:39]
I Love BitMEX :
Meanwhile they pay ftx creditors 5 dollars per solana
[2024-10-27 18:54:47]
I Love BitMEX :
Imagine the scam and smell
[2024-10-27 18:55:38]
I Love BitMEX :
Solana the only chain besides ton aka telegram shitcoin that went offline this year more than 2 times
[2024-10-27 18:55:42]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-27 18:57:49]
kroleg666 :
[2024-10-27 19:04:01]
I Love BitMEX :
kroleg666: you will the results of months of people trading only the 1 minute charts
[2024-10-27 19:11:20]
kroleg666 :
[2024-10-27 19:21:52]
xini :
I Love BitMEX: good evening deaarrrrr
[2024-10-27 19:21:57]
xini :
[2024-10-27 19:48:29]
PeacenLuv :
pumpittup btc lezgoo
[2024-10-27 19:50:06]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-27 19:52:57]
Yourholyhireless :
PeacenLuv: why the fck are you wage slaving at bitmex?
[2024-10-27 20:02:20]
Yourholyhireless :
PeacenLuv: 0
[2024-10-27 20:08:47]
MoonBruv :
it's the capital gains tax
[2024-10-27 20:08:57]
MoonBruv :
they tax your capital gains in nominal terms
[2024-10-27 20:08:59]
MoonBruv :
not the real terms
[2024-10-27 20:09:14]
MoonBruv :
it means they can inflate the values, and when you sell, take all the difference, leaving you in loss for holding ANY asset
[2024-10-27 20:09:40]
MoonBruv :
which means wage is the only way today to maintain your wealth, because if you try to climb you will slip
[2024-10-27 20:09:42]
MoonBruv :
away..... lmao
[2024-10-27 20:12:14]
MoonBruv :
[2024-10-27 20:12:23]
clarknova :
[2024-10-27 20:12:42]
MoonBruv :
so we going up ?
[2024-10-27 20:12:50]
MoonBruv :
wheres this heading sir
[2024-10-27 20:13:30]
clarknova :
MoonBruv: Golden Cross. Possible retest of the cross level but overall bullish
[2024-10-27 20:14:20]
MoonBruv :
ah yes, it really looks like it, especially with election closing with Trump's votes going up, it could be amplified
[2024-10-27 20:14:44]
clarknova :
MoonBruv: yes
[2024-10-27 20:14:47]
MoonBruv :
but there's a balrog-like force keeping it's head down
[2024-10-27 20:15:16]
MoonBruv :
i don know why 70k is such a cockblock
[2024-10-27 20:16:45]
clarknova :
MoonBruv: too many over leveraged longers. Makes the squeezes too tempting.
[2024-10-27 20:23:49]
PeacenLuv :
wtf i think injust saw 7th heaven 67777.7
[2024-10-27 20:24:20]
PeacenLuv :
wut the phuk wuz that .77 schitt
[2024-10-27 20:24:45]
PeacenLuv :
blow mee btc bearz bwaaahaahaaaa
[2024-10-27 20:29:39]
Gm we going uppppp :catjam:
[2024-10-27 20:29:49]
[2024-10-27 20:40:48]
clarknova :
[2024-10-27 20:49:09]
[2024-10-27 20:49:14]
clarknova: :doge:
[2024-10-27 20:49:17]
[2024-10-27 20:49:20]
[2024-10-27 20:49:25]
[2024-10-27 20:49:28]
[2024-10-27 20:49:48]
BitMEX_Axel :
MR MILLIONAIRE: Hi there. How can we assist you?
[2024-10-27 20:50:38]
BitMEX_Axel: check my solana withdrawal
[2024-10-27 20:50:53]
taking time dude...should bei nstant
[2024-10-27 21:09:34]
clarknova :
XRP GOD: :catjam:
[2024-10-27 21:20:27]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 21:24:49]
PeacenLuv :
pumpittip baybee btc lezgroww
[2024-10-27 21:29:02]
bluemaster :
Infinite money glitch trading this shake out asset
[2024-10-27 21:29:09]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.4244 XBT RPNL, 0.2297 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-27 21:29:13]
al guul :
feel the fomo
[2024-10-27 21:29:15]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0006 XBT RPNL, 0.1341 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-27 21:29:20]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0015 XBT RPNL, 0.2823 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-27 21:29:26]
bluemaster :
/position xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 260,000 USD @ 65004.2903
[2024-10-27 21:29:30]
bluemaster :
/position xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 106,100 USD @ 66286.6234
[2024-10-27 21:29:34]
bluemaster :
/position xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 258,000 USD @ 65586.6728
[2024-10-27 21:29:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 198 Cont @ 177.36 ($2,383.02) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-27 21:29:52]
bluemaster :
simple buy at any price and wait for expire in 8 months
[2024-10-27 21:30:31]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 21:30:34]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 21:31:04]
bluemaster :
MrBritcoin: martingale more mate 😜
[2024-10-27 21:31:47]
MrBritcoin :
bluemaster: 😏
[2024-10-27 21:32:57]
Joeyy132 :
I literally just this second felt the urge to fomo long it
[2024-10-27 21:33:02]
Joeyy132 :
so it’s probably the top lol
[2024-10-27 21:33:13]
Joeyy132 :
MrBritcoin: how did it go walking the coals bro?
[2024-10-27 21:39:22]
MrBritcoin :
Joeyy132: yea it was great fun didnt even feel it lol
[2024-10-27 21:39:44]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 21:40:10]
MrBritcoin :
we raised about 4000 pounds i think
[2024-10-27 21:42:11]
Joeyy132 :
MrBritcoin: haha nicee glad to hear it
[2024-10-27 21:42:21]
Joeyy132 :
well done
[2024-10-27 21:42:42]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 21:42:53]
Joeyy132 :
.Senior.Professor,: Sind 2008 yep
[2024-10-27 21:42:58]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 21:43:09]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 21:43:17]
Atlemos :
.Senior.Professor,: Mister! whats up?
[2024-10-27 21:43:28]
.Senior.Professor, :
Atlemos: Hi Atle!
[2024-10-27 21:43:41]
.Senior.Professor, :
Atlemos: be careful DOOM AHEAD!!!
[2024-10-27 21:43:59]
Atlemos :
.Senior.Professor,: 😲
[2024-10-27 21:44:02]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 38 Cont @ 2511.76 ($6,481.03) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-27 21:44:03]
al guul :
ron smash
[2024-10-27 21:44:12]
RomanW93 :
there we go
[2024-10-27 21:45:10]
magicaltux :
[2024-10-27 21:45:28]
clarknova :
serious volume here
[2024-10-27 21:45:29]
Atlemos :
Oh dear bluemaster at Coinbase again
[2024-10-27 21:46:06]
We going upppp :catjam:
[2024-10-27 21:46:20]
MrBritcoin :
fock offf this market is is ill im out untill election crap is over
[2024-10-27 21:46:39]
Pain the weekly:doge:
[2024-10-27 21:46:57]
paint paint paint
[2024-10-27 21:47:10]
MrBritcoin: :doge:
[2024-10-27 21:47:45]
SangFrais :
XRP GOD: i said we going up yesterday but you and gorbachev didnt believe me
[2024-10-27 21:48:19]
SangFrais: bro I’m long from 58k chill ☕️🫡🚀🚀😘
[2024-10-27 21:48:31]
u must have me confused
[2024-10-27 21:49:00]
Atlemos :
Oh dear green is red
[2024-10-27 21:49:04]
Atlemos :
[2024-10-27 21:49:10]
Atlemos: :doge:
[2024-10-27 21:49:48]
Atlemos :
XRP GOD: hows that twitt goin?
[2024-10-27 21:49:54]
blaster33 :
rip bulls
[2024-10-27 21:49:56]
blaster33 :
[2024-10-27 21:51:05]
Atlemos: ist going good i love the GP chat major alpha
[2024-10-27 21:51:51]
MrBritcoin :
cme closed @76260
[2024-10-27 21:52:09]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 21:52:39]
MrBritcoin :
this is bullocks
[2024-10-27 21:52:39]
blaster33: bulls are strong
[2024-10-27 21:52:52]
we gona squeeze
[2024-10-27 21:53:01]
[2024-10-27 21:53:41]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-27 21:53:53]
MrBritcoin :
pull rug an dont replace it
[2024-10-27 21:57:25]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 21:58:07]
SangFrais :
MrBritcoin: who cares about cme
[2024-10-27 21:58:50]
SangFrais: :doge: +100000
[2024-10-27 22:01:08]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3200 USD @ 67983.7
[2024-10-27 22:01:51]
Gandalf the Grey :
Longo bongo kurwa
[2024-10-27 22:03:58]
SangFrais :
suka blyat
[2024-10-27 22:07:08]
Boooom :doge: :catjam:
[2024-10-27 22:07:48]
were are my pulls wake up spam the chat 🚀🫡
[2024-10-27 22:07:58]
[2024-10-27 22:09:31]
SangFrais :
so buy now big 1W pump and sell next week or something like that maybe
[2024-10-27 22:10:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 100 Cont @ 2520.87 ($17,172.39) - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2024-10-27 22:10:32]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `PEPEUSD`: Buy 380 Cont @ 0.000009277 ($2,401.44) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-10-27 22:11:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2522.05 ($343.52)
[2024-10-27 22:13:21]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100 USD @ 68189.4 - 🐳
[2024-10-27 22:13:43]
chujev :
[2024-10-27 22:15:03]
Yourholyhireless :
my bull runs short faster
[2024-10-27 22:15:09]
Yourholyhireless :
than my bear markets
[2024-10-27 22:17:04]
🇺🇸Trump speaks live at rally now
[2024-10-27 22:17:22]
Trump pump 9 days out :catjam:
[2024-10-27 22:17:23]
Yourholyhireless :
699k top is end of universe
[2024-10-27 22:17:31]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-27 22:18:15]
Yourholyhireless :
XRP GOD: biden holds 69k
[2024-10-27 22:18:49]
Yourholyhireless: 😂😭☠️
[2024-10-27 22:21:38]
MrBritcoin :
this cant be pushed any more sell
[2024-10-27 22:22:08]
[2024-10-27 22:25:32]
Yourholyhireless :
PeacenLuv: in 5 minutes bluemaster and the bull run disappear
[2024-10-27 22:27:41]
SangFrais :
MrBritcoin: what happened, are you stuck in a short, didnt you see my tweet?
[2024-10-27 22:29:59]
Yourholyhireless :
69k -> 44k
[2024-10-27 22:30:45]
SangFrais: we pumping :catjam:
[2024-10-27 22:30:50]
70k soon
[2024-10-27 22:31:18]
Joeyy132 :
Short 68500 lads?
[2024-10-27 22:31:22]
Joeyy132 :
what u guys think?
[2024-10-27 22:31:25]
SangFrais :
XRP GOD: 75k+
[2024-10-27 22:32:01]
PeacenLuv :
😯hangonn btc bullyz
[2024-10-27 22:32:22]
Joeyy132 :
So many shorts getting liquidated here
[2024-10-27 22:32:26]
Joeyy132 :
not good sign for bulls
[2024-10-27 22:32:37]
Joeyy132 :
if They take out so many shirts , it will dump
[2024-10-27 22:32:58]
Joeyy132 :
Rekt the shorts then plummet it
[2024-10-27 22:32:59]
SangFrais: LFG :doge:
[2024-10-27 22:33:12]
Joeyy132 :
Especially on a sunday
[2024-10-27 22:33:18]
MrBath :
Look at this time last week
[2024-10-27 22:33:30]
MrBath: :doge:
[2024-10-27 22:33:41]
MrBath :
Strong weekly close. Then dump on US open
[2024-10-27 22:33:42]
Joeyy132 :
Halloween should be a red day
[2024-10-27 22:33:54]
Joeyy132 :
MrBath: yeah I expect same this week
[2024-10-27 22:34:06]
MrBath :
Don't expect a breakout until 5th November.
[2024-10-27 22:34:16]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:34:18]
MrBath :
Turn on a grid bot
[2024-10-27 22:34:24]
Joeyy132 :
Makes sense
[2024-10-27 22:34:27]
MrBath :
Trade the range
[2024-10-27 22:34:38]
Joeyy132 :
MrBath: what’s the range?
[2024-10-27 22:34:46]
Joeyy132 :
we are out of the true range of 53-64
[2024-10-27 22:34:51]
MrBath :
[2024-10-27 22:34:55]
Joeyy132 :
I don’t see a range here thh
[2024-10-27 22:35:20]
bmagic :
Dump day
[2024-10-27 22:35:48]
SangFrais :
MrBath: nasdaq broke ATH, its BTC time
[2024-10-27 22:36:07]
Joeyy132 :
If this is a range, it’s 65-68
[2024-10-27 22:36:18]
Joeyy132 :
so we are at top
[2024-10-27 22:36:27]
MrBritcoin :
SangFrais: lol
[2024-10-27 22:36:44]
Joeyy132 :
SangFrais: Nasdaq is real though
[2024-10-27 22:36:51]
Joeyy132 :
Real value
[2024-10-27 22:36:55]
MrBritcoin :
like iv said tops in right here cant go no more
[2024-10-27 22:37:02]
Joeyy132 :
crypto value is 0, it just has a proce
[2024-10-27 22:37:08]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:37:19]
Joeyy132 :
but 0 value as it doesn’t exist
[2024-10-27 22:38:06]
MrBritcoin :
because i know some thing you clearly dont
[2024-10-27 22:38:08]
SangFrais :
markets and politics already preparing for Trump win, i dunno if i would buy when he actually takes office
[2024-10-27 22:38:11]
Joeyy132 :
None of this is real
[2024-10-27 22:38:30]
Joeyy132 :
crapto is totally fake nonsense with 0 value lol
[2024-10-27 22:38:35]
Joeyy132 :
u can’t compare to nasdaq
[2024-10-27 22:38:48]
MrBritcoin :
seems like the exchanges dont even know about this one
[2024-10-27 22:38:57]
Joeyy132 :
MrBritcoin: they do
[2024-10-27 22:38:59]
MrBath :
SangFrais: :kek:
[2024-10-27 22:39:10]
Joeyy132 :
they pumped last night and today to liquidate shorts so that they can dump it
[2024-10-27 22:39:19]
Joeyy132 :
MrBritcoin: so the exchanges do know
[2024-10-27 22:39:23]
MrBritcoin :
not from what iv learnt friday
[2024-10-27 22:39:42]
Joeyy132 :
Tomorrow we go 55k
[2024-10-27 22:39:57]
bluemaster :
[2024-10-27 22:40:06]
Joeyy132 :
Then 48 bounce back to 60 then down to 30k
[2024-10-27 22:40:18]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:40:25]
MrBritcoin :
Joeyy132: clearly they dont or they wouldnt be banging there head in to a brick wall
[2024-10-27 22:40:30]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: 😂😂😂
[2024-10-27 22:40:31]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-27 22:40:34]
Joeyy132 :
it gets like that
[2024-10-27 22:40:34]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-27 22:41:18]
Joeyy132 :
Bmex trash token
[2024-10-27 22:41:23]
Joeyy132 :
going under 10c haha
[2024-10-27 22:41:37]
Joeyy132 :
Schmidt was right!
[2024-10-27 22:41:44]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:41:57]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:42:05]
Joeyy132 :
go one month without wages please
[2024-10-27 22:42:07]
MrBritcoin :
an the wall is hard asdiamonds
[2024-10-27 22:42:10]
Joeyy132 :
let Bmex pump a little
[2024-10-27 22:42:15]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:42:18]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:42:31]
Joeyy132 :
one month no wages that’s all it takes guys
[2024-10-27 22:43:09]
SangFrais :
MrBath: whats the point in waiting to buy until after he takes office
[2024-10-27 22:43:13]
Joeyy132 :
MrBritcoin: they making the wall bigger and filling
[2024-10-27 22:43:31]
Joeyy132 :
SangFrais: because it will dump after lol
[2024-10-27 22:43:37]
Joeyy132 :
sell the news obv
[2024-10-27 22:45:48]
Joeyy132 :
If there is ever a time to buy it will be when trump takes office and it dumps to oblivion. If not, there wont be any good time to buy ever again
[2024-10-27 22:47:31]
big horse tip :
how do i vote for trump
[2024-10-27 22:47:52]
big horse tip: :doge: :catjam:
[2024-10-27 22:48:06]
big horse tip :
[2024-10-27 22:49:03]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-27 22:54:38]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-27 22:58:02]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 22:58:08]
Joeyy132 :
top is deffo in
[2024-10-27 22:58:25]
Joeyy132 :
Dump on weekly open
[2024-10-27 22:58:59]
Joeyy132 :
Short here ? Or hope for 68500
[2024-10-27 23:01:12]
💥🇺🇸 Elon speaks now Trump rally NYC :doge:
[2024-10-27 23:02:15]
[2024-10-27 23:03:31]
SangFrais :
XRP GOD: lol trump looks like a woman with botox who transitioned to becoming a man
[2024-10-27 23:03:34]
SangFrais :
i mean elon
[2024-10-27 23:03:39]
SangFrais :
elon musk lol
[2024-10-27 23:04:14]
SangFrais :
he looks happy to be on a stage tho
[2024-10-27 23:04:17]
SangFrais: well doge is pumping LFG
[2024-10-27 23:04:45]
SangFrais :
[2024-10-27 23:06:39]
SangFrais :
lol that song paradise city
[2024-10-27 23:06:59]
[2024-10-27 23:07:32]
SangFrais :
america is so fcking dystopian
[2024-10-27 23:08:24]
SangFrais :
oh god not his wife with her slavic accent
[2024-10-27 23:08:29]
SangFrais :
[2024-10-27 23:08:38]
SangFrais: hehe she is hot AF
[2024-10-27 23:09:05]
SangFrais :
cant deny that
[2024-10-27 23:09:58]
speedwell :
Clown world.
[2024-10-27 23:10:51]
SangFrais :
[2024-10-27 23:11:41]
trump is speak now
[2024-10-27 23:12:28]
Joeyy132 :
the great man himself is on stage
[2024-10-27 23:12:32]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 23:12:37]
Joeyy132 :
trump is king
[2024-10-27 23:14:44]
bluemaster :
SangFrais: best wife's Eastern European mate
[2024-10-27 23:15:11]
bluemaster :
I should buy more but to old to risk to much
[2024-10-27 23:15:18]
bluemaster :
/position xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 260,000 USD @ 65004.2903
[2024-10-27 23:15:23]
bluemaster :
/position xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 258,000 USD @ 65586.6728
[2024-10-27 23:15:27]
bluemaster :
/position xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 106,100 USD @ 66286.6234
[2024-10-27 23:15:32]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtm25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0006 XBT RPNL, 0.1411 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-27 23:15:35]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbth25
:bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0015 XBT RPNL, 0.2991 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-27 23:15:39]
bluemaster :
/pnl xbtz24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.4244 XBT RPNL, 0.2534 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-27 23:15:46]
SangFrais :
bluemaster: yeah maybe i havent tried every eastern european country yet
[2024-10-27 23:16:10]
SangFrais :
something to live for
[2024-10-27 23:16:27]
MrBath :
/position XBTM25
:bitmex: XBTM25: 65,200 USD @ 61970.9232
[2024-10-27 23:17:20]
MrBath :
/position XBTZ24
:bitmex: XBTZ24: 461,300 USD @ 68604.5155
[2024-10-27 23:17:49]
bluemaster :
MrBath: looks like someone started to copy my trades 😁
[2024-10-27 23:18:08]
SangFrais :
lol trump "I will end inflation"
[2024-10-27 23:18:37]
SangFrais :
fck im laughing so hard
[2024-10-27 23:18:39]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: Romanian women great wives right?
[2024-10-27 23:19:07]
bluemaster :
See you later guys I am going to work ,boring watching Asia to wank for few $ up and down
[2024-10-27 23:19:22]
bluemaster :
Joeyy132: Melania is Slovenian
[2024-10-27 23:19:33]
Joeyy132 :
There is one woman at my work she certainly seems like wife material and she is romanian
[2024-10-27 23:19:37]
Joeyy132 :
and beautiful
[2024-10-27 23:19:38]
SangFrais :
bluemaster: thats what you said at 62,5k before we pumped
[2024-10-27 23:19:39]
bluemaster :
Former Yugoslav republic
[2024-10-27 23:19:46]
Joeyy132 :
and gentle and attentive many good traits
[2024-10-27 23:20:14]
SangFrais :
but would be good if we went back below 67k
[2024-10-27 23:20:18]
bluemaster :
SangFrais: trading Bitcoin is simple shake put game , just try to survive
[2024-10-27 23:20:21]
SangFrais :
flash crash big wick
[2024-10-27 23:20:59]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: that’s all it’s ever been but how long can this shake out game continue
[2024-10-27 23:21:42]
Joeyy132 :
Everything comes to an end
[2024-10-27 23:21:46]
bluemaster :
Joeyy132: we will know next year , Bitcoin started to trade like Commodity Futures now .respect proper levels
[2024-10-27 23:22:21]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: do you trade commodity also?
[2024-10-27 23:22:30]
Joeyy132 :
I thought u were btc maxi
[2024-10-27 23:22:32]
bluemaster :
Joeyy132: for 30 years +
[2024-10-27 23:22:40]
Joeyy132 :
Oh wow ok
[2024-10-27 23:22:42]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-27 23:22:43]
SangFrais :
reload at 67k lets go
[2024-10-27 23:23:15]
Joeyy132 :
bluemaster: u traded them? Or just hodl?
[2024-10-27 23:23:59]
Joeyy132 :
And which commodity is your favorite and why? @bluemaster
[2024-10-27 23:25:58]
SangFrais :
Joeyy132: pussy is my favorite commodity
[2024-10-27 23:26:39]
Joeyy132 :
SangFrais: haha it’s a raw material ill
[2024-10-27 23:26:45]
Joeyy132 :
Say that nuch
[2024-10-27 23:28:34]
bluemaster :
Joeyy132: I learned to trade by Blowing my account and losing everything ,lucky I was young that time ....No one can learn to trade without wiping account few times
[2024-10-27 23:29:26]
bluemaster :
No one can learn how to ride Bickle from reading book ...
[2024-10-27 23:29:32]
SangFrais :
bluemaster: shit happens, i lost close to half a million but it was profit not savings
[2024-10-27 23:30:08]
bluemaster :
SangFrais: I lost few millions and went bankrupt but that was 30 year ago