BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-26 03:33:30] bmagic : It will go dow Firs
[2024-10-26 03:33:46] SangFrais : nasdaq broke ath
[2024-10-26 03:33:52] SangFrais : and BTC is a little bitch
[2024-10-26 03:34:08] SangFrais : lol
[2024-10-26 03:34:15] bmagic : Nasdaq is for cucks
[2024-10-26 03:34:41] SangFrais : but nasdaq closed so maybe time for btc now
[2024-10-26 03:34:53] bmagic : Cucks that gather in football stadiums and cheer for kamala and trump
[2024-10-26 03:35:05] SangFrais : bmagic: lol football
[2024-10-26 03:36:14] kchaitanya : bmagic: i am expecting 68k today or tomorrow
[2024-10-26 03:36:26] kchaitanya : send it
[2024-10-26 03:38:00] SangFrais : 75k probably
[2024-10-26 03:38:11] SangFrais : it will catch many by surprise
[2024-10-26 03:39:42] kchaitanya : SangFrais: i dont think so
[2024-10-26 03:39:46] Yourholyhireless : guys 😳
[2024-10-26 03:40:04] Yourholyhireless : i think the bull run has started again 😖 :dwonrocket:
[2024-10-26 03:40:11] Yourholyhireless : i think the bull run has started again 😖 :downrocket:
[2024-10-26 03:41:06] I Love BitMEX : This is gae
[2024-10-26 03:41:33] I Love BitMEX : Iran got bombed by Israel
[2024-10-26 03:41:37] I Love BitMEX : Crypto to 0
[2024-10-26 03:43:54] PeacenLuv : pumpittup btc pezgoo
[2024-10-26 03:44:45] bmagic : kchaitanya: im expecting 62k
[2024-10-26 03:44:51] Yourholyhireless : PeacenLuv: bullrun to 44k
[2024-10-26 03:45:11] kchaitanya : bmagic: that will be awesome
[2024-10-26 03:45:14] kchaitanya : send it
[2024-10-26 03:47:13] MoonBruv : 9600 - 12k price range is for december
[2024-10-26 03:47:22] Yourholyhireless : cent it
[2024-10-26 03:47:35] MoonBruv : but it could happen before then
[2024-10-26 03:47:44] MoonBruv : depending on how many missiles sir khamenei launches
[2024-10-26 03:47:46] Yourholyhireless : MoonBruv: hamburger rabge
[2024-10-26 03:47:53] MoonBruv : but since they're gay, they will not escalate it
[2024-10-26 03:47:54] Yourholyhireless : range
[2024-10-26 03:48:32] I Love BitMEX : We ca dump eth to 1700 today
[2024-10-26 03:48:39] I Love BitMEX : If you just press that sell button.
[2024-10-26 03:52:37] Sir.LongCorn : next 4h red
[2024-10-26 03:53:29] I Love BitMEX : Justice
[2024-10-26 03:54:29] MoonBruv : yo alfredo told me, this is going south
[2024-10-26 03:54:36] MoonBruv : should I dump it here ?
[2024-10-26 03:55:40] MoonBruv : 4h chart looks like it's going going to the moon bruv
[2024-10-26 03:55:57] MoonBruv : are you guys sure ? this is my lifesavings, my grandmother's life depends on this move
[2024-10-26 03:56:39] MoonBruv : the kids are starving
[2024-10-26 03:56:46] MoonBruv : are we going to the moon bruv
[2024-10-26 03:56:51] MoonBruv : or not
[2024-10-26 03:57:17] MoonBruv : enjoy your skyrim soundtracks people,
[2024-10-26 03:57:19] I Love BitMEX : 💩
[2024-10-26 03:57:40] MoonBruv : sheeeeeeeed bruv
[2024-10-26 03:57:52] MoonBruv : cryptic - it's going to shit
[2024-10-26 03:58:21] MoonBruv : sheeeeeeed bruv
[2024-10-26 03:58:34] Sir.LongCorn : should I close my short?
[2024-10-26 03:58:38] Sir.LongCorn : and use BitMEX bots?
[2024-10-26 03:59:04] MoonBruv : should I dump it here
[2024-10-26 03:59:20] Sir.LongCorn : yes to 61K
[2024-10-26 03:59:25] Sir.LongCorn : last dump before bullrun
[2024-10-26 03:59:28] MoonBruv : all in ?
[2024-10-26 03:59:41] Yourholyhireless : 100x short yes
[2024-10-26 03:59:45] MoonBruv : mahalo ser
[2024-10-26 03:59:45] Sir.LongCorn : 250x
[2024-10-26 03:59:47] Yourholyhireless : 😳
[2024-10-26 03:59:56] MoonBruv : I wanna know, we need to immediately conclude this
[2024-10-26 04:00:00] MoonBruv : 100x or 250x
[2024-10-26 04:00:13] MoonBruv : pls argue with each other
[2024-10-26 04:00:20] I Love BitMEX : Omg
[2024-10-26 04:00:24] I Love BitMEX : This can't be real
[2024-10-26 04:00:26] MoonBruv : I Love BitMEX: you need to stay out of this
[2024-10-26 04:00:30] I Love BitMEX : Vitalik market sold 35000 eth
[2024-10-26 04:00:31] MoonBruv : go
[2024-10-26 04:00:33] I Love BitMEX : Dump
[2024-10-26 04:00:34] MoonBruv : lol
[2024-10-26 04:00:46] MoonBruv : wait, what
[2024-10-26 04:00:49] Sir.LongCorn : :kek:
[2024-10-26 04:00:52] MoonBruv : vitalik would never do that
[2024-10-26 04:00:57] MoonBruv : he's a russian asset
[2024-10-26 04:00:57] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv:
[2024-10-26 04:01:03] MoonBruv : they can't let go of their blockchain
[2024-10-26 04:01:26] I Love BitMEX : I listen to vitalik
[2024-10-26 04:01:30] I Love BitMEX : If vitalik says sell
[2024-10-26 04:01:31] MoonBruv : he sucks c0cks
[2024-10-26 04:01:31] I Love BitMEX : I sell
[2024-10-26 04:01:35] I Love BitMEX : /position ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: -0.5 ETH @ 2453.39 ```
[2024-10-26 04:01:35] SangFrais : MoonBruv: if ILB says dump you should long x100
[2024-10-26 04:01:42] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: he gae yes
[2024-10-26 04:01:50] MoonBruv : if you trust him, we trust him
[2024-10-26 04:01:51] I Love BitMEX : But smart autistic and gae
[2024-10-26 04:02:06] MoonBruv : we still do trust smart but handicapped gay people
[2024-10-26 04:02:11] MoonBruv : its ok
[2024-10-26 04:04:24] Yourholyhireless : it was the last bullrun
[2024-10-26 04:04:33] Yourholyhireless : in history of btc
[2024-10-26 04:04:38] MoonBruv : why
[2024-10-26 04:04:47] Yourholyhireless : now 90 years of down to come
[2024-10-26 04:04:57] MoonBruv : you don't think after it crashes to 9600 it won't ever go back up ?
[2024-10-26 04:05:11] MoonBruv : maybe after 5 years
[2024-10-26 04:05:14] Yourholyhireless : but it will go down forever
[2024-10-26 04:05:50] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv:
[2024-10-26 04:05:55] MoonBruv : bitcoin is the largest scam of mankind
[2024-10-26 04:05:56] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: watch the video
[2024-10-26 04:05:58] I Love BitMEX : Hahahahhaha
[2024-10-26 04:05:59] I Love BitMEX : Hahaha
[2024-10-26 04:06:09] I Love BitMEX : **MY COCK IS GOOOONE**
[2024-10-26 04:06:22] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: yes
[2024-10-26 04:06:34] I Love BitMEX : Did you know bitcoin is suspected to be actually russian ponzi?
[2024-10-26 04:07:23] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-26 04:07:29] MoonBruv : fed minneapolis and ECB both released their research paper that says: "We should either heavily tax it, or ban it"
[2024-10-26 04:07:34] I Love BitMEX : Let's add eth and bitcoin on The list
[2024-10-26 04:07:40] MoonBruv : is everybody rtarded ? even gold is taxed with Capital Gains Tax
[2024-10-26 04:07:44] MoonBruv : people ...
[2024-10-26 04:08:26] MoonBruv : for someone to maintain their money, they have to profit off from holding gold, by double the amount of the tax they get shafted by
[2024-10-26 04:09:13] MoonBruv : in commonwealth countries like australia if you held it for less than 1 year, CGT is 100%, gets added to your income tax, you lose almost half of the entire money you profit off of, which is actually not the profit, but the Money that was DEVALUED
[2024-10-26 04:09:43] MoonBruv : 50% devaluation would need to be balanced out with 100% or 200% profit off that gold buy/sell cycle
[2024-10-26 04:09:56] MoonBruv : assuming the person would perfectly time buying it at the bottom of gold price, and selling it at the top
[2024-10-26 04:10:04] MoonBruv : which is.... lmao.... not the case for any of these dkheads
[2024-10-26 04:10:17] SangFrais : MoonBruv: you know what they say, the English invented stealing
[2024-10-26 04:10:24] MoonBruv : plus, people have the attention span of a cockatoo
[2024-10-26 04:10:59] MoonBruv : they dont even remember what tax they pay, or they should be paying, then they follow Peter Schiff
[2024-10-26 04:11:07] MoonBruv : and suddenly everyone is hoarding gold or bitcoin
[2024-10-26 04:11:21] MoonBruv : it's a clear sign that everyone is simply rtarded
[2024-10-26 04:11:39] MoonBruv : and the best way to make money is to rip the people, who are blatantly rtarded
[2024-10-26 04:11:40] I Love BitMEX : Reality bro
[2024-10-26 04:11:41] I Love BitMEX : R
[2024-10-26 04:11:41] I Love BitMEX : E
[2024-10-26 04:11:42] I Love BitMEX : T
[2024-10-26 04:11:43] I Love BitMEX : A
[2024-10-26 04:11:43] I Love BitMEX : R
[2024-10-26 04:11:44] I Love BitMEX : D
[2024-10-26 04:11:45] MoonBruv : so that the rtards dont lose their money to the gov
[2024-10-26 04:11:45] I Love BitMEX : E
[2024-10-26 04:11:45] I Love BitMEX : D
[2024-10-26 04:11:53] MoonBruv : rip them off*
[2024-10-26 04:12:04] MoonBruv : or the war is better deserved
[2024-10-26 04:12:08] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: i lose to bitmex...
[2024-10-26 04:12:09] I Love BitMEX : So
[2024-10-26 04:12:10] MoonBruv : the masses get what they deserve
[2024-10-26 04:12:20] SangFrais : word yo
[2024-10-26 04:12:27] I Love BitMEX : Bruv
[2024-10-26 04:12:32] I Love BitMEX : The scam
[2024-10-26 04:13:33] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: meanwhile I am scanning crypto twitter to have a laugh on this morning
[2024-10-26 04:14:44] I Love BitMEX : More than $1 billion in BTC positioning and $150 million in SOL positioning, unwound in less than 6 hours. Alts (everything except BTC and ETH) lost more than $2 billion in the last day.
[2024-10-26 04:14:55] I Love BitMEX : Pk
[2024-10-26 04:14:59] I Love BitMEX : Lower
[2024-10-26 04:15:33] I Love BitMEX : This is an exchange liquidation exit @MoonBruv
[2024-10-26 04:15:38] I Love BitMEX : Exchanges are exit scamming
[2024-10-26 04:15:40] MoonBruv : c0cksucker looks like it's going back to 70k
[2024-10-26 04:15:42] I Love BitMEX : Down only
[2024-10-26 04:15:44] MoonBruv : though
[2024-10-26 04:15:54] MoonBruv : one last liquidity grab
[2024-10-26 04:16:05] MoonBruv : cause everyone smartened up about geopolitics
[2024-10-26 04:16:58] Yourholyhireless : CryptoGlobe Bitcoin Set for Takeoff? Golden Cross and Whale Activity Fuel $100,000 Price Speculation
[2024-10-26 04:17:06] Yourholyhireless : :downrocket:
[2024-10-26 04:17:16] MoonBruv : iran will probably promise to attack back in 3 days again
[2024-10-26 04:17:20] MoonBruv : :arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-26 04:17:24] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: Iran will get nuked
[2024-10-26 04:17:27] I Love BitMEX : Most likely
[2024-10-26 04:17:34] MoonBruv : no they will keep saying in 3 days, every 3 days
[2024-10-26 04:17:36] MoonBruv : for the next 3 months
[2024-10-26 04:17:39] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: 😁
[2024-10-26 04:17:45] Yourholyhireless : israel has to keep btv below 69k
[2024-10-26 04:17:51] Yourholyhireless : btc
[2024-10-26 04:18:40] I Love BitMEX : Does anyone remember
[2024-10-26 04:18:46] I Love BitMEX : That the real price of eth
[2024-10-26 04:18:52] I Love BitMEX : Is 90 usd?
[2024-10-26 04:19:05] I Love BitMEX : And it worked well
[2024-10-26 04:21:50] I Love BitMEX : Hmmm
[2024-10-26 04:32:14] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-26 04:32:39] I Love BitMEX : Cryptocurrencies dipped across the board following a report that the US was investigating the issuer of the Tether stablecoin that underpins much of the trading in the digital asset world. The US is investigating Tether Holdings Ltd. for possible violations of sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules, according to people familiar with the matter, the Wall Street Journal reported
[2024-10-26 04:34:12] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: usdc is bull running vs tether
[2024-10-26 04:37:52] BitMEX_shiva : gm!
[2024-10-26 04:37:54] BitMEX_shiva : :doge:
[2024-10-26 04:38:03] BitMEX_shiva : nice dip we gettin
[2024-10-26 04:44:16] I Love BitMEX : Fud or no fud, this market is done
[2024-10-26 04:44:23] I Love BitMEX : BitMEX_shiva: good morning mate
[2024-10-26 04:44:58] BitMEX_shiva : I Love BitMEX: gm mate :arthur:
[2024-10-26 04:45:36] I Love BitMEX : Quote of the day:
[2024-10-26 04:45:43] I Love BitMEX : "Watching kids and grown ass adults committing financial crimes on a transparent and permanent public ledger will never not be funny to me Darwinism rocks"
[2024-10-26 04:46:24] BitMEX_shiva : its actaully crazy to commit crime using crypto yea
[2024-10-26 04:46:38] BitMEX_shiva : all transparent and penciled down forever lol
[2024-10-26 04:48:35] Berns101 : was that the retest
[2024-10-26 04:48:38] Berns101 : worth a stabimo
[2024-10-26 04:49:33] I Love BitMEX : Launch usdc
[2024-10-26 04:52:08] I Love BitMEX : I tried last night to save eth
[2024-10-26 04:52:11] I Love BitMEX : But it can't be saved
[2024-10-26 04:52:20] I Love BitMEX : So eth to sub 100 usd
[2024-10-26 04:53:49] I Love BitMEX : Eth seems to be a more sophisticated terra luna coin scheme
[2024-10-26 04:59:40] I Love BitMEX : Tether can't help themselves
[2024-10-26 05:00:12] BitMEX_shiva : there is a new meme coin called ETH lol
[2024-10-26 05:00:12] BitMEX_shiva : it's ripping as i know
[2024-10-26 05:01:12] I Love BitMEX : Yes ripping me off
[2024-10-26 05:03:32] I Love BitMEX : It shows some people use candles and others use indicators
[2024-10-26 05:03:41] I Love BitMEX : Candles are nothing but paint.
[2024-10-26 05:04:25] lelskates : lol
[2024-10-26 05:04:27] lelskates : bears in disbelieve
[2024-10-26 05:05:19] I Love BitMEX : lelskates: you a big scammer aren't u
[2024-10-26 05:08:14] I Love BitMEX : @admin i have a question
[2024-10-26 05:08:50] BitMEX_shiva : yes sir
[2024-10-26 05:09:05] I Love BitMEX : **how is nvidia number 1 when majority of people still have their 1070 or 1080 because their gpus are too expensive?** @BitMEX_shiva
[2024-10-26 05:09:12] BitMEX_shiva : chill man don't call ppl scamer 😳
[2024-10-26 05:09:18] I Love BitMEX : You know what you have to die on Monday
[2024-10-26 05:09:23] I Love BitMEX : Do
[2024-10-26 05:09:25] I Love BitMEX : Not die
[2024-10-26 05:09:29] I Love BitMEX : Damn keyboard
[2024-10-26 05:09:41] BitMEX_shiva : i'm not an expert in nvidia haha
[2024-10-26 05:09:49] BitMEX_shiva : just a token connoiseur
[2024-10-26 05:09:57] I Love BitMEX : BitMEX_shiva: what gpu do u have
[2024-10-26 05:10:00] I Love BitMEX : At home
[2024-10-26 05:12:22] BitMEX_shiva : i dont do gpu mining ser
[2024-10-26 05:12:32] BitMEX_shiva : and all apple products :doge:
[2024-10-26 05:12:33] BitMEX_shiva : wby?
[2024-10-26 05:12:52] XRP GOD : We going uppppp:catjam:
[2024-10-26 05:12:56] BitMEX_shiva : I personally prefer on-chain or exchange liquidity mining
[2024-10-26 05:24:06] I Love BitMEX : Someone is scamming as we speak
[2024-10-26 05:25:39] BitMEX_shiva : who?
[2024-10-26 05:28:12] I Love BitMEX : The eth market maker
[2024-10-26 05:32:22] I Love BitMEX : Yeap
[2024-10-26 05:32:30] I Love BitMEX : BitMEX_shiva: your bitmex bot is on binance too
[2024-10-26 05:32:32] I Love BitMEX : And it shows
[2024-10-26 05:33:36] lelskates : bears in disbelief lol
[2024-10-26 05:33:45] lelskates : where is that @mrBritcoin kunt
[2024-10-26 05:33:49] lelskates : that was saying we failed the fib
[2024-10-26 05:33:52] lelskates : and we going to 40k lol
[2024-10-26 05:33:59] lelskates : suggest give up your TA bud
[2024-10-26 05:34:27] "it will be........" : britcoin, the meme that keeps on giving
[2024-10-26 05:39:10] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-26 05:39:20] I Love BitMEX : Yeap
[2024-10-26 05:39:30] I Love BitMEX : BitMEX_shiva: thanks you bitmex
[2024-10-26 05:39:33] I Love BitMEX : Theory proven
[2024-10-26 05:39:52] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex is liquidating users via liquidation engine bot on binance kraken and bitstaml
[2024-10-26 05:39:55] I Love BitMEX : Aka scam
[2024-10-26 05:40:03] I Love BitMEX : BitMEX_shiva: thanks for scamming me
[2024-10-26 05:40:57] I Love BitMEX : Proce of eth went up without respecting indicators, just botmex liquidation engine
[2024-10-26 05:41:05] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex is as scammy as tether
[2024-10-26 05:41:12] I Love BitMEX : /zen 3m ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 3 minutes zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-10-26 05:42:01] BitMEX_shiva : I Love BitMEX: please dont call people scamming, otherwise we need to mute you here
[2024-10-26 05:42:04] BitMEX_shiva : take it easy man
[2024-10-26 05:42:16] speedwell : nice 1h
[2024-10-26 05:44:53] speedwell : stronk.
[2024-10-26 05:45:00] speedwell : 4h
[2024-10-26 05:45:40] speedwell : 6h
[2024-10-26 05:45:53] I Love BitMEX : BitMEX_shiva: well you did scam me, not you, your liquidation engine amd trading desk
[2024-10-26 05:46:02] I Love BitMEX : You scammed many users since opening the exc
[2024-10-26 05:46:26] I Love BitMEX : You disclosed tading data to 3rd parties.
[2024-10-26 05:46:37] I Love BitMEX : You use your users margin data to liquidate them.
[2024-10-26 05:47:25] I Love BitMEX : Your liquidation engine is linked to binance bitfinex bitstamp and kraken
[2024-10-26 05:47:30] I Love BitMEX : And what you do is this:
[2024-10-26 05:47:48] I Love BitMEX : See margin data then you push the price on the above exchanges to liquidate
[2024-10-26 05:47:53] I Love BitMEX : No indicators no nothing
[2024-10-26 05:47:56] I Love BitMEX : Just margin data
[2024-10-26 05:48:25] I Love BitMEX : Screenshot this, if you ever read the above .
[2024-10-26 05:49:02] I Love BitMEX : I was liquidated 5 minutes ago and ronnierekt did not even show the message
[2024-10-26 05:49:04] I Love BitMEX : ;)
[2024-10-26 05:49:07] speedwell : 12h
[2024-10-26 05:50:12] speedwell : 1D
[2024-10-26 05:50:41] I Love BitMEX : The spot volume data show that this market is dead since 2021
[2024-10-26 05:50:49] I Love BitMEX : All this market is ran now by just leverage
[2024-10-26 05:50:58] I Love BitMEX : This is a leveraged market not a spot market
[2024-10-26 05:51:00] I Love BitMEX : Aka a scam.
[2024-10-26 05:51:26] I Love BitMEX : Just exchanges and idiots like me and grifters in this space
[2024-10-26 05:51:29] I Love BitMEX : Retail is long gone.
[2024-10-26 05:52:15] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex liquidation engine so dumb it pumped the market for 10 dollars that I had.
[2024-10-26 05:52:22] I Love BitMEX : Now eth can go to 0
[2024-10-26 06:03:32] MoonBruv : something big is approaching this way captain
[2024-10-26 06:05:31] MoonBruv : 68.3k is the ceiling
[2024-10-26 06:05:41] MoonBruv : put all your remaining money limit shorts between here and there
[2024-10-26 06:05:45] MoonBruv : trust me I know what I'm doing
[2024-10-26 06:05:54] MoonBruv : and I'm going to make you rich
[2024-10-26 06:06:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `GOATUSDT`: Buy 20 GOAT @ 0.71148 ($14.23)
[2024-10-26 06:06:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `MOODENGUSDT`: Buy 30 MOODENG @ 0.22758 ($6.83)
[2024-10-26 06:06:36] MoonBruv : I Love BitMEX: do you love bitmex
[2024-10-26 06:06:59] bmagic : 62k
[2024-10-26 06:07:16] MoonBruv : 62k next ? hmmmm
[2024-10-26 06:07:32] MoonBruv : this chart is the answer to everything
[2024-10-26 06:07:33] MoonBruv :
[2024-10-26 06:07:56] MoonBruv : it reveals all secrets
[2024-10-26 06:09:13] I Love BitMEX : MoonBruv: i am poor
[2024-10-26 06:10:51] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `IOUSDT`: Sell 638 IO @ 1.7145 ($1,093.79)
[2024-10-26 06:14:00] I Love BitMEX : See all a scam
[2024-10-26 06:14:23] I Love BitMEX : @admin you are scammers. I wanted to oart ways cordially but you really are a bunch
[2024-10-26 06:14:57] BitMEX_Anastasia : I Love BitMEX: 😘
[2024-10-26 06:15:55] I Love BitMEX : Scamming exchange
[2024-10-26 06:16:25] I Love BitMEX : Get raided you are gae
[2024-10-26 06:18:40] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex shutdown by end of November
[2024-10-26 06:29:46] XRP GOD : We going back up :catjam:
[2024-10-26 06:38:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 30 Cont @ 2476.23 ($4,987.20) - RIP
[2024-10-26 06:41:33] petermeterkneter : I Love BitMEX: have you been diagnosed already?
[2024-10-26 06:47:15] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!!!!!
[2024-10-26 06:52:03] XRP GOD : petermeterkneter: :catjam:
[2024-10-26 06:55:58] Bitfrebbe : Lez go fartcoin, the king of memes
[2024-10-26 07:01:57] petermeterkneter : I Love BitMEX is liquidated? Run it back turbo :arthur:
[2024-10-26 07:06:00] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: budd...
[2024-10-26 07:06:05] GodBleesYou : Stop blaming bitmex
[2024-10-26 07:06:23] GodBleesYou : Follow a good trader and thats it
[2024-10-26 07:07:13] GodBleesYou : I offerd you to join my bot for free 😅 but you keep fighting the market
[2024-10-26 07:08:22] speedwell : monthly bull flag
[2024-10-26 07:09:03] XRP GOD : Bitfrebbe: hello 😘
[2024-10-26 07:09:17] Bitfrebbe : Yoyo
[2024-10-26 07:09:19] Bitfrebbe : Xrp dead
[2024-10-26 07:09:54] BitMEX_shiva : hellooo
[2024-10-26 07:09:56] BitMEX_shiva : :doge:
[2024-10-26 07:10:45] Bitfrebbe : BitMEX_shiva: hey Shiva, hoe to stop the US citizen question? 10 times a week, never even been in the US
[2024-10-26 07:13:21] BitMEX_shiva : Bitfrebbe: thanks for noting! i'd forward to the team to resolve this
[2024-10-26 07:13:32] Bitfrebbe : BitMEX_shiva: thanks!
[2024-10-26 07:13:34] BitMEX_shiva : may i know which browser and device type do you get asked repeatedly?
[2024-10-26 07:13:48] BitMEX_shiva : Bitfrebbe:
[2024-10-26 07:16:45] Bitfrebbe : BitMEX_shiva: chrome on android
[2024-10-26 07:20:49] BitMEX_shiva : Bitfrebbe: thank you sir
[2024-10-26 07:21:32] GodBleesYou : speedwell: shere chart
[2024-10-26 07:23:46] GodBleesYou : Why open intrest keep droping lol
[2024-10-26 07:24:06] GodBleesYou : Xbtustd as lost more then 40% in the last week..
[2024-10-26 07:25:50] speedwell : green red green red green red green green
[2024-10-26 07:29:34] speedwell : GodBleesYou: set to monthly. do you see my chart
[2024-10-26 07:31:07] GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-26 07:31:16] GodBleesYou : More like cup and hundle
[2024-10-26 07:31:51] speedwell : bull flag?
[2024-10-26 07:54:54] miniclick : Yes i think 80% chance toe make this pattern
[2024-10-26 07:55:03] miniclick : to*
[2024-10-26 07:55:55] XRP GOD : Bitfrebbe: Xrp dump hard last night 😞😞 our day will come
[2024-10-26 08:04:41] .Senior.Professor, : when XRP delisting?
[2024-10-26 08:08:35] XRP GOD : :kek:
[2024-10-26 08:30:25] al guul : gm gentlemen :btc:
[2024-10-26 08:30:37] .Senior.Professor, : al guul: gm
[2024-10-26 08:31:33] Berns101 : good morning
[2024-10-26 08:31:48] Berns101 : amen
[2024-10-26 08:32:35] Berns101 : delist everything
[2024-10-26 08:32:44] Berns101 : we only need bitcoin spot and derrivs and usdt
[2024-10-26 08:32:50] Berns101 : rest of you can die
[2024-10-26 08:32:57] Berns101 : lets be real
[2024-10-26 08:33:23] Berns101 : maybe keep xrp for transaction
[2024-10-26 08:34:16] Berns101 : also all crypto exchanges should get in bed with brics politicians
[2024-10-26 08:34:31] Berns101 : so that we can have smooth customer financial transactions
[2024-10-26 08:43:47] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.3897 XBT RPNL, 0.2212 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-26 08:44:04] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0006 XBT RPNL, 0.1076 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-26 08:44:10] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0015 XBT RPNL, 0.2245 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-26 08:45:19] Gandalf the Grey : Note to all: Do not market short 65900 lmao
[2024-10-26 08:47:35] Bitfrebbe : Lfg
[2024-10-26 08:47:42] Bitfrebbe : bluemaster: gg
[2024-10-26 08:55:27] Berns101 : the stock market about to show us who has more money
[2024-10-26 08:55:52] Berns101 : dems or reb
[2024-10-26 08:56:07] Berns101 : due to election
[2024-10-26 08:59:36] Berns101 : george soros crashing Tesla
[2024-10-26 08:59:53] Berns101 : spread the word boys
[2024-10-26 09:02:30] XRP GOD : bluemaster: :doge:
[2024-10-26 09:20:46] 45th_blown_account : lets make BTC great again :doge:
[2024-10-26 09:21:12] al guul : :doge:
[2024-10-26 09:26:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 67158.1
[2024-10-26 09:27:19] bluemaster : /position xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 308,900 USD @ 65004.2903 ```
[2024-10-26 09:27:23] bluemaster : /pnl xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 0.3897 XBT RPNL, 0.2291 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-26 09:27:28] bluemaster : /pnl xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 0.0015 XBT RPNL, 0.2316 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-26 09:27:32] kchaitanya : bluemaster: how are you doing ?
[2024-10-26 09:27:33] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 258,000 USD @ 65586.6728 ```
[2024-10-26 09:27:39] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 106,100 USD @ 66286.6234 ```
[2024-10-26 09:27:44] bluemaster : /pnl xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 0.0006 XBT RPNL, 0.1109 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-26 09:27:54] kchaitanya : bluemaster: full send :rocket:
[2024-10-26 09:28:02] bluemaster : kchaitanya: going good ,was moving to new house last 2 weeks
[2024-10-26 09:28:15] bluemaster : beras paid for it 😜
[2024-10-26 09:28:25] kchaitanya : bluemaster: ooo man , thats the problem when you have too much money :D
[2024-10-26 09:29:23] bluemaster : kchaitanya: nightmare ,renovated everything but managing trades no easy
[2024-10-26 09:29:42] kchaitanya : bluemaster: glad to have you back
[2024-10-26 09:30:49] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-26 09:37:17] Joeyy132 : Berns101: crashing Tesla? Have u not seen the chart?
[2024-10-26 10:09:28] clarknova : Radar🚨 @RadarHits · 24 oct. BREAKING: Microsoft will ask shareholders to vote on whether to assess #Bitcoin as a corporate treasury asset. The board recommends a ‘no’ vote.
[2024-10-26 10:09:41] clarknova : guess what they gonna vote :)
[2024-10-26 10:13:44] Berns101 : Joeyy132: bla
[2024-10-26 10:14:04] Berns101 : wait for sunday pre market
[2024-10-26 10:14:08] Berns101 : monday
[2024-10-26 10:17:25] Bitfrebbe : clarknova: yes ofc!!
[2024-10-26 10:25:28] Gandalf the Grey : hi i am bobeeeeer
[2024-10-26 10:25:33] Gandalf the Grey : :bober:
[2024-10-26 10:33:06] clarknova : Bitfrebbe: of course :D
[2024-10-26 10:33:35] clarknova : Trump gonna win the elections. I'm watching his Joe Rogan interview. He's killing it.
[2024-10-26 10:34:02] clarknova : I'm not even sure it's a bad thing.
[2024-10-26 10:38:06] Gandalf the Grey : clarknova: mahaloooo
[2024-10-26 10:38:37] Gandalf the Grey : pls ser more scam wicku
[2024-10-26 10:42:31] clarknova : Gandalf the Grey: The world is going to sh*t anyway, let's have fun on the way to hell.
[2024-10-26 10:42:48] Gandalf the Grey : where the drugs at kurwaaaaaa
[2024-10-26 10:45:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `APEUSDT`: Sell 1522 APE @ 1.051 ($1,593.69)
[2024-10-26 10:48:58] Gandalf the Grey : longers cooked, bears are cooked
[2024-10-26 10:49:01] Gandalf the Grey : mashallah
[2024-10-26 10:52:20] al guul : yeah lets fkin go
[2024-10-26 10:52:40] al guul : im in it for the tech
[2024-10-26 11:03:07] ninnk : clarknova: sup honey, you watched 13 tzameti?
[2024-10-26 11:04:18] clarknova : ninnk: Never heard of it but I just checked and the plot is great :)
[2024-10-26 11:25:56] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo bitcoin
[2024-10-26 11:29:15] Gandalf the Grey : banaaaannaaaaaaa
[2024-10-26 11:29:39] Gandalf the Grey : i want a cocktail
[2024-10-26 11:29:45] Gandalf the Grey : gimmeeee
[2024-10-26 11:33:10] Gandalf the Grey : jamaica kurwaaa
[2024-10-26 11:46:57] GodBleesYou : Gandalf the Grey: pump it
[2024-10-26 11:47:09] GodBleesYou : 70k-71k will be nice
[2024-10-26 11:58:12] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-10-26 12:06:30] bmagic : Dumpageddon in
[2024-10-26 12:06:32] bmagic : 3
[2024-10-26 12:06:37] bmagic : 2
[2024-10-26 12:06:42] bmagic : 1
[2024-10-26 12:09:43] PeacenLuv : adding longs xbt usd
[2024-10-26 12:09:53] GodBleesYou : bmagic: 🥹
[2024-10-26 12:10:09] PeacenLuv : i wanna piecatail
[2024-10-26 12:10:09] GodBleesYou : Pump it magic dont dump it 🥹
[2024-10-26 12:10:42] PeacenLuv : XRP GOD: pumpitt boss
[2024-10-26 12:15:14] Djdez : Phukkk one of these small alts got me liquidated 😡
[2024-10-26 12:27:21] PeacenLuv : liquidz are stops nothing more . safety
[2024-10-26 12:28:29] PeacenLuv : low liquidz on longs bigger losses
[2024-10-26 12:29:50] PeacenLuv : low liquids on longs less gains
[2024-10-26 12:31:00] PeacenLuv : xbt longstops ip 66933 lezgoo btc
[2024-10-26 12:35:10] Djdez : True that
[2024-10-26 12:35:27] PeacenLuv : im not here to phuk with u peeps im here to make munnee hunnee
[2024-10-26 12:36:28] PeacenLuv : cross and 100x longs xbt usd my thrill
[2024-10-26 12:37:17] PeacenLuv : i hav feelingz for otherz
[2024-10-26 12:42:04] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo xbt
[2024-10-26 12:42:36] PeacenLuv : i yry not laughing pjuukkkk
[2024-10-26 12:43:07] PeacenLuv : hope arryonez long btc
[2024-10-26 12:43:38] PeacenLuv : btc 1 big cumshott
[2024-10-26 13:05:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `BCHUSD`: Sell 5 Cont @ 351.75 ($117.74)
[2024-10-26 13:05:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `DOGEUSD`: Sell 363 Cont @ 0.13425 ($3,262.46) - Bonjour!
[2024-10-26 13:16:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `MEWUSDT`: Sell 40000 MEW @ 0.01059 ($423.56)
[2024-10-26 13:19:06] Sir.LongCorn : Let’s go!
[2024-10-26 13:19:22] Sir.LongCorn : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.0046 XBT @ 66329.3 ```
[2024-10-26 13:22:13] Yourholyhireless : bullrun curva :downrocket: , bullrun
[2024-10-26 13:33:20] Berns101 : who wins electio
[2024-10-26 13:33:25] Berns101 : trump or Harris?
[2024-10-26 13:33:34] Berns101 : if trump wins we will rally so hard
[2024-10-26 13:33:38] Berns101 : i bought more here
[2024-10-26 13:33:55] Berns101 : ill stay long above 55k
[2024-10-26 13:34:15] Berns101 : i think the real pump starts after trump is elected and running the digits
[2024-10-26 13:34:26] Berns101 : spx lead bitcoin this year now its the kings turns
[2024-10-26 13:34:28] Berns101 : just like 2020
[2024-10-26 13:35:12] Berns101 : 100/350k
[2024-10-26 13:35:16] Berns101 : December
[2024-10-26 13:35:28] Berns101 : depends on nov 5 results actually
[2024-10-26 13:35:38] Berns101 : i do have options hedge
[2024-10-26 13:38:23] PeacenLuv : peeps bmex lossez tellz me there is value thrre jus long bmex tokens
[2024-10-26 13:38:46] PeacenLuv : bmex koin phukeen cheap
[2024-10-26 13:39:12] PeacenLuv : no death nail for bmex token
[2024-10-26 13:43:03] PeacenLuv : 😛close yur eyez open yur mouth btc gonna pop
[2024-10-26 13:46:00] Yourholyhireless : my bull runs short faster than by bear marekt 😌
[2024-10-26 13:48:13] Yourholyhireless : 🍟
[2024-10-26 13:49:44] bmagic : Doom
[2024-10-26 13:50:02] bmagic : GodBleesYou: doom!!!
[2024-10-26 13:57:39] Joeyy132 : Bears get scammed
[2024-10-26 13:59:25] PeacenLuv : 😴lol budde bragging tesla did 20 percent green lol put 20 percent on bitcoin n gfy
[2024-10-26 14:00:03] PeacenLuv : wut a joke i told him irz still a stock
[2024-10-26 14:00:39] PeacenLuv : stox oil gold fx gfy selevz elvz
[2024-10-26 14:01:15] PeacenLuv : theez big daddy btc
[2024-10-26 14:01:31] PeacenLuv : 17x 66k
[2024-10-26 14:02:07] PeacenLuv : my boner mayvgrow green
[2024-10-26 14:03:03] PeacenLuv : btc 1 milly per usd ez to count em
[2024-10-26 14:19:53] PeacenLuv : btfd btc fully bully lezgoo
[2024-10-26 14:36:21] bmagic : Doom reversal
[2024-10-26 14:37:09] poopyjeff : time to clear out all those shorts
[2024-10-26 14:38:07] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!!!!
[2024-10-26 14:38:30] al guul : do not buy your knife catching glowes at temu
[2024-10-26 14:38:57] poopyjeff : who needs gloves
[2024-10-26 14:40:49] al guul : always wear protective gear
[2024-10-26 14:41:46] .Senior.Professor, : silly bulltards never learn...
[2024-10-26 14:42:03] al guul : .Senior.Professor,: +1
[2024-10-26 14:46:02] .Senior.Professor, : al guul: +1 back ser. Mahalo!
[2024-10-26 14:52:46] poopyjeff : so ready for that scam wick
[2024-10-26 14:52:57] any random name : WHICH BOT IS BEST TO PROFIT OFF THESE LITTLE MOVES?
[2024-10-26 14:57:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `WLDUSDT`: Sell 120 WLD @ 1.949 ($233.60)
[2024-10-26 14:58:24] clarknova : any random name: Why are you yelling ? :)
[2024-10-26 14:58:40] clarknova : any random name: If you're asking about Bitmex bots the answer is none.
[2024-10-26 14:59:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0650 XBT @ 66744.8 ($4,332.58)
[2024-10-26 15:00:14] any random name : clarknova: sorry my inside voice is loud😃
[2024-10-26 15:01:35] contract details : any random name: 250x 1m scalping bot
[2024-10-26 15:01:55] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-26 15:04:10] yellowpig : 59k 🐽
[2024-10-26 15:04:17] MrBritcoin : trump working the window why was no one talking about him at maccydees
[2024-10-26 15:05:26] yellowpig : MrBritcoin: legend
[2024-10-26 15:05:30] poopyjeff : mcdonald trump
[2024-10-26 15:05:55] MrBritcoin : when mctrump burger
[2024-10-26 15:08:25] any random name : I WANT TO TRUST THESE BOTS SO BAD... SO TEMPTING😃
[2024-10-26 15:14:01] Joeyy132 : Don’t you know pump it up
[2024-10-26 15:14:09] Joeyy132 : you got to pump it up
[2024-10-26 15:14:41] Joeyy132 : Pump it to 60k
[2024-10-26 15:15:23] MrBritcoin : Joeyy132: the market is in gods hands now he will decide are fate
[2024-10-26 15:15:57] MrBritcoin : :arthur:
[2024-10-26 15:19:04] MrBritcoin : any way im off to walk some hot coals for a freinds charity today wish me luck
[2024-10-26 15:19:26] Joeyy132 : MrBritcoin: the devil control this market brother
[2024-10-26 15:19:51] Joeyy132 : MrBritcoin: haha awesome thing to do
[2024-10-26 15:20:05] Joeyy132 : good luck ! You’ll be fine, you may even enjoy it
[2024-10-26 15:22:04] MrBritcoin : it was for a old frend who lost a child its for him really hes not been the man i knew since it happened so im supporting him an helping others we have raised just over 2k so far an the even is in the coming hours
[2024-10-26 15:22:34] MrBritcoin : event
[2024-10-26 15:24:38] MrBritcoin : so im hoping it can be double what we have so far
[2024-10-26 15:29:16] MrBritcoin : if any one would like to donte a cup of coffee to the EPIC - in gloucestershire charity ill be grateful
[2024-10-26 15:29:27] MrBritcoin : donate*
[2024-10-26 15:30:38] al guul : MrBritcoin: Good initative! +1 ser
[2024-10-26 15:31:17] MrBritcoin : so far we are the top contributing group via my fren james boddy
[2024-10-26 15:32:59] MrBritcoin : al guul: from good comes good mate life is not about money but helping others its got a place in my heart
[2024-10-26 15:34:18] MrBritcoin : i always think if the shoe was on the other foot would someone help me
[2024-10-26 15:35:19] al guul : MrBritcoin: 100% agree bro. Well said
[2024-10-26 15:35:32] MrBritcoin : iv got sensitive feet an walking on hot coals aint really looking forward to it but iv said id do it so there is no turning back now
[2024-10-26 15:35:38] al guul : we tend to forget that
[2024-10-26 15:36:17] MrBritcoin : just know ill not be moonwalking lol
[2024-10-26 15:36:29] Joeyy132 : MrBritcoin: good man I like a person who sticks to their word even if it’s something I don’t want to do I rate that
[2024-10-26 15:36:38] Joeyy132 : *U
[2024-10-26 15:37:46] MrBritcoin : im dreading it in truth i posted the event imn the motorbike group an they all went as quite as a mouse so im off enjoy your evening folks
[2024-10-26 15:37:55] MrBritcoin : wish me luck
[2024-10-26 15:38:39] MrBritcoin : 🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋
[2024-10-26 15:56:58] al guul : trump and rogan talking ufos is funny :)
[2024-10-26 16:05:14] PeacenLuv : phuk u peeps see that 5min vol im longing here xbt
[2024-10-26 16:10:56] PeacenLuv : 66948 5min tunneel above as new support
[2024-10-26 16:39:32] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-26 16:51:44] Berns101 : the jews are a rothschild creation
[2024-10-26 16:52:09] Berns101 : they do have a jew synagogue on their residence
[2024-10-26 16:52:21] Berns101 : they also claim to have created Israel