This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
[2024-10-24 18:13:16]
BitMEX_Maslow :
You need to read some things though
[2024-10-24 18:13:16]
contract details :
[2024-10-24 18:13:24]
BitMEX_Maslow :
So you would stop spamming perhaps
[2024-10-24 18:13:53]
UglyOldGoat :
Yes you have the right to change the rates anytime you please
[2024-10-24 18:14:07]
BitMEX_Maslow :
I didn't say that
[2024-10-24 18:14:14]
BitMEX_Maslow :
I said take away a promotion
[2024-10-24 18:14:17]
UglyOldGoat :
The problem is you promote token with these rates
[2024-10-24 18:14:26]
Pr0metheus :
Made $4k when bmex launched, can’t fault it 😅
[2024-10-24 18:14:29]
UglyOldGoat :
We bought and staked the token'
[2024-10-24 18:14:55]
BitMEX_Maslow :
Yes we also put out terms and conditions for everyone to see before buying BMEX
[2024-10-24 18:15:02]
BitMEX_Maslow :
Your BMEX tokens didn't go anywhere
[2024-10-24 18:15:03]
UglyOldGoat :
You can change the rates for new clients but not for those of us who belived in Bitmex
[2024-10-24 18:15:05]
BitMEX_Maslow :
you still have them
[2024-10-24 18:15:11]
contract details :
it is still kind of dirty
[2024-10-24 18:15:13]
contract details :
[2024-10-24 18:15:25]
I Love BitMEX :
When rebates
[2024-10-24 18:15:30]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-24 18:15:31]
contract details :
not nice
[2024-10-24 18:16:15]
UglyOldGoat :
BitMEX_Maslow: Well you should read more'
[2024-10-24 18:16:16]
Pilot :
Crazy wife argument
[2024-10-24 18:16:23]
Pilot :
flowers didnt cut it
[2024-10-24 18:16:28]
BitMEX_Maslow :
Our fee change has been carefully planned with customer satisfaction in mind
[2024-10-24 18:16:30]
Pilot :
shes doing the phone everyone thing again
[2024-10-24 18:16:47]
contract details :
Pilot: buy a new one
[2024-10-24 18:16:57]
Pilot :
[2024-10-24 18:17:26]
contract details :
Pilot: yeah
[2024-10-24 18:17:33]
contract details :
i hear samsung makes excellent wives
[2024-10-24 18:18:04]
BitMEX_Maslow :
UglyOldGoat: I'm sure you know yourself that we cannot have two fee structures at the same time. Please understand that this decision is final, and do with it as you please, thanks.
[2024-10-24 18:18:39]
UglyOldGoat :
BitMEX_Maslow: The issue to not about your rights to change rates. This issue is you sold BMEX token and had us stake at great rates and did a rug pull.
[2024-10-24 18:18:39]
contract details :
we breaking out or what
[2024-10-24 18:18:47]
Null haos house :
yes to Mc donalds
[2024-10-24 18:18:55]
contract details :
Null haos house: yarrrrl
[2024-10-24 18:18:57]
BitMEX_Maslow :
> *:door::hammer: User `UglyOldGoat` has been banned from chat for 1 day.*
[2024-10-24 18:19:24]
contract details :
[2024-10-24 18:19:36]
Pilot :
contract details: s8 plus
[2024-10-24 18:19:48]
Pilot :
Pwned uglyoldgoat
[2024-10-24 18:20:04]
elChisoso :
Not sure why I would email UglyOlGoat tho. :)
[2024-10-24 18:20:07]
BitMEX_Maslow :
UglyOldGoat: Please send an email to if you have any concerns.
[2024-10-24 18:20:15]
I Love BitMEX :
UglyOldGoat: don't worry goat. McDonald's hires everyone 🍟
[2024-10-24 18:20:16]
BitMEX_Maslow :
elChisoso: :)
[2024-10-24 18:20:30]
elChisoso :
BitMEX_Maslow: :beer:
[2024-10-24 18:20:35]
BitMEX_Maslow :
Just trying to keep the airways clear.
[2024-10-24 18:21:06]
elChisoso :
lol, sorry i just happen to see you censor yourself. :)
[2024-10-24 18:21:41]
BitMEX_Maslow :
haha let's call it correction. I am not a bot, after all :)
[2024-10-24 18:22:00]
elChisoso :
It was funny sir, i actually lolled.
[2024-10-24 18:22:07]
contract details :
[2024-10-24 18:22:09]
BitMEX_Maslow :
Glad to put a smile on your face :)
[2024-10-24 18:22:11]
contract details :
i thought he was torlling him
[2024-10-24 18:22:15]
contract details :
send him a mail :arthur:
[2024-10-24 18:22:33]
Null haos house :
longers have to lose some energy to continue the dump to 44k
[2024-10-24 18:22:34]
BitMEX_Maslow :
haha it seemed that way, but trolling is you guys' thing
[2024-10-24 18:22:36]
BitMEX_Maslow :
not mine
[2024-10-24 18:23:15]
Pilot :
I hope not but I might end up in a police cell
[2024-10-24 18:23:28]
Pilot :
She’ll fall the police and say I’m doing some shit I’m not
[2024-10-24 18:23:41]
contract details :
i think you need a new wife
[2024-10-24 18:23:42]
contract details :
[2024-10-24 18:23:43]
Pilot :
She’s threatening suicide again…
[2024-10-24 18:23:55]
Pilot :
Today I went to the pub which means I had sex with loads of women
[2024-10-24 18:24:09]
Pilot :
Insecurity off the charts
[2024-10-24 18:24:30]
Pilot :
I have everything voice recorded just in case but damn
[2024-10-24 18:24:34]
Pilot :
Life is weird
[2024-10-24 18:24:47]
Pilot :
I think she enjoys the drama
[2024-10-24 18:24:54]
Pilot :
Like she wants life to be a TV show
[2024-10-24 18:29:35]
Gandalf the Grey :
why mex laggy
[2024-10-24 18:29:59]
Gandalf the Grey :
it has like 3 sec lag, other sites no problem
[2024-10-24 18:30:38]
Gandalf the Grey :
i guess i did not lose enough money lmfao
[2024-10-24 18:30:51]
BitMEX_Maslow :
Gandalf the Grey: what browser are you using?
[2024-10-24 18:31:00]
Gandalf the Grey :
i refreshed
[2024-10-24 18:31:03]
Gandalf the Grey :
seems to be better
[2024-10-24 18:31:15]
Gandalf the Grey :
the tab accumulated too much negative energy maybe
[2024-10-24 18:31:17]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2024-10-24 18:31:33]
BitMEX_Maslow :
glad to hear that
[2024-10-24 18:31:39]
Gandalf the Grey :
[2024-10-24 18:35:07]
elChisoso :
Yeah, the site do have a memory leak under certain situations, a refresh fixes it. I have tried to find it, but i just didnt have the energy to dig deep so reload button is universal soluition to rule all problems. :)
[2024-10-24 18:36:02]
elChisoso :
Most sites do have similar issues, so it might be the framework the sites are based on.
[2024-10-24 18:38:26]
MrBritcoin :
where is bluemaster ???
[2024-10-24 18:38:57]
MrBritcoin :
with his longs
[2024-10-24 18:39:21]
I Love BitMEX :
MrBritcoin: exit scammed
[2024-10-24 18:40:04]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: exited maybe scammed id say not
[2024-10-24 18:40:43]
MrBritcoin :
cant say really util we see him
[2024-10-24 18:40:49]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-24 18:41:01]
I Love BitMEX :
He can syck my dick, he is gae
[2024-10-24 18:41:50]
xini :
I Love BitMEX: darling no focus on gae focus on me
[2024-10-24 18:41:51]
xini :
[2024-10-24 18:42:13]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: can you calm dowmy fren wit the sexual remarks we are suposed to be a professional site these days lol
[2024-10-24 18:44:19]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: what is you me sign mine be :ME:
[2024-10-24 18:44:59]
MrBritcoin :
: me :
[2024-10-24 18:47:30]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: so whats your position as you know iv not got one im wondering what your position is
[2024-10-24 18:48:50]
TG_undefined :
Ethereum such a dead scam LMFAOOO how is this fkin russian vitalik scum ponzi still not delisted on every exchange fkin piece of sht worthless scamming ponzi
[2024-10-24 18:49:25]
TG_undefined :
what a fkin disgusting filthy grifto market
[2024-10-24 18:50:38]
TG_undefined :
who wakes up and says im gonna buy eferereum today 🤓 fking geeks
[2024-10-24 18:50:45]
bmagic :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 35,000 USD @ 67480.0259
[2024-10-24 18:50:51]
bmagic :
/position solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 5,750 Cont @ 176.1
[2024-10-24 18:51:09]
clarknova :
I'm not gae anymore. I'm gau now.
[2024-10-24 18:51:10]
bmagic :
/position ethusd
:bitmex: ETHUSD: 125 Cont @ 2519
[2024-10-24 18:51:13]
bmagic :
Eth dead
[2024-10-24 18:51:16]
TG_undefined :
im the biggest bear and my positions are 3-4x and lower get gud
[2024-10-24 18:52:09]
clarknova :
TG_undefined: You're not a big bear, you're a big something else. Concentrate and find what.
[2024-10-24 18:52:14]
TG_undefined :
wtf does efereum🤓 do? besides keep that disgusting creature vitalik paid
[2024-10-24 18:52:47]
TG_undefined :
delist that fkin ponzi on every exchange and send vitalik homeless asap
[2024-10-24 18:53:34]
TG_undefined :
its the crypto geeks fault the biggest losers in the market for letting efereum🤓 live this long
[2024-10-24 18:54:05]
TG_undefined :
at least Bitcoin has Saylor who built a Ponzi ontop of Bitcoin
[2024-10-24 18:55:42]
MrBritcoin :
well as they say this is where the rubber hits the road
[2024-10-24 18:56:14]
TG_undefined :
everything about to collapse
[2024-10-24 18:56:37]
MrBritcoin :
its got two options
[2024-10-24 18:56:43]
TG_undefined :
efereum 🤓 dragging Saylors Btc ponzi down with it lmfao
[2024-10-24 18:57:20]
TG_undefined :
pathetic geeks this is what happens when participants are geeks and losers
[2024-10-24 18:57:58]
I Love BitMEX :
:me: @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-24 18:58:02]
TG_undefined :
couldnt accept a 100k btc instead threw it in a range for 8 months while you threw all your liquidity into cartoon animal tokens
[2024-10-24 18:58:24]
I Love BitMEX :
I am CTO of @admin Chief Trolling Officer
[2024-10-24 18:58:35]
TG_undefined :
fkin LOSERS need to get the crypto animal token sht kicked out of every single one of you
[2024-10-24 19:00:08]
MrBritcoin :
the lag is a sign of a dirty move im seeing
[2024-10-24 19:00:21]
jjhiijiji :
what lag?
[2024-10-24 19:00:31]
I Love BitMEX :
jjhiijiji: in his brain
[2024-10-24 19:00:44]
TG_undefined :
its over this is the top for everything
[2024-10-24 19:00:49]
MrBritcoin :
i was using brave an it was coming in blocks of data
[2024-10-24 19:00:58]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-24 19:01:01]
MrBritcoin :
the worst iv seen it ever
[2024-10-24 19:02:08]
bmagic :
Brave browser sucks
[2024-10-24 19:02:17]
bmagic :
Needs an update
[2024-10-24 19:02:20]
I Love BitMEX :
Opera browser man
[2024-10-24 19:02:23]
bmagic :
Used to be good
[2024-10-24 19:02:24]
I Love BitMEX :
The best
[2024-10-24 19:02:25]
MrBritcoin :
well i found it fine until recent
[2024-10-24 19:02:27]
I Love BitMEX :
It has ai too
[2024-10-24 19:02:50]
bmagic :
I personally don't browse
[2024-10-24 19:03:03]
bmagic :
I just connect live feed into the matrix
[2024-10-24 19:03:07]
I Love BitMEX :
bmagic: stop being gae
[2024-10-24 19:03:10]
I Love BitMEX :
/position ethusdt
:bitmex: ETHUSDT: -0.82 ETH @ 2525.5982
[2024-10-24 19:03:34]
bmagic :
But sir it meets my data requirements
[2024-10-24 19:03:40]
bmagic :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 35,000 USD @ 67480.0259
[2024-10-24 19:03:46]
bmagic :
/position ethusd
:bitmex: ETHUSD: 125 Cont @ 2519
[2024-10-24 19:03:52]
bmagic :
/position solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 5,750 Cont @ 176.1
[2024-10-24 19:04:03]
bmagic :
I'll stop being gae soon
[2024-10-24 19:04:09]
jjhiijiji :
sems a bit high up tbe longing
[2024-10-24 19:04:19]
jjhiijiji :
i could end up a good spot but id be worried
[2024-10-24 19:04:53]
bmagic :
69200 will likely hit
[2024-10-24 19:05:03]
bmagic :
Im out before 68500
[2024-10-24 19:05:17]
I Love BitMEX :
When Arabs will make it haram to have crypto currencies all this is lol
[2024-10-24 19:13:23]
doublecheese :
Hello frens. Cheese is still holding, of course
[2024-10-24 19:13:31]
doublecheese :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 5,600 USD @ 62428.987
[2024-10-24 19:13:45]
doublecheese :
It is clear that eth lost its battle agains Solana.
[2024-10-24 19:13:56]
doublecheese :
At this point only btc and Solana make sense
[2024-10-24 19:19:02]
bmagic :
Well solana in that overbought territory
[2024-10-24 19:19:19]
bmagic :
Id like to short 180 to 188 range
[2024-10-24 19:19:35]
bmagic :
All the way to 140
[2024-10-24 19:22:27]
danielm11 :
eth broke down trend
[2024-10-24 19:22:44]
danielm11 :
pump o'clock i guess
[2024-10-24 19:24:42]
bmagic :
That would be nice
[2024-10-24 19:24:51]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 19:25:22]
bmagic :
I'm eyeing 2595 but I don't think it has the juice
[2024-10-24 19:27:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 15100 USD @ 67906.8
[2024-10-24 19:27:22]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 55 Cont @ 2533.7 ($9,472.07) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-24 19:28:26]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 6000 USD @ 68029
[2024-10-24 19:29:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 30000 USD @ 68066.4
[2024-10-24 19:29:24]
Atlemos :
Flash dump post poned! btc in pump test!!
[2024-10-24 19:30:31]
Null haos house :
Bullrun has ended
[2024-10-24 19:30:33]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-24 19:30:49]
The_Reaper :
[2024-10-24 19:30:53]
The_Reaper :
what a fookin trash
[2024-10-24 19:30:56]
jjhiijiji :
bullrun ended since 49k
[2024-10-24 19:32:26]
Null haos house :
we come close to ath
[2024-10-24 19:32:35]
Null haos house :
next 11 year resistence
[2024-10-24 19:32:50]
Berns101 :
tesla and spacex claiming America bankruptcy is possible ahead of moving their bitcoin supplies
[2024-10-24 19:32:54]
Null haos house :
bulls are running to Mc donalds
[2024-10-24 19:33:03]
Berns101 :
seems bearish
[2024-10-24 19:33:38]
scraps :
Null haos house: buying all them tendies with their stacks of bitcoin
[2024-10-24 19:33:50]
Null haos house :
scraps: btc cant be boguht
[2024-10-24 19:33:53]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-24 19:33:57]
Null haos house :
its only sellable
[2024-10-24 19:34:15]
scraps :
Null haos house: harder to buy than it is to sell
[2024-10-24 19:35:57]
doublecheese :
The_Reaper: that's because there is now a superior alternative to it: solana.
[2024-10-24 19:36:18]
scraps :
much harder to buy, unless you just market buy because,, at times it can be the smartest move
[2024-10-24 19:36:34]
I Love BitMEX :
Gaes bought the top again
[2024-10-24 19:36:34]
doublecheese :
Solana is superior to eth in every possible way
[2024-10-24 19:36:36]
I Love BitMEX :
What a surprise
[2024-10-24 19:36:37]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-24 19:36:40]
doublecheese :
Aptos is very good too
[2024-10-24 19:36:47]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2700 USD @ 68124.4
[2024-10-24 19:36:57]
xini :
I Love BitMEX: :')
[2024-10-24 19:37:02]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3000 USD @ 68133.9
[2024-10-24 19:37:06]
doublecheese :
We need fast and scalable and cheap solutions. Eth is not
[2024-10-24 19:38:27]
I Love BitMEX :
BREAKING: Speculation is mounting that U.S. government wallets may be compromised following suspicious transfers, with Arkham Intel reporting about $20 million in assets moved to a new address. On-chain investigator ZachXBT called the actions "suspicious," likening them to theft.
[2024-10-24 19:38:35]
I Love BitMEX :
Us government wallets hacked lmao
[2024-10-24 19:38:43]
I Love BitMEX :
Or they are selling
[2024-10-24 19:38:45]
I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-24 19:39:56]
GodBleesYou :
Fky badger fky
[2024-10-24 19:40:11]
GodBleesYou :
Now fly ❤️🥹
[2024-10-24 19:40:13]
al guul :
[2024-10-24 19:40:16]
scraps :
well everyones buying, supply and demand
[2024-10-24 19:40:42]
GodBleesYou :
Null haos house: you still alive.
[2024-10-24 19:40:56]
GodBleesYou :
Please short 250x and leave us alone ❤️🥹
[2024-10-24 19:41:44]
GodBleesYou :
I Love BitMEX: ❤️❤️❤️
[2024-10-24 19:41:49]
scraps :
Null haos house: you know mcdonalds called me again about that job interview
[2024-10-24 19:45:57]
scraps :
72k you guise believe me now
[2024-10-24 19:45:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 6000 USD @ 68212.9
[2024-10-24 19:56:03]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 68248.8
[2024-10-24 19:57:30]
The Emerging Bull :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 7,000 USD @ 65188.6233
[2024-10-24 20:00:08]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-24 20:00:11]
issa_LEGUPP_sir :
pamp it
[2024-10-24 20:00:15]
GodBleesYou :
This is so bull
[2024-10-24 20:00:19]
nacx :
[2024-10-24 20:00:37]
GodBleesYou :
Dips are illag
[2024-10-24 20:00:37]
crypto_kenevel :
Fuck the lag is getting to me 😆
[2024-10-24 20:00:44]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-24 20:01:00]
GodBleesYou :
Please short 250x for maxium Pain
[2024-10-24 20:01:08]
I Love BitMEX :
Brain lag.
[2024-10-24 20:01:39]
crypto_kenevel :
50% portfolio gain today. Going to bed. Night all.
[2024-10-24 20:02:05]
GodBleesYou :
Do we go to 70k today? 🤭🥹
[2024-10-24 20:02:23]
crypto_kenevel :
No. Im going to bed. Wait for me
[2024-10-24 20:05:56]
xini :
I Love BitMEX: where you standing today??
[2024-10-24 20:07:53]
I Love BitMEX :
xini: standing?
[2024-10-24 20:08:40]
jjhiijiji :
xini: what makes you think he even has legs? are u just assuming hes a person that can stand. how dare you
[2024-10-24 20:10:08]
xini :
I Love BitMEX: with your whole borderline
[2024-10-24 20:11:58]
xini :
jjhiijiji: im talking to my future husband
[2024-10-24 20:12:29]
Null haos house :
no we bleow 69k since 11 years, we stay below 69k night @GodBleesYou
[2024-10-24 20:12:36]
jjhiijiji :
ouch.. thats er.. im sorry
[2024-10-24 20:13:17]
Null haos house :
Bull run will never end to start
[2024-10-24 20:13:24]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-24 20:16:16]
Pilot :
Wife sleeping I can remote wipe her phone if needed
[2024-10-24 20:16:43]
Pilot :
Crazy woman was talking about blackmailing me and shit
[2024-10-24 20:17:13]
Pilot :
Crypto get me 10 mil so I can runaway and stuff
[2024-10-24 20:18:08]
Pilot :
Sad because it’s true 😱😫😡😡😋
[2024-10-24 20:18:32]
I Love BitMEX :
xini: I have been working today besides riding the trading wave
[2024-10-24 20:18:45]
I Love BitMEX :
xini: must make my future wife happier
[2024-10-24 20:19:55]
I Love BitMEX :
xini: I am in bed now going to sleep. Have a nice evening
[2024-10-24 20:20:30]
I Love BitMEX :
/zen 8h
:bitmex: Enjoy your 8 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner.
[2024-10-24 20:20:48]
xini :
I Love BitMEX: I see you
[2024-10-24 20:20:53]
xini :
[2024-10-24 20:20:54]
Null haos house :
Pilot: Look bull run has started :downrocket:
[2024-10-24 20:26:42]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `GOATUSDT`: Sell 1000 GOAT @ 0.70411 ($704.04)
[2024-10-24 20:27:13]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-24 20:31:17]
Pilot :
Null haos house: Ye ye
[2024-10-24 20:31:43]
Pilot :
moon now
[2024-10-24 20:31:51]
Null haos house :
Pilot: Look 5 minute bullrun has started
[2024-10-24 20:32:03]
Pilot :
1 minute bullrun confirmed
[2024-10-24 20:32:11]
Null haos house :
2 minute bear market ready
[2024-10-24 20:32:48]
Pilot :
7 minute bear, 3 hour bear, 6 hour bull, 1 day bear, 1 week bull, 1 month bull, 1 year bear
[2024-10-24 20:33:03]
Pilot :
my brain has melted
[2024-10-24 20:33:09]
Pilot :
i am butter brain
[2024-10-24 20:33:21]
Null haos house :
where are 5 minute and 0 minute man?
[2024-10-24 20:45:46]
Dario1 :
If it can manage to break the current resistance zone, then it could fly to the next cumulative shorts liquidation zone at 69700-70000
[2024-10-24 20:51:09]
Dario1 :
otherwise probably down to 64k
[2024-10-24 20:55:43]
Dario1 : 🎸
[2024-10-24 20:59:59]
45th_blown_account :
delulus day :doge:
[2024-10-24 21:04:28]
Dario1: Gm we going back upppp:doge:
[2024-10-24 21:05:09]
[2024-10-24 21:07:26]
Dario1 :
XRP GOD: Gm, sir. That would be fun :doge: :catjam
[2024-10-24 21:07:35]
Dario1 :
[2024-10-24 21:10:17]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 61600 USD @ 68401.4 - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-10-24 21:11:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SHIBUSDT`: Buy 5900000 SHIB @ 0.000018014 ($106.19)
[2024-10-24 21:11:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 300 USD @ 68451.1 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-24 21:11:07]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 240 Cont @ 177.64 ($2,918.07) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-10-24 21:13:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 68500
[2024-10-24 21:15:35]
Pilot :
Most trades I make I often have to scuba dive for days before turning a profit
[2024-10-24 21:15:44]
Pilot :
I enter too early I guess
[2024-10-24 21:15:48]
r1pp3r :
microsoft buying btc???
[2024-10-24 21:15:51]
r1pp3r :
thats huge if true
[2024-10-24 21:15:53]
r1pp3r :
[2024-10-24 21:16:07]
Pilot :
XRP GOD: What’s good bruthaaa
[2024-10-24 21:17:06]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 700 USD @ 68513.1 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-24 21:17:46]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 1.1589 XBT @ 68591.8 ($79,423.48) - Up only!
[2024-10-24 21:18:01]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2700 USD @ 68544.3
[2024-10-24 21:18:10]
GodBleesYou :
Boom 1 xbt rekt
[2024-10-24 21:19:46]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 400 USD @ 68605.2 - Game over
[2024-10-24 21:20:11]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 500 USD @ 68607.8 - 😂
[2024-10-24 21:20:36]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 12000 USD @ 68635.4
[2024-10-24 21:20:36]
al guul :
pennsylvania :btc:
[2024-10-24 21:21:03]
Berns101 :
my heart dont beat proper anymore all this trading
[2024-10-24 21:22:26]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 300 USD @ 68722.2 - 🐳
[2024-10-24 21:22:46]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 70 Cont @ 2555.97 ($12,301.12) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-24 21:22:46]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 8000 USD @ 68758.6
[2024-10-24 21:22:47]
45th_blown_account : , Talking cat from "oh long Johnson" . Best advice damn it
[2024-10-24 21:22:56]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.0900 ETH @ 2559.78 ($230.18)
[2024-10-24 21:27:40]
Atlemos :
Tunnel pump on all time frames!! less go
[2024-10-24 21:29:17]
Dario1 :
bluemaster: 😁
[2024-10-24 21:39:28]
Berns101 :
stupid ass pa
[2024-10-24 21:43:17]
blaster33 :
:downrocket: :arthur: ETH
[2024-10-24 21:43:48]
Berns101 :
blaster33: why
[2024-10-24 21:46:34]
blaster33 :
Berns101: ETH is the dead weight blocking BTC from lifting off
[2024-10-24 21:47:05]
Berns101 :
blaster33: xrp smokes eth imo
[2024-10-24 21:47:12]
Berns101 :
[2024-10-24 21:47:28]
Berns101 :
bitcoin is original only matters imo
[2024-10-24 21:47:51]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 21:49:01]
Dario1 :
MrBritcoin: lol
[2024-10-24 21:54:22]
Pilot :
blaster33: yeah been slow all day with eth
[2024-10-24 22:01:15]
.Senior.Professor, :
[2024-10-24 22:02:41]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 80 Cont @ 2545.37 ($13,941.05) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2024-10-24 22:03:07]
BlissRP :
imagine looking at eth/btc chart and thinking
[2024-10-24 22:03:10]
BlissRP :
its time to short eth
[2024-10-24 22:03:21]
BlissRP :
where the heck was this guy for 2 years
[2024-10-24 22:03:26]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 50000 USD @ 68492.6 - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-10-24 22:05:33]
.Senior.Professor, :
i can smell the flashcrash
[2024-10-24 22:08:12]
al guul :
us state passing btc bill
[2024-10-24 22:17:59]
:catjam: :doge:
[2024-10-24 22:21:57]
blaster33 :
BlissRP: it still has a -20% room to reach 0.03 :arthur:
[2024-10-24 22:39:55]
BlissRP :
blaster33: :arthur:
[2024-10-24 22:41:01]
Null haos house :
too many humans on the world
[2024-10-24 22:41:08]
Null haos house :
has to be reduced by 75 % minimum
[2024-10-24 22:41:28]
Null haos house :
to a normal value
[2024-10-24 22:43:24]
any random name :
[2024-10-24 22:44:21]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 20 SOL @ 178.89 ($3,575.36) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-10-24 22:44:52]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 250 Cont @ 178.83 ($3,048.07) - RIP
[2024-10-24 22:49:55]
any random name :
[2024-10-24 22:57:19]
Apostle of Greed :
short btc?
[2024-10-24 22:58:15]
any random name :
Apostle of Greed: YAP
[2024-10-24 22:59:24]
blaster33 :
wha'ts wrong with sol
[2024-10-24 22:59:39]
MrBritcoin :
.Senior.Professor,: 😏
[2024-10-24 22:59:39]
blaster33 :
they announced an ETF or people is selling ETH for SOL :arthur:
[2024-10-24 23:03:04]
MrBritcoin :
blaster33: think backwards
[2024-10-24 23:03:14]
MrBritcoin :
an look at charts
[2024-10-24 23:06:46]
MrBritcoin :
you know iv looked at sol once since it has been popular
[2024-10-24 23:08:54]
big horse tip :
its confirmed, bear market for next 5 years
[2024-10-24 23:09:02]
MrBritcoin :
iv just looked once more an i see bubble
[2024-10-24 23:09:54]
MrBritcoin :
on sol
[2024-10-24 23:10:54]
MrBritcoin :
in my eyes its time to cash out
[2024-10-24 23:13:31]
MrBritcoin :
clearly bluemaster has as hes nowhere to be seen
[2024-10-24 23:19:33]
r1pp3r :
blaster33: people are finaly starting to realize ETH always was an pre minned commie scam :kek:
[2024-10-24 23:28:57]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1300 USD @ 68099.8
[2024-10-24 23:37:12]
Joeyy132 :
Sol finally going to 0
[2024-10-24 23:37:14]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-24 23:37:38]
Joeyy132 :
Coke on bitcoin to up
[2024-10-24 23:37:40]
Joeyy132 :
[2024-10-24 23:38:01]
Joeyy132 :
Keep longing until 120 k
[2024-10-24 23:44:06]
MrBritcoin :
Joeyy132: dont forget about the cme gap lurking below will you
[2024-10-24 23:44:51]
MrBritcoin :
51500 to 5300
[2024-10-24 23:45:03]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 23:45:52]
MrBritcoin :
its soon forgotten about
[2024-10-24 23:50:51]
MrBritcoin :
sorry i stand corrected
[2024-10-24 23:50:57]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 23:51:11]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 23:51:13]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 23:51:20]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 23:59:28]
MrBritcoin :
this place has gone quiet all of a suddon hay
[2024-10-25 00:00:10]
MrBritcoin :
no SteveS no bluemaster whats going on
[2024-10-25 00:01:32]
big horse tip :
theyre using alt account
[2024-10-25 00:06:15]
MrBritcoin :
last paint from me
[2024-10-25 00:06:21]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:17:42]
bmagic :
Damn hit my target while I'm asleep
[2024-10-25 00:20:35]
MrBritcoin :
bmagic: well arnt you a lucky soul
[2024-10-25 00:23:36]
MrBritcoin :
i can only wish to be as lucky as you lol
[2024-10-25 00:28:11]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:31:53]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: you shorting 🥹
[2024-10-25 00:32:10]
GodBleesYou :
I didnt closed my long at 68800 🥹😅
[2024-10-25 00:32:33]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: its on a need to know basis an you dont need to know lol
[2024-10-25 00:33:02]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: he told me few hours ago jajjaja
[2024-10-25 00:33:25]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: and mister bitcoin results talk more then actions
[2024-10-25 00:33:34]
GodBleesYou :
Show us your stats
[2024-10-25 00:33:40]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-25 00:34:09]
Null haos house :
collapse 😳
[2024-10-25 00:34:10]
MrBritcoin :
i wil when an if my dream coes true
[2024-10-25 00:34:16]
MrBritcoin :
hows that
[2024-10-25 00:34:26]
Null haos house :
the restaurant
[2024-10-25 00:34:33]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:34:41]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-25 00:35:05]
MrBritcoin :
just know my target it 35k
[2024-10-25 00:35:51]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: my target is 1300 so ?
[2024-10-25 00:36:00]
Null haos house :
Mc Donalds
[2024-10-25 00:36:05]
GodBleesYou :
I am still long at 67k 😂 @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:36:27]
MrBritcoin :
then you need to bail
[2024-10-25 00:38:15]
GodBleesYou :
I am not short term trader love -80% or +600% dont rekt me @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:38:48]
GodBleesYou :
I am been here since mtgox i got scammemd back then and still came back to the market
[2024-10-25 00:39:05]
GodBleesYou :
The worst bitcoin is the more bullish i am 🥹
[2024-10-25 00:39:28]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:39:32]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:39:44]
MrBritcoin :
just two to mension
[2024-10-25 00:39:48]
GodBleesYou :
I really love to see badger -80% so 35k is fine @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:40:10]
MrBritcoin :
im just being real
[2024-10-25 00:40:39]
GodBleesYou :
Well done love 😘
[2024-10-25 00:40:59]
Null haos house :
you are a hamburger sandwich in cheap sauce
[2024-10-25 00:41:36]
GodBleesYou :
Null haos house: just short bitcoin 250x and leave this chat 😂
[2024-10-25 00:43:24]
Null haos house :
GodBleesYou: did you earn enough cent for this chat today?
[2024-10-25 00:43:31]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: who is badger i must of muted them as i dont see them
[2024-10-25 00:43:56]
Null haos house :
who is burger?
[2024-10-25 00:44:18]
yellowpig :
50/50 🎟
[2024-10-25 00:44:29]
Pilot :
[2024-10-25 00:44:43]
GodBleesYou :
Null haos house: //position xbtusdt
[2024-10-25 00:44:46]
Null haos house :
poor noom
[2024-10-25 00:44:47]
Pilot :
My brain when im scuba diving
[2024-10-25 00:44:50]
GodBleesYou :
/position xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: 0.1495 XBT @ 67447.87
[2024-10-25 00:44:53]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-25 00:45:03]
yellowpig :
$59013 or $71752
[2024-10-25 00:45:17]
yellowpig :
both really
[2024-10-25 00:45:23]
yellowpig :
[2024-10-25 00:45:26]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: you really asking who is badger?
[2024-10-25 00:45:29]
yellowpig :
[2024-10-25 00:45:35]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:45:38]
GodBleesYou :
For real?
[2024-10-25 00:45:47]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:45:50]
GodBleesYou :
Badger is bitcoin nickname...
[2024-10-25 00:45:52]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-25 00:45:56]
GodBleesYou :
I am going old
[2024-10-25 00:46:00]
GodBleesYou :
[2024-10-25 00:46:07]
Pilot :
I am losing my mind
[2024-10-25 00:46:31]
yellowpig :
Badger don't care @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:46:36]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-25 00:47:15]
GodBleesYou :
Thats how we called bitcoin back in 2015 😂 @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:47:31]
hehe MOON :
Weak ass bearas
[2024-10-25 00:48:01]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: well i never
[2024-10-25 00:49:35]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: did you trade back then aswell
[2024-10-25 00:49:44]
Null haos house :
hehe MOON: its all about the right sauce
[2024-10-25 00:50:10]
Null haos house :
try zaziki and aioli
[2024-10-25 00:50:21]
MrBritcoin :
:bitmex: MrBritcoin has been on BitMEX since May 15, 2019.
[2024-10-25 00:50:45]
MrBritcoin :
i just mine for 3 years efore that date
[2024-10-25 00:50:53]
Null haos house :
/since hamburger since
:bitmex: Null haos house has been on BitMEX since Aug 14, 2018.
[2024-10-25 00:51:18]
MrBritcoin :
well maybe 4 i cant put an exact date on it
[2024-10-25 00:52:05]
MrBritcoin :
i probably could if i looked hard enough
[2024-10-25 00:52:27]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0007 XBT @ 67919.3 ($47.52) - 😂
[2024-10-25 00:52:49]
MrBritcoin :
this will be brutal
[2024-10-25 00:54:30]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:54:35]
Null haos house :
MrBritcoin: longers will bath in cheap sauce
[2024-10-25 00:59:56]
Pilot :
dood thats cool af
[2024-10-25 01:00:12]
Pilot :
[2024-10-25 01:00:36]
MrBritcoin :
Pilot: 😊
[2024-10-25 01:02:15]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:23]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:27]
"it will be........" :
[2024-10-25 01:02:27]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:32]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:47]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:03:03]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:03:07]
MrBritcoin :
...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:04:43]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 01:06:34]
bmagic :
GodBleesYou: did you follow m target sir
[2024-10-25 01:07:11]
GodBleesYou :
bmagic: no i didnt 🥹
[2024-10-25 01:07:23]
GodBleesYou :
And now btc start to look bad 😂
[2024-10-25 01:07:23]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 01:08:14]
Null haos house :
bull run below 69k
[2024-10-25 01:08:34]
MrBritcoin :
where is iI LOVE BUTSEX
[2024-10-25 01:09:51]
MrBritcoin :
I Love BitMEX: ?
[2024-10-25 01:10:49]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: probbly got stoped 😂
[2024-10-25 01:12:06]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: he must sleep some times id guess
[2024-10-25 01:13:08]
Null haos house :
poor longers
[2024-10-25 01:13:12]
Null haos house :
allways cent running
[2024-10-25 01:18:17]
Null haos house :
we need a bull run form 69k to 69k
[2024-10-25 01:19:38]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: so why nick name btc as badger
[2024-10-25 01:20:11]
Null haos house :
btc as burger
[2024-10-25 01:20:19]
MrBritcoin :
i really dont get it
[2024-10-25 01:21:34]
r1pp3r :
60-70k range
[2024-10-25 01:21:36]
r1pp3r :
for another 5 years more
[2024-10-25 01:21:45]
r1pp3r :
imagine the salt
[2024-10-25 01:21:47]
r1pp3r :
[2024-10-25 01:21:50]
bmagic :
GodBleesYou: an exit between 78300 and 79200 still possible
[2024-10-25 01:22:11]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-25 01:22:16]
bmagic :
[2024-10-25 01:22:27]
bmagic :
68300 and 69200*
[2024-10-25 01:24:28]
Null haos house :
[2024-10-25 01:37:45]
GodBleesYou :
Null haos house: thats was my hope 🤭 69200-69600 wick maybe
[2024-10-25 01:38:19]
GodBleesYou :
Null haos house: right in goggle bitcoin and badger you will understand 😂
[2024-10-25 01:39:05]
RonnieREKT :
🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 0.4200 ETH @ 2516.98 ($1,056.37)
[2024-10-25 01:41:48]
GodBleesYou :
MrBritcoin: write in goggle bitcoin and badger you will see endless memes
[2024-10-25 01:50:20]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: i will have a badger
[2024-10-25 01:50:34]
MrBritcoin :
oh wait butchers
[2024-10-25 01:50:41]
MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 01:56:23]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-25 01:58:10]
MrBritcoin :
GodBleesYou: well it looks like it all started with an alt called digg as badges dig an there is a honey badger so thats where it from from what im making out
[2024-10-25 01:58:38]
kchaitanya :
/position solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 2,200 Cont @ 177.95
[2024-10-25 01:58:54]
kchaitanya :
@bmagic am I safe :doge:
[2024-10-25 01:59:37]
MrBritcoin :
Yourholyhireless: not seem noom for ages
[2024-10-25 01:59:57]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-25 02:00:11]
MrBritcoin :
i did msg him on x an not heard anything back
[2024-10-25 02:00:31]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-25 02:01:41]
MrBritcoin :
i hope hes well we go way back @NOOM
[2024-10-25 02:02:48]
45th_blown_account :
delulustober :doge:
[2024-10-25 02:11:17]
farollgmc :
[2024-10-25 02:13:43]
Sir.LongCorn :
61K last dump before bullrun
[2024-10-25 02:13:53]
Sir.LongCorn :
/position xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.0046 XBT @ 66329.3
[2024-10-25 02:14:00]
Sir.LongCorn :
/orders xbtusdt
:bitmex: XBTUSDT: Buy 0.0049 XBT @ 62420.8
[2024-10-25 02:14:06]
Sir.LongCorn :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 100 USD @ 16465
[2024-10-25 02:14:09]
Sir.LongCorn :
/pnl xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: -0.0003 XBT RPNL, 0.0046 XBT UPNL
[2024-10-25 02:18:10]
bmagic :
kchaitanya: no idea
[2024-10-25 02:18:16]
bmagic :
/position solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 4,000 Cont @ 176.57
[2024-10-25 02:18:38]
bmagic :
i'm looking to exit close to 185
[2024-10-25 02:18:44]
bmagic :
but may have to settle for 179
[2024-10-25 02:19:11]
bmagic :
and if im wrong i'll settle for 175
[2024-10-25 02:19:13]
bmagic :
[2024-10-25 02:20:03]
bmagic :
this looks like a rejection of hns
[2024-10-25 02:20:11]
bmagic :
but its 5 min setup so who cares
[2024-10-25 02:20:13]
bmagic :
long i say
[2024-10-25 02:20:26]
bmagic :
69200 sweep is the goal
[2024-10-25 02:21:25]
bmagic :
recovery of 68050 is essential
[2024-10-25 02:22:55]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-25 02:23:13]
bmagic :
/position xbtusd
:bitmex: XBTUSD: 136,800 USD @ 67994.3701
[2024-10-25 02:23:15]
bmagic :
/position solusd
:bitmex: SOLUSD: 5,100 Cont @ 176.33
[2024-10-25 02:23:19]
bmagic :
/position ethusd
:bitmex: ETHUSD: 100 Cont @ 2532.3
[2024-10-25 02:23:27]
kchaitanya :
[2024-10-25 02:23:30]
bmagic :
im good as long as 67500 doesn't break
[2024-10-25 02:24:35]
bmagic :
i believe China wants Bitcoin to ATH
[2024-10-25 02:25:01]
Yourholyhireless :
Your holy hireless demands you
[2024-10-25 02:25:57]
bmagic :
lets go people
[2024-10-25 02:25:59]
bmagic :
[2024-10-25 02:27:13]
bmagic :
15 minute ichimoku cloud bounce BULLISH leading span
[2024-10-25 02:27:14]
bmagic :
lets go
[2024-10-25 02:27:27]
bmagic :
68450 short time frame target
[2024-10-25 02:28:06]
bmagic :
[2024-10-25 02:28:23]
Yourholyhireless :
bmagic: bearish kijun cross lol
[2024-10-25 02:32:05]
bmagic :
Yourholyhireless: dead
[2024-10-25 02:33:04]
Yourholyhireless : News
Bitcoin 2024 Forecast: Experts Split on $125K Bullish or $40K Bearish BTC Outlook
[2024-10-25 02:33:07]
Yourholyhireless :
[2024-10-25 02:33:40]
danielm11 :
Bitcoin news: apparently "experts" are as useful as a coin flip