BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-24 17:51:36] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-24 17:54:51] I Love BitMEX : Gae
[2024-10-24 17:55:02] I Love BitMEX : Let's play then
[2024-10-24 17:55:14] MrBritcoin : elChisoso: im not complaining im just bringing up you have assets on a site that is showing signs of lagg an is hard to use if you had an old car with tyres that needed to be pumped up evey time you drove it you would replace the tyres yes
[2024-10-24 17:55:59] Null haos house : Loners fove the 11 years below 69k
[2024-10-24 17:56:02] Null haos house : love
[2024-10-24 17:56:21] Null haos house : Longers love to be below 69k
[2024-10-24 17:57:17] MrBritcoin : or if it was easier you would trplace the whole car
[2024-10-24 17:57:25] BitMEX_Maslow : MrBritcoin: Isn't that a bit of a strech, given that you are not willing to use the browser the platform is optimized for?
[2024-10-24 17:58:19] MrBritcoin : BitMEX_Maslow: im on it now it is much better but i used a different browers due to the same problem months ago
[2024-10-24 17:58:48] MrBritcoin : so what your saying is i need to flip an flop between the two great
[2024-10-24 17:59:01] BitMEX_Maslow : I can with certainty speak for now and say there is no lag issue. Months ago there might have been a temporary thing so I won't categorically deny that.
[2024-10-24 17:59:06] elChisoso : Brave, Chrome, Edge ... all based on Chromium these days. :arthur:
[2024-10-24 17:59:34] contract details : opera too
[2024-10-24 17:59:39] contract details : there is only firefox and chrome left really
[2024-10-24 17:59:45] elChisoso : Indeed.
[2024-10-24 17:59:59] contract details : and firefox is not even a close second :arthur:
[2024-10-24 18:00:41] elChisoso : firefox is not that bad as of later versions tho.
[2024-10-24 18:01:03] contract details : ive been using it for years
[2024-10-24 18:01:09] contract details : since 2010 :kek:
[2024-10-24 18:01:17] contract details : but now i am on brave, too many small issues
[2024-10-24 18:01:24] contract details : including performance here
[2024-10-24 18:02:30] elChisoso : INdeed, braves layer of privacy has its funky bits, but usally its not an issue.
[2024-10-24 18:03:34] The Emerging Bull : Ok just dump it.
[2024-10-24 18:06:57] contract details : undumpable
[2024-10-24 18:07:00] contract details : americans love it
[2024-10-24 18:07:02] r1pp3r : :bog: send it :rocket:
[2024-10-24 18:07:06] contract details : the secret asset buffet is buying
[2024-10-24 18:07:08] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-24 18:07:12] r1pp3r : imagine being bearish after 8 months consolidation
[2024-10-24 18:07:15] r1pp3r : like hello
[2024-10-24 18:07:17] r1pp3r : brain error?
[2024-10-24 18:07:28] r1pp3r : $169k
[2024-10-24 18:07:39] contract details : no
[2024-10-24 18:07:41] contract details : 169420
[2024-10-24 18:07:45] r1pp3r : yeh
[2024-10-24 18:07:47] contract details : tb told me
[2024-10-24 18:07:56] r1pp3r : its programmed
[2024-10-24 18:07:58] UglyOldGoat : BitMEX_Maslow: @.Senior.Professor, Hello Maslov: Still waiting to hear from Dev Team why the rate change is not a rug pull.
[2024-10-24 18:09:15] BitMEX_Maslow : UglyOldGoat: I'm sure you remember my response from many support tickets we exchanged
[2024-10-24 18:09:49] UglyOldGoat : Yes you said you would escalate and address the issues
[2024-10-24 18:10:17] UglyOldGoat : No one has answered why this is not a rug pul.
[2024-10-24 18:10:20] BitMEX_Maslow : We have escalated you feedback. There is no issue here
[2024-10-24 18:10:30] BitMEX_Maslow : I have answered you many times
[2024-10-24 18:10:41] BitMEX_Maslow : what is a rug pull?
[2024-10-24 18:10:49] UglyOldGoat : Ok then answer here for all to see
[2024-10-24 18:11:23] BitMEX_Maslow : You referred to a previous promotion as the reason why you bought many BMEX tokens
[2024-10-24 18:11:41] BitMEX_Maslow : and claimed that a change in our TRADING FEE structure means BMEX is a rug pull
[2024-10-24 18:11:46] UglyOldGoat : Yes we all bought with that prmotion
[2024-10-24 18:12:03] clarknova : lol no
[2024-10-24 18:12:19] I Love BitMEX : Mom
[2024-10-24 18:12:25] I Love BitMEX : Send help
[2024-10-24 18:12:29] UglyOldGoat : BitMEX_Maslow: Exactly, read the article
[2024-10-24 18:12:48] BitMEX_Maslow : I simply told you that if you are familiar with Terms & Conditions you would know that we have every right to offer AND take away any promotion
[2024-10-24 18:12:54] BitMEX_Maslow : as is with any and all of our services
[2024-10-24 18:13:04] BitMEX_Maslow : UglyOldGoat: I don't have to read anything sir
[2024-10-24 18:13:14] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-10-24 18:13:16] BitMEX_Maslow : You need to read some things though
[2024-10-24 18:13:16] contract details : goosfrabaaa
[2024-10-24 18:13:24] BitMEX_Maslow : So you would stop spamming perhaps
[2024-10-24 18:13:53] UglyOldGoat : Yes you have the right to change the rates anytime you please
[2024-10-24 18:14:07] BitMEX_Maslow : I didn't say that
[2024-10-24 18:14:14] BitMEX_Maslow : I said take away a promotion
[2024-10-24 18:14:17] UglyOldGoat : The problem is you promote token with these rates
[2024-10-24 18:14:26] Pr0metheus : Made $4k when bmex launched, can’t fault it 😅
[2024-10-24 18:14:29] UglyOldGoat : We bought and staked the token'
[2024-10-24 18:14:55] BitMEX_Maslow : Yes we also put out terms and conditions for everyone to see before buying BMEX
[2024-10-24 18:15:02] BitMEX_Maslow : Your BMEX tokens didn't go anywhere
[2024-10-24 18:15:03] UglyOldGoat : You can change the rates for new clients but not for those of us who belived in Bitmex
[2024-10-24 18:15:05] BitMEX_Maslow : you still have them
[2024-10-24 18:15:11] contract details : it is still kind of dirty
[2024-10-24 18:15:13] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-10-24 18:15:25] I Love BitMEX : When rebates
[2024-10-24 18:15:30] I Love BitMEX : Adm
[2024-10-24 18:15:31] contract details : not nice
[2024-10-24 18:16:15] UglyOldGoat : BitMEX_Maslow: Well you should read more'
[2024-10-24 18:16:16] Pilot : Crazy wife argument
[2024-10-24 18:16:23] Pilot : flowers didnt cut it
[2024-10-24 18:16:28] BitMEX_Maslow : Our fee change has been carefully planned with customer satisfaction in mind
[2024-10-24 18:16:30] Pilot : shes doing the phone everyone thing again
[2024-10-24 18:16:47] contract details : Pilot: buy a new one
[2024-10-24 18:16:57] Pilot : Upgrade
[2024-10-24 18:17:26] contract details : Pilot: yeah
[2024-10-24 18:17:33] contract details : i hear samsung makes excellent wives
[2024-10-24 18:18:04] BitMEX_Maslow : UglyOldGoat: I'm sure you know yourself that we cannot have two fee structures at the same time. Please understand that this decision is final, and do with it as you please, thanks.
[2024-10-24 18:18:39] UglyOldGoat : BitMEX_Maslow: The issue to not about your rights to change rates. This issue is you sold BMEX token and had us stake at great rates and did a rug pull.
[2024-10-24 18:18:39] contract details : we breaking out or what
[2024-10-24 18:18:47] Null haos house : yes to Mc donalds
[2024-10-24 18:18:55] contract details : Null haos house: yarrrrl
[2024-10-24 18:18:57] BitMEX_Maslow : > *:door::hammer: User `UglyOldGoat` has been banned from chat for 1 day.*
[2024-10-24 18:19:24] contract details : :O
[2024-10-24 18:19:36] Pilot : contract details: s8 plus
[2024-10-24 18:19:48] Pilot : Pwned uglyoldgoat
[2024-10-24 18:20:04] elChisoso : Not sure why I would email UglyOlGoat tho. :)
[2024-10-24 18:20:07] BitMEX_Maslow : UglyOldGoat: Please send an email to if you have any concerns.
[2024-10-24 18:20:15] I Love BitMEX : UglyOldGoat: don't worry goat. McDonald's hires everyone 🍟
[2024-10-24 18:20:16] BitMEX_Maslow : elChisoso: :)
[2024-10-24 18:20:30] elChisoso : BitMEX_Maslow: :beer:
[2024-10-24 18:20:35] BitMEX_Maslow : Just trying to keep the airways clear.
[2024-10-24 18:21:06] elChisoso : lol, sorry i just happen to see you censor yourself. :)
[2024-10-24 18:21:41] BitMEX_Maslow : haha let's call it correction. I am not a bot, after all :)
[2024-10-24 18:22:00] elChisoso : It was funny sir, i actually lolled.
[2024-10-24 18:22:07] contract details : lol
[2024-10-24 18:22:09] BitMEX_Maslow : Glad to put a smile on your face :)
[2024-10-24 18:22:11] contract details : i thought he was torlling him
[2024-10-24 18:22:15] contract details : send him a mail :arthur:
[2024-10-24 18:22:33] Null haos house : longers have to lose some energy to continue the dump to 44k
[2024-10-24 18:22:34] BitMEX_Maslow : haha it seemed that way, but trolling is you guys' thing
[2024-10-24 18:22:36] BitMEX_Maslow : not mine
[2024-10-24 18:23:15] Pilot : I hope not but I might end up in a police cell
[2024-10-24 18:23:28] Pilot : She’ll fall the police and say I’m doing some shit I’m not
[2024-10-24 18:23:41] contract details : i think you need a new wife
[2024-10-24 18:23:42] contract details : :kek:
[2024-10-24 18:23:43] Pilot : She’s threatening suicide again…
[2024-10-24 18:23:55] Pilot : Today I went to the pub which means I had sex with loads of women
[2024-10-24 18:24:09] Pilot : Insecurity off the charts
[2024-10-24 18:24:30] Pilot : I have everything voice recorded just in case but damn
[2024-10-24 18:24:34] Pilot : Life is weird
[2024-10-24 18:24:47] Pilot : I think she enjoys the drama
[2024-10-24 18:24:54] Pilot : Like she wants life to be a TV show
[2024-10-24 18:29:35] Gandalf the Grey : why mex laggy
[2024-10-24 18:29:59] Gandalf the Grey : it has like 3 sec lag, other sites no problem
[2024-10-24 18:30:38] Gandalf the Grey : i guess i did not lose enough money lmfao
[2024-10-24 18:30:51] BitMEX_Maslow : Gandalf the Grey: what browser are you using?
[2024-10-24 18:31:00] Gandalf the Grey : i refreshed
[2024-10-24 18:31:03] Gandalf the Grey : seems to be better
[2024-10-24 18:31:15] Gandalf the Grey : the tab accumulated too much negative energy maybe
[2024-10-24 18:31:17] Gandalf the Grey : lol
[2024-10-24 18:31:33] BitMEX_Maslow : glad to hear that
[2024-10-24 18:31:39] Gandalf the Grey : mashallah
[2024-10-24 18:35:07] elChisoso : Yeah, the site do have a memory leak under certain situations, a refresh fixes it. I have tried to find it, but i just didnt have the energy to dig deep so reload button is universal soluition to rule all problems. :)
[2024-10-24 18:36:02] elChisoso : Most sites do have similar issues, so it might be the framework the sites are based on.
[2024-10-24 18:38:26] MrBritcoin : where is bluemaster ???
[2024-10-24 18:38:57] MrBritcoin : with his longs
[2024-10-24 18:39:21] I Love BitMEX : MrBritcoin: exit scammed
[2024-10-24 18:40:04] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: exited maybe scammed id say not
[2024-10-24 18:40:43] MrBritcoin : cant say really util we see him
[2024-10-24 18:40:49] I Love BitMEX : Gae
[2024-10-24 18:41:01] I Love BitMEX : He can syck my dick, he is gae
[2024-10-24 18:41:50] xini : I Love BitMEX: darling no focus on gae focus on me
[2024-10-24 18:41:51] xini : hahha
[2024-10-24 18:42:13] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: can you calm dowmy fren wit the sexual remarks we are suposed to be a professional site these days lol
[2024-10-24 18:44:19] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: what is you me sign mine be :ME:
[2024-10-24 18:44:59] MrBritcoin : : me :
[2024-10-24 18:47:30] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: so whats your position as you know iv not got one im wondering what your position is
[2024-10-24 18:48:50] TG_undefined : Ethereum such a dead scam LMFAOOO how is this fkin russian vitalik scum ponzi still not delisted on every exchange fkin piece of sht worthless scamming ponzi
[2024-10-24 18:49:25] TG_undefined : what a fkin disgusting filthy grifto market
[2024-10-24 18:50:38] TG_undefined : who wakes up and says im gonna buy eferereum today 🤓 fking geeks
[2024-10-24 18:50:45] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 35,000 USD @ 67480.0259 ```
[2024-10-24 18:50:51] bmagic : /position solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 5,750 Cont @ 176.1 ```
[2024-10-24 18:51:09] clarknova : I'm not gae anymore. I'm gau now.
[2024-10-24 18:51:10] bmagic : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 125 Cont @ 2519 ```
[2024-10-24 18:51:13] bmagic : Eth dead
[2024-10-24 18:51:16] TG_undefined : im the biggest bear and my positions are 3-4x and lower get gud
[2024-10-24 18:52:09] clarknova : TG_undefined: You're not a big bear, you're a big something else. Concentrate and find what.
[2024-10-24 18:52:14] TG_undefined : wtf does efereum🤓 do? besides keep that disgusting creature vitalik paid
[2024-10-24 18:52:47] TG_undefined : delist that fkin ponzi on every exchange and send vitalik homeless asap
[2024-10-24 18:53:34] TG_undefined : its the crypto geeks fault the biggest losers in the market for letting efereum🤓 live this long
[2024-10-24 18:54:05] TG_undefined : at least Bitcoin has Saylor who built a Ponzi ontop of Bitcoin
[2024-10-24 18:55:42] MrBritcoin : well as they say this is where the rubber hits the road
[2024-10-24 18:56:14] TG_undefined : everything about to collapse
[2024-10-24 18:56:37] MrBritcoin : its got two options
[2024-10-24 18:56:43] TG_undefined : efereum 🤓 dragging Saylors Btc ponzi down with it lmfao
[2024-10-24 18:57:20] TG_undefined : pathetic geeks this is what happens when participants are geeks and losers
[2024-10-24 18:57:58] I Love BitMEX : :me: @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-24 18:58:02] TG_undefined : couldnt accept a 100k btc instead threw it in a range for 8 months while you threw all your liquidity into cartoon animal tokens
[2024-10-24 18:58:24] I Love BitMEX : I am CTO of @admin Chief Trolling Officer
[2024-10-24 18:58:35] TG_undefined : fkin LOSERS need to get the crypto animal token sht kicked out of every single one of you
[2024-10-24 19:00:08] MrBritcoin : the lag is a sign of a dirty move im seeing
[2024-10-24 19:00:21] jjhiijiji : what lag?
[2024-10-24 19:00:31] I Love BitMEX : jjhiijiji: in his brain
[2024-10-24 19:00:44] TG_undefined : its over this is the top for everything
[2024-10-24 19:00:49] MrBritcoin : i was using brave an it was coming in blocks of data
[2024-10-24 19:00:58] I Love BitMEX : **GAENESS LEVEL 100**
[2024-10-24 19:01:01] MrBritcoin : the worst iv seen it ever
[2024-10-24 19:02:08] bmagic : Brave browser sucks
[2024-10-24 19:02:17] bmagic : Needs an update
[2024-10-24 19:02:20] I Love BitMEX : Opera browser man
[2024-10-24 19:02:23] bmagic : Used to be good
[2024-10-24 19:02:24] I Love BitMEX : The best
[2024-10-24 19:02:25] MrBritcoin : well i found it fine until recent
[2024-10-24 19:02:27] I Love BitMEX : It has ai too
[2024-10-24 19:02:50] bmagic : I personally don't browse
[2024-10-24 19:03:03] bmagic : I just connect live feed into the matrix
[2024-10-24 19:03:07] I Love BitMEX : bmagic: stop being gae
[2024-10-24 19:03:10] I Love BitMEX : /position ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: -0.82 ETH @ 2525.5982 ```
[2024-10-24 19:03:34] bmagic : But sir it meets my data requirements
[2024-10-24 19:03:40] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 35,000 USD @ 67480.0259 ```
[2024-10-24 19:03:46] bmagic : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 125 Cont @ 2519 ```
[2024-10-24 19:03:52] bmagic : /position solusd ``` :bitmex: SOLUSD: 5,750 Cont @ 176.1 ```
[2024-10-24 19:04:03] bmagic : I'll stop being gae soon
[2024-10-24 19:04:09] jjhiijiji : sems a bit high up tbe longing
[2024-10-24 19:04:19] jjhiijiji : i could end up a good spot but id be worried
[2024-10-24 19:04:53] bmagic : 69200 will likely hit
[2024-10-24 19:05:03] bmagic : Im out before 68500
[2024-10-24 19:05:17] I Love BitMEX : When Arabs will make it haram to have crypto currencies all this is lol
[2024-10-24 19:13:23] doublecheese : Hello frens. Cheese is still holding, of course
[2024-10-24 19:13:31] doublecheese : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 5,600 USD @ 62428.987 ```
[2024-10-24 19:13:45] doublecheese : It is clear that eth lost its battle agains Solana.
[2024-10-24 19:13:56] doublecheese : At this point only btc and Solana make sense
[2024-10-24 19:19:02] bmagic : Well solana in that overbought territory
[2024-10-24 19:19:19] bmagic : Id like to short 180 to 188 range
[2024-10-24 19:19:35] bmagic : All the way to 140
[2024-10-24 19:22:27] danielm11 : eth broke down trend
[2024-10-24 19:22:44] danielm11 : pump o'clock i guess
[2024-10-24 19:24:42] bmagic : That would be nice
[2024-10-24 19:24:51] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 19:25:22] bmagic : I'm eyeing 2595 but I don't think it has the juice
[2024-10-24 19:27:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 15100 USD @ 67906.8
[2024-10-24 19:27:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 55 Cont @ 2533.7 ($9,472.07) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-24 19:28:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 6000 USD @ 68029
[2024-10-24 19:29:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 30000 USD @ 68066.4
[2024-10-24 19:29:24] Atlemos : Flash dump post poned! btc in pump test!!
[2024-10-24 19:30:31] Null haos house : Bullrun has ended
[2024-10-24 19:30:33] Null haos house : alert
[2024-10-24 19:30:49] The_Reaper : THIS ETH JUST DEVALUES MORE AND MORE
[2024-10-24 19:30:53] The_Reaper : what a fookin trash
[2024-10-24 19:30:56] jjhiijiji : bullrun ended since 49k
[2024-10-24 19:32:26] Null haos house : we come close to ath
[2024-10-24 19:32:35] Null haos house : next 11 year resistence
[2024-10-24 19:32:50] Berns101 : tesla and spacex claiming America bankruptcy is possible ahead of moving their bitcoin supplies
[2024-10-24 19:32:54] Null haos house : bulls are running to Mc donalds
[2024-10-24 19:33:03] Berns101 : seems bearish
[2024-10-24 19:33:38] scraps : Null haos house: buying all them tendies with their stacks of bitcoin
[2024-10-24 19:33:50] Null haos house : scraps: btc cant be boguht
[2024-10-24 19:33:53] Null haos house : bought
[2024-10-24 19:33:57] Null haos house : its only sellable
[2024-10-24 19:34:15] scraps : Null haos house: harder to buy than it is to sell
[2024-10-24 19:35:57] doublecheese : The_Reaper: that's because there is now a superior alternative to it: solana.
[2024-10-24 19:36:18] scraps : much harder to buy, unless you just market buy because,, at times it can be the smartest move
[2024-10-24 19:36:34] I Love BitMEX : Gaes bought the top again
[2024-10-24 19:36:34] doublecheese : Solana is superior to eth in every possible way
[2024-10-24 19:36:36] I Love BitMEX : What a surprise
[2024-10-24 19:36:37] I Love BitMEX : Lmao
[2024-10-24 19:36:40] doublecheese : Aptos is very good too
[2024-10-24 19:36:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2700 USD @ 68124.4
[2024-10-24 19:36:57] xini : I Love BitMEX: :')
[2024-10-24 19:37:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 3000 USD @ 68133.9
[2024-10-24 19:37:06] doublecheese : We need fast and scalable and cheap solutions. Eth is not
[2024-10-24 19:38:27] I Love BitMEX : BREAKING: Speculation is mounting that U.S. government wallets may be compromised following suspicious transfers, with Arkham Intel reporting about $20 million in assets moved to a new address. On-chain investigator ZachXBT called the actions "suspicious," likening them to theft.
[2024-10-24 19:38:35] I Love BitMEX : Us government wallets hacked lmao
[2024-10-24 19:38:43] I Love BitMEX : Or they are selling
[2024-10-24 19:38:45] I Love BitMEX : :P
[2024-10-24 19:39:56] GodBleesYou : Fky badger fky
[2024-10-24 19:40:11] GodBleesYou : Now fly ❤️🥹
[2024-10-24 19:40:13] al guul : :btc:
[2024-10-24 19:40:16] scraps : well everyones buying, supply and demand
[2024-10-24 19:40:42] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: you still alive.
[2024-10-24 19:40:56] GodBleesYou : Please short 250x and leave us alone ❤️🥹
[2024-10-24 19:41:44] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: ❤️❤️❤️
[2024-10-24 19:41:49] scraps : Null haos house: you know mcdonalds called me again about that job interview
[2024-10-24 19:45:57] scraps : 72k you guise believe me now
[2024-10-24 19:45:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 6000 USD @ 68212.9
[2024-10-24 19:56:03] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 10000 USD @ 68248.8
[2024-10-24 19:57:30] The Emerging Bull : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 7,000 USD @ 65188.6233 ```
[2024-10-24 20:00:08] GodBleesYou : Omg
[2024-10-24 20:00:11] issa_LEGUPP_sir : pamp it
[2024-10-24 20:00:15] GodBleesYou : This is so bull
[2024-10-24 20:00:19] nacx : c'mon!!
[2024-10-24 20:00:37] GodBleesYou : Dips are illag
[2024-10-24 20:00:37] crypto_kenevel : Fuck the lag is getting to me 😆
[2024-10-24 20:00:44] GodBleesYou : Bears..
[2024-10-24 20:01:00] GodBleesYou : Please short 250x for maxium Pain
[2024-10-24 20:01:08] I Love BitMEX : Brain lag.
[2024-10-24 20:01:39] crypto_kenevel : 50% portfolio gain today. Going to bed. Night all.
[2024-10-24 20:02:05] GodBleesYou : Do we go to 70k today? 🤭🥹
[2024-10-24 20:02:23] crypto_kenevel : No. Im going to bed. Wait for me
[2024-10-24 20:05:56] xini : I Love BitMEX: where you standing today??
[2024-10-24 20:07:53] I Love BitMEX : xini: standing?
[2024-10-24 20:08:40] jjhiijiji : xini: what makes you think he even has legs? are u just assuming hes a person that can stand. how dare you
[2024-10-24 20:10:08] xini : I Love BitMEX: with your whole borderline
[2024-10-24 20:11:58] xini : jjhiijiji: im talking to my future husband
[2024-10-24 20:12:29] Null haos house : no we bleow 69k since 11 years, we stay below 69k night @GodBleesYou
[2024-10-24 20:12:36] jjhiijiji : ouch.. thats er.. im sorry
[2024-10-24 20:13:17] Null haos house : Bull run will never end to start
[2024-10-24 20:13:24] Null haos house : :downrocket:
[2024-10-24 20:16:16] Pilot : Wife sleeping I can remote wipe her phone if needed
[2024-10-24 20:16:43] Pilot : Crazy woman was talking about blackmailing me and shit
[2024-10-24 20:17:13] Pilot : Crypto get me 10 mil so I can runaway and stuff
[2024-10-24 20:18:08] Pilot : Sad because it’s true 😱😫😡😡😋
[2024-10-24 20:18:32] I Love BitMEX : xini: I have been working today besides riding the trading wave
[2024-10-24 20:18:45] I Love BitMEX : xini: must make my future wife happier
[2024-10-24 20:19:55] I Love BitMEX : xini: I am in bed now going to sleep. Have a nice evening
[2024-10-24 20:20:30] I Love BitMEX : /zen 8h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 8 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-10-24 20:20:48] xini : I Love BitMEX: I see you
[2024-10-24 20:20:53] xini : GN
[2024-10-24 20:20:54] Null haos house : Pilot: Look bull run has started :downrocket:
[2024-10-24 20:26:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `GOATUSDT`: Sell 1000 GOAT @ 0.70411 ($704.04)
[2024-10-24 20:27:13] Null haos house : 😳
[2024-10-24 20:31:17] Pilot : Null haos house: Ye ye
[2024-10-24 20:31:43] Pilot : moon now
[2024-10-24 20:31:51] Null haos house : Pilot: Look 5 minute bullrun has started
[2024-10-24 20:32:03] Pilot : 1 minute bullrun confirmed
[2024-10-24 20:32:11] Null haos house : 2 minute bear market ready
[2024-10-24 20:32:48] Pilot : 7 minute bear, 3 hour bear, 6 hour bull, 1 day bear, 1 week bull, 1 month bull, 1 year bear
[2024-10-24 20:33:03] Pilot : my brain has melted
[2024-10-24 20:33:09] Pilot : i am butter brain
[2024-10-24 20:33:21] Null haos house : where are 5 minute and 0 minute man?
[2024-10-24 20:45:46] Dario1 : If it can manage to break the current resistance zone, then it could fly to the next cumulative shorts liquidation zone at 69700-70000
[2024-10-24 20:51:09] Dario1 : otherwise probably down to 64k
[2024-10-24 20:55:43] Dario1 : 🎸
[2024-10-24 20:59:59] 45th_blown_account : delulus day :doge:
[2024-10-24 21:04:28] XRP GOD : Dario1: Gm we going back upppp:doge:
[2024-10-24 21:05:09] XRP GOD : :catjam:☕️☕️
[2024-10-24 21:07:26] Dario1 : XRP GOD: Gm, sir. That would be fun :doge: :catjam
[2024-10-24 21:07:35] Dario1 : :catjam:
[2024-10-24 21:10:17] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 61600 USD @ 68401.4 - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-10-24 21:11:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SHIBUSDT`: Buy 5900000 SHIB @ 0.000018014 ($106.19)
[2024-10-24 21:11:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 300 USD @ 68451.1 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-24 21:11:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 240 Cont @ 177.64 ($2,918.07) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-10-24 21:13:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 1500 USD @ 68500
[2024-10-24 21:15:35] Pilot : Most trades I make I often have to scuba dive for days before turning a profit
[2024-10-24 21:15:44] Pilot : I enter too early I guess
[2024-10-24 21:15:48] r1pp3r : microsoft buying btc???
[2024-10-24 21:15:51] r1pp3r : thats huge if true
[2024-10-24 21:15:53] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-24 21:16:07] Pilot : XRP GOD: What’s good bruthaaa
[2024-10-24 21:17:06] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 700 USD @ 68513.1 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-24 21:17:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 1.1589 XBT @ 68591.8 ($79,423.48) - Up only!
[2024-10-24 21:18:01] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2700 USD @ 68544.3
[2024-10-24 21:18:10] GodBleesYou : Boom 1 xbt rekt
[2024-10-24 21:19:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 400 USD @ 68605.2 - Game over
[2024-10-24 21:20:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 500 USD @ 68607.8 - 😂
[2024-10-24 21:20:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 12000 USD @ 68635.4
[2024-10-24 21:20:36] al guul : pennsylvania :btc:
[2024-10-24 21:21:03] Berns101 : my heart dont beat proper anymore all this trading
[2024-10-24 21:22:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 300 USD @ 68722.2 - 🐳
[2024-10-24 21:22:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 70 Cont @ 2555.97 ($12,301.12) - Hehehe :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-24 21:22:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 8000 USD @ 68758.6
[2024-10-24 21:22:47] 45th_blown_account : , Talking cat from "oh long Johnson" . Best advice damn it
[2024-10-24 21:22:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.0900 ETH @ 2559.78 ($230.18)
[2024-10-24 21:27:40] Atlemos : Tunnel pump on all time frames!! less go
[2024-10-24 21:29:17] Dario1 : bluemaster: 😁
[2024-10-24 21:39:28] Berns101 : stupid ass pa
[2024-10-24 21:43:17] blaster33 : :downrocket: :arthur: ETH
[2024-10-24 21:43:48] Berns101 : blaster33: why
[2024-10-24 21:46:34] blaster33 : Berns101: ETH is the dead weight blocking BTC from lifting off
[2024-10-24 21:47:05] Berns101 : blaster33: xrp smokes eth imo
[2024-10-24 21:47:12] Berns101 : overrated
[2024-10-24 21:47:28] Berns101 : bitcoin is original only matters imo
[2024-10-24 21:47:51] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 21:49:01] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: lol
[2024-10-24 21:54:22] Pilot : blaster33: yeah been slow all day with eth
[2024-10-24 22:01:15] .Senior.Professor, : SCAAAAAAMMMM
[2024-10-24 22:02:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 80 Cont @ 2545.37 ($13,941.05) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2024-10-24 22:03:07] BlissRP : imagine looking at eth/btc chart and thinking
[2024-10-24 22:03:10] BlissRP : its time to short eth
[2024-10-24 22:03:21] BlissRP : where the heck was this guy for 2 years
[2024-10-24 22:03:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 50000 USD @ 68492.6 - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-10-24 22:05:33] .Senior.Professor, : i can smell the flashcrash
[2024-10-24 22:08:12] al guul : us state passing btc bill
[2024-10-24 22:17:59] XRP GOD : :catjam: :doge:
[2024-10-24 22:21:57] blaster33 : BlissRP: it still has a -20% room to reach 0.03 :arthur:
[2024-10-24 22:39:55] BlissRP : blaster33: :arthur:
[2024-10-24 22:41:01] Null haos house : too many humans on the world
[2024-10-24 22:41:08] Null haos house : has to be reduced by 75 % minimum
[2024-10-24 22:41:28] Null haos house : to a normal value
[2024-10-24 22:43:24] any random name : THE WAY ITS DROPPING LOO SO MUCH LIKE AI
[2024-10-24 22:44:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 20 SOL @ 178.89 ($3,575.36) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-10-24 22:44:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 250 Cont @ 178.83 ($3,048.07) - RIP
[2024-10-24 22:49:55] any random name : Null haos house: BILL GATES ACTIVLY WORKING ON THAT
[2024-10-24 22:57:19] Apostle of Greed : short btc?
[2024-10-24 22:58:15] any random name : Apostle of Greed: YAP
[2024-10-24 22:59:24] blaster33 : wha'ts wrong with sol
[2024-10-24 22:59:39] MrBritcoin : .Senior.Professor,: 😏
[2024-10-24 22:59:39] blaster33 : they announced an ETF or people is selling ETH for SOL :arthur:
[2024-10-24 23:03:04] MrBritcoin : blaster33: think backwards
[2024-10-24 23:03:14] MrBritcoin : an look at charts
[2024-10-24 23:06:46] MrBritcoin : you know iv looked at sol once since it has been popular
[2024-10-24 23:08:54] big horse tip : its confirmed, bear market for next 5 years
[2024-10-24 23:09:02] MrBritcoin : iv just looked once more an i see bubble
[2024-10-24 23:09:54] MrBritcoin : on sol
[2024-10-24 23:10:54] MrBritcoin : in my eyes its time to cash out
[2024-10-24 23:13:31] MrBritcoin : clearly bluemaster has as hes nowhere to be seen
[2024-10-24 23:19:33] r1pp3r : blaster33: people are finaly starting to realize ETH always was an pre minned commie scam :kek:
[2024-10-24 23:28:57] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1300 USD @ 68099.8
[2024-10-24 23:37:12] Joeyy132 : Sol finally going to 0
[2024-10-24 23:37:14] Joeyy132 : hahahaaha
[2024-10-24 23:37:38] Joeyy132 : Coke on bitcoin to up
[2024-10-24 23:37:40] Joeyy132 : gogogo
[2024-10-24 23:38:01] Joeyy132 : Keep longing until 120 k
[2024-10-24 23:44:06] MrBritcoin : Joeyy132: dont forget about the cme gap lurking below will you
[2024-10-24 23:44:51] MrBritcoin : 51500 to 5300
[2024-10-24 23:45:03] MrBritcoin : 50300
[2024-10-24 23:45:52] MrBritcoin : its soon forgotten about
[2024-10-24 23:50:51] MrBritcoin : sorry i stand corrected
[2024-10-24 23:50:57] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-24 23:51:11] MrBritcoin : 53525
[2024-10-24 23:51:13] MrBritcoin : to
[2024-10-24 23:51:20] MrBritcoin : 54555
[2024-10-24 23:59:28] MrBritcoin : this place has gone quiet all of a suddon hay
[2024-10-25 00:00:10] MrBritcoin : no SteveS no bluemaster whats going on
[2024-10-25 00:01:32] big horse tip : theyre using alt account
[2024-10-25 00:06:15] MrBritcoin : last paint from me
[2024-10-25 00:06:21] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:17:42] bmagic : Damn hit my target while I'm asleep
[2024-10-25 00:20:35] MrBritcoin : bmagic: well arnt you a lucky soul
[2024-10-25 00:23:36] MrBritcoin : i can only wish to be as lucky as you lol
[2024-10-25 00:28:11] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:31:53] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: you shorting 🥹
[2024-10-25 00:32:10] GodBleesYou : I didnt closed my long at 68800 🥹😅
[2024-10-25 00:32:33] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou: its on a need to know basis an you dont need to know lol
[2024-10-25 00:33:02] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: he told me few hours ago jajjaja
[2024-10-25 00:33:25] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: and mister bitcoin results talk more then actions
[2024-10-25 00:33:34] GodBleesYou : Show us your stats
[2024-10-25 00:33:40] GodBleesYou : 😜
[2024-10-25 00:34:09] Null haos house : collapse 😳
[2024-10-25 00:34:10] MrBritcoin : i wil when an if my dream coes true
[2024-10-25 00:34:16] MrBritcoin : hows that
[2024-10-25 00:34:26] Null haos house : the restaurant
[2024-10-25 00:34:33] MrBritcoin : comes
[2024-10-25 00:34:41] Null haos house : 😳😳
[2024-10-25 00:35:05] MrBritcoin : just know my target it 35k
[2024-10-25 00:35:51] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: my target is 1300 so ?
[2024-10-25 00:36:00] Null haos house : Mc Donalds
[2024-10-25 00:36:05] GodBleesYou : I am still long at 67k 😂 @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:36:27] MrBritcoin : then you need to bail
[2024-10-25 00:38:15] GodBleesYou : I am not short term trader love -80% or +600% dont rekt me @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:38:48] GodBleesYou : I am been here since mtgox i got scammemd back then and still came back to the market
[2024-10-25 00:39:05] GodBleesYou : The worst bitcoin is the more bullish i am 🥹
[2024-10-25 00:39:28] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou:
[2024-10-25 00:39:32] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-25 00:39:44] MrBritcoin : just two to mension
[2024-10-25 00:39:48] GodBleesYou : I really love to see badger -80% so 35k is fine @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:40:10] MrBritcoin : im just being real
[2024-10-25 00:40:39] GodBleesYou : Well done love 😘
[2024-10-25 00:40:59] Null haos house : you are a hamburger sandwich in cheap sauce
[2024-10-25 00:41:36] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: just short bitcoin 250x and leave this chat 😂
[2024-10-25 00:43:24] Null haos house : GodBleesYou: did you earn enough cent for this chat today?
[2024-10-25 00:43:31] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou: who is badger i must of muted them as i dont see them
[2024-10-25 00:43:56] Null haos house : who is burger?
[2024-10-25 00:44:18] yellowpig : 50/50 🎟
[2024-10-25 00:44:29] Pilot :
[2024-10-25 00:44:43] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: //position xbtusdt
[2024-10-25 00:44:46] Null haos house : poor noom
[2024-10-25 00:44:47] Pilot : My brain when im scuba diving
[2024-10-25 00:44:50] GodBleesYou : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: 0.1495 XBT @ 67447.87 ```
[2024-10-25 00:44:53] Null haos house : Uber
[2024-10-25 00:45:03] yellowpig : $59013 or $71752
[2024-10-25 00:45:17] yellowpig : both really
[2024-10-25 00:45:23] yellowpig : hehe
[2024-10-25 00:45:26] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: you really asking who is badger?
[2024-10-25 00:45:29] yellowpig : 🐽
[2024-10-25 00:45:35] MrBritcoin : yep
[2024-10-25 00:45:38] GodBleesYou : For real?
[2024-10-25 00:45:47] MrBritcoin : yes
[2024-10-25 00:45:50] GodBleesYou : Badger is bitcoin nickname...
[2024-10-25 00:45:52] GodBleesYou : Dam
[2024-10-25 00:45:56] GodBleesYou : I am going old
[2024-10-25 00:46:00] GodBleesYou : 😂😂😂
[2024-10-25 00:46:07] Pilot : I am losing my mind
[2024-10-25 00:46:31] yellowpig : Badger don't care @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:46:36] Null haos house : Burger
[2024-10-25 00:47:15] GodBleesYou : Thats how we called bitcoin back in 2015 😂 @MrBritcoin
[2024-10-25 00:47:31] hehe MOON : Weak ass bearas
[2024-10-25 00:48:01] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou: well i never
[2024-10-25 00:49:35] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou: did you trade back then aswell
[2024-10-25 00:49:44] Null haos house : hehe MOON: its all about the right sauce
[2024-10-25 00:50:10] Null haos house : try zaziki and aioli
[2024-10-25 00:50:21] MrBritcoin : /since ``` :bitmex: MrBritcoin has been on BitMEX since May 15, 2019. ```
[2024-10-25 00:50:45] MrBritcoin : i just mine for 3 years efore that date
[2024-10-25 00:50:53] Null haos house : /since hamburger since ``` :bitmex: Null haos house has been on BitMEX since Aug 14, 2018. ```
[2024-10-25 00:51:18] MrBritcoin : well maybe 4 i cant put an exact date on it
[2024-10-25 00:52:05] MrBritcoin : i probably could if i looked hard enough
[2024-10-25 00:52:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0007 XBT @ 67919.3 ($47.52) - 😂
[2024-10-25 00:52:49] MrBritcoin : this will be brutal
[2024-10-25 00:54:30] MrBritcoin : ADD SOME ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄██████▄ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄████████████▄ ▒▒▒▒▒▄▄██████████████████ ▒▒▄████▀▀▀██▀██▌███▀▀▀████ ▒▐▀████▌▀██▌▀▐█▌████▌█████▌ ▒█▒▒▀██▀▀▐█▐█▌█▌▀▀██▌██████ ▒█▒▒▒▒████████████████████▌ ▒▒▌▒▒▒▒█████░WHEN░███████▀ ▒▒▀▄▓▓▓▒███░REKT░█████▀▀ ▒▒▒▀░:BTC:▒▐█████████▀▀▒ ▒▒▒▒:BTC:▒▒▐█████▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒░░:BTC:░▀▀▀▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒:BTC:░░░░░░░▒▒
[2024-10-25 00:54:35] Null haos house : MrBritcoin: longers will bath in cheap sauce
[2024-10-25 00:59:56] Pilot : dood thats cool af
[2024-10-25 01:00:12] Pilot : epic
[2024-10-25 01:00:36] MrBritcoin : Pilot: 😊
[2024-10-25 01:02:15] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:23] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:27] "it will be........" : .
[2024-10-25 01:02:27] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:32] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:02:47] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘ ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:03:03] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:03:07] MrBritcoin : ...........D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘D̷̢̨̟̼̲͓͇͍͛͛̚Ữ̷̤̝̝̼̩͇̐̑̑̈́͗̇̈́̍͝M̵̡̛̟̟͔̠̱̼̩͌́͌̏̔̌̆̃͝P̵̡̢̟̬̼̫̭̮̿̉̎̈́̀̽͑̕͝ ̶̢̡̦͉̬̝̦̮̠̎̐͜͝I̸̗͉͉̳̲͛̑̄͋̅̐̂̍̈́̆́̍͊͠͠T̷̯̩̘̠̉͊͂̉̈́̏̑̐̋́̄̑̈́͋͘
[2024-10-25 01:04:43] MrBritcoin : ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
[2024-10-25 01:06:34] bmagic : GodBleesYou: did you follow m target sir
[2024-10-25 01:07:11] GodBleesYou : bmagic: no i didnt 🥹
[2024-10-25 01:07:23] GodBleesYou : And now btc start to look bad 😂
[2024-10-25 01:07:23] MrBritcoin : ░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄ █░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▄ ░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░█ ░░░░░▄██▀▄▄░░░░░▄▄▄░░░█ ▄▄▒░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░█ ▄░▀▄▄▄▀░░░░░░░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒█ █▀▄▄░░░░░█▀░░░░▀▄░░▄▀▀▀▄▒█ ░█▄░█▀▄▄░▀░▀▀░▄▄▀░░░░█░░█ ▀▄▀█▄▄░█▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▀▀█▀██░█ ░░██░░▀█▄▄▄█▄▄█▄████░█ █░░░▀▀▄░█░░░█░███████░█ ░▀▄░░░▀▀▄▄▄█▄█▄█▄█▄▀░░█ ░░░▀▄▄░▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░█ ░░░░░▀▀▄▄░▒▒▒▄▒▒▒▒░█ ░░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
[2024-10-25 01:08:14] Null haos house : bull run below 69k
[2024-10-25 01:08:34] MrBritcoin : where is iI LOVE BUTSEX
[2024-10-25 01:09:51] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: ?
[2024-10-25 01:10:49] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: probbly got stoped 😂
[2024-10-25 01:12:06] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou: he must sleep some times id guess
[2024-10-25 01:13:08] Null haos house : poor longers
[2024-10-25 01:13:12] Null haos house : allways cent running
[2024-10-25 01:18:17] Null haos house : we need a bull run form 69k to 69k
[2024-10-25 01:19:38] MrBritcoin : GodBleesYou: so why nick name btc as badger
[2024-10-25 01:20:11] Null haos house : btc as burger
[2024-10-25 01:20:19] MrBritcoin : i really dont get it
[2024-10-25 01:21:34] r1pp3r : 60-70k range
[2024-10-25 01:21:36] r1pp3r : for another 5 years more
[2024-10-25 01:21:45] r1pp3r : imagine the salt
[2024-10-25 01:21:47] r1pp3r : :kek:
[2024-10-25 01:21:50] bmagic : GodBleesYou: an exit between 78300 and 79200 still possible