BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-21 11:12:10] MoonBruv : your tail going left and right, showing excitement
[2024-10-21 11:12:34] TG_undefined : 99% chance btc never goes back ofer 69k again so shorts are safe
[2024-10-21 11:12:59] RomanW93 : TG_undefined: thats some legit advice
[2024-10-21 11:13:19] TG_undefined : best it gets
[2024-10-21 11:13:37] xini : I Love BitMEX: Im already in the club
[2024-10-21 11:14:49] MoonBruv : in da cluubbb
[2024-10-21 11:14:52] RomanW93 : megabullish cup and handle on the 1 min
[2024-10-21 11:15:04] RomanW93 : insane
[2024-10-21 11:15:16] MoonBruv : :rocket:
[2024-10-21 11:15:20] contract details : moon ultramoon
[2024-10-21 11:15:25] contract details : infinite moon
[2024-10-21 11:15:39] RomanW93 : contract details: you re not bullish enough
[2024-10-21 11:15:42] I Love BitMEX : xini: how is the music :me:
[2024-10-21 11:15:48] MoonBruv : to the moon bruv
[2024-10-21 11:15:49] contract details : RomanW93: it seems so
[2024-10-21 11:16:14] I Love BitMEX : xini: I am surprise how well you fitted in. Are you sure you're not a fed or a fake ? 😂
[2024-10-21 11:16:22] I Love BitMEX : *surprised
[2024-10-21 11:17:01] MoonBruv : :rocket:
[2024-10-21 11:17:04] MoonBruv : :rocket::rocket::
[2024-10-21 11:17:28] MoonBruv : henlo fren
[2024-10-21 11:17:51] MoonBruv : I introduce u all my dog, he's long corn
[2024-10-21 11:18:29] bzk_bitmexican : hemlo framd
[2024-10-21 11:18:31] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,300 USD @ 68282.7 ```
[2024-10-21 11:18:38] MoonBruv : harrooo
[2024-10-21 11:18:53] bzk_bitmexican : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 14,000 USD @ 68346.1596 ```
[2024-10-21 11:19:11] MoonBruv : we have new people I love it
[2024-10-21 11:19:11] Vitaliksb!tch : MoonBruv: big Boi trader I see
[2024-10-21 11:19:13] .Senior.Professor, : MOOOOOONNN!!!
[2024-10-21 11:19:21] MoonBruv : pls lets go moon nao
[2024-10-21 11:19:28] MoonBruv : o god pls
[2024-10-21 11:19:38] MoonBruv : aaaaaaaa
[2024-10-21 11:19:48] xini : I Love BitMEX: Darling im the one crooking your balances
[2024-10-21 11:19:59] xini : :')
[2024-10-21 11:20:06] xini : sponsored by Arthurrrr
[2024-10-21 11:20:40] MoonBruv : lets not expose anything now, we doing. good
[2024-10-21 11:20:51] MoonBruv : to the moon
[2024-10-21 11:20:57] MoonBruv : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 11:21:14] xini : nah, free fall
[2024-10-21 11:21:16] bzk_bitmexican : I have poster of arthur aboven my bed
[2024-10-21 11:21:21] RomanW93 : insane
[2024-10-21 11:21:33] MoonBruv : 🫠
[2024-10-21 11:21:38] MoonBruv : lol
[2024-10-21 11:22:17] bzk_bitmexican : arthur is my shepherd, guiding me towards financial freedom
[2024-10-21 11:22:54] MoonBruv : arthur gives, arthur takes
[2024-10-21 11:23:01] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:01] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:02] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:02] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:02] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:02] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:02] xini : Arthur is my japanese jesus :')
[2024-10-21 11:23:02] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:03] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:04] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:04] contract details : :pepe: :pepe: :pepe:
[2024-10-21 11:23:10] contract details : but arthur is murrican
[2024-10-21 11:23:17] RomanW93 : the greatest human being that ever lived
[2024-10-21 11:23:22] contract details : hong kong crew
[2024-10-21 11:23:22] MoonBruv : arthur is above national identities
[2024-10-21 11:23:24] MoonBruv : he is an idea
[2024-10-21 11:23:31] contract details : the arthur :arthur:
[2024-10-21 11:23:38] bzk_bitmexican : MoonBruv: :D
[2024-10-21 11:23:48] xini : MoonBruv: :')
[2024-10-21 11:24:04] RomanW93 : amazing
[2024-10-21 11:24:07] xini : arthur chanelling red dildos
[2024-10-21 11:25:54] bzk_bitmexican : stock market seems a bit down, hope it won't drag bitcoin with it
[2024-10-21 11:27:01] 45th_blown_account : delulus disappointment day :doge:
[2024-10-21 11:28:54] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 11:29:00] contract details : the NQ ponzi is selling
[2024-10-21 11:29:04] contract details : why is the corn ponzi holding
[2024-10-21 11:29:40] kokoman : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: -0.4 XBT @ 68399.9 ```
[2024-10-21 11:32:12] bzk_bitmexican : high roler
[2024-10-21 11:32:29] PeacenLuv : btffd btc
[2024-10-21 11:35:00] Vitaliksb!tch : kokoman: all big boys here I see @MoonBruv
[2024-10-21 11:35:17] MoonBruv : to the moon bruv
[2024-10-21 11:35:18] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 1,300 USD @ 68282.7 ```
[2024-10-21 11:35:54] Vitaliksb!tch : /position xbtusd @MoonBruv ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 50,000 USD @ 67775.9328 ```
[2024-10-21 11:36:16] .Senior.Professor, : MoonBruv: rekt
[2024-10-21 11:36:16] contract details : /position btcusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0 USD @ undefined ```
[2024-10-21 11:37:04] I Love BitMEX : contract details: u glitches out the matrix bruv
[2024-10-21 11:39:56] .Senior.Professor, : Vitaliksb!tch: rekt
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] contract details : :DOGE:
[2024-10-21 11:41:38] Joeyy132 : I longed the top
[2024-10-21 11:41:45] Joeyy132 : i expect immediate profits
[2024-10-21 11:43:44] bzk_bitmexican : Joeyy132: you will be greatly rewarded for your sacrifice, just not on this earth
[2024-10-21 11:43:46] Vitaliksb!tch : .Senior.Professor,: nah liq at 44k
[2024-10-21 11:44:06] contract details : .Senior.Professor,: +1
[2024-10-21 11:46:52] .Senior.Professor, : contract details: +1 back Sir. Mahalo!
[2024-10-21 11:48:00] MoonBruv : oh ...
[2024-10-21 11:48:01] MoonBruv : I missed this
[2024-10-21 11:48:12] MoonBruv : its not just the ecb
[2024-10-21 11:48:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSDT`: Sell 30 XRP @ 0.553 ($16.58)
[2024-10-21 11:55:34] 45th_blown_account : XRP :arthur:
[2024-10-21 11:56:15] elChisoso : lol, bulls never learnt again it seems.
[2024-10-21 11:57:07] TG_undefined : loser price action for a loser market lmfso what a fkin scam how do you nerds still buy crypto
[2024-10-21 11:57:07] elChisoso : its like history is in repeat again and again.
[2024-10-21 11:57:10] .Senior.Professor, : elChisoso: 4k XMAS
[2024-10-21 11:57:10] big horse tip : last chance to exit xrp if you didnt yet before it goes to zero
[2024-10-21 11:57:26] elChisoso : .Senior.Professor,: yes, only patience to the patient.
[2024-10-21 11:57:32] .Senior.Professor, : elChisoso: 1
[2024-10-21 11:57:35] .Senior.Professor, : +
[2024-10-21 11:58:08] TG_undefined : crypto grifto and u nerds still buy this cucked sht sideways for 5 years pathetic u guys deserve this loser sht
[2024-10-21 11:58:12] elChisoso : It will be quick, it is only 64k drop to 4k.
[2024-10-21 11:58:30] contract details : it´s funny cause the ecb is the perfect counter trade
[2024-10-21 11:58:32] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 11:58:53] .Senior.Professor, : CHINA EUROPE BTC BAN!!!GAME OVER ZERO INCOMING!!!
[2024-10-21 11:59:25] elChisoso : mica rules in eu will kill crypto there.
[2024-10-21 11:59:26] TG_undefined : i actually feel bad shorting its such easy money
[2024-10-21 11:59:56] TG_undefined : doesnt seem fair to short a scam for free money should be harder
[2024-10-21 12:00:02] elChisoso : TG_undefined: dont feel bad, double press red, feels better.
[2024-10-21 12:01:11] TG_undefined : feels like im robbing a dumb retarded deaf mid
[2024-10-21 12:01:23] Berner432 : its time to decide
[2024-10-21 12:01:33] Berner432 : bitcoins finest
[2024-10-21 12:01:34] elChisoso : red button is the best button.
[2024-10-21 12:01:39] Berner432 : you know where to find us
[2024-10-21 12:01:39] contract details : we drop 1% and bearness is back
[2024-10-21 12:01:43] contract details : i may have to add to the long
[2024-10-21 12:01:43] TG_undefined : red button free money button
[2024-10-21 12:01:44] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 12:01:46] Berner432 : listen clearing .
[2024-10-21 12:02:06] Berner432 : ill pronunciate
[2024-10-21 12:02:23] Berner432 : beat the pusy up
[2024-10-21 12:02:27] Berner432 : so the council hate
[2024-10-21 12:02:30] contract details : :rocket:
[2024-10-21 12:02:31] contract details : :rocket:
[2024-10-21 12:02:35] contract details : :downrocket:
[2024-10-21 12:02:40] contract details : :rocket:
[2024-10-21 12:02:44] Berner432 : find us on the trollboxes
[2024-10-21 12:02:49] Berner432 : we dont run with jake
[2024-10-21 12:02:56] Berner432 : berner the ceo of it all
[2024-10-21 12:03:11] TG_undefined : disgusting loser day for grifto if youre not short this week
[2024-10-21 12:03:12] Berner432 : he kills authority dont matter how many guns it take
[2024-10-21 12:03:51] Berner432 : moving paper in the markets
[2024-10-21 12:03:55] Berner432 : me and the boys call that a paper weight
[2024-10-21 12:04:01] Berner432 : i run the state
[2024-10-21 12:04:11] Berner432 : i can't leave now dawg i got more blunts to bake
[2024-10-21 12:04:23] contract details : :doge:
[2024-10-21 12:04:26] Berner432 : off the phone with my broke to check rhe rate
[2024-10-21 12:04:42] Berner432 : and you know i got to wake n bake
[2024-10-21 12:04:54] elChisoso : Imagine not pressing red button before it drops.
[2024-10-21 12:05:02] TG_undefined : wake n short u clowns
[2024-10-21 12:05:04] Berner432 : not going to take a break
[2024-10-21 12:05:13] Berner432 : you know where to find usb
[2024-10-21 12:05:16] xini : we going to the deeps of hell
[2024-10-21 12:05:20] Berner432 : whole Industry behind us
[2024-10-21 12:05:36] Berner432 : what berns was working with was timeless
[2024-10-21 12:05:39] TG_undefined : hell isnt deep enough where this ponzi is going
[2024-10-21 12:05:54] Berner432 : run up in your city take the wind and leave them mindless
[2024-10-21 12:06:06] Berner432 : who raised berns and where he find this
[2024-10-21 12:06:48] TG_undefined : look how disgusting this ponzi looks on the hourly lmfao
[2024-10-21 12:08:44] TG_undefined : Arthur has his hand on the Plug right now
[2024-10-21 12:08:55] contract details : this thing only knows moon now
[2024-10-21 12:08:56] contract details : sorry
[2024-10-21 12:09:00] contract details : 7 months of no moon
[2024-10-21 12:09:05] contract details : and now the moon shines bright
[2024-10-21 12:09:47] elChisoso : seems the dream of infinite money has been reignited. :arthur:
[2024-10-21 12:09:59] elChisoso : Time to take the dream away, again and again.
[2024-10-21 12:10:15] Mr.Kazi : How has Bitcoin contributed to government deficits?
[2024-10-21 12:11:04] Mr.Kazi : governments always amuse me
[2024-10-21 12:11:14] Berner432 : today is the deciding moment for bitcoin imo
[2024-10-21 12:11:47] Berner432 : this close is everything
[2024-10-21 12:12:43] TG_undefined : fucking nerds lmfao" this daily will decide everything" GET DUMPPPPEDDD ONNNNNNN
[2024-10-21 12:13:40] contract details : infinite digital gold
[2024-10-21 12:14:01] TG_undefined : fkin nerds need a bear market asap
[2024-10-21 12:15:20] TG_undefined : only decision today is how much money will nerds lose
[2024-10-21 12:15:47] contract details : but infinite storage of value digital gold
[2024-10-21 12:15:59] contract details : all 🩳 will be rekt
[2024-10-21 12:17:25] TG_undefined : disgusting crypto geeks will be rekt today
[2024-10-21 12:19:30] Berner432 : swing high failure
[2024-10-21 12:19:35] TG_undefined : this is clearly not buyers LMFAOOOO was a deadcat bounce for 10 days you sick cunts scammers
[2024-10-21 12:19:37] Berner432 : on dday
[2024-10-21 12:20:25] TG_undefined : back to 65k SCAMMMERSSS
[2024-10-21 12:20:31] contract details : this is clearly infinite buying
[2024-10-21 12:20:44] contract details : hope you cover long at 80k
[2024-10-21 12:20:56] TG_undefined : scammers getting scammed today
[2024-10-21 12:20:57] contract details : crypto geeks will make money
[2024-10-21 12:21:27] TG_undefined : today geeks lose everything if they dont short
[2024-10-21 12:23:10] TG_undefined : just be happy the ponzi gave you 15minutes to sell generational top over 69k
[2024-10-21 12:24:03] TG_undefined : imagine participating in a ponzi for the past 5 years that only gives you minutes to decide to exit before the collapse once every 6 months
[2024-10-21 12:26:26] contract details : 69420 is very good short
[2024-10-21 12:26:27] contract details : for 4 years
[2024-10-21 12:26:32] contract details : now is a very good long
[2024-10-21 12:26:38] contract details : spam green at the top and a new top will appear
[2024-10-21 12:26:40] Joeyy132 : contract details: agreed
[2024-10-21 12:26:49] TG_undefined : people have thier networth in a ponzi like that just imagine that loser sht
[2024-10-21 12:29:09] TG_undefined : ponzi gives you 15min to sell the top then bear markets for 3 years 😂😂😂😂
[2024-10-21 12:33:13] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-21 12:35:28] 45th_blown_account : i am here to watch bitcoin eventually die and delulus cry :arthur:
[2024-10-21 12:35:39] xini : lol
[2024-10-21 12:36:37] MoonBruv : :downrocket::rocket::rocket::downrocket::rocket:
[2024-10-21 12:36:54] macieq : 🚀🚀
[2024-10-21 12:36:58] TG_undefined : disgusting scam collapses today sell all your crypto withdraw all your crypto asap
[2024-10-21 12:39:18] Null haos house : Pilipili: 🚽
[2024-10-21 12:39:36] contract details : 🐮
[2024-10-21 12:39:48] contract details : 🍟🍟
[2024-10-21 12:39:52] Null haos house : fin<ally bull run has started
[2024-10-21 12:40:36] TG_undefined : special dump for grifters today
[2024-10-21 12:40:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `PEPEUSDT`: Sell 20000000 PEPE @ 0.000010304 ($205.92)
[2024-10-21 12:40:50] Null haos house : 44k?
[2024-10-21 12:40:56] .Senior.Professor, : 42500
[2024-10-21 12:41:01] .Senior.Professor, : 28k
[2024-10-21 12:41:11] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSDT`: Sell 1 ETH @ 2693.19 ($2,691.10) - ouch..
[2024-10-21 12:41:38] TG_undefined : rekt nerds lmfao SCAMMMMEDDD YOUR FAULT FOR BUYING CRYPTO WELL DESERVED
[2024-10-21 12:41:42] .Senior.Professor, : the bulls are running. a new kind of bullrun
[2024-10-21 12:41:48] boomes : where is Shawn White the god scalper
[2024-10-21 12:42:09] macieq : Today 70k 🚀🚀
[2024-10-21 12:42:15] TG_undefined : never buy crypto again nerds
[2024-10-21 12:42:47] TG_undefined : imagine even thinking of pressing green button u clowns
[2024-10-21 12:43:18] blaster33 : oh no, we rejected from 2021 ATH, really surprising :arthur:
[2024-10-21 12:43:24] Null haos house : bull run has started 📉
[2024-10-21 12:43:36] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-10-21 12:43:39] TG_undefined : half a decade bear market lmfao pathetic loser market participants
[2024-10-21 12:43:57] Null haos house : another 11 years of down ?
[2024-10-21 12:44:10] TG_undefined : another 22 years down only yes
[2024-10-21 12:44:26] .Senior.Professor, : today we go from the bearmarket to the alphabearmarket
[2024-10-21 12:44:56] Null haos house : where is 5 minute man?
[2024-10-21 12:45:04] .Senior.Professor, : Null haos house: rekt
[2024-10-21 12:45:34] TG_undefined : crypto dumps are the best
[2024-10-21 12:45:41] .Senior.Professor, : BULLISH DIV AT THE 52MIN CHART!!!!!
[2024-10-21 12:46:02] Null haos house : we need 60 5 minute tunnels to pump back
[2024-10-21 12:46:11] Null haos house : :pepeb:
[2024-10-21 12:46:12] TG_undefined : dump this grifto trash lower
[2024-10-21 12:46:28] .Senior.Professor, : DOMP EEETTT
[2024-10-21 12:47:10] Null haos house : Gensler i mean bullrun has changed target to 44k
[2024-10-21 12:47:16] contract details : moo
[2024-10-21 12:47:25] contract details : n? 🐮?
[2024-10-21 12:47:42] TG_undefined : i fkin love how pathetic and scammy this trash is
[2024-10-21 12:48:16] kroleg666 : CRASH GUARANTEED
[2024-10-21 12:48:17] TG_undefined : how did you nerds fall for this garbage lol which geek tricked you into buying this crap?
[2024-10-21 12:48:24] kroleg666 : ECB > BTC
[2024-10-21 12:49:53] TG_undefined : nerd running for the exits 😂😂😂😂
[2024-10-21 12:50:38] TG_undefined : anyways im keeping my 69.3 short open for 4 years nice funding payments
[2024-10-21 12:51:10] TG_undefined : thanks for paying me to dump on you losers
[2024-10-21 12:51:19] contract details : bear euphoria after a 1% down
[2024-10-21 12:51:20] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 12:51:22] contract details : wowee
[2024-10-21 12:52:36] kroleg666 : Gigahodling my short to 45k-50k
[2024-10-21 12:52:50] r1pp3r : contract details: its how bad the cope is
[2024-10-21 12:52:55] r1pp3r : $100k prob soon than most think
[2024-10-21 12:52:56] elChisoso : Shorting the top is the best strategy since markets was invented.
[2024-10-21 12:53:02] TG_undefined : you can get paid every 8 hours in perpetuity for any short here for the next 5 years
[2024-10-21 12:54:05] TG_undefined : God rewards you for sending this degenerate market to zero
[2024-10-21 12:54:17] .Senior.Professor, : kroleg666: why not to 16800?
[2024-10-21 12:54:48] kroleg666 : .Senior.Professor,: i'll reshort at 59k after
[2024-10-21 12:54:56] .Senior.Professor, : kroleg666: ok
[2024-10-21 12:55:42] TG_undefined : last time shorts were this safe was 2022 and 2018
[2024-10-21 12:56:52] elChisoso : kroleg666: why not 4k, before xmas.
[2024-10-21 12:57:05] TG_undefined : whos still bidding😂😂 its hopeless the buy bot is gona LOL
[2024-10-21 12:58:04] PeacenLuv : your more like short of phukeen brainz
[2024-10-21 12:58:16] TG_undefined : are these "buyers of your bag" in the room with us right now?
[2024-10-21 12:58:28] meeeepo : US MARKETS OPEN IN 30 MIN
[2024-10-21 12:58:50] TG_undefined : big burger sht at open
[2024-10-21 12:59:19] TG_undefined : big bear forest sht the size of a cows head at market open
[2024-10-21 13:01:10] .Senior.Professor, : BIG BIG PUMP INCOMING SOON
[2024-10-21 13:02:14] TG_undefined : this grifter market disgusts me send it to zero
[2024-10-21 13:05:41] contract details : yeah burgers
[2024-10-21 13:05:42] contract details : good idea
[2024-10-21 13:08:13] elChisoso : Cheap burgers due to rekt cows soon. The restaurant announces.
[2024-10-21 13:09:50] Mr.Kazi : what if price slides to 62k
[2024-10-21 13:10:33] Dario1 : In my last TA five days ago, I mentioned that 69-70k zone might be a good place to short if any breakout attempt is not backed up by substantial volume and momentum.
[2024-10-21 13:10:45] Dario1 : So far it happened as expected. Now I think more dump to 66k is within the realm of possibilities.
[2024-10-21 13:11:38] contract details : big burger energy
[2024-10-21 13:11:54] contract details : Dario1: pejman is you?
[2024-10-21 13:12:26] TG_undefined : loser market doing loser things
[2024-10-21 13:14:14] any random name : SEEMS LIKE NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN
[2024-10-21 13:14:26] meeeepo : Dario1: meme lines
[2024-10-21 13:14:46] TG_undefined : no buyers lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooo
[2024-10-21 13:15:18] Dario1 : contract details: No, sir. I like to see things through different perspectives and he is one of the most accurate guys but of course there are more
[2024-10-21 13:15:30] Sir.LongCorn :,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2024-10/241020-Trump-McDonalds-Stop-REM-093-vl-234p-2ec139.jpg
[2024-10-21 13:15:36] TG_undefined : last time over 68k LMFAOOOOO SELL WHILE U CAN NERDS
[2024-10-21 13:16:18] Dario1 : meeeepo: of course :arthur:
[2024-10-21 13:16:44] TG_undefined : not a single grifter in the world will buy btc over 68k again
[2024-10-21 13:17:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 294100 USD @ 67785.6 - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-10-21 13:17:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 140 Cont @ 2678.68 ($25,431.56) - REKT!
[2024-10-21 13:17:37] elChisoso : Mincing burgers real time.
[2024-10-21 13:17:41] MoonBruv : ok this is scam
[2024-10-21 13:17:54] TG_undefined : GET SCAMMMMMEDDDD LOSERRRRASSSS
[2024-10-21 13:18:14] MrBath : ouch
[2024-10-21 13:18:36] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.5472 XBT @ 67722.1 ($37,033.90)
[2024-10-21 13:18:49] blaster33 : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 13:18:59] contract details : oh no bitcoin
[2024-10-21 13:19:33] Joeyy132 : 69420
[2024-10-21 13:19:35] TG_undefined : FUCKING GRIFTERRRR MARKETTTTTT
[2024-10-21 13:19:36] issa_LEGUPP_sir : Rip the blind bullas
[2024-10-21 13:19:38] Joeyy132 : meme is impeccable
[2024-10-21 13:19:46] Joeyy132 : 69420 is sell every time
[2024-10-21 13:19:47] Joeyy132 : hehe
[2024-10-21 13:19:50] "it will be........" : .
[2024-10-21 13:19:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 2677.17 ($181.29)
[2024-10-21 13:19:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 1 Cont @ 0.5477 ($7.42)
[2024-10-21 13:20:07] TG_undefined : LMAOOOOO ZERROOOOO
[2024-10-21 13:20:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 8000 USD @ 67674.1
[2024-10-21 13:20:17] 45th_blown_account : when delulus cry :doge:
[2024-10-21 13:20:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 51500 USD @ 67621.7 - Thanks for playing
[2024-10-21 13:20:42] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 14,000 USD @ 67693.3491 ```
[2024-10-21 13:21:12] MoonBruv : shmuck
[2024-10-21 13:21:17] TG_undefined : KILLLLL THIS SCAMMMMMMM
[2024-10-21 13:21:18] MoonBruv : watch me fill my pockets and despair
[2024-10-21 13:21:20] any random name : IS THIS THAT FAKE DUMP??
[2024-10-21 13:21:30] MoonBruv : cocksuckers
[2024-10-21 13:21:48] TG_undefined : KILLLLLLL THE PONZIIIIII
[2024-10-21 13:22:51] TG_undefined : 2025 BEAR MARKET U DUMB LOSERS WARNED YOU ALLL
[2024-10-21 13:23:07] MrBath : I bought the dip.
[2024-10-21 13:23:12] MrBath : /position XBTUSD ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0 USD @ undefined ```
[2024-10-21 13:23:14] MoonBruv : me toooooooo
[2024-10-21 13:23:18] MoonBruv : yeeeeeeeeeeehawwwww
[2024-10-21 13:23:25] MoonBruv : 10 dolla every 5 seconds
[2024-10-21 13:23:32] MoonBruv : suck balls bears
[2024-10-21 13:23:41] TG_undefined : GENERATIONAL SHORT
[2024-10-21 13:23:45] MrBath : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0 USD @ undefined ```
[2024-10-21 13:23:47] MoonBruv : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 13:23:48] MrBath : wtf
[2024-10-21 13:23:52] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 14,000 USD @ 67693.3491 ```
[2024-10-21 13:23:54] MoonBruv : algorithm dont like u
[2024-10-21 13:24:25] GodBleesYou : MoonBruv: epic catch
[2024-10-21 13:24:26] TG_undefined : LMFAOOOO just sell all your crypto ASAP
[2024-10-21 13:24:27] elChisoso : MrBath: where to buy undefined contracts sir bath?
[2024-10-21 13:24:34] Mr.Kazi : what's with Mex undefined postions
[2024-10-21 13:24:39] MrBath : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0 USD @ undefined ```
[2024-10-21 13:24:42] elChisoso : can be found in dev null. :D
[2024-10-21 13:24:43] MrBath : sounds good to me
[2024-10-21 13:24:57] TG_undefined : pick ANY SCAM and click red button
[2024-10-21 13:25:08] MoonBruv : I had to catch it because the stop market was triggered in the worst way possible
[2024-10-21 13:25:09] GodBleesYou : TG_undefined: jajaja budd... badger just moved 2k 😅
[2024-10-21 13:25:22] MoonBruv : its because they let Michael Saylor dump with big numbers
[2024-10-21 13:25:47] TG_undefined : bullls STILLL IN DENIAL
[2024-10-21 13:25:49] MoonBruv : they dump big money
[2024-10-21 13:26:54] TG_undefined : think about how over it is, then MULTIPLY BY 10 STILL NOT EVEn close
[2024-10-21 13:27:52] GodBleesYou : MoonBruv: just shaking stops and 100x and 50x traders
[2024-10-21 13:28:06] I Love BitMEX : These retards have been dumping on me since the exact second i bought
[2024-10-21 13:28:12] I Love BitMEX : What a bunch of gay maggots
[2024-10-21 13:28:15] I Love BitMEX : Get rekt
[2024-10-21 13:28:40] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: mate why you always counter the trend ? 🤭🥹
[2024-10-21 13:29:23] MoonBruv : like a salmon, swimming upstream bruv
[2024-10-21 13:29:32] MoonBruv : we face the moon bruv
[2024-10-21 13:30:04] I Love BitMEX : TG_undefined: suck my dick wanker
[2024-10-21 13:30:14] MoonBruv : lol it's getting fiery
[2024-10-21 13:30:16] MoonBruv : I love it
[2024-10-21 13:30:42] meeeepo : markets open
[2024-10-21 13:30:47] MrBath : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0 USD @ undefined ```
[2024-10-21 13:30:53] I Love BitMEX : /position ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: 0.92 ETH @ 2712.239 ```
[2024-10-21 13:31:03] MoonBruv : /position btcusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 14,000 USD @ 67693.3491 ```
[2024-10-21 13:31:21] GodBleesYou : /position xbtusdt ``` :bitmex: XBTUSDT: 0.1234 XBT @ 68204.8 ```
[2024-10-21 13:31:40] macieq : puuuump 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-10-21 13:31:45] macieq : 70k today
[2024-10-21 13:31:46] I Love BitMEX : These cucks are fumbling generational bull runs
[2024-10-21 13:31:48] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: add with me open 3 minutes chart
[2024-10-21 13:31:57] GodBleesYou : I will let you know when
[2024-10-21 13:32:15] MoonBruv : trust your uncle now babyboy, he's going to guide you to financial freedom
[2024-10-21 13:32:19] GodBleesYou : In about 20-30 minutes if it keep dumping
[2024-10-21 13:32:22] MoonBruv : let him guide you for now
[2024-10-21 13:32:23] TG_undefined : ITS OVER LMFAOOOOO loser market for losers😂😂😂😂
[2024-10-21 13:32:38] GodBleesYou : MoonBruv: i will mute you
[2024-10-21 13:32:48] MoonBruv : aw ok
[2024-10-21 13:32:59] I Love BitMEX : I'm so bullish on ETH right now, it's not even funny! 🚀 The tech is solid, and it just feels like it's building toward something HUGE. It's more than just a cryptocurrency, it's like investing in the future of the internet itself. 🤯 Anyone else feeling this way? Let's hear it in the comments! 👇 #Ethereum #Crypto #FutureofMoney
[2024-10-21 13:33:05] MoonBruv : I'll shut up
[2024-10-21 13:33:10] TG_undefined : LIQUIDATE SAYLOR NEXT
[2024-10-21 13:33:19] MoonBruv : I Love BitMEX: let me guide you then
[2024-10-21 13:33:42] MoonBruv : click market buy right now with all your money
[2024-10-21 13:33:43] MoonBruv : right now
[2024-10-21 13:33:58] Mr.Kazi : 😋
[2024-10-21 13:34:07] MoonBruv : right now
[2024-10-21 13:34:12] MoonBruv : its almost late
[2024-10-21 13:34:17] MoonBruv : you need to act fast
[2024-10-21 13:34:31] Mr.Kazi : give me 62k, we can possibly go to mars next time
[2024-10-21 13:34:46] MoonBruv : load with 145x for now, and slowly increase to 250x when I tell you
[2024-10-21 13:35:04] MoonBruv : its still bottoming
[2024-10-21 13:35:06] MoonBruv : you lucky bastrd
[2024-10-21 13:35:09] MoonBruv : quick
[2024-10-21 13:35:12] MoonBruv : FAST
[2024-10-21 13:35:14] macieq : 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-10-21 13:35:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 8000 USD @ 67648.4
[2024-10-21 13:35:21] MoonBruv : COME ON MAN
[2024-10-21 13:35:32] TG_undefined : LMFAOOOOOO down only
[2024-10-21 13:35:36] issa_LEGUPP_sir : no bottom sers, we keeep DAMPING
[2024-10-21 13:35:38] MoonBruv : BROTHERHOOD OF MOON
[2024-10-21 13:35:40] RomanW93 : this is so bullish
[2024-10-21 13:35:42] RomanW93 : crazy
[2024-10-21 13:35:43] I Love BitMEX : Damn guess we go to 0
[2024-10-21 13:35:49] MoonBruv : MARKET BUY ALL IN 250X GO GO GO GO GO GO
[2024-10-21 13:35:52] MoonBruv : /POSITION XBTUSD
[2024-10-21 13:35:55] MoonBruv : AAAAAAA
[2024-10-21 13:35:56] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 14,000 USD @ 67693.3491 ```
[2024-10-21 13:36:06] Mr.Kazi : who's trying to catch the falling nice
[2024-10-21 13:36:07] issa_LEGUPP_sir : MoonBruv: rip ser
[2024-10-21 13:36:09] TG_undefined : kill these losers
[2024-10-21 13:36:15] Mr.Kazi : ☺️
[2024-10-21 13:36:30] Mr.Kazi : Arthur says hi
[2024-10-21 13:36:30] MoonBruv : IM ABOUT TO GET RICH PRETTY QUICK
[2024-10-21 13:36:38] TG_undefined : ALLLLL they WAYYYYY DOWMMMmmmmnnnnnnnnnn
[2024-10-21 13:37:00] issa_LEGUPP_sir : this dump is gonna get juicy, this is just the start
[2024-10-21 13:37:16] TG_undefined : IMAGINE BUYING CRYPTO IN 2024 LMAOOOO
[2024-10-21 13:37:28] MoonBruv : TG_undefined: u wanna feel the heat of the brotherly love
[2024-10-21 13:37:29] HolyDiver : hy guys
[2024-10-21 13:37:33] I Love BitMEX : The bull run just started why would u dump on me
[2024-10-21 13:37:35] MoonBruv : TG_undefined: I insist
[2024-10-21 13:37:38] MoonBruv : you must buy
[2024-10-21 13:37:39] MoonBruv : right now
[2024-10-21 13:37:50] MoonBruv : feel the heat of the brotherly love on your sunkissed skin and buy bitcoin
[2024-10-21 13:37:56] GodBleesYou : MoonBruv: sorry bro it wasnt for you jajajaja
[2024-10-21 13:38:05] GodBleesYou : I tag you bt mistake
[2024-10-21 13:38:18] MoonBruv : let the brotherly love fire your nerves faster
[2024-10-21 13:38:27] MoonBruv : feel the heat of passionate brotherly love
[2024-10-21 13:38:27] Mr.Kazi : we're here enjoying coconut juice and looking up the coconut tree trying not to catch the falling fruits
[2024-10-21 13:38:33] RonniePickering : bulls?
[2024-10-21 13:38:34] GodBleesYou : Get ready @I Love BitMEX
[2024-10-21 13:38:39] MoonBruv : do you feel the love
[2024-10-21 13:38:40] GodBleesYou : 9 minutes left
[2024-10-21 13:38:42] MoonBruv : my child
[2024-10-21 13:38:48] MoonBruv : its deep inside you
[2024-10-21 13:38:59] MoonBruv : TG_undefined:
[2024-10-21 13:39:03] Mr.Kazi : we let the coconut fruits fall into the sand and try to dig little to get it back
[2024-10-21 13:39:04] GodBleesYou : RonniePickering: give us few minutes we letting you short the local bottom
[2024-10-21 13:39:37] MoonBruv : TG_undefined: do you feel the heat of the brotherly summer love
[2024-10-21 13:39:38] I Love BitMEX : As you can see
[2024-10-21 13:39:42] I Love BitMEX : Eth is the superior coin
[2024-10-21 13:39:52] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: no it isnt
[2024-10-21 13:39:59] TG_undefined : Ded MARKET LMFAOOOOOoooo
[2024-10-21 13:40:01] Vitaliksb!tch : I Love BitMEX: it's not moving
[2024-10-21 13:40:17] GodBleesYou : Trust is everything love and bitcoin have the jew trust in him @I Love BitMEX
[2024-10-21 13:40:22] MoonBruv : tutti frutti summer love
[2024-10-21 13:40:25] I Love BitMEX : What u mean it is not moving lol
[2024-10-21 13:40:28] GodBleesYou : Btc the most jewish coin ever @I Love BitMEX
[2024-10-21 13:40:30] RomanW93 : what is happening?
[2024-10-21 13:40:38] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `SHIBUSDT`: Sell 9000000 SHIB @ 0.000018389 ($165.39)
[2024-10-21 13:40:40] bnqxbt : if you missed the rise up here, this is the buyin
[2024-10-21 13:40:42] macieq : up
[2024-10-21 13:40:51] MoonBruv : the passionate heat of brotherly love at bitmex
[2024-10-21 13:40:57] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: get ready to add
[2024-10-21 13:40:59] bnqxbt : but ironically nobody dears to buy, just as you missed the rise up here
[2024-10-21 13:41:02] GodBleesYou : 3 minutes @I Love BitMEX
[2024-10-21 13:41:06] MoonBruv : the undeniable passion between loving men of bitmex
[2024-10-21 13:41:19] issa_LEGUPP_sir : MoonBruv: damn bruh you didnt catch the knife, it is falling DEEPAH
[2024-10-21 13:41:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XRPUSD`: Sell 94 Cont @ 0.5451 ($691.55)
[2024-10-21 13:41:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `ETHUSD`: Sell 24 Cont @ 2675.05 ($4,332.85) - Bullrun cancelled?
[2024-10-21 13:41:28] MoonBruv : TG_undefined is feelign it deep inside
[2024-10-21 13:41:29] GodBleesYou : MoonBruv: men love to fight 🤣😅🥹
[2024-10-21 13:41:37] MoonBruv : deep, deep inside him
[2024-10-21 13:41:44] MoonBruv : the fire of brotherly love is burning very high
[2024-10-21 13:41:56] MoonBruv : way deep inside TG_undefined
[2024-10-21 13:41:59] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-10-21 13:42:11] Mr.Kazi : TG_undefined: actually some people bought 70ks
[2024-10-21 13:42:27] MoonBruv : heat of the summer love and passionate cries suppressing the adventurous spirit
[2024-10-21 13:42:32] clarknova : All is lost ;(
[2024-10-21 13:42:34] MoonBruv : TG_undefined is losing himself
[2024-10-21 13:42:34] GodBleesYou : Crazy bears 😜🤭
[2024-10-21 13:42:35] I Love BitMEX : Lol
[2024-10-21 13:42:37] Mr.Kazi : market is just doing what it usually does
[2024-10-21 13:42:48] bnqxbt : @admin, for some reason I can't mute @TG_undefined , it keeps giving me and error
[2024-10-21 13:42:50] MoonBruv : he's letting go
[2024-10-21 13:43:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 1.2335 XBT @ 67447.2 ($83,147.52) - when moon?
[2024-10-21 13:43:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 20000 USD @ 67413.1
[2024-10-21 13:43:04] MoonBruv : of his suppressed feelings of real deep love deep inside him
[2024-10-21 13:43:28] I Love BitMEX : Alo
[2024-10-21 13:43:32] I Love BitMEX : U savages
[2024-10-21 13:43:36] Mr.Kazi : the sand is soft
[2024-10-21 13:43:41] I Love BitMEX : TG_undefined: cocksucker
[2024-10-21 13:43:42] GodBleesYou : Dam
[2024-10-21 13:43:48] Mr.Kazi : Ronnie, are you ready
[2024-10-21 13:43:53] GodBleesYou : 1.2xbt got rekt 🥹
[2024-10-21 13:43:57] MoonBruv : the passionate brotherly love of TG_undefined
[2024-10-21 13:44:02] GodBleesYou : Wash those 50x traders
[2024-10-21 13:44:18] MoonBruv : deep inside
[2024-10-21 13:44:37] MoonBruv : going deeper inside him, as the passion burns higher
[2024-10-21 13:45:00] Mr.Kazi : TG_undefined: are you a bot
[2024-10-21 13:45:04] MoonBruv : the community is feeling him deep inside
[2024-10-21 13:45:27] MoonBruv : balls deep, drenched in the sticky slick heavy, summer love, the brotherly love
[2024-10-21 13:45:30] GodBleesYou : It going deeper so close to start buying jajajaj
[2024-10-21 13:45:52] MoonBruv : TG_undefined is catching his breath now
[2024-10-21 13:45:57] I Love BitMEX : TG_undefined: u are cocksucking retard
[2024-10-21 13:46:05] MoonBruv : all the brotherly pounding has left him out of breath
[2024-10-21 13:46:38] RomanW93 : 😭
[2024-10-21 13:46:45] MoonBruv : oh shit I forgot to put stops
[2024-10-21 13:46:51] MoonBruv : im losing money in the meantime
[2024-10-21 13:47:01] MoonBruv : aaaaah fk my money is goooone
[2024-10-21 13:47:42] MoonBruv : nnnnnoooooo
[2024-10-21 13:47:48] Mr.Kazi : ☺️
[2024-10-21 13:48:10] Mr.Kazi : in crypto, happiness==sadness
[2024-10-21 13:48:20] contract details : auuuuuuuuuuuumm
[2024-10-21 13:48:26] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 14,000 USD @ 67693.3491 ```
[2024-10-21 13:48:46] Mr.Kazi : how could you have bough 70k on leverage?
[2024-10-21 13:48:52] MoonBruv : TG_undefined is building up the energy of the tutti frutti summer love of brotherhood and friendship
[2024-10-21 13:49:04] MoonBruv : bulls are winning
[2024-10-21 13:49:13] TG_undefined : closed my short your DIRTY COCKSUCKERS its still going lower
[2024-10-21 13:49:20] MoonBruv : YES
[2024-10-21 13:49:25] MoonBruv : the brotherhood won
[2024-10-21 13:49:41] MoonBruv : :arthur:
[2024-10-21 13:49:43] TG_undefined : fucking dirty losers wanted to hold
[2024-10-21 13:49:53] MoonBruv : lmao
[2024-10-21 13:50:03] Mr.Kazi : I will let my short run to Arthur's buy entries until 2025