BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

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Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-20 22:38:04] skibido : its renging fro a bit i think
[2024-10-20 22:38:24] tozak : hey who's REKD the charts again, nothing like waking up to a 73 MACD lol
[2024-10-20 22:38:27] GodBleesYou : tozak: gm love ❤️
[2024-10-20 22:38:54] GodBleesYou : tozak: 250x long all in now
[2024-10-20 22:38:57] GodBleesYou : 😜
[2024-10-20 22:39:06] skibido : charts screaming bullish
[2024-10-20 22:39:13] tozak : Since its REKD lets go it, Send It ! 70K , 71K, 72K and away we goooo! 80K soon!
[2024-10-20 22:39:18] skibido : bearish divergence everywhere
[2024-10-20 22:39:32] tozak : GodBleesYou: hell yeah! lol
[2024-10-20 22:39:39] MrBritcoin : whos the ponzi pusher then lol
[2024-10-20 22:39:55] GodBleesYou : skibido: ignore it
[2024-10-20 22:40:10] GodBleesYou : Thats just to give bears reson to add fuel to the fire
[2024-10-20 22:40:21] tozak : meh, its CME's problem to do with now, we are just here to F it up !
[2024-10-20 22:40:37] skibido : fakeout coming?
[2024-10-20 22:40:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 300 USD @ 69180 - 😂
[2024-10-20 22:40:53] GodBleesYou : tozak: nana this goes to test 71k
[2024-10-20 22:41:12] clarknova : lol
[2024-10-20 22:41:45] TG_undefined : the ponzi will touch 70k and collapse could happen any moment
[2024-10-20 22:41:51] tozak : I think its looking to just wipe out everything before the CME start
[2024-10-20 22:41:54] MrBritcoin : 6hr looks like chops stix
[2024-10-20 22:41:58] GodBleesYou : clarknova: not really
[2024-10-20 22:42:20] GodBleesYou : TG_undefined: the ponzi is strong for now
[2024-10-20 22:42:23] clarknova : GodBleesYou: ? :)
[2024-10-20 22:42:27] skibido : 1 hour chart shouldd do bull flag or cup handle soon
[2024-10-20 22:42:40] TG_undefined : 6hr looks like another Arthur plug pull soon
[2024-10-20 22:42:44] MrBritcoin : all bears back them shorts up the exchanges wont want retail in there trying to rekt you
[2024-10-20 22:43:09] tozak : Even right now we are only a $250 CME gap
[2024-10-20 22:43:17] GodBleesYou : Yeah bears.. add more .. bitcoin is a scam
[2024-10-20 22:43:19] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : where iss the volume?
[2024-10-20 22:43:24] GodBleesYou : We all want cheap badger
[2024-10-20 22:43:28] GodBleesYou : Short 250x
[2024-10-20 22:43:28] MrBritcoin : weyhave no cme gapts clear
[2024-10-20 22:43:37] clarknova : :)
[2024-10-20 22:43:46] MrBritcoin : havea gap sa 3k 52k
[2024-10-20 22:43:49] tozak : GodBleesYou: The Bulls will add to their positions
[2024-10-20 22:43:53] skibido : theres old cme gap at like 10k
[2024-10-20 22:44:08] GodBleesYou : tozak: i am 🤭 butt near local bottom
[2024-10-20 22:44:10] tozak : skibido: lots of old ones sub 60K
[2024-10-20 22:44:18] MrBritcoin : 53k to 52k
[2024-10-20 22:44:22] skibido : yes
[2024-10-20 22:44:26] GodBleesYou : tozak: you can see my position in the guild page
[2024-10-20 22:44:42] meeeepo : ee
[2024-10-20 22:44:52] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: you hold short?
[2024-10-20 22:44:58] skibido : up leg
[2024-10-20 22:45:05] MrBritcoin : cashed out am
[2024-10-20 22:45:17] Symphoenix : nice little appetizers !
[2024-10-20 22:45:18] meeeepo : MrBritcoin: show ur positions
[2024-10-20 22:45:50] GodBleesYou : tozak: and you budd you hold long or short?
[2024-10-20 22:46:00] skibido : is a fakout
[2024-10-20 22:46:12] tozak : GodBleesYou: very nice
[2024-10-20 22:46:38] tozak : I am still looking for a sizable entry atm
[2024-10-20 22:46:39] skibido : nvm not fakeout
[2024-10-20 22:46:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 5200 USD @ 69220.4
[2024-10-20 22:46:55] GodBleesYou : tozak: let me know ❤️
[2024-10-20 22:47:01] skibido : you probably wont find entry its very bullish rn
[2024-10-20 22:47:04] lelskates : Bears fooked
[2024-10-20 22:47:06] GodBleesYou : Go go badger
[2024-10-20 22:47:19] skibido : this is going up
[2024-10-20 22:47:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2400 USD @ 69264.9
[2024-10-20 22:47:31] tozak : GodBleesYou: Keep an eye on all liquidity
[2024-10-20 22:47:38] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-20 22:47:46] GodBleesYou : tozak: i am bot trading
[2024-10-20 22:48:09] tozak : GodBleesYou: you just select long or short that way?
[2024-10-20 22:48:12] MrBritcoin : any re up isjust pure ponzi moes
[2024-10-20 22:48:40] GodBleesYou : tozak: i dont chosse the algo chosse
[2024-10-20 22:48:54] MrBritcoin : any more up is just pure ponzi move
[2024-10-20 22:49:10] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: let me cash out 🤣🤣
[2024-10-20 22:49:16] GodBleesYou : Bit more badger
[2024-10-20 22:49:20] tozak : ahh so basically you are just providing liquidity to the market makers to use
[2024-10-20 22:49:32] tozak : and take a small cut
[2024-10-20 22:49:41] GodBleesYou : tozak: more like i follow market marker
[2024-10-20 22:49:46] MrBritcoin : it can reject ant time
[2024-10-20 22:49:56] skibido : guys remember the weekly cup and handle
[2024-10-20 22:50:08] GodBleesYou : MrBritcoin: let it pump 🥹
[2024-10-20 22:50:12] MrBritcoin : sometimes its best to be a head of the curve
[2024-10-20 22:50:37] al guul : f o m o
[2024-10-20 22:50:44] skibido : tp is around 122K
[2024-10-20 22:50:55] skibido : if its real breakout
[2024-10-20 22:51:14] MrBritcoin : anyway happy hunting
[2024-10-20 22:51:22] GodBleesYou : skibido: lets hope it isnt.. no one want expensive. Badger
[2024-10-20 22:52:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 5000 USD @ 69335.7
[2024-10-20 22:52:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0501 XBT @ 69363.1 ($3,473.50)
[2024-10-20 22:52:20] skibido : 69420 coming
[2024-10-20 22:52:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 99.9100 ETH @ 2756.84 ($275,303.00) - McDonald's is hiring
[2024-10-20 22:52:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.0050 XBT @ 69384.8 ($346.78) - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-20 22:52:28] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 11200 USD @ 69360.2
[2024-10-20 22:52:29] skibido : 20$ more comion
[2024-10-20 22:52:44] tozak : I cant see it because any one long isnt gonna risk holding much past breakout while CME still closed
[2024-10-20 22:52:47] skibido : short squeeze coming i think
[2024-10-20 22:52:54] chujev : 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
[2024-10-20 22:53:11] skibido : we made it to 69420!
[2024-10-20 22:53:13] tozak : skibido: yeah its now, you seeing all the liquidations atm?
[2024-10-20 22:53:21] skibido : yes
[2024-10-20 22:53:35] skibido : doesnt look like a short squeeze thopugh
[2024-10-20 22:53:48] GodBleesYou : tozak: thats not so big liqudtions yet
[2024-10-20 22:53:56] tozak : skibido: only because low volume still
[2024-10-20 22:53:57] GodBleesYou : Above 71 k it will be epic
[2024-10-20 22:54:12] XRP GOD : tozak: :doge:
[2024-10-20 22:54:32] tozak : GodBleesYou: no have you looked? there really nothing left over 69.7K
[2024-10-20 22:55:00] skibido : is anybody still looking at fg
[2024-10-20 22:55:04] skibido : fvg
[2024-10-20 22:55:48] Atlemos : This is crazy! pump test delux!
[2024-10-20 22:55:57] GodBleesYou : XRP GOD: without shorts we have no fuel...
[2024-10-20 22:56:06] GodBleesYou : Everyone is long?😅
[2024-10-20 22:56:31] GRILL__THE_BERA71 : you have your answer
[2024-10-20 22:56:34] tozak : Yay! Everyone is a winner
[2024-10-20 22:56:42] skibido : people will tp eventually
[2024-10-20 22:56:50] any random name : IS ASIA WAKING U
[2024-10-20 22:57:04] BlissRP : 69420
[2024-10-20 22:57:06] BlissRP : it is destiny
[2024-10-20 22:57:27] skibido : i reckon there will be a move down soon
[2024-10-20 22:58:44] MrBritcoin : choppy water make solid seamen
[2024-10-20 22:59:23] skibido : heres the down move
[2024-10-20 22:59:35] Djus : GodBleesYou: w00t, you understand spot trading makes the price right
[2024-10-20 22:59:36] tozak : skibido: nah, its gotta go extreem first, figure we go over 70K
[2024-10-20 22:59:48] skibido : atleast 69101
[2024-10-20 22:59:54] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-20 22:59:56] skibido : then reversal
[2024-10-20 23:00:03] tozak : very specific
[2024-10-20 23:00:16] skibido : im looking at ta
[2024-10-20 23:00:32] tozak : you mean down to 69101
[2024-10-20 23:00:48] skibido : yes
[2024-10-20 23:00:59] skibido : it either goes lower or reverses around there
[2024-10-20 23:01:13] tozak : ah
[2024-10-20 23:01:23] any random name : GOING BACK TO REST AT 68
[2024-10-20 23:01:43] tozak : Oh no, missed it now
[2024-10-20 23:02:09] skibido : its around the old ath right now
[2024-10-20 23:02:17] skibido : so theres alot of pressure
[2024-10-20 23:02:19] tozak : The last of the Juicy short liquidity has stopped themselves out before hitting liquidity
[2024-10-20 23:02:51] any random name : KEY TIMES FOR PUMP!! 9:30PM 1AM AND 6AM!!
[2024-10-20 23:03:27] tozak : any random name: UK hey?
[2024-10-20 23:04:22] any random name : my Singapore time😆😄
[2024-10-20 23:05:08] skibido : might consolidate for a while on 1 hour chart
[2024-10-20 23:08:46] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0022 XBT @ 69002.1 ($151.76) - 🐳
[2024-10-20 23:09:52] Null haos house : top is in
[2024-10-20 23:09:54] Null haos house : 100x short
[2024-10-20 23:10:06] Null haos house : no sl needed
[2024-10-20 23:10:16] tozak : CME already trading so this gap is filled it only the lower gaps now
[2024-10-20 23:10:34] tozak : Null haos house: lol okay, try it!
[2024-10-20 23:10:45] Berner432 : is that isiot really in public complaining that an asset class has early investors
[2024-10-20 23:10:50] Berner432 : and he thinks thats unfair and unusual
[2024-10-20 23:10:55] tozak : 69,030 atm, I let you know when you got liquidatated
[2024-10-20 23:11:01] Berner432 : is the guy been examined for autism?
[2024-10-20 23:11:04] Berner432 : step one...
[2024-10-20 23:11:11] Berner432 : before we even go any further...
[2024-10-20 23:11:22] Berner432 : somebody please these politicians have no clue about finance...
[2024-10-20 23:11:26] al guul : trump worked 6hrs at mcdano, chad goebbles move
[2024-10-20 23:11:36] Berner432 : out of tocuh and inlove with bizare theories
[2024-10-20 23:11:46] Berner432 : and make a fool fo the educated taurdr
[2024-10-20 23:11:47] Berner432 : gaurd
[2024-10-20 23:11:57] Null haos house : 100.000 btc moved from coinbase to huobi
[2024-10-20 23:11:59] meeeepo : why is liquidation price MUCH more expensive than it should be
[2024-10-20 23:12:24] Berner432 : that is such an ignorant and cuck statement to make
[2024-10-20 23:12:25] blaster33 : will we finally break and close above the 2021 ath or we still reject?
[2024-10-20 23:12:46] meeeepo : when i calculate if it goes to 68000 i would lose 0.065, but liquidation price says that margin is 0.09
[2024-10-20 23:12:58] Berner432 : it disguists me deeply that someone so high up can make an idiotic claim on an asset like that out of ego and no repercussions are made
[2024-10-20 23:13:07] Berner432 : because he is totally incorrect
[2024-10-20 23:13:29] Berner432 : how can he be upset with early investors in an asset class
[2024-10-20 23:13:35] Berner432 : i mean mate this is the markets
[2024-10-20 23:13:40] Berner432 : are you fking autistic
[2024-10-20 23:13:45] Null haos house : 44k
[2024-10-20 23:14:04] Berner432 : even my spanner set has early adopters why the fk is this cuck crying
[2024-10-20 23:14:07] Berner432 : about now
[2024-10-20 23:14:16] Berner432 : do you understand
[2024-10-20 23:14:27] Null haos house : 🐮 no
[2024-10-20 23:14:45] Berner432 : everything has early adopters retard
[2024-10-20 23:14:57] Berner432 : should we cancel the world world investment system now for your dum ass
[2024-10-20 23:14:58] Berner432 : to get it
[2024-10-20 23:15:23] Berner432 : jesus christ where do these find these chimpanzees
[2024-10-20 23:15:57] Berner432 : someone should of commented out loud yes retard its called markets and capitalism
[2024-10-20 23:15:59] TG_undefined : wen is Arthur pulling the plug again
[2024-10-20 23:16:07] Berner432 : not socialism and favortism
[2024-10-20 23:16:37] tozak : TG_undefined: he isnt this time, its a trap, he is longing it
[2024-10-20 23:16:38] Null haos house : nookay bullrun is over
[2024-10-20 23:16:53] tozak : TG_undefined: no more tasty bulls
[2024-10-20 23:17:04] Null haos house : 🐮 nookay bullrun is over
[2024-10-20 23:17:10] Null haos house : bull run has started
[2024-10-20 23:17:37] TG_undefined : 2025 bear market is here you just dont know it yet
[2024-10-20 23:18:04] al guul : meanwhile, take profits
[2024-10-20 23:18:07] tozak : TG_undefined: 2025 will be biggest year for everything.... insane money printing
[2024-10-20 23:20:08] TG_undefined : nothing to print money for if everything is nuked
[2024-10-20 23:20:11] blaster33 : put the chart on 2W, and see how we haven't broken the previous ATH, 40min to do it or the next 2W is red :arthur:
[2024-10-20 23:21:08] Null haos house : btc high enough to dump for 10 years
[2024-10-20 23:21:09] tozak : blaster33: what price we looking for?
[2024-10-20 23:21:36] blaster33 : tozak: 69146 on bitmex
[2024-10-20 23:21:45] tozak : blaster33: eeek
[2024-10-20 23:22:10] blaster33 : tozak: 2021 ATH on the left
[2024-10-20 23:22:41] tozak : blaster33: I guess it gonna be a blast off or a temporary pull back
[2024-10-20 23:24:27] Null haos house : longers love life below 69k
[2024-10-20 23:26:54] tozak : blaster33: Hopefully it makes it, but RSI is over bought, DXY still high, BTC Dominace still uner 59, Greed/Fear still in Greed, Net Long Position is at a high, previous resistance tests have failed, momentum slowing, breakout time has been running ahead of itself...... But we have the Trump Pump coming... that's really all we need to go higher
[2024-10-20 23:27:27] tozak : Bring on the Trump God Candle
[2024-10-20 23:29:22] PeacenLuv : btfd btc tmin lezgoo
[2024-10-20 23:29:30] PeacenLuv : 5min
[2024-10-20 23:36:41] tozak : oh no, yep BTC is cooked :(
[2024-10-20 23:39:02] SangFrais : classic weekend trap before markets open?
[2024-10-20 23:44:04] XRP GOD : tozak: we going uppp 😆😜
[2024-10-20 23:44:48] tozak : XRP GOD: oh course, we should be breaking to ATH any second now
[2024-10-20 23:45:52] tozak : XRP GOD: when's your fav pick going on a rally?
[2024-10-20 23:47:56] Null haos house : bulljected
[2024-10-20 23:47:59] Null haos house : 44k
[2024-10-20 23:50:44] tozak : Null haos house: I didnt see if a 100x short would have got liquidated if enereted at 69,030. Might end up being a nice call though from the looks of this.,
[2024-10-20 23:53:14] XRP GOD : tozak: I have a hole graveyard of coins no favorites
[2024-10-20 23:56:04] tozak : small pump up to close the weekly green, sets off a massive new pump up and we are up up and away.....
[2024-10-20 23:57:06] tozak : OR we don't make it and we hand this week over to TG, Null and The Professor
[2024-10-20 23:59:44] TG_undefined : wen 2025 bear market collapse
[2024-10-20 23:59:52] tozak : 10 seconds....
[2024-10-21 00:01:13] Berner432 : In exactly 24hours from now we will know for certain who the maker Gods favour
[2024-10-21 00:01:35] Berner432 : everything was irrelevant, todays price action until the last hour will determine our year
[2024-10-21 00:01:43] Berner432 : -berner original quote
[2024-10-21 00:02:02] tozak : TG_undefined: you gonna be carving up all week?
[2024-10-21 00:02:02] Berner432 : if you want to take one day to do some hardcore trading/charting today is the battle
[2024-10-21 00:02:31] TG_undefined : shorting back to 59
[2024-10-21 00:03:22] tozak : TG_undefined: Ouch, well the Charts say that as well, so I guess be some surprises on the way as well.
[2024-10-21 00:04:50] tozak : We still dont even really know if we are offically going into a Bull cycle as yet. Everything is pretty messed up atm.
[2024-10-21 00:07:10] TG_undefined : its at resistance and cows are bullish its over
[2024-10-21 00:07:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 0.2000 SOL @ 168.85 ($33.76)
[2024-10-21 00:07:33] Berner432 : ill try do more if theres enough time
[2024-10-21 00:07:57] Berner432 : ive been slapping a lot of punks in my lane lately
[2024-10-21 00:08:04] tozak : XRP GOD: (XRP!)
[2024-10-21 00:08:43] Berner432 : we have got exactly 23hr 50min to lead this market into end of year
[2024-10-21 00:08:50] Berner432 : no sleep today
[2024-10-21 00:10:12] bzk_bitmexican : feels real to me, exciting stuff
[2024-10-21 00:11:06] tozak : bzk_bitmexican: could be the Trump Pump
[2024-10-21 00:12:23] bzk_bitmexican : heck trump, this is the kamalaPump
[2024-10-21 00:12:45] meeeepo : is this going under 60k again?
[2024-10-21 00:12:47] bzk_bitmexican : she is unloading all her campaign money on crypto
[2024-10-21 00:12:53] meeeepo : what do u ladybois think
[2024-10-21 00:13:06] bzk_bitmexican : yes meeeepo, in 1 years time
[2024-10-21 00:13:56] meeeepo : hmmm
[2024-10-21 00:14:00] meeeepo : i trust u
[2024-10-21 00:14:03] bzk_bitmexican : please dont
[2024-10-21 00:14:06] meeeepo : i will increase positon
[2024-10-21 00:14:08] bzk_bitmexican : lol
[2024-10-21 00:14:08] tozak : If it goes up to 69,188 then tanks..... Super Super bad!
[2024-10-21 00:14:22] Berner432 : its gay
[2024-10-21 00:14:31] bzk_bitmexican : gay is good
[2024-10-21 00:14:34] Berner432 : need some pushups
[2024-10-21 00:14:44] Berner432 : and some female cakes
[2024-10-21 00:14:51] Berner432 : soft .
[2024-10-21 00:15:12] Berner432 : also no hoes
[2024-10-21 00:15:21] tozak : Its needs to go over 69,200 now
[2024-10-21 00:15:24] Berner432 : if they know what hoe is we cant be together
[2024-10-21 00:15:35] Berner432 : thats how rich and arrogant im fina be
[2024-10-21 00:15:43] Berner432 : thats how cold my game is
[2024-10-21 00:15:47] Berner432 : yes its cool
[2024-10-21 00:16:03] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-21 00:16:17] MrBritcoin : scamed out good an proper
[2024-10-21 00:16:21] bzk_bitmexican : omg it's gonna pump all over my wallet
[2024-10-21 00:16:30] tozak : lol
[2024-10-21 00:16:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 9 SOL @ 169.66 ($1,526.36)
[2024-10-21 00:16:32] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 1.0800 ETH @ 2759.88 ($2,979.59) - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2024-10-21 00:16:42] bzk_bitmexican : MrBritcoin: nice
[2024-10-21 00:16:46] tozak : Null haos house: hows the 100x short going?
[2024-10-21 00:17:00] meeeepo : MrBritcoin: are u having second thoughts?
[2024-10-21 00:17:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 300 USD @ 69295 - Game over
[2024-10-21 00:17:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 100 Cont @ 0.5493 ($761.60)
[2024-10-21 00:17:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSDT`: Buy 1.5000 SOL @ 169.9 ($254.76)
[2024-10-21 00:17:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 0.5000 ETH @ 2765.56 ($1,382.23)
[2024-10-21 00:17:13] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 4 Cont @ 2765.07 ($766.82)
[2024-10-21 00:17:13] meeeepo : MrBritcoin: about btc going down
[2024-10-21 00:17:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2000 USD @ 69387.3
[2024-10-21 00:17:27] Berner432 : fomo close my shoet
[2024-10-21 00:17:29] Null haos house : tozak: not sure but the 11 year resistence holds like Mc Donalds
[2024-10-21 00:17:34] Berner432 : because i need to buy new oc
[2024-10-21 00:17:36] Berner432 : pc
[2024-10-21 00:17:52] Berner432 : closed out all my short because i rather buy new pc than run that stop lmao
[2024-10-21 00:17:59] Berner432 : XD
[2024-10-21 00:18:12] tozak : Null haos house: Someone just put a massive short in with liquidation 69.8K
[2024-10-21 00:18:52] XRP GOD : We going upppppp :catjam:
[2024-10-21 00:18:53] bzk_bitmexican : guys ive removed my stops and go sleep easy now
[2024-10-21 00:18:58] meeeepo : how massive? @tozak
[2024-10-21 00:19:03] meeeepo : bzk_bitmexican: long or short?
[2024-10-21 00:19:08] meeeepo : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 300,000 USD @ 68994.5425 ```
[2024-10-21 00:19:10] tozak : meeeepo: Collective $40M
[2024-10-21 00:19:17] bzk_bitmexican : meeeepo: long with some breathing space, low leverage
[2024-10-21 00:19:17] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-10-21 00:19:26] meeeepo : bzk_bitmexican: liq at?
[2024-10-21 00:19:32] bzk_bitmexican : meeeepo: not gon tell haha
[2024-10-21 00:19:38] Berner432 : imagine if your a bear whale you have 200million short at 64k and your liquidstion is 72000 and you can deleverage it to 7400 max before you liquidate into bigger genetics pockets
[2024-10-21 00:19:38] bzk_bitmexican : nn :)
[2024-10-21 00:19:44] meeeepo : /liq xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 57733.1 ```
[2024-10-21 00:19:46] meeeepo : ln bro
[2024-10-21 00:19:47] Berner432 : -original knowledge
[2024-10-21 00:19:53] bzk_bitmexican : nice
[2024-10-21 00:20:17] tozak : Oh this is gonna end sooo bad
[2024-10-21 00:20:38] Berner432 : this guy is consistent assassin
[2024-10-21 00:20:47] Berner432 : every hour i study him in the shadows
[2024-10-21 00:20:56] Berner432 : hoping to destroy him
[2024-10-21 00:21:02] Berner432 : or meet him
[2024-10-21 00:21:27] Berner432 : an admiration yet a bitter jealousy
[2024-10-21 00:21:53] Berner432 : one of fate nothing less and i dont like to be envious
[2024-10-21 00:21:58] Berner432 : because im perfect
[2024-10-21 00:23:11] Berner432 : try stick around for a life time
[2024-10-21 00:23:25] Joeyy132 : @admin
[2024-10-21 00:23:26] Berner432 : it will definitely be a ride
[2024-10-21 00:23:30] Joeyy132 : my deposit should be here ages ago
[2024-10-21 00:23:33] Joeyy132 : @admin
[2024-10-21 00:23:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1500 XBT @ 69475.3 ($10,415.60)
[2024-10-21 00:23:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 113500 USD @ 69440.5 - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-10-21 00:23:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 302 Cont @ 2767.44 ($58,061.39) - Check your inbox
[2024-10-21 00:23:54] XRP GOD : :doge
[2024-10-21 00:24:04] FishyGuy :
[2024-10-21 00:24:09] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-10-21 00:24:10] Berner432 : LETS WICK TO 75 RIGHT NOW FK THESE BEARS WE CLOSE EARLY
[2024-10-21 00:24:14] Berner432 : HAHAHAHAH!!!
[2024-10-21 00:24:17] Berner432 : GO MAD
[2024-10-21 00:24:27] XRP GOD : Berner432: :catjam:
[2024-10-21 00:24:34] tozak : XRP GOD: pssst XRP
[2024-10-21 00:24:50] Joeyy132 : @admin
[2024-10-21 00:24:58] XRP GOD : tozak: gm :catjam:
[2024-10-21 00:25:10] Joeyy132 : ny usdt deposit is confirmed but no long in my account
[2024-10-21 00:25:27] Joeyy132 : @admin my usdt deposit is confirmed but not showing in my account
[2024-10-21 00:25:49] XRP GOD : Joeyy132: open support ticket no one here
[2024-10-21 00:26:05] XRP GOD : They all sleeping
[2024-10-21 00:26:13] XRP GOD : :kek:
[2024-10-21 00:26:47] meeeepo : Joeyy132: give ti some time
[2024-10-21 00:28:18] Joeyy132 : 52 confirmations
[2024-10-21 00:28:23] Joeyy132 : it should be here
[2024-10-21 00:28:27] Joeyy132 : its a burned probkem
[2024-10-21 00:28:31] Joeyy132 : bitmex problem
[2024-10-21 00:30:04] Joeyy132 : Lol
[2024-10-21 00:30:09] Joeyy132 : i wonder why the hold up
[2024-10-21 00:30:17] Joeyy132 : they have my funds at hostage right now
[2024-10-21 00:30:20] Joeyy132 : @admin
[2024-10-21 00:30:23] Joeyy132 : this aint right
[2024-10-21 00:31:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 80000 USD @ 69492.9 - Bonjour!
[2024-10-21 00:31:19] FishyGuy : so the money's there at a CEX.. its not like they have to credit it immediately
[2024-10-21 00:31:21] FishyGuy : chill brah
[2024-10-21 00:32:55] Joeyy132 : FishyGuy: isn’t the eth wallet we have here on the blockchain?
[2024-10-21 00:33:10] Joeyy132 : why would there be any way for Bitmex to hold it up?
[2024-10-21 00:33:31] FishyGuy : eth? weren't you just talking usdt
[2024-10-21 00:33:32] Joeyy132 : it normally arrives a couple mins after confirmation
[2024-10-21 00:33:39] FishyGuy : also I dont play with sheetcoins
[2024-10-21 00:33:43] Joeyy132 : yes usdt is on ethereum
[2024-10-21 00:33:49] FishyGuy : akak sheetcoin
[2024-10-21 00:33:52] FishyGuy : -k
[2024-10-21 00:34:00] FishyGuy : i doubt it's gone though man
[2024-10-21 00:34:49] Joeyy132 : FishyGuy: it’s confirmed on ethers ages ago
[2024-10-21 00:34:54] Joeyy132 : no balance showing here
[2024-10-21 00:35:01] Joeyy132 : so Bitmex have vanished it hmmm
[2024-10-21 00:35:30] Joeyy132 : And now it’s here
[2024-10-21 00:35:35] Joeyy132 : Play time
[2024-10-21 00:35:39] Joeyy132 : all in long 250x
[2024-10-21 00:36:13] FishyGuy : Wahey, playtime!
[2024-10-21 00:37:04] FishyGuy : SOL @ 169..nice
[2024-10-21 00:49:04] Null haos house : the bull end has runned
[2024-10-21 00:53:28] TG_undefined : easy 2025 bear market top short here
[2024-10-21 00:54:25] TG_undefined : free 2025 bear market hindsight short here
[2024-10-21 00:55:33] TG_undefined : just remember nerds bear markets start after All time highs, this is bearish ponzi is tricking you
[2024-10-21 00:56:01] Berner432 : glad i shorted hedge .
[2024-10-21 00:56:17] Berner432 : out my long atlast
[2024-10-21 00:56:28] Berner432 : now i go sleep for a month and build this short .
[2024-10-21 00:56:37] Berner432 : ill come into profit within days fk you guys
[2024-10-21 00:56:40] Berner432 : Zzzz
[2024-10-21 00:56:46] TG_undefined : go to sleep for 2 years rebuy at $800
[2024-10-21 00:57:42] BitMEX_James : Joeyy132: should see the deposit now
[2024-10-21 00:57:44] TG_undefined : it gets more bearish every time it goes up
[2024-10-21 01:04:39] GodBleesYou : Beautiful ❤️
[2024-10-21 01:09:10] Berner432 : i know its cool
[2024-10-21 01:09:16] Berner432 : but let's be realistic
[2024-10-21 01:09:24] Berner432 : are we all gone long yet
[2024-10-21 01:09:33] Berner432 : how much higher can it actually go
[2024-10-21 01:09:43] Berner432 : before full reversal....
[2024-10-21 01:09:53] Null haos house : Bullrun is exhausted now
[2024-10-21 01:09:53] Berner432 : i just dont want to get burnt again
[2024-10-21 01:10:03] Null haos house : short term price action to 4kk
[2024-10-21 01:10:14] Null haos house : 44k
[2024-10-21 01:11:39] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: stop it allready..
[2024-10-21 01:11:44] GodBleesYou : Let the bull run
[2024-10-21 01:11:52] GodBleesYou : Short after he find clear top
[2024-10-21 01:13:17] Null haos house : GodBleesYou: too weak, too oftern rejected
[2024-10-21 01:13:17] GodBleesYou : Joeyy132: thats my boy
[2024-10-21 01:13:21] GodBleesYou : 250x 🥹
[2024-10-21 01:13:33] Null haos house : btc needs a correction
[2024-10-21 01:13:35] Null haos house : lol
[2024-10-21 01:13:40] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: you said it 1000$ before the pump as well
[2024-10-21 01:14:01] Null haos house : GodBleesYou: and at 44k as well lol
[2024-10-21 01:14:04] GodBleesYou : Now i swim in profits 😜
[2024-10-21 01:14:24] GodBleesYou : Allready took 40% of the position on the last wick 🤭
[2024-10-21 01:14:54] GodBleesYou : TG_undefined: in what world? 😅🥹
[2024-10-21 01:15:12] Null haos house : Biden and Selensky set the path of another 11 years of down
[2024-10-21 01:15:14] GodBleesYou : Go go badger
[2024-10-21 01:15:28] GodBleesYou : Let us close 71k on bears today
[2024-10-21 01:15:50] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: trump win and ww3 will be good for crypto
[2024-10-21 01:16:13] Null haos house : GodBleesYou: not sure maybe you breath too much Co2
[2024-10-21 01:16:24] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: soldiers need to send money to only fans girls crossing borders 😜🤣
[2024-10-21 01:16:24] Null haos house : check your oxygene lol
[2024-10-21 01:16:55] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: probbly i do have high co2 in my green house 🤭🤣
[2024-10-21 01:16:58] GodBleesYou : Pump it!!
[2024-10-21 01:17:13] Null haos house : i see with your commentaries yes
[2024-10-21 01:17:18] Null haos house : too much co2
[2024-10-21 01:17:22] Null haos house : too less oxygene
[2024-10-21 01:17:56] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: all i do is look how bot preform 🥹 no hands needed love
[2024-10-21 01:18:30] GodBleesYou : Null haos house: bty whats your rank ? You talk alot ...
[2024-10-21 01:19:53] al guul : ron mi boi, smell the coffee
[2024-10-21 01:24:23] Joeyy132 : This the part where you delete the red button
[2024-10-21 01:24:33] Joeyy132 : 50x all in
[2024-10-21 01:24:35] Joeyy132 : Safe
[2024-10-21 01:24:44] Joeyy132 : ez longs free money
[2024-10-21 01:26:32] Joeyy132 : 69420 meme holding stronggg
[2024-10-21 01:26:48] any random name : IF YOU TURN YOU LAPTOP OR PHONE UPSIDE DOWN..SHORTS LOOK SWEET😃
[2024-10-21 01:27:57] GodBleesYou : any random name: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[2024-10-21 01:29:48] Joeyy132 : Shorts will always win in the end
[2024-10-21 01:30:19] lelskates : Bears must be crapping themselves lol
[2024-10-21 01:34:29] Joeyy132 : lelskates: not really
[2024-10-21 01:34:36] Joeyy132 : it been going down fir years now
[2024-10-21 01:34:48] al guul : hehe
[2024-10-21 01:35:05] Joeyy132 : we were at 69k in 2021
[2024-10-21 01:35:10] Joeyy132 : bears are rich
[2024-10-21 01:35:31] XRP GOD : lelskates: we going up :catjam:
[2024-10-21 01:35:59] Joeyy132 : 4 years of btc struggling
[2024-10-21 01:36:17] Joeyy132 : But this time it’s different
[2024-10-21 01:36:19] Joeyy132 : hehe
[2024-10-21 01:36:42] "it will be........" : .
[2024-10-21 01:38:19] Joeyy132 : Send it to 10k
[2024-10-21 01:42:55] Symphoenix : 01h45 utc is the next temporal target
[2024-10-21 01:43:38] Berner432 : ill market sell us straight to 50k
[2024-10-21 01:43:43] Berner432 : if i see that again
[2024-10-21 01:44:16] Berner432 : just like june too
[2024-10-21 01:44:21] Berner432 : tops
[2024-10-21 01:44:26] "it will be........" : Ok thanks temporal man
[2024-10-21 01:44:56] kchaitanya : "it will be........": :doge:
[2024-10-21 01:45:07] kchaitanya : Symphoenix: so glad to be here
[2024-10-21 01:46:27] blaster33 : when was the last time price was above the index
[2024-10-21 01:46:33] blaster33 : atleast 6 months
[2024-10-21 01:47:28] Symphoenix : BUY XBT now ! Tight SL !
[2024-10-21 01:47:50] kchaitanya : Symphoenix: what a terriffic audience
[2024-10-21 01:47:54] kchaitanya : :doge:
[2024-10-21 01:48:01] Symphoenix : kchaitanya: :D
[2024-10-21 01:48:07] "it will be........" : kchaitanya: ahaha :doge:
[2024-10-21 01:48:13] kchaitanya : "it will be........": hahahaha
[2024-10-21 01:48:24] kchaitanya : where the "Shawn the Clown"?
[2024-10-21 01:48:38] kchaitanya : I came back for that clown hoping to entertain us a lil
[2024-10-21 01:49:03] "it will be........" : kchaitanya: lol Shawn
[2024-10-21 01:49:15] kchaitanya : is it still alive @"it will be........" ?
[2024-10-21 01:52:54] "it will be........" : kchaitanya: haha think I last saw him shorting 65 or 66
[2024-10-21 01:53:39] kchaitanya : "it will be........": He anywaz does a very small position / profit. I can donate him $100. Just please bring him here to entertain us
[2024-10-21 01:54:08] kchaitanya : I wanna hear the story agani about 119 btc in cold storage @"it will be........" :doge:
[2024-10-21 01:57:01] "it will be........" : kchaitanya: hahahah
[2024-10-21 01:59:22] kchaitanya : "it will be........": :pepe:
[2024-10-21 01:59:53] bmagic : Liquidation hunt incoming
[2024-10-21 01:59:59] bmagic : Then all time high rally please
[2024-10-21 02:00:06] kchaitanya : bmagic: how are you doing buddy
[2024-10-21 02:00:14] any random name : bmagic: YAP ITS SEARCHING
[2024-10-21 02:00:26] bmagic : Good graduated from college with HD
[2024-10-21 02:00:42] kchaitanya : bmagic: awesome mate, you in pos?
[2024-10-21 02:00:57] bmagic : Nope spotting
[2024-10-21 02:01:01] bmagic : Just this tiny one
[2024-10-21 02:01:04] bmagic : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -10,000 USD @ 68946.9729 ```
[2024-10-21 02:01:12] kchaitanya : bmagic: aah cool
[2024-10-21 02:01:22] bmagic : 77k is my technical ATH target
[2024-10-21 02:01:33] kchaitanya : I have a short entry order at 71K
[2024-10-21 02:01:38] bmagic : 94k is measured ATH rally
[2024-10-21 02:02:01] bmagic : We should get a temporary short below 72k if market movers are loading up
[2024-10-21 02:02:17] bmagic : This is an exit rally in my view
[2024-10-21 02:02:22] bmagic : We won’t get 100k
[2024-10-21 02:02:30] bmagic : And if we do its short lived
[2024-10-21 02:03:00] bmagic : Im still bullish on bitcoin 2025/26
[2024-10-21 02:03:36] Symphoenix : ready ?
[2024-10-21 02:04:02] kchaitanya : Symphoenix: we all are teriffic audience , always ready Mr Temporal Time :doge:
[2024-10-21 02:04:04] Null haos house : bear market is ready yes
[2024-10-21 02:08:12] MrBath : Nice Asia timezone pump. Just in time for the US timezone dump
[2024-10-21 02:08:41] bmagic : kchaitanya: will hopefulyl buy below 68k
[2024-10-21 02:09:04] kchaitanya : yep I kinda have the similar view
[2024-10-21 02:09:33] bmagic : 67k could be swept here if the intent is 90k+
[2024-10-21 02:10:07] bmagic : But if we only going mid 70s might as well just buy
[2024-10-21 02:10:08] kchaitanya : bmagic: btc will not move to new ATH unless there are huge liquidations
[2024-10-21 02:10:34] bmagic : Look forward to the email
[2024-10-21 02:10:47] XRP GOD : We going upppp :catjam:
[2024-10-21 02:11:00] bmagic : Only xrp going up
[2024-10-21 02:11:06] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: up/down these are the only options
[2024-10-21 02:11:07] bmagic : Eth stablecoin
[2024-10-21 02:16:56] XRP GOD : kchaitanya:
[2024-10-21 02:17:20] kchaitanya : XRP GOD: that will be awesome
[2024-10-21 02:17:28] kchaitanya : my short entry order is at 71k
[2024-10-21 02:17:43] UglyOldGoat :
[2024-10-21 02:18:02] UglyOldGoat : I just published the above and tweeted it out.
[2024-10-21 02:18:29] troll19 : go long beautuful people and pets
[2024-10-21 02:19:04] blaster33 : XRP GOD: those liqs are too old to be reliable, it's not impossible most of those shorts are already closed
[2024-10-21 02:25:23] PeacenLuv : 😦pumpittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-21 02:26:20] PeacenLuv : Null haos house: pumpittupp
[2024-10-21 02:27:05] BitMEX_shiva : gm gm
[2024-10-21 02:28:19] Pilipili : is this where the party is :doge:
[2024-10-21 02:28:55] Pilipili : gm let's ultra send this
[2024-10-21 02:28:59] Null haos house : PeacenLuv: Obama saved the day :downrocket:
[2024-10-21 02:29:04] Pilipili : call arthur the bro
[2024-10-21 02:29:08] MoonBruv : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 6,800 USD @ 68155.1757 ```
[2024-10-21 02:29:24] MoonBruv : moon bruv happy
[2024-10-21 02:29:50] Pilipili : moooooooooooon bruuuuuuuh
[2024-10-21 02:30:02] Pilipili : SHINY PROFIT
[2024-10-21 02:30:03] MoonBruv : extra hundred dorra, with the world's most degen trade
[2024-10-21 02:30:23] Pilipili : bitcoin only goes up !
[2024-10-21 02:30:33] MoonBruv : ADN THATS with a couper of bucks
[2024-10-21 02:30:41] MoonBruv : couple*
[2024-10-21 02:31:02] Pilipili : activate the pampalah project
[2024-10-21 02:31:08] MoonBruv : shambalah ?
[2024-10-21 02:31:13] MoonBruv : shambbballlaaah yaaaiiyeeee
[2024-10-21 02:31:15] MoonBruv : oooooooo
[2024-10-21 02:31:40] MoonBruv : aloha kapuanaaa
[2024-10-21 02:32:15] Pilipili : shibuyah shakti