BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-13 23:33:22] PeacenLuv : on 1 day tf xbt usd perp
[2024-10-13 23:33:36] SangFrais : Dario1: weak move from the platform to create trollbox activity imo, maybe they got tired of people messaging them everyday for name change?
[2024-10-13 23:33:48] Gandalf the Grey : shrek told me it drops
[2024-10-13 23:40:14] tozak : rug it!
[2024-10-13 23:40:57] tozak : 18 mins to go still....
[2024-10-13 23:41:08] gemeo2 : Eveniny
[2024-10-13 23:41:18] gemeo2 : Evening
[2024-10-13 23:41:20] gemeo2 : Kek
[2024-10-13 23:41:41] gemeo2 : Am bored of this short :btc:
[2024-10-13 23:42:20] tozak : only good if you shorted from 63
[2024-10-13 23:42:43] gemeo2 : Gonna quit this shet. Another leg up for a decent short over next days
[2024-10-13 23:43:33] gemeo2 : tozak: did Ser and closed it with a decent profit.
[2024-10-13 23:43:36] tozak : if we go up in the next 16 mins we statying up, if we go down in the next 16 mins we staying down
[2024-10-13 23:43:50] tozak : gemeo2: well done
[2024-10-13 23:43:57] Dario1 : SangFrais: Of course trollbox traffic was their motive, but it doesn’t make any sense when bitmex accounts without kyc can’t talk here but any fake tg account can.
[2024-10-13 23:44:17] Dario1 : They might as well stop banning people because whoever gets banned here can just go create as many fake tg accounts as they want and continue doing the same shit under different names. So they suddenly appear with a new name, with a fake story etc…
[2024-10-13 23:44:20] PeacenLuv : BREAKOUT BTC
[2024-10-13 23:44:32] tozak : we hope so...
[2024-10-13 23:45:41] tozak : Binance is still trading at least $200 less than market atm, whats going on with that?
[2024-10-13 23:47:17] gemeo2 : Have closed my short, enjoy your evening, I'm out. Trade :pepe: safu
[2024-10-13 23:47:33] tozak : gemeo2: you will miss it
[2024-10-13 23:47:43] tozak : its all gonna happen in 12 mins
[2024-10-13 23:48:24] tozak : cant stay 11 more mins?
[2024-10-13 23:48:50] tozak : likely gonna see a total of almost 20K worth of moment perhaps, up and down
[2024-10-13 23:53:03] owl : help,. assist, i need someone,,, a god,, an xrp god perhaps?
[2024-10-13 23:53:08] owl : a magi seer, to paint the weekly
[2024-10-13 23:53:17] owl : who has the paint
[2024-10-13 23:53:20] owl : who has the brush
[2024-10-13 23:53:34] owl : where the schizo's at? oh theres dario
[2024-10-13 23:54:00] tozak : Will the Gods save BTC
[2024-10-13 23:54:36] TG_fivepocketsfull : market molested me past 48 hours. ill be back soon. something needs to change. need to go back to training and get back on a regime. keep blowing it. fucking aids man
[2024-10-13 23:54:40] owl : uptober cancelled, maccas are frying in tallow now, haos in da haos
[2024-10-13 23:55:02] PeacenLuv : btc definitely lambohhz n lezbohhz
[2024-10-13 23:55:18] tozak : Get ready for Sketchy AF
[2024-10-13 23:55:47] owl : lezbos sure do love men's lifestyles yet hate men, curious
[2024-10-13 23:55:53] Dario1 : SangFrais: I think there are only two people who are abusing this feature. As soon as his other tg account got burned, he made this new fake account with fake story. Once he manages to fool enough people, he will resume his agenda
[2024-10-13 23:56:46] tozak : less than 3 mins
[2024-10-13 23:57:32] tozak :
[2024-10-13 23:57:35] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah a few sad people with no life ruin it here, but always the same few
[2024-10-13 23:57:38] Dario1 : owl: You have seen people on trollbox talking from their alt account simultaneously right?
[2024-10-13 23:57:43] tozak : look at those candle fly up
[2024-10-13 23:58:06] SangFrais : Dario1: but seriosuly binance banned ILB permanently for what he is doing here, so he came back to bitmex, and begged support to unban his hold account and give his name back
[2024-10-13 23:58:13] SangFrais : such a sign of weakness, bad call
[2024-10-13 23:59:01] I Love BitMEX : Rekt
[2024-10-13 23:59:04] owl : Dario1: i dont have the sensibility to connect such dots
[2024-10-13 23:59:50] tozak : This.... is.... bad......
[2024-10-14 00:00:04] tozak : Bye Bye BTC
[2024-10-14 00:00:05] SangFrais : Dario1: better to just tell support, if it continues i will stay away from trollbox, maybe even switch platform all together
[2024-10-14 00:00:21] owl : fantastic portrait thanks for all your hard work fellas, weekly complete
[2024-10-14 00:00:36] Dario1 : owl: You are almost never on trollbox. Only a few minutes every two weeks or so and that’s ore than enough if you ask me 😂
[2024-10-14 00:01:17] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex will liquidate
[2024-10-14 00:01:24] I Love BitMEX : Good night
[2024-10-14 00:01:32] I Love BitMEX : /zen 4h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 4 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-10-14 00:03:17] Dario1 : SangFrais: Sign of weakness indeed. They keep dropping in the ranking of bitcoin perps contracts, 70th place right now. So they make any stupid decision hoping they will recover but it only makes matters even worse. Lost 7 places just compared to last week
[2024-10-14 00:03:43] Dario1 : mainly because of what these fake tg accounts are doing. Saying bitcoin to 0, arthur to jail etc…
[2024-10-14 00:05:29] tozak : weekly candles in, charts are REKD, next week is screwed, cya
[2024-10-14 00:06:22] Dario1 : It also makes this place less attractive for market makers and once they leave, the orderbooks become thin, you get more slippage and wider spread
[2024-10-14 00:06:30] Dario1 : downwards spiral…
[2024-10-14 00:10:10] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah well theres a reason why many sites dont have chatbox
[2024-10-14 00:12:22] SangFrais : they can leave it unmanaged even with rules and fake policing but some people just begging for perm ban
[2024-10-14 00:17:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 1000 USD @ 62559.7
[2024-10-14 00:18:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 28500 USD @ 62533.3
[2024-10-14 00:19:18] bluemaster : go get me beras 😜
[2024-10-14 00:19:26] bluemaster : /position xbtv24 ``` :bitmex: XBTV24: 100,700 USD @ 66062.8522 ```
[2024-10-14 00:19:33] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 238,000 USD @ 65298.4465 ```
[2024-10-14 00:19:36] bluemaster : /position xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 238,900 USD @ 63474.7339 ```
[2024-10-14 00:19:41] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 115,400 USD @ 66259.8313 ```
[2024-10-14 00:20:22] SangFrais : Dario1: btw you watched that tv show yet its mostly about AI after the 2013/2014 episodes
[2024-10-14 00:20:26] Dario1 : SangFrais: Chatbox is not a bad idea if it’s well moderated and people are not allowed to have multiple accounts. Just a few weeks ago elchisoso was bullying certain people using his multiple bitmex alt accounts simultaneously and even laughing at his own comments from his other alt accounts and talking to his own alt accounts. Now with this new telegram feature things are getting worse. They can make as many tg accounts as they want. You also get ILB guy abusing telegram and spreading anti bitmex and anti arthur propaganda and both those guys are spamming bitcoin to 0 almost 24/7
[2024-10-14 00:21:03] Dario1 : SangFrais: only 2 episodes so far, will watch more whenever I get bored. Thanks for the recommendation
[2024-10-14 00:21:22] Dario1 : or they bully certain people from telegram just to make them leave bitmex
[2024-10-14 00:21:34] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah its a bad look but what are mods/employees gonna do against company management, you can see it everywhere, bad managers
[2024-10-14 00:21:41] Dario1 : sad times to witness and admins are just not smart enough to make the right decisions
[2024-10-14 00:21:53] Dario1 : SangFrais: exactly
[2024-10-14 00:23:12] SangFrais : you get a masters degree and you can pretend you know everything better, most influences are from outside the education but since you have that degree and experience you can dictate policy from wherever you were influenced
[2024-10-14 00:23:29] SangFrais : everyone is a plant they just dont know it
[2024-10-14 00:23:59] Dario1 : hehe yeah
[2024-10-14 00:25:06] SangFrais : same with the politicians they are just pawns and it trickles down
[2024-10-14 00:25:43] SangFrais : even myself we are all much dumber than we think we are
[2024-10-14 00:27:00] Dario1 : SangFrais: if there were enough people standing against these fcking corrupt politicians then things would have been less disastrous
[2024-10-14 00:27:25] Dario1 : the problem is that too many people just don’t care, or don’t have time or courage
[2024-10-14 00:27:45] Dario1 : or maybe not smart enough to see their dirty low life thug tactics
[2024-10-14 00:28:30] SangFrais : yeah people are weak, and school taught to accept enslavement, and not to go against the grain, eventually they stick their head in the sand
[2024-10-14 00:28:54] SangFrais : thats why the military doesnt accept people over 21-28 y/o, they know too much
[2024-10-14 00:29:08] SangFrais : unless you can prove people management experience some jobs, or tech stuff etc
[2024-10-14 00:29:23] Dario1 : SangFrais: Look at yourself for example, because of people like ILB you are less eager to stay here and are considering to move to another exchange
[2024-10-14 00:29:52] Dario1 : I am saying there were/are/will be many more people making the same conclusions and leave this place
[2024-10-14 00:30:16] Dario1 : That’s why it keeps going down in ranking, losing customers and market share
[2024-10-14 00:30:33] Dario1 : anyway, blah blah admins are just not smart enough here
[2024-10-14 00:30:48] Dario1 : changing subject…
[2024-10-14 00:32:02] SangFrais : Dario1: yeah maybe, trollbox has def seen better days, the sad trolls used to leave just by peer pressure, now they act like the own the place
[2024-10-14 00:32:27] Dario1 : SangFrais: degrees are just a piece of paper. I have many degrees but the most important lessons in life were not learned in school
[2024-10-14 00:32:45] SangFrais : true
[2024-10-14 00:33:01] Dario1 : And I have seen many better educated people without degrees
[2024-10-14 00:33:34] Dario1 : Albert Pike was one of them. Didn’t have enough money to go to university but they guy wrote 30 books or aomething. Master pieces
[2024-10-14 00:34:18] Dario1 : Most of people with degrees will struggle writing even 5% of what he did 😂
[2024-10-14 00:34:46] SangFrais : yeah evidently, but most would be nothing and know even less without degrees and education, at least it gives some people a chance, even if they are the most influenceable/gullible and least intelligent, but those are the people needed for a lot of positions, just a higher tier of slaves
[2024-10-14 00:36:04] SangFrais : anyway were just lubing eachother lol
[2024-10-14 00:36:05] Dario1 : SangFrais: I always say people with degrees are good copy machines. They arejust good at remembering and following whatever they have been told at school
[2024-10-14 00:36:27] Dario1 : there is an exception for post bachelor degrees, like phd, post phd
[2024-10-14 00:36:30] SangFrais : Dario1: yep and so much more could be said
[2024-10-14 00:36:39] Dario1 : but not many people manage to get that far
[2024-10-14 00:37:35] Dario1 : phd degree is basically doing research on your own and coming up with something new
[2024-10-14 00:37:43] SangFrais : the world wouldnt be what it is today
[2024-10-14 00:38:09] SangFrais : could have been so much better in countless ways
[2024-10-14 00:39:38] Dario1 : indeed
[2024-10-14 00:41:51] Dario1 : SangFrais: What was your age when you joined the military?
[2024-10-14 00:42:57] HenryTheFifth : its not the politicians but the public systems have been hijacked a very long time ago, a single revelation could break the entire thing. Thousands of years ago, Moses had his spies, before OSS even existed, when americans didn't know what intel meant. It was a wartime experiment for them. Today everything is backdoored and known
[2024-10-14 00:43:41] HenryTheFifth : I assume they all work together for a single good cause or a national cause
[2024-10-14 00:43:58] HenryTheFifth : good as in an interpretation of good by a collective :kek:
[2024-10-14 00:43:58] SangFrais : Dario1: haha ive already said too much, everythings saved in the archive
[2024-10-14 00:44:31] Dario1 : SangFrais: haha I know what you mean
[2024-10-14 00:45:52] Dario1 : HenryTheFifth: What does OSS stand for?
[2024-10-14 00:46:04] HenryTheFifth : OSS is the precedent of cia
[2024-10-14 00:46:09] HenryTheFifth : thats what existed before it
[2024-10-14 00:46:21] Dario1 : Didn’t know that. Interesting
[2024-10-14 00:49:46] SteveS. : 56K
[2024-10-14 00:50:56] blaster33 : still room to short guys
[2024-10-14 00:51:53] blaster33 : interesting, while all eyes are on Israel, China decided to go ham on Taiwan again x)
[2024-10-14 00:53:10] SangFrais : blaster33: lol
[2024-10-14 00:53:37] SangFrais : china
[2024-10-14 01:02:59] HenryTheFifth : HYPERSONIC
[2024-10-14 01:03:05] HenryTheFifth : FANTASTIC
[2024-10-14 01:03:11] HenryTheFifth : BALLISTIC
[2024-10-14 01:03:16] SangFrais : imagine if there was world wide news if USA had a major military exercise, it would be news every week
[2024-10-14 01:04:07] SangFrais : let me know when chinese, russian, north korean ships are in the gulf of mexico in large numbers
[2024-10-14 01:04:15] HenryTheFifth : u know that the invasion itself needs to happen in one of these military "war games"
[2024-10-14 01:04:22] HenryTheFifth : around taiwan
[2024-10-14 01:04:27] HenryTheFifth : so theres a chance it could be this one :P
[2024-10-14 01:04:39] HenryTheFifth : an early christmas could be finally here
[2024-10-14 01:04:46] HenryTheFifth : COME ON UNCLE XI
[2024-10-14 01:05:37] SangFrais : meanwhile naval ships from the tiniest european countries are sailing past china conducting exercises in mainland helicopter reach
[2024-10-14 01:07:03] HenryTheFifth : 习宝宝,真的很牛
[2024-10-14 01:07:33] SangFrais : if the goal is to be hated by the most powerful nation in the world its going well
[2024-10-14 01:08:03] HenryTheFifth : no uncle has to make it look like he's practicing for the olympics
[2024-10-14 01:08:22] SangFrais : USA lost that title and keeps on drifting further away from it
[2024-10-14 01:08:27] HenryTheFifth : in the middle of a night taiwan wont know what hit it, and by 9 am they will be singing about Xi on that island xD
[2024-10-14 01:12:01] Dario1 : US probably doesn’t want a direct war with China. I think their strategy is to get their main adversaries, Russia, China and Iran involved in proxy wars. Getting victim countries to fight their wars to weaken them and slow down their economies by sanctions. In case of Russia it was Ukraine and Putin was not smart enough and got involved. In case of Iran it was Israel and Azerbaijan in the future and in case of China it’s Taiwan.
[2024-10-14 01:13:03] SangFrais : Dario1: bro fck all that noise, respectfully, everyones talking about this, but Irish united nations peache keepers are getting attacked by Israel in Lebanon
[2024-10-14 01:13:15] SangFrais : i wonder if its related to Ireland speaking out against Israel so many times
[2024-10-14 01:14:31] Dario1 : SangFrais: man Israel is going to far. They have almost committed all the war crimes possible 😂
[2024-10-14 01:15:20] SangFrais : Dario1: they broke the scale, world-balance is going to change, and USA/Europe/Israel is going to lose
[2024-10-14 01:15:22] Dario1 : SangFrais: Israel also attacked a Russian military base in Syria just last week
[2024-10-14 01:15:40] SangFrais : but this time there will be many nations against the west, including western nations
[2024-10-14 01:15:48] Dario1 : after they heard about Russia provising electeonic warfare system and s400 air defense system to iran
[2024-10-14 01:15:55] HenryTheFifth : yep, 100% of that war depends on whether U.S will be involved in taiwan, to what degree
[2024-10-14 01:16:11] Dario1 : so yeah maybe the same goes for ierland
[2024-10-14 01:16:12] HenryTheFifth : that's what decides if it ends in 12 hours by breakfast
[2024-10-14 01:16:28] Dario1 : exactly
[2024-10-14 01:16:33] HenryTheFifth : I have a feeling international community including U.S japan and us (audtralia) will get involved :(
[2024-10-14 01:17:07] SangFrais : what a time to be alive
[2024-10-14 01:17:27] HenryTheFifth : its best to find a good hiding spot and not care about anything
[2024-10-14 01:17:32] HenryTheFifth : looool
[2024-10-14 01:17:58] Dario1 : eventually they will get involved once things get out of hand. Biden said the destiny of next 100 years will be determined in the next 2-3 years
[2024-10-14 01:18:13] Dario1 : Putin and Xi said similar things ao…
[2024-10-14 01:18:29] HenryTheFifth : to prepare for a time we should be asking questions like, how long would 5 kg of beans help me last, in this corner of a piece of land
[2024-10-14 01:18:31] HenryTheFifth : :arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-14 01:18:41] SangFrais : there should be an age limit for politicians
[2024-10-14 01:18:53] SangFrais : so they can get to experience the aftermath
[2024-10-14 01:20:06] HenryTheFifth : good ser, please dont nuke the area 100 km to the east of melbourne, I'm hiding around the hills. Your arsenal is better spent on the overpriced shtty glorified tenthouses of sydney :arthur::arthur::arthur:
[2024-10-14 01:20:49] HenryTheFifth : ooo china ser
[2024-10-14 01:20:50] SangFrais : anyway you can probably tell why im someone that couldnt have a military career
[2024-10-14 01:21:48] Dario1 : HenryTheFifth: :arthur:
[2024-10-14 01:22:33] PeacenLuv : 😒😒pumpittup btc lezgoo
[2024-10-14 01:22:48] SangFrais : HenryTheFifth: better to go to an asian country thats nutral and has a lot of chinese people like malaysia
[2024-10-14 01:24:20] SangFrais : australia is mostly barren land and close to asia so you already know if theres ww3 its gonna be a major staging area
[2024-10-14 01:24:45] SangFrais : its gonna be the biggest military base the world has ever seen probably
[2024-10-14 01:25:09] HenryTheFifth : SangFrais: I already thought that part out, Laos is my backup country
[2024-10-14 01:25:52] HenryTheFifth : Id stay in a country full of plumerias
[2024-10-14 01:26:03] SangFrais : but Laos already has a large part owned by the Chinese mafia
[2024-10-14 01:26:10] HenryTheFifth : damn
[2024-10-14 01:26:11] SangFrais : i think cambodia too
[2024-10-14 01:26:16] HenryTheFifth : thailand ?
[2024-10-14 01:26:19] SangFrais : the military of the countries protect it even
[2024-10-14 01:26:44] SangFrais : dunno
[2024-10-14 01:28:20] SangFrais : ww3 should be unlikely though it would be a lost cause
[2024-10-14 01:29:06] HenryTheFifth : think of all the property prices that would crash, you can own a Chris Hemsworth level property for the price of a cheeseburger if you can survive it tho
[2024-10-14 01:29:23] HenryTheFifth : so it could be very rewarding as well
[2024-10-14 01:30:03] Dario1 : lol
[2024-10-14 01:30:26] SangFrais : HenryTheFifth:
[2024-10-14 01:30:45] SangFrais : lol @ the second list
[2024-10-14 01:31:46] HenryTheFifth : the first two in that list make no sense
[2024-10-14 01:31:59] HenryTheFifth : it does, but they dont deserve to be there xD
[2024-10-14 01:32:15] HenryTheFifth : americans are just tripping, indians are delusional
[2024-10-14 01:32:38] HenryTheFifth : we have the best country here
[2024-10-14 01:32:43] SangFrais : HenryTheFifth: morocco is crazy though, they have insane officer clubs with free pizza and whiskey
[2024-10-14 01:32:51] SangFrais : i tried to get in but they thought i was a spy
[2024-10-14 01:33:05] HenryTheFifth : jesus
[2024-10-14 01:33:16] HenryTheFifth : wtf, is that true xD
[2024-10-14 01:33:24] SangFrais : yeah
[2024-10-14 01:33:42] SangFrais : at least thats what my cousin said, i just wanted free pizza and whiskey
[2024-10-14 01:33:51] SangFrais : he got kicked out too
[2024-10-14 01:34:01] SangFrais : but we fooled the guards
[2024-10-14 01:34:09] SangFrais : so first line broken
[2024-10-14 01:34:35] SangFrais : tbh i still got some pizza in the end
[2024-10-14 01:34:39] SangFrais : it wasnt that good
[2024-10-14 01:36:27] SangFrais : in the guards defense i was driving my uncles
[2024-10-14 01:36:35] SangFrais : car with military stickers
[2024-10-14 01:43:19] contract details : Dario1: they sure did destroy all ex soviet republics :arthur:
[2024-10-14 01:44:57] Dario1 : :arthur:
[2024-10-14 01:45:11] Dario1 : contract details: You mean the color revolutions with the help of George Soros or in general?
[2024-10-14 01:45:49] contract details : both
[2024-10-14 01:46:28] contract details : all that the people claming for true democracy bs
[2024-10-14 01:46:28] Dario1 : both and NATO probably wants to expand into central asian countries
[2024-10-14 01:46:35] contract details : never fails to be NATO behind :arthur:
[2024-10-14 01:46:47] Dario1 : haha 😂
[2024-10-14 01:47:04] contract details : they can't have a community of small countries join and be stable
[2024-10-14 01:47:08] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-10-14 01:47:57] Dario1 : maybe it’s because the fear the shift of power to east and want to somehow prevent it or at least slow it down
[2024-10-14 01:48:18] Dario1 : otherwise nato expansion does more harm than good
[2024-10-14 01:48:47] contract details : as long as they using immigrants in the west as cheap legal slavery instead of making people have children idk how the western ponzi won't collapse
[2024-10-14 01:48:48] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-10-14 01:49:55] Dario1 : True cheap slavery and also part of their divide and conquer strategy
[2024-10-14 01:50:16] SangFrais : contract details: most immigrants working that i saw were ukrainians and polish and other eastern europeans
[2024-10-14 01:50:41] SangFrais : but even syrian surgeons they couldnt get a job even as a nurse
[2024-10-14 01:50:47] SangFrais : so its skewed
[2024-10-14 01:52:52] Dario1 : contract details: you know create internal tension so that you can keep people busy and away from getting united against them
[2024-10-14 01:54:35] Dario1 : and once things finally get out of hand
[2024-10-14 01:55:04] Dario1 : Create their own order out of all the chaos as their favorite motto says
[2024-10-14 01:57:10] contract details : society truly is depressing :pepe:
[2024-10-14 01:57:11] Dario1 : to achieve their objectives and pave the way for "One World Order/Goverment"
[2024-10-14 01:57:23] SangFrais : Dario1: its fcked up everywhere, everyones coming here for personal gain, spanish, indians, americans, etc
[2024-10-14 01:57:51] Dario1 : contract details: yep the more you realize the more depressing it becomes
[2024-10-14 01:58:09] Dario1 : SangFrais: of course
[2024-10-14 01:58:19] Dario1 : that’s part of the plan
[2024-10-14 01:58:41] SangFrais : Dario1: we all exploit eachother
[2024-10-14 01:58:58] Dario1 : SangFrais: Is there a way to change things around?
[2024-10-14 02:00:06] SangFrais : Dario1: a lot of innocents doing something good in this world get killed so idk if you wanna be a martyr lol
[2024-10-14 02:00:16] Dario1 : SangFrais: I am also an immigrant myself 😛
[2024-10-14 02:00:28] HenryTheFifth : I want a button that says "Stay logged in for 2 years"
[2024-10-14 02:00:30] Dario1 : When I am in Spain or Dubai
[2024-10-14 02:00:36] HenryTheFifth : por favor
[2024-10-14 02:01:36] Dario1 : SangFrais: lol no martyr I wanna live at least 100 years. fck that
[2024-10-14 02:02:28] HenryTheFifth : we should do business with each other and make even more money
[2024-10-14 02:02:39] Dario1 : good idea
[2024-10-14 02:03:13] HenryTheFifth : /pnl xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 0.0017 XBT RPNL, 0.0001 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-14 02:03:29] SangFrais : lol
[2024-10-14 02:04:11] SangFrais : trade guild in hell seems nice
[2024-10-14 02:04:44] HenryTheFifth : are we going to create the most successful guild ever, so we can run shadow trades on other exchanges and blow them up in real time :arthur::arthur: just kidding
[2024-10-14 02:05:38] HenryTheFifth : someone always fills those holes in less than 2 secs
[2024-10-14 02:08:14] PeacenLuv : btfd btc pumpittupp
[2024-10-14 02:08:34] SangFrais : HenryTheFifth: i was thinking about creating a guild, but 10-50k bmex... atm idk
[2024-10-14 02:09:18] SangFrais : it seems like it might be bouncing but i might be too sceptical
[2024-10-14 02:10:07] SangFrais : 10k bmex is not that much but with 50k bmex i can have a really sick party
[2024-10-14 02:10:35] SangFrais : also im still looking at logo's and name
[2024-10-14 02:10:41] SangFrais : which is the main reason
[2024-10-14 02:11:17] SangFrais : @Dario1 please chime in
[2024-10-14 02:12:23] SangFrais : i was looking at a logo of a mix with a wolf and a submarine but then it turned out to be an already existing nazi u-boat logo
[2024-10-14 02:14:02] SangFrais : my earlier logo designs were too 18+ rated
[2024-10-14 02:17:17] SangFrais : boredom level 99
[2024-10-14 02:19:31] SangFrais : even a bear claw logo would be associated with soviet union probably
[2024-10-14 02:33:24] Dario1 : SangFrais: I already have a name and logo ready for my own guild. The same pic as my telegram profile
[2024-10-14 02:33:49] Dario1 : Maybe ask AI to make you a logo
[2024-10-14 02:34:49] Dario1 : The other day clarknova had ai making songs and cover pic for his youtube channel
[2024-10-14 02:35:20] Dario1 : He knows how to do it
[2024-10-14 02:36:04] SangFrais : Dario1: i dont like AI making designs, i played with photoshop a lot for many years
[2024-10-14 02:36:15] SangFrais : but idk about that telegram you deleted our chat
[2024-10-14 02:36:39] Dario1 : SangFrais: I gave up on photoshop years ago. Don’t have talents for that lol
[2024-10-14 02:37:01] SangFrais : Dario1: its fun when its fun
[2024-10-14 02:37:29] SangFrais : but i think i can make things a lot better than AI with designs
[2024-10-14 02:39:03] Dario1 : Yeah I made some changes on telegram, one to get alarms/notifications from trading bots, the other for chatting and joining exchanges channels
[2024-10-14 02:41:26] Dario1 : SangFrais: idk man I have seen some ai designs far better than anythung humans could produce
[2024-10-14 02:41:51] SangFrais : Dario1: send me on tg bro
[2024-10-14 02:41:58] SangFrais : very curious
[2024-10-14 02:44:12] Dario1 : SangFrais:
[2024-10-14 02:44:56] Dario1 : the other one is a golden eagle, the logo of Morals and Dogma written by albert pike, a 33rd degree freemason
[2024-10-14 02:45:45] SangFrais : Dario1: lol i was just gonna say it looks more like stolen straight out of a museum, stolen back in the ancient days instead of made by AI
[2024-10-14 02:46:07] SangFrais : a lot of guilds have logos like that though
[2024-10-14 02:46:43] SangFrais : tbh my family in real life already has a real coat of arms
[2024-10-14 02:47:02] SangFrais : so i would make it more other worldy like
[2024-10-14 02:47:05] SangFrais : but thats just me
[2024-10-14 02:47:18] Dario1 : SangFrais: New tg username is DarioTX
[2024-10-14 02:47:54] Dario1 : SangFrais: your guess is correct haha
[2024-10-14 03:17:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 100 Cont @ 149.35 ($938.35)
[2024-10-14 03:18:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 500 Cont @ 149.49 ($4,697.46) - Ciao, chow-chow!
[2024-10-14 03:23:30] PeacenLuv : 😴pittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-14 03:25:20] petermeterkneter : @admin rest api is lagging for position data
[2024-10-14 03:26:19] SangFrais : petermeterkneter: api is always lagging but at least they dont have every hour disconnects anymore
[2024-10-14 03:26:26] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 6.4258 XBT @ 63214.5 ($405,947.79) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-10-14 03:26:36] SangFrais : coinbase has more disconnects than bitmex
[2024-10-14 03:26:41] GodBleesYou : Booom
[2024-10-14 03:26:55] contract details : grug fomo
[2024-10-14 03:27:11] GodBleesYou : 405k rekt poor bear
[2024-10-14 03:27:15] SangFrais : well its not always lagging but after 1 minute passes some timeframes stop sending data
[2024-10-14 03:27:20] SangFrais : only the small time frames though
[2024-10-14 03:27:39] SangFrais : 1, 2 ,3min especially
[2024-10-14 03:27:41] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 2480.65 ($1,569.56)
[2024-10-14 03:27:45] petermeterkneter : SangFrais: yeah but its weird that different parts of the api are lagging independently
[2024-10-14 03:27:47] contract details : you can see the candles data lagging like 1m behind real time yeah
[2024-10-14 03:27:49] contract details : at close :kek:
[2024-10-14 03:27:51] petermeterkneter : trade history for example is fine right now
[2024-10-14 03:28:18] petermeterkneter : almost 3 minutes delay now on position data
[2024-10-14 03:28:25] SangFrais : petermeterkneter: yeah idk what it is either, larger timeframes work fine but they seem to stop sending data as soon as small timeframe freezes too
[2024-10-14 03:28:36] SangFrais : yeah true that
[2024-10-14 03:28:38] SangFrais : same here
[2024-10-14 03:29:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 200 Cont @ 2482.78 ($31,436.23) - Up only!
[2024-10-14 03:30:53] PeacenLuv : 😴pumpittup btc
[2024-10-14 03:31:44] voixjomz : the break
[2024-10-14 03:31:51] SangFrais : probably its like you say delay on all, but my count down keep going on other time frames
[2024-10-14 03:32:09] SangFrais : which is software not api prolly
[2024-10-14 03:34:26] SangFrais : api is the issue tho
[2024-10-14 03:34:54] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SOLUSD`: Buy 6200 Cont @ 150.34 ($59,096.59) - 🚀 🚀 🚀
[2024-10-14 03:34:54] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 150 Cont @ 2484.3 ($23,626.07) - Check your inbox
[2024-10-14 03:35:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSD`: Buy 4 Cont @ 0.11189 ($28.46)
[2024-10-14 03:36:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 15 Cont @ 0.5355 ($102.24)
[2024-10-14 03:36:58] SangNeuf : if that wasn't clear enough
[2024-10-14 03:37:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSDT`: Buy 0.1300 XBT @ 63714.8 ($8,278.25)
[2024-10-14 03:37:21] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 227800 USD @ 63723.6 - Wallet's on a diet now!
[2024-10-14 03:37:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSDT`: Buy 1500 XRP @ 0.5365 ($803.58)
[2024-10-14 03:37:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 60000 USD @ 63732.5 - Are ya winning, son?
[2024-10-14 03:37:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 15 Cont @ 2498.61 ($2,388.79) - RIP
[2024-10-14 03:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XRPUSD`: Buy 925 Cont @ 0.5372 ($6,335.50) - RIP
[2024-10-14 03:38:02] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ADAUSD`: Buy 200 Cont @ 0.3522 ($449.09)
[2024-10-14 03:41:35] Dario1 : Take that bear bros :kek:
[2024-10-14 03:42:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 78900 USD @ 63969.9 - all the 🩳 will be REKT!
[2024-10-14 03:42:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 1 Cont @ 2509.27 ($160.52)
[2024-10-14 03:42:49] SangFrais : Dario1: you tried to warn them
[2024-10-14 03:43:18] Dario1 : SangFrais: you warned them as well bro
[2024-10-14 03:43:47] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 80 Cont @ 2518.37 ($12,913.55) - Wallet's feeling lighter, huh?
[2024-10-14 03:44:48] Sir.LongCorn : PUMMMMMMP
[2024-10-14 03:44:51] Sir.LongCorn : IT
[2024-10-14 03:45:36] HenryTheFifth : lool this is the most blatant bull trap
[2024-10-14 03:46:37] lelskates : LOLLLLLLLL
[2024-10-14 03:46:39] lelskates : GOD CANDLE
[2024-10-14 03:46:45] lelskates : BEARAS ANUS REKT
[2024-10-14 03:46:55] HenryTheFifth : not mine :P you guys have 10 hours before you're rekt
[2024-10-14 03:47:45] petermeterkneter : 500s delay now on position data lul
[2024-10-14 03:47:51] HenryTheFifth : I bet my arse the week will begin with a bloodbath
[2024-10-14 03:47:58] HenryTheFifth : it starts soon
[2024-10-14 03:47:59] petermeterkneter : any admins here?
[2024-10-14 03:48:12] kchaitanya : HenryTheFifth: you are the one and only original
[2024-10-14 03:48:15] kchaitanya : :arthur:
[2024-10-14 03:48:16] HenryTheFifth : I'm an aspiring admin
[2024-10-14 03:48:20] HenryTheFifth : :kek:
[2024-10-14 03:48:26] kchaitanya : HenryTheFifth: :kek:
[2024-10-14 03:48:31] TG_undefined : MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[2024-10-14 03:48:54] lelskates : hahaha
[2024-10-14 03:48:57] lelskates : @TG_undefined
[2024-10-14 03:49:01] lelskates : @HenryTheFifth
[2024-10-14 03:49:01] TG_undefined : mooooooo mooooooooooo
[2024-10-14 03:49:03] lelskates : y mad bra
[2024-10-14 03:49:33] TG_undefined : im max long lmfao up your bloodlines networth
[2024-10-14 03:49:40] HenryTheFifth : most of my positions were between 64-67k not mad, I was expecting this
[2024-10-14 03:50:18] HenryTheFifth : mo money in da bag
[2024-10-14 03:50:44] TG_undefined : I LOVE BITCOIN GREATEST ASSET ON EARTH
[2024-10-14 03:50:57] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:50:58] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:50:58] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:50:59] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:50:59] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:50:59] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:50:59] contract details : :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
[2024-10-14 03:51:01] contract details : :pepe:
[2024-10-14 03:51:06] lelskates : we going 65 for sure
[2024-10-14 03:51:07] lelskates : nothing but air
[2024-10-14 03:51:15] TG_undefined : I WILL NEVER TALK SHIT ABOUT CRYPTO AGAIN
[2024-10-14 03:51:46] TG_undefined : ITS NOT A SCAM
[2024-10-14 03:51:52] GodBleesYou : Jajaja
[2024-10-14 03:52:09] GodBleesYou : Badger we love you
[2024-10-14 03:52:19] TG_undefined : fucking bitcoin man
[2024-10-14 03:52:58] TG_undefined : putting every dollar I have into bitcoin forever
[2024-10-14 03:54:11] TG_undefined : anyways this is definitely the top
[2024-10-14 03:54:44] TG_undefined : fkin btc put me on a rollercoaster thank god I caught a long i wouldve had to kms if i missed this move
[2024-10-14 03:56:33] TG_undefined : had me in the first half ngl
[2024-10-14 03:56:34] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 9300 USD @ 64252.5
[2024-10-14 03:56:43] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 20000 USD @ 64275.8
[2024-10-14 03:57:04] TG_undefined : REKT BEAR MEAT 🔪🥩🐻
[2024-10-14 03:57:08] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 100 USD @ 64296.4 - this was the last penny!
[2024-10-14 03:57:59] bluemaster : 😎 :me:
[2024-10-14 04:00:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 575100 USD @ 64347.8 - Bye Bye butterfly!
[2024-10-14 04:00:23] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTZ24`: Sell 6500 USD @ 65389.5
[2024-10-14 04:00:33] lelskates : Oooof
[2024-10-14 04:01:16] TG_undefined : we go back to my original short entry at 65.4
[2024-10-14 04:01:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `DOGEUSD`: Buy 199 Cont @ 0.11323 ($1,452.19)
[2024-10-14 04:01:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 210 Cont @ 2534.51 ($34,302.19) - There goes ur space money
[2024-10-14 04:01:58] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2000 USD @ 64454.3
[2024-10-14 04:10:57] Sir.LongCorn : FULL BERA CAPITULATION SOON
[2024-10-14 04:11:10] Sir.LongCorn : ABORT SHORT
[2024-10-14 04:12:02] ArcLight : Comon it's time to say goodbye to 64k.... weeks of fighting around this level
[2024-10-14 04:12:29] XRP GOD : Sir.LongCorn: :doge:
[2024-10-14 04:13:10] XRP GOD : booooom :catjam:
[2024-10-14 04:14:19] Sir.LongCorn : XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-10-14 04:14:32] Sir.LongCorn : should I go 250x long with guild's pot?
[2024-10-14 04:14:56] petermeterkneter : nice, api delay is fixed
[2024-10-14 04:15:21] bluemaster : /position xbtv24 ``` :bitmex: XBTV24: 100,700 USD @ 66062.8522 ```
[2024-10-14 04:15:25] petermeterkneter : guess thats the top then?
[2024-10-14 04:15:33] HenryTheFifth : if it stays above 64k for the next X mins
[2024-10-14 04:15:34] HenryTheFifth : go ahead
[2024-10-14 04:15:41] bluemaster : /position xbtz24 ``` :bitmex: XBTZ24: 238,900 USD @ 63474.7339 ```
[2024-10-14 04:15:47] HenryTheFifth : or get it at a better bargain
[2024-10-14 04:15:49] bluemaster : /position xbth25 ``` :bitmex: XBTH25: 238,000 USD @ 65298.4465 ```
[2024-10-14 04:15:57] HenryTheFifth : go go go go
[2024-10-14 04:15:59] bluemaster : /position xbtm25 ``` :bitmex: XBTM25: 105,400 USD @ 66259.8313 ```
[2024-10-14 04:16:09] bluemaster : 😁
[2024-10-14 04:16:18] HenryTheFifth : if guild pot trade sticks divide it among us for a holiday
[2024-10-14 04:16:25] HenryTheFifth : we choose a pacific island as guild
[2024-10-14 04:17:05] I Love BitMEX : F
[2024-10-14 04:17:20] I Love BitMEX : What a scam
[2024-10-14 04:17:35] bluemaster :
[2024-10-14 04:17:37] Sir.LongCorn : HenryTheFifth: I put you pot trader,
[2024-10-14 04:17:47] Sir.LongCorn : don't REKT it too quick 😂
[2024-10-14 04:18:36] HenryTheFifth : aaa I can manage our treasury now
[2024-10-14 04:18:40] tozak : here comes the rug...
[2024-10-14 04:18:50] HenryTheFifth : don't worry, under my treasury ministry, we will turn into the next Switzerland in less than 3 weeks
[2024-10-14 04:18:55] HenryTheFifth : hold on tight to your seats boys
[2024-10-14 04:19:03] Sir.LongCorn : lol lets GO
[2024-10-14 04:21:43] tozak : nearly time for the God candle, just $400 more to go
[2024-10-14 04:22:07] tozak : Epelepsi Strobe Lights for Everyone
[2024-10-14 04:22:13] Sir.LongCorn : PUMP CANOON LOADING :btc:
[2024-10-14 04:22:35] XRP GOD : Sir.LongCorn: no wait for better entry
[2024-10-14 04:22:38] HenryTheFifth : its just slightly late, I really dont want to take a trade with the pot at this entry though, I have a safer target
[2024-10-14 04:22:49] HenryTheFifth : perfect coincidence -
[2024-10-14 04:23:10] Sir.LongCorn : ok u guyz know better I only know how to get REKT :kek:
[2024-10-14 04:24:04] XRP GOD : tozak: :catjam:
[2024-10-14 04:24:19] tozak : XRP GOD: fun times
[2024-10-14 04:24:22] XRP GOD : Sir.LongCorn: I was sleeping wen we pumped 😂
[2024-10-14 04:24:31] I Love BitMEX : Chinese researchers have reportedly claimed to have successfully breached the encryption algorithms used in banking and crypto using a quantum computer. Shanghai University researchers led by Wang Chao claimed they used a quantum computer produced by Canada’s D-Wave Systems to breach the algorithms through quantum annealing, which involves searching for the lowest energy state, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Oct. 11.
[2024-10-14 04:24:33] tozak : no time for that
[2024-10-14 04:24:38] XRP GOD : tozak: :catjam:
[2024-10-14 04:25:14] HenryTheFifth : when did we even accumulate this sht
[2024-10-14 04:25:23] HenryTheFifth : it must be Pilot's contributions :arthur:
[2024-10-14 04:29:49] XRP GOD : HenryTheFifth: we going for 100k 🫡
[2024-10-14 04:29:59] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin encryption hacked
[2024-10-14 04:30:02] I Love BitMEX : Bye crypto
[2024-10-14 04:31:50] I Love BitMEX : Scientists breach cryptographic algorithms with quantum computer: SCMP Oct 14, 202403:07 UTC Chinese researchers have reportedly claimed to have successfully breached the encryption algorithms used in banking and crypto using a quantum computer. Shanghai University researchers led by Wang Chao claimed they used a quantum computer produced by Canada’s D-Wave Systems to breach the algorithms through quantum annealing, which involves searching for the lowest energy state, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Oct. 11. The researchers targeted the Present, Gift-64, and Rectangle algorithms — the foundation for the Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) structure, which backs the advanced encryption standards (AES) widely used to encrypt cryptocurrency wallets.
[2024-10-14 04:32:15] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin is dead
[2024-10-14 04:32:15] HenryTheFifth : my research was on postquantum crypto with daniel bernstein 15 years ago
[2024-10-14 04:32:32] HenryTheFifth : what do you think they've been doing for decades, preparing their arseholes for china to penetrate xD
[2024-10-14 04:32:49] Sir.LongCorn : HenryTheFifth: I put $100 initially, we traded it a bit with @XRP GOD
[2024-10-14 04:33:15] HenryTheFifth : I didnt work with the man but it was related to his work
[2024-10-14 04:33:54] HenryTheFifth : if they were successful in practice though, they could move funds from satoshi's wallet right now
[2024-10-14 04:33:59] HenryTheFifth : so they're prob full of sht :arthur:
[2024-10-14 04:34:33] HenryTheFifth : maybe the qubits are not as efficient nao
[2024-10-14 04:34:45] HenryTheFifth : GET THESE MF QUBITS WORKING
[2024-10-14 04:35:00] HenryTheFifth : THEYRE SO UNSTABLE MAN
[2024-10-14 04:35:43] HenryTheFifth : 🤲 uptrend
[2024-10-14 04:35:54] HenryTheFifth : :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:
[2024-10-14 04:36:00] Sir.LongCorn : the book is hot
[2024-10-14 04:37:06] I Love BitMEX : Look at all these fools rejoicing that their crypto was jail broke
[2024-10-14 04:37:51] Sir.LongCorn : 🚨 MOON ALERT 🚨
[2024-10-14 04:37:55] Sir.LongCorn : THE MOON IS RISING
[2024-10-14 04:38:03] Sir.LongCorn : 🌝🌝🌝
[2024-10-14 04:38:05] I Love BitMEX : I may have lost money today but crypto is going now to 0 lmao chinese cracked sha256
[2024-10-14 04:38:16] I Love BitMEX : Goodbye suckers
[2024-10-14 04:38:20] I Love BitMEX : /zen 4h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 4 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ```
[2024-10-14 04:39:45] tozak : Go China!
[2024-10-14 04:41:46] XRP GOD : Sir.LongCorn: I’m gona long the retest
[2024-10-14 04:41:52] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-10-14 04:42:00] Sir.LongCorn : XRP GOD: gl
[2024-10-14 04:42:17] Sir.LongCorn : I wanted to go long this morning but I missed the pump was suden and fast
[2024-10-14 04:42:26] HenryTheFifth : check this out !
[2024-10-14 04:42:28] HenryTheFifth : turns out I was right
[2024-10-14 04:42:30] XRP GOD : Sir.LongCorn: same hehe
[2024-10-14 04:42:37] HenryTheFifth : "Bitcoin's cryptography requires a stable, massive qubit system—like we're talking millions—and they’re stuck in the few-thousand range at best. So, unless they get a quantum leap forward, Bitcoin's safe for now."
[2024-10-14 04:42:48] HenryTheFifth : they're just going through some ancient military algos
[2024-10-14 04:43:23] HenryTheFifth : its still crazy though even if they're ahead of west
[2024-10-14 04:45:03] any random name : I Love BitMEX: where is the proof of your claim? Chinese say allot of things
[2024-10-14 04:45:21] HenryTheFifth :
[2024-10-14 04:48:14] Sir.LongCorn : Soon the Chinese will go on the other side of the moon and they will see what we all know
[2024-10-14 04:48:24] Sir.LongCorn : that Stanley Kubric never was there
[2024-10-14 04:50:54] MANsa_MOONsa : i missed the pump
[2024-10-14 04:51:05] MANsa_MOONsa : /pnl pepeusd ``` :bitmex: PEPEUSD: -0.0019 XBT RPNL, 0.0191 XBT UPNL ```
[2024-10-14 04:51:09] MANsa_MOONsa : FML
[2024-10-14 04:54:17] Sputnik V : dump imminent
[2024-10-14 04:55:20] any random name : MANsa_MOONsa: missed it too haha
[2024-10-14 04:55:29] XRP GOD : MANsa_MOONsa: don’t worry we will get another setup
[2024-10-14 04:55:50] MANsa_MOONsa : ETH GOD ANDLE LOADING
[2024-10-14 04:56:02] any random name : MANsa_MOONsa: you can short it.. but watch it!!!
[2024-10-14 04:56:05] XRP GOD : Sir.LongCorn: took profit will buy back cheaper
[2024-10-14 04:56:11] TG_undefined : free short
[2024-10-14 04:56:38] Sir.LongCorn : XRP GOD: :doge:
[2024-10-14 05:00:01] yellowpig : 🐽
[2024-10-14 05:05:50] Sputnik V : :bog: he bought?
[2024-10-14 05:05:56] Sir.LongCorn : :bog:
[2024-10-14 05:08:43] XRP GOD : :doge:
[2024-10-14 05:09:17] XRP GOD : yellowpig: :catjam:
[2024-10-14 05:09:27] vbob : :pepe:
[2024-10-14 05:12:44] Mr.Kazi : who knew about this move
[2024-10-14 05:12:58] Mr.Kazi : beras😄
[2024-10-14 05:13:23] Mr.Kazi : shall we 66k
[2024-10-14 05:13:39] Mr.Kazi : and then 73k>100k>1M
[2024-10-14 05:15:09] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 600 USD @ 63888.1 - 🐳
[2024-10-14 05:36:13] al guul : gm gentlemen!
[2024-10-14 05:37:39] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.0235 XBT @ 63840.2 ($1,499.20)
[2024-10-14 05:38:14] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 10000 USD @ 63756
[2024-10-14 05:51:05] vbob : 62 first just to create mass confusion
[2024-10-14 06:01:13] al guul :
[2024-10-14 06:02:20] 45th_blown_account : Monday = delulus broken dreams day :pepe:
[2024-10-14 06:05:37] BMEXcheers :
[2024-10-14 06:23:39] al guul : next stop 65.5 :btc:
[2024-10-14 06:35:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `SAGAUSDT`: Buy 2 SAGA @ 3.0072 ($5.87)
[2024-10-14 06:47:43] 45th_blown_account : China to issue $325 BILLION in bonds to boost economy , new chinese stimuli :pepe: Chy- na
[2024-10-14 06:52:18] Fund Sucker : 45th_blown_account: I bought a big chunk of a china etf about 2/3 months ago. It was down 15% a month later. Now sitting up over 10%. What a turnaround
[2024-10-14 06:55:01] Fund Sucker : I won't be selling any time soon. Patiently waiting for USA to go bust
[2024-10-14 06:55:47] 45th_blown_account : Fund Sucker: GL , i wish they moon :doge:
[2024-10-14 06:56:45] Fund Sucker : 45th_blown_account: I wouldn't take my mortgage on it 😂
[2024-10-14 06:56:54] Fund Sucker : Stake*
[2024-10-14 06:58:04] al guul : sui is a sure thing
[2024-10-14 07:02:31] _fred bloggs : until it rugs
[2024-10-14 07:28:05] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!!