This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here. BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.
Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again. But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.
You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation
<< >> English 中文 Русский 한국어 日本語 Español Français [2024-10-13 17:26:24] Dario1 : Many people were complaining to admins why it was not possible [2024-10-13 17:26:41] FishyGuy : oh wow, error. ffs [2024-10-13 17:27:08] Dario1 : lol [2024-10-13 17:27:26] FishyGuy : erm, join via IRC instead if that's even still possible, then ignore that way but effort. Not had IRC open for years [2024-10-13 17:28:19] BMEXcheers : its almost like the bitmex team dont think about the features they release [2024-10-13 17:28:40] Dario1 : FishyGuy: yeah that might work out, but I think admins will stop them this week, considering the high number of complaints [2024-10-13 17:28:50] FishyGuy : "Why don't we disable charts and order book, it'll make the site leaner!" [2024-10-13 17:29:23] FishyGuy : @Dario1 Hope so, been a few weeks of pointless drivel [2024-10-13 17:29:32] Dario1 : FishyGuy: indeed [2024-10-13 17:30:13] Symbiolith : hi [2024-10-13 17:30:14] Symbiolith : # [2024-10-13 17:43:40] Gandalf the Grey : 60600 baby sendu [2024-10-13 17:43:45] Gandalf the Grey : then mmooooon [2024-10-13 17:44:35] macieq : 64k soon [2024-10-13 17:45:48] Dario1 : BMEXcheers: You’re right. I told admins months ago it was not the best idea to allow people without bitmex account to spam trollbox from telegram. Even told them malicious actors would abuse this feature to damage bitmex and bully their enemies with multiple fake telegram accounts. Now months later they are starting to realize after receiving many complains. [2024-10-13 17:48:32] TG_undefined : What happend to the 🚀🚀🚀🚀??? [2024-10-13 17:48:59] Gandalf the Grey : shit went boom boom [2024-10-13 17:49:06] Gandalf the Grey : we dropped like 2 percent, it is ok [2024-10-13 17:49:13] Gandalf the Grey : only degens died [2024-10-13 17:49:20] Gandalf the Grey : normal people will die later [2024-10-13 17:51:23] megaka5 : so i guess no 63100 shorts for me :( [2024-10-13 17:52:50] r1pp3r : megaka5: every short shall be filled :rocket: [2024-10-13 17:53:58] BMEXcheers : Dario1: i only noticed the TG accounts in the last few weeks, maybe when users started using them [2024-10-13 17:54:05] BMEXcheers : still, bad move [2024-10-13 17:56:37] macieq : 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [2024-10-13 18:00:33] Dario1 : BMEXcheers: yes took a while before people started noticing this feature because normal people just use their bitmex account to talk. It’s only the malicious ones that see the benefits of tg 😛 [2024-10-13 18:00:39] Dario1 : yep still bad move [2024-10-13 18:09:25] BMEXcheers : the 'b' in bitmex stands for 'bad' [2024-10-13 18:11:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 300 USD @ 62351.2 - 😂 [2024-10-13 18:20:17] PeacenLuv : prolly see 60.5k [2024-10-13 18:20:58] Gandalf the Grey : I aim for that too [2024-10-13 18:21:07] Gandalf the Grey : So it wont go there most likely lol [2024-10-13 18:23:12] PeacenLuv : or deeper [2024-10-13 18:26:44] Gandalf the Grey : doubt deeper [2024-10-13 18:37:46] The Emerging Bull : If 60.6 fails probably going to 58k [2024-10-13 18:38:22] MrBritcoin : The Emerging Bull: fridays move was suspect [2024-10-13 18:39:31] MrBritcoin : seemed abit of a dead cat bounce [2024-10-13 18:40:09] The Emerging Bull : MrBritcoin: Yes, but was also a possibhle double bottom. CME closed around 63k tho [2024-10-13 18:40:17] BMEXcheers : Friday's bulls are Monday's insurance fund [2024-10-13 18:40:22] BMEXcheers : ce la vie [2024-10-13 18:41:18] MrBritcoin : yes lets not forget the gap at 52k to 54k [2024-10-13 18:42:18] The Emerging Bull : There's one at 66k too and one at 9.6k [2024-10-13 18:44:10] MrBritcoin : The Emerging Bull: the one above was filled with wick [2024-10-13 18:44:52] MrBritcoin : the 8k was traded much so its void [2024-10-13 18:45:19] MrBritcoin : 50s area have not been traded much at all [2024-10-13 18:46:06] MrBritcoin : iv a feeling this week aint going to be good [2024-10-13 18:46:55] The Emerging Bull : Really? I was thinking indices pull back a little but then go on a run and close higher tomo. [2024-10-13 18:49:45] MrBritcoin : The Emerging Bull: well that pattern iv sent you on x privately was the inverse of what made us pump here [2024-10-13 18:50:42] The Emerging Bull : MrBritcoin: Thanks, i'll take a look now [2024-10-13 18:51:10] MrBritcoin : k [2024-10-13 18:52:44] MrBritcoin : im not saying there aint more to the upside to come but [2024-10-13 18:53:14] MrBritcoin : i dont like what im seeing [2024-10-13 18:53:44] The Emerging Bull : MrBritcoin: yeh, i think you are right. Can always re-enter when it holds 64k. [2024-10-13 18:53:46] BMEXcheers : truth be told, btc is old and crypto is trash [2024-10-13 18:53:50] BMEXcheers : people moved on [2024-10-13 18:54:04] BMEXcheers : fads come and go [2024-10-13 18:54:09] BMEXcheers : like pokemon cards [2024-10-13 18:54:12] BMEXcheers : or beanie babies [2024-10-13 18:54:16] BMEXcheers : or tiktok [2024-10-13 18:54:20] BMEXcheers : or AI [2024-10-13 18:56:31] Dario1 : BMEXcheers: I concur and google trend confirms what you say [2024-10-13 18:56:33] Dario1 : [2024-10-13 18:58:16] Dario1 : MrBritcoin: Yes we have a CME gap at 52k. I just hope if it wants to dip then make it at least 40k 😛 [2024-10-13 18:59:11] I Love BitMEX : Bulls I will literally piss on your graves. Your biggest mistake was to touch crypto. Stay away and never come back. [2024-10-13 18:59:21] I Love BitMEX : That's a friendly advice. [2024-10-13 18:59:27] 45th_blown_account : small delulus waiting for btc moon :arthur: [2024-10-13 19:00:20] I Love BitMEX : I am a man who has seen ALL scams in crypto. I may sound sour but I am doing this for a higher purpose. To clean the world out criminals. [2024-10-13 19:00:24] I Love BitMEX : Out of. [2024-10-13 19:01:15] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: Without solid evidences you won’t get very far and you can’t find those on trollbox mate [2024-10-13 19:01:23] I Love BitMEX : There are literally idiots seeing my text in this exchange and go hey look ILb said they so we counter trade him. Little do they know and just waste their money on and on and on and on [2024-10-13 19:01:42] I Love BitMEX : So yeah bear brothers [2024-10-13 19:01:47] I Love BitMEX : Grab a bag of popcorn [2024-10-13 19:01:53] I Love BitMEX : And enjoy the fireworks [2024-10-13 19:01:55] I Love BitMEX : Good night. [2024-10-13 19:02:17] BMEXcheers : even the gambling aspect of btc will wear off as the price doesnt move as quick [2024-10-13 19:04:04] Dario1 : Your prediction rate the past 2-3 weeks was very disastrous. Even if it dumps to 0 as you predict, it will not improve your accuracy, will only improve it slightly and besides every dead clock is once twice a day 😂 [2024-10-13 19:04:12] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: [2024-10-13 19:05:07] Dario1 : dead clock is right* twice a day [2024-10-13 19:07:05] Dario1 : The times of trying to act like thugs on trollbox with aggressive behaviour, wishing death to whoever contradicts you, saying you will piss on their face or grave is over [2024-10-13 19:07:28] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: learn some manners or take your pill before coming here and harassing people [2024-10-13 19:14:38] MrBritcoin : The Emerging Bull: we cant trust blackrock thats for sure there involved in every thing an now own 3% of cerculating bitcoin [2024-10-13 19:15:23] MrBritcoin : hence the funny market moves there stripping all traders of there assets [2024-10-13 19:16:45] The Emerging Bull : Makes sense. Could be a short if it wicks to 63.5 again [2024-10-13 19:18:23] MrBritcoin : The Emerging Bull: the weekly looks very bartish to me [2024-10-13 19:18:48] The Emerging Bull : MrBritcoin: yes i agree. If it closes below 62k there's an hns too with MM to 61k [2024-10-13 19:20:00] I Love BitMEX : **kids think crypto is safe space. How cute** [2024-10-13 19:24:49] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: you remind of someone who was spamming similar lines during the entire bull market from 15k to 70k and he got rekt hard and he still doesn’t know what shame is. If you think it will go to 0 as you say then your 50x leverage will rekt you like it did multiple times the past few weeks until you had to post your wallet address asking for donations [2024-10-13 19:25:35] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: And you call others kids and cute etc? lmao you are the only clueless kid here [2024-10-13 19:27:44] Dario1 : Dunning–Kruger effect [2024-10-13 19:27:46] Dario1 : [2024-10-13 19:28:03] Dario1 : the less they know, the more over-confident they get [2024-10-13 19:29:54] I Love BitMEX : Keep projecting 😂 [2024-10-13 19:30:00] I Love BitMEX : 🤡 [2024-10-13 19:31:45] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: you will post your wallet address again asking for donations. You are the last person who should be overconfident thinking you know it all :clown: [2024-10-13 19:32:19] I Love BitMEX : Dario1: yeah? Tell me my wallet address then [2024-10-13 19:32:21] I Love BitMEX : :)))) [2024-10-13 19:32:43] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: clearly trading is not for you. Go find a job instead of harassing people here [2024-10-13 19:33:22] I Love BitMEX : **bulls longed 62475** ALL ABOARD! [2024-10-13 19:33:45] I Love BitMEX : **bull liquidations at 62325** [2024-10-13 19:34:07] Dario1 : Over-leveraged bulls and bears both get rekt eventually [2024-10-13 19:34:24] contract details : :pepe: [2024-10-13 19:34:34] contract details : if i had 20 btc i would be very happy on 0,1x too [2024-10-13 19:34:35] contract details : :arthur: [2024-10-13 19:34:51] Dario1 : true :arthur: [2024-10-13 19:35:07] contract details : i think you still be profitable with high leverage [2024-10-13 19:35:25] I Love BitMEX : When pump bulls? [2024-10-13 19:35:27] contract details : but :pepe: [2024-10-13 19:35:51] Dario1 : We had the same discussion before. High leverage only makes sense with trending/scalping bot#. Doing it manually will eventually get us rekt [2024-10-13 19:36:05] I Love BitMEX : Come on bulls when pump? [2024-10-13 19:36:07] I Love BitMEX : 😂 [2024-10-13 19:36:28] I Love BitMEX : Yes yes buy buy [2024-10-13 19:36:37] contract details : starts in 2h 24m [2024-10-13 19:36:39] contract details : :arthur: [2024-10-13 19:36:43] I Love BitMEX : **all in 100x long** [2024-10-13 19:39:34] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: anything beyond 50x is no longer trading [2024-10-13 19:39:43] Dario1 : it’s gambling [2024-10-13 19:40:14] I Love BitMEX : Again you know nothing about crypto [2024-10-13 19:40:16] I Love BitMEX : :))) [2024-10-13 19:40:20] al guul : Dario1: :) [2024-10-13 19:40:26] al guul : +1 [2024-10-13 19:40:39] I Love BitMEX : I go away just to not have brain rot from reading your comments [2024-10-13 19:40:42] I Love BitMEX : /zen 2h ``` :bitmex: Enjoy your 2 hours zen mode I Love BitMEX. Please contact support if you want to chat sooner. ``` [2024-10-13 19:41:01] Dario1 : al guul: +1 back ser. Mahalo ! [2024-10-13 19:45:04] Dario1 : I Love BitMEX: I am not the only one confronting your nonsense talk and aggressive ill-behaviour towards others. No wonder several people asked for your perma-ban in the past few days. Improve your attitude and stop harassing others and I will leave you alone. Continue the same path and get perma-banned again for years [2024-10-13 19:47:55] BMEXcheers : ive muted him [2024-10-13 19:47:57] BMEXcheers : :¬) [2024-10-13 19:48:07] BMEXcheers : thats the best part about tb [2024-10-13 19:48:10] BMEXcheers : mute n move on [2024-10-13 19:48:37] Dario1 : Wise move. I will mute him as wel [2024-10-13 19:49:05] contract details : Dario1: man 50x is your limit? [2024-10-13 19:49:11] contract details : what a degen [2024-10-13 19:49:13] contract details : :arthur: [2024-10-13 19:52:45] PunkJunk : 🚀🚀🚀™️🚀🚀🚀™️🚀🚀🚀™️ [2024-10-13 19:53:25] Dario1 : contract details: for bots yes and not all the time. Only when there is a confluence of many factors. With manual trading max 2x, but I occasionally go 50x when I am in gambling mood but that’s just for fun. No serious trade of course. How about you? [2024-10-13 19:56:16] contract details : anything above 5x i dont like it, even 3x. But i've been playing with a scalping account with degen leverage on indices, getting more comfortable with it. I prefer building 1x swings so i can sleep and not look at it every hour :pepe: [2024-10-13 19:57:34] Dario1 : Nice! Good to hear you are doing well [2024-10-13 19:59:08] contract details : im not :Arthur: [2024-10-13 19:59:28] contract details : i got over some things so im not losing moneys spamming orders at least [2024-10-13 19:59:28] Dario1 : You are on the right path tho [2024-10-13 19:59:42] contract details : got one account up 10% but i forget to trade it [2024-10-13 19:59:46] contract details : here i dont bother [2024-10-13 20:00:26] contract details : the scalping one i had 8 days green 1 red, i almost blew it all up that day. Scalping when in a bad mood is really dangerous [2024-10-13 20:00:27] Dario1 : What do you mean by forgot to trade it? [2024-10-13 20:01:02] contract details : that, i dont have anything centralized and I just didnt remember to open trades on that account :arthur: [2024-10-13 20:01:32] Pilot : Hello, everyone [2024-10-13 20:01:35] Pilot : How is your floght [2024-10-13 20:01:38] Pilot : /since ``` :bitmex: Pilot has been on BitMEX since Aug 20, 2016. ``` [2024-10-13 20:01:49] contract details : flat [2024-10-13 20:01:55] contract details : plane goes ----- [2024-10-13 20:02:08] Dario1 : contract details: :arthur: [2024-10-13 20:02:34] Pilot : Should I crash the olan [2024-10-13 20:02:39] TG_fivepocketsfull : well lads [2024-10-13 20:02:40] Pilot : *plane [2024-10-13 20:03:42] TG_fivepocketsfull : well lads [2024-10-13 20:04:27] TG_fivepocketsfull : im ready to go back to work.... ive been rekt [2024-10-13 20:09:36] petermeterkneter : TG_fivepocketsfull: congrats! [2024-10-13 20:10:34] TG_fivepocketsfull : do i get some type of reward? or do i just sell one of my cars and get back to work? [2024-10-13 20:11:02] petermeterkneter : TG_fivepocketsfull: hmm you could sell your ass instead? [2024-10-13 20:11:22] TG_fivepocketsfull : my ass already been rekt from markets though [2024-10-13 20:11:58] contract details : TG_fivepocketsfull: sell one of your cars [2024-10-13 20:12:07] contract details : :arthur: [2024-10-13 20:14:04] Null haos house : 44k monday in few hours [2024-10-13 20:14:05] TG_fivepocketsfull : at what point does someone seek therapy for being a degenerate? or do you just keep playing? [2024-10-13 20:14:44] Null haos house : longers still in the long from 72k lol [2024-10-13 20:14:55] Null haos house : 😳 [2024-10-13 20:39:43] contract details : TG_fivepocketsfull: you write a diary of degeneracy and read it every weekend [2024-10-13 20:39:55] contract details : then stop doing the things that hurt you and keep doing the ones that you like [2024-10-13 20:40:00] contract details : like everything else in life :pepe: [2024-10-13 20:45:05] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: my love ;). [2024-10-13 20:52:06] Berner432 : im buying more [2024-10-13 20:52:13] Berner432 : look Google search [2024-10-13 20:52:20] Berner432 : we have abundances [2024-10-13 20:52:42] Berner432 : bernie, original text. [2024-10-13 20:52:46] Berner432 : - [2024-10-13 20:53:02] Berner432 : oh you got to love it baby [2024-10-13 20:53:45] Berner432 : motherfkers want us dead boy [2024-10-13 20:54:00] Berner432 : no time for a salad bar you punk man bun btch [2024-10-13 20:54:02] contract details : how much are you buying bernies [2024-10-13 20:54:31] Berner432 : alots of thems 4 Bern's and frenz :) [2024-10-13 20:55:06] Berner432 : happily everly after in death star headquarter champer 66 [2024-10-13 20:55:23] Berner432 : if i get hungry for some good [2024-10-13 20:55:43] Berner432 : i command the statship to portal shirt into your milky way system [2024-10-13 20:56:08] Berner432 : then i order one of these punk btchs to split it in or half or ill have them ejected [2024-10-13 20:56:22] Berner432 : i then proceed to vacuum your species planets core out [2024-10-13 20:56:41] Berner432 : i them order the boys to process that rock to powder our dirty habit noses [2024-10-13 20:56:54] Berner432 : you little punk btch [2024-10-13 20:57:27] doublecheese : Hello frens. Cheese is still holding! [2024-10-13 20:57:31] doublecheese : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 4,000 USD @ 60803.9498 ``` [2024-10-13 20:57:36] doublecheese : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 3 Cont @ 2407.69 ``` [2024-10-13 20:57:40] doublecheese : /liq xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 43762.4 ``` [2024-10-13 20:57:59] Berner432 : just a daily occurrence for us when we have all this tech [2024-10-13 20:58:23] Berner432 : peeling planets like hazzlenuts [2024-10-13 20:58:47] Berner432 : just joking i am actually a man of god [2024-10-13 20:59:03] Berner432 : now send it to 100k [2024-10-13 21:02:22] tozak : gm guyd [2024-10-13 21:02:27] tozak : *guys [2024-10-13 21:02:49] SimioLong : WHAT THE ACTUAL FUQ IS GOING ON? :O [2024-10-13 21:02:51] tozak : Did we bounce off of 69K or something? why we 62? [2024-10-13 21:03:00] Berner432 : fina long or short this flag [2024-10-13 21:03:12] tozak : Is this twilight aone? [2024-10-13 21:03:13] al guul : 🐍 [2024-10-13 21:03:57] Berner432 : ill be back if it moves more than 5% on daily [2024-10-13 21:03:58] tozak : OMG are we STILL ranging? [2024-10-13 21:04:08] tozak : WTAF? [2024-10-13 21:04:11] Berner432 : i got to make other moneys in real life sometimes [2024-10-13 21:04:40] tozak : glad I didnt wait up all night then... [2024-10-13 21:06:23] tozak : No wonder theres like probably only 20 people left in the world actually trying to trade BTC atm [2024-10-13 21:08:43] tozak : Wait..... that is a breakout pattern like its the extension 1 2 3 4 A B C D (Extension) (Breakout) [2024-10-13 21:09:09] danielm11 : you're just in time for the fireworks [2024-10-13 21:09:15] tozak : No more dips, higer low formed [2024-10-13 21:09:24] tozak : goodie [2024-10-13 21:10:44] Berner432 : technical analysis is overrated [2024-10-13 21:11:22] tozak : wheres everyone else but? [2024-10-13 21:11:35] Berner432 : focus on other important aspects rather [2024-10-13 21:11:47] danielm11 : they are all dead, its just us now [2024-10-13 21:11:54] Berner432 : unless you have a programmers mind [2024-10-13 21:12:00] Berner432 : and coding [2024-10-13 21:12:00] tozak : hmmm mokay [2024-10-13 21:12:10] Berner432 : or make own indicators [2024-10-13 21:12:17] tozak : you long or short? [2024-10-13 21:12:19] Berner432 : or understand the broad macros of economy [2024-10-13 21:12:31] tozak : I was long, just sold out [2024-10-13 21:12:36] danielm11 : long for now but I think it'll fakeout [2024-10-13 21:12:46] danielm11 : so gonna TP at top of the range [2024-10-13 21:12:51] Berner432 : losers [2024-10-13 21:12:56] tozak : good idea [2024-10-13 21:13:18] tozak : I wouldnt trust too much until volume higher and more traders online [2024-10-13 21:13:33] tozak : [2024-10-13 21:13:44] tozak : though trading its completly dead atm [2024-10-13 21:13:50] tozak : isnt [2024-10-13 21:14:16] tozak : but Ill trust more when we find new range [2024-10-13 21:14:52] SimioLong : trap is in [2024-10-13 21:15:21] tozak : not much to trap when people have sold out and waiting [2024-10-13 21:16:29] tozak : happy to sideline this one.. [2024-10-13 21:17:17] Bthkgg : 100% the btc going to 63000 to teste🥵 [2024-10-13 21:17:26] tozak : So how did we close the week btw? [2024-10-13 21:17:53] danielm11 : hmm? weekly close in under 3 hours [2024-10-13 21:18:13] tozak : yeah I am not touching BTC at any price over 53K for the rest of the week [2024-10-13 21:18:28] tozak : danielm11: ah kewl, so we have a chance still [2024-10-13 21:18:38] Bthkgg : All in x100 now and Take +20% [2024-10-13 21:20:24] tozak : This is one time I am happy to just not have any position, there's like no chart data or other data to go on atm, seems like a pure gamble to try and play it right now. Thats me anyways... [2024-10-13 21:21:04] clarknova : lol [2024-10-13 21:22:04] tozak : What the hell, where was I just? [2024-10-13 21:22:21] Berner432 : yall needa level the fk up [2024-10-13 21:22:33] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 2462.79 ($1,546.53) [2024-10-13 21:22:34] Berner432 : and stop yapping bout can't enter this and that [2024-10-13 21:22:48] Berner432 : get you some glasses aight [2024-10-13 21:24:50] SangFrais : tozak: you stayed in during the rollercoaster but you sidelining now? [2024-10-13 21:25:04] tozak : yeah [2024-10-13 21:26:12] SangFrais : i know the feeling but thats fear bruh [2024-10-13 21:26:38] tozak : theres nothing to go on yet, its just gambling atm [2024-10-13 21:27:10] SangFrais : yea you can wait for the break [2024-10-13 21:29:46] tozak : I can set my buys under 40K lol [2024-10-13 21:32:17] SangFrais : tozak: i mean i hoped it went lower too but with all going on in the world atm + current TA its prolly gonna pump until bad news [2024-10-13 21:32:25] al guul : 🚀 [2024-10-13 21:33:13] Bthkgg : To the moon [2024-10-13 21:33:29] tozak : enjoy the rocket, I ll re-board the ship 66+ [2024-10-13 21:36:18] tozak : lets finally see the God candle 6K up [2024-10-13 21:39:05] tozak : Should I give the rocket a push or something?........ [2024-10-13 21:40:17] tozak : ah 63 should go... [2024-10-13 21:40:41] SangFrais : no need, also trollbox is finally quiet, ILB and that other guy are rekt, thats all we need [2024-10-13 21:41:09] tozak : They got REKD on rollercoaster? [2024-10-13 21:41:25] tozak : That wasnt even that bad [2024-10-13 21:41:35] tozak : I have see way worse [2024-10-13 21:41:45] TG_fivepocketsfull : what the hell is going on... i woke up today and im down 5 figures switching from short to long getting chopped.... is it me or the market? or its always your fault... [2024-10-13 21:42:36] tozak : Well, we break out over 63 then maybe going to 66K or fail brekout maybe 59K or below [2024-10-13 21:43:11] TG_fivepocketsfull : this ponzi has made me lose so much hair and money.... evil MM! [2024-10-13 21:44:01] tozak : Yeah, I am just sitting sideline now until we breakout, even if means less profit, I am just worn out with BTC atm [2024-10-13 21:44:43] tozak : Haha thats like the classis phrase for breakout time... lol [2024-10-13 21:45:06] TG_fivepocketsfull : i took 1 week no trades... entered on weekend and got rekt.... well back to work for me [2024-10-13 21:45:52] tozak : I dont go any more than 4x lev atm, not until we are in solid bull channel trend [2024-10-13 21:46:39] tozak : most my longs I have left been holding for over a month now [2024-10-13 21:46:58] tozak : But nothing sizable atm [2024-10-13 21:47:18] tozak : we still not out of the woods yet [2024-10-13 21:47:23] TG_fivepocketsfull : im starting to think this crypto thing is a big scam.... [2024-10-13 21:47:56] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: leverage is difficult, by more spot to start with [2024-10-13 21:48:21] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: I hold a 10x spot position to my leverage position [2024-10-13 21:48:59] tozak : That way its ready for you whenever the time is right, you dont have to force anything [2024-10-13 21:49:08] TG_fivepocketsfull : i seem to do good with leverage for about a month or two before blowing myself up... strange cycle [2024-10-13 21:49:56] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: you know its a rigged deck your playing with. So gotta work out whats working and whats not. [2024-10-13 21:50:41] TG_fivepocketsfull : true... i make myself sick when i blow myself up... it'll be a rough work week for me [2024-10-13 21:50:43] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: Right now, I wouldn't touch anything until we find our new trading range. [2024-10-13 21:51:51] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: getting REKD shouldn't be a 100% loss, should be stop losses in place. Each trade is a risk vs reward play. [2024-10-13 21:52:23] TG_fivepocketsfull : thats usually how i anticipate things. but this time market bite me big time [2024-10-13 21:52:24] al guul : achtung sui bois :) [2024-10-13 21:53:42] contract details : al guul: AGAIN? [2024-10-13 21:53:50] contract details : What the hell is sui :kek: [2024-10-13 21:54:00] contract details : the future of currency it seems [2024-10-13 21:54:31] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: These recent moves while bad, as in pretty much anything you hold is losing is still not that bad of environment. I have seen way way worse. I have seen BTC push out to ATH confirm breakout then go down to take out a multiyear low then back past ATH, 100% of traders REKD. [2024-10-13 21:55:26] tozak : TG_fivepocketsfull: Look at Covid, majority REKD [2024-10-13 21:56:07] tozak : contract details: Sui may slow down a little after it flips BTC.. maybe.. no promisses [2024-10-13 21:57:24] tozak : BTC is on its 5th set of tyres now... still hasn't left the driveway though !! [2024-10-13 21:58:37] contract details : i am really messy, never managed to properly track shitcoins [2024-10-13 21:58:42] contract details : always missing the pumpos [2024-10-13 22:02:17] TG_fivepocketsfull : i need a big move here to get out of the hole i put myself in... 66k would solve some of my problems... [2024-10-13 22:02:19] SangFrais : contract details: c'est la vie [2024-10-13 22:04:13] Gandalf the Grey : non bullievers lmao [2024-10-13 22:04:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 3 Cont @ 2477.01 ($468.76) [2024-10-13 22:04:51] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `PEPEUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 0.000009757 ($61.56) [2024-10-13 22:05:30] Dario1 : Shitcoins are the playground of insiders taking advantage of the naivety of people dreaming about getting rich fast with their pump and dump scams. That’s why I only trade top 10 shitcoins [2024-10-13 22:06:03] Dario1 : [2024-10-13 22:06:25] Dario1 : Install the anti scam shield in your mind [2024-10-13 22:09:24] SangFrais : Dario1: stocks are no different, people who worked at wall street and want to start for themselves go to crypto shitcoins and employ the tactics they learned with work experience [2024-10-13 22:10:14] Dario1 : SangFrais: True, the link I posted actually talks about p&d scams on stocks [2024-10-13 22:10:22] SangFrais : nice [2024-10-13 22:10:54] SangFrais : investopedia prolly best site ever [2024-10-13 22:11:17] MrBritcoin : [2024-10-13 22:11:50] Dario1 : yeah one of the best [2024-10-13 22:15:02] contract details : of course stocks are the same [2024-10-13 22:15:12] contract details : this entire world is a scam, it's incredible [2024-10-13 22:15:13] contract details : :kek: [2024-10-13 22:15:35] I Love BitMEX : Stupid bulls [2024-10-13 22:15:39] I Love BitMEX : Death to all [2024-10-13 22:15:41] MrBritcoin : [2024-10-13 22:17:26] I Love BitMEX : **Suck my dick all who long and all who support crypto in current state before getting rid of major criminals in it** [2024-10-13 22:17:34] I Love BitMEX : REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [2024-10-13 22:17:43] MrBritcoin : gap on cme filled its self [2024-10-13 22:18:19] HenryTheFifth : well the criminals are stronger than ever before so I can see this is only getting worse xD [2024-10-13 22:18:19] I Love BitMEX : Also @megaka5 you can suck a big fat dick too [2024-10-13 22:18:21] I Love BitMEX : Lmao [2024-10-13 22:19:18] Bthkgg : Mdr il y a des haineux ici [2024-10-13 22:19:25] HenryTheFifth : 1-) what [2024-10-13 22:19:49] MrBritcoin : [2024-10-13 22:19:53] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: you sound like you need a hug [2024-10-13 22:20:13] HenryTheFifth : can we get a group hug :( [2024-10-13 22:20:31] SangFrais : Bthkgg: toujours tous les jours [2024-10-13 22:26:44] I Love BitMEX : SangFrais: i don't hug child abusers, i watch them suffer [2024-10-13 22:27:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSD`: Sell 5000 USD @ 62751 [2024-10-13 22:28:00] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: pretty sure you would soil yourself if you ever faced me [2024-10-13 22:28:03] contract details : time flies when you are not trading [2024-10-13 22:28:08] contract details : i missed the cme open :arthur: [2024-10-13 22:28:16] I Love BitMEX : SangFrais:no, I would shank you. Now call police [2024-10-13 22:28:49] MoonLightDumpkin : stupid long fake again [2024-10-13 22:28:50] MoonLightDumpkin : hahha [2024-10-13 22:28:51] Dario1 : I forgot about cme as well :arthur: [2024-10-13 22:28:53] MoonLightDumpkin : fraud coin btc [2024-10-13 22:29:01] MoonLightDumpkin : long always been fraud [2024-10-13 22:29:07] MoonLightDumpkin : bull lack of the money [2024-10-13 22:29:12] MoonLightDumpkin : can't pump forever [2024-10-13 22:29:12] contract details : murican trading never fails to open :downrocket: [2024-10-13 22:29:33] MoonLightDumpkin : every single pump last for only less than an hour [2024-10-13 22:29:50] I Love BitMEX : contract details: americans have a drug pandemic and a political and economic mess that country will destroy itself [2024-10-13 22:30:14] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: do you know that a lot of people who bring a knife to a fight end up on the bad end of it? [2024-10-13 22:30:25] SangFrais : thats how i know youre just a nothing nobody, talking like that [2024-10-13 22:30:31] SangFrais : weasel [2024-10-13 22:30:40] contract details : I Love BitMEX: ok\ [2024-10-13 22:30:40] I Love BitMEX : 😂 [2024-10-13 22:31:02] I Love BitMEX : Pbly a matter pf time. [2024-10-13 22:31:12] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: you wanna fight me ill pay for your plane ticket [2024-10-13 22:31:29] SangFrais : but hospital bills are your own [2024-10-13 22:31:58] I Love BitMEX : SangFrais: sure no worries I come to Amsterdam to rape your ass like you deserve. You know what child abusers get in jail right? You will get the same treatment from me [2024-10-13 22:32:08] I Love BitMEX : With no regret and with cops watching @SangFrais [2024-10-13 22:32:37] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: lots of bark for a harmless puppy [2024-10-13 22:32:41] I Love BitMEX : SangFrais: for every kid u taped u get 50 ass rapes [2024-10-13 22:33:02] I Love BitMEX : SangFrais: try me 💀 [2024-10-13 22:33:34] I Love BitMEX : @admin a literal child abuser keeps @ me @SangFrais <<< that's his name [2024-10-13 22:33:54] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: keep talking, karma will give me your location info [2024-10-13 22:34:09] I Love BitMEX : Now @SangFrais i will mute u, but hopefully I will meet up in Amsterdam [2024-10-13 22:34:23] I Love BitMEX : Suck it. [2024-10-13 22:34:28] SangFrais : lmfao [2024-10-13 22:34:56] I Love BitMEX : The Dutch secret intelligence will sure want to meet you. [2024-10-13 22:35:02] I Love BitMEX : Bye and good night everyone [2024-10-13 22:35:04] I Love BitMEX : See you at 0 [2024-10-13 22:35:24] SangFrais : I Love BitMEX: i was in the military idiot they know me since 2012 lol [2024-10-13 22:35:45] SangFrais : anyway time for your perma ban [2024-10-13 22:37:38] PeacenLuv : jus longed it xbt its bully [2024-10-13 22:39:04] SangFrais : bro has the highest streak of persistent money losing, so angry [2024-10-13 22:41:25] tozak : SangFrais: I thought that award went to Ronnie REKD ? lol [2024-10-13 22:42:49] tozak : PeacenLuv: don't you know... pump it up..... you got to pump it up..... [2024-10-13 22:44:28] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: [2024-10-13 22:44:35] MoonLightDumpkin : stupid bull lack of the mone [2024-10-13 22:44:36] tozak : I think you got everyone you can already, its time for rug pull now ! [2024-10-13 22:44:36] MoonLightDumpkin : y [2024-10-13 22:44:41] MoonLightDumpkin : won't be pump ever and ever [2024-10-13 22:44:43] MoonLightDumpkin : haha [2024-10-13 22:44:46] MoonLightDumpkin : btc is a fraud [2024-10-13 22:44:55] MoonLightDumpkin : bulls are the scammers [2024-10-13 22:45:28] tozak : Rug it or pump it up so I can short this sh!t [2024-10-13 22:45:43] MoonLightDumpkin : stupid long woooooo [2024-10-13 22:46:12] MoonLightDumpkin : btc worth 1cent only [2024-10-13 22:46:16] MoonLightDumpkin : huge shiiiit [2024-10-13 22:47:15] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: a picture jjust for you as your bearish [2024-10-13 22:47:29] MoonLightDumpkin : anyone still longing this dirty baster? [2024-10-13 22:47:48] MoonLightDumpkin : hopeless long [2024-10-13 22:48:13] MoonLightDumpkin : whoever long this shiiiit, their lives will be perished [2024-10-13 22:49:01] MoonLightDumpkin : whoever short this poooooooo, their lives will be fruitful and get wealthy [2024-10-13 22:49:28] tozak : Time right now is 22:47 Sunday UTC, BTC weekly candle close is 23:59 Sunday UTC. We got 1 hour and 10 mins to go still. [2024-10-13 22:52:27] Gandalf the Grey : 40k ser? [2024-10-13 22:52:48] tozak : I'll be a buyer at 40K [2024-10-13 22:53:15] MoonLightDumpkin : 3.5k sir [2024-10-13 22:53:18] tozak : lol so funny yesterday, drops to 62.2K and everyone alll in long, lol [2024-10-13 22:54:01] tozak : haha, I went all in long too, just seems real cheap after a week of ranging above... [2024-10-13 22:54:44] MoonLightDumpkin : I don't see any hope to break above 63k within 10yrs [2024-10-13 22:54:50] MoonLightDumpkin : don't you? [2024-10-13 22:54:52] tozak : Just over 1 hour to weekly close, I wanna seem my God candle at some point [2024-10-13 22:55:13] MoonLightDumpkin : even the bots are selling this shiiit [2024-10-13 22:55:15] tozak : MoonLightDumpkin: Be over 100K this year [2024-10-13 22:55:22] MoonLightDumpkin : never ever haha [2024-10-13 22:55:25] Dessos : > [2024-10-13 22:55:29] tozak : 100% [2024-10-13 22:55:43] MoonLightDumpkin : people were speaking for that since 2018 [2024-10-13 22:55:58] tozak : but might even do the whole move in the last two weeks [2024-10-13 22:56:35] MoonLightDumpkin : why don't u just short it? don't you recognize this is a shiiit? [2024-10-13 22:56:43] tozak : The only way it wont happen would be if we get a dissconnecte Alt coin rally [2024-10-13 22:56:50] I Love BitMEX : MrBritcoin: nice [2024-10-13 22:57:08] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: 😏 [2024-10-13 22:57:31] MoonLightDumpkin : once more pump i might reconsider for keeping my short position [2024-10-13 22:57:55] tozak : set a sl and walk away is best way [2024-10-13 23:01:49] tozak : wow, actually huge amount got REKD earlier, the chart doesnt look too bad though. How bad did we drop? [2024-10-13 23:02:01] Gandalf the Grey : stare and cry also works [2024-10-13 23:02:08] SangFrais : tozak: 6200ish [2024-10-13 23:02:22] SangFrais : i dont think it went below [2024-10-13 23:02:26] tozak : yeah thats what I thought, shouldnt bee so many REKD [2024-10-13 23:05:15] tozak : $300 Million liquidated earlier today [2024-10-13 23:05:22] Gandalf the Grey : 62keke was friendly for now [2024-10-13 23:05:42] tozak : yeah [2024-10-13 23:06:02] XRP GOD : Gm :catjam: ☕️☕️ [2024-10-13 23:06:12] tozak : XRP GOD: gm [2024-10-13 23:06:27] tozak : XRP GOD: welcome to the twighlight zone [2024-10-13 23:06:42] tozak : or Groundhog Day [2024-10-13 23:07:09] XRP GOD : tozak: :hehe let’s paint the weekly:catjam: [2024-10-13 23:07:11] tozak : Cya BTC [2024-10-13 23:07:28] tozak : XRP GOD: yep less than 1 hour now [2024-10-13 23:07:50] XRP GOD : tozak: did u see the China news [2024-10-13 23:08:13] MoonLightDumpkin : still thinking of the long, morons? [2024-10-13 23:08:25] tozak : I actually think now we could go down just to close the weekly at 40K then to go 80K 2 mins after ,lol [2024-10-13 23:08:26] MrBritcoin : I Love BitMEX: [2024-10-13 23:08:42] tozak : XRP GOD: about Taiwan? [2024-10-13 23:08:56] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `XBTUSDT`: Sell 0.1300 XBT @ 62687.3 ($8,145.69) [2024-10-13 23:09:00] XRP GOD : Yes. Eyes peeled 🫡👀 [2024-10-13 23:09:07] XRP GOD : tozak: [2024-10-13 23:09:09] tozak : XRP GOD: any day now [2024-10-13 23:09:43] I Love BitMEX : MrBritcoin: 🦖 [2024-10-13 23:10:04] Gandalf the Grey : listen this [2024-10-13 23:10:06] Gandalf the Grey : sooooo goooood [2024-10-13 23:10:10] Gandalf the Grey : sloooow and depressiiing [2024-10-13 23:10:22] MoonLightDumpkin : drop the btc! [2024-10-13 23:10:26] tozak : XRP GOD: The other weekend when Putin threatened Nuclearal warfare we actually entered WW3 right then, public just doesnt know it yet, but all Countries are now in War status and arming up [2024-10-13 23:10:43] Gandalf the Grey : and our dicks are unemployed.... [2024-10-13 23:10:54] tozak : Be a different world in 2025 [2024-10-13 23:11:09] tozak : Not for the better [2024-10-13 23:11:12] PeacenLuv : 😓62533,0tfd btc lezgoo [2024-10-13 23:11:19] Gandalf the Grey : bananiiiik [2024-10-13 23:11:36] Gandalf the Grey : If your surname is Garoo [2024-10-13 23:11:43] Gandalf the Grey : Do not name your son Ken [2024-10-13 23:11:45] Gandalf the Grey : ok? [2024-10-13 23:13:35] Djdez : Refuel [2024-10-13 23:15:44] TG_fivepocketsfull : am i the only one that lost everything past 2 days? [2024-10-13 23:16:24] tozak : No it was just on the news, record amount REKD, $300 Million liquidated [2024-10-13 23:17:18] TG_fivepocketsfull : damn. well boys i gotta get back to work then. im out the game for a little while [2024-10-13 23:17:22] tozak : I dont actaullly get how though, but yeah, I wouldn't feel too bad about it heaps lost [2024-10-13 23:17:56] I Love BitMEX : **Following today’s announcement by North Korean State Media, that Eight Artillery Brigades along the Border with the South had been ordered to Full-Combat Readiness; the South Korean Defense Ministry has stated that any attempt by the North to cause Harm to its People would result in the End of the Kim Regime** [2024-10-13 23:18:21] tozak : As long as you can figure out how and how to prevent next time and you keep at it, then all good, nothing lost only experience gained [2024-10-13 23:18:28] TG_fivepocketsfull : over leveraged, a lot of bad bets basically. kinda lost my mind... [2024-10-13 23:19:04] tozak : Easily done when it get volatile, its programmed to get your emotions going [2024-10-13 23:19:12] TG_fivepocketsfull : this is the 20th time i believe in crypto where i leveraged my way to the top and lost it all... cant really trust myself anymore [2024-10-13 23:19:12] I Love BitMEX : Fuck her right in the pussy [2024-10-13 23:19:50] TG_fivepocketsfull : andddd i just got liquidated. decent run, horny price action. ggs im out the game for awhile #rekt [2024-10-13 23:21:35] PeacenLuv : xbt longstopsvup 62583 lezgoo pampeet [2024-10-13 23:21:43] The Emerging Bull : Abandon ship again [2024-10-13 23:21:48] TG_fivepocketsfull : i feel sick honestly... i have the disposable income to deposit more but im just sick of myself. going to have to sell one of my fun cars to punish myself. ggs Arthur [2024-10-13 23:22:30] PeacenLuv : lezdewitt btc [2024-10-13 23:23:00] PeacenLuv : 5min bottomed agaiinm [2024-10-13 23:23:45] PeacenLuv : asias hunna pop 10milly yen per btc soon as before oftem [2024-10-13 23:23:53] danielm11 : EOW dump time? [2024-10-13 23:24:55] PeacenLuv : btc bullz only delusional until provrn othrrwise [2024-10-13 23:25:36] PeacenLuv : delusional goes real btc [2024-10-13 23:26:29] SangFrais : TG_fivepocketsfull: go back to paper trading, work on your TA and decision making [2024-10-13 23:26:42] SangFrais : there are countless opportunities [2024-10-13 23:26:53] SangFrais : dont come back unless you are 500% confident [2024-10-13 23:27:05] Gandalf the Grey : hehe [2024-10-13 23:27:12] Gandalf the Grey : you do allll that. [2024-10-13 23:27:22] Gandalf the Grey : and then you do 1o trades and boom rekt [2024-10-13 23:27:42] PeacenLuv : btc dont giv a schitt about yur personalities [2024-10-13 23:27:58] Gandalf the Grey : no it doe [2024-10-13 23:28:00] Gandalf the Grey : s [2024-10-13 23:28:01] Gandalf the Grey : it told me [2024-10-13 23:28:12] I Love BitMEX : TG_fivepocketsfull: capitulation [2024-10-13 23:28:16] I Love BitMEX : See you at 0 [2024-10-13 23:28:21] PeacenLuv : fagz get rich too [2024-10-13 23:28:35] PeacenLuv : Gandalf the Grey: hehe charming me [2024-10-13 23:29:09] PeacenLuv : lezphukeen moon btc [2024-10-13 23:29:15] Dario1 : TG_fivepocketsfull: Tonight was the first time you ever appeared on trollbox. You are talking from TG. What was your trollbox name and why don’t you talk from your bitmex account? [2024-10-13 23:29:35] PeacenLuv : we chewed up this range [2024-10-13 23:29:58] PeacenLuv : i shud know [2024-10-13 23:30:48] PeacenLuv : trust me all the support in the werld is under btc [2024-10-13 23:31:01] PeacenLuv : tunnel says it all [2024-10-13 23:31:20] PeacenLuv : btc goin to boomtownn [2024-10-13 23:31:26] 45th_blown_account : :pepe: [2024-10-13 23:31:32] PeacenLuv : uptown [2024-10-13 23:32:24] PeacenLuv : lotsa low volume rise wen high vol pamp? [2024-10-13 23:33:22] PeacenLuv : on 1 day tf xbt usd perp [2024-10-13 23:33:36] SangFrais : Dario1: weak move from the platform to create trollbox activity imo, maybe they got tired of people messaging them everyday for name change? [2024-10-13 23:33:48] Gandalf the Grey : shrek told me it drops [2024-10-13 23:40:14] tozak : rug it! [2024-10-13 23:40:57] tozak : 18 mins to go still.... [2024-10-13 23:41:08] gemeo2 : Eveniny [2024-10-13 23:41:18] gemeo2 : Evening [2024-10-13 23:41:20] gemeo2 : Kek [2024-10-13 23:41:41] gemeo2 : Am bored of this short :btc: