BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-12 01:22:08] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-12 01:22:31] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: fooking tiktok mate
[2024-10-12 01:23:18] MrBritcoin : i got it from yt mate thought it was funny
[2024-10-12 01:25:34] SangFrais : dogs only understand the prefix of a word thats why its looking like that
[2024-10-12 01:28:19] SangFrais : 90% of dogs in human ownership are pathetic husks of their natural self
[2024-10-12 01:28:25] SangFrais : probably more
[2024-10-12 01:28:28] SangFrais : its sad
[2024-10-12 01:29:44] SangFrais : theyre just an accessory to sad lonely people like cats, mostly, if they arent hunting other animals
[2024-10-12 01:30:01] SangFrais : sad leeches
[2024-10-12 01:36:18] SangFrais : but then again humans are probably living the furthest away from their natural self, just being pathetic good for nothings all life around except for being useful for exploitation
[2024-10-12 01:45:52] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: its funny i had a johova at my gate today an we had the same convo about humans being weak an soft
[2024-10-12 01:46:26] MrBritcoin : you know preaching his belifes @ meh
[2024-10-12 01:47:00] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: lol i got a flyer in the mail today
[2024-10-12 01:47:23] SangFrais : it had all kinds of weird mathematical equations and preaches of the bible
[2024-10-12 01:48:09] SangFrais : what i loved most about it was how it preached that the USA and the Church and the Pope, and Israel and the Dollar was all EVIL
[2024-10-12 01:48:12] SangFrais : 666 it said
[2024-10-12 01:48:12] MrBritcoin : i said to him people only talk when the power inthe area goes out most just sit there watching tv in the evenings
[2024-10-12 01:48:40] SangFrais : everything were being taught is by the school of the devil
[2024-10-12 01:49:01] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: yep
[2024-10-12 01:50:48] SangFrais : reading that folder it was probably made by someone schizophrenic but that person was making a lot of sense
[2024-10-12 01:51:10] SangFrais : too bad it was anonymous
[2024-10-12 01:51:18] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: tv radio an phones program people until thats cut away people are rekt most people want to escape in to a fantasy world now i dont see it long until the plugin like the matrix is real
[2024-10-12 01:53:24] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: and people love paying for their escape from reality too, when i tell them why are you paying these big corpo's and not just torrent it, and they act like im a criminal lol, fooking indoctrinated dumb fooks, the same people who laughed at BTC when it was below $3k
[2024-10-12 01:54:08] SangFrais : some people asked me is it too late to buy, told em STFU and buy now, but instead they saved up to buy a home at ATH
[2024-10-12 01:55:38] SangFrais : sheep cant be saved, id rather survive another bike/car/plane crash than try to help someone with the same opportunities as me
[2024-10-12 01:56:23] MrBritcoin : yea i hear that i started to chat to this guy about contracts an his head melted ie like giving the autograph for your right to vote but what that does is give them an contract to rule you make choices for you ie be the overlord an govern you
[2024-10-12 01:58:41] SangFrais : they wouldnt know right from even wrong if it hit them in the head every morning
[2024-10-12 01:59:49] MrBritcoin : an people only sign it ie counsiltax form due to them being threatened by a fine or a penalty 80pounds or 1000 pounds ergo your then entering a contract under stress an duration ie being threatened to sign wich make it null an voidanyway
[2024-10-12 02:00:57] MrBritcoin : but once they have consent there use it to full advantage
[2024-10-12 02:01:53] SangFrais : yea its amazing, theres probably so many analphabetic people who understand life much better than so many people with a masters degree
[2024-10-12 02:02:34] SangFrais : thats not even a maybe or probably thats just i dont know the numbers thing
[2024-10-12 02:03:21] SangFrais : so you know we are all surrounded by brainless husks
[2024-10-12 02:03:52] SangFrais : they just work themselves into debt, get a paper, and then become a certified slave and act like they smart
[2024-10-12 02:04:42] SangFrais : and try to change their world with however they are influenced/told henceforth
[2024-10-12 02:04:56] SangFrais : numbers in a rigged voting game
[2024-10-12 02:05:36] MrBritcoin : left wing right wing there attached to the same body
[2024-10-12 02:05:49] MrBritcoin : govern men
[2024-10-12 02:05:54] MrBritcoin : t
[2024-10-12 02:06:00] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: its a psy-ops game, divide and conquer
[2024-10-12 02:06:14] SangFrais : if everyone was one side they would unite and overthrow the govt
[2024-10-12 02:06:21] MrBritcoin : yep agreed
[2024-10-12 02:07:35] MrBritcoin : i think alot of folks see it now more than ever but they dont know how to deal with it
[2024-10-12 02:07:46] SangFrais : even in stocks and crypto it was shown ,if everyone puts their money together the big funds and corpos get rekt
[2024-10-12 02:08:58] MrBritcoin : well look at crypto it so usa oriented n there monety system an belifes its mental
[2024-10-12 02:08:59] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: theyre stuck in the rat race, it all starts with falling in love, getting kids, and getting a mortgage before you have any real money
[2024-10-12 02:09:38] SangFrais : crypto is so oriented now because its being engineered like that
[2024-10-12 02:09:58] SangFrais : for a brief period crypto/btc was free from stocks and dollar movement
[2024-10-12 02:11:24] MrBritcoin : well its more as to people want to follow something for pa direction because is a supply an demand trade its hard to tell if to buy an to sell
[2024-10-12 02:13:25] SangFrais : MrBritcoin: its just a few price data indicators to watch multiple timeframes, and years of experience
[2024-10-12 02:13:51] herby : No one cares about btc anymore, only boomers
[2024-10-12 02:14:39] MrBritcoin : iv opened the farm doors again today might start the btc mining again soon cleaqn up update an get big at it again
[2024-10-12 02:15:13] SangFrais : herby: you're wrong, alt coins are for either people with not enough money, or people old enough to be scared of missing out
[2024-10-12 02:15:55] herby : Ok boomer
[2024-10-12 02:16:23] MrBritcoin : SangFrais: @herby well the news i heard yesterday about ripple being the next dollar well it might come in soon
[2024-10-12 02:16:36] SangFrais : herby: lol good luck janitor boy
[2024-10-12 02:17:02] herby : Reality is different
[2024-10-12 02:17:16] herby : Keep deluding yourself
[2024-10-12 02:17:41] SangFrais : herby: every few years there are people with dreams and they end up with nothing
[2024-10-12 02:17:58] SangFrais : just dont blame your demise on anyone else but yourself
[2024-10-12 02:18:19] herby : Cringe
[2024-10-12 02:18:51] SangFrais : cringe are your parents crying in the news
[2024-10-12 02:19:14] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-12 02:21:34] herby : You know everything else pumps harder than btc but your brainwashed by max kyza
[2024-10-12 02:24:04] SangFrais : gains % only matter by capital
[2024-10-12 02:24:38] SangFrais : besides alt coins dump harder with no bottom
[2024-10-12 02:24:46] SangFrais : youre just a gambling tard
[2024-10-12 02:25:33] herby : What
[2024-10-12 02:25:45] herby : Bull market just started
[2024-10-12 02:25:56] herby : And your happy with a 5x o
[2024-10-12 02:26:02] herby : Max on btc
[2024-10-12 02:26:30] herby : While all the broke plebs doing 100x's all over the place
[2024-10-12 02:26:35] SangFrais : lets avoid further discussion and pretend youre not a well known gambling loser here
[2024-10-12 02:26:48] herby : Surely you learnt 2 or 3 cycles ago
[2024-10-12 02:27:01] SangFrais : i hope alts pump too
[2024-10-12 02:27:18] herby : I lost all my money here so what everyone did
[2024-10-12 02:27:34] herby : Don't try act like you got rich
[2024-10-12 02:28:39] SangFrais : didnt say i did
[2024-10-12 02:29:16] herby : Don't get all high hoarsey then
[2024-10-12 02:29:42] herby : Your just a pleb like everyone else hear apart from a couple guys who take it all
[2024-10-12 02:30:59] SangFrais : trollbox is so dead, almost fighting someone for 5 minutes felt good, my fault
[2024-10-12 02:31:13] SangFrais : would do it again though
[2024-10-12 02:32:12] SangFrais : some nights its just me by myself so i disappear for weeks/months out of sadness
[2024-10-12 02:33:14] herby : Im here everyday to abuse maxis
[2024-10-12 02:33:25] herby : And teach them about the new world order
[2024-10-12 02:33:53] SangFrais : herby: sole income from trading then?
[2024-10-12 02:34:07] herby : No
[2024-10-12 02:34:43] herby : I went all in on hex
[2024-10-12 02:39:11] Null haos house : HOngkong to 44k
[2024-10-12 02:41:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated long on `LINKUSDT`: Sell 200 LINK @ 10.902 ($2,179.64) - Bonjour!
[2024-10-12 02:42:51] SangFrais : lol
[2024-10-12 02:47:23] PeacenLuv : xbt 5min bottomed againn
[2024-10-12 03:19:07] 45th_blown_account : delulu btc holders :doge:
[2024-10-12 03:31:16] PeacenLuv : 😙😙pumpittup lezgoo btc 66k
[2024-10-12 03:35:04] Sir.LongCorn : Everyday rekt bera
[2024-10-12 03:38:22] I Love BitMEX : SangFrais: i piss on your face. You're a pedo
[2024-10-12 03:40:00] I Love BitMEX : The dump is just getting started
[2024-10-12 03:48:04] I Love BitMEX : CHOP THEM TO PIECES
[2024-10-12 03:55:14] HenryTheFifth : null hao
[2024-10-12 03:55:23] HenryTheFifth : are you long
[2024-10-12 03:55:35] HenryTheFifth : my fren
[2024-10-12 03:56:02] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: morning no
[2024-10-12 03:57:56] HenryTheFifth : Pilot: I'd reduce my margin if I were you, it can surprise to the upside, still 3 weeks to elections
[2024-10-12 03:59:22] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: i have a big 👕
[2024-10-12 03:59:43] HenryTheFifth : me too
[2024-10-12 04:00:07] HenryTheFifth : you could wrap your arms around mine
[2024-10-12 04:05:58] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: i have my dca on
[2024-10-12 04:06:50] TG_TheEndOfBitcoin : .
[2024-10-12 04:17:02] lelskates : What will election do to crypto lah?
[2024-10-12 04:17:20] lelskates : Lobbying?
[2024-10-12 04:17:49] lelskates : Trump winning by 5%
[2024-10-12 04:22:36] I Love BitMEX : lelskates: kamala Harris will win and the biggest anti mafia operations will start
[2024-10-12 04:22:57] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin has been nothing but a honey pot for criminals
[2024-10-12 04:23:09] I Love BitMEX : It is time to collect and send jail sentences
[2024-10-12 04:23:35] I Love BitMEX : TG_TheEndOfBitcoin: bullish on jail time
[2024-10-12 04:31:13] I Love BitMEX : *Yawn*
[2024-10-12 04:31:42] I Love BitMEX : oh look
[2024-10-12 04:31:45] I Love BitMEX : something cute
[2024-10-12 04:38:34] I Love BitMEX : cmon :eth: do something
[2024-10-12 04:43:04] I Love BitMEX : @admin good morning @pilot @HenryTheFifth @herby @MrBritcoin @dario1
[2024-10-12 04:47:40] I Love BitMEX : @KyleSterling
[2024-10-12 04:57:57] I Love BitMEX : love the 0 volatility
[2024-10-12 04:58:34] TG_TheEndOfBitcoin : .
[2024-10-12 04:58:54] "it will be........" : .
[2024-10-12 04:59:11] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": i am still dca-ing
[2024-10-12 04:59:32] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: good idea
[2024-10-12 04:59:34] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": my terminal did a bad trade but I may be wrong, and the terminal right
[2024-10-12 04:59:55] I Love BitMEX : overall dump but it sees some liquidity hunt
[2024-10-12 05:00:05] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: i remember that name kyle sterling from back then, didnt know he was that loaded
[2024-10-12 05:00:23] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": richest whale I ever met man, learned a lot from him
[2024-10-12 05:00:33] I Love BitMEX : he had back then 900 million usd worth of crypto
[2024-10-12 05:00:56] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": he sent me in 2019 200 etc like it was nothing
[2024-10-12 05:01:23] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": do you remember the okx socialized loss of 238 million?
[2024-10-12 05:02:05] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: jfc, and nah
[2024-10-12 05:02:24] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": that was him
[2024-10-12 05:02:31] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": he provoked it :))
[2024-10-12 05:02:33] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........":
[2024-10-12 05:02:47] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........":
[2024-10-12 05:02:54] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-12 05:03:00] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": :))))))
[2024-10-12 05:03:24] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: wasnt it called Okex before? they changed name? I think I rem now. that's wild
[2024-10-12 05:03:26] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": the degen built up a humongous position, to date the biggest liquidation in crypto history
[2024-10-12 05:03:40] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": yeye it iwas okex, aka ok coin
[2024-10-12 05:03:49] I Love BitMEX : aka the woodchipper
[2024-10-12 05:03:50] I Love BitMEX : okcoin
[2024-10-12 05:03:57] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": type okcoin in chat
[2024-10-12 05:04:08] "it will be........" : i remember now, holy sh
[2024-10-12 05:04:20] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-12 05:04:36] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": yea, I was in the same tg group as him for a while
[2024-10-12 05:04:43] I Love BitMEX : lost contact in 2021
[2024-10-12 05:04:45] I Love BitMEX : I miss him
[2024-10-12 05:04:58] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": he is japanese
[2024-10-12 05:05:46] I Love BitMEX : @oceanx alo
[2024-10-12 05:05:49] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: yeah i recall him chatting in here at times as well. never know who ur dealing with
[2024-10-12 05:05:49] I Love BitMEX : @ocean also ocean
[2024-10-12 05:05:58] I Love BitMEX : I miss Ocean too... smart bear :(
[2024-10-12 05:06:18] I Love BitMEX : @oceanx
[2024-10-12 05:06:51] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: lol him too, the SA guy. we didnt get along but he was funny always dissing moonboys. im guessing he rekt now because he was always bear
[2024-10-12 05:07:05] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": he actually rich
[2024-10-12 05:07:17] "it will be........" : ok
[2024-10-12 05:07:18] I Love BitMEX : he made some Switzerlan Zug angel investments @"it will be........"
[2024-10-12 05:07:20] I Love BitMEX : yea
[2024-10-12 05:07:34] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": i am the poor guy of the group
[2024-10-12 05:07:40] I Love BitMEX : :)))
[2024-10-12 05:07:52] I Love BitMEX : /orders ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: Buy 0.01 ETH @ 2443 ETHUSDT: Sell 0.01 ETH @ 2448 ```
[2024-10-12 05:07:55] I Love BitMEX : come on bitch ass mm
[2024-10-12 05:07:59] I Love BitMEX : gimme some volatility
[2024-10-12 05:08:24] I Love BitMEX : /pnl ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: -3.22 USDT RPNL, -72.27 USDT UPNL ```
[2024-10-12 05:08:25] I Love BitMEX : ffs
[2024-10-12 05:08:27] I Love BitMEX : :))
[2024-10-12 05:08:51] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": I have some gems saved on my telegram
[2024-10-12 05:08:55] "it will be........" : weekend mate, im not expecting much. they prob range here.
[2024-10-12 05:09:14] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": notes like this: "KyleSterling is using xapo 2000 btc - 500 btc batches he is Japanese mm on 12 to 20 exchanges, all major ones"
[2024-10-12 05:09:46] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": I swear to God all trading weekends in 2024 absolutely sucked, that is why I want to trigger a cascade liquidation during weekends, ppl just do not expect it anymore
[2024-10-12 05:10:07] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": or things like this
[2024-10-12 05:11:41] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": have you ever traded perps on a dex?
[2024-10-12 05:14:07] "it will be........" : I Love BitMEX: nah I dont use other exch now. no time. but yeah back then there used to be more weekend action. now i dont hold my breath, its v rare
[2024-10-12 05:15:59] "it will be........" : heading out, laters
[2024-10-12 05:18:30] I Love BitMEX : "it will be........": if you ever want to switch to dex perps
[2024-10-12 05:43:02] Berner432 : lame asz pa
[2024-10-12 05:43:09] Berner432 : I Love BitMEX: bhvngrrrr
[2024-10-12 05:43:35] Berner432 : weekend for psy
[2024-10-12 05:43:42] Berner432 : lets move out
[2024-10-12 05:43:52] I Love BitMEX : nah bruv
[2024-10-12 05:43:53] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-12 05:43:56] I Love BitMEX : Redrum
[2024-10-12 05:43:57] Berner432 : activate some volatility
[2024-10-12 05:44:12] I Love BitMEX : Wanted by Allah won't leave a breadcrum
[2024-10-12 06:13:38] XRP GOD : I Love BitMEX: :doge:
[2024-10-12 06:13:50] XRP GOD : gm 🫡☕️☕️
[2024-10-12 06:14:20] XRP GOD : HenryTheFifth: :catjam:
[2024-10-12 06:14:41] XRP GOD : lelskates: :catjam:
[2024-10-12 06:25:36] hehe MOON : Silly bearas never LERN
[2024-10-12 06:26:01] hehe MOON : BUY EVERY WEAK ASS DUMP, EZ
[2024-10-12 06:26:06] hehe MOON : :DOGE:
[2024-10-12 06:26:16] XRP GOD : hehe MOON: 🌙:doge:
[2024-10-12 06:26:42] hehe MOON : XRP GOD: 📸 🦶
[2024-10-12 06:28:13] XRP GOD : hehe MOON: come to our guild
[2024-10-12 06:48:59] lelskates : XRP GOD: :catjam:
[2024-10-12 06:50:26] XRP GOD : lelskates: :catjam: :catjam: :catjam:
[2024-10-12 06:50:41] lelskates : XRP GOD:whats cookin son
[2024-10-12 06:50:47] lelskates : wen mewn
[2024-10-12 06:51:51] XRP GOD : lelskates: we see weekly close 2moro if we can breakout :catjam:
[2024-10-12 06:52:43] lelskates : need to break 65
[2024-10-12 06:53:28] XRP GOD : lelskates: yes eyes 👀 peeled
[2024-10-12 06:54:40] I Love BitMEX : Boring
[2024-10-12 06:55:53] bluemaster : "it will be........": that is reason Bitmex is No 1 exchange ( most under valued exchange on the market )
[2024-10-12 06:56:33] bluemaster : and never been hacked
[2024-10-12 07:08:18] I Love BitMEX :
[2024-10-12 07:08:21] I Love BitMEX : Bla bla
[2024-10-12 07:12:55] Pilot : Morning, team
[2024-10-12 07:20:10] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: nothing for now
[2024-10-12 07:21:54] I Love BitMEX : Very boring
[2024-10-12 07:37:05] Pilot : Sideways indeed
[2024-10-12 07:42:42] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `NOTUSDT`: Buy 1000 NOT @ 0.00787 ($7.87)
[2024-10-12 07:50:11] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-12 07:51:03] I Love BitMEX : come on bitch :eth: do something
[2024-10-12 07:51:12] I Love BitMEX : this crap is dead
[2024-10-12 07:54:21] I Love BitMEX : BITCOIN TO 0
[2024-10-12 07:56:30] I Love BitMEX : come on bitch
[2024-10-12 07:56:42] lelskates : common its bull time
[2024-10-12 07:56:46] lelskates : time to melt faces
[2024-10-12 07:56:56] I Love BitMEX : this crap ain't moving
[2024-10-12 07:56:59] I Love BitMEX : capitulation soon
[2024-10-12 07:58:31] I Love BitMEX : the pa is retarded anyway
[2024-10-12 07:59:38] TG_TheEndOfBitcoin : Bitcoin is dead 💀 ☠️
[2024-10-12 08:22:38] doublecheese : Lol trollbox still bearish :arthur:
[2024-10-12 08:22:44] doublecheese : Cheese is still holding
[2024-10-12 08:22:48] doublecheese : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 3,300 USD @ 60359.8655 ```
[2024-10-12 08:22:58] doublecheese : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 3 Cont @ 2407.69 ```
[2024-10-12 08:23:03] doublecheese : /liq xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 44801.9 ```
[2024-10-12 08:24:56] I Love BitMEX : Bnb dieing
[2024-10-12 08:25:00] I Love BitMEX : As it should
[2024-10-12 08:26:17] doublecheese : I Love BitMEX: are you still a bch wholecoiner?
[2024-10-12 08:26:23] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!
[2024-10-12 08:26:44] I Love BitMEX : doublecheese: no
[2024-10-12 08:26:59] doublecheese : I Love BitMEX: :(
[2024-10-12 08:27:35] I Love BitMEX : This pa man lul
[2024-10-12 08:27:56] danielm11 : nothing happens on a saturday
[2024-10-12 08:28:04] I Love BitMEX : The 1h chart looks like a meme @danielm11 @doublecheese
[2024-10-12 08:28:36] doublecheese : I Love BitMEX: 1h charts looks insanely bullish in my view
[2024-10-12 08:28:46] danielm11 : yeah clear bullflag
[2024-10-12 08:29:27] 45th_blown_account : Uptober baby day 2 :doge:
[2024-10-12 08:31:36] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: :doge:
[2024-10-12 08:32:01] XRP GOD : all bulls come join our guild family:doge: :doge:
[2024-10-12 08:32:33] XRP GOD : Only bulls aloud :catjam:
[2024-10-12 08:35:32] XRP GOD : doublecheese: @TG_TheEndOfBitcoin @MrBritcoin @hehe MOON @Berner432 @"it will be........" @danielm11
[2024-10-12 08:38:48] PeacenLuv : pumpittup lezgoo btc
[2024-10-12 08:44:57] lelskates : LETZ GO
[2024-10-12 09:08:12] 45th_blown_account : XRP GOD: XRP the dragon slayer :doge:
[2024-10-12 09:09:12] Pilot : I’m covered in period blood
[2024-10-12 09:09:26] Pilot : Bollinger bands tight af here
[2024-10-12 09:09:50] Pilot : 5 min candles
[2024-10-12 09:31:28] XRP GOD : Pilot: we going upppppp :catjam:
[2024-10-12 09:31:36] XRP GOD : 45th_blown_account: 😎😘
[2024-10-12 09:32:38] tozak : gm everyone
[2024-10-12 09:33:04] tozak : XRP GOD: everything up now, except XRP
[2024-10-12 09:33:27] Pilot : 64k I guess next sto
[2024-10-12 09:33:32] Pilot : next stop
[2024-10-12 09:37:48] Pilot : Probs got to wait for burger market
[2024-10-12 09:37:53] Pilot : Before the big moce
[2024-10-12 09:37:56] Pilot : *move
[2024-10-12 09:42:12] tozak : yeah just small moves until tomorrow, however Alts moving okay over weekend still
[2024-10-12 09:42:22] Mr.Kazi : all eys on...
[2024-10-12 09:42:45] Mr.Kazi : shall we 65k>73k>100>1M
[2024-10-12 09:42:56] Mr.Kazi : NFA
[2024-10-12 09:43:12] Pilot : I don’t think 1 mil is even possible market cap wise lol
[2024-10-12 09:43:26] Pilot : 100k sure
[2024-10-12 09:43:34] Pilot : Maybe even up to like 300k
[2024-10-12 09:43:41] Mr.Kazi : sometimes dreams do come true
[2024-10-12 09:43:49] Pilot : There will be a point where it just can’t be possible right
[2024-10-12 09:44:03] Pilot : I guess I said that at 1k then we went to 3k
[2024-10-12 09:45:35] Mr.Kazi : dreams dreams
[2024-10-12 09:45:49] Mr.Kazi : what would happen if it goes to 1M
[2024-10-12 09:45:53] XRP GOD : tozak: let’s go :doge:
[2024-10-12 09:46:09] XRP GOD : tozak: Xrp always pumps last
[2024-10-12 09:46:33] XRP GOD : and then BTC dumps 😀
[2024-10-12 09:47:12] tozak : XRP GOD: It doesnt seem to fall much, which to me means even if its out performed by others it can still be a better risk:reward if its floor always holds up
[2024-10-12 09:48:17] XRP GOD : tozak: :doge:
[2024-10-12 09:48:43] Pilot : hi fontas here welcome to the video
[2024-10-12 09:52:09] TG_undefined : free 100x long
[2024-10-12 09:52:27] I Love BitMEX : Dead af
[2024-10-12 09:59:02] I Love BitMEX : Deeeaaaad
[2024-10-12 10:00:17] TG_undefined : this ponzi scam is bullish
[2024-10-12 10:00:53] TG_undefined : look at this fkin ponzi scam its a free long back to 63.2
[2024-10-12 10:01:53] TG_undefined : disgusting geeks bidding here
[2024-10-12 10:02:33] TG_undefined : fomoing geeks
[2024-10-12 10:16:52] TG_undefined : this grifter market needs an israeli raid on iran asap
[2024-10-12 10:17:00] I Love BitMEX : All this anticipation for this
[2024-10-12 10:17:01] I Love BitMEX : Lmao
[2024-10-12 10:17:28] Atlemos : BTC looking strong, where is professor kid??
[2024-10-12 10:17:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `NOTUSDT`: Buy 25000 NOT @ 0.00813 ($203.25)
[2024-10-12 10:18:00] TG_undefined : 65k today ponzi
[2024-10-12 10:21:48] XRP GOD : TG_undefined: :doge:
[2024-10-12 10:22:57] I Love BitMEX : yawn
[2024-10-12 10:23:18] TG_undefined : longs are safe
[2024-10-12 10:23:28] I Love BitMEX : 100x long
[2024-10-12 10:25:04] TG_undefined : technically its free money dips are illegal and seller dont have coins
[2024-10-12 10:25:34] TG_undefined : cant lose
[2024-10-12 10:27:13] doublecheese : TG_undefined: sellers are exhausted now
[2024-10-12 10:27:24] Pilot : Still think we will have to wait for another hour?
[2024-10-12 10:27:29] lelskates : bears in disbelief
[2024-10-12 10:27:33] lelskates : going to go extinct
[2024-10-12 10:27:42] lelskates : 🐾💀
[2024-10-12 10:27:47] Pilot : I’m impatient soon to be an inpatient in a psych ward
[2024-10-12 10:27:53] Pilot : Can this thing do something
[2024-10-12 10:28:00] lelskates : why psych
[2024-10-12 10:28:13] TG_undefined : its going to pump your faces off to 64k
[2024-10-12 10:28:17] Pilot : Depth chart is just mental to watch
[2024-10-12 10:28:24] Pilot : Drives me retarded
[2024-10-12 10:28:44] Pilot : I just stare at the thing
[2024-10-12 10:28:48] Pilot : It’s dumb af
[2024-10-12 10:29:09] TG_undefined : saylors ponzi is a hot commodity
[2024-10-12 10:29:49] TG_undefined : now geeks are rushing to buy into it before they miss out
[2024-10-12 10:29:54] XRP GOD : 💥👀
[2024-10-12 10:30:33] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-10-12 10:31:13] Pilot : The guy is a fu_ckwit
[2024-10-12 10:31:24] Pilot : Absolute ret_ard
[2024-10-12 10:31:51] XRP GOD : What does this mean for BTC :kek:
[2024-10-12 10:31:55] Pilot : I want to put him on a giant hamster wheel
[2024-10-12 10:32:27] clarknova : XRP GOD: XD
[2024-10-12 10:33:09] clarknova : Pilot: ahahah
[2024-10-12 10:33:19] XRP GOD : clarknova: :doge:
[2024-10-12 10:33:52] TG_undefined : craig is satoshi
[2024-10-12 10:34:28] TG_undefined : long every red candle for free money.exe
[2024-10-12 10:34:41] Pilot : moneyprinter
[2024-10-12 10:34:57] Pilot : get me to harrods tomorrow please coin
[2024-10-12 10:35:15] Pilot : i need a new set of ping pong bats for like 3 grand
[2024-10-12 10:35:33] I Love BitMEX : Satoshi Guido Jurgen Etienne citizen of Belgium
[2024-10-12 10:35:45] Pilot : spin in a circle and pray for moneyprinter
[2024-10-12 10:35:49] TG_undefined : id beat you in ping pong im a master
[2024-10-12 10:35:58] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: lol i was reading about him earlier
[2024-10-12 10:36:04] Pilot : TG_undefined: ping
[2024-10-12 10:36:19] TG_undefined : pong
[2024-10-12 10:36:48] Pilot : fuck
[2024-10-12 10:36:58] Pilot : yeah i suck at ping pong
[2024-10-12 10:37:15] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: he is the real satoshi
[2024-10-12 10:37:21] I Love BitMEX : Belgian citizen @Pilot
[2024-10-12 10:37:22] TG_undefined : im almost asian level good at it if im practicing
[2024-10-12 10:37:28] Pilot : What about the Len gun
[2024-10-12 10:37:45] Pilot : Having the ASCII or some shit in the codebase or whatever
[2024-10-12 10:38:04] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: no, I made up my mind, Guido Jurgen Etienne is satoshi
[2024-10-12 10:38:06] TG_undefined : market really hit the bottom at 59 and changed into the bull market new ATH gear
[2024-10-12 10:38:31] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: you know more now than 99,99% of the market
[2024-10-12 10:38:38] TG_undefined : free money longs rn if youre not long youre wrong until proven otherwise
[2024-10-12 10:39:24] I Love BitMEX : 3 100x longers derected
[2024-10-12 10:39:26] I Love BitMEX : Detected
[2024-10-12 10:39:35] TG_undefined : this 2 days max bidding is bulltarded
[2024-10-12 10:39:55] I Love BitMEX : They push the market up with 100x longs
[2024-10-12 10:39:57] I Love BitMEX : Lmaoooo
[2024-10-12 10:40:16] Pilot :
[2024-10-12 10:40:23] TG_undefined : not fighting that bid just keep longing
[2024-10-12 10:41:35] TG_undefined : btc clear to go up even israel-iran strike is fud
[2024-10-12 10:42:12] TG_undefined : israel wont attack thats bait theyll just continue doing the job
[2024-10-12 10:43:00] TG_undefined : dump into cpi then moon to new ATH was always the plan
[2024-10-12 10:43:30] Pilot : Pull the trigger
[2024-10-12 10:43:33] TG_undefined : even during the dumps the pumps were strong and sellers disappear
[2024-10-12 10:43:39] Pilot : He shorted?
[2024-10-12 10:43:51] Pilot : Pump it
[2024-10-12 10:44:03] TG_undefined : hinting at what was coming
[2024-10-12 10:44:42] I Love BitMEX : Poor bulls
[2024-10-12 10:46:18] TG_undefined : 100x long to 64.2 sellers in disbelief
[2024-10-12 10:47:15] I Love BitMEX : Hahaha this group is funny
[2024-10-12 10:47:19] I Love BitMEX : They doing painting
[2024-10-12 10:47:21] I Love BitMEX : Hahahhaha
[2024-10-12 10:48:50] Pilot : I do jigsaw puzzles
[2024-10-12 10:49:08] I Love BitMEX : :me:
[2024-10-12 10:50:42] I Love BitMEX : And dead again
[2024-10-12 10:50:43] I Love BitMEX : Yawn
[2024-10-12 10:50:52] TG_undefined : sellers will suffer
[2024-10-12 10:51:22] TG_undefined : its a nerd world
[2024-10-12 10:51:45] I Love BitMEX : 4th 100x long
[2024-10-12 10:51:47] I Love BitMEX : Lmaooo
[2024-10-12 10:51:53] TG_undefined : nerdmoney is king
[2024-10-12 10:52:53] .Senior.Professor, : DOOM!!!!
[2024-10-12 10:54:56] I Love BitMEX : Boring crap
[2024-10-12 10:56:24] I Love BitMEX : /position ethusdt ``` :bitmex: ETHUSDT: -2.53 ETH @ 2417.431 ```
[2024-10-12 10:56:29] I Love BitMEX : Let's trigger people
[2024-10-12 10:56:38] I Love BitMEX : Suck my dick bulls
[2024-10-12 10:56:41] I Love BitMEX : You're dumb af
[2024-10-12 10:58:35] TG_undefined : up only season geeks
[2024-10-12 10:59:54] TG_undefined : saturday pumps are for bull markets
[2024-10-12 11:02:04] TG_undefined : 3 years ago we started the bull run same time in october
[2024-10-12 11:02:17] I Love BitMEX : ***liquidatenazis.exe***
[2024-10-12 11:02:42] TG_undefined : basically pump it to 90k
[2024-10-12 11:02:52] .Senior.Professor, : I Love BitMEX: u have a naziproblem in your brain
[2024-10-12 11:03:25] I Love BitMEX : .Senior.Professor,: the world has a nazi problem
[2024-10-12 11:03:45] .Senior.Professor, : in your mind. yes
[2024-10-12 11:04:07] I Love BitMEX : .Senior.Professor,: no
[2024-10-12 11:04:32] I Love BitMEX : .Senior.Professor,: bitcoin is a nazi chain so bitcoin owners will be gassed just like nazis gasses Jewish people
[2024-10-12 11:04:36] I Love BitMEX : Fuck nazis
[2024-10-12 11:04:38] I Love BitMEX : Bitcoin to 0
[2024-10-12 11:05:49] Pilot : Ain’t no one else in the trenches like us
[2024-10-12 11:06:20] TG_undefined : this is going to make a lot of geeks richer
[2024-10-12 11:06:54] .Senior.Professor, : @admin
[2024-10-12 11:07:05] Crazydodger : Bluemaster underwater shorts?
[2024-10-12 11:08:10] TG_undefined : free long lmao
[2024-10-12 11:08:44] TG_undefined : unstoppable bid havent seen this since 2021 bull
[2024-10-12 11:08:59] I Love BitMEX : 100x long is good yes yes
[2024-10-12 11:10:59] TG_undefined : 66k
[2024-10-12 11:11:18] I Love BitMEX : Bullish
[2024-10-12 11:11:20] I Love BitMEX : 100k
[2024-10-12 11:12:46] I Love BitMEX : This starts to get funny
[2024-10-12 11:13:20] .Senior.Professor, : 42500 soon
[2024-10-12 11:13:48] Pilot : Volume comin’ in
[2024-10-12 11:13:53] Pilot : Morning burger town
[2024-10-12 11:14:15] Pilot : Us eurotrash have been waiting patiently for the fuckery
[2024-10-12 11:14:24] Pilot : Try your best
[2024-10-12 11:14:30] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: 😁
[2024-10-12 11:14:43] TG_undefined : this is ripping serllers faces off to 66k
[2024-10-12 11:15:10] Pilot : This will sound weird as fuck
[2024-10-12 11:15:14] Pilot : Get a pen and paper
[2024-10-12 11:15:19] Pilot : Write 23 down
[2024-10-12 11:15:25] Pilot : Then burn it
[2024-10-12 11:15:52] TG_undefined : what kind of kabalastic ritual trash u trying to put on me
[2024-10-12 11:16:23] I Love BitMEX : HAIL SATAN
[2024-10-12 11:16:23] Pilot : Hail Eris
[2024-10-12 11:16:29] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: lol
[2024-10-12 11:16:34] Pilot : CHAOS DISCORDIA
[2024-10-12 11:16:35] I Love BitMEX : We both wrote same @Pilot lol
[2024-10-12 11:16:38] I Love BitMEX : It's a sign
[2024-10-12 11:16:41] I Love BitMEX : ABRACADABRA
[2024-10-12 11:16:42] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: Hahaha
[2024-10-12 11:16:52] Pilot : Abraxassssss
[2024-10-12 11:16:59] TG_undefined : this might sound weird as fuck but grab a permanent marker and write 66000 over the bitmex bitcoin price
[2024-10-12 11:17:09] Pilot : 🙈🙉🙊
[2024-10-12 11:17:37] Pilot : 🍕🍕🍕
[2024-10-12 11:18:06] TG_undefined : only up get used to it nerds hold on to your panties
[2024-10-12 11:19:05] I Love BitMEX : Only 1 entity
[2024-10-12 11:19:06] I Love BitMEX : Binance
[2024-10-12 11:19:25] I Love BitMEX : Probably Justin Sun @Pilot
[2024-10-12 11:20:04] Pilot : TG_undefined: I only wear panties
[2024-10-12 11:20:18] Pilot : I trade exclusively in panties
[2024-10-12 11:20:25] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: Yep
[2024-10-12 11:20:49] Pilot : T-minus 10 minutes
[2024-10-12 11:20:53] TG_undefined : infinitebid.exe
[2024-10-12 11:21:02] Pilot : willybot.exe
[2024-10-12 11:21:59] TG_undefined : short SQUEEZE
[2024-10-12 11:22:00] BMEXcheers : ive got a question
[2024-10-12 11:22:02] Pilot :
[2024-10-12 11:22:02] I Love BitMEX : Another 100x long
[2024-10-12 11:22:09] Pilot : BMEXcheers: Morning Kint
[2024-10-12 11:22:12] Pilot : *King
[2024-10-12 11:22:32] BMEXcheers : if people have made so much from btc inception ...right....then why do i never see people posting their stage 3 RS3 running 700hp with dyno outputs on the TB?
[2024-10-12 11:22:34] BMEXcheers : :¬)
[2024-10-12 11:22:45] BMEXcheers : mornin Pilot
[2024-10-12 11:23:02] Pilot : Hahah
[2024-10-12 11:23:05] Pilot : They blow
[2024-10-12 11:23:11] I Love BitMEX : BMEXcheers: all rich here
[2024-10-12 11:23:19] Pilot : Then they cry and their parents pay their loans off
[2024-10-12 11:23:23] TG_undefined : big breakout incoming
[2024-10-12 11:23:27] Pilot : Then they give up
[2024-10-12 11:23:39] Pilot : We stay in the trenches boys
[2024-10-12 11:23:51] Pilot : Remapped RS3, I shit them
[2024-10-12 11:24:00] Pilot : Just good getaway cars
[2024-10-12 11:24:09] TG_undefined : 7 month range good riddance
[2024-10-12 11:24:23] Pilot : TG_undefined: Foreal let’s get out of this
[2024-10-12 11:24:37] Pilot : Who’s ready to enter orbit
[2024-10-12 11:24:40] TG_undefined : teleport to 70k
[2024-10-12 11:24:44] Pilot : Upgraded from a plane
[2024-10-12 11:24:52] Pilot : We’re now in Saturn 23
[2024-10-12 11:25:46] BMEXcheers : 5pot all day everyday ...but not today
[2024-10-12 11:25:47] BMEXcheers : :(
[2024-10-12 11:26:00] Pilot : Saturn XXIII, ready for take off in 5 minutes. 23 passengers on board. Heading for Sirius B. The Godstar.
[2024-10-12 11:26:44] I Love BitMEX : **mayday mayday**
[2024-10-12 11:26:55] TG_undefined : houston we have a problem?
[2024-10-12 11:27:11] Pilot : Fuel injectors
[2024-10-12 11:27:26] I Love BitMEX : Apoxia took @Pilot mind
[2024-10-12 11:27:33] TG_undefined : easy fix back to 90k
[2024-10-12 11:27:35] I Love BitMEX : The thin air made him hallucinate
[2024-10-12 11:27:57] clarknova : Pilot: Wait for me !!!
[2024-10-12 11:28:30] Pilot : Where am I
[2024-10-12 11:28:35] Pilot : HELP
[2024-10-12 11:28:54] Pilot : Wait I need another beer
[2024-10-12 11:29:06] Pilot : I’m in this pub laughing like a degenerate
[2024-10-12 11:29:15] clarknova : (5... 4... ) Knock !! Knock !! Open the door !! I want in !! (2... 1...)
[2024-10-12 11:29:18] TG_undefined : nerds get richer bears get poorer
[2024-10-12 11:29:20] Pilot : You’re only a degenerate if you keep losing
[2024-10-12 11:29:29] Pilot : Once you win it’s fine
[2024-10-12 11:29:49] TG_undefined : this is true
[2024-10-12 11:30:11] Pilot : Literally had one beer and they probably think I’m drunk
[2024-10-12 11:30:20] Pilot : Trollbox making me oink
[2024-10-12 11:30:26] I Love BitMEX : Look thry try again
[2024-10-12 11:30:29] I Love BitMEX : Lmeow
[2024-10-12 11:30:34] clarknova : Pilot: in what country ?
[2024-10-12 11:30:39] TG_undefined : this is infinitebid.exe
[2024-10-12 11:30:48] Pilot : clarknova: Britland at the moment
[2024-10-12 11:30:58] clarknova : Pilot: Cheers ;)
[2024-10-12 11:31:08] Pilot : Going New York next year with the missus
[2024-10-12 11:31:09] TG_undefined : you have to bid every dip or die trying
[2024-10-12 11:31:23] Pilot : clarknova: Chairs 🍻
[2024-10-12 11:31:24] clarknova : Pilot: I din't like NY
[2024-10-12 11:31:31] Pilot : Wife wants it
[2024-10-12 11:31:39] Pilot : I’m not that fussed
[2024-10-12 11:31:44] clarknova : Pilot: it's so dead
[2024-10-12 11:31:53] Pilot : I imagine it’s a cesspool of woke idiots
[2024-10-12 11:32:00] clarknova : Pilot: hahaha*
[2024-10-12 11:32:28] clarknova : Pilot: nah it's souless
[2024-10-12 11:32:50] kroleg666 : 65k on monday then dump
[2024-10-12 11:33:04] clarknova : kroleg666: when 0 ?
[2024-10-12 11:33:11] TG_undefined : finally some sellers where tf are they hibernating scared of the nerds