BitMEX Trollbox Userinfo

Last admin seen: on UTC
Username of a BitMEX Trollbox User (Case Insensitive)

This is a mirror of the original BitMEX trollbox archive that used to be online here.
BitMEX disabled their archive after the DDOS attack so I have decided to make my mirror publicly available.

Well now, a few days after I made this mirror available to the public, the original archive from BitMEX is online again.
But since it is still limited (neutered to the last few hundred messages) I will keep my FULL mirror alive.

You have access to more than 50 million trollbox posts. This is more than 7 gigabyte of data hosted on a $5 server so please be patient or consider a donation

[2024-10-11 13:02:37] PeacenLuv : bnqxbt: gewd peespektive
[2024-10-11 13:02:42] 45th_blown_account : PeacenLuv: 45k ETHs not BTCs :doge:
[2024-10-11 13:02:45] bnqxbt : after we tap and hit over 300k, 50k days will be common
[2024-10-11 13:02:54] 45th_blown_account : Blackcock bought 45k ETH, and 680 bitcoins :doge:
[2024-10-11 13:02:55] elChisoso : bnqxbt: Delusions is a serious symptom of crazy.
[2024-10-11 13:03:16] elChisoso : bnqxbt: it cannot even break 60k, and you talk about 300k.
[2024-10-11 13:03:20] elChisoso : :kek:
[2024-10-11 13:03:26] elChisoso : Intelligence lacking here.
[2024-10-11 13:03:31] PeacenLuv : u must b more excited than i
[2024-10-11 13:03:32] Pilot : Trollbox vegas meetup and a few people would end up murdering each other
[2024-10-11 13:03:38] bnqxbt : imagine btc moving almost the amount it's now, in a daily candle
[2024-10-11 13:03:44] 45th_blown_account : PeacenLuv: now go and clean your room :doge:
[2024-10-11 13:03:50] elChisoso : bnqxbt: Imagine that you are actually stupid.
[2024-10-11 13:03:57] elChisoso : Which is actually no imagination.
[2024-10-11 13:03:59] I Love BitMEX : Scam city
[2024-10-11 13:04:24] bnqxbt : and still people here trying to hang in there with they last 25x short or long, just minutes away from next liquidation
[2024-10-11 13:04:26] PeacenLuv : 45th_blown_account: interesting blkrk buyz
[2024-10-11 13:04:31] PeacenLuv : short eth
[2024-10-11 13:04:34] bnqxbt : their*
[2024-10-11 13:04:38] 45th_blown_account : PeacenLuv: domp it :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:05:09] PeacenLuv : lol btc
[2024-10-11 13:05:09] elChisoso : bnqxbt: Hows mommys basement today?
[2024-10-11 13:05:13] elChisoso : Sweaty?
[2024-10-11 13:05:21] PeacenLuv : 61326 rtq
[2024-10-11 13:05:29] PeacenLuv : wtf
[2024-10-11 13:05:46] elChisoso : bnqxbt: You should invest in some windows to get some sunshine, it improves mental health.
[2024-10-11 13:05:55] I Love BitMEX : This is criminal
[2024-10-11 13:05:58] PeacenLuv : no rest for the wicked
[2024-10-11 13:06:48] MoonLightDumpkin : bull proves that thecrypto is a fraud now
[2024-10-11 13:07:10] I Love BitMEX : MoonLightDumpkin: confirmed true
[2024-10-11 13:07:25] I Love BitMEX : It does not respect any fundamental or statistics
[2024-10-11 13:07:38] Pilot : Trade from your hospital beds with lung cancer, cirrhosis, kidney problems, heart problems and hooked up to IV drips
[2024-10-11 13:07:38] PeacenLuv : its prolly a gewd sign if u went through schitt to get here
[2024-10-11 13:08:25] MoonLightDumpkin : bull is trying to pump the price (making up the price)
[2024-10-11 13:08:48] MoonLightDumpkin : this is why the governments need to take control on crypto future
[2024-10-11 13:09:59] MoonLightDumpkin : truly wishing that hte poople who are using the buy bots get caught and go to jail
[2024-10-11 13:10:56] I Love BitMEX : MoonLightDumpkin: hodl mentality must be destroyed
[2024-10-11 13:11:06] I Love BitMEX : If bitcoin is money it should move and not be hoarded
[2024-10-11 13:11:17] PeacenLuv : cmon btc dialittup a notch
[2024-10-11 13:11:17] I Love BitMEX : That is the main issue, the supply is not on exchanges
[2024-10-11 13:11:31] I Love BitMEX : But we will solve this by sending crypto to 0 so they will learn the hard way
[2024-10-11 13:11:45] PeacenLuv : MoonLightDumpkin: ya government control im in yayyy
[2024-10-11 13:12:05] PeacenLuv : no more alts
[2024-10-11 13:12:12] I Love BitMEX : The difference between us and them is that YES I WOULD MARKET SELL ETH EVEN AT 0 @MoonLightDumpkin
[2024-10-11 13:12:23] I Love BitMEX : They think crypto as 0 is ameme or a joke
[2024-10-11 13:12:25] I Love BitMEX : It ain't
[2024-10-11 13:12:26] PeacenLuv : blackrock buyin alts to zellll
[2024-10-11 13:12:39] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex will go bankrupt way before that
[2024-10-11 13:12:45] I Love BitMEX : Bitmex liquidation price is below 3k
[2024-10-11 13:12:56] I Love BitMEX : I know the exact price but I will not say it here
[2024-10-11 13:13:06] PeacenLuv : maybe no more division bt colour
[2024-10-11 13:13:15] PeacenLuv : by*
[2024-10-11 13:13:16] I Love BitMEX : But that's a warning for bitmex itself to stop playing games or get liquidated as an exgnage
[2024-10-11 13:13:18] I Love BitMEX : Exchange
[2024-10-11 13:13:57] I Love BitMEX : Terra Luna showed to everyone in 2022 how crypto can reach literal 0
[2024-10-11 13:14:00] I Love BitMEX : It will happen again
[2024-10-11 13:14:15] I Love BitMEX : As it is all a ponzi just a more specific and sophisticated one
[2024-10-11 13:14:42] PeacenLuv : 😧u dont like blue i dont like u
[2024-10-11 13:14:55] I Love BitMEX : **first dude who sends me 1 fundamental difference between luna and bitcoin i send him 20 usdt**
[2024-10-11 13:15:04] I Love BitMEX : Confirmed true difference.
[2024-10-11 13:15:05] HenryTheFifth : I want gold to crash :pepe:
[2024-10-11 13:15:13] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: after 3500
[2024-10-11 13:15:20] I Love BitMEX : Until then no gold crash @HenryTheFifth
[2024-10-11 13:15:37] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: i am a xaubspeculator, i pushed gold from 1800 to 2500
[2024-10-11 13:15:53] PeacenLuv : HenryTheFifth: same
[2024-10-11 13:16:04] HenryTheFifth : you taught you did, goldman sachs was on the news today for manipulating gold
[2024-10-11 13:16:05] PeacenLuv : wut a joke gold
[2024-10-11 13:16:08] HenryTheFifth : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:16:24] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: kek
[2024-10-11 13:16:57] I Love BitMEX : These bulls don't like cheap crypto @HenryTheFifth
[2024-10-11 13:17:03] I Love BitMEX : They think 50k is cheap @HenryTheFifth
[2024-10-11 13:17:08] I Love BitMEX : They are retarded @HenryTheFifth
[2024-10-11 13:17:36] I Love BitMEX : These bulls = greedy bears as they want to sell higher than sane bears @HenryTheFifth
[2024-10-11 13:17:42] I Love BitMEX : Best bulls are bears
[2024-10-11 13:17:46] I Love BitMEX : Few understand
[2024-10-11 13:18:54] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: these people don't even know what is half of 60
[2024-10-11 13:19:26] PeacenLuv : shudvput back in the @He pyramidz hav zum respektnryTheFifth
[2024-10-11 13:20:08] TG_undefined : LMFAO DADDYS BACK what have you disgusting filthy greedy crypto grifter geeks been up to? trying to deadcow bounce this market? pathetic geeks its over
[2024-10-11 13:20:09] PeacenLuv : phuk if we had no lipz wed burn our yongues on the roachez
[2024-10-11 13:20:24] PeacenLuv : tonguez
[2024-10-11 13:22:17] r1pp3r : bitmex doing some decent volume
[2024-10-11 13:22:28] r1pp3r : the return of bitmex in 2025?
[2024-10-11 13:22:30] r1pp3r : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:22:43] PeacenLuv : btc floir iz in now ceiling
[2024-10-11 13:23:09] PeacenLuv : pumpittup bitchez lezgoo btc
[2024-10-11 13:23:15] MoonLightDumpkin : endless long
[2024-10-11 13:23:34] PeacenLuv : chasing profit up
[2024-10-11 13:23:37] MoonLightDumpkin : this proves how creepy the bull is
[2024-10-11 13:24:45] bnqxbt : of course gold is manipulated, if you can, why wouldn't you
[2024-10-11 13:25:03] bnqxbt : that is called business oppurtunity
[2024-10-11 13:25:11] bnqxbt : opportunity
[2024-10-11 13:25:41] HenryTheFifth : but silver has a better leverage .... so
[2024-10-11 13:25:49] HenryTheFifth : then why not jump on silver or corn
[2024-10-11 13:25:50] HenryTheFifth : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:26:09] bnqxbt : bribing is illegal, but lobbying is not, manipulating is not illegal if you are rich and make money out of it
[2024-10-11 13:26:19] elChisoso : bnqxbt: you are illegal
[2024-10-11 13:26:48] I Love BitMEX : This is a scam
[2024-10-11 13:26:51] bnqxbt : everything is illegal if you are not rich enough
[2024-10-11 13:26:57] Pilot : Morality is subjective rubbish. Do you whatever you want in this life
[2024-10-11 13:27:06] elChisoso : bnqxbt: I am rich enough. You only have 3 btc. :kek:
[2024-10-11 13:28:06] TG_undefined : its about to get ugly geeks
[2024-10-11 13:28:09] I Love BitMEX : This is a giant bear flag
[2024-10-11 13:28:20] elChisoso : I Love BitMEX: +1
[2024-10-11 13:28:46] bnqxbt : moral is really simple, and not subjective, it could be said, treat others like you want to be treated. and you would be almost set. integrity is different, fairplay, and rules that favor one player and so on has nothing to do with morality
[2024-10-11 13:28:46] TG_undefined : look in the mirror them multiply by 10 thats how bad itll get
[2024-10-11 13:29:11] Pilot : bnqxbt: True, that’s probably where I’d leave it as well I guess
[2024-10-11 13:29:23] Pilot : Do unto others or whatever
[2024-10-11 13:29:51] Pilot : We have pain responses purely as a survival mechanism and animals eat each other so still on the fence
[2024-10-11 13:30:17] HenryTheFifth : I watched a lion start eating a live giraffe from it's arse, it kept it alive as it chewed it's intestines
[2024-10-11 13:30:24] HenryTheFifth : youtube has seriously graphic content
[2024-10-11 13:30:32] TG_undefined : stocks collapsing, exit your crypto ponzis while you can
[2024-10-11 13:30:44] bnqxbt : because the world is built around this vicious and toxic sentiment that, it's a game and YOU HAVE TO WIN or die. so people obviously resort in using elbows, like people generally do in panic situations, save yourself, pushing others down...
[2024-10-11 13:30:53] MoonLightDumpkin : bull the fraud baster
[2024-10-11 13:31:24] bnqxbt : if everyone calmed down, and saw the truth, we would just stop this cycle from spinning and the rich would die out
[2024-10-11 13:31:28] elChisoso : bnqxbt: lol, you cannot adapt the world to you, you adapts to the world.
[2024-10-11 13:31:37] elChisoso : ignorant much?
[2024-10-11 13:31:43] elChisoso : Mommy didnt feed you today?
[2024-10-11 13:31:54] HenryTheFifth : with lion licking giraffe's butt as it stood standing, with organs leaking out everywhere as it's still calmly standing
[2024-10-11 13:32:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 2 Cont @ 2430.44 ($299.28)
[2024-10-11 13:32:29] bnqxbt : a revolution down the road is not very far fetched, people are just way too stupid still... to link even 1+1 together, they rather believe news than read studies, and they rather be told what happened than see for their own eyes
[2024-10-11 13:32:36] Pilot : HenryTheFifth: lol
[2024-10-11 13:32:36] HenryTheFifth : they start sharing a piece of that aass
[2024-10-11 13:32:56] elChisoso : bnqxbt: 1+1 = 2 basic math.
[2024-10-11 13:32:59] r1pp3r : fk
[2024-10-11 13:33:00] r1pp3r : it
[2024-10-11 13:33:01] r1pp3r : we ball
[2024-10-11 13:33:04] r1pp3r : bid everything
[2024-10-11 13:33:07] elChisoso : Most kids learn math in school.
[2024-10-11 13:33:08] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-11 13:33:11] SangNeuf : HenryTheFifth: +1 very tasteful
[2024-10-11 13:33:15] r1pp3r : quick match
[2024-10-11 13:33:25] r1pp3r : :kek:
[2024-10-11 13:33:32] HenryTheFifth : I'll try to find a link but it wasn't a documentary
[2024-10-11 13:33:37] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 2900 USD @ 61644.1
[2024-10-11 13:33:51] SangNeuf : inb4 they scammed me again
[2024-10-11 13:33:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 7000 USD @ 61667.2
[2024-10-11 13:33:58] chujev : lesgoo
[2024-10-11 13:34:01] bnqxbt : we could just liquidate all shorters now and be over 100k, and be over with
[2024-10-11 13:34:02] HenryTheFifth : just some youtube video with a graphic content warning, lol
[2024-10-11 13:34:07] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 11000 USD @ 61673.1
[2024-10-11 13:34:11] HenryTheFifth : the real party is in africa
[2024-10-11 13:34:22] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSD`: Buy 10 Cont @ 2434.67 ($1,501.68)
[2024-10-11 13:34:24] elChisoso : bnqxbt: lol, were not even above 62k,
[2024-10-11 13:34:26] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-11 13:34:27] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 40000 USD @ 61703
[2024-10-11 13:34:28] r1pp3r : $169k
[2024-10-11 13:34:30] r1pp3r : full f send
[2024-10-11 13:34:40] r1pp3r : q4 bull run it is
[2024-10-11 13:34:41] elChisoso : bnqxbt: You truly are delious at your core.
[2024-10-11 13:35:06] elChisoso : Lack of braincells it seems.
[2024-10-11 13:35:51] elChisoso : You talking nonsense does not make price go up in the bear market.
[2024-10-11 13:36:23] r1pp3r : if i type husky it usually dumps
[2024-10-11 13:36:26] HenryTheFifth : for once the yellow lines I drew for myself are actually working
[2024-10-11 13:36:27] r1pp3r : fk
[2024-10-11 13:36:35] elChisoso : I miss Husky.
[2024-10-11 13:36:35] HenryTheFifth : take one good look at this mf right here
[2024-10-11 13:36:39] HenryTheFifth :
[2024-10-11 13:36:44] r1pp3r : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:36:58] FishyGuy : Q16 2021 lets guuu
[2024-10-11 13:37:17] Pilot : HenryTheFifth: It’s gonna be a fun month
[2024-10-11 13:37:23] r1pp3r : elChisoso: he will be back
[2024-10-11 13:37:31] Pilot : You ever seen cryptoface doing spiderlines
[2024-10-11 13:37:36] Pilot : Shit is funny
[2024-10-11 13:37:38] r1pp3r : told admin to bait him with arthur hat
[2024-10-11 13:37:47] elChisoso : lol
[2024-10-11 13:37:52] r1pp3r : :kek:
[2024-10-11 13:38:05] "it will be........" : Pilot: him and lord seiborg made a pre good track
[2024-10-11 13:38:20] "it will be........" : Pilot:
[2024-10-11 13:38:22] r1pp3r : heard yesus is coming back too
[2024-10-11 13:38:23] Pilot : I like all the music it’s hype
[2024-10-11 13:38:27] r1pp3r : $100 this time
[2024-10-11 13:38:31] r1pp3r : 100m
[2024-10-11 13:38:33] Pilot : Scared money don’t make no money bros
[2024-10-11 13:38:38] HenryTheFifth : jesus is on his way back
[2024-10-11 13:38:46] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-11 13:40:29] Pilot : I’m kamizaze-ing right now
[2024-10-11 13:40:37] Pilot : Should probably step back
[2024-10-11 13:40:52] Pilot : I know I can catch a good trade but need to stop rushing in and chopping
[2024-10-11 13:41:23] Pilot : I just longed, someone inverse for free money
[2024-10-11 13:41:35] HenryTheFifth : put your order where you'd put your stop
[2024-10-11 13:42:10] Pilot : HenryTheFifth: I’ll take that advice
[2024-10-11 13:42:16] Pilot : Makes sense
[2024-10-11 13:43:04] SangNeuf : Pilot: bro 12hrs ago you were talking about your wife and blaming her for bad trades but you had a good entry if you opened then
[2024-10-11 13:43:14] HenryTheFifth : I remember hitting a stop sign with my car because I couldn't stop, just ripped it off the ground together with my car's front panel, they both floated down the road, as people watched me - I panicked and took a u-turn, drove back home. Noticed that my front bumper was missing at home. That was a short story.
[2024-10-11 13:43:34] HenryTheFifth : stops are important
[2024-10-11 13:44:52] TG_undefined : thanks for playing nerds
[2024-10-11 13:45:28] HenryTheFifth : so if a pattern repeats itself for 3 times
[2024-10-11 13:45:41] HenryTheFifth : there's a chance that it breaks
[2024-10-11 13:45:42] BMEXcheers : figured it out
[2024-10-11 13:45:47] The Emerging Bull : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 17,000 USD @ 58877.2116 ```
[2024-10-11 13:45:49] HenryTheFifth : referring to the monthly hills
[2024-10-11 13:45:52] BMEXcheers : you lil punk ass murderer i aint eva heard of ya
[2024-10-11 13:46:00] BMEXcheers : all without gpt
[2024-10-11 13:46:03] HenryTheFifth : the D cups
[2024-10-11 13:46:11] BMEXcheers : g = god p = pooty t = teety
[2024-10-11 13:46:49] HenryTheFifth : the monthly hills to die on
[2024-10-11 13:46:54] HenryTheFifth : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:47:31] HenryTheFifth : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: -600 USD @ 63519.5 ```
[2024-10-11 13:48:22] HenryTheFifth : almost nothing left i took profitto
[2024-10-11 13:48:31] HenryTheFifth : 15 days of successful trades
[2024-10-11 13:48:41] HenryTheFifth : I also lost huge amounts that balances this period out
[2024-10-11 13:48:46] HenryTheFifth : im net 0 again :/
[2024-10-11 13:49:11] r1pp3r : /orders ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: Buy 694,200 USD @ 60050 ```
[2024-10-11 13:49:25] BMEXcheers : woah
[2024-10-11 13:49:27] BMEXcheers : you have munee
[2024-10-11 13:49:28] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-11 13:49:36] r1pp3r : hooker money
[2024-10-11 13:49:40] BMEXcheers : join muh guild so we get free munee
[2024-10-11 13:49:58] HenryTheFifth : I consider mine a success, in terms of learning. I'm not a serious investor :kek:
[2024-10-11 13:49:58] r1pp3r : sorry cant leave my friends
[2024-10-11 13:50:00] AKrKKK : /position ethusd ``` :bitmex: ETHUSD: 40 Cont @ 2333.97 ```
[2024-10-11 13:54:08] Pilot : Wife update that no one cares about but the trollbox is therapy
[2024-10-11 13:54:12] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `ETHUSDT`: Buy 15.7700 ETH @ 2436.84 ($38,404.52) - No refunds :arthur:
[2024-10-11 13:54:14] Pilot : Botox later
[2024-10-11 13:54:30] AKrKKK : Rekt
[2024-10-11 13:54:36] Pilot : Because I said you’re beautiful to me. She though I called her ugly lmao
[2024-10-11 13:55:16] TG_undefined : I can't make a withdrawal with my account, I think I made a mistake
[2024-10-11 13:55:16] Motorizado : /since ``` :bitmex: Motorizado has been on BitMEX since May 11, 2018. ```
[2024-10-11 13:55:21] Pilot : /since ``` :bitmex: Pilot has been on BitMEX since Aug 20, 2016. ```
[2024-10-11 13:55:57] AKrKKK : /since ``` :bitmex: AKrKKK has been on BitMEX since Apr 26, 2019. ```
[2024-10-11 13:56:11] Pilot : We’re getting old lads
[2024-10-11 13:56:22] AKrKKK : Motorizado: @TG_undefined join my guild @Pilot
[2024-10-11 13:56:25] I Love BitMEX : Scam
[2024-10-11 13:56:26] The Emerging Bull : /since ``` :bitmex: The Emerging Bull has been on BitMEX since Jan 23, 2017. ```
[2024-10-11 13:56:38] Pilot : AKrKKK: I be chillin’ with the bogs
[2024-10-11 13:56:51] Motorizado : AKrKKK: how
[2024-10-11 13:57:34] Pilot : I need to pull off some good trades today and climb back up top traders to feed my ego
[2024-10-11 13:57:55] Pilot : I don’t care it I blow my account I just like being cool duuuude
[2024-10-11 13:58:12] AKrKKK : Motorizado: Go Guild
[2024-10-11 13:58:49] AKrKKK : and find I_love_BitMex guild and join it
[2024-10-11 13:59:02] AKrKKK : It’s my guild
[2024-10-11 13:59:09] Mikii : /since ``` :bitmex: Mikii has been on BitMEX since Jan 8, 2019. ```
[2024-10-11 13:59:20] Motorizado : and what can we do after?
[2024-10-11 13:59:36] ninnk : Pilot:
[2024-10-11 13:59:40] Pilot : Motorizado: You can stream your trades to your guild and see their positions etc
[2024-10-11 13:59:51] Pilot : And there is pots to win and stuff
[2024-10-11 13:59:57] Motorizado : Pilot: ok, thanks
[2024-10-11 14:00:05] Pilot : Check the documentstion and it has some info
[2024-10-11 14:00:21] Pilot : Pretty cool feature, wish we had it like back in the day
[2024-10-11 14:00:23] Mikii : come join us 😋
[2024-10-11 14:00:36] AKrKKK : Motorizado: yes you can check informations about guild training
[2024-10-11 14:01:04] TG_undefined : nothing like a good israeli airstrike
[2024-10-11 14:01:10] HenryTheFifth : /since ``` :bitmex: HenryTheFifth has been on BitMEX since Jun 20, 2017. ```
[2024-10-11 14:01:11] Pilot : Click burger menu and check guilds and it’ll make sense
[2024-10-11 14:01:12] AKrKKK : @Motorizado join us please 🥺 @Mikii
[2024-10-11 14:01:21] Pilot : TG_undefined: Boooooooom
[2024-10-11 14:01:25] AKrKKK : /since ``` :bitmex: AKrKKK has been on BitMEX since Apr 26, 2019. ```
[2024-10-11 14:01:37] Motorizado : AKrKKK: im trying but the web its not loading
[2024-10-11 14:02:14] Pilot : This upwards movement feels too good to be true but I have brain damage
[2024-10-11 14:02:24] AKrKKK : Motorizado: we wait you can join everytime guild for old and new members all bitmex lover 😘😅🤫
[2024-10-11 14:02:40] Motorizado : AKrKKK: how its the name of? I can't find it
[2024-10-11 14:02:47] Pilot : Maybe we’ll have uptober after all, like the final week of october or some madness
[2024-10-11 14:03:55] Pilot : Motorizado: it is rank 17
[2024-10-11 14:04:01] Pilot : I love bitmex
[2024-10-11 14:04:06] Pilot : You should see it
[2024-10-11 14:04:09] Motorizado : xD ok, I will join
[2024-10-11 14:04:37] Motorizado : ROI -%43 Xd
[2024-10-11 14:05:08] Pilot : Lmao 10x those numbers
[2024-10-11 14:05:29] AKrKKK : nice @Motorizado
[2024-10-11 14:05:36] Pilot : I am at the pub
[2024-10-11 14:05:40] I Love BitMEX : **whoeever holds up here deserves to die, may God curse them for a thousand years**
[2024-10-11 14:05:41] Pilot : Phone on 15%
[2024-10-11 14:05:45] I Love BitMEX : **hail satan**
[2024-10-11 14:06:03] Pilot : Will just put it in my pocket and cross my two dicks under my armpits
[2024-10-11 14:06:22] MrBritcoin :
[2024-10-11 14:06:42] Bitfrebbe : Damn you beats got trapped nasty
[2024-10-11 14:06:48] Bitfrebbe : Bears*
[2024-10-11 14:06:49] Pilot : ninnk: ahah love that photo
[2024-10-11 14:07:13] I Love BitMEX : Bitfrebbe: there are no trapped bears
[2024-10-11 14:07:34] Bitfrebbe : LoL
[2024-10-11 14:07:37] Pilot : MrBritcoin: 💰
[2024-10-11 14:07:40] I Love BitMEX : **MAY HE SUFFER GREATLY**
[2024-10-11 14:07:53] Pilot : Techno is the best trading music for me man
[2024-10-11 14:08:03] MrBritcoin : might be a pull back here
[2024-10-11 14:08:29] Motorizado : Pilot: low fi will be a nice idea xD
[2024-10-11 14:09:08] Pilot : 1hr stochastic RSI crossing down
[2024-10-11 14:09:22] Pilot : Motorizado: sometime i have to put on like ambient meditation music and sit on my hands
[2024-10-11 14:09:25] Pilot : LOL
[2024-10-11 14:09:28] MrBritcoin : RTTWLR is one of the best
[2024-10-11 14:10:13] Pilot : Current song at this pub is singing “It’s just an illusion and always confusion”
[2024-10-11 14:10:18] Pilot : Is this a sitn
[2024-10-11 14:10:21] Pilot : Sign
[2024-10-11 14:15:57] I Love BitMEX : What is this pa
[2024-10-11 14:17:08] I Love BitMEX : Lowest volume in the entire month
[2024-10-11 14:17:12] I Love BitMEX : This is a scam
[2024-10-11 14:17:25] I Love BitMEX : **I hope the bulls get cancer and die a slow painful death**
[2024-10-11 14:20:27] Bitfrebbe : Lol
[2024-10-11 14:20:31] Bitfrebbe : You losing son
[2024-10-11 14:20:48] ArcLight : It feels like today is the day.....
[2024-10-11 14:21:45] I Love BitMEX : Bitfrebbe: so you are a candidate for lung cancer, may satan hit you hard
[2024-10-11 14:22:55] Bitfrebbe : Nah.. I shorted the break yesterday, and bought around the bottom
[2024-10-11 14:23:14] Bitfrebbe : But overall bull
[2024-10-11 14:23:35] Bitfrebbe : But mind tour language
[2024-10-11 14:23:43] Bitfrebbe : Your*
[2024-10-11 14:23:44] I Love BitMEX : Bitfrebbe: eat shit and die
[2024-10-11 14:23:51] I Love BitMEX : I don't care about scammers
[2024-10-11 14:24:06] Bitfrebbe : Issues spotted
[2024-10-11 14:24:31] I Love BitMEX : Bitfrebbe: the only issues are yours, soon lung cancer and dead
[2024-10-11 14:24:36] I Love BitMEX : I hope you die 100%
[2024-10-11 14:24:42] Bitfrebbe : Jeez
[2024-10-11 14:24:53] Bitfrebbe : Mute, gl broke boy
[2024-10-11 14:25:29] I Love BitMEX : Bitfrebbe: i may be broke but at least not dead inside like you retard
[2024-10-11 14:32:28] firji : Here comes the dump to 61k?
[2024-10-11 14:35:10] Pilot : How is everyone’s flight
[2024-10-11 14:35:21] Pilot : /since ``` :bitmex: Pilot has been on BitMEX since Aug 20, 2016. ```
[2024-10-11 14:35:22] I Love BitMEX : This move has overpass all in terms of scam
[2024-10-11 14:35:22] I Love BitMEX : Vomit @Pilot
[2024-10-11 14:35:57] firji : /since ``` :bitmex: firji has been on BitMEX since Jan 21, 2018. ```
[2024-10-11 14:36:18] BMEXcheers : /since ``` :bitmex: BMEXcheers has been on BitMEX since Jun 5, 2018. ```
[2024-10-11 14:36:20] BMEXcheers : get em out boys
[2024-10-11 14:36:24] I Love BitMEX : Nobody is buying and this scam goes up
[2024-10-11 14:36:24] BMEXcheers : lets see whose is biggest
[2024-10-11 14:36:34] SimioLong : Pilot: 2016?!!!! and you still no rich? :O
[2024-10-11 14:36:49] SimioLong : :pepe:
[2024-10-11 14:40:59] TG_TheEndOfBitcoin : Rekt
[2024-10-11 14:44:45] HenryTheFifth : 3 weeks until elections
[2024-10-11 14:44:48] I Love BitMEX : When people will understand that I hunt only bad actors then we will have a bull market
[2024-10-11 14:44:51] I Love BitMEX : Until then f u
[2024-10-11 14:45:06] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: not our elections sir
[2024-10-11 14:47:32] I Love BitMEX : HenryTheFifth: kamala will win anyway
[2024-10-11 14:47:40] I Love BitMEX : And america will have the first woman president
[2024-10-11 14:50:41] AKrKKK : TG_TheEndOfBitcoin: @firji @Bitfrebbe join my guild :doge: :doge:
[2024-10-11 14:51:18] I Love BitMEX : AKrKKK: no, thank you
[2024-10-11 14:52:00] TG_undefined : 100x long every 1min red candle for free money
[2024-10-11 14:52:39] I Love BitMEX : 🤣
[2024-10-11 14:52:44] I Love BitMEX : TG_undefined: seems they do
[2024-10-11 14:58:23] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: i got scared yesterday and closed the long in profit at 60660 omg... badger 61800 🥹 i was 15x allin 😭😭😭
[2024-10-11 14:58:44] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: don't worry this move up is a scam
[2024-10-11 14:58:47] I Love BitMEX : We gonna be sub 40
[2024-10-11 15:00:16] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: i wish we will anyways i am done for now for 2 months need bigger fubds 🤭 i will need at least 10k$ account to be able to keep this bot alive without getting into such high lavrage 😂😂 anyways i am happy it did 47% roe in a week 🙃😘😋
[2024-10-11 15:01:05] I Love BitMEX : Bulls are trying to fade the dump
[2024-10-11 15:01:08] I Love BitMEX : They are rekt
[2024-10-11 15:03:54] AKrKKK : next leg up
[2024-10-11 15:06:17] I Love BitMEX : Hahahahha
[2024-10-11 15:06:21] I Love BitMEX : You're a retard too
[2024-10-11 15:06:45] I Love BitMEX : I swear to God crypto is full of idiots
[2024-10-11 15:08:38] I Love BitMEX : I am just shorting more
[2024-10-11 15:08:40] I Love BitMEX : Thanks bulls
[2024-10-11 15:08:44] AKrKKK : I Love BitMEX: 😂😘 your are one of them
[2024-10-11 15:08:53] I Love BitMEX : AKrKKK: we will see about that
[2024-10-11 15:09:43] AKrKKK : I Love BitMEX: I won't be insulting towards you
[2024-10-11 15:10:24] kroleg666 : added shorts
[2024-10-11 15:10:42] I Love BitMEX : kroleg666: good, close sub 40k
[2024-10-11 15:10:49] AKrKKK : ETH Shirt 2478 or 2525
[2024-10-11 15:10:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 9700 USD @ 62043.1
[2024-10-11 15:11:04] AKrKKK : Btc short 62400
[2024-10-11 15:12:15] AKrKKK : :nd leg up ? You see too ? @I Love BitMEX sonn you can short it
[2024-10-11 15:12:33] I Love BitMEX : No
[2024-10-11 15:12:38] I Love BitMEX : I am not buying crypto
[2024-10-11 15:12:42] I Love BitMEX : Crypto is a scam
[2024-10-11 15:15:04] r1pp3r : :rocket:
[2024-10-11 15:15:10] r1pp3r : :$69k
[2024-10-11 15:15:12] r1pp3r : $169k
[2024-10-11 15:15:48] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 400 USD @ 62238.2 - Game over
[2024-10-11 15:15:52] RonnieREKT : 🔥 Liquidated short on `XBTUSD`: Buy 500 USD @ 62249.5 - Game over
[2024-10-11 15:17:09] The Emerging Bull : /position xbtusd ``` :bitmex: XBTUSD: 17,000 USD @ 58877.2116 ```
[2024-10-11 15:17:13] The Emerging Bull : Paampeet
[2024-10-11 15:17:26] "it will be........" : The Emerging Bull: wp
[2024-10-11 15:17:36] The Emerging Bull : :)
[2024-10-11 15:17:46] kchaitanya : The Emerging Bull: super nice :clap:
[2024-10-11 15:18:06] The Emerging Bull : kchaitanya: 🙏
[2024-10-11 15:19:38] PeacenLuv : 1 day tf xbt usd perp quite pumpee
[2024-10-11 15:20:25] gemeo2 : Fookin' send it :btc: you bootiful Ponzi
[2024-10-11 15:20:50] gemeo2 : The Emerging Bull: ooosh sweeet Ser
[2024-10-11 15:21:50] gemeo2 : Knife catching skilks 100%
[2024-10-11 15:21:51] The Emerging Bull : gemeo2: thanks :)
[2024-10-11 15:21:51] PeacenLuv : tgars wut i tolem 1 day btc
[2024-10-11 15:22:36] gemeo2 : Everyone waiting for 57/58k area, not many that got this dip
[2024-10-11 15:23:37] PeacenLuv : thats
[2024-10-11 15:24:10] gemeo2 : Got target around 65k for a decent pullback
[2024-10-11 15:24:23] gemeo2 : Consolidation around here
[2024-10-11 15:24:41] PeacenLuv : next pump bmwx traffikjam overload
[2024-10-11 15:24:57] gemeo2 : MM looking to create ATH fomo
[2024-10-11 15:25:05] PeacenLuv : place your buys now well above
[2024-10-11 15:25:34] PeacenLuv : The Emerging Bull: no more 51z available
[2024-10-11 15:25:55] TG_undefined : buy every dip Saylor is a bull bull bull
[2024-10-11 15:26:24] PeacenLuv : anyone with more than 1 btc in mkt im taking it
[2024-10-11 15:26:50] gemeo2 : The Emerging Bull: u escaped London?
[2024-10-11 15:27:16] contract details : a lot of london refugees in tb
[2024-10-11 15:28:11] I Love BitMEX : UK is a shithole
[2024-10-11 15:28:16] PeacenLuv : wuz prolly mine already
[2024-10-11 15:28:26] I Love BitMEX : Never trust people who eat beans for breakfast @contract details
[2024-10-11 15:29:02] PeacenLuv : geats longz n hodlez btc thiz wut u want
[2024-10-11 15:29:32] gemeo2 : Was there couple of weeks ago, loved it for a coule of days but £6 a pint ffs
[2024-10-11 15:29:54] contract details : I Love BitMEX: but they only eat curry and kabab there
[2024-10-11 15:31:15] gemeo2 : They eat Tesco meal deals, food is too expensive, Brits livin' on bread, sad to see
[2024-10-11 15:32:20] AKrKKK : :doge: :doge:
[2024-10-11 15:32:22] gemeo2 : Thas why they fight for Ukraine, to sustain their standard of livin' Kek :pepe:
[2024-10-11 15:32:28] gemeo2 : :doge:
[2024-10-11 15:32:43] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 15:32:55] contract details : i know that feeling all too well, when even pasta is expensive food
[2024-10-11 15:33:34] I Love BitMEX : Get some ramen then
[2024-10-11 15:33:58] contract details : 2 30 for buldak 2x
[2024-10-11 15:34:08] contract details : also too expensive i bought 3 a few days ago :arthur:
[2024-10-11 15:34:16] MoonLightDumpkin : soon
[2024-10-11 15:34:24] MoonLightDumpkin : 62k will be broken
[2024-10-11 15:34:29] MoonLightDumpkin : stupid fake long
[2024-10-11 15:34:33] MoonLightDumpkin : scam coin btc
[2024-10-11 15:34:34] MoonLightDumpkin : hahahaa
[2024-10-11 15:34:40] contract details : shor eet
[2024-10-11 15:34:43] contract details : sell eeet
[2024-10-11 15:34:47] MoonLightDumpkin : hopeless btc
[2024-10-11 15:34:57] MoonLightDumpkin : fraud coin dump to $1
[2024-10-11 15:35:25] MoonLightDumpkin : dump dump dump
[2024-10-11 15:35:31] MoonLightDumpkin : fking stupid long
[2024-10-11 15:37:06] gemeo2 : contract details: those days are long gone Ser, the war is over, long the Ponzi :btc:
[2024-10-11 15:37:50] I Love BitMEX : I piss on all bulls
[2024-10-11 15:38:08] gemeo2 : Think it may be done for now, gone off a beet hot
[2024-10-11 15:38:40] contract details : gemeo2: it's a matter of TF :arthur:
[2024-10-11 15:43:32] ArcLight : What a shame if it dump back to 60k
[2024-10-11 15:44:29] gemeo2 : contract details: iz time to go all in bro don't look back
[2024-10-11 15:44:49] gemeo2 : Alts gonna go beserk, am stackin shetcons
[2024-10-11 15:45:17] contract details : gemeo2: i have a long on eth to keep for weeks
[2024-10-11 15:45:23] contract details : here on bitmex nothing :arthur:
[2024-10-11 15:45:28] Pilot : I stayed at the pub too long
[2024-10-11 15:45:51] I Love BitMEX : **cursing you as qe speak, hail satan**
[2024-10-11 15:45:56] Pilot : Wife has to thrn around to get me before her botox
[2024-10-11 15:45:58] gemeo2 : contract details: good luck Ser :doge:
[2024-10-11 15:46:12] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: No need to curse me brother
[2024-10-11 15:46:26] contract details : gemeo2: same ser :doge:
[2024-10-11 15:46:28] Pilot : Let’s crash the ponzi
[2024-10-11 15:46:40] Pilot : Scam crypto
[2024-10-11 15:46:46] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: not u pilot, u are one of the good guys no matter long or short, same with Emerging Bull
[2024-10-11 15:46:52] Pilot : Oh lol
[2024-10-11 15:46:55] I Love BitMEX : I can't be mad at him fornloning 58 @Pilot
[2024-10-11 15:46:59] Pilot : hahha
[2024-10-11 15:47:07] eltigro : 58k bear trap incoming, won't be slow
[2024-10-11 15:47:12] The Emerging Bull : gemeo2: Yes, still in UK for now tho'. Hopefully heading to Mexico/LATAM next year for a couple years.
[2024-10-11 15:47:15] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: may your wife be healthy
[2024-10-11 15:47:23] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: Love man, thanks!
[2024-10-11 15:48:35] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: i need to find who are these market makers
[2024-10-11 15:48:48] Pilot : Kyle in disguise
[2024-10-11 15:48:51] Pilot : lol
[2024-10-11 15:49:07] gemeo2 : The Emerging Bull: I am going to Guyana in a few months to do my citizenship, my brother already got it cos my mother was born there. Thing is, if you got education or skills it rights to half the Carribean ... Caribicom.
[2024-10-11 15:49:36] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: hmmm
[2024-10-11 15:49:48] I Love BitMEX : Kyle sterling should be aware then
[2024-10-11 15:50:08] gemeo2 : The Emerging Bull: check out Guyanese High Commission London, residency is simple. No income tax in the Carribean bro
[2024-10-11 15:50:13] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: i really hope it is not kyle
[2024-10-11 15:51:01] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: i want to talk with kyle Sterling for 4 years now... I have lost contact with him
[2024-10-11 15:52:51] GodBleesYou : Poor bears
[2024-10-11 15:52:59] Pilot : I tried finding him but can’t find any trace either
[2024-10-11 15:53:10] Pilot : Same with PGP
[2024-10-11 15:53:16] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: they were so happy yesterday look at them now in panic mode
[2024-10-11 15:53:31] The Emerging Bull : gemeo2: Sounds interesting, thanks, will take a look
[2024-10-11 15:53:38] Pilot : As mentioned before if the TeamSpeak is still going someone there might be in contact
[2024-10-11 15:54:04] contract details : see
[2024-10-11 15:54:09] contract details : longs below 60k always safu
[2024-10-11 15:54:11] contract details : :arthur:
[2024-10-11 15:54:21] GodBleesYou : The Emerging Bull: any bears from yesterday showed there head ? Or they all got stoped? 😂🤭😅🤣
[2024-10-11 15:54:42] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: i am not in panic, I am short i am just annoyed that these scammers are alive
[2024-10-11 15:54:45] I Love BitMEX : I would should them
[2024-10-11 15:54:48] I Love BitMEX : Shoot
[2024-10-11 15:54:57] contract details : what scammers
[2024-10-11 15:55:03] contract details : everyone is done selling their coins
[2024-10-11 15:55:07] contract details : only people who want to buy left
[2024-10-11 15:55:12] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: why the fuck you shorting this jajaja we said long 😂😂
[2024-10-11 15:55:12] contract details : 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌚
[2024-10-11 15:55:15] The Emerging Bull : GodBleesYou: I think they all got wiped out by this pump from nowhere
[2024-10-11 15:56:01] TG_undefined : mooooo
[2024-10-11 15:56:08] GodBleesYou : The Emerging Bull: well done well done ajjajajaajaj i feel bad bad for closing that long 🥹 15x long 🤭🫣 i closed to early and went to sleep 😅🥹😭
[2024-10-11 15:56:38] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: it's a bear market
[2024-10-11 15:56:42] I Love BitMEX : I don't care about your farts
[2024-10-11 15:56:44] I Love BitMEX : Dumb cows
[2024-10-11 15:57:03] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: no it isnt 😅 we on 60k thats closer to 100k then 15k
[2024-10-11 15:57:04] The Emerging Bull : GodBleesYou: Oh no! I thought you were building a long term position. Hopefully 64.8 before next big dump.
[2024-10-11 15:57:32] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: you sure don't know math
[2024-10-11 15:57:43] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: simple question in % how much is from 60k to 100k
[2024-10-11 15:57:46] I Love BitMEX : Answer fast
[2024-10-11 15:57:53] I Love BitMEX : Let's test your intelligence @The Emerging Bull @GodBleesYou
[2024-10-11 15:58:04] I Love BitMEX : From 60k to 100k how much is the growth in % @GodBleesYou
[2024-10-11 15:58:08] I Love BitMEX : Answer.
[2024-10-11 15:58:11] I Love BitMEX : ...
[2024-10-11 15:58:12] GodBleesYou : The Emerging Bull: i did 🥹 but this account to small to sustain the bot so i toom profit 47 roe in a week on 2000$ account is fine by me .. it went 26x yesterday 🥲 i need bigger fubds for this bot
[2024-10-11 15:58:14] I Love BitMEX : Answer bitch
[2024-10-11 15:58:23] I Love BitMEX : From 60k to 100k how many %m @GodBleesYou
[2024-10-11 15:58:31] I Love BitMEX : Answer
[2024-10-11 15:58:35] I Love BitMEX : Do you ever know?
[2024-10-11 15:58:39] Pilot : I Love BitMEX: Zhu Su
[2024-10-11 15:58:52] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: 80% +/-
[2024-10-11 15:58:57] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: we do not talk about same kyle then. It's not kyle from 3ac
[2024-10-11 15:59:15] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: then you call me delusional?
[2024-10-11 15:59:15] Pilot : 3 Arrows Capital
[2024-10-11 15:59:15] Pilot : 3 Arrows
[2024-10-11 15:59:32] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: yea fok that kyl3, I talk about kyle sterling.
[2024-10-11 15:59:34] Pilot : Ah perhaps different but found a twitter thread
[2024-10-11 15:59:38] I Love BitMEX : A bugger whale @Pilot
[2024-10-11 15:59:47] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: bigger
[2024-10-11 15:59:48] Pilot : I Love BitMEX:
[2024-10-11 16:00:18] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: yes that is my account, 3ac got jail because I snitched on them to fbi
[2024-10-11 16:00:21] I Love BitMEX : No troll @Pilot
[2024-10-11 16:00:24] GodBleesYou : I Love BitMEX: man and of year ww3 inflation halving.. stupid crazy bulltards. Crazy bots... this thing is crazy 🥹🥹🥹
[2024-10-11 16:00:34] GodBleesYou : Bty.. i will pray for you soul
[2024-10-11 16:00:39] 45th_blown_account : Uptober is here :doge:
[2024-10-11 16:00:41] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: look at date
[2024-10-11 16:00:47] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: seem with arthur and cz
[2024-10-11 16:00:50] Pilot : Yeah 2021
[2024-10-11 16:00:52] I Love BitMEX : Pilot: same
[2024-10-11 16:00:53] GodBleesYou : 26 minute is about to turn bull.. the pump just started @I Love BitMEX
[2024-10-11 16:01:09] I Love BitMEX : GodBleesYou: dude I am not buying anything